1 minute read
All sin is an offense against
God and a rejection of his perfect love and justice.
Mortal sins destroy the grace of God in the heart of the sinner. By their very grave nature, a mortal sin cuts our relationship off from God and turns man away from his creator.
Apostle Paul’s letter to the
Hebrews tells us that “if we sin willfully after having the knowledge of the truth, there is now left no sacrifice for sins”
(Hebrews 10:26).
When the night comes, it experiences a certain cry - to either from the husband or a wife. But, people who are very much affected in marriage are women. People cry when the night comes, and while others don't even wish to see the night to come, because of the sins which are automatically done that night. Many marriages are not lasting for so long times. People are leaving the marriages and others are staying in the marriages because they have no option. And here are some of the sins in the marriage which are very common:

1.Violence and/or torture against a spouse.This includes any kind of behavior that a person uses, or threatens to use, to control an intimate partner. 2.Rape; is the forcible violation of the sexual intimacy of another person. 3.Masturbation;"By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. 4.Anal intercourse. This is intercourse via the anus, committed by a man with a man or a woman. This action is called "sodomy."