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Working at Middle Way House has opened my eyes to how a service can benefit those in the community that need help. – Dwayne Concepcion
“My experiences at Shalom Community Center were unexpected and eye-opening. I learned so much, had a great time, and have become an advocate for being an active member of the community.” -Michelle Snyder
The Shalom Community Center has not only allowed me the opportunity to help the homeless in Bloomington, but also the opportunity for them to help me. They helped me become more understanding and nonjudgmental toward the homeless which I couldn’t have learned from any classroom on the Indiana University campus. -Shelby Crone Working with cjam was a great experience. I’ve learned a lot about my self and.my role in the community. -Jesse Payton
My experience shadowing at WIC was really eye opening to how organizations, such as WIC, support low income women and children. I would have never learned as much as I did if I was in just a class setting. -Sam Shobe
Working with Middle Way House on developing a Pet Foster Care Program has allowed me to understand and share the link between animal abuse and domestic violence with members of the community. – Melanie Stamper
In service learning, the community is your textbook and the citizens are your teachers. Through my experience at the local level, I have been able to engage in a conversation about community and justice that expands to the larger world. By hearing the perspectives of those who are living in the current system, I have been able to learn from others’ stories and apply my knowledge from the classroom to tangible issues, and, in that way, find my place as a citizen in my community and world. -Emily Richart
The youth program at Middle Way House really changed my perceptions. Most of the time the issue of domestic violence primarily addresses the victims of abuse, but Middle Way takes it a step further. They recognize that children are victims as well, and need resources to help them cope with and recover from experiencing an abusive environment. – Tricia Hussung
Volunteering at the Shalom Community Center was truly an eye-opening experience. Service–learning at Shalom creates a positive connection between the community and Indiana University. – Alicia Brunker
Shalom Community Center is a very warm place where many people go for meals, conversation, and play. The only problem is we need more donations because we always run out of. The Center could do a “thanks” party to give clients a chance to thank donors. – Sha Wang
This service–learning opportunity really got me to open my eyes. Nothing makes me happier than helping others. Seriously … knowing you’ve helped is a reward itself. Try it! – Jake Krutulus
Sometimes life has the most beautiful timing... To end my senior year at Indiana University with the experience of serving others was a blessing. Not only have I attained a clearer sense of the world around me, but, also a peace within myself. -Kala Wahl
W350 as a service learning class has been invaluable. The resources that a service learning class links students with in the community are phenomenal. I loved working at the Community Justice and Mediation Center, and I have been challenged throughout this course to see how writing can play a huge role in social justice. -Caroline Stephens
Volunteering at Shalom has opened my eyes to the other side of Bloomington often ignored. – Jamie Huisenga
“Through my experience at CJAM, I have gained a much greater understanding of mediation how under estimated an how powerful of a tool it actually is. Mediation helps two parties reach a mutual agreement to which both are satisfied so neither party leaves feeling defeated, so less feelings of anger or hate are left between the two parties.” – Dennis Uzar
Volunteering at the Shalom Community Center provide me to give back to the Bloomington community, but it also provided me with a whole new perspective on those suffering from homelessness. - Jessica Melowsky