Signs of a Cheating Partner

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Kajay Williams

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You were then so in love with each other. You hold each other’s hands like there was no tomorrow; you look at each other’s eyes like no other person exists. It was like a love meant to last; a promise that transcends forever. Until one day, you felt the gap. Your partner’s there beside you but it feels like he or she’s not. You look at the eyes and you see coldness. You talk but gone is the enthusiasm that you used to feel. You show affection and yet it feels like all those efforts no longer suffice. Relationships do come in a high-low moment. It is but normal. Some would say that misunderstandings are just spices which make the bond even stronger. However, if it is something that is continually recurring, then something else must be going on. You shouldn’t be the last to know what that “something” is. You should know the signs if the relationship is still working. You should know if your partner is already cheating on you. Holy Hill, author of Sugarbabe posits that it is normal for men to cheat on women and as a response, women should just accept that reality and allow their partners to indulge in sexual relationships. Pretty unfair, right? Likewise, a research revealed that it is not true that men have the higher tendency of indulging into sexual affairs. Men and women alike are prone to infidelity.


This report is therefore designed to help you see the hints that your partner is already giving you. Oftentimes, you keep on looking from other sides when in fact, the signs are already in front of you. Cheating partners can make you the victim of their infidelity but you shouldn’t allow them to make you victims of your innocence or should I say ignorance? Whether some would say that it is normal, you should still be aware because you wouldn’t want to live the rest of your life feeling unloved and uncared for. This time, your best help would be your very self. You do not just sit in your couch, having the gut feeling that something is wrong while your husband or wife is out there, hanging out with the other lover. You should be informed. You should know. And what better way to do it than by knowing the signs? Brace yourselves guys. Who knows, one of these hints that I’m about to reveal is already obvious in your partner. As I mentioned earlier, you’ve got to know because you don’t want to be the laughingstock of everyone. Above all, knowing the signs may lead you to eventually saving your relationship from failure. The earlier you decipher, the earlier you can save your marriage from further damage.

Instinct is unbeatable The sensitivity of a woman to different things is very helpful. Once you feel that there is already something wrong with your relationship, you shouldn’t just give it a shrug. As a woman, your best buddy is your instinct. Most often than not, it tells you the right thing.


Even when the mind insists that everything is working out as you planned, your gut feeling will tell you that it’s not when it really is not. This is also true for men. Though it is said that women are born detectives (because of intuition), you are not as cold as ice to be blinded by signs. Your instinct may not be as strong as the ladies but you are still human who has the capability to feel things. Just a warning on this though. You should be able to differentiate lack of trust from intuition. Lack of trust can mislead you but instinct will guide you to answers to your doubts.

Your partner spends lesser time spent with you Perhaps, one of the most obvious signs that something is wrong with your husband, boyfriend, girlfriend or wife is time. Remember when you were still both so in love with each other? You can’t get enough of each other, right? In fact, he or she would rather get late for work just so you can spend more time with each other. He or she would cancel meetings after 5 because you just can’t wait to see each other. During your first months or even years, you two were literally inseparable.

What happened after that? You cannot say, “Oh I know my partner is just busy with his work”.


Your partner cannot also say “Honey, I’m sorry if I’ve been taking you for granted these past months. It’s just that I’m too busy with the business”. Come on! You’ve got say, “you could have been busy even when we first met. You could have been occupied with your business when we were still in the courtship stage. But you were able to disregard all those just to be with me then”.

Why the sudden change? If you see this drastic change in your partner, you better make a plan to confirm what the actions tell you. Some of the common statements would be: I will have dinner with a client tonight I’m sorry I can’t make it on our anniversary because I have a business trip I have to work overtime tonight, I’ve got lots of paper works to finish There’s too much problem in the company, we need to fix those Such excuses will be the usual piece. Remember, if a person is in love, no matter how complicated things are, there will always be a way. As the cliché goes, “if there’s a will, there’s a way”. Who knows, the times that your lover is in business trips are the moments that he/she is having a good time with another love interest. You are the partner here. Whether you’ve been together for just a year, you are already accustomed to his/her attitude. Therefore, you would easily notice if your better half is just making up reasons not to be with you or is indeed busy in the most literal sense of the word.


You are no longer the partner When we say you are no longer the partner, I do not mean to say that you two already broke up. It just means that you are no longer your partner’s buddy. You are excluded to activities that used to be your activities as well. You can feel this sign when they tell you that they’re going to a party and won’t even invite you. They tell you that will they will attend a friend’s night out but won’t even dare pretend ask you if you want to join.

