3 Calavera
44 Cupido
85 Orco
127 La Musa
5 Furia Psico
46 Erinni
87 Elfo
129 Il Centauro
7 Serial Killer
48 Genio
89 Mr Hide
131 Gemelli
9 Invisibile
50 Manichino
91 Leone
133 Il Passionale
11 Ananasi
52 Fenice
93 Minotauro
135 Satiro
13 Mummia
54 Sfinge
95 Simulatore
137 Saci
15 Angelo
56 Loki
97 Fanatico
139 Beholder
17 Telepate
61 Dottore
99 Blob
141 Menade
19 Incantata
63 Medusa
101 Toth
143 Sandman
21 Alieno
65 Rusalka
103 Loa
145 Prometeo
23 Bacco
67 Il Duellante
105 Oroboro
147 Genio
26 Cassandra
69 Gargoyle
107 Investigatore
28 Medea
71 Frozen
109 Pecora Gialla
30 Ercole
73 L'apprendista
111 L'Amico
32 Ganimede
75 Ombra
115 La Vittima
34 Oreste
77 Fato
117 Ninfa
Il Vicino
38 Furia Fisica
79 Serpente
119 Accolito
La Sirena
40 La Star
81 Krampus
122 Dagonita
La Bestia
42 L'Artista
83 Game Master
124 La Morte
Mossa Sessuale
Quando fai sesso, il potere oscuro perde una Stringa su di te e ottiene una Stringa sula persona con cui hai fatto sesso.
Sé Oscuro
Non puoi ottenere ciò di cui hai bisogno, non più. Il mondo ti ha lasciato al freddo e solo, a rabbrividire nel risveglio delle tue stesse dipendenze. Il potere oscuro ti farà alcune richieste aperte, e ti prometterà alcune cose lucrative (e magari effimere) in cambio. Ogni richiesta che soddisfi ti avvicina un po’ a sentirti nuovamente integro, a ravvivare la fiamma nel tuo cuore. Ogni qual volta adempi a queste richieste, elimina una Stringa che ha su di te. Esci dal tuo Sé Oscuro quando il potere oscuro non ha più Stringhe su di te, o quando acconsenti a un patto persino peggiore con un potere oscuro ancora più pericoloso.
Ottieni un’altra mossa dell’Infernale. Ottieni i Patti restanti. Crea un nuovo Patto (dietro approvazione dell’MC). Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Provvedi a dei Demoni Bisognosi. Aggiungi 1 a Caldo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Freddo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Instabile (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Oscuro (massimo 3).
Giocare L’Infernale
Potente, disperato, dipendente. L’infernale è il mantenuto di un amante demoniaco, qualcuno che gli dà ciò che vuole. A un certo prezzo. La meccanica principale dell’Infernale è scegliere quando dare Stringhe al potere oscuro (tramite i Patti). L’Infernale è estremamente potente quando prende a prestito potere in quantità, ma prima o poi crolla e diviene impotente per un po’. È importante ricordarsi che crollare non è una punizione, ma parte di un arco narrativo. Non c’è alcun bisogno di evitare il crollo, o di smettere di usare Patti una volta che il potere oscuro ha 4 Stringhe su di te. Il tuo personaggio è interessante e potente perché accondiscende a questo arco narrativo di potere meteorico e astinenza improvvisa. Con Reclutatore Oscuro, le specifiche di cosa significhi “portare qualcuno al potere oscuro” vengono lasciate a interpretazione e contesto. Potrebbe significare un’uccisione sacrificale, potrebbe significare presentarlo fisicamente al potere oscuro, o potrebbe significare qualcosa di completamente diverso. Con A Una Condizione, non otterrai mai esattamente la cosa che stai cercando. L’MC ha la possibilità di aggiungere un imprevisto indesiderabile al mix. Se vuoi un’auto, potrebbe essere rubata, o posseduta, o avere un cadavere nel bagagliaio. Puoi sempre rifiutare.
All’ inizio, sembrava una cosa innocente. Ti dava delle cose, ti faceva sentire bene con te stesso. Andavi da lui con i tuoi problemi, e lui li sistemava. Quando chiedesti come potevi ricambiare il favore, ti disse di essere paziente, che tutti i debiti sarebbero stati ripagati a loro tempo. Quella è stata la prima volta che l’ hai sentito parlare di debiti. Hai Satana come spacciatore, o un demone nel cervello. O magari le stelle brillano solo per te. Comunque sia, sei in debito con qualcosa di molto più grosso e spaventoso di quanto tu sarai mai.
L’Infernale Nome
Baron, Cain, Chloe, Damien, Logan, Mark, Mika, Omar, Ophelia, Poe, Yoanna
Distaccato, tranquillo, ansioso, teso, frenetico, crudele
Scegli un nome:
Un nome autoritario, un nome codardo, un nome che implica fato avverso, un nome fiero
Cerchiane uno in ogni lista:
Occhi vuoti, occhi calcolatori, occhi ardenti, occhi guizzanti, occhi penetranti
Cerchiane una:
© Joe Mcdaldno - Italian Edition © 2012 Shadow di Michele Gelli - Questa pagina è liberamente fotocopiabile per uso privato
Questo gioco contiene elementi interattivi. A pagina 9 viene spiegato come ogni giocatore, MC a parte, dovrà scegliersi una Pelle, ossia un libretto che tratteggia il tipo di personaggio che interpreterà in gioco. Le Pelli sono scaricabili dalla sezione “Download” del sito e il gioco vi da istruzioni di leggere ad alta voce il testo descrittivo di ciascuna quando iniziate a giocare e prima di scegliere. Abbiamo però pensato di fornire agli appassionati un bonus nella forma di un “doppiaggio” per ogni Pelle. Inquadrando infatti le immagini dei libretti scaricabili con il vostro telefono o iPad, potete ascoltare due attori leggere i testi descrittivi. Per questo bonus è necessaria l’installazione della applicazione gratuita Aurasma.
Anima barattata, ultima possibilità, ritornato, emissario, legione, lacchè, prescelto
Caratteristiche Aggiungi 1 a una di queste: Caldo -1, Freddo -1, Instabile 1, Oscuro 1.
(Gelare Qualcuno, Mantenere il Controllo)
(Scagliarsi Contro Qualcuno, Fuggire)
Punti Esperienza: >> avanza
(Guardare nell’Abisso)
Il Tuo Passato
Hai dei debiti. Distribuisci 3 Stringhe, divise come preferisci fra il potere oscuro e gli altri personaggi. Qualcuno pensa di poterti salvare. Ottieni una Stringa su di lui.
Debito Spirituale Nomina un potere oscuro con cui sei in debito. Scegli due Patti che ha fatto con te. Può avere Stringhe su di te. Se raggiungesse 5 Stringhe su di te, innesca il tuo Sé Oscuro.
Reclutatore Oscuro
Ottieni questa, e ne scegli un’altra: QQ
(Eccitare Qualcuno, Manipolare un PNG)
Mosse dell’Infernale
Scegli due Patti che il potere oscuro ha fatto con te:
Il Potere Scorre in Te Puoi dare una Stringa al potere oscuro per aggiungere 2 al tuo prossimo tiro (scegli prima di tirare).
Reso Insensibile
Quando porti un’anima innocente al potere oscuro, segna esperienza.
Puoi dare una Stringa al potere oscuro per rimuovere una Condizione o fino a due danni.
Potere Altrove
Quando ti scagli contro qualcuno, Con 10 o più, perde una Stringa su di te. Con 7~9, aggiungi alla tua lista di opzioni: perde una Stringa su di te.
Puoi dare una Stringa al potere oscuro per usare, solo per questa volta, una mossa che non hai. Questa mossa può provenire da un qualsiasi libretto.
Non Posso Salvarmi da Solo
Voci Inquietanti
Quando qualcuno ti salva da forze troppo potenti perché tu possa affrontarli, lui marca esperienza e tu ottieni una Stringa su di lui.
Puoi dare una Stringa al potere oscuro per accorgerti di un segreto di qualcuno con cui stai parlando. Il proprietario del personaggio ti rivelerà uno dei suoi desideri, paure o forze segreti (sceglie lui).
Il Tuo Potere Oscuro
Trova un nome per il potere oscuro, se lo conosci. Scegli un titolo dalla lista, per descrivere questa entità con cui hai stretto patti: L’Avvelenatore L’Ingannatore L’Intenditore Il Caduto L’ingordo L’Emissario Il Macellaio Il Tiranno Oppure, se preferisci non sapere con chi o cosa hai stretto patti, va bene; basta che l’MC lo sappia.
A Una Condizione Puoi rivolgerti al potere oscuro per qualcosa che vuoi veramente, veramente tanto. L’MC metterà un prezzo a ciò che vuoi e ti darà un indizio su un aspetto indesiderato nella sua natura. Se pagherai il prezzo, otterrai ciò che cerchi.
Altre Mosse
Mossa Sessuale
Quando fai sesso con qualcuno, entrambi potete fare una domanda all’altro personaggio. Può essere posta dal tuo personaggio, o semplicemente chiesta da giocatore a giocatore. L’altra persona deve rispondere onestamente e direttamente.
Sé Oscuro
Divieni invisibile. Nessuno può vederti, percepirti, o sentire la tua voce. Puoi ancora influenzare oggetti inanimati, ma questa è il tuo unico mezzo di comunicazione. Esci dal tuo Sé Oscuro quando qualcuno riconosce la tua presenza e dimostra quanto ti voglia avere intorno.
Ottieni un’altra mossa del Fantasma. Ottieni un’altra mossa del Fantasma. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Hai una Casa degli Spiriti. Aggiungi 1 a Caldo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Freddo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Instabile (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Oscuro (massimo 3).
Giocare Il Fantasma
Tormentato, insicuro, intuitivo, volubile. Il fantasma ruota attorno al rivivere traumi passati, vedere il vero volto delle persone e avere poteri sinistri. Ci sono diverse direzioni in cui si può portare Il Fantasma. La prima è uno spirito insensibile e pericoloso, usando Trauma Irrisolto e Vendicativo per sfogare il tuo dolore sulla generazione successiva. La seconda è uno spettro voyeuristico e solitario, intrappolato per sempre in uno stato di tragedia pubescente. Stalker e Fantasma Affamato contribuiscono entrambe, in questo caso. La terza è qualcuno intrappolato in un ciclo di confusa auto-infestazione, vacillante fra Trauma Irrisolto e Perdona e Dimentica. Sono certamente possibili altre interpretazioni. Il Fantasma ha una gran quantità di ambiti emotivi da esplorare. Gli altri personaggi possono rimuovere la Condizione incolpato nella stessa maniera in cui rimuoverebbero qualsiasi altra Condizione. Quando usi Dissipare per fuggire da una situazione spaventosa o tesa, conta come fuggire. L’opzione 7~9 di Fantasma Affamato rappresenta il lato pericoloso dell’essere la spalla su cui piangere di qualcuno. Questi potrebbe usare il tuo sostegno per ritrovare la propria compostezza e benessere, o potrebbe usare la tua empatia come uno strumento per ottenere potere su di te. L’idea dietro al gruppo Casa degli Spiriti è che tu risieda dentro a una casa infestata, o abbia in qualche modo fatto gruppo con gli abitanti spirituali di una casa infestata. Parla con l’MC delle limitazioni fisiche che il tuo gruppo sperimenta, così come dell’ammontare di potere che ha su chi entra nella casa.
© Joe Mcdaldno - Italian Edition © 2012 Shadow di Michele Gelli - Questa pagina è liberamente fotocopiabile per uso privato
Fanta-fantasmino. Sei morto.
Il Fantasma Nome
Alastor, Avira, Catherine, Daniel, Kara, Lenora, Orville, Rufus, Spencer, Tien
Derelitto, mite, distante, antiquato, fuori luogo, meditabondo
Un nome antiquato, un nome luttuoso, un nome che suona opprimente, un nome dal Vecchio Continente
Occhi vuoti, occhi spenti, occhi snervanti, occhi penetranti, occhi dolenti
Scegli un nome:
Cerchiane uno in ogni lista:
Cerchiane una: Ucciso a sangue freddo, ucciso nella passione più accesa, lasciato a morire, tragico incidente, una morte confusa
Questo gioco contiene elementi interattivi. A pagina 9 viene spiegato come ogni giocatore, MC a parte, dovrà scegliersi una Pelle, ossia un libretto che tratteggia il tipo di personaggio che interpreterà in gioco. Le Pelli sono scaricabili dalla sezione “Download” del sito e il gioco vi da istruzioni di leggere ad alta voce il testo descrittivo di ciascuna quando iniziate a giocare e prima di scegliere. Abbiamo però pensato di fornire agli appassionati un bonus nella forma di un “doppiaggio” per ogni Pelle. Inquadrando infatti le immagini dei libretti scaricabili con il vostro telefono o iPad, potete ascoltare due attori leggere i testi descrittivi. Per questo bonus è necessaria l’installazione della applicazione gratuita Aurasma.
Caratteristiche Aggiungi 1 a una di queste: Caldo -1, Freddo 1, Instabile -1, Oscuro 1
Trauma Irrisolto Ogni qual volta proietti la colpa e il trauma della tua morte nella situazione attuale, tira con Oscuro. Con 10 o più, dai a due persone la Condizione incolpato. Con 7~9, dai a fino a due persone la Condizione incolpato, ma per ognuna scegli uno: Ottieni la condizione delirante, Non puoi parlare durante questa scena, Subisci un danno, Inizi a recitare nuovamente la scena della tua morte.
(Gelare Qualcuno, Mantenere il Controllo)
Ottieni questa, e ne scegli un’altra: QQ
(Eccitare Qualcuno, Manipolare un PNG)
Mosse del Fantasma
Quando osservi in segreto qualcuno nei suoi momenti più intimi, magari mentre si fa la doccia o dorme, ottieni una Stringa su di lui.
(Scagliarsi Contro Qualcuno, Fuggire)
Qualcuno sa che sei morto, e come. Ottiene una Stringa su di te. Sei stato nella camera da letto di qualcuno mentre stava dormendo. Ottieni una Stringa su di lui.
Ogni qual volta ti scagli contro qualcuno che ha la Condizione incolpato, tira usando Oscuro. Aggiungi 1 danno a qualsiasi danno tu infligga.
Perdona e Dimentica Ogni qual volta accetti che qualcuno non è responsabile del tuo dolore, della tua sofferenza, e lo assolvi dalla sua Condizione incolpato, segna esperienza.
Fantasma Affamato Trovi sostentamento nella tristezza. Quando qualcun altro scarica i suoi problemi emotivi su di te, tira con Oscuro. Con 10 o più, perde tutte le sue Condizioni e tu scegli uno: Segni esperienza, Hai uno prossimo, Ottieni una Stringa su di lui. Con 7~9, lui sceglie uno: Perde tutte le sue Condizioni, Ottiene una Stringa su di te.
Punti Esperienza: >> avanza
(Guardare nell’Abisso)
Il Tuo Passato
Puoi camminare attraverso i muri.
Altre Mosse
Mossa Sessuale
Quando giaci nudo con qualcun altro, puoi chiedergli una promessa. Se rifiuta, ottieni 2 Stringhe su di lui.
Sé Oscuro
Tutto ciò che dici è una promessa. Tutto ciò che senti è una promessa. Se una promessa viene infranta, la giustizia dev’essere temprata nel sangue. Per uscire dal tuo Sé Oscuro, devi in qualche modo riequilibrare i piatti della bilancia della giustizia.
Ottieni un’altra mossa del Fatato. Ottieni un’altra mossa del Fatato. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Appartieni a una Giuria di Fatati. Aggiungi 1 a Caldo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Freddo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Instabile (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Oscuro (massimo 3).
Giocare Il Fatato
Seducente, esotico, volubile, vendicativo. Il fatato ruota attorno allo strappare promesse e al portare vendetta fatata quando vengono rotte. I Fatati sono sexy ed è difficile resistergli. Usano questi attributi per ottenere promesse dalle persone, e queste promesse detengono un potere cosmico. Avere Freddo e Instabile basse gli rende difficile gelare gli altri o tenerli lontani. Invece, eccellono nell’avvicinarsi alle persone. Contratto Fatato dà peso meccanico alle promesse infrante. Ottieni Stringhe e nuovi poteri. Si assume che queste nuove opzioni di spesa delle Stringhe siano in qualche modo magiche. Puoi fare sì che “sbagli qualcosa di semplice in un momento cruciale” semplicemente sedendo sulle gradinate e desiderando che lo faccia. Il tuo volere sembra manifestarsi nel mondo. Scrivi ogni promessa che ricevi. Non c’è alcuna mossa che ti permette di ottenere a forza una promessa da qualcuno, ma un’interpretazione ingegnosa e degli incentivi meccanici possono aiutarti in questo. Oltre Il Velo introduce l’idea di un Re delle Fate. Scegliere questa mossa ispira diverse domande: com’è la società fatata? A quali forze devi fedeltà? Il tuo Sé Oscuro ha una “clausola di salvaguardia” ambigua. Ciò che è richiesto perché i piatti della bilancia siano riequilibrati sarà del tutto dipendente dal contesto. Tu e l’MC dovreste essere entrambi d’accordo che le cose sono state aggiustate, prima che tu possa sfuggire a te stesso.
Ai margini di questo mondo, appena oltre il velo, ci sono colori che pochi mortali anche solo sognano. Abbastanza bellezza da infrangere ogni cuore. I Fatati vivono e respirano al limitare di questo mondo. Tengono una spolverata di questa magia nascosta dietro le orecchie… non si sa mai. E i Fatati sono disposti a condividere. Non sono altro che generosi, chiedono solo una cosa in cambio. Una promessa. Mantienila, e la vera bellezza del mondo sarà rivelata. Rompila, e proverai l’ ira della vendetta fatata.
Il Fatato Nome
Anders, Aurora, Crow, Gail, Harmony, Iris, Lilith, Ping, Selene, Sienna, Walthus
Grazioso, da ragazzina, scarno, misterioso, trasandato
Scegli un nome:
Un nome preso dalla natura, un nome new age, un nome dolce, un nome mistico
Cerchiane uno in ogni lista:
Occhi acuti, occhi appassionati, occhi ipnotici, occhi ridenti, occhi penetranti
Cerchiane una: Nato fata, di sangue fatato, adottato, toccato dal dono, ha rubato il dono
© Joe Mcdaldno - Italian Edition © 2012 Shadow di Michele Gelli - Questa pagina è liberamente fotocopiabile per uso privato
Questo gioco contiene elementi interattivi. A pagina 9 viene spiegato come ogni giocatore, MC a parte, dovrà scegliersi una Pelle, ossia un libretto che tratteggia il tipo di personaggio che interpreterà in gioco. Le Pelli sono scaricabili dalla sezione “Download” del sito e il gioco vi da istruzioni di leggere ad alta voce il testo descrittivo di ciascuna quando iniziate a giocare e prima di scegliere. Abbiamo però pensato di fornire agli appassionati un bonus nella forma di un “doppiaggio” per ogni Pelle. Inquadrando infatti le immagini dei libretti scaricabili con il vostro telefono o iPad, potete ascoltare due attori leggere i testi descrittivi. Per questo bonus è necessaria l’installazione della applicazione gratuita Aurasma.
Caratteristiche Aggiungi 1 a una di queste: Caldo 1, Freddo -1, Instabile -1, Oscuro 1
(Scagliarsi Contro Qualcuno, Fuggire)
Punti Esperienza: >> avanza
(Guardare nell’Abisso)
Il Tuo Passato
Parli col cuore in mano. Dai 1 Stringa a tutti. Piaci a qualcuno. Ottieni 2 Stringhe su di lui.
Contratto Fatato Se qualcuno rompe una promessa o un contratto fatti con te, ottieni una Stringa su di lui. Quando spendi una Stringa per pareggiare i conti e ottenere giustizia per una promessa rotta, aggiungi queste opzioni: lui sbaglia qualcosa di semplice in un momento cruciale; aggiungi 2 al tuo tiro per un atto di vendetta; soffre 1 danno, che la causa sia evidente o meno.
Lo Scambio Costante
(Gelare Qualcuno, Mantenere il Controllo)
Ottieni questa, e ne scegli un’altra: QQ
(Eccitare Qualcuno, Manipolare un PNG)
Mosse del Fatato
Quando qualcuno ti chiede di fare qualcosa di importante per lui, e tu lo fai, tira con Caldo. Con 10 o più, perde una Stringa su di te e tu ne ottieni una su di lui. Con 7~9, scegli l’uno o l’altro.Con un fallimento hai mostrato che ti fai calpestare e ottiene una Stringa su di te.
La Caccia Selvaggia
Oltre Il Velo Quando cerchi di essere in comunione col Re delle Fate, guarda nell’abisso. Con 10 o più, aggiungi questa opzione alla lista: trovi una Stringa nascosta nei confronti di qualcuno. Con 7~9, aggiungi questa opzione alla lista: le visioni sono chiare, ma il Re delle Fate ti chiede un favore.
Esca Ogni qual volta qualcuno ti fa una promessa, lui segna esperienza. Ogni qual volta qualcuno rompe una promessa che ti ha fatto e cerchi vendetta, segni esperienza.
Guida Spendendo una Stringa su una persona consenziente, puoi portarla attraverso il Velo, alla corte fatata. Tuttavia, la magia non dura a lungo, e presto entrambi fate ritorno al mondo normale.
Senza Vergogna Puoi dare a qualcuno una Stringa su di te per aggiungere 3 al tuo tentativo di eccitarlo.
Quando attingi ai tuoi modi più ferini, magari riecheggiando i movimenti di un gatto o la voracità di un lupo, aggiungi 1 al tuo tiro per eccitare qualcuno.
Altre Mosse
Mossa Sessuale
Quando fai sesso con qualcuno, aggiungi “fare sesso con [questa persona]” come Fame addizionale. Se hai già questa Fame, segna esperienza.
Sé Oscuro
Mutilerai, ucciderai e distruggerai qualsiasi cosa fra te e il più vicino oggetto della tua fame. Ti ciberai implacabilmente. Esci dal tuo Sé Oscuro quando qualcuno ti trattiene o ti tiene a bada abbastanza a lungo perché tu recuperi padronanza di te, almeno trenta o quaranta minuti.
Ottieni un’altra mossa del Ghoul. Ottieni un’altra mossa del Ghoul. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Hai dei Custodi Necromantici. Aggiungi 1 a Caldo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Freddo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Instabile (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Oscuro (massimo 3).
Giocare Il Ghoul
Freddo, risoluto, affamato. Il ghoul è morto, ed è ritornato con emozioni attutite e fame di carne umana. Il ghoul si giova dell’essere insoddisfatto e malevolo. La Fame ti dà un’opzione: puoi bramare carne umana, come uno zombie comune, o puoi bramare qualcosa un po’ più sottile. È importante che, qualunque sia la tua Fame, saziarla sia spaventoso e caotico. Prendere qualcuno di sorpresa e dire “Buh!” non soddisferà la tua Fame di Paura. Hai bisogno di terrorizzare la gente e renderla timorosa di camminare verso casa da sola la notte. Se hai Fame di Carne, allora una bistecca del supermercato non andrà bene. O andrà bene, ma ci vorranno chili e chili di bistecche ogni giorno. Qualunque siano le specifiche, la Fame dovrebbe essere un problema grosso e difficile da affrontare, per il tuo personaggio. Non c’è Riposo per i Malvagi dà all’MC l’occasione di metterti in situazioni bizzarre e inaspettate. Scegliere di morire e poi tornare in vita è come dire, “Ok, MC, colpiscimi, posso prenderle”. Assapora il pandemonio. Golem Guardiano ti permette di aggiungere un lato gentile al personaggio senza disturbare l’immagine di snervante sociopatico che Il Ghoul sviluppa rapidamente..
La morte ti ha cambiato. Si è presa la tua gioia contemplativa, ha attutito i tuoi sensi e ti ha lasciato impossibilmente affamato. Quella fame è sempre con te, come un ronzio nelle orecchie che si gonfia e cresce finché non puoi sentire nient’altro. Incustodita, arriverà a dominarti, ma nutrirla potrebbe essere altrettanto brutto. C’ è una certa bellezza in ciò che sei diventato. Il tuo corpo emaciato, la sua forma innaturale, attrae le persone. Il tuo arido disinteresse sembra esotico. Ma sotto a questa facciata insoddisfatta, la fame, la fame.
Il Ghoul Nome
Akuji, Cage, Cole, Georgia, Horace, Iggy, Mara, Morrigan, Silas, Sharona, Victor, Zed
Scarno, singolare, magro, rigido, sfigurato
Scegli un nome:
Un nome freddo, un nome gutturale, un nome che evoca morte o rinascita, un nome doloroso
Cerchiane uno in ogni lista:
Occhi vuoti, occhi tranquilli, occhi calcolatori, occhi severi, occhi affamati
Cerchiane una: Resuscitato, costruito, disturbato, rifiutato, inviato
© Joe Mcdaldno - Italian Edition © 2012 Shadow di Michele Gelli - Questa pagina è liberamente fotocopiabile per uso privato
Questo gioco contiene elementi interattivi. A pagina 9 viene spiegato come ogni giocatore, MC a parte, dovrà scegliersi una Pelle, ossia un libretto che tratteggia il tipo di personaggio che interpreterà in gioco. Le Pelli sono scaricabili dalla sezione “Download” del sito e il gioco vi da istruzioni di leggere ad alta voce il testo descrittivo di ciascuna quando iniziate a giocare e prima di scegliere. Abbiamo però pensato di fornire agli appassionati un bonus nella forma di un “doppiaggio” per ogni Pelle. Inquadrando infatti le immagini dei libretti scaricabili con il vostro telefono o iPad, potete ascoltare due attori leggere i testi descrittivi. Per questo bonus è necessaria l’installazione della applicazione gratuita Aurasma.
Caratteristiche Aggiungi 1 a una di queste: Caldo -1, Freddo 1, Instabile 1, Oscuro -1
Freddo Instabile
Danno Punti Esperienza: >> avanza
(Guardare nell’Abisso)
Il Tuo Passato
Qualcuno ti ha ricordato cos’era l’amore, quando pensavi che la morte te l’avesse sottratto per sempre. Dagli 2 Stringhe. Qualcuno ti ha visto morire, o ti ha visto ritornare in vita? Se sì, ottenete 2 Stringhe l’uno sull’altro.
Quando ecciti qualcuno, tira con Freddo.
Non c’è Riposo per i Malvagi Quando muori, aspetta che passi. Qualche ora più tardi, ti risvegli completamente guarito.
(Scagliarsi Contro Qualcuno, Fuggire)
La Fame Hai Fame di (cerchiane 1): carne, caos, potere, paura. Quando persegui in maniera sconsiderata una Fame, aggiungi 1 ai tiri. Quando ignori un’opportunità di cibarti, tira per mantenere il controllo.
(Gelare Qualcuno, Mantenere il Controllo)
Ottieni questa, e scegline altre due: QQ
(Eccitare Qualcuno, Manipolare un PNG)
Mosse del Ghoul
Altre Mosse
Non chiedere alla Mano Destra Il tuo corpo è stato cucito assieme da pezzi e parti disparati. E questi pezzi e parti riecheggiano diverse storie, vogliono cose diverse. Crea una nuova Fame.
Golem Guardiano Quando difendi qualcuno senza che lo venga mai a sapere, segna esperienza.
Sazietà Quando sazi una Fame, scegli uno: curi un danno; rimuovi una Condizione; segni esperienza; hai 1 prossimo.
Epilogo Ti ricordi come sei morto. Quando ne parli a qualcuno, dagli la Condizione morboso e tira per eccitarlo.
