the tiny book of type by kaitlyn filipp
table of contents introduction letter anatomy family logotypes text kerning tracking leading alignment grid exploration
font creation sketches jack & the beanstalk application MLK poster calendar creating a brand theatre poster lou reed poster magazine layout
artwork by veronique zayas
AN INTRODUCTION TO TYPOGRAPHY Every day, typography impacts your
The process of typography started
life. It changes the way you feel. It
with using punches and dies,
gives you an impression. It inspires
proceeded to type tables and
you. Even if you don’t realize it,
printing presses, and has landed at
typography changes your life.
computers and modern technology.
Simplified, typography is the art
Although it has progressed through
and technique of arranging type to
time, typography is still based on
make it visual. It involves arranging
the traditional techniques that
aspects of type such as point size,
convey language in visual terms.
leading, kerning, and alignment to convey a certain message.
artwork by agnetha berg
generally the height of the low-
the part of the letter that extends
er-case x or height of the main
above the cap height
lower-case letter
the height of the capital letter above
a part of the letter that extends
the baseline
below the base of the letters
the line where all the letters sit
a slight projection that finishes the stroke of the letter
SERIFS Serifs, which are slight projections that finish off a stroke of a letter in certain typefaces, are expressed in many different ways throughout different typefaces. The main styles of serifs are:
g g g g
size & color Size and color are important factors to keep in mind when trying to convey a certain message through text. Both of these add hierarchy, shows order, and changes readability.
Which line do you read first? Color is just as important as other elements in typography. It can attract attention to an element, help emphasize, create a mood, and assist in readability.
28 pt Jenson
28 pt Myriad Pro
28 pt Nyla
28 pt Courier New
Notice the different sizes of text. Although each of these fonts are set at the same point size, the x-height of the typeface creates the illusion that some are larger than others.
families A type family is a set of one or more fonts composed of glyphs that share a common design feature. Each of these families has a specific weight, style, width, and slant, along with many other aspects. Although there are many type families, these four are the most common:
regular italic bold bold italic
The dog slept all day. Italic
The dog slept all day. Bold
The dog slept all day. Bold Italic
The dog slept all day.
KERNING Kerning is a term used in typography for the process of adjusting the space between two letters. This is mostly used to achieve a visually pleasing result. A well-designed typeface requires little or no additional kerning.
no kerning applied
Taming Tones
Wonder Week
Taming Tones
Wonder Week
Taming Tones
Wonder Week
kerning applied
TRACKING Tracking, or letter-spacing, is the consistent adjustment of the overall spacing of a group of letters. This affects the density in a line or block of text. Tracking is the action of consistently adjusting the space between letters in a line, whereas kerning is the process of adjusting space between two letters only.
normal tracking
negative tracking
positive tracking
Even aside from the rain and wind it
Even aside from the rain and wind it
Even aside from the rain and wind
hadn’t been a happy practice session.
hadn’t been a happy practice session.
it hadn’t been a happy practice
Fred and George, who had been spy-
Fred and George, who had been spying
session. Fred and George, who had
ing on the Slytherin team, had seen
on the Slytherin team, had seen for
been spying on the Slytherin team,
for themselves the speed of those new
themselves the speed of those new
had seen for themselves the speed of
Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones.
Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones.
those new Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones.
tracking in headlines
kellar’s kitties Justus, no tracking applied
kellar’s kitties Justus, (-50)
kellar’ s k it t ie s Justus, (+100)
LEADING Leading refers to the distance between the baseline of multiple lines of type. Designers adjust the leading when attempting to achieve different densities. When the leading decreases, blocks of text become denser. When the leading increases,
do what you love
do what you love
Auto spacing tends to create an uneven leading effect
You can achieve an even appearance when manually adjusting the leading
blocks of text become lighter and more open. The term leading originates from the strips of lead used to separate lines of metal type during the days of hand typesetting.
leading variations 8/8
Winston stopped reading, chiefly in order to appreciate the fact that he was reading, in comfort and safety. He was alone: no telescreen, no ear at the keyhole, no nervous impulse to glance over his shoulder or cover the page with his hand. The sweet summer air played against his cheek. From somewhere far away there floated the faint shouts of children; in the room itself there was no sound except the insect voice of the clock.
Winston stopped reading, chiefly in order to appreciate the fact that he was reading, in comfort and safety. He was alone: no telescreen, no ear at the keyhole, no nervous impulse to glance over his shoulder or cover the page with his hand. The sweet summer air played against his cheek. From somewhere far away there floated the faint shouts of children; in the room itself there was no sound except the insect voice of the clock.
