Jordan Kalapchiev - Portfolio 2013

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Jor danKal apchi ev Under gr aduat e Sel ect edWor ks2013

Gr aphi cDesi gnandLayout Jor danKal apchi ev 201 3

Ar chi t ectPor t f ol i o

J or da nKa l a pc h i e vSel ect edWor k s2013

Cont ent s Chapt erICur r i cul um Vi t ae Jor danKal apchi ev,Sofi a, Bul gar i a, EU

Chapt erI IUni ver si t yPr oj ect s

, Bi st r i t za, Bul gar i a, EU-Spr i ngSem. ‘ 1 1 “ Housei nBi st r i t za” “ Sof i aCi t yCent er ”,Sofi a, Bul gar i a, EU-Spr i ngSem. ‘ 1 2 “ Fi neAr tSchool ”,Sofi a, Bul gar i a, EU-Spr i ngSem. ‘ 1 2 “ Dynami cSpace” , Bi r gu, Mal t a, EU-Spr i ngSem. ‘ 1 3

Chapt erI I ISt udentCompet i t i ons

“ Fr om Quadr att oCube”,Manhhei m, Ger many, EU-Aut umnSem. ‘ 1 2 I SOVERMul t uComf or tHouseSt udent sCont est-Vi si on&Real i t y, ‘ 1 3

Chapt erI V Ot herPr oj ect s “ Houbka’ sI nt er i or ”,Sofi a, Bul gar i a, EU-‘ 1 3 “ Tr abant601SRest or at i on”-‘ 1 2/’ 1 3

Chapt erV Dr awi ngs Sel ect edDr awi ngs

Cur r i cul um Vi t ae „ I mpr ovi sat i on i sa genesi sofcomposi t i on“ Yngwi e J.Mal mst een

J or da nKa l a pc hi e v Cur r i cul um Vi t ae Per sonal I nf or mat i on: Mal e Sex:

Dat eofBi r t h:8t hApr i l 1 985 Nat i onal i t y: Bul gar i an, EU

Cont actDet ai l s:

EU, Bul gar i a, Sof i a, St udent st own, 35, #305 Cur r entAddr ess: Emai l : kal apchi ev@abv. bg Cel l phone:+359899006565; +3598784831 91

kal apchi ev Skype:

I nt er est s:

Ar t , Ar chi t ect ur e, Musi c, Gui t ar s, I ndust r i al Desi gn, Hi st or y

Ref er ences:

Pr of . Ar ch. “ UACG”-H. Smi r nenski boul . 1 , Sof i a1 046, Sof i a, Bul , EU Vessel i nDonchev-00359897695938Iur bi com@abv. bgI ur bi com. i nf oI

r i ckGal ea–0035699492259Ipgal Mr .Pat ea@eur ekamal t a. com I www. eur ekamal t a. com I “ Uni ver si t yofMal t a”-Msi daMSD 2080, Mal t a, EU

Educat i on:

asmusexchangepr ogr amme,“Uni Feb’ 1 3/Jul ’ 1 3 :Er ver si t yofMal t a”–Msi da MSD 2080, Mal t a, EU Sep’ 09/Pr esent:Mas ver si t yofAr chi t ect ur e, Ci vi l Engi neer i ngandGeodesy”-Hr i st oSmi r nenski boul . 1, Sof i a1 046, Bul gar i a, EU t erofAr chi t ect ur e,“Uni Sep‘ 08/Jun‘ 09:Ci vi l Engi neer i ng,“Uni ver si t yofAr chi t ect ur e, Ci vi l Engi neer i ngandGeodesy”-Hr i st oSmi r nenski boul . 1, Sof i a1 046, Bul gar i a, EU

orofComput erSyst emsandTechnol ogi es,“JohnAt Sep‘ 05/Jun’ 08:Bechel anasof fCol l ege” , Techni cal Uni ver si t yofSof i a-Pl ovdi v4000, Bul , EU Sep‘ 99/Jun’ 05:Wat ghSchool ofConst r uct i on, Ar chi t ect ur eandGeodesy-Ar ch. KamenPet kov”-Pl ovdi v4000, Bul , EU erSuppl yandSewer age,“Hi Sep‘ 92/Jun’ 99:Pr , “ Vasi l Levski “–Vasi l Levski st r . 23, Chi r pan6200, Bul gar i a, EU i mer ySchool