Mossa Sessuale
Quando fai sesso con qualcuno, stabilisci una connessione spirituale con lui. Finché uno di voi due non la spezza, facendo sesso con qualcun altro, aggiungi 1 a tutti i tiri fatti per difenderlo. Ti accorgi di quando la connessione viene rotta.
Sé Oscuro
Ti trasformi in una terrificante creaturalupo. Brami potere e dominanza, e li ottieni spargendo sangue. Se qualcuno prova a mettersi sulla tua strada, deve essere abbattuto e fatto sanguinare. Esci dal tuo Sé Oscuro quando ferisci qualcuno di cui ti importa davvero o sorge il sole, quello che avviene prima.
Ottieni un’altra mossa del Lupo Mannaro.
Ottieni un’altra mossa del Lupo
Mannaro. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Appartieni a un Branco di Lupi. Aggiungi 1 a Caldo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Freddo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Instabile (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Oscuro (massimo 3).
Giocare Il Lupo Mannaro
Passionale, violento, muscolare, volubile. Il lupo mannaro ruota attorno all’usare la violenza fisica e la trasformazione per ottenere ciò che vuole. Sia in Odore di Sangue che in Dominanza Primordiale, “ferire” si riferisce al causare danno fisico a un personaggio, che venga registrato sul suo contatore del danno. Se hai giocato a Il Mondo dell’Apocalisse (NdE: cosa che vi consigliamo, è un gran gioco), noterai che Sensi Acuiti è il parallelo del leggere una situazione tesa di quel gioco. Ci sono diverse mitologie sui lupi mannari, nel mondo, molte delle quali si contraddicono l’una con l’altra. In Cuori di Mostro, puoi prendere decisioni riguardo quali di queste mitologie sono vere. Dato che potenzialmente si può diventare il proprio Sé Oscuro in qualsiasi momento, sappiamo che i lupi mannari non devono sempre aspettare la luna piena per trasformarsi. Sta al gruppo di gioco decidere se puoi trasformarti in un lupo senza diventare il tuo Sé Oscuro. Se è necessaria una trasformazione in Sé Oscuro, puoi causarla provocandoti quattro danni. Il tuo lato animale ha le stesse caratteristiche del tuo lato umano. Ciò che cambia sono il tuo ruolo e posizione nella storia: in questo nuovo contesto, avranno senso nuove azioni e opportunità. Inoltre, mosse come Squilibrato e Mostrare le Zanne hanno effetto quando entri nel tuo Sé Oscuro.
Tutti attorno a te paiono così disponibili a interpretare il ruolo assegnato, a colorare quietamente dentro ai margini. Sono stati domati, addomesticati. Tu sei di una razza diversa. Hai abbattuto il recinto costruito per rinchiuderti. Hai ululato alla luna, e l’ hai sentita ululare in risposta. La trasformazione è completa. Questo è ciò che sei sempre stato destinato a essere. Selvaggio. Incrollabile. Vivo.
Il Lupo Mannaro Nome
Cassidy, Candika, Flinch, Levi, Margot, Lorrie, Luna, Peter, Tucker, Zachary
Primitivo, trascurato, folle, nerboruto, rude, aggressivo
Un nome da poveraccio, un nome tosto, un nome che evoca la luna piena, un nome primordiale
Occhi feroci, occhi selvaggi, occhi astuti, occhi predatori, occhi da lupo
Scegli un nome:
Cerchiane uno in ogni lista:
Cerchiane una:
© Joe Mcdaldno - Italian Edition © 2012 Shadow di Michele Gelli - Questa pagina è liberamente fotocopiabile per uso privato
Nato lupo, cresciuto dai lupi, potere ancestrale, risvegliato, morso, favorito dalla luna
Questo gioco contiene elementi interattivi. A pagina 9 viene spiegato come ogni giocatore, MC a parte, dovrà scegliersi una Pelle, ossia un libretto che tratteggia il tipo di personaggio che interpreterà in gioco. Le Pelli sono scaricabili dalla sezione “Download” del sito e il gioco vi da istruzioni di leggere ad alta voce il testo descrittivo di ciascuna quando iniziate a giocare e prima di scegliere. Abbiamo però pensato di fornire agli appassionati un bonus nella forma di un “doppiaggio” per ogni Pelle. Inquadrando infatti le immagini dei libretti scaricabili con il vostro telefono o iPad, potete ascoltare due attori leggere i testi descrittivi. Per questo bonus è necessaria l’installazione della applicazione gratuita Aurasma. Aurasma ( è la piattaforma di realtà aumentata leader nel pianeta. Utilizza algoritmi avanzati di riconoscimento delle immagini per “ag-
Caratteristiche Aggiungi 1 a una di queste: Caldo 1, Freddo -1, Instabile 1, Oscuro -1
Freddo Instabile
(Scagliarsi Contro Qualcuno, Fuggire)
Punti Esperienza: >> avanza
(Guardare nell’Abisso)
Il Tuo Passato
Manchi di sottigliezza. Dai una Stringa a tutti. Hai passato settimane osservando qualcuno da lontano. Il suo odore e modi di fare sono ora per te inconfondibili. Ottieni 2 Stringhe su di lui.
Dominanza Primordiale
(Gelare Qualcuno, Mantenere il Controllo)
Aggiungi 1 ai tiri contro coloro che sono già stati feriti in questa scena. Quando diventi il tuo Sé Oscuro, segna esperienza.
Scegline due:
Odore di Sangue
(Eccitare Qualcuno, Manipolare un PNG)
Mosse del Lupo Mannaro
Quando ferisci qualcuno, ottieni una Stringa su di lui.
Incontenibile Quando cerchi di scappare da qualsiasi forma di intrappolamento fisico, tira con Instabile. Con 10 o più, scappi. Con 7~9, l’MC ti offrirà uno scambio a caro prezzo: acconsenti se vuoi scappare.
Mostrare le Zanne Mentre sei il tuo Sé Oscuro, puoi usare Instabile invece di Freddo per gelare qualcuno o mantenere il controllo.
Connessioni Spirituali:
Altre Mosse
Ululare alla Luna Quando ti crogioli alla luce lunare, aggiungi 2 al tuo punteggio di Oscuro.
Sensi Acuiti Quando ti affidi ai tuoi istinti animali per comprendere una situazione tesa, tira con Oscuro. Con 10 o più, fai tre domande all’MC. Qual è la migliore via di fuga? Quale nemico è più vulnerabile per me? Qual è la sua debolezza segreta? Cosa costituisce il pericolo maggiore per me? Chi ha il controllo qui? Con 7~9, chiedine una. Se agisci seguendo una delle risposte dell’MC, aggiungi 1 al tuo primo tiro.
Armatura Spirituale Quando ti crogioli alla luce lunare, qualsiasi danno che subisci viene ridotto di 1 e aggiungi 2 ai tiri per mantenere il controllo.
Mossa Sessuale
Quando fai sesso con qualcuno, innesca il suo Sé Oscuro.
Sé Oscuro
Nessuno ti capisce, e nemmeno vuole farlo. Preferirebbero che tu sparissi. Beh, non sparirai. Renderai la loro vita un inferno in terra. Denuncerai i malvagi ai giudici, i deboli ai carnefici. Metterai umani ed esseri sovrannaturali gli contro gli altri, finché tutti sembreranno mostri. Solo vedere il dolore che stai causando al tuo amato ti permetterà di uscire dal tuo Sé Oscuro.
Ottieni un’altra mossa del Mortale. Ottieni un’altra mossa del Mortale. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Aggiungi 1 a Caldo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Freddo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Instabile (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Oscuro (massimo 3).
Giocare Il Mortale
Vulnerabile, co-dipendente, magnetico, bello. Il mortale ruota attorno al beneficiare della co-dipendenza e al macinare esperienza. Per chiunque altro, cedere una Stringa rappresenterebbe una perdita di controllo. Per te, è più simbiotico: ottieni potere cedendolo. Non devi necessariamente essere in una relazione con qualcuno, per dichiararlo tuo Vero Amore. Ce l’Hai Con Me, Ce l’Hai Con Lui ti permette di sfuggire ai tuoi problemi attuali creandoti potenziali problemi futuri (dando più potere al tuo amato). Il beneficio nascosto qui è che tu sei meglio equipaggiato per affrontare i problemi col tuo amato che con chiunque altro. Trincerato ti dà un beneficio concreto nel concedere Stringhe. Finché tu e un altro personaggio avete 5 Stringhe fra di voi (magari tu ne hai 1 su di lui e lui ne ha 4 su di te), tu prosperi. La tua Mossa Sessuale può sembrare negativa, ma ricorda: Il Mortale beneficia dell’essere vittima. Il passaggio al Sé Oscuro non deve per forza essere immediato: potrebbe avere luogo un’ora dopo che te ne sei andato da casa sua, per esempio. .
Nessuno di loro capirebbe. Quello che tu hai qui, in questo luogo oscuro e segreto, è bello. Ti avvertirebbero che questo genere di bellezza è pericoloso, come un incendio divampante. Beh, per certe cose vale la pena bruciarsi. L’amore ha oscurato ogni speranza. E l’oscurità ti ha fatto sentire bellissimo
Il Mortale Nome
Anne, Carla, Deirdre, James, Jonathan, Leena, Patrick, Robin, Shen, Timothy, Wendy
Tranquillo, disperato, goffo, bello, fuori posto
Scegli un nome:
Un nome comune, un nome gradevole, un nome carino, un nome disadorno
Cerchiane uno in ogni lista:
Occhi da cerbiatto, occhi tristi, occhi guizzanti, occhi nervosi, occhi umani
Cerchiane una:
© Joe Mcdaldno - Italian Edition © 2012 Shadow di Michele Gelli - Questa pagina è liberamente fotocopiabile per uso privato
Il nuovo ragazzo in città, ragazzo della porta accanto, il tuo barista, la ragazza di qualcuno, il ragazzo di qualcuno, nessuno
Questo gioco contiene elementi interattivi. A pagina 9 viene spiegato come ogni giocatore, MC a parte, dovrà scegliersi una Pelle, ossia un libretto che tratteggia il tipo di personaggio che interpreterà in gioco. Le Pelli sono scaricabili dalla sezione “Download” del sito e il gioco vi da istruzioni di leggere ad alta voce il testo descrittivo di ciascuna quando iniziate a giocare e prima di scegliere. Abbiamo però pensato di fornire agli appassionati un bonus nella forma di un “doppiaggio” per ogni Pelle. Inquadrando infatti le immagini dei libretti scaricabili con il vostro telefono o iPad, potete ascoltare due attori leggere i testi descrittivi. Per questo bonus è necessaria l’installazione della applicazione gratuita Aurasma.
Caratteristiche Aggiungi 1 a una di queste: Caldo 1, Freddo -1, Instabile -1, Oscuro 1
Freddo Instabile
Danno Punti Esperienza: >> avanza
(Guardare nell’Abisso)
Il Tuo Passato
Il Mortale dichiara sempre il proprio passato per ultimo. Dichiara una persona come tuo amato. Dagli tre Stringhe su di te. Ottieni una Stringa su di lui.
Quando usi il nome del tuo amato come una minaccia, aggiungi 2 al tuo tiro per gelare qualcuno o mantenere il controllo. Il tuo amato ottiene una Stringa su di te.
La Comprensione è la Mia Arma
(Scagliarsi Contro Qualcuno, Fuggire)
Vero Amore Hai sempre esattamente un amato. Il primo viene scelto con il tuo passato. Se mai ti innamorassi di qualcun altro al suo posto, dagli una Stringa e fallo diventare il tuo nuovo amato. Hai sempre 1 prossimo nell’ottenere il suo amore e desiderio.
Ce l’Hai Con Me, Ce l’Hai Con Lui
(Gelare Qualcuno, Mantenere il Controllo)
Ottieni questa, e ne scegli un’altra: QQ
(Eccitare Qualcuno, Manipolare un PNG)
Mosse del Mortale
Ogni volta che perdoni qualcuno per averti ferito, e giustifichi la sua natura meschina, prendi una Stringa su di lui.
Altre Mosse
Le Scuse Sono la Mia Corazza Quando ignori un problema evidente col tuo amato o come ti tratta, segna esperienza.
Circolo vizioso Quando guardi nell’abisso, puoi infliggerti 1 danno. Se lo fai, aggiungi 2 al tiro.
Nella Tana del Bianconiglio Quando ficchi il naso in faccende non destinate ai tuoi simili, qualcuno coinvolto nella situazione ottiene 1 Stringa su di te e tu segni esperienza.
Trincerato Se tu e un altro personaggio avete un totale di 5 o più Stringhe l’uno sull’altro, ottieni un bonus di 1 in tutti i tiri contro di lui.
Mossa Sessuale
Quando fai sesso, cura tutte le tue ferite e curati da tutte le Condizioni. Se l’altro ti disgusta, dagli una Stringa. Se disgusti te stesso, dagli una Stringa.
Sé Oscuro
Nessuno dei tuoi amici può aiutarti. Non sono forti come te. Devi inseguire il maggior pericolo immaginabile, immediatamente e da solo. Ogni sfida o pericolo che incontri deve essere affrontato a testa bassa, anche se potrebbe ucciderti. Esci dal tuo Sé Oscuro quando qualcuno viene in tuo soccorso o ti svegli all’ospedale, quello che avviene prima.
Ottieni un’altra mossa del Prescelto. Ottieni un’altra mossa del Prescelto. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Hai Empi Alleati. Aggiungi 1 a Caldo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Freddo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Instabile (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Oscuro (massimo 3).
Giocare Il Prescelto
Potente, vendicativo, tormentato, masochista. Il prescelto è un uccisore di mostri che si scopre attratto dall’oscurità. Introdurre Il Prescelto nel gioco sposta l’attenzione verso un cattivo finale, qualcuno di esterno ai PG. Anche se Il Prescelto crea comunque subbuglio fra i PG, questo cambiamento può avere un grosso impatto sul tono della giocata. Perché Pietà sia valida, deve almeno esserci la possibilità implicita che tu lo stessi per uccidere. Questo può includere pronunciare e poi ritirare una minaccia di morte in sala mensa. Se scegli Scontro Finale, segnali all’MC che vuoi vedere mostri da giorno del giudizio e potenti nemici dagli inferi. Ugualmente, quando nomini un mostro durante “il tuo passato”, usa l’opportunità per creare un personaggio che sei interessato a esplorare (e con cui confrontarti) con il tuo. Se usi Illumina la Via per guidare alleati PNG, di’ all’MC che le loro azioni sono “in Vantaggio”. Questa è una meccanica specifica dell’MC.
Il mondo ha bisogno di te. Ha bisogno di qualcuno abbastanza coraggioso da inoltrarsi alla cieca nelle tenebre e portare una luce a tutte le anime perdute là fuori. Hanno bisogno di un campione. Non possono farcela da soli. C’ è solo quell’unico fastidioso assillo, quello che si fa sentire nei momenti peggiori: e se non fossi abbastanza bravo?
Il Prescelto Nome
Ajani, Ariel, Caleb, Dominic, Gabriel, Jackson, Morgan, Raidah, Susie, Victoria
Forte, testardo, nella media, amareggiato, emarginato, ansioso
Scegli un nome:
Un nome comune, un nome forte, un nome che implica vittoria, un nome che implica tribolazione
Cerchiane uno in ogni lista:
Occhi risoluti, occhi inquietanti, occhi raggianti, occhi feriti, occhi azzurri
Cerchiane una:
© Joe Mcdaldno - Italian Edition © 2012 Shadow di Michele Gelli - Questa pagina è liberamente fotocopiabile per uso privato
Predestinato, segnato dal trauma, segnato dal sovrannaturale, sopravvissuto spirituale, fa ciò che è necessario
Questo gioco contiene elementi interattivi. A pagina 9 viene spiegato come ogni giocatore, MC a parte, dovrà scegliersi una Pelle, ossia un libretto che tratteggia il tipo di personaggio che interpreterà in gioco. Le Pelli sono scaricabili dalla sezione “Download” del sito e il gioco vi da istruzioni di leggere ad alta voce il testo descrittivo di ciascuna quando iniziate a giocare e prima di scegliere. Abbiamo però pensato di fornire agli appassionati un bonus nella forma di un “doppiaggio” per ogni Pelle. Inquadrando infatti le immagini dei libretti scaricabili con il vostro telefono o iPad, potete ascoltare due attori leggere i testi descrittivi. Per questo bonus è necessaria l’installazione della applicazione gratuita Aurasma.
Caratteristiche Aggiungi 1 a una di queste: Caldo 1, Freddo -1, Instabile 1, Oscuro -1
Scontro Finale
Prendere il Colpo
Spendi 4 Stringhe che hai su un PNG per ucciderlo. È irrevocabilmente morto. Può spendere qualsiasi Stringa abbia su di te per farti danno, 1 per 1, mentre se ne va.
Sempre Pronto
(Gelare Qualcuno, Mantenere il Controllo)
Quando fallisci nel proteggere i tuoi amici, segna esperienza.
Quando decidi di risparmiare qualcuno che hai motivo di uccidere, prendi una Stringa su di lui.
Dolori della Crescita
Hai un’armeria insolitamente grande, comprensiva di antichi artefatti. Giusto in caso ce ne sia bisogno.
(Scagliarsi Contro Qualcuno, Fuggire)
Punti Esperienza: >> avanza
(Guardare nell’Abisso)
Il Tuo Passato
Hai due amici su cui puoi fare affidamento per uccidere mostri. Ottieni una Stringa su entrambi. C’è qualcuno che sa che sei il Prescelto e ti vuole morto. L’MC gli dà un nome e due Stringhe su di te.
Ai Libri! Quando i giochi sono fatti e il sinistro cattivo sembra imbattibile, puoi rivolgerti ai tuoi amici per un aiuto nel fare ricerche. Tira col numero di persone che ti aiutano. Con 10 o più, scegli due: fai una domanda all’MC (l’MC deve rispondere sinceramente); il tuo nemico ottiene la Condizione debolezza segreta; ottieni una Stringa sul tuo nemico; hai 1 prossimo. Con 7~9, scegli uno.
Scegline due:
(Eccitare Qualcuno, Manipolare un PNG)
Mosse del Prescelto
Altre Mosse
Quando ti metti in mezzo e prendi il colpo al posto di qualcun altro, tira con Instabile. Con 10 o più, prendi il danno al posto suo, ma lo riduci di 1. Con 7~9, prendi il danno al posto suo.
Illumina la Via Ogni qual volta i tuoi amici seguono i tuoi ordini o la tua guida, aggiungono 1 al loro tiro (se i tuoi amici sono PNG, agiscono invece in Vantaggio).
Mossa Sessuale
Quando ti neghi sessualmente a qualcuno, ottieni una Stringa su di lui. Quando fai sesso con qualcuno, perdi tutte le Stringhe su quella persona.
Sé Oscuro
Chiunque è una tua pedina, un tuo giocattolo. Li ferisci e li rendi vulnerabili, per gioco, come un gatto fa col topo. Ogni volta che sei da solo con qualcuno, ti cibi portandolo in punto di morte, ma ti prendi il tuo tempo. Esci dal tuo Sé Oscuro quando vieni rimesso al tuo posto da qualcuno più potente di te.
Ottieni un’altra mossa del Vampiro. Ottieni un’altra mossa del Vampiro. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Appartieni a un Coterie di Vampiri. Aggiungi 1 a Caldo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Freddo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Instabile (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Oscuro (massimo 3).
Giocare Il Vampiro
Gelido, manipolatore, grazioso, ipnotico. Il vampiro ruota attorno al trinceramento emotivo e alla dominanza emotiva. Come Vampiro, avrai benefici dall’infastidire le persone senza mai spingerle al confronto fisico. Il Vampiro è il maestro delle dinamiche caldo-freddo. Conosciamo tutti un sacco di miti sui vampiri, alcuni di essi anche contraddittori. Sta al gruppo di gioco determinare quali sono veri nella vostra partita. I vampiri sono allergici ad aglio e croci? Se non scegli Invitato, va bene non considerare il mito sui vampiri che necessitano di permesso per entrare in un’abitazione privata. Con Marchiato per la Caccia, si presuppone che tu sia in grado di rintracciare facilmente qualcuno, non importa quanto recentemente ti sia nutrito, a meno che non ci sia motivo per cui il suo odore o sangue sia cambiato.
Sei bellezza eterna. Sei l’oscurità che ognuno vuole assaggiare, ma che nessuno vuole capire. È lì nei tuoi occhi, nelle tue parole scelte con cura e in ogni tuo gesto: non hai più un’anima. Alcuni vampiri si dilettano di questo, la loro vita post mortem un arazzo di dissanguamento ed edonismo. Altri odiano il male dentro di loro, e si votano solennemente a un’esistenza casta e solitaria. In entrambi i casi, qualcuno soffre. La scelta è tua.
Il Vampiro Nome
Amanda, Cassius, Clayton, Helene, Isaiah, Jessamine, Jong, Lucian, Marcell, Morana, Serina
Intenso, distaccato, pallido, predatorio, ardente, vecchio stile
Scegli un nome:
Un nome maestoso, un nome antiquato, un nome biblico, un nome meditabondo, un nome snob
Cerchiane uno in ogni lista:
Occhi morti, occhi affamati, occhi assetati, occhi vivaci, occhi addolorati
Cerchiane una:
© Joe Mcdaldno - Italian Edition © 2012 Shadow di Michele Gelli - Questa pagina è liberamente fotocopiabile per uso privato
Appena rinato, vecchio in termini umani, preso questo secolo, vecchio di epoche, creatore, signore
Questo gioco contiene elementi interattivi. A pagina 9 viene spiegato come ogni giocatore, MC a parte, dovrà scegliersi una Pelle, ossia un libretto che tratteggia il tipo di personaggio che interpreterà in gioco. Le Pelli sono scaricabili dalla sezione “Download” del sito e il gioco vi da istruzioni di leggere ad alta voce il testo descrittivo di ciascuna quando iniziate a giocare e prima di scegliere. Abbiamo però pensato di fornire agli appassionati un bonus nella forma di un “doppiaggio” per ogni Pelle. Inquadrando infatti le immagini dei libretti scaricabili con il vostro telefono o iPad, potete ascoltare due attori leggere i testi descrittivi. Per questo bonus è necessaria l’installazione della applicazione gratuita Aurasma.
Caratteristiche Aggiungi 1 a una di queste: Caldo 1, Freddo 1, Instabile -1, Oscuro -1
(Scagliarsi Contro Qualcuno, Fuggire)
Punti Esperienza: >> avanza
(Guardare nell’Abisso)
Il Tuo Passato
Sei bello. Ottieni una Stringa su tutti. Qualcuno ha salvato la tua non vita, una volta. Ottiene 2 Stringhe su di te.
Puoi ipnotizzare le persone che non hanno Stringhe su di te. Tira con Caldo. Con 10 o più, fa esattamente quello che desideri e non ha idea che ci sia qualcosa che non va. Con 7~9, l’ipnosi funziona, ma scegli uno: capisce che l’hai ipnotizzato; esegue male i tuoi ordini; la sua sanità mentale viene compromessa.
Invitato Non puoi entrare in una casa senza essere invitato. Ogni qual volta qualcuno ti invita, ottieni una Stringa su di lui.
(Gelare Qualcuno, Mantenere il Controllo)
Scegline due:
(Eccitare Qualcuno, Manipolare un PNG)
Mosse del Vampiro
Altre Mosse
Il Nutrimento Ti nutri di sangue caldo. Se questa è la prima volta che qualcuno si ciba di lui, entrambi segnate esperienza. Quando ti nutri, scegli due: curi 1 danno subito in precedenza; hai 1 prossimo; non muore.
Marchiato per la Caccia Quando ti cibi di qualcuno, formi uno stretto legame con lui. Quando guardi nell’abisso riguardo la sua posizione o benessere, tira come se avessi Oscuro 3.
Freddo come il Ghiaccio Quando geli qualcuno con successo (7 o più), puoi scegliere un’opzione extra dalla lista 7~9.
Inesorabile Puoi spendere una Stringa su qualcuno per esigere che non se ne vada. Se lo fa comunque, ottieni 2 Stringhe su di lui.
Mossa Sessuale
Quando fai sesso con qualcuno, questi ottiene la Condizione uno di loro. Finché la Condizione permane, è considerato parte del tuo gruppo.
Sé Oscuro
Ti hanno deluso. È tutta colpa loro, e non c’è ragione perché tu debba subire le conseguenze della loro idiozia. Devi fare un esempio di ognuno di loro, un esempio crudele e deciso. Esci dal tuo Sé Oscuro quando cedi parte del tuo potere a qualcuno più meritevole, o quando distruggi una persona innocente per provare la tua potenza.
Ottieni un’altra mossa della Regina. Ottieni un’altra mossa della Regina. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni nuovamente La Cerchia; dettaglia un secondo gruppo. Aggiungi 1 a Caldo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Freddo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Instabile (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Oscuro (massimo 3).
Giocare La Regina
Autoritaria, irresistibile, maligna, sexy. La regina ruota attorno al trasformare cerchie ristrette e popolarità in armi. I diversi punti di forza per La Cerchia non hanno effetti meccanici specifici. Piuttosto, ti aiutano a definire in cosa il tuo gruppo sarà in grado di aiutarti e che tipo di potere ti offrirà. Lo Scudo funziona in maniera diversa a seconda che la persona che ti approccia sia un PG o un PNG. Se è un PG, allora quel personaggio subisce -1 nell’agire contro di te. Se è un PNG, allora di’ all’MC che “Lo Scudo li mette in Svantaggio”. Questa è una meccanica specifica dell’MC che renderà i PNG che agiscono contro di te più deboli e più vulnerabili. Con Ma Ancor Più Stretti i Nemici, qualcuno può tradirti solo se stavi dipendendo da lui perché ti aiutasse in un qualche modo. È valido considerare un fallimento come tradimento. Flusso Costante è l’unico potere apertamente sovrannaturale che La Regina possiede (anche se Molti Corpi implica fortemente un qualche genere di legame sovrannaturale all’opera). Evita questa mossa e puoi creare come personaggio una reginetta adolescente super-popolare e mondana. Il titolo “Regina” viene usato in modo non specifico rispetto al genere. Creare una Regina maschio va benissimo.
Sei speciale. Una bellezza sovrana. Meriti più che il resto di questo miserabile mondo. Meriti la volontà e l’adorazione di coloro che ti stanno attorno. E non è solo perché sei migliore di loro. È perché li rendi migliori. Forti, belli, completi. Non sarebbero nulla senza di te.
La Regina Nome
Burton, Brittany, Cordelia, Drake, Jacqueline, Kimball, Raymond, Reyes, Varun, Veronica
Stupendo, dispotico, algido, borioso
Scegli un nome:
Un nome signorile, un nome freddo, un nome severo, un nome che evoca comando
Cerchiane uno in ogni lista:
Occhi calcolatori, occhi ammalianti, occhi meditabondi, occhi torbidi, occhi assenti
Cerchiane una:
© Joe Mcdaldno - Italian Edition © 2012 Shadow di Michele Gelli - Questa pagina è liberamente fotocopiabile per uso privato
Ragazzo più popolare della scuola, persona più pericolosa in giro, primo nato della mente alveare, origine dell’infezione
Questo gioco contiene elementi interattivi. A pagina 9 viene spiegato come ogni giocatore, MC a parte, dovrà scegliersi una Pelle, ossia un libretto che tratteggia il tipo di personaggio che interpreterà in gioco. Le Pelli sono scaricabili dalla sezione “Download” del sito e il gioco vi da istruzioni di leggere ad alta voce il testo descrittivo di ciascuna quando iniziate a giocare e prima di scegliere. Abbiamo però pensato di fornire agli appassionati un bonus nella forma di un “doppiaggio” per ogni Pelle. Inquadrando infatti le immagini dei libretti scaricabili con il vostro telefono o iPad, potete ascoltare due attori leggere i testi descrittivi. Per questo bonus è necessaria l’installazione della applicazione gratuita Aurasma.