Unusual use of phones Wait... wait… wait… The last time you remember, you’re all that your partner cares about. When he/she eats with you, you eat together; no distractions, no interruptions unless it’s an emergency. When you talk to each other, no phone and pagers on just to make you feel that he/she is really listening and that what you are saying is important. Now there’s a change. For a boyfriend-girlfriend date, it is intriguing if your man doesn’t answer calls in front of you. If you see him walking out from your table and going outside just to answer the call, then there’s something fishy indeed. You may ask what if he answers the phone and say “I’ll just call you later”? Well dear, that’s just another hint your partner is giving you. Same sign applies for women cheating on their men.


It could also be a sign when someone calls on the phone, you answer and suddenly, the other line hangs up. Well, well, well… Isn’t it suspicious? Here’s another point for couples. No man or woman would receive a call in the middle of the night and even murmur words. If ever it happens for business purposes, it seldom does. But, if the midnight calls already happen in patterns, your instinct will begin to tell you that something must really be wrong.

Here goes the computer addiction The last time you remember, your partner is not fond of social networking sites or even facing the computer except for business transactions. You even know the passwords so that in case of unwanted circumstances, you can easily access files. You know there’s something wrong when there’s a sudden change of passwords without informing you. Well, that could also be fine because maybe it was not intended to be kept from you. However, if you learned that it was reset and he/she wouldn’t want to give the passwords anymore, that’s another story. A person who is not hiding anything will willingly give his log-ins to the partner. If you also notice that sleeping time has also changed because of computers, those hours may be spent with number 2. Tsk..tsk..So bad… While you are there in your room thinking that everything’s fine, your partner’s there silently cheating on you.Technology is just so powerful nowadays that


online dating, cybersex and other online romances happen in just a click of the mouse. You may also discover links or programs in your computer that were not there before.

Normally, we have history tab in the computers and in case your

husband/wife is not at all techie, then you may check on that tab. There you’ll see the previous activities. If you find it empty, you should consider it as a warning. The reason is why would there be an empty history tab when there’s nothing to hide?

Financial habits have drastically changed Here’s another sign that may lead you to catching him/her: unusual and overspending. For a married person, you are expected to spend not too much for material things. You are expected to prioritize the needs of the family and not your personal interests. So, you begin to be suspicious when the spending is no longer normal. This sign is actually easy to check. Each month, your credit card bills come. If you notice that there are things that were bought outside your budget, you should immediately ask. If it is jewelry, a perfume or any material gifts for someone else, then think of it. However, you should not also immediately jump into any conclusion. Wait for at least a week if he/she gives those things to you. If not, then you’ve got another hint on infidelity.


Another is if you no longer find the billing statement. Well, maybe a cheater is good enough in hiding so he/she probably will not show you any proof. If this happens, raise the red flag and be alerted. It can also be that your girlfriend/boyfriend is not using credit cards. Check whether there is a frequent ATM withdrawal. A partner who has a good job and remains broke is doing something else. You can also check the car or the pockets and look for receipts that are still there. You may find something.

Change in clothing preferences Ruth Houston, writer of the book “Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs” says drastic make over may mean something else. This could apply for both men and women. While change is but inevitable in someone’s life, it could also be a sign that your partner is changing clothing preferences to impress his/her love interest. We can consider the thought that it is done to boost their ego and to make them feel better and confident but there could also be another reason to that. If your boyfriend or girlfriend used to wear jeans and shirts, of course you expect him/her to be wearing those kinds most of the time. However, if the preference suddenly changes, it could either be: 1) he/she simply wants total make over, no malice to it; or 2) he/she is changing clothes for someone else. Of course you are also aware of your partner’s perfume and how it is frequently used. If he eventually sprays from time to time, he must want to smell good for someone else. If she shifts from jeans to mini skirts, then she might want to be sexy for someone else.


The fire has cooled down Passion is very important in any relationship. Whether we admit it or not, this is something that binds you and your partner. Aside from love, this is what makes you one. Passion is best seen through romantic acts. For two people in love, flowers, chocolates, jewelries and other things are just normal.

Whether you are

already married or if you are still boyfriend-girlfriend, you can say that love is there when sweetness does not end after the courting period. Maybe you can understand the coldness when your partner, is from the very start a serious one who is not fond of romanticism. But, if that was not the attitude before and it suddenly stops, that’s questionable.

