Document Tagger for SharePoint

Page 1 Business Solutions

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Document Tagger for SharePoint Beta ‒ Manual


INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................2 1.1 PROCESS ...............................................................................................................................................2 1.2 TEXT ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................................2 1.2.1 Language processing service .......................................................................................................2 1.2.2 Relevance ....................................................................................................................................2 1.2.3 Security ........................................................................................................................................2 1.3 LANGUAGES ...........................................................................................................................................3 1.4 REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................................3 1.5 FORMATS ..............................................................................................................................................3 1.6 LOOKUP TAGS AND SOCIAL TAGS ...............................................................................................................3 1.7 KNOWN ISSUES .......................................................................................................................................4


INSTALLATION OF DOCUMENT TAGGER..................................................................................................5 2.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................5 2.2 INSTALL AND ACTIVATE FOR SITE COLLECTION ...............................................................................................5 2.3 ACTIVATE ON SITE ...................................................................................................................................7 2.4 CONFIGURATION .....................................................................................................................................8 2.5 PERMISSIONS .........................................................................................................................................9 2.5.1 Users............................................................................................................................................9 2.5.2 Administrator ..............................................................................................................................9 2.5.3 Visitors .........................................................................................................................................9


HOW TO TAG ............................................................................................................................................9 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5


TAG A NEWLY UPLOADED FILE ....................................................................................................................9 TAG ALREADY UPLOADED FILES.................................................................................................................11 MODIFY VIEW TO SEE TAGS ....................................................................................................................13 GROUP TAGS .......................................................................................................................................13 ADD YOUR OWN TAGS ...........................................................................................................................14

THE BENEFITS OF USING TAGS...............................................................................................................16 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

SEE RELATED DOCUMENTS......................................................................................................................16 FILTER BY TAG ......................................................................................................................................16 VIEW BY TAG........................................................................................................................................17 TAG PROFILE ........................................................................................................................................17 MORE TAG FEATURES ............................................................................................................................18


UPGRADE ................................................................................................................................................19


REGISTRATION AND TRIAL INFO ............................................................................................................19


SUBSCRIPTION ‒ THE KALMSTROM.COM COMMUNITY ......................................................................19


CONTACT ................................................................................................................................................20


REMOVAL AND DEACTIVATION .............................................................................................................20


MORE SHAREPOINT TIPS ....................................................................................................................20

Document Tagger for SharePoint Beta 1 Business Solutions

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1 INTRODUCTION Document Tagger for SharePoint tags document and presentations in SharePoint libraries with keywords, which helps organizations to take full advantage of their site's metadata driven SharePoint Search feature. The solution also adds new possibilities to benefit from metadata added to documents and presentations. Document Tagger sends your document to a language processing engine, which quickly analyzes it and suggests suitable keywords for it. This way the addition of SharePoint metadata is much quicker than adding each word manually. Better search is just one advantage. With tags you can easily analyze and categorize your documents in different ways, and you can create SharePoint views and forms using tags.

1.1 PROCESS Document Tagger sends the text(s) you want to have analyzed to a language processing engine that analyzes the text(s) and sends back suggestions on suitable keywords. Review the suggestions and then click a button to apply the tagging. You can find a detailed description of the possibilities Document Tagger gives in sections 3 and 4 of this manual.

1.2 1.2.1


This Beta version of Document Tagger uses the OpenCalais Web Service for the text analysis and offers no other options. OpenCalais is a service provided by Thomson Reuters, but even though it is world leading the keyword suggestions might not be optimal for your needs. When we have perfected the SharePoint integration of Document Tagger we will look to other natural language processing engines/vendors and give more options for how the analysis should be performed. In this Beta release of Document Tagger we have instead focused very much the on the user interface and on making the usage as streamlined as possible.



Systems for text analysis are continuously improved, but semantic word processing is still a young science and you will probably some suggestions you don’t want to use. For best result you should therefore always review the keyword suggestions and uncheck the ones you find irrelevant. Document Tagger still makes the process of tagging documents much easier and quicker that the manual adding.