Qual i f i cat i onsandCour ses:

ogr aphy-Pat r i ckJ. Fenechcour se-DegreePl Mar’ 1 3/Jun’ 1 3:Phot us, “ Uni ver si t yofMal t a”–Msi da MSD 2080, Mal t a, EU Nov‘ 1 2/May’ 1 3:I udi oAPXELt d, Sof i a1 000, Bul gar i a, EU SOVERMul t i Comf or tHouseCer t i f i cat e-Arch.Geor gi Ni kol ovcour se,St Apr‘ 1 2/Jun’ 1 2:B2-CommonEur i aUni ver si t y-St . Kl i mentOhr i dski ”–Sof i a1 000, Bul , EU opeanFr amewor kofRef er encef orLanguages,“Sof

Pai nt i ngandI nt r oduct i ont oAr chi t ect ur e–Arch.Emi l Popovcour se,Sof Apr‘ 09/Jun’ 09: i a1 000, Bul gar i a, EU Oct‘ 07/Jun’ 08:Pai i a1 000, Bul gar i a, EU nt i ngandI nt r oduct i ont oAr chi t ect ur e–Arch.Emi l Popovcour se,Sof Sep‘ 98/Jun’ 99:Pai l Levski ”-Vasi l Levski st r . 23, Chi r pan6200, Bul gar i a, EU nt i ng–Ni naMar i novacour se,“Vasi 1 993 / 1 994:Pai K. Yavor ov1 867”-Di mi t arDanai l ovst r . 1 , Chi r pan6200, Bul gar i a, EU nt i ng–Er ol Sabr i evRokocour se,“P.

Pr of essi onal Exper i ence:

May‘ 1 1/Jul ’ 1 2: . Ar ch. “ Uni ver si t yofAr chi t ect ur e, Ci vi l Engi neer i ngandGeodesy”-Hr i st oSmi r nAr chi t ect/Lect orAssi st ant-Prof Vessel i nDonchev, enski boul . 1, Sof i a1 000, Bul gar i a, EU

CADmodel i nganddr awi ng. Desi gni ngandmani pul at i ngi mages. Maki ngsl i deshows. Tr ansl at i ngandscanni ngt ext s. Or gani zi ngandar r angi ngf ol der s.

Compet i t i onAwar ds:

May’ 1 3: 3r dPr i zeNat i onal St ageI SOVERMul t i Comf or tHouseSt udent sCont est Edi t i on: Vi si on&Real i t y, 201 3

Comput erSki l l s:

chUp8Pr o,Aut oCAD201 4,AdobePhot oshopCS5,Act–3DLumi on2. 5,Mi nt201 0,Mi Googl eSket odeskAut cr osof tPowerPoi cr od201 0,Gr chi Cad1 5,AbventGr t l ant i s4,Aut 2,Ar t arPr o5 sof tWor aphi sof tAr oupAr odesk3dsMax201 obasMusi cGui

Per sonal Ski l l s:

I magi nat i on,Cr eat i vi t y,I mpr ovi sat i on,Team pl ayer ,Leader shi pcapaci t y,Fr eehanddr awi ngandsket chi ng,Dr af t i ng,Physi cal model i ng, Gui t arpl ayi ng, Phot ogr aphy, Dr i vi ngLi cense–Cat egor yB


i ve,Engl uent ,Ger c Bul gar i an–Nat i sh–Fl man–Basi

Ot herExper i ence:

Jun‘ 07/Sep‘ 07: l Lake, 23521Nokomi sAvenue, Ni sswa, Mi nnesot a56468, USA Ser ver-Gr andVi ew Lodge,onGul Jun‘ 06/Sep‘ 06: l Lake, 23521Nokomi sAvenue, Ni sswa, Mi nnesot a56468, USA Ki t chenHel p/Busser-Gr andVi ew Lodge,onGul Jun‘ 06/Aug‘ 06: nSt , Ni sswa, Mi nnesot a56468, USA Busser/Di shwasher-Ganl ey' sI nnFami l yRest aur ant ,25396Mai

Uni v er s i t yPr oj ect s „ Ar chi t ect ur ei st he t hought f ulmaki ng of space“ Loui sI .Kahn

Hous ei nBi s t r i t z a Semest er: Spr i ng’ 1 1 Cour se: Pr i vat eBui l di ng Dur at i on: 1 3weeks Pr oj ectCoor di nat or:Arch.Ni kol ayTonev/Arch.Mi l enaBoj cheva Si t e: Bi st r i t za, Bul gar i a, EU

On t he t op f l oor ,t her e ar et wocar s gar age and t he mai n ent r ance.The st ai r case i s on t he westsi de.On t he f i r stf l oorar e si t uat ed t he bedr ooms - f aci ng east and t he chi l dr en r oom f aci ng sout h. On t he gr ound l evelar e si t uat ed t he ki t chen t o t he westand t he l i vi ng ar ea on t he sout h.