Caratteristiche Aggiungi 1 a una di queste: Caldo 1, Freddo 1, Instabile -1, Oscuro -1
Punti Esperienza: >> avanza
(Guardare nell’Abisso)
Il Tuo Passato
Nomina tre PNG che sono membri del tuo gruppo. Ottieni una Stringa su ognuno di essi. Trovi qualcuno minaccioso. Dagli una Stringa su di te, e ottieni due Stringhe su di lui.
Quando sei circondato dal tuo gruppo, sottrai 1 da ogni tiro contro di te (i PNG agiscono in Svantaggio).
La tua Cerchia:
(Scagliarsi Contro Qualcuno, Fuggire)
La Cerchia Sei a capo del gruppetto più tosto, figo e potente che c’è in giro. Sono considerati un gruppo. Scegli uno dei seguenti punti di forza per il tuo gruppo: sono armati (con pistole e roba davvero pericolosa); sono inseriti (con denaro e droghe all’ultima moda); sono talentuosi (in un gruppo musicale o squadra sportiva): sono cultisti (con oscuri giuramenti e disposti a morire).
Lo Scudo
(Gelare Qualcuno, Mantenere il Controllo)
Ottieni questa, e ne scegli un’altra: QQ
(Eccitare Qualcuno, Manipolare un PNG)
Mosse della Regina
Altre Mosse
Lealtà Mercenaria Puoi dare a un PNG una Stringa su di te per aggiungere 2 al tuo tiro per manipolare un PNG contro di lui (puoi scegliere di farlo solo prima di tirare).
Ma Ancor Più Stretti i Nemici Quando qualcuno ti tradisce, ottieni una Stringa su di lui.
Molti Corpi Quando prometti uno dei membri del tuo gruppo a qualcuno, aggiungi 2 al tuo tiro per eccitare qualcuno. Quando uno dei membri del tuo gruppo fa sesso con qualcuno, attiva la tua Mossa Sessuale.
Flusso Costante Hai una connessione telepatica coi membri del tuo gruppo. Puoi sempre avvertire le loro emozioni e paure. Quando cerchi di sentire pensieri specifici, guarda nell’abisso al riguardo e aggiungi 1 al tiro.
Playing the Hollow Uncertain, unstable, impressionable, and lost. The Hollow doesn’t have a past, and is struggling to imagine their future. They’re in the midst of an existential crisis, and being not-quite-real they can only look to those around them for the answers. The Hollow’s two stat options slant toward being either beautiful enigma (Hot 1 & Dark 2) or an erratic misfit (Volatile 2 & Dark 1). Their Cold stat is low, making it hard for them to confront their fears or stand up to others. The Hollow is yearning for a sense of self, and clinging to any labels which seem like they might help cobble together an identity, which is why so many of their moves revolve around Conditions. When you use Strange Impressions, you can gain any of the Skin Moves on the relevant sheet. You aren’t limited only to the ones which have been selected for that character. When you temporarily gain a move in this way, it doesn’t affect the other character’s access to it. If the Hollow has sex with more than one person at once, everyone does the writing and revealing simultaneously. If the Hollow shared an answer with one or more characters, that’s the set of characters who mark experience.
The Hollow They set out to make something from nothing. It’s not clear whether they succeeded or not. See, it turns out there’s a lot of grey area between something and nothing.
Credits This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at This skin designed by Avery Alder
You’re alive, but you’re not real. You don’t have a soul. You don’t have childhood memories, because you don’t have a childhood. You don’t have parents; you have makers. And those makers forgot to give you a place in the world.
Name: Adam, Baby, Bryce,
Dorothy, Eva, Franklin, January, Max, Nix, Raymond, Summer
Look: immaculate, disheveled,
haunted, inexperienced, earnest
Your Backstory
Eyes: shifty eyes, soulless eyes, wide eyes, vacant eyes, desperate eyes
Origin: born of a wish,
Hollow Moves
Better Than Nothing
Choose two:
When you gain a Condition, mark experience.
a failed experiment, once a toy, amnesiac, machine
A Blank Canvas
When you take an action that embodies one of your Conditions, allowing that Condition to alter your sense of self, cross it off and add 1 to your roll.
You’ve been taking your social cues from someone, and doing so has taught you a lot about them. Gain 2 Strings on them.
Try Harder Next Time When you screw up, give yourself an appropriate Condition and take 1 Forward.
Someone’s seen through your invented past, and realized it’s all lies. They gain 2 Strings on you.
Darkest Self
Your body is a prison. You don’t belong inside of it. You need to put it in harm’s way, and make it suffer, just like it’s made you suffer. There’s got to be a way to cut yourself out of it. You need to meet your makers, and hold them accountable for what they’ve done to you. To escape your Darkest Self, you must come to see how someone else feels more trapped than you do.
Add 1 to any rolls you make while lying.
When you Gaze Into the Abyss, on a 7 or higher the abyss will also show you what you must become, and you can permanently swap two of your stats.
Strange Impressions When a main character either harms you or helps you heal, you can respond by studying them with wide eyes. If you do, temporarily gain one of their Skin Moves and add it to your character sheet. It disappears once you use it.
Add +1 to one of your stats. Take another Hollow move. Take another Hollow move. Take a move from any Skin. Take a move from any Skin. You’ve found Hollow Siblings.
Hot 1
Cold -1
Volatile -1
Dark 2
Hot -1
Cold -1
Volatile 2
Dark 1
Sex Move
When you have sex with someone, both players secretly write down whether the sex was confusing or soothing for their character. If you reveal the same answer, both characters mark experience.
Mossa Sessuale
Dopo il sesso, puoi prendere un pegno simpatetico da lui. Lo sa, e gli sta bene.
Sé Oscuro
Il tempo delle sottigliezze e della pazienza è finito. Sei troppo potente per sopportare oltre le loro fesserie. Affatturi chiunque ti contrari. Tutte le fatture hanno effetti collaterali inaspettati e sono più efficaci di quanto ti piaccia. Per uscire dal tuo Sé Oscuro, devi offrire pace a colui che hai maggiormente ferito.
Ottieni un’altra mossa della Strega. Ottieni le fatture restanti. Ottieni una nuova fattura (con l’approvazione dell’MC). Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Ottieni una mossa da un’altra Pelle. Appartieni a una Congrega di Streghe. Aggiungi 1 a Caldo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Freddo (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Instabile (massimo 3). Aggiungi 1 a Oscuro (massimo 3).
Giocare La Strega
Manipolatrice, riservata, pronta a dare giudizi, meditabonda. La strega ruota attorno allo scagliare giudizi silenti e potenti fatture, dalla sicurezza della sua camera. I Pegni Simpatetici possono essere una qualsiasi cosa personale: una ciocca di capelli, una nota scritta da lui, il suo diario, o il rossetto che ti ha prestato. Queste sono cose che dovrai rubare, prendere in prestito, o comunque pianificare come metterci le mani sopra. È possibile che qualcuno ottenga accesso a Scagliare Fatture senza i Pegni Simpatetici (per esempio, un’altra Pelle che ottenga la mossa tramite un avanzamento). In quel caso, le Fatture possono essere lanciate solamente salmodiando in strane lingue. Se scegli “la Fattura ha effetti collaterali inaspettati” da Scagliare Fatture, l’MC decide cosa sono questi effetti collaterali. Con la Fattura Illusioni, tu scegli quale tipo di illusione vede l’affatturato, ma l’MC descrive le visioni specifiche e le reazioni dell’affatturato.
In ogni ciocca di capelli, ogni sguardo furtivo, ogni bigliettino che passa di mano durante la lezione di storia, c’ è un invito. Un invito a immischiarsi. Non che le arti magiche girino attorno all’ immischiarsi negli affari altrui, non esattamente, ma è difficile non notare quanto terribilmente malleabile sia il mondo, una volta che sai una o due cosette di magia. Ovviamente, una brava strega come te sa contenersi. Una brava strega ignora tutti quegli inviti e non pensa a quanto dolci possano essere la vendetta e il controllo. Una brava strega è al di sopra di questo genere di cose. Almeno, la maggior parte delle volte.
La Strega Nome
Abrielle, Annalee, Cordelia, Darius, Evelyn, Gerard, Lucca, Merrill, Sabrina, Vanessa
Flessuoso, circospetto, schivo, irritabile, meditabondo
Scegli un nome:
Un nome grazioso, un nome pagano, un nome freddo, un nome pretenzioso
Cerchiane uno in ogni lista:
Occhi calcolatori, occhi sinistri, occhi scherzosi, occhi furbi, occhi profondi
Cerchiane una: Voodoo, wicca, sciamanica, dilettante, dotato, risvegliato
© Joe Mcdaldno - Italian Edition © 2012 Shadow di Michele Gelli - Questa pagina è liberamente fotocopiabile per uso privato
Questo gioco contiene elementi interattivi. A pagina 9 viene spiegato come ogni giocatore, MC a parte, dovrà scegliersi una Pelle, ossia un libretto che tratteggia il tipo di personaggio che interpreterà in gioco. Le Pelli sono scaricabili dalla sezione “Download” del sito e il gioco vi da istruzioni di leggere ad alta voce il testo descrittivo di ciascuna quando iniziate a giocare e prima di scegliere. Abbiamo però pensato di fornire agli appassionati un bonus nella forma di un “doppiaggio” per ogni Pelle. Inquadrando infatti le immagini dei libretti scaricabili con il vostro telefono o iPad, potete ascoltare due attori leggere i testi descrittivi. Per questo bonus è necessaria l’installazione della applicazione gratuita Aurasma.
Caratteristiche Aggiungi 1 a una di queste: Caldo -1, Freddo 1, Instabile -1, Oscuro 1
(Gelare Qualcuno, Mantenere il Controllo)
(Scagliarsi Contro Qualcuno, Fuggire)
Inizi il gioco con due pegni simpatetici. Decidi di chi e cosa sono. Uno degli altri ti ha sorpreso a frugare fra la roba di un suo amico, ma è stato zitto. Ottiene una Stringa su di te.
Scagliare Fatture Puoi scagliare Fatture. Scegline due che conosci. Per scagliarle, puoi o spendere un pegno simpatetico durante un rituale segreto, o incontrare lo sguardo del bersaglio e salmodiare in strane lingue. Quindi, tira con Oscuro. Con 10 o più, la Fattura funziona e può facilmente essere revocata. Con 7~9, funziona, ma scegli uno: scagliarla ti causa 1 danno; la Fattura ha effetti collaterali inaspettati; innesca il tuo Sé Oscuro.
Magia Trasgressiva
Punti Esperienza: >> avanza
(Guardare nell’Abisso)
Il Tuo Passato
Pegni Simpatetici Ottieni potere dai pegni simpatetici, oggetti di importanza personale che prendi da altri. Ogni pegno simpatetico conta come una Stringa.
Ottieni queste due, e ne scegli un’altra:
(Eccitare Qualcuno, Manipolare un PNG)
Mosse della Strega
Quando il tuo rituale trasgredisce gli standard morali e sessuali della comunità, aggiungi 1 al tuo tiro per scagliare fatture.
Tempo al Tempo
Se hai un pegno simpatetico verso qualcuno, aggiungi 1 a tutti i tiri per mantenere il controllo nei confronti delle sue azioni o per fuggire da lui.
Rifugio Hai un luogo segreto in cui praticare la magia. Aggiungi 1 a tutti i tiri che fai in questo spazio.
Pegni Simpatetici:
Altre Mosse
Scegline due.
La persona perde tutti i capelli, o i denti iniziano a marcire e cadere, o il suo ciclo mestruale inizia e arriva a secchiate, o la sua pelle diventa di un giallo malsano e a macchie. Qualunque siano i particolari, è roba brutta.
Legaccio La persona non può danneggiare fisicamente gli altri.
Menzogne Assordanti Ogni qual volta la persona cerca di mentire, sente un tintinnio lacerante. Spesso grosse menzogne faranno cedere le ginocchia e disorienteranno. Menzogne gravi possono causare danno o addirittura lesioni cerebrali.
Osservare Entri in un sonno profondo e cominci a vedere il mondo attraverso gli occhi dell’affatturato. Puoi avvertire le sue reazioni a, e impressioni su, ciò che sta vedendo.
Illusioni Scegline una: serpenti e insetti, volti demoniaci, false profezie, sottotesti inesistenti. L’affatturato vede questa cosa ovunque. Non hai controllo sulle immagini o manifestazioni precise.
Sex Move
Playing The Sasquatch
The person you have sex with smells like you afterward, and gains the Condition scented. If they face their peers before scrubbing it off, they mark experience.
Shy, awkward, private, honest. The Sasquatch is all about watching from the sidelines and having a painfully hard time in social situations.
Darkest Self Now, right now, it's time to rain stones down upon the bullies and the excluders. It's time to wreck their precious stuff, to shove them back so hard that they'll never even dream of messing with you or anyone ever, ever again. You escape your Darkest Self when you hurt one of those people more than they've ever hurt anyone else... and more than you meant to.
Take another Sasquatch move. Take another Sasquatch move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You find a Secret Club. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
When you're right there, you can make others act first by using Musk and Icebreaker. When it hasn't been established that you're somewhere else right now, you can watch the scene unfold using Hidden In The Scenery. To transition from participating in the scene to observing it, use Disappear. Pick Icebreaker or Understanding if you want to know people better than they know you. However, it's quite possible people won't want to be around you after you use these moves on them: that's part of the tension of having powers like these. Pick The Long Fuse if you want to explore a kind of after-the-fact anger where, after you bottle it up, it comes bubbling out later as rage or selfharm. Oh, and “later” means the next reasonable opportunity. You'll see it. Your given move, Musk, will kick in whenever you sweat around people: whether it's at basketball practice, outside on a hot day, or because a cute person is talking to you. You can rid yourself of your backstory Condition just like any Condition.
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for:
Monsterhearts Second Skins
Everyone around you seems to have it figured out. They flirt and joke and walk around holding hands. You don't have it figured out. When people look at you, you want to disappear.
The Sasquatch can sometimes be so good at making themselves scarce that they write themselves out of the story. To avoid this, keep your eye out for things you want to see come true, and then take a few steps in from the sideline to give those things a good, solid push.
The Sasquatch Name
Ainsley, Amanda, Bjorn, Cedar, Donavan, Gavin, Heather, Mouse, Orion, Shizu
awkward, sweet, tentative, more to love, hirsute
Choose a name:
a peaceful name, a hippie name, an unremarkable name, a hidden name, the name of an outsider
Circle one in each list:
sparkling eyes, wide eyes, shallow eyes, sensitive eyes, forgettable eyes
Circle one: abandoned, transfer student, walked out of the forest, was a quiet child, no family photos
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: >> advance
Your Backstory You've been a wallflower all your life, but someone finally noticed you. Give them a String. Someone makes fun of you. What do they say? They give you a Condition, and you gain 2 Strings on them.
You have a distinct smell, unpleasant to some, intriguing to others. When you sweat in the presence of other people, roll with volatile. On a 10 up, the MC gives you a String on someone there and they choose: SS compliment you, SS apologize to you, SS give themselves to you. • On a 7-9, the MC gives you a String on someone there, and that character gives you a Condition, delivered in the most appropriate way.
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
You get this one, and choose two more:
Sasquatch Moves
You radiate awkwardness and people don't know how to talk around you. When someone speaks to break a silence or to start a new conversation, you may roll with dark. On a 10 up, choose two of these questions for them to blurt truthful answers to, whether or not you actually ask. • On a 7-9, choose one question and during this conversation you both blurt out truthful answers to it. SS Who do you want to make out with? SS What don't you want me to find out? SS What do you intend to do? SS What do you wish I'd do? SS What are you scared of? SS What are you ashamed of? SS Do you like me?
Understanding When you hold someone close, gain a String on them.
Other Moves
The Long Fuse When you or someone wrapped in your arms would take harm, you may negate that harm. If you do so, name something that you hold dear - if you don't destroy that something later, do yourself the harm then.
Hidden In The Scenery When it appears that you're not around, you may roll with dark. On a 10 up, you're there and you remain completely unnoticed. • On a 7-9, you're there, and somebody sees. If they don't draw attention to you, they gain a String on you at the end of the scene.
Negatives When you really, really want specific evidence of yourself to disappear, be it a physical object or something from the memory of someone with no Strings on you, roll with dark. On a 10 up, it happens. Those tracks are gone. • On a 7-9 the evidence or memory is gone, but the pieces don't all add up: a mystery remains.
Disappear When you run away, on a 10 up you may instead choose this result: SS you slip from view and remain there, invisible. On a 7-9, add this option to the list: SS you disappear on the spot, causing wild confusion, and the witness who cares the most about you gets a String on you.
Sex Move
Playing The Wyrm
When you have sex with someone, read them this: "Choose at least one thing from this list, and for each that you choose, describe something I learn about you from our intimacy: SS Give me a String on you, and take something from my collection. SS Give me a String on you, and take a String on me as well. SS Give me a String on you, and I'll promise you anything you'd like. SS Give me a String on you, and then give me a Condition."
Controlling, manipulative, brooding, jealous. The Wyrm is a player of mind games and a dealer in social currency. It's also a rather complicated Skin, perhaps best played by those who've played before.
Darkest Self You've become too heady, too lax, too vague. You need to dominate one of the people-things that you treasure, let it know that it's yours, that it doesn't get to choose who owns it – you do. You escape your Darkest Self when your treasured thing proves that you don't own it entirely, or when you see the difference between objects and people.
Take another Wyrm move. Take another Wyrm move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You find some willing Collection Curators. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for:
Monsterhearts Second Skins
During backstory, you'll be asked to select some PCs to be “merely currency” and others to be “treasure.” Metaphorically speaking, you use one to get the other. Your opinions of them can change, of course. You can't use Bargaining Ceremony to give away Strings that other people have collected on you. It's great to speak as your characters while sliding trade offers back and forth on index cards. A bargain can of course include objects, promises, and especially things from your Bait collection. Give them a good deal, get what you want, and keep them coming back. Try to keep notes about everyone's Strings on one another. A tip to keep the story rolling: after each offer or refusal, describe a detail about your poise or subtle movement - encourage your bargainer to do the same. Condition examples in Broker are from moves from the Ghost, Queen, Ghoul, Selkie, Serpentine, Heir, and Firestarter. Take this when those or other Skins with moves that generate Conditions are in your group. Remember to give out those Conditions yourself, too! With Where I Want You, the MC might have another scene occur first, but it won't include you or your obsession. To frame a scene, say these five things: where it takes place, what time of day it is, how many minutes or hours have passed since the previous scene, who's there, and what's generally going on.
You see what most miss, passing glances that tell tales of control. You've been transformed by your aching desire for power over people. They're hard to acquire all at once, but you can win them bit by bit, piece by piece, string by string. What you've changed into you're the kind of thing that runs the world. You don't have to be liked to be obeyed, or understood to be feared. There's nothing so excellent as the delicate flavor of power over others.
The Wyrm Name
Alister, Bellinda, Donna, Eustace, Midas, Ormr, Tatsuya, Uther, Veles, Vritra
sharp, dangerous, expensive, collected, quiet
Choose a name:
a sinister name, a name full of teeth, a coiling name, a name of wealth, a royal name
Circle one in each list:
burning eyes, sly eyes, greedy eyes, bored eyes, unblinking eyes
Circle one: slept under a mountain, in your blood, awakened, enamored with objects, heart got so black
Carry Forward
Drinking tea, sharing a cigarette, playing chess, or sitting back to back are all ceremonies.
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
When negotiating a bargain during a ceremony, both of you can offer Strings as part of that bargain. This can include Strings you have on others, or new Strings that you generate on yourselves. When you're both satisfied, the exchange occurs.
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
The Bait
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
You get these two, then choose one:
Bargaining Ceremony
Wyrm Moves
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points:
Your Backstory Judge each other PC as either “treasure” or “merely currency.” If they're treasure, describe the moment they caught your eye, and give them a String. If they're merely currency, take a String on them. Read them this: "Describe something off-putting that I said to you."
>> advance
You have a collection of beautiful things – maybe zines, jazz records, or old jewelry. When you show it to someone, they inevitably find something they fancy. They will mark experience when it becomes theirs and is no longer yours. Also, choose one: SS they see something someone else would like, and when you show that someone the something, carry one forward against them, SS the time has flown by and it's hours later than you thought.
Wingman When you wax poetic about the beauty of another PC, that other PC rolls to turn on the person you're talking to.
Other Moves
Broker You're attuned to how people value and weaken one another. Whenever you gain a String on someone with any Conditions named in a Skin move, such as blamed, one of them, morbid, dazed, snake food, like a sister to me, like a brother to me, or moth to the flame, mark down 2 Strings on that person instead of 1.
Where I Want You When you obsess about someone, you may spend 4 Strings on them; you'll frame the next scene either of your characters appear in. Frame a scene with just the two of you, and until you've made a move, no one else can enter and they can't leave.
Jealous Coils When anyone gets close to someone you covet and you act territorial, roll with dark. On a 10 up, both: they lose a String on your coveted, and you gain a String on your coveted. • On a 7-9, gain a String on your coveted, and your coveted chooses: SS they give you a Condition, SS you say something you'll regret.
Scales Once per session, you can transform into a terrifying beast of talons and coils. Give yourself the Condition secretly vulnerable. While transformed, you can roll to lash out physically with dark, except do as much harm as you like. When the scene ends, you collapse back into your human form.
Sex Move
Playing The Cuckoo
Once you've had sex with someone, add 1 to your rolls for passing as them.
Playful, jealous, magical, spiteful. The Cuckoo is a clothes-stealing magical shapeshifter. Play this Skin if you want to mess with other people's relationships and play with gender.
(List them here, and also add +1's to your outfit list.)
People you've slept with:
Darkest Self Somebody is a hack at playing themselves in their own life. It grates on you. It's time for you, the understudy, to take that place in the spotlight; you portray them so much better than they do. It's time to take them out of the picture, using whatever means necessary. Replace them. You escape your Darkest Self when something they do surprises you, or someone shows a genuine care for them, or you succeed.
Take another Cuckoo move. Take another Cuckoo move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You've got a Flock of Wannabes. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for:
Monsterhearts Second Skins
The magic of Feathers lets you be partially undressed passing as someone and have sexual organs like theirs instead of yours. You can only pass as one person at a time, and when you're totally naked, you're you. Guarding the secret of your shapechanging might slow down the story. Shredding the Looking Glass provides a disincentive to uncover you; it also interacts with Close To The Sun.
Others' lives are just so fascinating. That's why you want to walk a mile in their shoes... and pants... and shirt. That's why you want to look out through their eyes, make a few promises with their voice and maybe kiss someone via those sweet lips. Look at that smile. You could be anyone.
If you have Strings that you got while passing as someone else, they can be explained as new things you've learned about that person rather than social power they've ceded to you. With That Good, your impression is so polished that those interacting with you can learn something new about the actual person you're passing as. Without it, Strings others gain on you might be fruitfully confusing. That's ok! Using A Little Bird Told Me is like shutting people down who aren't even in the scene.
Facts about real cuckoos Cuckoos parasitically lay their eggs in other species' nests. The host birds then raise the young cuckoos, often feeding them before their own young. If there isn't enough to go around, the host's own children starve. When the nestling cuckoos first hatch, many eliminate their nestmates by pushing them over the side.
The Cuckoo Name
Alex, Checha, Coby, Francis, Garnett, Jay, Jamie, Kealoha, Robin, Taylor
sleek, flashy, comfortable, exuberant, eclectic
an androgynous name, an unconventional name, an artist's name, a bird name, a name of replacement
tempting eyes, knowing eyes, innocent eyes, flirty eyes, vibrant eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: foster kid, left in a basket, miracle baby, from the stars, middle child
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark -1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
You get these two, and choose one more:
Cuckoo Moves
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: >> advance
Your Backstory You've stolen an outfit from someone. Record it under Outfits and gain a String on that person. Someone gave you an outfit so that you could impersonate them - discuss with them and decide why. Record it under Outfits and you each get a String on one another.
Your magic lets you pass as the person whose clothes you're wearing. When you're seen wearing someone else's clothes, but aren't yet passing, roll with hot. On a 10 up, you're passing as them - you'd fool their mother and their favorite hookup. Mark the outfit you're wearing below. • On a 7-9, same as above, but choose one: SS the magic will dissipate if you kiss or get kissed, SS the magic will dissipate if you lash out at anyone.
Close To The Sun When someone suspects that you're not who you appear to be, mark experience.
That Good While you're passing as someone, if anyone would gain a String on you, they instead gain it on the person you're passing as.
Brood Parasite When you can tell that someone wants what you have, or wants to be in your shoes, gain a String on them.
Jumping Out Of Clocks
While you're passing as someone, give social Conditions you receive to them instead. Physical Conditions still stick to you. Anyone who takes Feathers also gets Shredding the Looking Glass.
When you disrobe for someone, take 1 forward to rolling with volatile, and they choose: SS offer you an experience point to do what they want, SS trigger your Darkest Self.
Shredding the Looking Glass
A Little Bird Told Me
When someone suspects you're not who you appear to be, read them this: "If the enchantment were to be broken, the edges would be very sharp. You momentarily notice a gap in my magic. Choose one: SS tear my magic away - my identity is revealed and the clothes are in tatters, but you get scratched up in the process and take 1 harm, SS or, shake your head to clear it - it was nothing."
Outfits (Mark while passing as)
You can collect more than four, of course.
When you blab vicious lies about someone behind their back, roll with cold. On a 10 up, give them a Condition. • On a 7-9, give them a Condition, but some people don't believe you, so gain the Condition liar.
Other Moves
Sex Moves
You have three intimacy moves: When you lay your head in a virgin's lap, gain a point of Integrity and choose: SS give them 1 forward to protecting you, SS roll to turn them on. When you kiss a non-virgin, take 1 harm. When you have sex, lose all your Integrity.
Darkest Self This is it. Everything falls apart, and you can't hold it together anymore. It's not because everything is too much to bear – just that you aren't good enough. So beg their forgivenesses, everyone you've wronged by being too weak to help; and show them how sorry you are, in whatever small ways you can muster before the final curtain falls. Don't seek their acceptance. You don't deserve it. You escape your Darkest Self when someone reflects to you a glimmer of your own self worth.
Take another Unicorn move. Take another Unicorn move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You're accepted by a Circle of Friends. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for:
Monsterhearts Second Skins
Playing The Unicorn Desperate, kind, helpful, good. The Unicorn tries to be a benevolent supporting force in the world, but they don't believe in themselves. The Unicorn looks at the concept of virginity as a binary thing. Before the game starts, tell the MC what universally “counts” and "doesn't count” as losing your virginity, remembering to account for interactions between people with the same genitals. Before someone has done those things, they are a virgin. If your group fades to black instead of describing the sex acts, your MC will ask questions to clarify if characters have lost their virginity or not. Of course, players still say when their own Sex Moves occur. Speaking of, read your three intimacy moves! You start off able to gain Integrity, but perhaps have nothing to spend it on. That's ok. If your integrity stat is highlighted, you mark experience when you roll, not when you gain a point. You define what issues matter to you: start with People Should Never. Both Lesser Beasts and Hunted externalize the Unicorn's power, populating the world instead of giving them agency. If you take either of those moves, tell the MC right then what's cool about it to you. Once play is under way, the MC will control the characters from these moves. I Believe In You is for after they roll, whereas Prophecies is for before maybe well before. If you take Blessings, remind the other players that you have it. Ask about the things their characters long for using your character's voice, too.
