Create a new investment form and publish it to a SharePoint 2013 forms library
Step 1, create two new document libraries in the root site of your a collection
1) Open SharePoint Designer 2013 2) Create the Document Library ”Investments” a) Open the ”List and Libraries” tab b) Click on the ”Document Library” button c)
Select the ”Document Library” option from the dropdown
d) Enter the Name: ”Investments” e) Click OK 3) Create another document library ”InfoPath Forms” a) Click on the ”Document Library” button b) Select the ”Document Library” Option from the dropdown c)
Enter the Name: ”InfoPath Forms”
d) Click OK
Step 2, create a new SharePoint Form Library in InfoPath Designer 2013 1) Open InfoPath Designer 2013 2) Click on the ”SharePoint Form Library” button 1
3) Add a title: ”Investment Form” 4) Add a heading: ”Motivation heading”
5) Select the bottom table 6) Open the ”LAYOUT” tab 7) Click on the ”Delete” button 8) Select the ”Table” from the dropdown
Step 3, add fields to the form
1) Add a ”Title” field a) Click in a column in the table b) Open ”myFields” to the right c)
Select “Add” from the dropdown
d) Enter the Name: ”Title” e) Click OK 2
2) Add an ”Amount” field a) Open the ”myFields” section b) Select “Add” from the dropdown c)
Enter the Name: ”Amount”
d) Set the Data Type to ”Whole number (integer)” e) Click OK
3) Add a ”StartDate” field a) Open the ”myFields” section b) Select “Add” from the dropdown c)
Enter the Name: ”StartDate”
d) Set the Data Type to ”Date (date)” e) Click OK
4) Add a ”Goal” field a) Open the ”myFields” section b) Select “Add” from the dropdown c)
Enter the Name: ”Goal”
d) Set the Data Type to ”Rich Text (XHTML)” e) Click OK
5) Drag and drop the ”Title” to the form
6) Drag ”Amount” and drop it to the form 7) Drag ”Start Date” and drop it to the form 8) Drag ”Goal” and drop 9) Select all of the columns 10) Click ”Merge cells” 3
11) Select the last row 12) Click on the ”Delete” button 13) Select the ”Rows” from the dropdown
Step 4, add a Submit button to the form
1) Open the ”HOME” tab 2) Go to the Controls and click on the dropdown arrow
3) Click on “Button” under Objects 4
Step 5, set the button action to Submit and connect to a SharePoint document library 1) Select the button 2)
Open the ”PROPERTIES” tab
Click on the ”Control Properties” button
4) Select ”Submit” from the dropdown list 5) Click on the ”Submit Options” button 6) Check ”Allow users to submit this form” 7) Select ”SharePoint document library” from the dropdown list 8) Click on Add
9) Go to the SharePoint site and right click on ”Investments” library 10) Click on ”Copy shortcut” 11) Go back to InfoPath Designer 5
12) Paste the URL you copied 13) Remove the /Forms/AllItems.aspx part from the URL
14) Click on the ”fx” button
Enter the Formula Concat(”Invest”,
16) Click on ”Insert Field or Group” 17) Select the ”Title” option under “myFields”
18) Add the end parenthesis, so that the formula is concat(”Invest”,Title) 19) Click OK 20) Check ”Allow overwrite if file exists” 21) Click Next 22) Enter the name: ”Submit to SP Doc Lib” 6
23) Click Finish 24) Click OK 25) Click OK Again
Step 6, publish the Form Template to the SharePoint Library 1) Open the ”FILE” tab 2) Click on “Publish” 3) Click on the ”SharePoint Server” option 4) Click OK
5) Enter the File name: ”InvestmentForm.xsn”
6) Click Save 7) Click ”Overwrite” to the dialog box 8) Save it to the SharePoint site
9) Click Next
10) Publish as a ” Site Content Type (advanced)” option 11) Click Next 12) Click on the ”Next” to ”Create a new content type” 7
13) Enter the Name: Contoso Investment 14) Click Next 15) To specify a location for the form template, go to the SharePoint site 16) Right click on ”InfoPath Forms” 17) Click on the ”Copy shortcut” option 18) Go back to InfoPath Designer 19) Paste the URL 20) Remove the ”/Forms/AllItems.aspx” part from the URL
21) Click
22) Add the new site column ”Title”
a) Click on the ”Add” button
b) Click on ”Title” c) Keep the default ”(None: Create new site column)” 8
d) Enter the Column name: ”InvestmentsTitle”
e) Click OK 23) Add the new site column ”Amount”
a) Click on ”Add” b) Click on ”Amount” c) Select ”(None: Create new site column)” from the dropdown list d) Enter the Column name: ”InvestmentsAmount” e) Click OK
24) Add the new site column ”StartDate”
a) Click ”Add” b) Select ”StartDate” c) Keep the default ”Base Columns” d) Enter the Column name: ”Start Date” e) Click OK 25) Click on Next 26) Click on ”Publish” 9
Step 7, make the new Content Type the default one for the Investments Document Library
1) Go to SharePoint Designer 2013 2) Click on ”Investments” 3) Check ”Allow mangement of content types”
4) Click on ”Add”
5) Click on ”Contoso Investment” under Microsoft InfoPath
6) Click OK 7) Click on the ”Set as Default” button at the top 10
8) Remove the other Investments Content Types
a) Click on ”Folder” under Content Types b) Click on the ”Delete” button c) Click ”Yes” to the dialog box d) Click on ”Document” under Content Types e) Click on the ”Delete” button f)
Click ”Yes” to the dialog box
Step 8, submit two investments proposals
1) Go to the SharePoint site 2) Click on the ”Investments” document library 3)
Open the ”FILES” tab
4) Click on the ”new Document” option 5) Select the ”Contoso Investment” form 6) Fill out the required fields a) Title: New computers b) Amount: 500 c) Start date: 1/13/2013 d) Goal: Speed improvements 7) Click on the ”Submit” button 8) Open the ”FILES” tab at the top 11
9) Click on ”New Document” 10) Select ”Contoso Investment” 11) Fill out the required fields a) Title: New lighting b) Amount: 100 c) Start date: 1/27/2013 d) Goal: See better 12) Click on the “Submit” button
Step 9, modify the view to show the new columns
1) Open the ”LIBRARY” tab 2) Click on the ”additional options” 3) Select the ”Modify this View” option 4) Check the boxes for a) Edit (link to edit item) b) InvestmentsAmount c) InvestmentsTitle 5) Uncheck all other boxes 6) Set the positions 7) Click OK
8) Check the result 12