The cour t yar d and t he gr ound f l oorar e separ at ed bysl i di ng wi ndows and vi sual l y ar e one bi g space. The t wo pool s ar e connect ed by under gr ound t unnel . The decki son t he westpar toft he cour t yar d wi t h gr eat vi ew t ot he val l ey.

The ext er nalst ai r case t akesyou above t he poolt ot he t he gr een ar ea on t he westsi de. The mat er i al s used - pol i shed concr et e, wood, gl ass, and gr ass.

Pl ans 7



7 5


6 4 3

5 4






7 6



7 1


6 7



Gr ound Fl oor

Fi r stFl oor

Top Fl oor

1Li vi ng Room 2 Ki t chen 3W C 4 El evat or 5 Gr een Ar ea 6 Pool 7 Deck

1Chi l dr en Room 2 St udy 3 St or age 4 El evat or 5 Bedr oom 6 Cl oset 7W C

1Gar age 2 Pat i o 3 Ter r ace 4 El evat or 5 Ai r -Condi t i oner 6 Gr een Roof 7 Mai n Ent r ance

TheVi ew Keepi ng t he gr eat vi ew of t he val l ey t ot he sout hi s one oft he mostval uabl e par t soft he house ar chi t ect ur e.

Wor ki ngModel

Render s

Thi ss i t ei st heonl y“ empt y ”s poti nt hecent r alar eaoft hecapi t alofBul gar i a-Sof i a. Thear eanowi sabandonedi ndus t r i al z one. I t i sper f ect t obecome“ t heCi t y ”of t het own l i k emos toft hecapi t al sar oundt hewor l d hav e.I twi l lhav eal otofpubl i cs pacesgar dens ,pool s ,r ent abl es paces ,cul t ur al ar eas ,s por tf i el ds ,under gr ound par k i ng s paceset c.I naddi t i on,t her ewi l lbeapr i v at ebui l di ngswi t hdi f f er entv ar i et yoff l at s .

Thet wot al l es tbui l di ngswi l lbecamea s y mbol oft het ownandpar toft heat r act i v et our i s tt our .Thatwi l lbet hehi ghes t poi ntoft het own-ar ound167m.Ther e wi l lber ot at i ngr es t aur antont het opof t he l oweroft he t ower s .The r ev ol v i ng r at ewi l lbeonet i meperhourandwi l l enabl epubl i ct oenj oyapanor ami cv i ew wi t houtl eav i ngt hei rs eat s .

Si t e

Col l age

Publ i cBui l di ngs 6 . 1TowerA 39st 2TowerB29st . . 3TowerC 19st . 4Bui l di ngD 6st 5Bui l di ngE2st .


6 7


7 7

9 9 9

Pr i vat eBui l di ngs . 6TypeA15st . 7TypeB5st . 8TypeC 4st . 9TypeD 4st

Pl an







8 8

Sect i onvi a“ Gener al Tot l eben”bl vd.

Si l houet t evi at heol dr ai l way

Si l houet t evi a“ PenchoSl aveykov”bl vd.

Sect i onvi a“ Gener al Tot l eben”bl vd.


Si l houet t evi a“ Academi ci anI vanGeshov”bl vd.

Si l houet t evi a“ TzarBor i sI I I ”bl vd.

Si l houet t esandSect i ons

Bi r d’ seyevi ew

Fi neAr tSchool Semest er: Spr i ng’ 1 2 Cour se: Publ i cBui l di ngs Dur at i on: 1 3weeks Pr oj ectCoor di nat or: ani mi rMi hayl ov ar ch.St Si t e: ZonaB5, Sof i a, Bul gar i a, EU

Mai nf ocuswast hei deaf oraHomeasa Templ at e f or a School – mat er i al s, col or s,spaces,cour t yar ds et c.Iwas l ooki ngf orf l exi bl eandadapt abl edesi gn wi t hsoci alar eas,gr eenspacesi ndoor ; bal coni es,di spl aycases,f aci l i t i esopen t o publ i c,gal l er i es f or st udent wor k, smal lgr oup meet i ng spaces,l ear ni ng cent er s, mul t i pur pose r ooms, gl ass wal l s, r oof t ops, col l abor at i onar eas, conf er ence r ooms and so on. And al so I want edt oest abl i shavar i et yofout door l ear ni ng envi r onment s – cl assr ooms, st udyar eas, amphi t heat er set c.