You try so hard to help, and to be good. But you feel like a foal out on the ice and the lake is ringed by wolves and your inner warmth makes the ice beneath you weaken. One of the best things in this world and not long for it.
The Unicorn Name
Abdul-Rahman, Abilene, Acacia, Aedelwine, Aghavni, Aiko, Ajit, Akash, Andy, Astrid
birthmark, mohawk, actual horn, hairstyle, trick of the light
Choose a name:
a name beginning with A, a brave name, a selfless name, a nigh-forgotten name, a fortuitous name
Circle one: magic is dying, hunted to extinction, survivor, blessed, our last hope
Circle one in each list:
translucent eyes, solitary eyes, stoic eyes, modest eyes, humble eyes
People Should Never
Circle some and make up your own: eat meat, lie, talk back, be selfish, hurt the environment, break the law, support sweatshops, disobey elders, swear, dance, drive a car, do drugs, appropriate cultures, bully, gossip, misgender people, make someone cry
Carry Forward
You judge your own actions harshly, holding yourself to a high moral standard. You have a fifth stat to reflect this, which starts at zero and can climb to 3. Gain a point of Integrity when SS you take the moral highground about an issue that matters, SS you follow through on something important that you say you'll do.
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
You get this one, and choose two more:
With Integrity
Add 1 to one of these four: Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
Unicorn Moves
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
You can gain up to 1 Integrity per scene. When a move calls for you to roll with integrity, erase 1 Integrity after you roll.
I Believe In You When you believe in someone who has just done less than their best, make eye contact with them and roll with integrity (& then erase 1). On a 10 up, the roll they just made counts as a 10. • On a 7-9, add 1 to the roll they just made. When time seems to stop and fate hangs in the balance, sometimes believing in somebody is enough.
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
Experience Points:
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Integrity Your Backstory Someone is thinking about taking something from you - discuss with them and decide what it is. You each get a String on one another. Someone's in love with you and has told you about their feelings. Gain 2 Strings on them.
>> advance
Prophecies When you predict the outcome of a PC's intended action well before they undertake it, roll with integrity (& then erase 1). On a 10 up, the decisive move's roll will succeed as a result of 10 up, or automatically miss, choose now. • On a 7-9, as above, but you'll have to be there to help it along. On a successful roll, read this aloud: "A PC may defy this prediction by breaking their own heart."
Other Moves
A Good Person Spend an Integrity to offer someone an experience point to do what you say. If they undertake to do that thing, and you directed them towards making a third party happier at no one's expense, mark experience.
Speak From The Heart When you have someone else's best interests at heart, add 2 to your rolls to manipulate an NPC.
Lesser Beasts When you're near them, animals can converse in human speech. Full sentences and broad concepts, with strange gaps of knowledge.
Hunted There are things that hunt you, things you often catch out of the corner of your eye. When one of them comes out into the open, choose: SS stand up to it and award yourself a point of Integrity, SS call out for help and anyone who comes to your rescue marks experience, SS look directly at it and ask the MC a question about your hunters.
Blessings (If you pick this, read it aloud.) When other people seek your blessing and erase a String on you, tell them whether you approve of their intentions. If you approve, they carry 1 forward to realizing it. If you don't, they take that String on you back.
Sex Move
Playing The Heir
After you have sex with someone, tell them about your secret weakness or a peaceful time you shared with one of your siblings. They tell you about their relationship with death.
Scared, conflicted, desperate, violent. The Heir is about terrible sibling rivalry and unreasonable parental expectations. They come freighted with some heavy issues, and require a mature outlook to play well mechanically, it's not a Skin for firsttime players, and nor is it structured for single-session games.
Darkest Self Treason. You've just this instant put the pieces together, and not a moment too soon. There are those who've feigned kindness to you, and you've even let your guard down a little - but they didn't count on your survivor's instinct. Quickly, cleverly, before they can retreat or mount their defenses, you must strike them down unerringly. You escape your Darkest Self when your paranoia is revealed to be unfounded, or when you push away everyone who cares about you.
Advancement Take another Heir move. Take another Heir move. Create a new Birthright (MC approval) and agree who it's in. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You've met your Extended Family. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for:
Monsterhearts Second Skins
To keep the age differences fresh in everyone's minds, always say your siblings' ages after their names. When you make your siblings at the start, don't go into detail. Just give us their names and ages, and a glimpse of what one or two look like. The rest can be discovered later through play. For your sex move, feel free to make up new stuff about your siblings. When you transfer death to one of your siblings using Old Family Friend, the MC chooses which sibling is taken by death in your stead. See the Player Reference Sheet for info about avoiding death - something you can't do. Incidentally, you can never gain the Ghoul move Short Rest for the Wicked. It's your choice whether you tell the other players about your secret weakness or not. Either is fine. The Condition like a brother to me isn't only for use on boys, and like a sister to me isn't only for use on girls. In Or Else, the flashback is a mini-scene between you and that blood sibling, just long enough for you to tell them what to do in this situation. Or Else can't automatically interrupt other moves. The phrase "blood siblings" here means "can't be used on PCs." Other PCs can't get Birthrights. They're yours alone.
Your family has strong traditions. You've heard stories about your aunts and uncles: some of the stories remind you of you and your siblings. You all have these little gifts. Maybe your parents even have a speech about it. One's gifts should be used, they say. And if one's inheritance isn't appreciated, it should be seized instead by someone more able to see the value. Someone more fit for success in the Real World. They have an expectation that, by adulthood, you'll be an only child. Either that or one of your siblings will be.
The Heir Name
Austin Saylor-Williams, Baqar al-Kabir, Bronwyn Joy "Betsy" Bainbridge, Cain Adams, Cézar Barbosa, Donald Buchanan, Hiroko Nakahara, Liesa Metzger, Lucille Robicheau, Ocella Caecilius
serious, on edge, tired, dirtpoor, confident
Choose a name:
a strong name, a royal name, a warrior's name, a biblical name, a name proclaiming ownership
Circle one in each list:
spooky eyes, haunted eyes, cold eyes, soft eyes, bags under eyes
Circle one: hated, favorite, grew up too fast, born leader, consumer
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1
Echo in Here
When you take your fourth harm, fall down dying. You can't avoid death, but you can transfer it to one of your remaining siblings. Death, be it as a robed figure or as a shadow in the door, comes for them instead of you. When you wake into life again, you're fully healed.
When you want a sibling to parrot back something you told them to remember, roll with dark. On a 10 up, they say it verbatim. On a 7-9, as above, but they sound like you when they say it.
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: >> advance
Your Backstory You've revenged yourself on someone. Agree why and how, and give them 2 Strings on you. You're afraid of what someone can & will do. Give them 2 Strings on you. You have six blood siblings, each with a gift that can become yours. In your Birthrights section, list their names and ages with at least one born each year after you. Gain a String on each.
That is, unless your fourth harm is dealt by your secret weakness. Choose one: Oxhorn Applewood Obsidian In that case your next remaining sibling inherits your powers, and you just die.
When someone with one of your Birthrights dies, whether by your hand or not, fill in that Birthright's circle. Their gift is bestowed on you, and you've unlocked that power.
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
Old Family Friend
Inheritance of the Eldest
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
You get these two, and choose one more:
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
Heir Moves
Family Portrait When you remind your siblings that you're in charge, choose: SS gain a String on one of those siblings, SS carry 1 forward to confronting non-siblings.
Begin with none:
, who's . . . . . .
An Inclusive Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , who's . . . . . . Characters with either the like a sister to me or like a brother to me Conditions count as your siblings.
Brief Candles ...........................
, who's . . . . . .
When you kill someone, mark experience.
Pluralize ...........................
, who's . . . . . .
If a Condition that you're handing out could apply to two people present, give it to both of them.
Pull The Strings ...........................
, who's . . . . . .
Siblings that you specify move their bodies exactly as you move yours until you let them stop.
When you get someone to attend to your needs, perhaps combing your hair or bringing you a glass of water, gain a String on them.
You're All The Same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , who's . . . . . .
Or Else
Other Moves
Spend a String on a blood sibling, then flashback to having told them what to do in the situation at hand. If you told them to do something that kids can do, they're doing it. If it was out of their league, or something which might leave them worse off than what they think you'll do if they don't - they aren't.
You can spend Strings on siblings interchangeably.
Bronwyn Joy Bainbridge aka "Betsy" (New England Yankee) Two given names, the family name, and an informal-use nickname. Anthony Richard Bainbridge "Dickey" Arthur Lindall Bainbridge "Finn" Calvin Michael Bainbridge "Chip" David Winthrop Bainbridge "Win" Garrett Scott Bainbridge "Skip" Henry Mason Bainbridge "Kip" John Brooks Bainbridge "Brooks" John Hubbard Bainbridge "Hub" Theodore Ford Bainbridge "Tad" William Tawe Bainbridge "Billy" Kendall Quinn Bainbridge "Quinny" Keaton Sloane Bainbridge "Keats" Parker Morgan Bainbridge "Trip" Anne Kimball Bainbridge "Posey" Beatrice Margaret Bainbridge "Bea" Bethany Louise Bainbridge "Beth" Dorothy Bettina Bainbridge "Bunny" Elizabeth Adeline Bainbridge "Poppy" India Hastings Bainbridge "India" Julia Beals Bainbridge "Topsy" Martha Helen Bainbridge "Mimi" Mary-Sara Wade Bainbridge "Sissy" Sarah Peyton Bainbridge "Paige"
Caecilia Ocella (Ancient Roman version) Family name first, given name second. The family name is modified for each sex. Boys have an additional formal name used within the family. (Marcus) Caecilius Ambustus (Gaius) Caecilius Bestia (Titus) Caecilius Bucco (Gnaeus) Caecilius Canius (Servius) Caecilius Catulus (Decimus) Caecilius Malleolus (Tiberius) Caecilius Proculus (Aulus) Caecilius Quadratus (Lucius) Caecilius Varro (Vibius) Caecilius Vespillo
Naming The Heir's Siblings A support document for
Caecilia Atella Caecilia Avita Caecilia Fullo Caecilia Helva Caecilia Laenas Caecilia Lupa Caecilia Merga Caecilia Regula Caecilia Strabo Caecilia Taura
This support written by Jackson Tegu with the help and works of Eric J. Boyd, Jason Morningstar, Igor Toscano, Gregor Hutton, Christopher Stone-Bush & Tomoko Onishi, Christian Griffen, Élise GuÊrin-Bouchard, and Jessica Hammer.
Monsterhearts Second Skins
Naming The Heir's Siblings To play the Heir, one must name their six siblings. To support the player who wishes to have their siblings named in the same culture as their own name, I offer this humble collection. Lists are of boy names, unisex names where possible, and then girl names.
Each list is titled with a first-and-last name pairing from the Heir as well as the culture those names were taken from. I've sought names that read correctly with only an American understanding of English, and restricted myself to the acute accent.
Austin Saylor-Williams
Bronwyn Joy Bainbridge
(Suburban American)
(New England Yankee)
Anthony, Bryce, Chase, Colton, Conner, Dylan, Jared, Kyle, Spencer, Zachary
See Reverse
Cézar Barbosa
Liesa Metzger
Armando, Bonifacio, Fausto, Hugo, Leandro, Marco, Oscar, Silvio, Ulisses, Valerio
Bastian, Boris, Dennis, Florian, Frank, Juergen, Johann, Nicolaus, Sven, Tobias Sascha
Ariel, Darci Anabela, Beatriz, Bruna, Calixta, Emiliana, Frederica, Iolanda, Leonor, Madalena, Rosa
Donald Buchanan
Lucille Robicheau
Alastair, Dougal, Finlay, Gregor, Graeme, James, Keith, Lachlan, Malcom, Rory
Alain, Étienne, Francis, Louis, Mathieu, Olivier, Pascal, Remi, Serge, Yannick
Cameron, Drew, Jo, Logan, Morgan
Jade, Riley, Shelby
Ailsa, Faye, Fiona, Catriona, Elspeth, Irene, Isobel, Morag, Morven, Ruth
Brooke, Cassidy, Dallas, Haley, Jenna, Mackenzie, Makayla, Savannah, Sierra, Sydney
Andrea, Annika, Brigitte, Fabienne, Ines, Inga, Kathrin, Melanie, Petra, Sabine
Michel/Michèle, Samuel/Samuelle, Frédéric/Frédérique (all pronounced the same), Claude, Camille Alice, Annie, Céleste, Chantal, Éliane, Éveline, Joséphine, Marianne, Mélissa, Véronique
Hiroko Nakahara
Ocella Caecilius
(Westernized Japanese)
(Westernized Ancient Roman)
Abel, Abraham, Gideon, Hiram, Jonah, Levi, Mordecai, Noah, Saul, Seth
Hiroto, Isamu, Kenichiro, Koike, Mitsuo, Mukai, Noboru, Okada, Takahiro, Yujiro
Ambustus, Bestia, Bucco, Canius, Catulus, Malleolus, Proculus, Quadratus, Varro, Vespillo
Abigail, Delilah, Dinah, Judith, Leah, Naomi, Rachel, Rebekah, Ruth, Sarah
Jun, Kohaku
Atella, Avita, Fullo, Helva, Laenas, Lupa, Merga, Regula, Strabo, Taura
Baqar al-Kabir
Cain Adams
(Westernized Arabic)
(Biblical American)
Amr, Ghazi, Hamzah, Imran, Khalid, Mahmud, Rashid, Sharif, Yusuf, Zahir Banujah, Chanda, Faiza, Jihan, Kashifah, Ramisa, Maira, Namyla, Suraya, Urshia
Ayumi, Haruna, Hikaru, Hiromi, Kanon, Kaoru, Saori, Yukari, Yuuko, Miwa
Sex Move
Playing The Neighbor
When you scream out someone's name during sex, gain a String on them.
Uncertain, messy, helpless, undecided. The Neighbor is all about making choices, pushing others into making choices, and throwing themselves into situations that won't necessarily end up in their favor. Play this Skin if you're not too worried about having the game reward you mechanically, but you want interesting things to be happening all around you all the time.
Darkest Self You feel... you feel like a monster. What kind of monster do you feel like? A werewolf, a vampire, a ghost, a queen... it can be anything you can think of. Tell the MC, and they'll hand you that Skin or the closest thing to it. It can be different each time. Read their Darkest Self: you are drowning in metaphor. Choking on it. Your body isn't supernatural, but you're gonna take it right to the line. You become that Darkest Self.
Take another Neighbor move. Take another Neighbor move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You've started a Special Interest Club. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu for:
Monsterhearts Second Skins
Sometimes when you watch scary movies you wonder if monsters and creatures and things from beyond the grave are really real. It freaks you out pretty bad. But then you just snuggle down onto the couch with all your friends and know that everything is going to be alright.
Most of the Neighbor's moves include something to choose, and lots of those choices might bite the Neighbor instead of assisting them - that's what kind of a mess you are. The moves to the right of the page are the ones in which another player makes a choice. Hints: make others decide everything for you, and never settle with their decisions. Remember to gaze into the abyss, even though you're not a monster. Whenever one of your moves trigger, read the whole thing aloud (except for the list in Nap Fan - it's too long.) Transparency is very important when playing the Neighbor. Show everyone how to push your buttons. With Mixed Messages, the Neighbor is making assumptions about the other character's intentions. The two parts of it aren't symetrical - if you fail to shut them down, that doesn't mean they're turned on. If you choose Precarious, read the move aloud. Also, use your character's voice to drop none-too-subtle hints about presents you'd like, and beg for another chance where appropriate. Be prepared to remind the other players about the move.
The Neighbor Name
Hamish, Luke, Margaret, Ming, Muhammad, Natalie, Sasha, Sofia, Vicente, Wei
boyish, hot mess, stilted, easy-going, femme
Choose a name:
a common name, a friendly name, an unassuming name, a lucky name, a human name
Circle one in each list:
smiling eyes, confused eyes, hopeful eyes, sunny eyes, averted eyes
Circle one: boy next door, girl next door, newly social, latchkey kid, divorce kid
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Harm Experience Points: >> advance
Your Backstory You live next to someone; your bedroom windows face. Choose: SS you watch them through the blinds and they've noticed, each gain 1 String on one another; SS you leave your blinds up while you change, each gain 2 Strings on one another. You made out with someone a while ago. Gain a String on them and give them 2 Strings on you.
When you're alone with someone, decide if you're attracted to them or not. SS If you are, tell them why you can't be together and roll to shut them down, adding 1 to the roll. SS If you're not, tell them all the things they've got going for them (to let them down easy) and roll to turn them on, adding 1 to the roll.
Precarious (If you pick this, read it aloud.) When someone gives you a gift or another chance, give them a String.
Spooked When you run into someone's arms, they choose: SS you mark experience, SS they become their Darkest Self. If it's an NPC, MC chooses: you mark experience, or they make a hard move.
Self-Deprecating When you talk shit about yourself to someone, they choose: SS argue and give you a String, SS let it slide and shut you down. If it's an NPC, MC chooses: they argue and give you a String, or they mock you and the MC makes a hard move.
Home Life
When you take your glasses off, add 1 to your hot. You actually need your glasses, so subtract 1 from rolls where sight matters.
When a monster sees what a normal life you have, they choose: SS they gain the Condition monstrous, SS you gain the Condition delicious, SS you carry 1 forward to making them feel human.
Lucky I Guess
Nap Fan
Two Eyes
When someone special overlooks you, choose: SS publicize it and give them a Condition, SS let them see you crying and take a String on them.
Mixed Messages
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
Choose three:
Last One Picked
Neighbor Moves
When you remain oblivious to troubling or supernatural occurrences, carry 1 forward.
All the Wrong Places When you help someone you're sweet on look for love elsewhere, choose: SS they carry 1 forward to realizing that love, SS the two of you gain Strings on one another.
Other Moves
As soon as you fall asleep somewhere, choose two below for the MC to detail. The MC will tell you when you wake up, and then tell you the details. SS something has been left for you, SS someone unexpected is nearby, SS someone's been trying to contact you, SS something happened at home, SS something has been canceled, SS something has been broken, SS you had a nice dream.
Sex Move
Playing The Selkie
When you have sex with someone, it counts as submerging yourself in water. Since all oceans tell you their secrets, gain a String on someone else they’ve had sex with.
Confused, homesick, beckoning. Their moves evoke homesickness and draw elemental power from bodies of water. Selkies have an inner yearning that other people instinctively respond to.
Darkest Self People have mistreated you and made you an outcast here. It’s time to show them how it feels to be lost at sea, to be apart from the things you have loved, to have parts of your identity stolen from you. So you will flood the Earth. You will destroy what they cherish. And you will take their pelts. You escape your Darkest Self when this place reminds you of home, or when you recognize what you came here for.
Take another Selkie move. Take another Selkie move. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin. You’ve enchanted a Group of Fishermen. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Revised Version
This Skin written by Jackson Tegu
The Selkie is a creature caught between kingdoms. When she removes her pelt she appears human and can walk the land as humans do. When she dons her pelt she resembles a seal and can return to the ocean kingdom. Except, if she returns to that ocean kingdom, she can’t leave again.
The weight and crash of the water was your first home. There are times you miss it terribly, and raise your keening voice, and those that can hear are moved... closer. You have a removable pelt that you were born in beneath the waves. When you wear it, you look just like a seal. And when you remove it, you feel raw and beautiful. You’re living on land now, far away from everything you’ve known; shocked by newness and possibility, burdened by longing and the tyranny of choice. The air moves fast over you. What do they call it? Ah, wind.
When your seal pelt is missing, you are still able to enter the water and swim as well as a human can. Outer Skin doesn’t work, but all your other moves do. Mechanically, it’s great for you when someone else has your pelt. If you throw yourself into doing the tasks they put before you, Their Word will provide Strings, bonuses, and plenty of interesting situations. It also gives you a reason to care about the same things other characters care about. Forcing them to return it might not be as fun. Your sex move counts as submerging yourself in water for Body of Water, as being soaking wet for Siren Song, and would easily trigger Salt if you were crying. Outer Skin states that if you return to your homeland, the character’s story is over and you need to create a new character. This only applies if The Selkie returns home to its family and its former life. Merely swimming around in the ocean won’t trigger this requirement.
The Selkie Name
Bersh, Dominic, Fiona, Jasdeep, John, Louie, Mattieu, Nula, Phillipa, Rowan
mussed, bedraggled, damp, sleek, riveting, unforgettable
a distant name, a watery name, a name that implies change, a name that has undergone translation
confused eyes, deep eyes, glistening eyes, oil-drop eyes, far away eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: like grandmother, enticed from the sea by art, breaking the rules about land-dwelling, curious about the human form
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
Their Word
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
When you wear your pelt you look like a seal. Without it, you can swim like a human, but with it you can breathe underwater and swim like the dickens, and, if you want to, return to The Deep Kingdom. If you do return there, it’s for good, so make a new character.
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
You get the first two, then choose one:
Outer Skin
Selkie Moves
Pelt Held By:
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: >> advance
Your Backstory You’ve seen someone swimming, but they either didn’t see or didn’t recognize you. Gain a String on them. Someone stole your pelt, withholding it from you to make you their errand boy. They said they'll give it back. Each gain a String on one another, and they say the first task they've given you.
People can steal your pelt, but never destroy it. When someone withholds your pelt and demands that you do something for them before they’ll give it back, add 1 to rolls you make in pursuit of that task. If they don’t return your pelt, take a String on them, and they'll give you another task.
Body of Water When you go a day without submerging yourself in water, take 1 harm. Whenever you submerge yourself in water and can relax, heal 1 harm and 1 Condition.
Catch of the Day Whenever you don’t understand what’s going on or what someone means, and it gets you into trouble or leads you to make unwise choices, mark experience.
Other Moves
Siren Song When you’re soaking wet, you can sing a haunting song and roll with cold. On a 10 up, all who hear it stumble entranced toward you, though a character that takes harm will stop suddenly and gain the Condition dazed. • On a 7-9, all who hear it stumble entranced toward you until they would face harm or physical danger, and then they choose: SS press forward and take the harm, SS or stop suddenly and gain the Condition dazed.
Salt Whenever your tears mix with water, roll with dark. On a 10 up, choose someone you want to see. They show up, with or without reason. • On a 7-9 they still do, but they have the Condition drained and they bring trouble with them.
Ocean’s Breath When you feel homesick, roll with cold. On a 10 up, choose one for the MC to detail: SS the ocean brings forth something that it thinks will make you feel better, SS the ocean takes away something that it thinks is bothering you. On a 7-9, choose as above, but the ocean doesn’t understand the human world very well and causes serious or unexplainable damage in the process.
Sex Move
Playing The Beast
Immediately after you have sex with someone, you become your Darkest Self and lash out physically at your partner. You may then choose to keep lashing out or run away.
The Beast is all about repression. You’re that kid who bottles up her passions, who’s terrified of intimacy, and whose emotions are so locked away that when you do finally let them out, they explode with a horrible, uncontrollable intensity. In this case, you’ve got a good reason, because your passions turn you into a killer animal.
Darkest Self You are an animal. No trace of your human body or mind remains, only your most primal emotions - lust, fear, anger, jealousy, hatred. You are drawn to anyone you have such intense feelings for, but your only means of interacting with them is to savagely attack them. If you can’t find someone you know, any target will do. You cannot escape your Darkest Self until you take a life.
Advancement m Take another Beast move. m Take another Beast move. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a move from another Skin. m You’re part of a Bloodline of Beasts. m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). m Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Skin designed by:
Topher Gerkey Patrons: Jerome Comeau Teresa Oswald
The one aspect of your human personality that never goes away is your emotional connection to others. It just turns twisted and malicious when you are your Darkest Self or are Feral with no impulse control, you’ll go out of your way to hunt and attack that teacher who humiliated you, that boy you have a crush on, or that girl who flirted with the boy you have a crush on. When you return to normal, you’ll probably be horrified - but some small secret part of you will have enjoyed it, and can’t wait to be let out of the cage again. Be careful about taking the Moves that make it easier to go Feral if you want your transformations to be rare! On the other hand, if you take moves that give you extra options while Feral, you’ll likely want to make it easier to gain the condition. If you take the advancement that gives you a gang, you will discover a group of other Beasts who also suffer from your condition. Sex with another Beast doesn’t trigger your Sex Move, which might sound tempting - but if you are part of a cursed bloodline, they’re also at least somewhat related to you. They might not care, and may pursue you anyway, if this is a type of subplot you’re comfortable playing out.
They call you frigid. A prude. An ice queen. Your friends think you’re just too uptight, and you’d be fine if you’d just loosen up a little. Have some fun. Let yourself like someone. But you know the truth. When you let go - when you lose control, even for a moment - you can feel yourself starting to change. The terrible animal in you is always roaring at you, always trying to claw its way out. And when it gets out, people get hurt. And the worst part? Sometimes you kind of like it.
The Beast Name
Blake, Christina, Etienne, Irena, Isabeau, Jivan, Natassja, Paul, Simone, Tobias
pristine, rigid, icy hot, sculpted, exotic
Choose a name:
An exotic name, a sensual name, a difficult name, a regal name, a beautiful name
Animal Form Circle one:
big cat (panther, tiger, cheetah, etc), wolf (or coyote, jackal, or fox), bird of prey (owl, eagle, etc), hyena, alligator, bear, monitor lizard, gorilla, python
Circle one in each list:
intimidating eyes, glacial eyes, demure eyes, conflicted eyes, uptight eyes
Circle one: hexed, drank from a shapeshifter’s pawprint, cursed bloodline, deep hypnosis experiment, uplifted animal
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark -1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
Volatile (Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
Harm Experience Points: >> Advance mmmmm
Beast Moves
You take this one, and choose two more: l Caged Heat Whenever you are turned on (especially as a result of having turn someone on used on you), your inner beast begins to assert itself. You gain the condition Feral, and for as long as you have that condition you may use Hot instead of Volatile to lash out physically. You can attempt to hold steady in order to remove this condition. Additionally, while Feral choose two: } You mostly retain your human shape. } You mostly retain your human intelligence and personality. } You mostly retain self-control over your violent and malicious impulses. m Green-Eyed Monster Your Caged Heat move is triggered by intense jealousy, anger, or hatred in addition to by being turned on. m Scaredy Cat Your Caged Heat move is triggered by intense fear, shame, or sorrow in addition to by being turned on.
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Two of the others have asked you out in the past, but you turned them down. Take a string on each of them. You try not to have strong feelings about anyone. No one else can start with more than one string on you.
Other Moves
m Beauty and... You can spend a string on someone to simultaneously turn them on and shut them down. Roll once and apply all the results; you may choose whether to use Hot or Cold for this roll. On a miss, they choose one: } They carry 1 forward against you. } They shut you down as if they’d rolled a 10 up. } They turn you on as if they’d rolled a 10 up, triggering your Caged Heat move. m Tooth and Claw If you are Feral and have lost your human shape, add 1 to your roll when you shut someone down by frightening them or when you lash out physically. m Fight or Flight If you are Feral and have lost your human intelligence, when you lash out physically and roll 10 up you can pick two options. You can use Cold instead of Volatile to run away. m Predator and Prey If you are Feral and have lost your impulse control, carry 1 forward against anyone who has a string on you. Take a string on anyone at whom you lash out physically and inflict harm. m Cat’s Eye When you look into someone’s eyes and gaze into the abyss, on a 10 up add this option: You know their deepest fear or secret lust, and add 1 to your roll when using that information to shut them down or turn them on.
Sex Move
Playing The Calaca
When you have sex with someone, treat it as though you had used the move Casting the Bones (even if you don’t have that move) and rolled a 10 up. Choose three options instead of two.