When Document Tagger is used on documents and presentations they are sent to the server and then transferred to the OpenCalais web service for for analysis and then back to the server again. All transfers use a secure https:// connection. Neither nor OpenCalais claim any rights to the submitted content or retain any copy of it. Instead the content is purged immediately after the successful extraction of metadata. Also refer to the OpenCalais Privacy statement. Document Tagger for SharePoint Beta 2 Business Solutions

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1.3 LANGUAGES The language of Document Tagger Beta is English, but the released version will automatically set the language to the same as of the SharePoint site if it is one of these: Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. For other SharePoint languages English will be used. Which languages we will support for document analysis depends on which back-end services we will team up with. OpenCalais currently supports English, French and Spanish.

1.4 REQUIREMENTS To use Document Tagger you need to have SharePoint 2010 (in-house or hosted) or Office 365 SharePoint. (SharePoint 2013 is currently not supported, but the developers plan to add support for the 2013 version of SharePoint also to the released version.)

1.5 FORMATS The Beta version of Document Tagger supports DOCX and PPTX files. More formats, like PDF, will be added later.

1.6 LOOKUP TAGS AND SOCIAL TAGS There are many ways of adding metadata to SharePoint. Document Tagger uses two sets of words or phrases to describe pieces of information, the lookup tags and the social tags. The lookup tags have the advantage of supporting SharePoint Foundation, while the social tags can only be fully used in the Enterprise version.

Lookup tags are shown in a tags list, which is automatically built up when new tags are used. Lookup tags are only used for one site.

The lookup tags of each document may be shown in the SharePoint library view, refer to Modify View to See Tags.

Document Tagger for SharePoint Beta 3 Business Solutions

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Social tags are are shown on the Tags & Notes page and are normally used in the whole SharePoint farm. Users can see their own tags and in the Tag profile page they can share information about each tag.

The Beta version of Document Tagger adds the checked keywords to both Tags and Notes and to a Lookup tags list, DT Tags, created by Document Tagger. In the released version there will be a possibility to select to generate either lookup tags or social tags, or both. We are also considering a farm-solution which can work with a custom managed metadata field.

1.7 KNOWN ISSUES There are two known issues in the Beta release of Document Tagger: In the document Edit form, pressing the Tag Documents button will cancel any other edits in this form. If you upload a file, change the filename/title or other metadata and then press the Tag Document button and add some or all of the suggested new tags, the edits made before pressing the Tag Document button will be cancelled. The chosen tags will be added and the file will be uploaded, but the new title/new filename or other metadata will not be saved.

Document Tagger for SharePoint Beta 4 Business Solutions

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To avoid this, make any changes you wish but don’t save them at the same time as you save the suggested keywords. Make your changes before or after saving the keywords and save your changes separately. Then they will be kept. If you use the "Tag Documents" button on a document with existing tags, those tags will be over-written. In this Beta version of Document Tagger we have focused on making it easy to add tags. Before the gold release we will add features for working with existing tags in a good way too.

2 INSTALLATION OF DOCUMENT TAGGER 2.1 INTRODUCTION Document Tagger is installed as a SharePoint Solution in the Site Collection, and it needs to be activated for each site where it will be used.

2.2 INSTALL AND ACTIVATE FOR SITE COLLECTION Download the file DocumentTagger.wsp from the website to any folder on your computer. Then go to the root site of the SharePoint Site Collection where you want to use Document Tagger and select Site Actions and then Site Settings. If you don’t see this option, most likely you don’t have the appropriate permissions. You need to be the Site Collection Administrator to install solutions. Under Galleries, select “Solutions”.

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Next step is to upload the Solution – which is the .wsp file you downloaded from the website. Click on the Solutions tab if the Upload Solution button is not visible. Then browse to the file DocumentTagger.wsp on your computer.

