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SecOnd Saturdays at Powell Gardens

ON SECOND SATURDAYS (March –October), Powell Gardens is open late!

Take advantage of extended hours and visit between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Mark your calendar now for Second Saturdays on May 13, June 10, July 8, August 12, September 9, and October 14.


“The idea for Second Saturdays came from visitors requesting evening or extended hours in our surveys,” says Jenny Hayes, Director of Visitor Experience.

“We’re excited to pilot this program in 2023. Second Saturdays is the perfect time to try a new date night spot, take a golden hour walk, and enjoy music and small bites in a beautiful setting.”

Extended hours provide unique opportunities for all garden visitors!

• Adventure seekers may start a hike along the Byron Shutz Trail System in the afternoon and end the day with a drink on the Visitor Center terraces.

• For a romantic date night, try taking a walk at sunset and stopping at one of the secluded decks in the David T. Beals III Woodland and Stream Garden.

• Families are invited to play longer at Fortopia on the East Lawn or in the Children’s Garden.

Each Second Saturday will offer an education class and tea (additional fees may apply), wine or spirit tasting, snack sample, and live music. Visit powellgardens.org/ calendar to see additional details.

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