1 minute read
God does not shake miracles into Nature at random as if from a pepper pot. They come on great occasions; they are found at the great junctions of history – not of political or social history, but of that spiritual history which cannot be fully known by man” (CS Lewis, Miracles)..
Dear friends and readers of The Guide Online Magazine, Sometimes we spend much of our lives accepting the testimonies of other people about events or facts that we cannot verify ourselves. If a claim seems unusual or extraordinary, that should, of course, make us cautious before accepting it, but if the evidence is sound then we are obliged to take it seriously. Miracles should be rare events by their very nature. It’s therefore not surprising if we have never witnessed one ourselves. And this should not make us doubt their existence. We should weigh the testimony of those who claim to have experienced one and not discount it because we weren’t there.
Many arguments favored often today are based on a misunderstanding. Scientific observation records the way that things usually operate, and theories and laws are built up around this.
If laws imply the presence of the lawgiver, and if laws are established by a supernatural agent, then it could also be modified or temporarily suspended for a purpose.