I deci dedt hatf i near tschool shoul dbe asopent ot henat ur easpossi bl e. The st udent swi l l bei nspi r edbyt he nat ur e and t he nat ur all i ght .Al lcl assr ooms ar ef aci ng sout h and al lst udi os ar e f aci ngnor t h. Theof f i cesar el ocat edi n t he east / nor t h cor ner ,t he par ki ng i s ont heshadynor t h. Thegymnasi um i s open t ot he cour t yar d and you can haveadi r ectvi sual cont actwi t hi t . „ St udynat ur e,l ovenat ur e,st aycl ose t onat ur e. I twi l l neverf ai l you“ Fr ankLl oydWr i ght

TopFl oor+4, 20 1St udi os-B1B6 2Cl as s r ooms 3Meet i ngSpaces 4Li br ar y 5Of f i ces 6Ser v i ce 7El ev at or 8St or ages

Ser v i ce Ent r a nce

Par ki ngf or28car s

Gr oundFl oor0, 00/ 1, 40

Ma i n Ent r a nce

1St udi os-A1A6 2Cl as s r ooms 3Meet i ngSpaces 4Li br ar y 5Of f i ce 6Ser v i ce 7El ev at or 8St or ages 9Veget at i ons 10Conf er enceHal l 11Smal l Cant een 12Ex hi bi t i onHal l 13Di s pl ay

Bas ement-3, 12 1Gy mnas i um 2St or age 3Ser v i ce 4El ev at or 5Gr as sFi el d 6Ramp 7Theat r i cal s eat i ng



Sect i on

Cl assr ooms

Cor r i dor Ser vi cer ooms

Gr oundFl oor

Conf er enceHal l

TopFl oor

Exhi bi t i onHal l

Publ i cAr ea Thepubl i car eai ssi t uat edont henor t h/ eastcor ner , cl oset ot hemai nent r ance. TheExhi bi t i onHal l havet wot r i angl ei npl anspacesusedf orst or agesandal so f orsepar at i ngt hehal li nt oat unnell i kezi gzagspace.Theonl ynat ur all i ghti n t hehal l i scomi ngf r om t heskyl i ghtont het op. TheConf er enceHal l i snextt ot heExhi bi t i onHal l .I nf r ontoft hem i st heDi spl ay Ar ea,whi chcanbeuni t ewi t ht heConf er encehal landt obecomeonewhol e space.

Sect i on

Cl assr ooms

Gr oundFl oor

Gr eenar ea

TopFl oor

Shemeoft heRoof Thenat ur al l i ght i ngoft heexhi bi t i onar easandt hei nner yar d gi vest he bui l di ng i t schar act er .The goalwast o pr ovi deamedi at ed di f f usi onofl i ghtwi t houtl osi ng t he sense oft he ext er nalcl i mat i c condi t i ons. Thatwayt he st udent sandt hevi si t or swoul dbeawar eofi t scont i nuousvar i at i onsaccor di ngt ot het i meoft hedayandt he season.

Sect i on

Gymnasi um

Gr assyf i el d

Cant een

Gr oundFl oor

TopFl oor

Cl assr ooms

Bi r d’ sey ev i ew

Facadehol di ng

Mal ef emal ej oi ntdet ai l

Ni ghtRender

Dayt i meRender s

I nneryar d Vi ew

Dy nami cSpace I ncol l abor at i onwi t hI vel i naMi ncheva

Semest er: Spr i ng’ 1 3 Cour se: St r eetFur ni t ur e&Ar tI nst al t at i onPr oposal f orBi r gu Dur at i on: 1 0weeks Pr oj ectCoor di nat or: Mr . Pat r i ckGal ea Si t e: Bi r gu, Mal t a, EU


ThePr oposal

The t ask i st o make i nst al l at i on i n Bi r gu,Mal t a,EU.I tshoul d enr i ch t he ar eaandat t r actmal t eseandt our i st s t oenj oyt het own.

