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06 | Space

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10 | Planes

10 | Planes

26 Principles of Design



Space is the opposite of form, referring to the area between objects, surfaces, and people. Space is where we live and move. It is the “nothingness that is present” (Simitch and Warke, 2014). Form creates space, and the two work in tandem to create architecture. A building defines both the internal and external spatial experience of a individual on its site. In addition, buildings define space relative to the other buildings and/or outdoor features around it.

Continuous Plane Model: The surface of the planes have created space, covered and uncovered, dynamic and static. The tunnels create lines of vision that open and close at intervals. At a larger, and occupiable scale, these tunnels would define movement and viewshed.

Massing Arrangement 2: The arrangement of these forms have begun to create internal spaces, the defining characteristic of architectecture. The two groups of masses also work together to create the external space around them.


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