Victor Wooten

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Musi casaLanguage

Musi casaLanguage Vi ct orWoot en

Musi ci sal anguage.Bot hmusi candver ball anguagesser vet hesamepur pose.Theyar ebot hf or msof expr essi on.Theycanbeusedasawayt ocommuni cat ewi t hot her s.Theycanber eadorwr i t t en.They canmakeyoul aughtorcr y,t hi nkorquest i on,andcanspeakt ooneormany.Andbot hcandef i ni t el y makeyoumove.I nsomei nst ancesmusi cwor ksbet t ert hant hespokenwor d,becausei tdoesn‘ thavet o beunder st oodt obeef f ect i ve. Al t houghmanymusi ci ansagr eet hatmusi ci sal anguage,i ti sr ar el yt r eat edassuch.Manyofust r eati tas somet hi ngt hatcanonl ybel ear nedbyf ol l owi ngast r i ctr egi men,undert het ut el ageofaski l l edt eacher . Thi sappr oachhasbeenf ol l owedf orhundr edsofyear swi t hpr ovensuccess,buti tt akesal ongt i me.Too l ong! Thi nkaboutt hef i r stl anguageyoul ear nasachi l d.Mor ei mpor t ant l y,t hi nkabouthow youl ear nedi t .You wer eababywhenyouf i r stst ar t edspeaki ng,andevent houghyouspoket hel anguagei ncor r ect l yyou wer eal l owedt omakemi st akes.Andt hemor emi st akesyoumade,t hemor eyourpar ent ssmi l ed. Lear ni ngt ospeakwasnotsomet hi ngyouwer esentsomewher et odoonl yaf ew t i mesaweek.Andt he maj or i t yoft hepeopl eyouspoket ower enotbi gi nner s.Theywer eal r eadypr of i ci entspeaker s.I magi ne yourpar ent sf or ci ngyout oonl yspeakt oot herbabi esunt i lyouwer egoodenought ospeakt ot hem.You woul dpr obabl ybeanadul tbef or eyoucoul dcar r yonapr operconver sat i on.Touseamusi calt er m,asa babyyouwer eal l owedt oj am wi t hpr of essi onal s. I fweappr oachmusi ci nt hesamenat ur alwayweapr oachedourf i r stl anguagewewi l ll ear nt ospeaki ti n t hesameshor tt i mei tt ookt ospeakourf i r stl anguage.Pr oofoft hi scanbeseeni nal mostanyf ami l y wher eachi l dgr owsupwi t hot hermusi ci ansi nt hef ami l y. Achi l dspeaksal anguagef oryear s,bef or et heyevenl ear nt heal phabet .Toomanyr ul esatt heonset , wi l lact ual l ysl ow t hem down. Her ear eaf ew keyst of ol l ow i nl ear ni ngort eachi ngmusi c: nt hebegi nni ngembr acemi st akes,i nst eadofcor r ect i ng t hem.Li keachi l dpl ayi ngai rgui t ar ,t hear e -I ar enowr ongnot es. - Al l ow youngmusi ci anst opl ayandper f or m wi t haccompl i shedmusi ci ansonadai l ybasi s. - Encour aget hemusi ci anst opl aymor et hant heypr act i ce.Themor et heypl ay-t hemor et heywi l lpr act i ceont hei rown. - Musi ccomesf r om t hemusi ci ans,nott hei nst r ument . - Andmosti mpor t ant l y,r emembert hatal anguagewor ksbestwhenwehavesomet hi ngi nt er est i ngt o say.Manymusi ct eacher sneverf i ndoutwhatt hest udent shavet osay.Weonl yt el lt hem whatt heyar e supposedt osay. I nmyeyes,t heappr oacht omusi cshoul dbet hesame. Af t eral l ,musi ci sal anguaget oo.

Jor danKal apchi ev/Bul gar i a/01

Fi ndt hegr oovef i r st!Themusi ct el l syouever yt hi ng.ButI fyouhavet osear chf ort her oot ,gr oovewhi l e youar edoi ngi t .Wear egr oovepl ayer s–muchbef or ewear enot epl ayer s

Not es

Youhavet ol i st ent ot hem al l .Forme,i fIf i ndanot et hati sout–Il ovei t ,becausewhenIgot oar i ght not e,i tsoundssogood

Ar t i cul at i on

I t ‘ sr ar et hatIpr act i ceanyt hi ngt hat ‘ snoti nagr oove.Ever ynot ehasabegi nni ng,ami ddl e,andanend.

Techni que

I fyouwantt ogetgoodatat echni quequi ckl y,st opt hi nki ngabouti t .Don‘ tt r yhar der ,t r yeasi er .. . . Musi c i sal anguageandunl essyouhavesomet hi ngt osayt hat ‘ swor t hwhi l e,noonei sgoi ngt owantt ol i st en, andnoonewant shearyout al ki ngaboutt hebass,hewantt ohearmusi c.. . .BBKi nghasast or yt ot el l andwewhatt oheari t .. . . OnceIl ear nt het echni ques,Iwantt obeabl et omaket hem gr oove.. . . Techni que i sver y, ver yi mpor t antbecauseyoumayhaveal lt hei deasi nt hewor l d,buti fyoucan‘ tdi spl ayt hem,you‘ l l haveahar dt i me.That swhybabi escr y!. . . . Pl aymusi cnott echni ques!