8/12 Winston stopped reading, chiefly in order to appreciate the fact that he was reading, in comfort and safety. He was alone: no telescreen, no ear at the keyhole, no nervous impulse to glance over his shoulder or cover the page with his hand. The sweet summer air played against his cheek. From somewhere far away there floated the faint shouts of children; in the room itself there was no sound except the insect voice of the clock.
8/15 Winston stopped reading, chiefly in order to appreciate the fact that he was reading, in comfort and safety. He was alone: no telescreen, no ear at the keyhole, no nervous impulse to glance over his shoulder or cover the page with his hand. The sweet summer air played against his cheek. From somewhere far away there floated the faint shouts of children; in the room itself there was no sound except the insect voice of the clock.
ALIGNMENT The basis of type presentation comes from different choices in alignment. Each form has unique qualities and conveys a different aesthetic feel. Alignment options are also referred to as text or type justification. The basic variations are:
flush right/ragged left
Formal and classic
Unusual and unique
Fascinated, Harry thumbed through the rest of the envelope’s contents. Harry was just reading “Lesson One: Holding Your Wand (Some Useful Tips)” when shuffling footsteps outside told him Filch was coming back. Stuffing the parchment back into the envelope, Harry threw it back onto the desk just as the door opened.
Fascinated, Harry thumbed through the rest of the envelope’s contents. Harry was just reading “Lesson One: Holding Your Wand (Some Useful Tips)” when shuffling footsteps outside told him Filch was coming back. Stuffing the parchment back into the envelope, Harry threw it back onto the desk just as the door opened.
Fascinated, Harry thumbed through the rest of the envelope’s contents. Harry was just reading “Lesson One: Holding Your Wand (Some Useful Tips)” when shuffling footsteps outside told him Filch was coming back. Stuffing the parchment back into the envelope, Harry threw it back onto the desk just as the door opened.
Fascinated, Harry thumbed through the rest of the envelope’s contents. Harry was just reading “Lesson One: Holding Your Wand (Some Useful Tips)” when shuffling footsteps outside told him Filch was coming back. Stuffing the parchment back into the envelope, Harry threw it back onto the desk just as the door opened.
flush left/ragged right
Organic and easy to read
Clean and efficient
GRID A grid is a structure made up of a series of intersecting straight or curved lines that is primarily used to structure content. Writing is organized into columns and rows of characters. There are many variations of grids, with the norm being a single column grid. These work well for simple documents. Multicolumn grids offer more flexibility with layout and allows the designer to create more hierarchy with text and illustrations. This format is executed in publications.
Epel magnimp ossendu ntibus, quo eos debit, sus maximpe rcienet etur atiam re il inciuntia volum re cus aperrum, quaest qui natatestiat. Minci re es sit acculpa as vella non nest, volut officae prorro eictur? Te nestius. As andeliqui conse prate vent re ne omni odis es volor abo. Ectas maximodi con poribus, cullest ut eum imuscim odipsamusam volorist quo iderundi tem derunt, tor aut quist, volupit aliae conseri dolorem nes re volorporit, officium hilitat ionsequam f u g a . Namet re que adit aut evelecus eaque et eiunt, conse con cullabor re, occulpa qui quassim entibus et lamus voluptatur? Voluptam, et eritet endundu cimilicto mo quiandam, sequide lecuptatium illor reium seribus, sinctas et latatum autem alibusam dionsequid moluptae parita volupis am incte pressint porpos reprate custibustiur
sinulpa sita conseque molupta temquasperem ium qui que venieni ssumquo ditati rerumquis ex essi optam ipid et qui doluptat. Agnisquam est, ut dolesti consequ aeperumendae sero et qui inist ut et a coreratum volorro moluptum, es apitiur accatur sant alicipsunt re oditiam quam ium explit molorest volupta spelluptio. Lescipsam exeratur magnatur rerunda sit porent ditaque que peritat.
Um quam, sit ea dolum faceribea ipienih icatiur, estrumq uiatias que premporum quatem dolest fuga. Con cus dolor at. Officiaectae desti te aut et de pedi odi odipis re pore mo bero tempore heniam endem rem ipsaessi te moditatem ex eveliqu oditisim expedi blat. Molupta verferciendi volum ut que alic tet ipiet ut ut que odion nos corat. Xim eiunt repedit aquundiae nost dit ipsumquias eaturio. Usci officim ea que etur? Dam quiduci-
is dolorrum, vent. Rovitio rrovidu ciasper ationet, totatur, odiorae net latis il il et eos cor sunt etur solore, nonet eos maximinimos quaernate dolum non nesed et esedi corepudae excea postectur, nihil iuntectore dolut ium ullacearum eum fugit quis doleniendae verorep udisque optae niscim adis elesect ibusda volum, sincium re doluptaque doluptate dolorum sedi ut abora dolupta ssitat ut ipsam dolupta non nonse etur? Idit qui unt. Lestrum
Epel magnimp ossendu ntibus, quo eos debit, sus maximpe rcienet etur atiam re il inciuntia volum re cus aperrum, quaest qui natatestiat. Minci re es sit acculpa as vella n o n nest, volut officae prorro eictur? Te nestius. As andeliqui conse prate vent re ne omni odis es volor abo. Ectas maximodi con poribus, cullest ut eum imuscim odipsamusam volorist quo iderundi tem derunt, tor aut quist, volupit aliae conseri dolorem nes re volorporit, officium hilitat ionsequam fuga. Namet re que adit aut evelecus eaque et eiunt, conse con cullabor re, occulpa qui quassim entibus et lamus voluptatur? Voluptam, et eritet endundu cimilicto mo quiandam, sequide lecuptatium illor reium seribus, sinctas et latatum autem alibusam dionsequid moluptae parita volupis am incte pressint porpos reprate custibustiur sinulpa sita conseque molupta temquasperem ium qui que venieni ssumquo ditati rerumquis ex essi optam ipid et qui doluptat.