You’re a disarming mixture of cute and freakshow, a cheerful friend dressed in funereal blacks, a wise confidante who can’t resist telling dead baby jokes, a poet who writes odes to death and decay in a journal festooned with Hello Kitty stickers, a Manic Pixie Dead Girl (or Boy).
Darkest Self Enough hiding behind a mask of sweetness and humor. You are Death, so start acting like it. You’ve spent far too much time teaching others not to fear death and not enough time teaching them to embrace its peace and beauty. Twist your advice; make them see the unrelenting misery and futility of their lives and encourage them to end their pain with their own hands. You escape your Darkest Self when someone manages to show you the beauty and joy of life, or when you drive someone to commit suicide.
Advancement m Take another Calaca move. m Take another Calaca move. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a move from another Skin. m You have a Skeleton Crew. m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). Skin Designed by:
Topher Gerkey Patrons:
Jerome Comeau Teresa Oswald
Stock Art:
Helping the people you care about especially by giving them wise guidance - should be one of your main priorities. Your story is the story of how you made other people’s stories better. Your meddling may create some drama, but that’s okay especially if it’s funny. If something bad happens to your skin, you’ll need to replace it before you can pass for human again (unless you have the Sugar Skull move). The method for obtaining a new skin is up to you, but keep in mind that your human form will look like whoever supplied your replacement skin. If you take the Ossuary move as an advancement, you’ll need to explain where the extra bones came from and where you keep them. Once you actually use the move, the replacement bones will change your nature somewhat. In addition to picking a new move, you may want to display new or altered facets of your personality. If you take a Skeleton Crew as an advancement, you’ll need to decide if your gang consists of other Calacas like yourself, or if you have a number of mindless, animated skeletons who act as your minions.
It really isn’t as bad as you might think. You don’t have to watch your weight, for instance. You can wear what you want and never get hot or cold. You never have to pee. Sometimes you miss getting the ofrendas, but it’s cool to help people out, push them along the right paths, without asking for anything in return. Better to keep the truth secret, though. Your friends can handle you as an oddly perky goth. You’re not sure a walking, talking skeleton would be quite as popular.
The Calaca Name
Cal, Catrina, Charity, Grace, Daniel, Frida, Jack, Manuel, Mercedes, Scully
skin like porcelain, gothic lolita, deathly pale, painted face, rail-thin
Choose a name:
a Latin name, a nickname, a beautiful name, a joyful name, a cute name
Circle one in each list:
hollow eyes, gleaming eyes, wise eyes, vivid eyes, kind eyes
Circle one: bone elemental, corpse bride, death spirit, necromantic construct, summoned ancestor
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
Experience Points: >> advance mmmmm
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Someone saw you slipping out of your skin. Each of you take a string on the other. You gave someone advice that changed their life for the better. Take a string on them.
Calaca Moves
You start with this one and choose two more: Skin and Bones You can slip out of your skin and viscera at any time to reveal your true skeletal form. If anyone witnesses this process, you each take a string on the other. While in your true form, you take no harm from anything that a skeleton would be immune to (stabbing or slashing, strangling, etc). You cannot turn someone on or manipulate an NPC, but you can use Dark instead of Cold to shut someone down. If your skin is lost or destroyed while you’re out of it, you will have to obtain a replacement in order to pass for human again. m Casting the Bones When you are offering wisdom, guidance, or advice to a friend and you gaze into the abyss, add the following options when you roll 10 up: } The visions show what your friend must do; they carry 1 forward. } The visions heal your friend; they may remove one condition. } Take a string on your friend. Add the following option when you roll 7-9: } The visions are lucid and detailed, but your friend takes a string on you.
Other Moves
m Connected In your true form, you can disconnect and reconnect your bones at the joints, and retain full control over all your body parts regardless of whether they are connected. Only your skull can see, hear, or smell; your limbs and other bones are limited to a sense of touch. You can use this ability to be present and active in multiple simultaneous scenes. m Deadpan Your cheerful morbidity, gallows humor, and deathly aura are fascinating and off-putting. In your human form, you can use Dark instead of Cold to shut someone down. m Morte Alata In your true form, you have a pair of bony wings. When not in use they fold up and look something like an extra ribcage on your back, but you can use them for flight despite their skeletal nature. You may use Dark instead of Volatile to run away by escaping into the air. m Ossuary You have a small cache of “extra” bones. When you take your fourth harm, you can hold yourself together just long enough to get to your stash and rebuild yourself with your spares. When this happens, clear all your harm, mark experience, and trade this Move for a different Calaca move. You may take this move again as an Advancement. m Sugar Skull In your true form, you retain some of the features of the living. You have humanlike hair, eyeballs, a nose, lips, and ears. Your face and hands look like those of a beautiful human - albeit one with skin like fine bone china. You may roll to turn someone on or manipulate an NPC, but if any part of your body aside from your face and hands is exposed, you must use Dark instead of Hot.
Sex Move
Playing The Fury
When you have sex with someone, each of you takes two strings on the other. Give yourself the condition Hopeful, and for as long as you have that condition they gain +1 ongoing toward any attempts to manipulate, hurt, or betray you.
A desperate longing to be accepted and the rage that accompanies being rejected are the central themes for the Fury. Futile Hope is like the engine that makes you go: You will need to put yourself out there, willingly trusting and believing in people even though you know you shouldn’t, and be ready to massively overreact to their inevitable betrayal. Your fellow players will have an incentive to be nice to you and then dump you, since that allows them to build up strings on you and then clear off any strings you have on them. Go along with it! Being Betrayed is to your advantage since it powers up all your Fury moves and provides lots of grist for the drama mill.
Darkest Self Nobody loves you. Nobody ever will. It’s all pain and loneliness and watching other people from the outside, and it will never change. They only pretended to like you so they could hurt you even more. There’s nothing left for you here but revenge, so burn it all down. Smash everything to pieces. Rip their secrets out and make them dance like dolls for your amusement. To escape your Darkest Self, you must be confronted by someone who has never hurt, excluded, or betrayed you, or be shown an act of kindness that seems genuine.
Take another Fury move. Take another Fury move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You belong to a Psychic Gestalt. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Skin Designed by:
Topher Gerkey
Layout by:
Matt Strickling
Think carefully when choosing your moves about what kind of walking megapsychic catastrophe you’d like to be. Firestarter doesn’t need to imply pyrokinesis; it’s just a name and can represent any ability that causes chaos and destruction. Some of the moves are more themed around telepathy or clairvoyance than the others, which might be an interesting and more subtle variation for you to try. When you are your Darkest Self, be sure to go all out with your descriptions. Your moves can affect crowds and radically alter the environment when you’re in a full-on rage, so cut loose and enjoy your revenge. Taking a Psychic Gestalt gang as an advancement changes the theme of the skin somewhat. Instead of being completely alone in your trust/abuse cycle, your whole clique consists of social misfits and rejects. You can find some solace in each other, but the added power of a gang makes the temptation to strike back against the “beautiful people” that much harder to resist - and your new buddies want revenge just as badly as you do.
You never wanted this. You never wanted to be different or special or a freak. All you ever wanted was to fit in. To be liked. To be accepted. Maybe even to be loved. Was that so much to ask? You’re not a bad person. But they wouldn’t let you fit in. They hurt you. Taunted you. Called you names. Exploited you. Betrayed you. They pushed and pushed and PUSHED and PUSHED. They’re all going to be sorry when you start pushing back.
The Fury Name
Alice, Bea, Cam, Carrie, Charlie, Kim, Jill, Joe, Robin, Will
raggedy, unfashionable, nerdy, nervous, beneath notice, frightened
A diminutive name, a nondescript name, an unpopular name, a victim’s name
desperate eyes, brittle eyes, teary eyes, resentful eyes, twitchy eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: genetic mutation, government program, confluence of bloodlines, abused child, experimental psychotherapy
Carry Forward
Fury Moves
You get this one, and choose two more:
zzFutile Hope
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
Experience Points: >> advance mmmmm
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Whenever someone acts kind or accepting toward you, you each take a string on the other, and you get the condition Hopeful (which replaces Betrayed if you have it). If someone you trust betrays or hurts you while you are Hopeful, lose all strings on them, replace Hopeful with Betrayed, and roll with Dark. On a 10 up, trigger your Darkest Self. On a 7-9, choose one: } Give them an additional string on you. } Take 1 harm from psychic feedback. } Trigger your Darkest Self. When you are your Darkest Self, your Fury moves are amplified. You can effortlessly affect groups of victims in the immediate area, and your destructive powers can affect large structures like buildings.
The Eye When you gaze into the abyss, add 1 to your Dark roll. On a 10 up you can choose all three options. If you are Betrayed and roll 10 up, also mark experience. If you are Betrayed and roll 7-9, choose one of the 10 up options instead of one of the 7-9 options.
Your Backstory You have a secret crush on someone. Take a string on them. Someone has been bullying you. Give them a string on you. Someone was kind to you once. Give them two strings on you.
Roll with Volatile to summon jets of flame, unleash destructive telekinetic blasts, instantly freeze the air, or otherwise psychically attack your tormentors. On a 10 up, do 2 harm and give your victim an appropriate condition (Burned, Frostbitten, Concussed, etc). On a 7-9, do 1 harm, give them an appropriate condition, and choose one: } Give yourself the same condition. } Take 1 harm. } Trigger your Darkest Self. If you are Betrayed, you may also carry 1 forward against them.
Poltergeist You can lash out physically using telekinesis instead of physical attacks, and your victim must roll to hold steady before attempting to run away. If you are Betrayed, do 1 extra harm when you lash out physically.
Push You can roll with Volatile to turn someone on by using empathic projection to fuck with their head. On a 10 up, in addition to giving you a string, they must follow one short-term command of your choice. On a 7-9 also give yourself the condition Creepy. If you are Betrayed, also give them the condition Enthralled.
Scanners Roll with Dark to invade someone else's mind. On a 10 up, gain a string on them, and they must honestly answer one question. On a 7-9, gain a string on them and choose one: } They gain a string on you. } You gain the condition Creepy. } You each take 1 harm. On a 6 or less, they must answer one question with a plausible lie and you must believe it. If you are Betrayed, do 1 harm to them in addition to any other results.
The Shining
You can roll with Dark to manipulate an NPC or shut someone down via telepathy instead of speech. If you are Betrayed, add 1 to your Dark roll and give them the condition Headache.
Other Moves
Sex Move
Playing The Pr⊗xy
When you have sex with someone, make them your new subject (even if they don’t meet the criteria), and both of you mark experience. Your new subject’s experience counts toward triggering The Sickness. Carry 1 forward toward inflicting Harm on your old subject.
You are both villain and victim. You want to survive, and if that means adding to Its list of targets, that’s what you’ll do. On a conscious level, you may be unaware of the actions you take when wearing your mask. In any case, your main goal is to torment and tantalize your subject, drawing them further into Its grasp. Use your strings on them to offer experience for investigating your clues, taking trips into the woods or abandoned houses at night, or carrying around a camera; then use The Sickness to force them to take Proxy moves when they advance.
Darkest Self You’ve become desperate now - It is closing in, and your mask isn’t working to hide you like it should. You’ll do anything to save yourself, and you know what It wants. Find someone close to your subject and offer them up - either kill them yourself in Its name, or offer them up to It directly (which may leave them dead, memorywiped, or another Proxy like yourself). You may only escape your Darkest Self when you have successfully sacrificed someone else in your place, or when your subject catches you on video and prevents you from harming someone.
Advancement m Take another Proxy move. m Take another Proxy move. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a move from another Skin. m You belong to a Secret Cult. m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). m Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Skin designed by:
Topher Gerkey
e h T
Stock Art from:
Raven Cornelissen
If you take Cryptic Bullshit, try to describe your notes, videos, or voicemails as disturbingly and puzzlingly as possible. If you can inflict a condition, it’s a good idea to go for something like Obsessed and then dangle some experience to get them to focus on deciphering your meaning. For inflicting conditions in general, Hazy Memories is also a good choice. Don’t feel like It has to be the Slender Man. You can be stalked by the Rake, or Zalgo, or an abomination of your own design. The important thing to remember is that It needs to be both malevolent and unknowable. It takes or kills people, or messes with their heads, but you don’t have a clue as to Its actual motivations. It doesn’t really communicate with you; most of your actions should be based on guesses and observation of Its behavior. Your MC will occasionally have It spend strings to offer you experience, but the actions It wants you to take may range from the horrific to the nonsensical.
no no n
i can See it sometimes, the staLker or whatever the fuck it is, out there at the Edge of the woods, watching me. always watching with No eyes. stanDing there in that black suit, like a funEral director, but so tall, too tall. what does it want fRom m 69742077617320737570706f7365642 0746f206c65617665206d6520616c6 f6e652061667465722069206761766 5206974206d79206c6974746c6520 62726f7468657220616e64206e6f772 0697473206261636b20627574206d6 179626520697473207374696c6c2068 756e67727920692068617665206c6f7 473206f6620667269656e6473 oMeone please help me, please mAke all this eNd!
The Proxy Name
Aimee, Alex, Emi, Evan, Jessie, Kevin, Noreen, Tim, Tyler, Xakk
Baby face, carrying a camera, clinging briars, gangly, sickly, shifty
Choose a name:
A familiar name, a modern name, a kid’s name, a unique name
Circle one: An animal-head mask, a burlap bag with eyeholes, a comedy or tragedy mask, a gas mask, a Guy Fawkes mask, a plague doctor’s mask, a porcelain mask, a Venetian carnival mask, a wooden tribal mask
Circle one in each list:
Angry eyes, dead eyes, paranoid eyes, sorrowful eyes, veiled eyes
Circle one: Stalked since childhood, delved too far, created a hoax that became true, student filmmaker, cult member
Carry Forward
Pr⊗xy Moves
l The Sickness Choose one character to be your subject. You may change which character is your subject at any time, but you must have least three strings on your new subject. After the fifth time your subject accepts experience from you when you spend a string, they must use their next advancement to take a Proxy move.
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
Experience Points: >> Advance mmmmm
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory
You have been recording video footage of everyone without their knowledge. Take one string on everyone. Take two extra strings on your subject. You’ve also been obsessively recording yourself, and someone has discovered and watched some of your footage. That person takes a string on you. It starts with five strings on you.
You take this one, and choose two more:
m Am I Interrupting? You can spend two strings on someone to gain complete access to their home and identity. You have full access to all their social media accounts (e-mail, Twitter, YouTube, G+, etc) and may make irreversible changes to those accounts. You can also edit your target’s uploaded videos, inserting scenes, frames, audio, or text, either obviously or subliminally. You may enter their home with sufficient stealth as to record video of them sleeping, without triggering security, being discovered, or leaving accidental traces of your presence. m Cryptic Bullshit You can use Dark instead of Cold to shut someone down, but only indirectly, through sending them a written or video message. This can consist of mysterious but meaningful images, phrases written in ciphers, or recurring symbols. Add +1 to the roll if it’s against your subject.
Other Moves
m The Collective When you gaze into the abyss about your subject, if you roll 10 up, gain a string on them and do 1 harm to them. If you roll 7-9, choose one: } Gain a string on them, but It gains a string on you. } Gain a string on them, but take 1 harm. } Do 1 harm to them, but take 1 harm. } Do 1 harm to them, but It gains a string on you. If you roll 6 or less, It gains a string on you and you take 1 harm. m Distortion You can cause distortion in any photographic, video, or audio recordings of yourself. The distortion may range from mild static to severe interference. Anyone viewing or listening to the distorted recordings of you must roll to hold steady; results of 6 or less give the viewer the condition Fascinated. m Masky When you are masked, others must hold steady before they can attempt to turn you on, shut you down, or lash out physically at you. If they roll 10 up they may make the second roll normally. If they roll 7-9, they may make the second roll at -1. If they roll 6 or less, give them the condition Hazy Memories and they may not attempt the second roll. m Path of Black Leaves Unless you allow it, you cannot be run away from. You will always be around the next corner or hiding behind a nearby tree, or your victims will find themselves repeatedly passing through the same hallways and doors without actually getting anywhere. You may release your victims at any time.
Fear the flo
Sex Move
Playing The Unseen
When someone acknowledges your The Unseen is about being overlooked, existence through physical intimacy, give voyeurism, and the temptations we give in up all strings on them and give them to when nobody is watching. If you chose three strings on you. They develop an She’s Not There, your classmates and uncanny sense for your presence and will teachers literally don’t know you exist. In always know approximately where you some ways this is very freeing - you don’t are when you are in a scene together. This have to go to class if you don’t feel like it, sense lasts until either of you have sex and it’s easy for you to spy on everyone with someone else or until they harshly and learn what they do in secret. If you ignore you. took See Through You, you might conceal your condition with makeup - which leaves you as ignorable as ever - or cover yourself Darkest Self with bandages, claiming burns or skin disease, which carries its own sort of social Such a bland and boring wallflower. problems. You’re not even interesting enough to torment. None of them know you even Try to be invisibly present in as many scenes exist. What will it take to get them to as possible (Voyeur helps here), to increase notice you? Something big. Something your knowledge of everyone’s secrets. If bloody. Something vile and terrifying and you have Blackmailer, you’ll also rack up above all, something showy. They won’t strings, and you should be very free with be able to ignore you after this. You’ll spending your social leverage since you show them who you really are. retain the strings if your mark refuses to go You can escape your Darkest Self when someone makes it clear that they know you exist, even if only for a moment, because of something terrible you did.
Take another Unseen move. Take another Unseen move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. Take the initial move that you did not choose. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Skin Designed by:
Topher Gerkey
Layout by:
Matt Strickling
Last week at the prom, when the captains of the football and basketball teams were making out in the locker room while their girlfriends wondered where they’d disappeared to, none of them saw you. But you saw them. Yesterday, when the calculus teacher hid in the supply closet during his prep period and snorted coke until his eyes looked like a doll’s, glassy and shining in the darkness, he didn’t see you. But you saw him. Earlier tonight, when the nerdy, sickly kid everyone picks on lured the head cheerleader into a dirty alley, sprouted fangs, and sucked her dry, they didn’t see you. But you saw them. Nobody ever notices you. But you can see everything. All the things they do when they think no-one is watching. And maybe it’s time you started taking advantage of that.
The Unseen
along with your wishes. Remember that if you have She’s Not There you’ll need to roll to become audible before you can flex your extortionist muscles. Give in to the temptation to do all sorts of naughty things since nobody can see you. You’re not accountable to anyone, after all. As your Darkest Self, go all out: display the chess team in the library with their fingers cut off. Paint the cafeteria with kittens’ blood. Set the boiler room to explode. Come up with the most horrific spectacle you can, and bask in the attention. You may develop a reputation - if an anonymous one - around the school. Attention paid to “The Cell Phone Blackmailer” counts as attention paid to you, so you may even encourage your urban legend status.
Choose a name: Billy, Cecily, Griffin, Grover, Jacques, Kitty, Laura, Lyle, Marcy, Sebastian, Sue A nerdy name, a stuffy name, a plain name, a foreign name
Circle one in each list: bad posture, peering through bangs, beiges and creams, t-shirt that was popular two years ago, hand-me-downs (...not that anyone pays attention to your look.) knowing eyes, translucent eyes, downcast eyes, pearly eyes, forgettable eyes (...but when was the last time anyone looked into your eyes?)
Circle one: invisibility formula, psychic blank spot, cursed to fade away, someone-else’sproblem field, light-bending physics accident
Carry Forward
Conditions m
Hot m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
Volatile (Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
Dark (Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory
The Unseen must always declare their backstory second-to-last. You are beneath notice. Erase all strings that other characters have on you so far. You watch everyone in their private moments. Take 1 string on everyone else. Someone inadvertantly showed you some very juicy blackmail material. Take 1 extra string on them.
And choose two more:
She’s Not There
Experience Points: >> mmmmm advance
You get one of these two: You are unnoticeable. Nothing with a mind can see, hear, smell, or otherwise sense you, or anything you wear or carry. People will alter their paths to avoid bumping into you without being conscious of doing so. Evidence of your presence is ignored - if you are dripping wet or standing in a snowdrift, no-one will notice the puddle or footprints (but someone entering the scene after you have left will notice, and can point out the evidence to others, at which point they can see it). Cameras and other recording devices - anything nonsentient - can still register and record you. If you want to make yourself known to others, roll with Cold. On a 10 up, you can interact with others for one scene. On a 7-9, you stay invisible, but you can make yourself noticed by whispering, writing notes, or pushing people or furniture around. On a miss, become your Darkest Self.
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
Unseen Moves
See Through You You are perfectly transparent. Nothing can see you, including cameras. This only affects your body, not anything that you are wearing or carrying, so to be completely invisible you will need to be nude. You can still be heard, smelled, or felt, and evidence of your presence (footprints, floating patches of paint, etc.) may give away your location. If you want to interact with others normally, you will need to wear bandages or a mask, or cover your exposed skin with makeup. If you are disguised in this way and your true invisible nature is exposed, roll with Cold. On a 10 up, you can retain self-control and beat a hasty retreat, leaving viewers wondering what they just saw. On a 7-9, you are enraged and embarrassed. All onlookers get a string on you. On a miss, become your Darkest Self.
When you observe someone doing something they’d rather keep secret, take a string on them. When you spend a string to offer someone experience, keep the string if they refuse.
Grand Guignol When you do something violent, perverse, or sadistic in order to attract attention, roll Volatile. On a 10 up, mark experience and treat anyone seeing or experiencing your handiwork as if you had shut someone down and rolled 10 up. On a 7-9, treat them as if you’d shut someone down and rolled 7-9, but also choose one: } They gain a string on you. } Gain the condition Urban Legend. On a miss, your atrocity is blamed on someone else. Become your Darkest Self. If you are already your Darkest Self, gain the condition Enraged.
Out of Thin Air When you are invisible and lash out physically, add 1 to your Volatile roll. Others take -1 to attempts to lash out physically at you.
Threatening Whispers You can roll with Cold to manipulate an NPC by threatening to expose their secrets. Also add 1 to your Cold roll to shut someone down.
Vanishing Act You can always run away from someone without having to roll, but choose one: } They take a string on you. } You take 1 harm. } You gain the condition Urban Legend.
Voyeur You may spend a string on someone to insert yourself into any scene that person is in. When you gaze into the abyss about someone you have strings on, spend a string to change a miss into a 7-9, or a 7-9 into a 10 up.
Sex Move
Playing The Anansi
When you have sex with someone, they gain the Condition entangled with decide if this means physically, socially, emotionally, as part of your schemes, or any combination of those. This counts as entangled, for purposes of other moves.
Calculating, confusing, mischievous, selfish. The anansi is a compulsive user. Even when they recognize this about themselves, even when they know they could just ask someone for something, they usually won't. It’s not about trust necessarily, it’s a matter of power and amusement.
Darkest Self Your spider nature asserts itself and you assume your true form. All the games are over will seek your (possibly not-so) Hidden Agenda to the exclusion of all other pursuits, even if it is beyond your reach, and everyone who gets in your way will find themselves entombed in silken sarcophagi. To escape your Darkest Self someone must stand in your way and make you laugh, or make you think.
Take another Anansi move. Take another Anansi move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You're part of a Colony of Spiders. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Hidden Agenda is chosen during the first session and should be drawn from the content of actual play. It doesn’t have to be (probably shouldn’t be?) something you need so much as something you think would be funny, cool, or interesting...maybe something just to see if you can get away with it. Or maybe it was provoked but your response is completely out of line with the offense against you. Jack keyed your car? Then obviously it’s time to destroy that motherfucker. Shame On Me lets you be a selfish conniving prick. You can take the String on anyone - it's up to them to make the disappointment happen but the important thing to remember is that they have to hopes and expectations to be be betrayed in the first place, and you have to be aware of them. Web Of Life is a tricky move because it exists outside the normal scene structure. You can use it from outside an active scene to insert your presence into it, or from inside a scene to view other peoples' scenes that may never have been given any onscreen attention otherwise.
There are spiders and there are flies, and you are a spider. You are the weaver of webs both physical and spiritual, and while you may play the fool, you always get what you want... eventually. Sometimes you feel bad. Some of the flies are neat, after all. Sometimes you want to help them. Sometimes you even do help them. But eventually you always come back to what’s really they can help you.
The Anansi Name
Alfonse, Anissa, Azuzu, Charlotte, Jaqo, Jones, Lulu, Nadia, Nancy, Zack
Patient, jumpy, thoughtful, shiny, bristly
A crafty name, an unusual name, a fun name
Dead eyes, gleaming eyes, piercing eyes
True Form
Many eyes, spider eyes, spider limbs, thorax, palps, fangs
One of many, on your own, adopted
Choose a name:
Circle two:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one:
Carry Forward
Anansi Moves
You get this one and choose two more:
Hidden Agenda
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory One or more others have been in your web before. Take two Strings on someone, or one String on two someones. Your bizarre antics are well known. Everyone gains a String on you.
You have a Hidden Agenda; sometime during the first session, choose one: }} to see __________destroyed; }} to win __________'s love; }} To gain possession of _________; }} to learn the secret of __________. When your Hidden Agenda is achieved, mark experience and choose a new one. When your Hidden Agenda is no longer hidden from the other PCs or can no longer be achieved, become your Darkest Self. Whenever you escape your Darkest Self, you may replace your old Hidden Agenda with a new one.
Come Into My Parlour
Harm Experience Points: >> advance Strings
When you manipulate an NPC to help fulfill your Hidden Agenda, roll with Dark. When you shut someone down who is trying to foil your Hidden Agenda, roll with Dark.
Oh What A Tangled Web You can create strong, sticky threads to dangle from, weave webs with, and inflict upon others the entangled Condition (when you shut someone down, spend a String on them, or they blunder into your webs).
Hidden Agenda:
Other Moves
The Spider And The Fly You can free someone from the entangled Condition. When you do, it's the same as spending a String on them.
Shame On Me When you betray the hopes and expectations of others, you gain a String on the person you most disappointed and they mark experience (if they're an NPC, they act at an Advantage).
The Web Of Life You are always connected to those you have Strings on. When you gaze into the abyss to spy on someone, add 1 to the roll for each String you have on them; on a 12+, you may spend those Strings even if you're not in the same location.
Death Can't Climb You can scurry up walls and over ceilings. When you run away upwards, add 2 the roll.
Sex Move
Playing The Mummy
When you allow someone the privilege of lying with you, take a string on them. They carry 1 forward toward any action they take that is intended to benefit you, and take a -1 penalty to the next action they take that is intended to work against you. If they are your soulmate, mark experience.
You’re fully aware of exactly how awesome you are, and completely convinced of your own innate royalty - or even divinity. Never question whether you deserve money, popularity, influence, and romance, because of course you do, and only the best of the best will suit someone of your lofty status. Any actions you take to acquire these things is justified, because, well, it’s for you, isn’t it?
Darkest Self You have been patient for longer than some civilizations have existed, and now your patience is exhausted. No more planning, no more manipulating, no more waiting. You know what you want, so take it. Claim the riches that are your birthright. Eliminate rivals who covet your position. If you have a soulmate, pursue them relentlessly. You are an unstoppable, implacable force, and you can only escape your Darkest Self when you achieve at least one of your goals or someone else manages to force you into submission.