We ended up wi t h ni ght i nst al l at i on madeof2l aser sand2set sof“ mi r r or s” , wher et he l aserbeamswi l lr ef l ectand bounce.

Resul t s mustr espectand pr eser ve t hehi st or i calf eat ur esoft hear eaand t oaddnew onest ot hem.

Themai ni deai st oat t r actt hepubl i ct o not i ce and cr oss t hatdynami c space bet ween“ Vi ct or i aSquar e”andt heseasi de and vi se ver sa.I nt hi s way,t he publ i c can pay at t ent i on t o chur ches andt hemuseum.Wewantt hem t of eel t he char act er and spi r i t ual i t y of t he space.

Budgetl i mi ti s€1 , 000.

Dur i ng t he ni ghtt he l aserbeamswi l l be vi si bl ef r om t he near est t owns LI sl a,Fl or i ana,t he capi t alofMal t aVal l et t aandf r om Bi r guwat er f r ontand mai nsquar e. Att he end t hi s pr oposalhas uni que desi gnwhi chat t r act speopl e. I ti seasy t obei nst al l edanduni nst al l edandi ti s easyt obeswi t chedonandof fwheni t i snecessar y. I ti sl ow costandwi t hl ow ener gyconsumpt i on.

Bi r guI Br i ef Bi r gui sl ocat edont hesout hsi deoft heGr andHar bouri nMal t a.I ti sanol dt ownwi t h i t sor i gi nsr eachi ngbackt omedi eval t i mes. Whent heOr deroft heKni ght sofSt . Johnar r i vedi n1 530, t heymadeBi r gut hecapi t al ci t yofMal t a, si ncet hef or mercapi t al , Mdi nadi dnotsui tt hei rnaval r equi r ement s. Bi r guwast hesi t eofamaj orbat t l ebet weent heKni ght sand t heOt t omanEmpi r e dur i ngt heSi egeofMal t ai n1 565.Af t erdef eat i ngt hem anew capi t al ci t ywasbui l ton MountSceber r as,bear i ng t henameVal l et t aaf t erGr andMast erJeanPar i sotdel a Val et t e. Af t ert het aki ngofMal t abyNapol eoni n1 798, andhi sevi ct i onbyt heMal t ese, t heBr i t i shwer ei nvi t edt oMal t aandt heBr i t i shNavymadeBi r gui t sbasei nt heMedi t er r anean, andr emai nedt her eunt i l 1 979.

Seasi de

Vi ct or i aSquar e

TheMusem Heaven’ sGat e

St ai r cases

St . Lawr ence' sChur ch

Memor i al Gar den St . Lawr ence’ sChur ch

Sect i onAA

Sect i onBB

Whati sneeded -Laser s( 2t X)Sol i dst at e;Red( 635nm)andGr een( 532nm) ;Out putPower1 001 000mW ; PowerSt abi l i t y5%;Wor ki ngTemper at ur e1 040C;I nputVol t age90240VAC;Pr eheatt i me <1 5 mi n;Out putBeamdi amet er20mm;Oper at i ng Li f et i me 5 000/1 0 000 hour s;Range i n dar kness5000m -Lpr of i l es( 2X)St ai nl essst eel –2mm t hi ckness -Pl at es( 1 6X)St ai nl essst eel , mi r r orf i ni shedandpol i shed -Boxes ( 1 6X)St ai nl essst eel , 1 80mm X1 80mm X80mm -1 mm t hi ckness -Bol t s( 54XM8)/Nut s( 2XM8)/Washer s( 2XM86H) -Bal l j oi nt s( 1 6X)

de si ea S he ot -t <

--> er a qu nS ai M he ot t

Redbeam begi ns

Gr eenbeam begi ns

Det ai l 1

Det ai l 2

1I St ai nl essst eel LPr of i l e 2mm t hi ckness 2I NutM8WasherM8-6H 3I Laser 4I Bol tM8

1I St ai nl essst eel pl at e mi r r orf i ni shedandpol i shed 2I St ai nl essst eel pl at e 1 80mm x 1 80mm x 1 80mm 1 mm t hi ckness 3I Bal l Joi nt 4I Bol tM8


Vi ews

St udentCompet i t i ons „ Ar chi t ect s have made ar chi t ect ur et oo compl ex.W e need t o si mpl i f yi tand use a l anguage t hatever yone can under st and“ Toyo I t o

