Voyager Vol.7 昇恆昌機場誌 第7期

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Ms.Boy Photography 各品牌提供

The scent of some perfumes is sweet, clear and soft while others are sophisticated and refined. Perfumes accentuate the femininity of women and represent the personalities and language of each person. 1.LANCÔME La Vie Est Belle Légère 精選最珍貴的天然香水原料,歷經 5521 次配方試驗,成就 LANCÔME最極緻香氛:香調主軸為稀有且昂貴的 佛羅倫斯香 根鳶尾。充滿女人味的小花茉莉及突尼西亞香橙花為香水中調,香草、薰草豆、胡 桃糖、廣藿香之心等組成的後味香氣,完美打造出屬於喜悅、微笑與自由的香氛。

Only the best and rarest natural ingredients were used in creating the La Vie Est Belle, and it went through 5521 test versions before becoming Lancôme's most exquisite fragrance. This fragrance perfectly expresses the feeling of happiness, joyousness and freedom. 2.GIORGIO ARMANI SÌ 黑色花果香調結合花香與柏香散發ㄧ股溫暖力量,SÌ 女性香水呈現出前所未有的「黑色花果香調」,黑醋栗果花蜜前味、格拉斯玫瑰 (五月玫瑰)中味,以及琥珀木後味,散發融合彷彿香甜利口酒與清新草木香, 讓這款香氛具有令人難以抗拒的恆久、溫暖力量。Floral and cypress scents

form a dark floral and fruity fragrance that gives off a warm strength, and the Giorgio Armani Si for women exudes a never-before-seen dark floral and fruity scent. 3.CHLOÉ Roses De Chloé 清新玫瑰與佛手柑的優美香氣,牽引大馬士革玫瑰精油 和玉蘭花優雅曼妙共舞;隨著白麝香與龍涎香的優雅旋轉,見證Chloé香氛的經典。 玫瑰色粉紅緞帶綴飾著瓶身,純銀包覆的瓶口及透明的瓶蓋,呈現經典香氛一貫的高 雅奢華。An elegant trace of white musk and amber represent the signature Chloé

scent. Enlaced with a blush pink ribbon, the luxurious glass bottle is crowned with a silver top and transparent cap, displaying the graceful luxury typical of classic Chloé fragrances. 4.BVLGARI Omnia Crystalline Eau de Parfum 這款木質-花香調香水以蓮 花為主調,細緻空靈的中調對比乳脂香調的性感魅力,既純淨又奢華。香水大師

ALBERTO MORILLAS,他靈活自如地融合了針貴天然成份與品牌特有的地中海 氣息,融合優雅與純淨和諧的花香,散發出如同喀什米爾披肩一樣溫暖細緻。The master perfumer Albert Morillas has cleverly integrated rare natural ingredients wit the classic Bvlgari Mediterranean scent, combining elegant, pure and harmonious floral fragrances to give the perfume a warm and refined feel of a cashmere shawl. 5.Elizabeth Arden Untold 獨一無二的鑽石菱格香水瓶身從每一個角度都展現出不 一樣的形狀造型, 象徵著現代女性在生活中所展現的多重角色, 即可以是職業女性 、 也可以是慈愛媽媽、溫柔妻子、孝順女兒, 百面玲瓏。也象徵著女性的多重性格, 散 發神秘氣質。就是這樣的特質讓女性充滿魅力。 這淡香精帶著獨特的果香與花香調 伴隨著溫暖的檀香點綴。A luxurious and modern floral composition, UNTOLD

celebrates the sophistication and intrigue of the multi-faceted modern woman. From her vibrant optimism and refined femininity to her mysterious aura and magnetic sensuality, UNTOLD takes you on a journey .


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6.ESTÉE LAUDER Very Estée 這款為現代女性而設的花香木質香水柔和優雅, 初調為蓮花,小蒼蘭,粉紅胡椒和黑醋栗;中調為保加利亞玫瑰,巴西梔子花和茉 莉,基調為檀香,雪松,麝香和羊絨木,這位飄逸的仙子擁有透明的膚色與溫柔的 魅力,宛如義大利文藝復興時期藝術大師筆下個性堅毅又高雅的女性。

中注入一抹迷人夢幻的紫色調,與低調甜蜜的愉悅花香,延續著寶石般的不規則切 割瓶身,從裡到外展現出活潑輕快的層次感。In 2013, Issey Miyake Launched the

This soft and elegant perfume with floral and wooden fragrances is designed for the modern woman. The very Estée woman is a fairy that has transparent skin tones and a soft gentle charm, making her resemble the strong and elegant women created by the paintbrushes of Renaissance artists. 7. ANNA SUI La Vie De Bohème 刻有雅緻玫瑰圖案的立體瓶身,閃耀著明

brand new Pleats Please Eau de Toilette. The new version retains the happy and lively personality of the original version and adds a clash of mesmerizing and fantastical violet-purple hues to its already lively colors, giving it a low-key, sweet and joyous floral scent. 9.MARC JACOBS Honey HONEY淡香精散發陽光花香的誘人香氣,充滿甜美、