Advancement m Take another Mummy move. m Take another Mummy move. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a move from another Skin. m You have an Ancient Cult. m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). Skin Designed by:
Topher Gerkey Patrons:
Jerome Comeau Teresa Oswald
Soul Eater, Sun-Blessed, and Tana Leaves all fulfill a similar narrative function (explaining how you stay awake, active, and healthy), so consider only choosing one of the three and using your other choice on a more active move - unless you have a good reason to double up. If you take Cursed Idols, be sure to play up the idea that you have this collection of unique magical artifacts. Don’t just say “I put a condition on her.” Instead, aim more for “I use the Amulet of Khepri to curse her with the smell of dung!” Remember, because of your rightful status, any use of the artifacts is justified, no matter how selfish or cruel it may seem to others. If an item’s curse ends up screwing you over, it’s not because you did anything wrong - obviously it’s a problem with that specific artifact, and next time you’ll be sure to use a different one. If you take the advancement that gives you an Ancient Cult, you have the aid of a group of fanatics who have been guarding your sleeping form for centuries. They may sometimes be overzealous in their protectiveness, but they can be a good source of new cursed artifacts or tana leaves.
Once you had it all. Wealth, power, station, the adoration of the people, love, magic. You were in your rightful place, at the head of the table, and it was good. Then it was all taken away from you, leaving you with nothing but darkness and the slow passage of millennia. Now you’ve awakened, and while the world has moved on, some things never change. You’ll have your rightful place again, and you know exactly how to get it.
The Mummy Name
Ampata, Ananka, Ardath, Cleo, Johann, Juanita, Kharis, Ötzi, Ramses, Xin Zhui
imperious, old-fashioned, wealthy, foreign, compelling, powerful
Choose a name:
A regal name, a divine name, an ancient name, an immigrant’s name, an imposing name
Circle one in each list:
haughty eyes, unsleeping eyes, dry eyes, heavily made-up eyes, lonely eyes
Circle one: Betrayed royalty, peat bog murder, sacrificial offering, watery grave, frozen solid
Carry Forward
Choose two:
m Mummy’s Curse When anyone inflicts at least 1 harm on you, give them the condition Fungal Rot.
Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
Mummy Moves
m Royal Decree You may use Hot instead of Cold to shut someone down, and you add 1 to your turn someone on and manipulate an NPC rolls.
m Soul Eater You feed on the life force of others with a kiss. Roll Dark; on a 10 up, do 1 harm and mark experience. On a 7-9, give the condition Drained but also give them a string on you. On a miss, take 1 harm.
Experience Points: >> advance mmmmm
m Soulmate The one you loved the most in ancient times has been reincarnated. Choose someone to be your soulmate. You and your soulmate get +1 ongoing to all rolls against one another, and any strings you gain on one another are doubled. You can spend a string on your soulmate to enter any scene they are in.
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Someone has accepted their place at your feet. Take a string on them. You see someone as a threat to your position. Give them a string on you. If you have a soulmate, each of you take a string on the other.
m Sun-Blessed Remove a condition and 1 harm when you spend a scene bathed in sunlight. From sunset to sunrise you have the condition Weakened. m Tana Leaves You have a limited supply of tana leaves and know how to use them. Roll Dark; on a 10 up you’ve brewed a powerful tea that heals 2 harm and can raise a dead character as a new Mummy. On a 7-9, the tea will heal 1 harm. On a miss, the tea will remove a condition, but you’ve run out of leaves. You’ll need to pull strings, manipulate NPCs, or call on your Cult to get more.
m Cursed Idols You were buried with a large collection of cursed artifacts. You can use these idols to your own advantage, if you are willing to endure the side effects. You can only use one idol in any given scene. Each time you use an idol, choose a Blessing: } Add 1 to one of your stats for a scene. } Treat one roll as if you had rolled 10 up. } Do 1 harm to someone. } Remove 1 harm from someone. } Give someone a condition of your choice. } Remove a condition from someone. } Take a string on someone. } Choose a third highlighted stat for one scene. Also, the MC chooses a Curse: } Subtract 1 from one of your stats for a scene. } Treat your next roll as if you’d rolled a miss. } Take 1 harm. } Gain a condition of the MC’s choice. } Someone gains a string on you. } An NPC acts with Advantage against you for the scene. } One of your Mummy moves stops working for a scene. } Your worst enemy marks experience.
Other Moves
Playing The Succubus
When you have sex with someone, you always bring them to their climax. If you reach it too, lose all Strings on them; if not, they lose all Strings on you.
Lonely, heartless, public, dangerous. The Succubus is a living temptation: she’s always there to give you what you want, to make up for your weaknesses, to save you the trouble of becoming a better person. All you have to do is ask. And every time you ask, she takes something from you and becomes more powerful.
Darkest Self Maybe you’re not using the others; maybe they are using you. You are their whore, you always have been; why not to behave appropriately, then? You give yourself to anybody who wants you, even if you loathe them, because every time is a hit on your disgusting self. You don’t react when mistreated, because you deserve it. You escape your darkest when somebody shows you unconditioned kindness or six days pass, whichever comes first.
Take another Succubus move. Take another Succubus move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. Take the remaining Gifts. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
This Skin designed by:
Ernesto Pavan
The Succubus is used to buy friends, not to make them. When she doesn’t have Strings on somebody, her power towards them is very limited. Beware.
Everybody wants you. They come to you begging for a moment of pleasure in the school’s toilet, or a help to conquer the girl of their dreams, or the strength to vanquish their foes. Of course, they don’t really love you: they love what you can give them. But isn’t “love” just a nicer way to say that?
The Gift of Protection works even against moves that don’t affect the bearer directly. For example, if an Infernal uses the power flows through you to gain +2 to a move made against the bearer, the latter can spend the Gift and deny her the bonus (and somebody should really start wondering about what games are the Dark Powers really playing...). The Gift of Wealth doesn’t make money appear out of nowhere, but arranges for wealth to come into the hands of the bearer, usually through the path of least resistance.
The Succubus
Addictive, unlike a Sex Move, doesn’t require a full sexual act to activate. I’m sure everyone knows what I am talking about. Be careful with this move: it may add a lot of erotic content to a Season, something not everyone is comfortable with.
For the purpose of just this time, “the community” means the part of it that concerns the PCs. Premarital sex may be against the standards of a Catholic school, but hardly matters in a non-religious environment.
Bastien, Damon, Eve, Georgina, Judith, Lilith, Salem, Salome, Saoul, Vincent.
boy/girl next door, chaste and pure, hot rather than beautiful, jailbait, just a bit too nice
A Biblical name, an ancient-sounding name, a dark name, a seductive name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
amazing eyes, “a bit off” eyes, magnetic eyes, otherworldly eyes, piercing eyes
Wet dreams totally works on PCs, and of course their players must answer your questionstruthfully. The bonus it gives also stacks with shapeshifter’s.
The Succubus’ presence in a season have strong implications about the existence and nature of Hell. Play with it or ignore it, however you like.
demonblooded, from Hell, genie out of the bottle, possessed, sold your soul
Circle one:
Picture by Helle Gry Schaub, featuring MariaAmanda (, modified by Max Hervieux
Sex Move
Carry Forward
Succubus Moves
You get this one, and choose two more:
m Infernal Gifts
Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
Choose 2 Gifts that you can bestow. You can get more through advancement.
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Somebody asked you for a Gift and did something really bad with it. Ask them what and take 3 Strings on them. One of them caught you by surprise by doing something for you without asking anything in return. This cannot be. You’re going to discover why, but right now, ask them what they did and give them two Strings on you.
When you have time and intimacy with someone, you can bestow them one of the Gifts of Hell. They must be willing. If they accept, you take a String on them and they gain the possibility to spend the Gift in order to gain a nice bonus. When the Gift’s is spent, you mark experience. You can bestow Gifts to everyone you like, but nobody can have more than one Gift bestowed on them at once.
When you give physical pleasure to somebody else, they gain the condition addicted to [your name].
Just This Time When you spend a String to offer someone to mark experience if they do something against the community’s moral and sexual standards, and they accept, mark experience.
My Bitch When you have 4 or more strings on somebody, gain 1 to all rolls against them.
Harm Experience Points: >> advance
When you spend a Gift to get an automatic 10 on a move that would normally make you roll with an highlighted stat, you don’t mark experience. Such is the price for relying on Hell’s power instead of your own.
Gift of Beauty Anyone who has the Gift of Beauty may spend it to get an automatic 10 when turning someone on.
Gift of Might Anyone who has the Gift of Might may spend it to get an automatic 10 when lashing out physically.
Gift of Presence Anyone who has the Gift of Presence may spend it to get an automatic 10 when shutting someone down or manipulating an NPC.
Gift of Protection Anyone who has the Gift of Protection may spend it to counter the effect of any skin move. That move simply doesn’t work on them, this once.
Gift of Wealth Anyone who as the Gift of Wealth may spend it to suddenly gain enough money to sustain a person modestly for a year, or for one month of disgusting debauchery, or to buy just anything they might want.
Unfazeable Beauty When you hold steady, roll with Hot.
Shapeshifter You can change your body’s shape and appearance to look like a specific individual or just different from your “usual” look. This includes changing your gender (both aestetically and functionally), apparent age, height, weight, eye and hair color, skin tone, hairstyle, etc. You can even shapeshift clothes and, if you like so, makeup.
The Dark Powers Are Always Willing to Help
You can bestow two different Gifts on a single individual, or the same Gift twice. Every time the individual spends a Gift, mark experience.
The Devil is a Winner When you spend a String to gain a bonus against someone, add 2 instead of 1 to your roll.
Wet Dreams When in the presence of someone who is sleeping and unaware of you, roll with dark. On a hit, you can see their dreams. Ask 2 on a 10+, 1 on a 7-9: }} What is this person’s heart’s desire? }} Who does this person hate the most? }} What does this person desperately need? When you interact with the one whose dreams you’ve seen and use this knowledge as leverage, take +1forward.
Other Moves
Sex Move
Playing The Angel
When you have sex, you are reminded of your purpose here on earth. Lose one of your Skin moves and gain a different one.
Arrogant, powerful, conflicted, special. The Angel has been cast out of heaven, and is forced to make a decision between their own agenda and the forgiveness of their lord.
Darkest Self
The Singleton Rule applies to gaining Trespass and Forgiveness. You can only gain one of each in any given scene.
You've fought so hard to distance yourself from the lord, to establish autonomy and indepedence. In doing so, you've unwittingly stumbled into the service of another power greater than yourself. You will carry out their will as if it were your own. Whenever possible, you'll convince yourself that you're doing this of your own volition. You escape your Darkest Self when you realize who's been tempting you down this dark path, and beg others to save you.
Take another Angel move. Take another Angel move. Take another Angel move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You belong to a Rogue Choir. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
When you use Profane Powers or Grace and Brilliance, the reset to 0 reflects how draining the experience of using those powers can be.
You aren’t welcome in heaven right now. You’re locked out of its gates, and the lord isn’t ready to take you back yet. He wants you to redeem yourself first. You’ve got all of his expectations and conditional acceptance on one hand, and all of your own might and desires on the other. Is it better to subjugate yourself to a higher power, or to live in autonomy and sin? He wants you to redeem yourself. Will you?
Other Skins can take any of the Angel's moves. If the character doesn't have Cast From Heaven, they won't have a Trespass and Forgiveness score, and so will have to roll with 0 whenever asked to roll with one of those two stats. Positive scores for Trespass count as negative scores for Forgiveness, and vice versa. For example, when the marker is set to Forgiveness 2, Trespass is set to -2. When you choose to Gaze Into Heaven, decide which version of the move you will be rolling before you roll. The MC may question why it is that you're rolling the version you selected - how you're either being a faithful servant or spurious child. Your gang (Rogue Choir) is likely a group of angels that are stranded on earth, just like you are. Alternately, it might be a choir of angels in heaven, who have chosen to subversively collaborate with you.
The Angel Name
Alimon, Dina, Esme, Faith, Gabriel, Halon, Nathan, Serra, Thiel, Vesta
stunning, tentative, proud, distant, sharply dressed
a beautiful name, a theological name, a proud name, a foreign name
bright eyes, wounded eyes, intense eyes, beautiful eyes, glowering eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: banished from heaven, deserter, forgotten, on the path to redemption, tempted into sin
Angel Moves
Carry Forward
You get this one, and choose two more:
Cast From Heaven
Add 1 to one of these:
You no longer have a dark stat. Instead, you have a scale, moving between Trespass and Forgiveness. It starts at 0. When asked to roll with dark, roll with Trespass instead.
Hot -1, Cold 0, Volatile 1
Whenever you subjugate yourself to someone else’s will, move the marker toward Forgiveness. Whenever you judge and punish others without the lord’s permission, move the marker toward Trespass.
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
If Trespass or Forgiveness is highlighted, mark experience whenever you roll with that stat or shift the marker in that direction.
Better and More Deserving
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
>> advance
3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Your Backstory The lord loves someone else more than he loves you. Naturally, a rivalry has sprung up. You gain two Strings on them, and they gain one on you. Someone reminds you of heaven. They gain a String on you.
When someone else gets the praise that you deserve, gain a String on them.
Experience Points:
When smiting the wicked, add 1 to your lash out physically roll and add 1 harm to any harm dealt.
Halo When you turn someone on, roll with Forgiveness.
Other Moves
Profane Powers When you are at 3 Trespass, you are able to perform miracles: purifying poisoned water, ecstatic flight, returning to life, bi-location, and so on. At the end of any scene in which you performed miracles, reset the Trespass/ Forgiveness scale to zero, and gain the Condition drained.
Grace and Brilliance When you are at 3 Forgiveness, you are able to call upon blessing and divine might. Add 7 to your next roll. After rolling, reset the Trespass/Forgiveness scale to zero, and gain the Condition drained.
Gaze Into Heaven When you gaze into heaven, as a servant of the lord, roll with Forgiveness. On a 10 up, you are filled with his voice, and may ask him for guidance or command. Carry one forward to whatever you’d like. • On a 7-9, you are greeted by one of his emissaries, who will impart to you a mission. Carry one forward to completing that mission. When you gaze into heaven, as a spurious and hateful child, it counts as gazing into the abyss. On a 10 up, add this option to the list: the visions show you what the lord fears most from you, and you carry 1 forward to realizing that fear. • On a 7-9, add this option to the list: the visions show you how you have upset or bewildered the lord.
Playing The Psychic Intrusive, nosy, secretive, controlling. The Psychic reads minds to steal secrets and take control of others’ lives, because it’s easier than actually understanding their peers. Both the Psychic’s stat options have Dark 2; they’re creepily insightful and secretive by default. Which one you choose depends on whether they’re the kind that always knows what people want to hear (Hot 1) or what they don’t want to hear (Cold 1). Either way, low Volatile makes them bad at direct confrontation. The answers you get from Nothing to Hide are never flat-out lies, but they don’t have to be the whole picture. Don’t worry too much about being wrong; even if you’re jumping to conclusions, you still get 1 forward for it. Psychometry triggers on anything personal -- looking through someone’s texts, rooting through their bag, et cetera -- as long as you’re doing it without permission. For the MC and other players: consider what your characters’ “inner voices” sound like. When they tell the unfiltered truth, how is it different from how they present themselves to other people? What does a mind feel like, exactly?
The Psychic Everyone has to wonder what other people are thinking. Everyone except you. You cut past half-truths and equivocation to the unspeakable reality; if you concentrate, just a little, the world of the mind opens to you like a flower, to be plucked (or picked apart) at your leisure.
Credits This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by Diane Geiszt Check out the game at
The problem is that when you discard that layer of secrecy (what other people might call privacy), the comfortable lies go too. You start realizing what people think of you, unfiltered by politeness, fear or kindness. The world you live in is as transparent as glass. And just as fragile.
Name: Alma, Blossom, Davis, Grigor, Ichiro, Karla, Piers, Rosa, Taylor, Trinity, Zeke
Eyes: Pinprick eyes, downcast eyes, glazed eyes, penetrating eyes, judgmental eyes
Look: Defensive, distracted, smug, bitter, incognito
Origin: Test subject, born sensitive, alien influence, awakened, curse of insight
Your Backstory
You can read minds. Take a String on everyone, and take another String on someone with particularly juicy secrets. You did something terrible, and someone is getting closer and closer to finding out. They take two Strings on you.
Darkest Self
Everyone is lying to you, all the time. You read everyone’s minds, and interpret everything in the worst possible light. The only trustworthy information is what you take, and no secret is sacred. You escape your Darkest Self when you learn something shocking that you can’t explain at all, or when someone reveals something to you that they’d prefer to keep secret, of their own free will.
Add +1 to one of your stats. Take another Psychic move. Take another Psychic move. Take a move from any Skin. Take a move from any Skin. You know Telepathic Spies.
Hot 1
Cold -1
Volatile -1
Dark 2
Hot -1
Cold 1
Volatile -1
Dark 2
Psychic Moves
You get Nothing to Hide, and choose one more:
Nothing to Hide When you look at someone and try to understand what they’re thinking, you read their mind. Ask them one, which they answer honestly: Who are you thinking about? What do you want to do? What’s keeping you from what you want? What are you avoiding? Why are you acting like this? You carry 1 forward to act on their answer. Anyone you read feels uneasy, and takes the neurotic condition. When you read someone who’s neurotic, roll with Dark. On a 10+, as normal. On a 7-9, choose one. The answer you get is misleading and alarming. They realize you’re invading their mind, somehow. You become your Darkest Self.
The Number You’re Thinking Of When you reveal to someone that you know one of their dark secrets, mark experience.
Transmitter You can telepathically share your thoughts and senses with anyone within a few blocks.
Scanners When you read someone’s mind, you can take 1 harm to ask any question you like instead of one from the list.
Heard Enough When you tell someone with neurotic to shut up and spend a String on them, they can’t talk until either one of you takes harm or the scene ends.
Psychometry When you go through someone’s stuff without permission, treat it as reading their mind, and you can ask the question: “Why do you care about these things?”
Thought Police When you learn someone’s hidden shame, take a String on them.
Sex Move
When you have sex with someone, explain why you think they slept with you, then ask them if you’re right. If you were, mark experience. If not, they get a String on you.
Sex Move
Playing the Enchanted
When you sleep with someone add “Please *this person*” to your orders.
Obedient, meek, constrained, vengeful. The Enchanted is burdened with service to the whims of others but learns subtle power of manipulation.
Darkest Self It’s too hard to fight. Everything would be easier if you just stopped struggling and gave up your illusions of hope and choice. You follow all orders without resistance and as directly as possible, regardless of how harmful it is to you or others. If not directly compelled to do something, seek out someone who will tell you what to do. Escape your Darkest Self when you see how miserable your obedience has made those you care about or you find something worth fighting for.
Advancement Take another Enchanted move. Take another Enchanted move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You have Friendly Overseers. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
It is up to the player and the MC to determine what a proper order for Obedience entails (Some specific phrase like “I wish” or “I command you to”, or be in possession of a specific item?). You may also want to discuss what can or cannot be ordered either in narrative or because of the player being uncomfortable (Can orders dictate thoughts or emotional states? Can the character be ordered to sleep with someone against their will or kill another character?).
You want to say no but you can’t. It’s just not in your nature. You’ve made excuses and found tricks to fight back, but in the end you always do what you are told. So for now you will be the good servant they think you are and keep you eyes open. After all, just because you couldn’t say no doesn’t mean you can’t get even.
The Enchanted
A player can attempt to resist an order when it is given, or whenever they are compelled to follow it. Wishes provides a guide for how the MC should push the story forward but not ever control other player actions. Your Enchanted Item indicates a hint at the source of your affliction/gift.
Ella, Horace, Jane, Jeeves, Orville, Peter, Rufus, Serena, Sienna, Susie
shy, forlorn, bitter, quiet, unearthly
Choose a name:
A common name, a mystical name, a soft-sounding name, a stuffysounding name
Circle one in each list:
calculating eyes, bright eyes, intense eyes, desperate eye, sad eyes
Circle one: Skin designed by:
Branden Leavens Layout by:
Stephanie Goswitz
cursed, born this way, blessed, under powerful spell, not-so-brainwashed servant
Enchanted Moves
Voice of Honey and Oil When you manipulate an NPC, roll with cold.
Obedience When someone gives you an order, you must follow it. When you are forced to do something you do not want to do, take a String against the person who gave you the order (once per order).When you resist an order, roll with your number of orders (maximum bonus of 5). On a 10+, gain the condition drained and remove the order. • On a 7-9, take a point of harm and ignore the order for the scene.
Razor Wit When you take advantage of someone with a Condition, add an additional 1 to the roll.
You get this one and choose two more:
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
Enchanted Item Define a specific item that you possess. When you gaze into the abyss with that item add the following option to the list: On a 7-9, your visions show you something different it thinks will interest you. Orders:
Your Backstory Someone made you do something that hurt something or someone you cared about. Take a string on them. Someone knows about your affliction and is actively using it against you. Give them 2 strings on you.
Other Moves
Bide Your Time When someone declines a point of experience you offered to get them to do something, take a String on them. Wishes When certain conditions are met, you may wish for something. Roll with dark. On a 10+, it will come to pass. • On a 7-9, it will come to pass but there will be some terrible consequence or price.
Sex Move
Playing the Alien
If you have sex with someone, you touch their essence. You can copy something about them (Skin Moves, Sex Move, Darkest Self) and use it just once as your own.
Weird, Unnatural, Powerful, Hunted. The Alien is persecuted and lives under the burden of an isolating secret that gives them great strength while separating them from everyone else around them.
Darkest Self Too much has happened, too many people know. It’s all come crumbling down around you. Time to take actions and turn the tables. Hunt down those out to get you and make them pay for turning your life upside down. Until they are dealt with no one can be trusted. Distance yourself to any who know your secrets, if confronted by them do whatever you can to keep them from spreading it, even if that means drastic measures. You escape your darkest self when you deal with someone out to get you or someone convinces you they can be trusted
Advancements o Take another Alien move. o Gain an additional ability. o Gain an additional ability. o Take a move from another skin. o You find Others like you. o Add 1 to Hot (max 3). o Add 1 to Cold (max 3). o Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). o Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
“Extraordinary” accomplishes tasks that are purely narrative and cannot affect game mechanics or directly affect an unwilling character.
You aren’t like the others. If they knew you, even the freaks would think you’re freaky. Sometimes being you is a blessing, but it’s usually a curse. If people around you knew the real you, things would change. Maybe nothing big at first, but eventually they would come to hate you. Everything would be better if you weren’t ‘special’.
The Unnatural Healing effect can be used to heal someone to save them from death as soon as they take their final point of harm. Probability Manipulation cannot force a re-roll and then declare that re-roll results in partial success in a single use. If they are attempting to do so they must make two separate uses of the power. Prime Directive can be triggered by jumping in to take part in a fist fight or simply by taking sides in an argument they previously were not a part of.
Peter, Esmeralda, Jane, John, Tesla, Bruce, Harry, Peggy-Sue, Odette
exotic, non-descript, outof-place, unfamiliar, welltraveled
Choose a name:
An alien name, an exotic name, a foreign name, an inconspicuous name, an obviously copied name
Circle one in each list:
unnatural eyes, curious eyes, focused eyes, secretive eyes, watching eyes
Secret Circle one:
escaped experiment, from another world, clandestine champion, wanted criminal, something else:
Name: Stats
Carry Forward Conditions
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1
Harm Experience: O O O O O>> Advance
Alien Moves
You get this one and choose one more
You get this one and choose one more
X Secret Powers
X Extraordinary
Describe a secret and gain the Extraordinary ability and one more. When you try to use abilities, roll with Dark. On a 10+, You are successful, no one notices you did anything out of the ordinary. On a 7-9: Choose one: You are successful and MC chooses someone who notices, they gain a string on you; You are unnoticed but something goes horribly wrong.
Accomplish an impossible task.
○ Cover Story When you lie to someone, offer them a string on you. If they take it, they accept your lie without further question or guarantee.
○ Prime Directive
Someone knows about your secret. Give them 2 strings. You are have been studying those around you. Choose up to 3 characters and take 3 strings between them.
Choose one: -- increase the harm you just dealt by one -- reduce the harm you take to 0 -- add one to your next volatile roll
○ Mental Probe Ask someone up to 3 questions, they must answer truthfully. They choose one: -- ask as many questions of you -- both take a point of harm -- both receive traumatic flashes Condition -- both trigger your darkest selves
When you inject yourself into a conflict, mark experience. If someone is thankful for your intervention, take a string on them. If someone is displeased with your interference, they take a string against you.
○ Unnatural Healing
○ Tougher Stuff
○ Probability Manipulation
You can sustain two additional points of harm, before you die.
Your Backstory
○ Superior Strength
Other Moves
Remove all harm from another character and gain one String on them. If you save them from death, you gain the drained Condition.
Choose one: -- Someone in the scene re-rolls any test they just rolled. -- Someone in the same scene achieves a partial success without them rolling.
Sex Move
Playing the Bacchus
Ask your partner what their deepest, darkest desire is. If they lie, gain one string on them; if they tell the truth, gain two strings on them.
As the Bacchus, everyone knows your name - you threw that killer party last year, or maybe you know where to get the latest pills. Whatever it is, most people want to be around you; but some may disapprove of your lifestyle (not that you care).
Darkest Self Nobody takes you seriously; they think you’re just good for parties. You’re going to make sure everyone knows not to mess with you...
You are an important part of your Maenads’ lives. They absolutely adore you, but you may not necessarily feel the same way -- they . However, if someone hurts them, they will regret it. They’re an extension of you, but not that important; like a toenail.
“As you wave your thyrsus, revere the violence it contains. All the earth will dance at once...goaded on by Dionysus.” You are a popular party animal with a dark side. Something happens to you when you’re in the throes of pleasure - maybe you’re addicted to it; maybe you’re trying to get other people addicted to a thrill only you can supply. But one thing’s for sure if anyone gets on the wrong side of you, they’re going to pay big time.
There are a few ways to play the Bacchus. An obvious one might be to play it as a complete party animal stereotype. For this, combine Hook Me Up with Party People, Put Your Hands Up.
The Bacchus
You can also embrace the darker side of the Bacchus with I Am A Jealous God and Can’t Hold Their Wine. This will make you lean towards a more controlling, malicious character that uses pleasure to make people do what the Bacchus wants.
Fuck The Police matches with everything, naturally: the Bacchus is a rebel at heart. You can choose why that might be.
Antonia, Bartholomew, Cecilia, Isabella, Florian, Lucius, Sophelia, Sebastian
flamboyant, sly, affable, resplendent, chameleon
An elaborate name, a decadent name, a name of excess
seductive eyes, wide eyes, dazed eyes, calculating eyes, hard eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: a troubled past, a turbulent family, a reinvention, a sudden rise to power and popularity, a rebellious child
Carry Forward
Chosen Moves Choose two:
mm Maenads
Hot: 1, Cold: -1, Volatile: -1, Dark: 1
You have a group of followers who hang on your every word. They are almost incapable of thinking for themselves, so you do the thinking for them - not that they notice. If you said the word, they would turn into a vicious mob for you.
You get this one automatically choose two more.
Add 1 to one of these:
The usual rules for gangs apply here.
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
mm Can’t Hold Their Wine Name somebody who might have recently eaten, drunk, or otherwise ingested something you’ve touched. Roll with Dark. On a 10+, they fall ill and suffer 2-harm sometime during the next 24 hours. On a 7-9, it’s 1-harm. On a miss, several people of the MC’s choice, maybe including your target maybe not, get it, and all suffer 2-harm.
Experience Points: m m m m m advance
mm Hook Me Up
Other Moves
When you tell your Maenads that you want a thing for an upcoming party -this can be anything, including people,
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Someone has seen your dark side. Give them one string on you. You have seen everyone really let themselves go at some point, except for one person. Gain one string on everyone except that person, who gains a string on you.
drugs, booze, or a car -- roll with Hot. On a 10+, the Maenads bring it to you before the party starts. On a 7-9, well, they make an effort and everybody wants to please you and they get you something “close”. On a miss, the Maenads bring it just fine, but it’s obviously hot or has some kind of strings attached (which you may or may not get to be aware of).
mm I Am A Jealous God If you have designs on someone or something and another person gets in the way, gain condition ruthless and +2 to Cold rolls regarding that character until they back off. This move can only apply to one character at a time.
mm Party People, Put Your Hands Up When you welcome a PC into your space, they need to roll + Hot to resist your influence. On 10 and above, they resist successfully. On 7 - 9, you gain a string on them.
mm Fuck The Police When you Lash Out at or Run Away from an authority figure, roll with Dark.