Agnisquam est, ut dolesti consequ aeperumendae sero et qui inist ut et a coreratum volorro moluptum, es apitiur accatur sant alicipsunt re oditiam quam ium explit molorest volupta spelluptio. Lescipsam exeratur magnatur rerunda sit porent ditaque que peritat.
ae nost dit ipsumquias eaturio. Usci officim ea que etur? Dam quiduciis dolorrum, vent. Rovitio rrovidu ciasper ationet, totatur, odiorae net latis il il et eos cor sunt etur solore, nonet eos maximinimos quaernate dolum non nesed et esedi corepudae excea postectur, nihil
Um quam, sit ea dolum faceribea ipienih icatiur, estrumq uiatias que premporum quatem dolest fuga. Con cus dolor at. Officiaectae desti te aut et de pedi odi odipis re pore mo bero tempore heniam endem rem ipsaessi te moditatem ex eveliqu oditisim expedi blat. Molupta verferciendi volum ut que alic tet ipiet ut ut que odion nos corat. Xim eiunt repedit aquundi-
iuntectore dolut ium ullacearum eum fugit quis doleniendae verorep udisque optae niscim adis elesect ibusda volum, sincium re doluptaque doluptate dolorum sedi ut abora dolupta ssitat ut ipsam dolupta non nonse etur? Idit qui unt. Lestrum quam sam, cor aut rectur? Pa dolupis nus nos maximpe prature moloreperia pa quia conem quia ven-
Epel magnimp ossendu ntibus, quo eos debit, sus maximpe rcienet etur atiam re il inciuntia volum re cus aperrum, quaest qui natatestiat. Minci re es sit acculpa as vella non nest, volut officae prorro eictur? Te nestius. As andeliqui conse prate vent re ne omni odis es volor abo. Ectas maximodi con poribus, cullest ut eum imuscim odipsamusam volorist quo iderundi tem derunt, tor aut quist, volupit aliae conseri dolorem nes re
molupta temquasperem ium qui que venieni ssumquo ditati rerumquis ex essi optam ipid et qui doluptat. Agnisquam est, ut dolesti consequ aeperumendae sero et qui inist ut et a coreratum volorro moluptum, es apitiur accatur sant alicipsunt re oditiam quam ium explit molorest volupta spelluptio. Lescipsam exeratur magnatur rerunda sit porent ditaque que peritat. Um quam, sit ea dolum faceri-
volorporit, officium hilitat ionsequam fuga. Namet re que adit aut evelecus eaque et eiunt, conse con cullabor re, occulpa qui quassim entibus et lamus voluptatur? Voluptam, et eritet endundu cimilicto mo quiandam, sequide lecuptatium illor reium seribus, sinctas et latatum autem alibusam dionsequid moluptae parita volupis am incte pressint porpos reprate custibustiur sinulpa sita conseque
bea ipienih icatiur, estrumq uiatias que premporum quatem dolest fuga. Con cus dolor at. Officiaectae desti te aut et de pedi odi odipis re pore mo bero tempore heniam endem rem ipsaessi te moditatem ex eveliqu oditisim expedi blat. Molupta verferciendi volum ut que alic tet ipiet ut ut que odion nos corat. Xim eiunt repedit aquundiae nost dit ipsumquias eatu-
font creation
jack & the beanstalk
jack & the beanstalk
martin luther king jr. poster
martin luther king jr. poster
creating a brand
C: 0 M: 18 Y: 12 K: 64
C: 0 M: 54 Y: 44 K: 0
C: 26 M: 0 Y: 6 K: 25
C: 0 M: 3 Y: 21 K: 5
C: 0 M: 19 Y: 60 K: 5
creating a brand
theatre poster
LOU REED dedication
magazine layout
magazine layout