When the file is uploaded you will be shown a dialog where you can activate the solution. Don’t worry if you get a warning message. Document Tagger is intended for easier modification of data, but the solution will do what you tell it to do, nothing more.

When this is done, Document Tagger is available for all sites in this Site Collection.

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If your SharePoint farm has many site collections you need to do this for each site collection, but on request Business Solutions can provide Powershell scripts that can be run to mass-deploy Document Tagger.

2.3 ACTIVATE ON SITE When Document Tagger is installed in the Site Collection you need to activate the solution for each site it should be used on. Go to the site where you want to activate Document Tagger and once again select Site Actions and the Site Settings. Then select “Manage site features” under Site Actions. If you don’t see this option, most likely you don’t have the appropriate permissions. You need to be a site owner or site designer to manage site features. Now you will see the Document Tagger entry. Click on the Activate button to activate it.

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When Document Tagger is activated the Document Tagger lookup tag list will come up in the Quick Launch.

2.4 CONFIGURATION Under Library Settings >Document Tagger Settings you can select which of the OpenCalais tagging categories that should be used with Document Tagger.

In the released version it will also be possible to select if you want to use lookup tags, social tags or both. As the settings are defined on library level, you can have different settings for different libraries.

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2.5 PERMISSIONS Standard SharePoint permissions are used for the Document Tagger lists.



People who should work with tagging documents must have at least Contribute permission over the Document Tagger Task list, “DT Tags”.



The Document Tagger administrator should have Full control over “DT Tags”.



For people who just need to see the documents it is sufficient with Read permission over “DT Tags”. Visitors will not be able to tag documents or remove tags, but they will be able to to use the keywords to find documents and to view the tagged documents.

3 HOW TO TAG 3.1 TAG A NEWLY UPLOADED FILE Use this method to upload and tag a file in one flow: Upload a file to a SharePoint library. When the upload is finished a dialog is shown. Press the Document Tagger button, "Tag Document".

Document Tagger for SharePoint Beta 9 Business Solutions

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Now the Document Tagger will make a semantic analysis of the text you have selected and add suggested keywords under a new Tag document field of the dialog.

(Look through the suggested words and uncheck the ones you want to discard because they are not relevant or useful. This is a quick task, as Document Tagger categorizes the keywords and shows a small symbol for each category. Click Save to tag the document with the checked keywords. Now the selected tags will be applied to the documents and saved as both lookup tags and social tags. If the multiple files option is visible and you select to upload multiple files, you should upload first and then follow the instrcutions in Tag already uploaded files.

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3.2 TAG ALREADY UPLOADED FILES If you want to tag documents that are already present in the SharePoint library, select the document(s) you want to tag with keywords and press the Document Tagger button in the ribbon.

In the dialog that opens, press the Start Extracting button to send the document to the language processing engine for analyze.

Now the Tags column to the right starts to fill up with suggested keywords. By default all of them are checked and will be applied to the documents when you click Apply tags, but you should look through the list and uncheck the ones that are not relevant.

Document Tagger for SharePoint Beta 11 Business Solutions

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The small icons to the right of the checkbox shows which Tag Type the keyword belongs to. When you hover the mouse over a suggested keyword some more information pops up:

When you click the Apply tags button the selected tags will be applied to the documents and saved as both lookup tags and social tags.

Document Tagger for SharePoint Beta 12 Business Solutions

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To see the lookup tags in a library, modify the view so that tags are included: Library >Modify view.

3.4 GROUP TAGS To get a better overview of the lookup tags it is convenient to group them after category. This may be done in the DT Tags list, by modifying the view.

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3.5 ADD YOUR OWN TAGS If you want to complement the keywords suggested by Document Tagger with your own, you can do that after the tagging with Document Tagger. The Beta version overwrites your own tags if you run Document Tagger after your own tagging. We will correct this in the gold version, but we don’t see it as a big problem as the manual tagging normally only is done after the tagging with Document Tagger, if needed.

Add lookup tags: Select the document and press the Edit properties button in the SharePoint ribbon. Then add appropriate tags from the list of existing keywords.