Sex Move
Playing the Cassandra
Enter your Darkest Self.
The Cassandra is doomed from the getgo. Whatever happened to give you the ability to see the future, it has changed your life for the worse.
Darkest Self The pointlessness of fighting your fate overwhelms you and you descend into a spiral of despair, bewailing your fate - literally. You beg everyone around to save you, because you know that you are helpless. You leave your Darkest Self when someone who didn’t believe you changes their mind.
If you want a Cassandra that is trying to resign themselves to their fate, try choosing Prophesy and How Could You? These will help you to emotionally manipulate those around you -- maybe they will try to protect you out of the goodness of their hearts.
“And now the prophet god is done with me. He has led his seer to her place of death...” You’ve seen your own death. You know how it all ends for you. Everyone tells you not to be so morbid, that you’ve been watching too many horror movies - but you know it’s true. It’s what you do until then that counts.
If you’re going down fighting, choose Jimmy’s Stuck Down The Well and The End Is Night to boost your opportunities to try to intervene in or escape bad events. mm Thou, Destroyer Named can go well with either of these, as it shows the impact of your fate on the people around you.
The Cassandra Name
Alexander, Blake, Cecil, Juliette, Samson, Siobhan, Tristram, Willow
sad, helpless, innocent, wronged, unassuming
a muted name, an ill-fated name, a name that is full of tragedy
young eyes, dark eyes, down-turned eyes, tormented eyes, knowing eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: a fortune teller, a family trait, a curse, a mistake, a gift
Carry Forward
Chosen Moves Choose two:
mm The Die Is Cast
Hot: 1, Cold: -1, Volatile: -1, Dark: 1
Your ability to Gaze Into The Abyss is more complex than the other characters. On a 10+, you get a lucid and detailed vision of the future and carry +1 forward when you act on this vision. If there are other characters in your vision, give them the condition fated to X - for example, if your vision has a character dying, give them the condition fated to die. Other characters can use these conditions for a + 1 to make the vision come true. On a 7-9, pick one: • you get a vague and alarming vision of the future • you get a lucid and detailed vision of the future but gain the conditions disbelieved and drained • you get a lucid and detailed vision of the future but NPCs (and PCs if appropriate) get +1 if they stop you acting on your vision.
You get this one automatically choose two more.
Add 1 to one of these:
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
Experience Points: m m m m m advance
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory One of the people around the table believes you. You get one string on them. No one else believes you. They get one string on you.
mm How Could You? You are an innocent and don’t deserve the bad things that happen to you. When a PC lashes out at you, they get -1 to their roll. If they fail their roll, they gain the condition dishonoured. NPCs gain this condition automatically.
mm The End Is Nigh If you see your death approaching, you can make a last-ditch attempt to Run Away. Roll with Dark instead of Volatile.
mm Jimmy’s Stuck Down The Well! When something bad is happening (or just about to happen) somewhere you aren’t, and you want to intervene, roll with Dark. On a 10 +, you know where you need to go, and get there just in time. On a 7-9, you get there late –- in time to intervene, but not prevent it altogether. On a miss, you get there but get into trouble yourself.
mm Prophesy When you are alone with someone, you can reveal your fate to them. Roll with Hot. On a 10+, they are sympathetic to you. You both carry 1 forward on actions that involve them helping you. On a 7 - 9, they choose one: • they do not believe you, but promise to help you anyway • they believe you, but are too scared to help you themselves • they do not believe you, but you gain a string on them
mm O Thou, Destroyer Named When you get caught up in violence, roll with Dark. On a 10 up, name one person who’ll die and one who’ll live. On a 7–9, name one person who’ll die OR one person who’ll live. The MC can make your vision come true, if it’s possible. Name NPCs only. On a miss, you only get reminded of your own death. Suffer -1 to all rolls throughout the fight.
Sex Move
Playing the Medea
Demand that your partner helps you take down the person who betrayed you. If they refuse, gain two strings on them.
You are not liked. You’re not from around here, and you have strange ways. Everyone has been on the receiving end of your sharp tongue one way or the other, but do you care? No. You left everything behind to come to this place, and now that you can’t return, you discover there’s nothing here for you. And it’s all the fault of one person in particular. They’re going to pay.
If your partner IS the person who betrayed you, roll with Cold to confront them about their disloyalty. On a 10+, gain two strings on them if they refuse to make amends; gain one string if they do not On a 7 - 9, cause 1 harm and receive 1 harm. On a miss, trigger your Darkest Self.
Darkest Self You begin attempting to destroy everything around you, even if it’s people (especially if it’s people). You only stop if someone sympathises and apologises to you despite your dangerous rampage, or if you kill someone.
“Let no one think that I am mean or weak, nor peaceful, but of the other sort, a weight upon my enemies...” Someone betrayed you. You’re going to get your own back, no matter what it takes.
You can go fully magical with A Spell On You and Deus Ex Machina, using your dark powers to get your revenge; and Salt The Earth can be overtly magical if you like. Alternatively, be more on the scheming, short-tempered side with Sheep’s Clothing and I Used To Be Somebody.
The Medea
Dishonour On Your Cow can be fun in any situation.
Andrea, Frances, Ola, Dante, Georgiana, Lionel, Lilith, Vicente
vicious, proud, otherworldly, striking, foreign
a stranger’s name, a foreboding name, a name that suggests anger
angry eyes, bright eyes, narrowed eyes, calculating eyes, cruel eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: cheated on, left homeless, unjustly blamed, a broken promise, abandoned to harm
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot: -1, Cold: 1, Volatile: -1, Dark: 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
Choose two:
mm Dishonour On Your Cow
Chosen Moves
Experience Points: m m m m m advance
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Someone else knows that you were betrayed, but didn’t do anything to help you. Gain two strings on them. There is one person you think you can trust. They gain one string on you.
If someone stands up for the person who wronged you, get +1 Cold to shut them down. On a 10+, you also deal them 1 harm.
mm A Spell On You When someone has thwarted you or defended the person who betrayed you, roll with Dark to curse them. Curses should: • cause no more than 2 harm • not be absolute (don’t use words like ‘never’ or ‘always’) • not directly affect characters other than the target - for example, you cannot curse someone to have their friends die Examples: “I curse you to lose your next fight.” “I curse you to forget your friends.” “I curse you to be unable to speak my name.” On 10+, your curse succeeds; your target suffers the consequences of their actions. On 7 - 9, your curse fails, but your target is aware of your intentions and gains the condition paranoid. On 6 and below, the curse rebounds on you.
Other Moves
mm Salt The Earth Roll with Dark instead of Volatile to summon all of your anger and hurt to Lash Out at the person who hurt you, as well as everyone and everything associated with them. They and all other PCs involved have to Hold Steady.
mm Sheep’s Clothing When persuading a hostile character of your good intentions, gain +1 Hot.
mm Deus Ex Machina Your powers come from a higher place. Roll with Dark to ask them to save you. You can only use this once in a session. On 10+, you get saved On 7 - 9, you get saved, but you are harmed and gain a condition.
mm I Used To Be Somebody If someone uses your status as an outsider against you, gain +1 Cold to shut them down.
Sex Move
Playing the Hercules
Vow to defend your partner from anything that threatens them. Carry 1 forward when you do so; lose a string when you don’t (if you have no strings on them, they gain a string on you).
You’re a confident, brash young person, with the whole world at your fingertips. You’ve never had any reason to doubt yourself, and you’ve always been stronger than everyone else. Your selfesteem is unshakeable - or at least, that’s what people think.
Darkest Self Your confidence overflows and you see everything as a challenge to prove yourself. You come out of your Darkest Self when someone harms you.
“...I will first go raze this upstart tyrant’s halls, and when I have beheaded the miscreant, I will throw him to dogs to tear, and every Theban who I find has played the traitor after my kindness, will I destroy with this victorious club...” You are the strongest of the strong. Whatever comes your way, you can punch it.
You could choose to go into full-on “child of a god” territory with ‘Tis But A Scratch, Feats of Strength, and Juggernaut. You can use your powers for good or evil - maybe you have some rivals to get rid of, maybe you want to take over the school and become a benevolent dictator. For a more nuanced Hercules, use Lay It On Me to provide strength in more ways than the physical, and Rally the Troops will help you inspire loyalty. Plus, Friends In Higher Places can be used for other people as well as yourself - you can be altruistic with this, or use it to manipulate people.
The Hercules Name
Amos, Ariel, Briana, Clark, Diana, Sarah, Steven, Will
noble, powerful, imposing, princely, gigantic
a strong name, a glorious name, a name that speaks of confidence
honest eyes, arrogant eyes, trustworthy eyes, foolish eyes, mad eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: something to prove, a family legacy, the rejected child, secretly insecure, obsessive
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot: 1, Cold: -1, Volatile: 1, Dark: -1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold m
You’re known to be trustworthy. If you ask for someone’s trust and they betray you or lie to you, gain a string on them.
mm Friends In Higher Places
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
When you demonstrate your extraordinary strength, roll with Volatile. On a 10 up, you do it and impress onlookers; PCs will need to Hold Steady before acting against you. On a 7-9, you do it, but with obvious difficulty. On a miss, you might do it, but if so, you suffer 1 harm from the exertion.
mm Lay It On Me
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
Choose two:
mm Feats of Strength
Chosen Moves
Get yourself or someone else out of a sticky situation. When in trouble with an authority figure, roll with Volatile instead of Hot to persuade them that they don’t want to mess with your family.
mm Juggernaut
Experience Points: m m m m m advance
When you attempt to smash your way through scenery, roll with Volatile. On 10+, scenery is moved or smashed and you get what you want.
Other Moves
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Someone was strong for you when you needed support. They gain a string on you. You saved someone once. Gain a string on them.
On a 7-9 you get what you want and smash or move the scenery, but choose one: • Suffer 1 harm • You are disoriented and must Hold Steady before you can act again. • You leave something behind, or something unwanted comes with you. On a miss, you’re vulnerable: maybe you’re trapped, maybe you’re in the wrong place, maybe something worse.
mm Rally The Troops With this move, roll with Hot to get help from any nearby characters in a confrontation or physical endeavour. On 10+, they will attempt to help you themselves. On 7 - 9, they will go for help, but it isn’t what you need - either too late, the wrong kind of help, or someone who will actually work against you. On a miss, you’re on your own.
mm ‘Tis But A Scratch Roll with Dark to heal one harm. On 10+, you are fully healed. On 7 - 9, you heal but it leaves a nasty scar. Gain condition self-conscious.
Sex Move
Playing the Ganymede
Ask your partner to promise to protect you. If they agree, gain a string on them. If they refuse, gain condition pathetic and gain two strings on them.
Note: When The Ganymede is in play, make sure to ask the GM for a conversation about lines and veils/an X card. This character could easily go down the route of sexual assault, which is triggering for many people.
Darkest Self You just want things to be like they were before. Make wild promises to everyone you come across if they’ll help you make things right. You leave your Darkest Self when someone persuades you it’s not that bad.
“Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.” You were innocent, once. Then everything changed, and you’re not sure how to cope with the way things are now.
Something happened to you and changed your world forever. This could be anything from your house mysteriously burning down with everyone inside to being brought back from the dead. This character deals with adapting to a world that doesn’t feel like you belong to it. You can play this as a complete innocent who doesn’t fully understand how to use their looks - in which case, Fall At Your Feet is a good move for physical confrontations, and Who, Me? will help with verbal arguments.
The Ganymede
Cinnamon Roll can be used if you want to be a more manipulative Ganymede: aware of being strange but beautiful, and using that to your advantage. Wait WTF should be used in any situation that you wouldn’t understand properly, depending on your backstory. I’m Not Like You can help you out with difficult situations where you’re forced to act.
Abel, Annabelle, Elsie, John, Kristian, Mary, Lily, Zaccheus
delicate, ethereal, small, beautiful, uncertain
an innocent name, a simple name, a name that has overcome adversity
innocent eyes, dark eyes, sad eyes, lost eyes, scared eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: alien abduction, a new dimension, a traumatic event, a science experiment, resurrected
Carry Forward
Mark experience every time someone defends you.
Add 1 to one of these: Hot: 1, Cold: -1, Volatile: -1, Dark: 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
Choose two:
mm In Distress
Chosen Moves
Experience Points: m m m m m advance
mm Fall At Your Feet You’re overwhelmed and helpless. If anyone physically threatens you, you can beg them not to. Roll with Hot. On 10+, they leave you alone and gain the condition guilty. On 7 - 9, they hit you, but you gain a string on them.
mm Wait WTF When you are confused by the expectations of this new world, roll with Dark. On a 10+, choose three of the following questions to ask the GM. On a 7 - 9, choose one question. “What is expected of me?” “Who/what is most likely to help me?” “Can I trust this person?” “Is this normal?” “How can I remain safe?” “What are the real consequences?”
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Someone knew you from before. Give them one string on you. People want to protect you. Gain one string on everybody.
Other Moves
mm I’m Not Like You You remember something useful (a skill, an object, or knowledge) from your previous life to help you. Carry +1 forward when accomplishing your aims with this thing. However, it’s difficult for you to remember how badly things have gone wrong; take 1 harm.
mm Who, Me? Get out of trouble - physical or otherwise - by playing on your beauty (whether you’re aware of it or not). Roll with Hot. On a 10, your target lets you go with a warning. On a 7 - 9, your target continues what they were doing, but you avoid direct harm or other consequences.
mm Cinnamon Roll Adults and authority figures think you are too good for this world, too pure. Gain +1 experience when you Manipulate them.
Sex Move
Playing the Orestes:
Ask your partner what the worst thing they’ve ever done is. Gain a string on them if they tell you, two strings if they don’t.
Whatever you did, it was bad - bad enough that you don’t want anyone to know, bad enough that you would be immediately ostracised. The voices are constantly tormenting you to the point of insanity.
Darkest Self The voices consume you and you become obsessed with confessing your sins and seeking punishment. You come out of your darkest self when someone forgives and accepts you.
“I am dead through misery, though I still gaze upon the sun...’Tis not my looks, but my deeds that torture me.” You did a bad thing and you can’t stop thinking about it. Now the voices are driving you mad...
Would you like to be an angry Orestes, battling with your own guilt and defiant to the end? A combination of Sugar We’re Going Down and To The Grave will help you take someone else with you in one way or another. Bitch I Might Be is a good move if you’re playing it as more manipulative than angry. With My Woes lends itself to a sadder, more desperate Orestes - maybe you’ve wanted to tell someone all along. If you use SHUT UP as well, you could play it as accidentally hurting someone’s feelings too. Playing with Family Affair adds a whole new dimension for it - will you take them both down with you, or are they all you have left? Choose wisely...
The Orestes Name:
Beau, Bethany, Edward, Jack, Jocasta, Klaus, Molly, Violet
depressed, jumpy, unstable, defensive, pitiful
a guilty name, an unlucky name, a name that suggests strife
haunted eyes, paranoid eyes, weird eyes, guilty eyes, angry eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: a death, an enormous lie, secret disobedience, a religious transgression, a betrayal with terrible consequences
Carry Forward
Chosen Moves Choose two:
mm Bitch I Might Be
Hot: -1, Cold: -1, Volatile: 1, Dark: 1
If someone asks you outright if you did the terrible thing, roll with Dark. On 10+, lie to them and gain a string. On 7 - 9, you lie and choose one: • you gain a string on each other • gain condition wary • you are overheard
You get this one automatically choose two more.
Add 1 to one of these:
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold m
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
Roll with Dark instead of Volatile when you Last Out at someone because of the voices.
You can have two sisters who know about your crime. Their traits are as follows (let your GM have a look at these!): Sister 1: Completely gung-ho. She egged you on in the first place and now she
Experience Points: m m m m m advance
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory You are paranoid. Everyone has a string on you. Someone thinks they know your secret, but they’re wrong. Get a string on them.
mm To The Grave Get +1 to Volatile rolls when protecting your secret.
mm Sugar, We’re Going Down
mm Family Affair
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
is revelling in the destruction that took place. She used you. Mark experience if you allow harm to happen to her. Sister 2: Spineless and afraid, she is pressured into keeping quiet by your other sister. They have a fraught relationship, and she is completely dominated by her. Mark experience if you protect her from something.
Other Moves
mm SHUT UP The voices are never quiet, and sometimes you can’t take it when real people join in. Roll with Dark instead of Cold to Shut Someone Down when they are saying things you don’t like.
mm With My Woes If you confess to someone, enter your Darkest Self.
Sex Move
Playing the Fury:
You have never felt this way before and are now completely devoted to your partner. If you find out they have slept with someone else, you respond accordingly...
The Fury is a highly volatile character that enforces the rules (regardless of whether these rules are fair or even real), with very little mercy on those around them. This is why Vengeance Is Mine is a compulsory move: you are a formidable force for the authorities.
Darkest Self Everyone is a terrible person. Make sure they know it in whatever way will hurt them most. You leave your Darkest Self if someone convinces you they are innocent.
“Wrath above all, as when fiery sticks/are piled with a loud crackling by the side/of a cauldron boiling, and the water heaves/ and seethes inside...” You see injustice and crime everywhere, and you’re going to make everyone see the errors of their ways.
If you want to play along the lines of capital punishment, take Frenzy and Heartless -- you’ll get rewarded even more when you punish someone, and you won’t even feel bad about it. Who Hurt You? and I’ll Go There apply very well for those who want a character that shames and humiliates their way into a position of power over others. Say It To My Face plays on your natural intimidating presence; use it to get an upper hand in arguments. Oh yes, there will be arguments.
The Fury Name:
Allie, Damon, Eustace, Gabrielle, Jezebel, Isaiah, Obadiah, Yana
intimidating, aggressive, dangerous, shadowy, shocking
an angry name, a vengeful name, a name that speaks of ancient fury
deep eyes, burning eyes, angry eyes, suspicious eyes, red eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: religious zeal, strong moral compass, concealed guilt, ingrained cynicism, hurt long ago
Carry Forward
Chosen Moves Choose two:
mm Vengeance Is Mine
Hot: -1, Cold: -1, Volatile: 1, Dark: 1
Mark experience every time you rebuke or punish someone.
You get this one automatically choose two more.
Add 1 to one of these:
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
Other characters have to Hold Steady before attempting to Shut You Down.
mm The Rules
mm Heartless
Write down three rules that you are trying to enforce.
You have no remorse for the things you do and say to others. Roll with Dark instead of Cold when Shutting Someone Down.
When you use or expose someone’s dirty secret, roll with Dark. On 10+, gain a string on them On 7 - 9, give them the condition shunned
Experience Points: m m m m m advance
You have ONE friend that you think can do no wrong. They have two strings on you. Everyone is terrified of you. Gain a string on everyone.
mm Frenzy
mm Say It To My Face
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory
If someone tries to sympathise with you, roll with Dark to turn them on.
If someone defies you or the rules, attack them. If you cause them harm, choose one: • erase one of your own harm • give them condition subservient • they lose a string on you
mm Oh I’ll Go There
mm Who Hurt You?
Other Moves
Sex Move
Playing the Star
When you have sex with someone, choose one. You make them feel: -- special or respected, they become a fan -- used or humiliated, you lose two Conditions
Envious, deceitful, driven, competitive. The Star is all about the self destructive nature of celebrity and how others see them.
Darkest Self Everyone is whispering behind your back. They think you’re slipping, that you can’t cut it any more. You’re a has-been, oldnews, a burn-out. You’ll do anything to prove them wrong, no matter how demeaning or degrading it is, so long as there is a chance it will get you back on top. You cannot refuse anything a fan asks of you, no matter the cost. Escape your Darkest Self when you utterly destroy your biggest or oldest rival or pull off the best performance of your life.
Advancements o Take another Star move o Take another Star move o Take a Move from any skin o Take a Move from any skin o You belong to an All-Star Team o Add 1 to Hot
When someone becomes a fan, they gain the Condition [your name]’s fan. This condition can be lost if you do not live up to it’s standard (i.e. you are embarrassed publicly, you bail on a performance, you drastically change something about yourself, you refuse a point of XP to do something a fan asks of you). Your fans count as a gang. To trigger Homefield Advantage others, particularly anyone you are competing against or setting up the performance, must agree with what you set forward. Anything not afforded to a competitor or other performer is deemed as “unfair advantage” for Anything to Win.
You are amazing,the best there ever was or will be. You get to bask in the glow of the lights, the fans, and the favors. The world is your oyster. But If you aren't careful someone else will be lining up under center or signing autographs backstage.
Prince, Madonna, Joe, Emmitt, Jennifer, Flash, Cleopatra, Brittney, Marilynn, Leonardo
Stunning, proud, strong, ordinary, picture-perfect, rebellious, graceful
Choose a Name
a single name, a popular name, a beautiful name, a unique name, a nickname
Circle one in each list
Proud eyes, commanding eyes, haunted eyes, darting eyes
Origin Choose one
God’s literal gift, natural talent, up and comer, on the decline, looking for a comeback
Name: Stats: Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
Carry Forward
Star Moves You get this one then choose two more
X The Show Must Go On
Once per scene, when you take any amount of harm, you may ignore it and take a condition representing an injury instead. If you ever have 5 or more conditions, trigger your Darkest Self.
O Better than Sex
When someone gets the better of you, name them as a rival. When you best a rival, trigger your Sex Move with them.
O Show No Weakness When you shut someone down, roll with Hot. On a 10+ add the following option; you lose one Condition.
Harm: Experience:
O #Famous When you brag about your fame or glory, add two to your manipulate, turn on, or shut down roll and gain the diva condition
Your Backstory: You’re the best and they all know it. take a string on everyone. Everyone knows your business. Give everyone a string on you Name 3 NPCs and give them each two string on you. They are your fans.
Other Moves
O Homefield Advantage When you dictate an aspect of a contest or performance, add one to all rolls during that performance or contest
O Anything to Win When you use an unethical, immoral, or unfair advantage in a fight, add 2 to your las h out physically or run away roll (must be decided before the roll) and gain the Condition cheater
O Friends in High Places When you go to a figure of authority to avoid the consequences of your actions, roll with 3 minus your number of conditions.. On a 10, they deal with it, choose 1; on a 7-9, they help you out of it, choose 2..You: - gain a new rival - gain the Condition *figure*’s pet - lose some of your fans - have to do something for them first
Sex Move
Playing the Artist
When you have sex with someone, they become a source of inspiration for you. Thereafter, if you create art about this person, you may roll with dark. On a 10-up, choose two: know their location; their emotional state; their current activity; who they have the most Strings on. On a 7-9, choose one, and they take a harm.
Unstable, passionate, destructive, punishing. The Artist is all about embracing terrifying darkness as your muse and seeing it drive you and anyone the whole process and letting it fuel your bizarre creations. Like any dark, dangerous artist, self-
Darkest Self The madness needs to spread. You need inspiration. Your art unsettles people at the worst of times. ir sanity, gaslight them, reach into their minds and break them and piece. You escape your Darkest Self when you are the voice of reason in an important matter.
Advancement Take another Artist move. Take another Artist move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You . Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Skin designed by: Fay Ikin Stock Art from
you need to show the negative space the space in between light and dark come out you go to school, you follow along, sometimes you even hear what all the norms are bleating
hold back from Mise en Abyme just because the 7-9 result may end up with an unfortunate development for you: embrace the unpredictability of it all. Despite the self-destructive nature of Blue Period, self-harm is not required content for this skin. Blue Period has been written so that neglect and lack of self-care is enough self-destructiveness for the Artist. Be sensitive to the needs of the group and discuss what behaviours they would rather you avoid when playing the Artist.
i'll make it better.
The Artist
Allegory mentions voodoo in the flavour sympathetic tokens to be able to affect someone. You do have to represent them in your art, and their representation needs to suffer the way you want them to. Keep a record of any particular artworks you have created that might be interesting to other people - that cheerleader would realize it was her in that Allegory painting and start asking questions.
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Asti, Calliope, Cyril, Harcourt, Hideyoshi, Katelina, Lysander, Marius, Ophelia, Petra
alternative, paint-splattered, dirty, dishevelled, pretentious, weird distracted eyes, eyes that see nothing and everything, mocking eyes, desultory eyes
A broken name, a passionate name, an
they are their own.
circle one art: drawing, painting, sculpture, pottery, poetry, prose, calligraphy, woodcuts, pyrography, collage, textiles, photography, film, composing music
Origin Circle one: tools in the attic, let the pain out somehow, tapping into the collective subconscious
Carry Forward
Artist Moves: You get this one, and choose one more:
Mise en Abyme
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1
Hot (Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
Volatile (Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
Dark (Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: » advance
Your Backstory Someone has seen your collection without your permission. They gain a String on you. for you to bear. Gain a String on each other.
If someone has the Condition compelled, roll with volatile to damage their sanity, with physical violence, psychic attacks, or infectious madness. On a 10-up, choose one: -their sanity is unhinged; -they lose a String on you; -they trigger their Darkest Self. On a 7-9, choose one of the above, but the same effect applies to you as well. Écorché You may use dark instead of hot to turn someone on if they view your art. Whenever you do this, they gain the Condition compelled regardless of the outcome of the roll. Chiaroscuro You may use your art to study the abyss. Roll with dark. On a 10-up, you have lucid and detailed visions, with clear answers to two of the below questions. On a 7-9, you have confusing and alarming visions, and answers to two questions couched in violent metaphor. -Who knows more about this than I do? -Who can help me? -Who will try to stop me? -What do I need to be successful? Anyone who witnesses you do this gains the Condition compelled. Anamorphosis Your art whispers to you and tells you things you have no right to know. Roll with dark. On a 10-up, you know a dark secret about someone. On a 7-9, they know one of yours too.
Allegory You may use your art like a voodoo doll, allowing you to lash out physically at someone from a distance. Roll with volatile. On a 10-up, deal one harm, and choose one: -deal an extra harm; -their sanity is unhinged; -gain a String on them. On a 7-9, deal one harm, and choose one: -you take one harm; -they know it was you and gain a String on you; -trigger your Darkest Self. Blue Period If you go a long time without food, drink or sleep, or otherwise neglect your body in favour of your art, roll with volatile. On a 10-up, choose two: -gain a number of carry forwards equal to the harm you are willing to take; -mark experience; -gain a String on the first person who tries to help you, whether you let them help or not. On a 7-9, take two harm and mark experience. Vellum You are literally invested in your art. When a piece of your art is destroyed, take a harm. If someone buys or accepts a piece of your art, take a String on them.
Other Moves
Sex Move
Playing the Cupid
People love so much.
When you have sex with someone gain a String Noble, manipulative, interfering, irrational. on them, but you cannot use the move Gold on The Cupid is all about meddling in other them ever again. By extension, Psyche can never be used on them either; Lead, Silver, Steel and their own. Venus can still be used. Teenagers relationships are messy, complicated, hurtful and draw everyone Darkest Self into a vortex of drama and pain. ange. over themselves for you, obsessed with you, infatuated (or infatuated) with y
They love and they hurt and they never work out how to make it work out. So you step in. than they ever could by themselves.
give each other the time of day. Breaking up that toxic on-off relationship for good. Bringing people in a .
your amusement, no matter who it hurts.
Do you?
You escape your Darkest self when someone professes love for you without your meddling.
