KAEGH ALLEN portfolio sample
Madame, Monsieur A l’issu de ma troisième année d’études, qui représentera la fin d’un premier cycle d’apprentissage, je souhaiterais vivement effectuer un stage de six mois ou plus dans votre agence. Mes études à l’Université d’Oxford Brookes en Angleterre m’ont permis d’intégrer une approche créative et multiculturelle de l’architecture. Ayant eu l’opportunité de visiter différentes villes, parmi lesquelles Tokyo, Barcelone, Berlin, et les iles retirées d’Acores au Portugal, je pense avoir pu me construire un répertoire varié de traditions architecturales. Ces échanges culturels m’ont permis d’apprehender l’importance de la justesse et de la sensibilité du geste architectural, en terme de design et de conscience environnementale. La scène incandescente de l’architecture parisienne, et l’héritage notable en terme d’urbanisme et de design m’attirent tout autant que la culture générale et la langue française. Ainsi, poursuivre ma formation dans cette ville remarquable prendrait tout son sens, particulièrement au sein de votre agence. Je souhaiterais vraiment pouvoir suivre votre démarche de plus près et m’investir dans un de vos projets. Veuillez trouver ci-joint mon CV et un extrait de mon portfolio, en espérant recevoir un écho positif de votre part. Je vous prie d’agréer l’expression de mes sincères salutations.
Kaegh Joshua Allen
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YEAR 1 Physical Model Making : Autocad : Illustrator : Photo Montage
COW CEMETERY YEAR 2 Photo Montage : Rhino Model : AutoCad : Illustrator : Physical Model
YEAR 3 Rhino Model : AutoCad: Illustrator : 3DSMax Model : Photomontage Physical Model : Hand Drawing
Live Project : Tokyo Workshop : Volunteer Installation.
Osney Nature Reserve : Oxford A spa for terminally ill patients that also manufactures psychedelic drugs for therapeutic uses. Helping patients deal with their impending death and focus on the time they have left. Water leads the patient, showing them the path through the building.
Sao Miguel: Azores An educational culinary experience. Understand the process of beef production, enjoy the meal and finally pay your respects to the animal. All in the amazing backdrop of the Azorian landscape.
1 40mm Oiled Wooden Parapet bolted to I beam 2 20mm Painted Plywood Bituminous Sealing Layer 150mm high performance rigid foam insulation TW 50 foil faced taped at joints Damp proof membrane fixed to back of insulation. 3 10x40mm Oiled Wooden Bench Screwed onto 10x10mm Wooden Frame Bolted to I beam
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4 20mm Whitewashed Plywood screwed to 40x40mm Rafters bolted to I beam Wool or Paper Insulation between Grid 15mm Plywood or Plasterboard
7 300x300mm Red Painted I beam Bolted Into Concrete Foundations. Waterproof Membrane.
5 40x100mm Oiled Wooden Board Facade screwed onto 30x40mm battens Bolted to I beam & Insulation Board 30mm ventilated cavity Rigid Foam Insulation Damp proof membrane fixed to back of insulation. Pretreated Internal Render on Insulation or Plasterboard Panels.
8 2000mm Concrete Foundations Possibly Pre existing.
6 300x600mm Red Painted Steel I beam
9 20mm Whitewashed Plywood Floor Screwed to 40x80mm Frame 10mm Waterproofing Layer
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Iceland Wharf : Stratford : London An ODA funded art house to accompany the Olympic games happening across the canal. A temporary structure that accepts the limitations of architecture but relishes its position on this momentous stage.
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STRONG IDENTITY. infractructure remains unchanged.
WOOD GREYS designed to change.
CORTEN STEEL RUSTS contrast as materials age.
CINEMA SHINES projections on existing flats.
FACADE OPENS shutter facade opens.
EXTERNAL GALLERY art rail and hangers extend ouside.
Extra curricular workshops and projects that have influenced my architectural outlook and work over the course of my degree.
A Ticket Booth designed and built by a selection of Oxford Brookes University, School of Architecture Year One Students for The Creation Theatre Company. The booth was used for ticket sales over the summer of 2009.
Toh Shimazaki Architectural Forum
A two week course in Japan investigating the theme of Adaptable Systems. The site was the architecture bookshop Nanyodo in Jimbocho (the centre of bookshops and publishing houses in Japan's capital). We created an intervention based on the idea of changing the ‘display’. The work was exhibited at Nanyodo Bookshop for two weeks in April 2010.
A volunteer built intervention in Hackney Wick over a month.. Made to be temporary then dismantled the folly will rise from between the east-way and provide a stage for cinema and related arts over the summer of 2011.
Merci Thank You For Your Time