DO NOT LIE TO EACH OTHER. So, then brothers and sisters in the body of Christ, "do not lie to each other since you have taken off your old self with its practices." - Colossians 3:9
Human beings sometimes are gullible for several reasons, we deliberately believe others that are telling the truth and to be cognitively overwhelmed, and then irrationally convinced, by emotional arguments and displays. Lying is always easy to consume and also, easy to produce. When it is produced, it sounds sweet, and also it becomes bitter at the end. Many of us, fail to wait for an end, instead, we act immediately when lies are produced.
Lack of evidence is a wrong move to logic. No evidence, we have no business to discuss, we can't
ourselves on the argument that comes from the ignorance ( argumentum ad ignorantiam). Lying is a huge issue for many people, including Christians. We are tempted to lie and even to participate in lies when we think that it will benefit us in some way or another.
And when the end comes, we become embarrassed, shameful, insecure.