Journal (Singapore and Hong Kong)

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No two skylines are alike and skyscrapers, architectural landmarks, and the landscape help to form the image of a city.

View from Sky bridge, Pinnacle

Marina Bay Sand

The buildings that designed by different architects and built at different period create a beauNful image. An image that inform that ages, the varying heights and the paTern of different buildings. It is like a collecNon of all the different skyscrapers. The image show the diversity of the city.

Those buildings were designed by the same architect and they form a completely different skyline. It is more to an arNsNc approach and creaNng a different kind of image. It is more playful and the shapes of the buildings are inspired by the bay. It is adding a sense of playfulness and dynamic to the city.


The front part of the building is facing the main road and the back part of the building is connected to the other road. The public can get into the building by public transport like taxi or bus. Each side of the building has a bus staNon and a taxi staNon. That’s what which encourage the public to get into the building through public transport.


In Orchard Road, almost all the shopping malls are connected to each other. They are connected from block to block or through basement. The basement will connect the building at the le] hand side to the building at the right hand side and on top of it is the main road. Cars travel on top of the basement and people walking in the basement and it encourages people to walk around in Orchard Road.


The steps that are placed in front of the shopping malls can act as a buffer before the public get into the building from the main road or the five foot way. The steps allows the buildings elevated slightly from the pavement level and at the same Nme, they can be the seaNng area for the public.


The huge skylight at the top floor of Somerset Shopping Malls allows the building to have the connecNon to outside. It blurs the boundaries between indoor and outdoor. The top floor is food court. Therefore, while the public having their meals, they can look at the sky and enjoy the view. It enriches the experiences of the user within the building.


The Tang’s Plaza is located at the opposite direcNon of the Wisma Atria and the Ion Mall. The Tang’s Plaza has the tradiNonal oriental façade finishes and the Wisma Atria and the Ion Mall have the modern eye-­‐catching façade. Both two have the completely different architectural style but the are located within the same street which create a contrast.

Sheltered Outdoor Area

The sheltered outdoor area of the café is designed to allow a complete openness and well-­‐venNlated area for the public to chill and spend Nme with. It encourages the public to spend more Nme in outdoor area instead of inside the building and aTract the public to get into the building from the outside.

ART AND STREET The drawings on the wall change the appearance of the building completely. But the old windows are preserved and painted with a new color. It made the art embedded into the street and change the atmosphere of the street.

Fluidity and Organic The curvy roof and the façade become an aTracNon of the street. It doesn’t look like a typical building and it is something like a dream-­‐liked and futurisNc building.

HIGHRISES AND OLD SHOP LOTS Usually, there is a buffer in between the high-­‐rise buildings and tradiNonal shop lots. But in Singapore, the high-­‐rise buildings are placed directly next to the shop lots. There is no buffer in between the high-­‐rise buildings and tradiNonal shop lots. This scene can be seen in Singapore only.

ELEMENT AT THE EXIT AND ENTRANCE In each entrance and exit, there is a small element that give surprises to the public. The blue color neon light panel allow the public to have a liTle bit of fun and surprises before enter the building or when leaving the building.

In between of the two buildings There are a lot of cafes and restaurants are located in between the space of two buildings. Those restaurants and cafes redefine the empty space and make it funcNonal. It becomes a strong transiNon within the building and outside of the building.

Ages of the buildings The tall high rise building at the back lane show the ages of the tradiNonal shop houses. The facades are painted with different colors and give a new look to the tradiNonal shop houses but the structures and



The beauNful skyline of Hong Kong which show a lot of diversiNes. It shows how this small island accommodate so many high rise buildings which form this amusing view.

AcNvity and Public Realm The green spaces let the public more indulge into nature. The public can carry out acNviNes like jogging, picnic and taking photos. By having this kind of green spaces, it will involve more people to spend more Nme at here.

CULTURE AND ARCHITECTURE To bring back the colors, paTerns and elements of tradiNonal architecture into the modern architecture. The building as the container of culture. To use the form and the façade of the building ‘Illustrate’ the culture and the idenNty of Hong Kong.

Disused Staircase into Inspiring Urban Space Located in The Centrium, the asymmetric mesh sculpture offers individual and adjoining seaNng areas surrounded by Bauhinia trees and assorted plants. In the evening, a strategic lighNng System creates an inviNng atmosphere that turns the previously undervalued concrete structure into a secure and scoiale place.

GREEN BUILDING IN A CITY The dramaNc Express Link West Kowloon Terminus is a new rail staNon slated for Hong Kong that's expected to strengthen the city's strategic posiNon as the southern gateway of China. The disNncNve terminal will be characterized by arching fins, abundant natural daylighNng, and covered with pedestrian paths and green roofs.


Ion Orchard Because of its interes2ng structure, the Ion mall has become an a8rac2on to Orchard Road. At the same 2me, it is ac2ng as a strong node and a public gathering space as it is connec2ng to the MRT sta2on.

Haji Lane Preserving the old windows and the Façade and painted the façade with different colors. Most of the shop houses are adap2ve reuse. Giving a new func2on to the building but preserving the structure. Walkway that encourage the user to walk and further discover the lane.

Five Foot Walkway The five foot walkway not only ac2ng as a buffer before the public get into the building but also a place to gather people when a certain event is being held within the walkway.

Art Sculptures The sculptures inform the ac2vi2es that are happening within the shopping mall such as reading, shopping, mee2ng, and exploring. Those sculptures allow the public to have some fun with them and take photos too.

Marina Bay The huge curve glass within the shopping mall allow the natural ligh2ng to illuminate the space and there is a connec2on between indoor and outdoor. The design of the curve glass adding a sense of dynamic movement to the space too.

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