News Letter February /March 2016 “New Year, New Us”
Who? …We’re a dynamic forwardthinking social enterprise aiming to engage, empower and educate impoverished communities in West Africa .
What? …We take a holistic approach to development, running initiatives ranging from agricultural development, microfinance and women’s empowerment to psychological rehabilitation, sports and education.
How? …Our progress wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our partners as well as local and international volunteers , who contribute valuable insight and manpower to all of our programs. This fits in with sustainable development goal 17: Partnerships for the goals.
News Letter February /March 2016 “New Year, New Us” Introduction We wanted to update you on some of our exciting new initiatives and opportunities and partnerships this year. The first couple months of 2016 have been spent planning and preparing and has resulted in our decision to begin transitioning from an NGO to a Social Enterprise. This means that Kailend will begin to operate more as a business while keeping its not for profit status. We have taken this decision to ensure that our main funding needs are met and for the benefit of Kailend’s own sustainability.
Contents 1. Latest News / Updates 2. New Projects 3. New Partners 4. Volunteers
1. Latest News / Updates - Kailend alumni Robbie Pickering has given up alcohol for a whole year and ran a marathon to raise awareness and funds for Kailend!
- We've update our website! Visit to see more.
- We’ve set up a Gofundme page to support our vulnerable children rehabilitation project here’s the link:
- We’re moving next month! We will be moving to a new HQ in a more convenient location while still in Lome, Togo.
2. New Projects This year we have began working more closely with our partners at Stephanus Dei School. We are integrating our boys from the street children football coaching project, to make sure they begin attending school again. For this new initiative, we 2
News Letter February /March 2016 “New Year, New Us” will begin to fundraise to sponsor their education & other needs for the year. Kailend volunteers will also be on site checking up that the boys are attending school and providing them with extra tutoring support to ensure the transition goes smoothly.
3. New Partners Zam-Ke Kailend would love to introduce you to our new partner organisation Zam-Ke! This fantastic organisation recycles plastic water sachets and makes them into stylish bags, household goods, book covers and many more items. Zam-ke will be training Kailend’s women's empowerment group in how to process these products. We think this project hits 3 birds with one stone: City clean up, promoting recycling and bring in a skill and income for our women’s group. We can’t wait to show you the finished products! Photographers Without Borders PWB are a US and Canadian registered not-for-profit, They reached out to Kailend on one of our online platforms and requested a partnership with us. One of their carefully selected photographers will be joining us this year to document our programs. Their representative will then go back overseas and begin fundraising for Kailend through their exhibition. We can’t wait to share the photos.
4. Volunteers & New Team Members This year we have welcomed two international volunteers from England and Ireland and are expecting visits from volunteers from 5 other international countries. also welcomed interns Michelle, Olivia, Jasmine and Emmanuella, 3
News Letter February /March 2016 “New Year, New Us” a Field Officer Pauline and a Communications Manager, Ellen. We are so excited to have them on board!
Kailend could not function without the support of our community and we are always looking for new supporters.
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