Teen magazine getting to know our legends and interests project ia kopia

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Teen Magazine

– getting to know our legends and interests

Teen magazine- getting to know our legends and interests Issue I Lore of our Lands The The Lore of Issue I our Lands

eTwinning project

The Editorial The Magazine is the product of the eTwinning project‌

The table of contents I The City Legend II The region Legend III The Heroes

The Legend about Dorothy The foreman of Kalisz castle had a beautiful daughter Dorothy. He loved her very much and wished her luck. He wanted her to marry a candidate, who will not only be wealthy and wise, but the one whom Dorothy will truly love. The girl didn’t hurry to marry. None of the the candidates suited her taste. She was sitting alone in her room waiting for the true love.

Dorothy didn’t like elegant dresses or bonnets, but she really liked elaborately decorated shoes. The foreman was doing whatever his daughter wanted and every month the shoemaker Marty was brought to the castle, because none of the craftsmen could embroider such a wonderful ornaments on women’s shoes with golden and silver thread.

Once upon a time king sent the foreman on a long and dangerous journey with important mission. The months passed and foreman didn’t came back. Kalisz was going through the time of plague and starvation. People were dropping on streets like flies. But Marty, despite the „pestilential air” in the city, still managed to visit Dorothy in her castle and sew new shoes for her. During these meetings they fell in love and started to spend more time together. This caught castle guards’ attention.

The guard tried to catch shoemaker. When he tried to run away, he fell from the castle’s wall and died. Soon after Marty’s death the foreman came back to the castle. He was furious and commanded to mure his daughter in one of castle towers, where she was starved to death. After her death the tower was used as a prison for bad and vicious girls, which were later called Dorothies. Later even the tower was called Dorothy.

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