Sex Life Intimacy can also be measured through sex. When your partner is just there physically but you feel the mind is not in you, that’s a slap on your face. Sex is not just a physical thing but it’s the expression of two persons for their love to each other. If at the beginning your partner was very intimate with you but suddenly became cold and distant, he/she might have been cheating you during the last weeks. Worst, you are not the one that he or she is thinking while you are making love. Ouch!!


The frequency of sex is also a sign. A cheating husband or wife will most likely lessen the time spent with you thus reducing the number of times you have sex. In the book “Telling Lies” by Paul Ekman, he emphasized that normally, it is hard to find physical signs of deceit but you can catch someone through body language. So when you feel like even simple kisses, hugs and physical intimacy are given to you once in blue moon, that’s a body language telling you “Hey, I’ve got someone new satisfying my needs”.

Mood Swings A guilty person also encounters internal conflicts. In a way, we are still human with a conscience. Check on these signs:

1. There’s unexpected gifts most of the time This could be a sign of sweetness. Perhaps, your partner just wants to express his/her love for you. However, if it feels wrong on your part, maybe your instinct is again working. A guilty person tries all the things to at least feel less burdened. He/she would shower you with sweet noting and even hug and kiss you most of the time. It’s his/her way of saying “I’m sorry, I cheated on you”.

2. Easily gets irritated when there is confrontation Your partner may really be involved in another affair if he/she avoids confrontation most of the time.


Those who wouldn’t want to be caught by their partners would normally avoid conversations. To cover their avoidance, they would show




That way, they can have an excuse to go to the room or



3. Becomes defensive Even without asking, your partner immediately tells or accuses you of the things that he/she may be doing. Part of response to guilt is to find fault in you. For women, he would say that you are not a good cook, that you are no longer sweet and that you are not a good mother. For men, she would say that you are not as affectionate as before. Cheating partners try to put logic or reason to what they did. They would find ways to justify their actions hence the result of mood swings.

4. Puts up petty fights These little fights can just root from your simple questions like: Where are you going? Where have you been? What time did you arrive last night? Who was with you the other day


Cheating partners become very sensitive. In fact, they might even throw their actions on you. They even become possessive of you thinking that you are doing what they’re doing to you.

The most obvious signs You are not a martyr born to do nothing out of your husband or girlfriend’s cheating. Even before you start noticing the sudden increase of your credit card and telephone bills, you can get immediate signs directly from your partner.

For men: 1. marks of lipstick on his shirt (this is for men) 2. smell of perfume aside from what he’s using 3. frequent purchase of new clothes, shoes and other toiletries 4. membership in a gym when the truth is, he has not been exercising for the past years or months 5. hair strands of a woman in his car, shirt or other things

For women: 1. Men’s things inside the personal car or in the family car 2. Jeans to mini skirt 3. Wears too revealing dresses: something that she does not do before Small as they seem, these things will lead you to knowing whether your instinct is right or wrong. You have to use everything to your advantage. Again, a person who is open to possibilities is a strong one.


We can spend the whole day talking about signs. In fact, we can even go talking about it in weeks. I can give you different explanations on why partners cheat or even provide you with ways to spy on him/her. You actually don’t have to be an expert or a psychologist at that just to say you’re partner is already doing something behind your back. Signs become obvious when you pay attention to them. Signs become visible when the observer is sensitive enough when they appear. Above all, signs become even more evident when you are openminded. When I say open-minded, you are open to possibilities. Accept the possibility that the person whom you have given your love and trust may actually cheat on you. Accept the possibility that the partner who promised you forever may actually act in response to his/her libido thus forgetting what was said to you. That way, you will not be blinded by your emotions. Signs, no matter how they come in front of you when you are in denial, you still won’t see them. If you want to salvage what’s left in your relationship, better be vigilant. Do not take things for granted or else, you will just wake up one day realizing that your relationship is over. This time, you do not just watch out for these signs because you don’t want to be the aggrieved party. But, you try to observe because you love him/her and you wouldn’t want to give or even share your partner with anyone.


This is also to redeem yourself from further depression. Broken relationships due to cheating leave emotional trauma. If what you’ve read in this report confirms your worst fears, then it is time for you to act now. If you are looking for help and guidance on knowing whether your partner is cheating on you or want to catch your partner cheating with evidence, then visit In this website, you can get immediate access to a book titled Bust A Cheating Partner, that will literally hold by hand and walk you step-by-step to confirm if your partner is cheating on you and how to catch them in the act.


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