Fr om Quadr att oCube I nCol l abor at i onwi t hKal i nTr achev

Semest er: Aut umn‘ 1 2 Compet i t i on: I SOVERMul t uComf or tHouseSt udent sCont est Edi t i on: Vi si on&Real i t y, 201 3 Awar d: 3r dPr i ze Pr oj ectCoor di nat or: Dr . Ar ch. Bor yanaGenova Si t e: Gl uckst ei nQuar t i er , Mannhei m, Ger many, EU

TheTask The t ask i st o pr esenta vi si on oft he f ut ur edevel opmentofsomepar t soft he “ Gl i ckst ei nQuar t i er �t aki ngi nt oaccount t heexi st i ngr eal i t i es. Fort hi spr oj ectt hedevel opmentshoul d pr ovi de t he hi ghestdegr ee ofcomf or t wi t ht he l owestpossi bl e ener gy consumpt i onf ort hef ut ur ei nhabi t ant soft he bui l di ng, based on t he Sai nt Gobai n Mul t i Comf or tpr i nci pl et hatwi l l assur ea nat ur alext ensi on oft he exi st i ng nei ghbour hoodt ot heNor t h.

I naddi t i on,t hedevel opmentshal li mpr ove t he usage oft he gr een ar ea whi l e cr eat i ng al i nkwi t ht he exi st i ng housi ngst ockoft hesocal l edLi ndenhof .

Mannhei mI Br i efSt or y I n1 606,Fr eder i ck I V,El ect orPal at i ne st ar t ed bui l di ng t he f or t r ess ofFr i edr i chsbur g and t he adj acentci t ycent r e wi t hi t s gr i d ofst r eet s and avenues ( l eadi ng t o i t s ni ckname " di e Quadr at est adt ”/“ Ci t y oft he Squar es" ) .On Januar y 24,1 607,Fr eder i ck I V gave Mannhei mt hest at usofa" ci t y" . I ti sl ocat edi nsout hwest er nGer many, at t he conf l uence oft he Rhi ne and t he Neckari nt he nor t hwest er n cor nerof BadenWür t t ember g.The Rhi ne separ at esMannhei mf r om t heci t yofLudwi gshaf en. I nMannhei m wasbui l t : Thewor l d’ sf i r stbi cycl ebyKar l Fr ei her r vonDr ai si n1 81 7. Thewor l d’ sf i r stmot or carbyKar l Benz i n1 885. Thewor l d' sf i r str ocketpl anebyJul i us Hat r yi n1 929. Si nce Mannhei m was an i mpor t anti ndust r i alcent r e,dur i ng t he WWI Ii twas heavi l ydamageddur i ngaer i al bombi ng.

Si t eI Googl eMapsVi ew

Ar ea Resi dent i al Of f i ces, Ser vi ces, Sci ence Publ i cSpace Publ i cPar ki ngGar age

Ar ea Bui l di ngs New Roads Tr amway

Vi ct or i a Tower

Mannhei m Cent r e Ludwi gshaf en


G l B uc 36 ks t ei Hanns na l l Gl uckst ei n ee Par k

Kl ei nf el dst eg

Fe r nv er ke hr

t oB36

JohnDeer e

Nochshul e Mannhei m

Neckar auer Tr ansi t i on

Bui l di ngI ConceptDevel opment

El evat i onsI Sout h, East , Nor t h, West

Ar ea Communi cat i on Pr i vat e Wi nt erGar den Publ i c Gar age Basement Thear chi t ect ur aldesi gnwasi nf l uencedbyener gyef f i ci encyconsi der at i ons,aswel lashi st or i calf act s aboutMannhei m -al so known as " Ci t yoft heSquar es"f oror t hogonal r ect angul ar nei ghbor hoods and st r eet s. Thepr i vat ebui l di ngsar ewi t hquadr at epl an. Ever yt wooft hem shar ed oneunder gr oundpar ki ngandone st ai r case and el evat or .Mai n ent r ance,Ent r ance t ot he r ent abl e space and t he car par ki ng ent r ancear epl acedt ot henor t h. The bui l di ng i s composed oft wo cubi c vol umes and t he t hi r dt hat connect st hem. Thesevol umesar e i nt er sect ed by an i ncl i ned pl ane per pendi cul art ot he aver age sol st i ce i nt he r egi on.So t he ent r yof sunl i ghti s maxi mum i nt he sout h, f ul l ygl azedf acade. The apar t ment sf ace sout h wi t ha beaut i f ul vi ew over l ooki ngt hepar k. Each apar t ment has a wi nt er gar den,whi ch i sa ki nd ofa connect i onbet weent hepar kand t he r esi dent i alspace.Al lwi nt er gar densar edesi gnedt oopenandcan bet ur nedi nt ot er r aces.