亮的薰衣草紫幻色澤。古典金色的瓶蓋頂端佇立著一隻自由熱情卻勇於冒險的 蝴蝶,象徵女孩蛻變為小女人後的魅力誘人形象。前調始自陣陣土耳其玫瑰與 晶瑩剔透的梨子清香,揉合酸甜豐富的小紅莓與火龍果氣息,舞動嗅覺。中調 迎接而來的是紫牡丹花香的活躍、歡樂,愉悅地喚醒女孩率性而為、熱情奔放 的靈魂。歷經心境轉折,後調散發著透明麝香、黑色香草混和白檀帶來俏皮而 深沉神秘的木質調,感受小女人的隨興性感。 The elegant flacon with rose

淘氣、隨興的氛圍。新鮮西洋梨的幸福氛圍環繞著嗅覺神經,柑橘花散發嬌媚的迷 人氣味;溫暖的蜂蜜彷彿被陽光環抱於溫暖臂彎中。The Honey Eau de Parfum is

patterns carved into its sides shines with a luminous lavender hue. A free, passionate and adventurous butterfly sits atop the antique gold cap, symbolizing the charm and allure of a girl after she transforms into a young woman.

8. ISSEY MIYAKE Pleats Please 2013 年三宅一生再度推出全新PLEATS PLEASE淡香精,維持著PLEATS PLEASE歡樂、活潑的調性,在原有的活潑色彩

a sunny, delicious floral-energetic and alluring, with a sweet, mischievous and freewheeling aura. The warm honey base tone makes women feel as if they're in the warm embrace of the sunlight. 10.Kenzo Flower In The Air 凱卓幻想一朵絕對自由且有代表性的花朵。罌粟從地 面上升, 盛開到天空中, 把整個天空包圍著獨特的香味。清新, 女性化的花香。Kenzo dreams of absolute freedom for its emblematic flower.The poppy rises up and blossoms the sky with a new exceptional fragrance. A fresh, ultra-feminine floral fragrance.



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13/11/11 下午6:54

傳統風味 在地發光 當民俗文化 icon 三太子 遇上昇恆昌獨家商品 當台灣民俗文化遇上在地農特產品,會激盪出怎麼樣的火 花?昇恆昌以酷炫活潑的三太子為主視覺,運用卡通趣味 造型呈現,饒富喜感與童趣,以文化創意塑造親切形象, 受到廣大歡迎。

EVER RICH has launched many products with local specialty to expand the product series of SanTai-Zi, in order to offer customers more choices. The theme of cute San-Tai-Zi represents Taiwanese folk culture. It appears as a child with lovely and childish innocent looks. Therefore it is chosen to represent epresent the af affinity of local culture in Central and Southern Taiwan with its lively and innocent image.

人氣伴手禮大推薦 三太子系列—土鳳梨酥

嚴選民雄產地的新鮮鳳梨,精心挑選、削皮切片,再歷經 八小時細心熬煮,完全不添加任何香料及防腐劑,只為了 保留鳳梨最佳的原始風味,絕對讓您忍不住驚呼:這樣紮 實飽滿的口感,帶有細緻的酸甜,每一口都化為舌尖上的 感動!禮盒中還附有一張硬紙卡,上頭繪製了鳳梨和三太 子的圖案,您可將圖案沿刀模直接取下,當作個人專用書 籤使用,讓可愛的三太子陪伴您度過愉快的閱讀時光!無 論送禮或自用,都提供您視覺與味覺的雙重饗宴,「三太 子土鳳梨酥」絕對是您的最佳選擇!

Pineapple cake made in Min-xiong, requiring much time and efforts in the manufacturing process, tastes sweet but slightly sour with firm texture that every bite takes you by surprise. It is surprising that the unnoted native pineapple can produce such flavor.

三太子系列—麻辣鍋風味花生 昇恆昌嚴選「麻辣鍋風味花生」禮盒,以精選台灣本土特 級花生,搭配台灣麻辣鍋底特有的花椒與辣椒,口感紮實 豐富,令人忍不住一口接一口。台灣花生品質優良,特色 是香味濃郁、結實飽滿、圓潤大顆,佐以花椒香麻、辣椒 帶勁,醇厚餘韻在口中繚繞不絕。小包分裝不僅食用方 便,並能避免受潮及維持最佳口感,在冬令時節成為您飽 足口慾之最佳零食首選。

These peanuts are seasoned with Sichuan pepper, the unique flavor exclusive to Taiwanese spicy hotpot, where the strong and spicy aftertaste in the mouth together with the aroma of the peanuts. It preserves the natural and original taste of the peanuts without adding any sweeteners or preservatives..

Go Rich 購物網 給您最新鮮的臺灣伴手禮

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