Emot i on/Feel

Di z z i eGi l l espi et oSt eveBai l ey-“ Whenyoupl ay-l eavesomehol es,youneverknow,somemusi cmi ght f al lout!” Peopl edon‘ tcar eaboutt echni ques,how manyscal esyouknow andsoon.Theywantt of eelmusi c,t o f eelemot i on.I fyoupl ayt oomuch,i t ‘ sgoi ngt obehar derf ort hem t odoi t .Whent her ear espaces,i tal l owesaper sont of eelwhatyoual r eadysai d.Oneoft heeasi estwayst osoundmor emusi cali st oadd space.I fyouwantt opul lemot i onsoutofpeopl e,youhavet of i r stpul lt hem outofyour sel f .. . .Idon‘t wantyout oj usthearmymusi c,iwantyout of eelmymusi c.

Dynami cs

Dynami cscanbeusedt odr aw someonei n,orpushsomeoneaway.Dynami csi npl ayi ngi soneofmai n t hi ngst hat ‘ susedt ocr eat ea„ pocket “ .


Thet onet hatmakesyoudancei sl ow

Rhyt hm /Tempo

Ever ybodyi st het i mekeeper .I fyouwantt ocl eanupyourt i me,i magi nepl ayi ngwi t hadr ummer .

Phr asi ng

Mostbasspl ayer sdon‘ tt hi nkaboutphr asi ngatal l ,especi al l ywheni t ‘ st i met osol o.St ar tsi ngi ngand pl aywhatyousi ng.Pr asi ngi susual l yal otbet t erwheni t ‘ ssi mpl er ,becauset henor malper soncanunder st andi t .


Space,r est ,notpl ayi ngatal l ?!. . . Musi ci sal otl i kel i f e.Youhavet oputsomer esti nt her e.. . . Lear nt opl ay t hespace.Youhavet of eelt hatr esti nor dernott or ushorsl ow down.Justst ar tpl ayi ngspaceand r est . . . . Ababysl eepscal ml yi fal lki ndofnoi sei sgoi ngon,buti fal lt hatnoi sest ops–t hebabywakesup. I snotf asci nat i nghow youcanbeshakenawaybynot hi ng?Under st andi ngspacei nt hatwaycanal l ow yout ocouseyouraudi encet owakeupal sobycr eat i ngaspace.Cr eat i ngspacewi l lsuckyourl i st ener i nt ot hemusi c. . . . I fyouwantt ospeakt opeopl e,youhavet oputspacei nyourmusi c. i st hemosti mpor t andt hi ngi nmusi candi nl i f e) Li st eni ng (

AsI ‘ mt al ki ng–whatar eyoudoi ng?Li st eni ngi st heanswer .Li st eni ngi st hemosti mpor t antpar tof musi c.Li st eni ngi st hemosti mpor t antt hi ngt oanyr el at i onshi p. . . Rel at i onshi pcan‘ texi sther moni ousl y wi t houtl i st eni ng.Oneoft hemostt hi ngst hatwewanti nl i f ei sf orsomeonet ol i st ent ous. . . .I nor dert obe l i st enedt o,youneedt obecomeagoodl i st ener . . .Musi cwant st obel i st enedt o.Youneedt ol i st ent o musi ci ndi f f er entways.. . . Whatyoudeci det opl ay,canbedeci dedandal otoft het i meshoul dbedeci ded,byt hemusi ci t sel f . . . . . Youhavet woear s–onei sf oryou,t heot heronei sf ort her estoft he band. . . . Musi ci sspeaki ngt ous,butt hequest i oni s–Ar eyoul i st eni ng? 02/Jor danKal apchi ev/Bul gar i a/

Ant honyWel l i ngt on‘ sFourLevel sofAwar eness Fi r stLevel–Un consci ousNotKnowi ng I ti sabl essf ul lst age. Thati swhenyoupl ayai rgui t aroryouj ustboughtyourf i r stgui t ar .Al l wayswi t hasmi l e SecondLevel–Con sci ousNotKnowi ng I ti sNotabl essf ul lst age. Wher eyou‘ vebeenawar eofever yt hi ngt hatyoudon‘ tknow.Hobbyi stmusi ci ans Thi r dLevel–Con sci ousKnowi ng I ti sNotabl essf ul lst age. Youknow al lt heor yandyouknow how t ousei t .Mostgoodmusi ci ans Four t hLevel–Un consci ousKnowi ng I ti sabl essf ul lst age. Youknow al lsowel lt hatyouevendon‘ tt hi nkabouti t .Mast ermusi ci ans

Space, DynamcsandLi st eni ng

Whati smusi ct oyou? Whatwor dwoul dyoudescr i bei t ? Peace!

I car esomuch, t hatI don‘ tcar e

Canwechange“ Musi c” wi t h“ Ar chi t ect ur e”? Jor danKal apchi ev/Bul gar i a/03

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