Thest ai r caseandt hecommuni cat i onar esepar at esel f suppor t i ngst eelst r uct ur est hatmi ni mi zest her malbr i dgeswi t ht he bui l di ng. Ther el at i onshi pbet weent hebui l di ngandt hest r eeti sachi evedt hr ought hegl asscur t ai nwal l cover i ngt hest ai r cases andsemi t r anspar entmet al meshcover i ngt her estoft henor t hf acade,whi chal l owsdi r ecteyecont actf r om t hest r eetand vi cever sa.Semi t r anspar entmet al bar r i ercanbeal socover edwi t hi vysot hateachf acadei suni que.Thewi nt ergar densof someoft hef l at sar epl acedatt het wocor ner soft henor t hf acade.

Tr ans par entmet al mes hpenet t r at i t on

Bot hputt oget her

Of f i cebui l di ngpenet r at i on

New Cul t ur alCent erwi t ht het unnel l i k el i nkbet weenal lof f i cebui l di ngsi n t he ar ea.Now i ti san open publ i c s pace i ns pi r ed by t he r ai l way r oad wi t hbeaut i f ul lpl az awi t hal otofv eget at i oni nt hemi ddl e.

Li vel yscheme

New Cul t ur al Cent er Pai nt i ngs Exhi bi t s Tempor ar i l yExhi bi t s Caf e Admi ni st r at i on St or age WC Peopl eFl ow

Fi r stFl oor

TheSquar e

Gr oundFl oor

Thesebui l di ngswer eengi nehal l andassembl yhal l f ort her ai l waywor ker s.Ouri deai st ot ur nt hem t o exhi bi t i onhal l swi t h f l exi bl espacesf ordi f f er entki ndofevent swi t hpubl i cpl azabet weent hem.Wewi l lkeept hei rhi st or i call ookout si de.Wear e pr oposi ng anot herl evelcar r i ed bysepar at e col umnsi nsi de. Thatwayt henew l evel canbeeasi l yr emovedi nt hef ut ur ei fi t i s necessar y.The whol e ar ea wi l lbe sur r ounded wi t h sel f suppor t i ngmeshwi t hsquar epl anwi t hr andoml ypl acedhol es.

Ot herPr oj ect s „ Good desi gn doesn‘ tdat e“ Har r ySei dl er

Houbka’ sI nt er i or Bul gar i a,Sof i a,“ ZoneB18”-2013 Thi spr oj ecti snotcompl et el yf i ni shedyet .

1Li vi ngr oom 2Bedr oom 3Ki t chen 4Bat hr oom 5Ter r ace 6St or age

Fr i endofmi neaskedmet odesi gnai nt er i orf orher“ new”apar t ment .Thei dea was t o keep ever yt hi ng si mpl e,f unct i onal andaccor di ngt ot hesmal l budget t hatwe got .We st ar t ed f r om scr at ch, because al lt he f ur ni t ur e and t ext ur es wer ei npoorcondi t i on,sowehadt or e pl acet hem wi t hnew andt omakesome changesar ound.Thedesi gnwasmade f oracoupl ewi t ht wochi l dr en,andpossi bi l i t yf ort hr eeext r aext endedbedsf or guest si fi ti snecessar y. Thebui l di ngwasbui l di n1 987i nBul gar i a, Sof i a,i n so cal l ed “ Zone B1 8” .The

apar t menthaski t chen,l i vi ngr oom,t wo er bedr ooms,t wo bat hr ooms,t hr ee t r aces and a smal lst or age.The t ot al ar eai s1 02sq. m. Mai nbedr oom andone oft het er r acesar ef aci ngeast-t her est oft hef l ati sor i ent edt ot hewest . The bui l di ng f acade i s made out of decor at i ver edbr i cks,whi chweusedas amot i vef ort hei nt er i or .Thedoort ot he bal conyi nt heki t chenwasmovedt ot he ot hercor nerand i ni t s pl ace was put wi ndow.So t he t er r ace became mor e accessi bl e,andt husweal soi ncr eased t henat ur al l i ghti nt her oom.