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If the keyword you want to add is not present in the list, you will have to add it in the “DT Tags” list first.

Add social tags: Select the document and then open the Tags&Notes dialog and add the new tag there.

Document Tagger for SharePoint Beta 15 Business Solutions



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When documents have been tagged with metadata, SharePoint users can benefit in sevaral ways when working with documents and presentations. Here are some tips, but for more detailed tutorials, please refer to the Document Tagger Demonstrations page on the website.


When you click on a keyword Document Tagger shows a dialog with links to all documents and presentations that are tagged with this keyword in the current site. Keywords may be clicked in: a library the DT Tags list the Tags & Notes page (can also show documents outside the current page)

The image above shows the dialog when the keyword “ Community” has been clicked.

4.2 FILTER BY TAG All SharePoint libray headings can be filtered, and when you add a Tags heading you can filter it so that you see all documents that have the tag you select. In the image below the documents are filtered for “statistics tool” and the documents shown all have this tag among their tags.

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4.3 VIEW BY TAG You may also create views where you see all documents with one or more specified tag(s). This is especially useful if you want to keep track of any new documents added about a certain subject.

4.4 TAG PROFILE If My Site is activated in the Enterprise version of SharePoint 2010, you can reach the Tag Profile dialog by going into Tags & Notes and clicking once on a suggested tag.

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In the Tag Profile you will find a lot of information about the selected tag and also a possibility to follow it among other team members.

4.5 MORE TAG FEATURES In the video demonstrations online you can also learn how to add a tag cloud web part with social tags to the Home page create a page with the tags to the left and the corresponding document links to the right. and more. Please visit the Document Tagger Demonstrations page.

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5 UPGRADE To upgrade Document Tagger, deactivate it from the site collection and replace the old DocumentTaggerSP.wsp file with a new version of the file, which you have downloaded from the Upgrade page for Community Members. After this you need to re-activate the site feature on each site where Document Tagger is used. Our future plans include a tool for mass-deployment and mass activation of Document Tagger for SharePoint.

6 REGISTRATION AND TRIAL I NFO The Beta version of Document Tagger will work until the gold version is released or at the latest until 30 June 2013. If you want to continue using the solution when the gold version is released, you must subscribe to it by becoming a Member of the Community. We supply a Premium version, which does not require registration at all, but organizations who select the standard Community Membership must register their installations of Document Tagger. Standard Members will be given a registration key which allows the organization to continue using Document Tagger for the duration of the Community membership. The registration key will continue to work as long as the organization is a Member of the Community. A Community Membership gives the right to use any software from Business Solutions, with full support and free upgrades.




Document Tagger is subscribed to, and subscribers become Members of the Community. There are two Membership levels, Standard and Premium, and support, upgrades and an unlimited number of users within the Member organization are included in both levels. Refer to the Document Tagger Purchase page. If you are already a Member of the Community, you may use Document Tagger without paying any extra fees. Just contact the Support team at and ask for a registration key. We will be happy to send it to you promptly.

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8 CONTACT If you have any kind of problem or questions about Document Tagger, there are several ways of contacting us: – Technical issues

E-mail Telephone Online chat

+46 739 206 106

– General issues

Within USA: (800) 518-4155

9 REMOVAL AND DEACTIVATION Should Document Tagger not be used on a site anymore, there are two ways to remove it. Deactivate Document Tagger: Site Actions >Site Settings >Manage site features. This removes the functionality from the site, but as long as the solution is available on the site it may be activated again. Remove the Document Tagger WSP file from the Site Collection root file: Site Actions > Site Settings >Solutions. This removes Document Tagger from all sites in the Site Collection, and the solution can no longer be used or activated.



You surely have noticed that Document Tagger uses what is best in SharePoint, and that the Document Tagger lists and pages may be handled just like other SharePoint lists and pages. For tips on SharePoint usage in general, please refer to the Tips section of the website.

Document Tagger for SharePoint Beta 20

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