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Local food production
The COVID-19 crisis has sent global food prices soaring.1 While the situation for Danish food companies and consumers has not reached a critical state2, the reality in some countries is critical with the price of several essential products now much higher than before COVID-19 hit. Reasons are plentiful, but COVID-19 has particularly impacted supply chains, contributing to the decline of food security.3/4 In Denmark and the Nordic countries, the issue of food and diet is closely linked to climate change and urbanisation. And while the urban farming phenomenon emerged in response to food insecurity in vulnerable areas in US cities, it has become widespread many places in the world in recent years. With COVID-19, the issue of locally produced food has taken on an additional dimension.5
In Finland, the urban farming phenomenon has also taken hold, and the capital city, Helsinki, has several private and public initiatives that support local food production. Kasvattamo was a temporary installation at Helsingin kaupunginmuseo – Helsinki City Museum – which focused on food production in the city’s unused spaces. The purpose of the installation was to spread awareness of urban farming and raise the question of how we utilise the city’s available space – in this case a backyard behind one of the city’s museums. The urban garden was designed by a group of young architects who wanted to explore these issues while creating a safe space to discuss them. Therefore, Kasvattamo was also intended as an experiment in creating social spaces outdoors where people can meet for an activity without compromising social distance requirements and exposing themselves to the risk of infection.
The example shows how COVID-19 has brought a new dimension to the urban farming phenomenon – and how urban gardens can function as ‘safe’ social spaces while also providing areas for food production even in dense urban areas.
Sphere: Trade/Service, Culture/Leisure
Timescale: Short Term
Type: Building Intervention , Interior Design
User Group: All user groups
Kasvattamo is a temporary installation built from scaffolding and light, inexpensive materials
Unused spaces in the city with potential for utilisation
Local food production and socialising, capitalising on unused city space
Project and location: Alhambra Cross, Bogota, Colombia
Contributor: Colab-19
Established: April 2020