TheKi t chen

Att hebegi nni ng. . .

Li vi ngr oom

Tr abantRes t or at i on I ncol l abor at i onwi t hmyf at herTankoKal apchi ev

Thi s was my gr andpar ent s carand mygr andf at herwasi t sf i r stand onl y owner .He boughti ti n August1 983. Unf or t unat el l y my gr andf at her past awaynotl ongt i meago.Thel astf ew year st hecarwaski ndofabandoned andi naver ybadshape. Myf at herand medeci dedt ost ar tt hi spr oj ectr est or i ngt hatcarandaddsomemi norupgr adest oi twhi l e keepi ng i t sor i gi nal l ook. Someoft het hi ngswedi d: Keep t he or i gi nalcol or ,butr epai nt t hehol ecarandaddt wowhi t est r i pes f r om f r ontt obacki nt hesenseoft he er a.

Add mat tbl ackcol orar ound t he wi ndowst omaket hem l ookasonewhol e t hi ng. Repl acedal l r ust ymet al par t swi t hnew. Addi nsul at i ont ot hei nt er i ort or educe t henoi seandt het emper at ur el osses. Changet hewhol eel ect r i ci t yi nst al at i on f r om 6Vt o1 2V. Addast er eosyst em. Redesi gnt hedashboar d-r epl acedt he ki l omet erandweaddedcl ock,vol t met er ,l i ght er ,cuphol derandbl uel edl i ght s undert he dashboar d.The asht r aywas r emovedf r om t het opandpl acedunder t heconsol e. Thest eer i ngwheel waschangedwi t h

“ cl assi c�one made outofwood and met al . Al lseat sand door scover swer er epl aced wi t h new made outofbl ack f abr i c. We r epai nt ed t he r i msi n mat tbl ack andsi l vert ohavet hatr ol l i ngl ook. Addt wobl ackwi ngmi r r or soneach si deoft hecar . Changet hef r ontandr earl i ght swi t h br andnew. Asf ansofcl assi c,r et r ocar st hi spr oj ectwasal otoff unf ormeandf ormy f at heraswel l .

I nt er i or Seat i ngcapaci t y: 4peopl e Car govol ume: 1 4. 6cu. f t . Vol ume, f r ont: ~50cuf t Vol ume, r ear: ~40cuf t . Tr unkspace: ~1 0cuf t . Fr ontseat s: bucketr ecl i ner Themai ni deawast okeept hedesi gni nt hei nt er i orst r ai ght f or war dandi nt hespi r i tofi t st i me, butwi t hsomemi norchanges.Thedashboar d now i s al lmet aland col or ed wi t h seaf oam gr eenwi t ht wowhi t est r i pesi nt hemi ddl e, asi n t heext er i or . Weaddedcl ock, vol t met er , l i ght er , cuphol derandl edl i ght sundert hedashboar d. The asht r ay was r emoved f r om t he t op and pl acedundert heconsol e.Thest eer i ngwheel waschangedwi t h“ cl assi c�one.Al lseat sand door scover sar emadeofbl ackf abr i c.I nor der t o have a st er eo syst em,we changed t he ent i r epowerel ect r i ci t ysyst em f r om 6Vt o1 2V. Now t he carhas4 speaker s- one on each doorandt woatt heback.

Dr awi ngs „ To dr aw i st o anal yse . . .t o synt hesi ze“ Ri char d Engl and

Woman Penci l 50cm/ 30cm 201 0

Gi r l Penci l 50cm/ 30cm 201 1

GypseousCapi t al Penci l 50cm/ 30cm 2009

GypseousCapi t al Penci l 50cm/ 30cm 2008

Dr awi ngsofWomen 50cm/ 30cm 201 1

Ol dManBust-Pl ast erCast Penci l -50cm/ 30cm 2009

Gi r l andBoy GypseousBust s Penci l -50cm/ 30cm 201 0

GypseousCapi t el Penci l -50cm/ 30cm 2009

ThankYou Iwoul dl i ke t ot hank al so t o my f ami l y and f r i ends f or t hei rl ove,suppor t ,pat i ence and i nspi r at i on !

Gr aphi c Desi gn and Layout Jor dan Kal apchi ev 2013

“ Thebesti syett ocome” Loui sI .Kahn

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