Advancement Take another Cupid move. Take another Cupid move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You amorini. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
As with turn someone on, the infatuated condition does not cause or force any particular actions. Characters who have the condition, however, are encouraged to roleplay appropriately, and may act at a Disadvantage or Advantage in various situations that challenge these new feelings. The amorini is a gathering of Cupids, all with their own agendas and opinions about who should go best with whom. They can work together, but generally, a difference of
The Cupid Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Aimee, Alejandro, Ambrose, Aurelia, Constanza, Eden, Gerard, Kalyana, Marianne, Sebastian
cherubic, athletic, cuddly, cute, irresistible
A romantic name, a European name, a refined name
Skin designed by: Fay Ikin Stock art from
honeyed eyes, primal eyes, placid eyes, debauched eyes, appealing eyes
Origin Circle one: child of magic, rewarded for purity, former lover, from the beginning of time
Carry Forward
Cupid Moves: You get this one, and two more:
Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
Hot (Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
Volatile (Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
You are the quintessential matchmaker. Roll with hot. On a 10-up, your target gains the Condition whoever they are looking at, at that moment. On a 7-9, so do you. Lead Some relationships just should not be. Roll with dark. On a 10-up, your target gains the Condition whoever they are looking at, at that moment. On a 7-9, so do you. Silver The longest lasting relationships need strong bonds between them. Choose two targets, and roll with dark. On a 10-up, they each gain a String on one another. On a 7-9, you choose one to gain a String on the other, but they also gain a String on you.
Psyche When someone (including you) who has the Condition has sex with the object of their Condition, they pick 1: -They mark experience; -They carry 1 forward; -They cure a Condition other than infatuated. Venus When someone (including you) who has the Condition is intimate with the object of their Condition, they pick 1: -They take a harm; -Their next roll counts as a step lower (a 10-up counts as a 7-9, a 7-9 counts as a miss); -They trigger their Darkest Self.
Other Moves
Dark (Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: » advance
Your Backstory Someone loves you but you keep your distance. Gain 2 Strings on them.
fierce. Gain a String on each other.
Steel People cannot shake off a strike from your bow. If you have a String on someone, they act at a Disadvantage when trying to hold steady to remove the infatuated or repulsed Conditions. Molten You may use hot instead of cold when you shut someone down.
Sex Move
Playing the Erinys
If you are intimate with someone who has the condition hunted, you may inflict as much harm as you wish upon them. This still counts as dealing harm for the move Semnai.
Angry, uncontrollable, protective, cruel. The Erinys is all about frightening the very
Darkest Self
The Erinyes (singular: Erinys), also known as harpies, furies or dirae, are creatures of vigilantism, vengeance and violence. But no matter the situation, fighting for yourself will always trigger Semnai, even if you have the righteous condition. You need someone to fight for other than yourself. The only exception to this is during your Darkest Self.
You have had enough seeking vengeance for the mewling innocents around you. The balance of justice be damned: it is time to hunt down everyone who has hurt you, denied you, belittled you. You only escape your Darkest Self when you regret punishing someone who had hurt you, or if you realize one of your victims is truly innocent.
Advancement Take another Erinys move. Take another Erinys move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. of a Scolding Flock. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
the inhumanity of your protection and the blood you spill.
Violent, blood-soaked, chaotic-fierce, deserving of death, deserving of pain, deserving no kindness or mercy-a bad person, a monster, who tips the scales of justice and brings down people, crowds, cities.
other fuckers out there.
ve allows you to do severe damage to someone while being intimate with them. Be sensitive to the feelings of the rest of the group: decide as a group at the beginning of the game whether the move takes effect after intimacy occurs, or before, or if there are no restrictions. Call the Hunt move to inflict the Condition hunted on your victims. Shut someone down is a fine way of making sure you can use the Condition (and therefore your Sex Move) right from the beginning of play.
The Erinys Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Afroditi, Areli, Chara, Iolanthe, Kade, Petros, furious, barely-held-back, frazzled, confident, powerful, looming Rebekah, Scarlett, Tomas, Xerxes incensed eyes, frightening eyes, protective eyes, judgemental eyes, appraising eyes A Greek name, a cold name, an ominous name, a harsh name
Skin designed by: Fay Ikin Stock art from
Origin Circle one: sent to even the scales, born from injustice, prayer
Carry Forward
Erinys Moves: You get these two:
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
Hot (Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
Volatile (Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
Dark (Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: » advance
Your Backstory You held back from punishing a transgressor. They take two Strings on you. You are protecting someone. Take a String on them.
When you see an injustice take place against someone else, and speak up against it, roll with cold. On a 10-up, choose 1: -Gain a String on the transgressor; -Gain the condition righteous; -Mark Experience. On a 7-9, choose 1, but the transgressor gains a String on you as well.
Semnai If you deal harm to someone on your own behalf, or while you do not have the condition righteous, either: -Take 1 harm; -Give a String to the person you harmed. If you do have the condition righteous, deal an extra harm and lose the condition. Call the Hunt Roll with volatile. On a 10-up, your target gains the condition hunted. On a 7-9, inflict the Condition, but they know it is you who is hunting them. Tisiphone If someone has the condition hunted, misses on lash out physically against them count as if you rolled a 7-9, and 7-9 counts as 10-up.
Eumenides If a victim gives you their blessing to right a wrong, carry 1 forward on all rolls made to take vengeance on their behalf. Dirae If you have a String on someone, you know when they are hurt or victimized, whatever their location. You do not know their location, the nature of the hurt or the identity of the transgressor. Megaera Roll with dark to hear the prayers and feel the needs of the innocent. On a 10-up, choose two: -You know the injustice they suffered; -You know the location of the injustice. On a 7-9, choose one.
Other Moves
Sex Move
Playing the Jinni
If you have sex with your companion, they lose all Strings on you and immediately stop being your companion. Your new companion is whoever has the most Strings on you. If no one else has any Strings on you, the MC will decide who your new companion is and award them 3 Strings on you.
Self-sacrificing, devoted, fickle and meddling. The Jinni (plural: Jinn) is all about being a mess of contradictions: otherworldly and human, magic and mundane. They influence the world through reality-bending powers, but not for themselves.
If you have sex with someone who is not your companion, mark Experience, but gain the condition Guilty.
As the Jinni, you are enslaved to your companion. Even if you take Willing Slave, the identity of your companion is never truly under your control. Push and pull, conflict and hate-fuelled love, feeling like else and not of your own accord: the messy, selfsacrificing, devotion that only teenagers can truly understand.
Darkest Self
Whoever hurts your companion must die. Whoever stands in their way must be destroyed. Even their friends are not good enough for them. You are an ifrit, a dark jinni, a Despite being a genie, possibly complete demon of fire and wind who breaks everything with lamp, the Jinni does not have a stead, if a in your path. You escape your companion wishes something of you, Darkest Self when your companion suffers to protect one of your targets. powers in inventive ways. Your companion needs money? Smoke and Shadows lets you
Take another Jinni move. Take another Jinni move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. Family Ties. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Skin designed by: Fay Ikin Art modified from picture at
wallet. On Their Shoulder lets you tell that teacher their secret desire is to buy your companion a bus ticket. Companions can be PCs or NPCs, antagonists or allies: whoever builds up the most Strings. This can mean that you may end up serving a character you deeply dislike. When this occurs, you are still beholden to serve them and their wishes, although you may do everything you can to reinterpret and assume to go in other, more palatable directions. Jinn of mythology are parts of large, teeming and vibrant communities. By taking Family Ties, you reconnect with this community.
isolated from your family, stuck with the humans and other monsters of the world. Some of them are very bad people. Some of them are better. No matter the power you can wield, all of these people can have power over you. be frightened or excited.
The Jinni Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Adriano, Dante, Hana, Jameel, Neema, Rashida, Sarita, Theron, Qadiya, Xenos
intoxicating, compelling, superior, distant, alien smoky eyes, pleading eyes, sparkling eyes, sly eyes, intense eyes
An old name, an exotic name, a chilling name, an unusual name
Origin Circle one: fugitive, slave, orphan, pioneer, stranded
Carry Forward
Jinni Moves: You get this one, and choose one more:
The Qarin
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1
When you Move to influence your life, gain a +1 to all rolls. In addition, your companion may spend a String to add 3 to your roll. This can be done after rolling.
Hot (Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
Volatile (Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
Dark (Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: » advance
Your Backstory
Someone is your companion. They gain three Strings on you. You helped someone even though they were not your companion. Gain a String on them.
Whoever has the most Strings on you is your companion. You always know who your companion is. You must spend a String to defy your companion if they request something
Smoke and Shadows You can become a creature of thick smoke. As such, you can pass through spaces too small for a person to enter, but the appearance of smoke in an area may be noted by passersby. Roll with volatile. On a 10-up, any possessions you have on you are turned to smoke as well, returning when you retake your human shape. On a 7-9, choose one: -You only transform your body and what is within it, not clothes or accessories. -The transformation is painful. Take 1 harm. -You must hold steady to retake your human form; failing will trigger your Darkest Self. This Shall Not Be Resist the inexorable pull of reality, akin to Shutting Down reality itself. Roll with cold when a tragedy occurs. On a 10-up, you are able to fix the tragedy in some way by altering reality: they still got shot, but they were wearing a bulletproof vest or only got grazed; she still insulted your companion, but she bursts into tears of shame afterwards. On a 7-9, you are able to fix the tragedy as above, but something worse happens instead, and your companion takes 1 harm.
On Their Shoulder You can , changing core motivations. Roll with dark. On a 10-up, you change a target secret desire or fear, regardless of what it was before. On a 7-9, do the above, but the target knows their mind has been meddled with, and that you were the one to do it. ...and the Lamp You have a magic lamp, or box, to which you are connected. Whoever takes possession of the lamp immediately gains enough Strings on you to have more than any other character, with a minimum of 3 Strings gained, and becomes your new companion. They can spend a String on you for you to hear a wish they speak aloud, no matter your location. Willing Slave companion. Roll with hot. On a 10-up, give them a String on you. On a 7-9, they choose one of the following: -Mark Experience -Take a String on you -Give you the condition Rejected.
Other Moves
Sex Move
Playing the Mannequin
Give up all Strings on your sexual partner in return for an equal number of carry forwards. If they criticize you afterwards, they gain a String on you. If they praise you, gain a String on them.
Eager to please, bitter, perfectionistic, insecure. The Mannequin is all about playing a role, never being happy with
Darkest Self
- and in the midst of gratitude, pushing these kindhearted fools away.
This indomitable will can manifest with possibly supernatural powers if Force of - and others - have set you. Someone else will always Will or No Critics, No Masters moves are be better than you. The only solution is to bring taken. As an extra layer to the -esteem and down anyone who outperforms you. Yo dependence on others, Easy Target can be by destroying the taken to provoke you competition, one way or another. criticisms, not just their praise. You escape your Darkest Self when you genuinely praise someone else for doing something you could never do, but wish you could.
Advancement Take another Mannequin move. Take another Mannequin move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
No one understands how hard it is. Gotta be the star quarterback. Gotta get the best grades. Gotta ace those SATs. Gotta go to the best college. Everyone is expecting the world of you: sun, sky and stars. No one understands what you might do if you fail.
Throughout the Mannequin moves, genuinely praises. you to decide. If you - to you. Of course, Suspicious Mind could help you work out
The Mannequin
to note that a 7-9 tells you that character is lying, but the PC or MC controlling the character may have their own opinion on the matter. Your gang is the AP Study Group. Whether or not they are Mannequins, they may understand your need for praise, but
Name Choose a name: Angie, Abioye, Carla, Cassius, Deacon, Evie, Jackson, Mackenzie, Mahesha, Tamika
Fay Ikin Stock art from
Circle one in each list: stern, anxious, puppy-like, bouncy, preppy, porcelain, sleek sad eyes, cold eyes, desperate eyes, furious eyes
A pre name, a rich name
Skin designed by:
Origin Circle one: overlooked, abandoned, hothoused, genius
Carry Forward
Mannequin Moves: You get this one, and choose one more:
Desperate for Approval
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
Hot (Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
handle it. When someone genuinely praises you, roll with dark. On a 10-up, choose one: -carry 1 forward; -mark experience; -cure a Condition. On a 7-9, choose one of the above, but you must also choose to either: -immediately shut down the person who praised you, or; -give them a String.
Easy Target
not used to people picking on your sensitive ego. When someone genuinely insults or belittles you, roll with cold. On a 10-up, mark experience. On a 7-9, carry 1 forward and choose one: -Give them a String; -Trigger your Darkest Self; -Take a harm.
Know Your Audience
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
Volatile (Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: » advance
Your Backstory so much better than yours. They gain a String on you. Someone wishes they were like you, and you
of others. While having a meaningful conversation with someone, roll Dark. On a 10up, choose one: -gain a String on them; -learn a secret desire of theirs; -learn a secret fear of theirs; -carry 1 forward to rolls about this character. On a 7-9, choose one, but you also give them a String.
No Critics, No Masters If someone is trying to criticize you and you have a String on them, spend a String to alter their opinion using psychic energy. Whatever they were criticizing, they now approve. Choose one: -They become a rabid fan; -Their sanity is unhinged; -They take a harm.
Suspicious Mind overwhelming. When you think someone may not be being truthful to you, roll with cold. On a 10-up, if they are lying to you, gain a String on them, but if they are not lying to you, mark experience. On a 7-9, you are certain they are lying to you Strings on each other.
Force of Will You will be good. You will be perfect, even if the stress and psychic backlash kills you. You may take 1 harm in order to add 1 to a roll. This may be done after rolling, but cannot go over the cap of +5.
Other Moves
Sex Move
Playing the Phoenix
When you have sex with someone, a little of your Grace rubs off on them. They do not take the next Harm dealt to them. However, they know your soul a little better, and gain a String on you.
Used, wanted, needed, the Phoenix is all about martyring yourself to anyone who needs you and trapping yourself in the never-ending cycle of abuse. The Phoenix no matter how many times it goes wrong,
Darkest Self
you. Destroy your relationships with anyone who cares about you, with anyone who knows to get away clean.
Phoenixes in mythology give out quests,
You escape your Darkest Self when someone lets you go, even though they care for you.
stems of grass they touch. In reality, - broken, even - but
Advancement Take another Phoenix move. Take another Phoenix move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
You feel it, their need, and never happy. They take. They take. One
many times before: you love, you give, you help, and then the people you help turn around and try to lock you away and use your grace for themselves. You run and find somewhere else to go, another identity, but the cycle always continues.
You have been used and made vulnerable too many times, and you must get away - but not
Everyone wants a piece. Everyone wants. Everyone needs.
to leave. survive. You always do.
The Phoenix
them hurt.
had enough of being vulnerable, and considering people normally let you get very close? You know exactly how to take them down.
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Your gang is the Aviary of Martyrs, a group of fellow Phoenixes. The more of you there are, the more vulnerable you are, but companionship is undeniably healing.
Aelius, Benna, Cináed, Conleth, Farah, Fiametta, Maryam, Nima, Roshan, Rufus
glorious, adorable, sun-bright, flaming, gentle, open, afraid golden eyes, violet eyes, dawn-light eyes, lovely eyes, calm eyes, smiling eyes
An intriguing name, a soft name, a beautiful name, a fiery name
Skin designed by:
Circle one:
Fay Ikin
escapee, martyr, shirker, hunted, prodigal
Stock Art from
Carry Forward
Stats Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
Hot (Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
Phoenix Moves:
You can use your innate wisdom to understand the world around you, but only in scenes in You get this one, and choose one more: which there is no immediate threat of physical harm. Grace of the Phoenix Roll with dark. On a 10-up, choose two When you gain your fourth harm, you rise questions from the list below to ask the MC: again. Roll with dark. On a 10-up, you rise from - What does that character want from me? the dead with 0 harm. Also choose one: - What is that character afraid of? -You rise immediately - What might make that character angry? -Mark an experience - Who can help me resolve this problem? -Give the person who dealt the fourth harm the - How might this situation hurt me? condition guilty. On a 7-9, choose two questions from the above On a 7-9, your body spontaneously bursts into list. The MC will give you flames, dealing harm to those near you, and misleading or false information for one of the you gain the condition drained. answers. On a miss see above, but instead of the condition, trigger your Darkest Self.
Song of Glory
Phoenix Tears
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
Your tears have the legendary healing properties of true phoenixes. Roll with dark. On a 10 up, you may choose to either remove all Conditions, or all harm, from one character. On a 7-9, you may heal one harm or remove one Condition. This move cannot be done on yourself.
Gift of the Feather
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: » advance
Your Backstory You healed someone of a wound that would have killed them. Take a String on them. Someone knew your previous identity. They gain a String on you.
Wisdom of the Ancients
Give someone a lock of hair or other token. They gain a string on you and can use once: -Fiery Temperament -Wisdom of the Ancients -Immunity to your Song of Glory -Immunity to Grace of the Phoenix fire
Quest of the Bird When someone discovers your true nature, mark Experience, but they gain a String on you.
Fiery Temperament You may use hot instead of cold to hold steady.
When singing, performing, or otherwise using your voice to entertain, roll with hot. On a 10-up, choose one: -Gain a String on a listener -Give a listener the Condition captivated -Break a listener out of their Darkest Self for the duration of your song. Once you finish singing, they will return to their Darkest Self. On a 7-9, choose one: -A listener gains the Condition obsessed. - A listener gains a String on you -Trigger your Darkest Self.
Other Moves
Sex Move
Playing the Sphinx
When you have sex with someone, the Leader Two-faced, mysterious, needy and tragic. loses a String on you. Your partner may ask you The Sphinx is all about falling in with a a question to which you must answer honestly. bad crowd and being desperate to be saved, but struggling to try to save yourself.
Darkest Self
want everyone to think you are - after all, destroy what use They have for you.
teenager. But under the surface there are a thousand competing, arcane orders You are unable to lie. You will spread every r of secret you have: your secrets, the , your both how much you know, and how unreliable dread of what they might ask you to do Leader how you should next. not be trusted anymore. Being able to tell (and solve) riddles as a player should not be a requirement for You escape your Darkest Self when someone playing and enjoying the Sphinx skin! forgives you for your duplicity. There are some riddles in a support document for you to use if you wish; if your group wants to, the MC can ask you Advancement to make dark rolls to interpret riddles. A custom move for this is given in Under Take another Sphinx move. Each Skin the move , to avoid using Take another Sphinx move. riddles in anything other than a Take a move from another Skin. summarized, non-specific way. Take a move from another Skin. You . The Leader may end up dead or gone during play, or you might end up leaving Add 1 to Hot (max 3). the cult. Remember that the core of the Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Sphinx is about feeling trapped and Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). beholden to others, so if you do manage Add 1 to Dark (max 3). to escape, y from the frying pan into the fire. If that happens, you should be able to work out who the new Leader is by looking at your new situation a cult leader.
Skin designed by: Fay Ikin Stock Art from
What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you'll die? You. You are nothing without Them. You watch and you spy and you make notes and you take all of it back to Them. They always want more. Maybe you remember a time when things were better, when ke. anything but this servitude. You are Theirs. Without that, you are nothing.
The Sphinx Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Anaïs, Anders, Gemma, Hilda, Ira, Jerrik, Nefertiry, Pippa, Shinobu, Vincent
leonine, watchful, nervous, desperate, slick
An ancient name, a normal name, a rocksolid name
calculating eyes, expectant eyes, trapped eyes, gleaming eyes, the eyes of a victim
Circle one: stolen as a baby, beloved to the hostage, raised from the living stone, isolated in a foreign land
Carry Forward
Sphinx Moves: You get this one, and two more:
Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
Hot (Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
Volatile (Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
Dark (Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: » advance
Your Backstory The Leader has told you to spy on someone. Gain two Strings on them.
out. Gain a String on each other.
You owe your allegiance to the Leader of a cult. The Leader gains 3 Strings on you. Choose how you report to the Leader: -a psychic connection -visiting the compound -mysterious phone calls If you leave the cult, or the Leader dies, you cannot use Point of No Return, or until you end up under the yoke of someone else. Phix You can prevent people from leaving your presence, with riddles or pleas, charms or threats. Roll with hot. On a 10-up, choose one: -They must hold steady to leave you; -They can leave, but must give you a String; -They mark experience and do what you want. On a 7-9, they choose instead. Guardian You can prevent someone from crossing a boundary: for instance, doorways, property lines, roads or rivers. Roll with volatile. On a 10up, they cannot cross the boundary during this scene. On a 7-9, choose one: -They cannot cross, but gain a String on you; -They cross, but with the Condition hampered; -They cannot cross, but deal you one harm. Redeemer If someone tries to save you and you deny them, they gain experience. If someone tries to save you and you let them, you gain experience.
Explosive Temper If someone tries to shut you down, treat a 10-up as a 7-9. Deal them one harm for free. You can channel mystic forces into incomprehensible riddles that even you need to unpick to understand. You may use hot to gaze into the abyss. Add this to your list of 10-up options: the visions weaken your bond to your Leader, They lose a String on you. Add this to your list of 7-9 options: the Leader gains a String on you. If someone solves one of your riddles, they take one of your Strings on you and gain it for themselves. If the Leader has no Strings on you, they still gain a String. Point of No Return You have let the Leader into your mind. They see what you see, and hear what you hear, and They reward you for it. Pick a stat: gain 1 to all rolls made with this stat (not exceeding the maximum bonus of 5). You can spend a String on the Leader to suppress this for a scene.
Other Moves
Sex Move
Playing the Trickster
When you have sex with someone, you may take one of the Strings they have on someone else, and take it for yourself.
Cunning, wily, anti-authority - the Trickster is the class clown dialed up with magic power and an unshakeable, bone-
background and watch them all scurry around.
Darkest Self
it all.
and direct the drama exactly how you want it to go.
The Trickster has several moves that allow them to play with identity and physical appearance; each of these have their strengths and weaknesses. Form can allow the Trickster to make actual, real changes to their body, but without taking
centre stage and star in your own show.
laughing at you come off. Your pranks will hit too close to home, causing real harm to others and to yourself. Nonsensical, cruel, unpredictable and r. You escape your Darkest Self when someone catches you and punishes you.
Advancement Take another Trickster move. Take another Trickster move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You . Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
people can recognise the Trickster with a successful hold steady. Using Forked Tongue in conjunction with this move is one way of pretending to be a specific other, but Kitsune is another, using illusions only. allows the Trickster to alter
A note on gender fluidity: Tricksters in numerous cultures have fluid bodies and gender presentation. This can be a fun, intriguing aspect of personhood to play
The Pack of Jackals is a ragtag group of class clowns, troublemakers, antiauthority types up to the MC and the player to decide exactly what the tone of Fay Ikin Stock Art from
The Trickster
that racial characteristics do not come under this category: skin-tone cannot be altered more than a couple of shades paler or darker. Hair and eye colour, however, are fair game.
characters: avoid falling into the offensive trope of trans panic.
Skin designed by:
No one ever knows what to expect fun.
with her schemes - for a price.
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Bella, Dione, Erin, Gwideon, Jack, Jacob, Mary Ann, Nanzi, Reynard, Tamamo
punk, androgyn, subservise, unremarkable, sly
An intimidating name, a quick name, a fearless name, a strange name
cunning eyes, laughing eyes, derisive eyes, thoughtful eyes, nonchalant eyes
Circle one: running with stolen fire, indulged scion, blessed by a trickster god, cursed by a trickster god, precocious class clown
Carry Forward
Trickster Moves: Choose two:
Stats Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark -1
Hot (Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
Volatile (Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
Dark (Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: » advance
Your Backstory -fox: your nemesis. Gain 2 Strings on each other. Someone helped you pull a prank on your nemesis. They gain a String on you.
Kitsune If you spend a String on someone, for 1 scene you will appear as your choice of 1 of: -Whoever they fear or desire most -Whoever they most or least want to see This is an illusion only, and touching the target dispels the magic. Briarpatch You can use hot instead of volatile to Run Away. When you are fleeing someone rather than something, include the following. On a 10-up, you find a safe space, and choose one: -Your attacker finds trouble -You find what or who you need right now On a 7-up, add this to your list of 7-9 options: -You and your attacker find something worse Anansesem If you spend a String on someone, they will believe a lie you tell them, without reservation or hesitation. Only hard evidence contradicting your lie will break the spell; even then they are likely to give you the benefit of the doubt. Discordia When others are arguing, you can make things a whole lot worse. Roll with cold. On a 10-up, choose 1: -Incite a riot -Choose who wins the argument -Gain 1 String on each leader of the sides On a 7-9, choose 1, but everyone knows you were meddling.
Others have such stable, unchanging bodies. That seems unimaginative. Roll with hot. On a 10-up, choose two from: -Change your colouring -Change your physical sex -You do not look like yourself -Temporarily increase a Stat by 1 On a 7-9, choose 1, and 1 of the following: -You take 1 harm -Temporarily reduce a Stat by 1 The changes last for 1 scene. Puppeteer Roll with cold. On a 10-up, choose two characters. They will be in the next scene together. On a 7-9, the MC can swap one of your targets for someone else of their choice.
Other Moves
Sex Move
Playing the Doctor
You learn from anyone and anything; for the purpose of interaction you are treated as having the other person’s sex move if applicable. If they have none gain a string on them when you have sex with them.
The Doctor has a central fact that no one else believes. Which gives them a distinctive perspective on the world. The Central Truth should be chosen with care - it can’t be something like “I am a monster” and The Doctor can’t prove they are right to others directly. It also needs to notably affect how the Doctor sees and interacts with the world.
Darkest Self People are weird, and you want to analyse them. Either under as complex stresses as you can manage or by picking a target, isolating them to ensure controlled conditions (a control subject is optional), then testing stress point by stress point. You leave your Darkest Self when someone convinces you they are like you in important ways.
Advancements o Take another Alien move. o Gain an additional ability. o Gain an additional ability. o Take a move from another skin. o You find Others like you. o Add 1 to Hot (max 3). o Add 1 to Cold (max 3). o Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). o Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
And because everyone else is wrong about something the Doctor knows is true, they need to start from first principles in understanding what makes people tick. At least the universe is honest and works! The Doctor therefore responds by understanding and classifying people and things, and they really don’t do well with Things Unknown By (their) Science. And they will frequently follow the classification rabbit hole even when they’ve started on the wrong foot. Part of this is that they don’t know themselves (and so are much more determined when they have an image to live up to or down to). With the Darkest Self, if you isolate a single test subject be sure to check with them out of game and make sure to respect lines and veils.
You know something true that no one else believes. You’ve tried to see things from their side, and despite the fact they all think that it’s impossible they are all wrong. You are right - but how they can be so wrong confuses you. Thinks? things make sense. And maybe, just maybe if you make enough sense of things, you’ll understand. Understand them and how they think that. Or even understand yourself.
The Doc-tor Name Choose a Name Leonardo, Micro, Marie, Mister X, Doctor Doom, Brainiac
An ill-fitting name, an analytical name, a name you never use, a short name, a classical name
Origin: Natural born genius, someone else’s experiment, flashes of insight, cuckoo in the nest, adopted from ... somewhere
Look Circle one in each list Rebel, too perfect, preppy, punk, trying to be who you really are, outlandish fashion, first thing out of the wardrobe, symbols and icons Watchful eyes, quick eyes, observant eyes, dark eyes, shrouded eyes, bottlecap glasses Stained hands, peeling hands, dextrous hands, solid hands, manicured hands, missing finger, extra finger, webbed fingers
Carry Forward
Doctor Moves You get this one and choose two more
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
Harm Experience: O O O O O>> Advance
* The Pigeonhole Principle If a target of one of your moves has no conditions, add 1 to any roll that would directly establish a condition on them and subtract 1 from all other rolls against them. When you Hold Steady add 1 to the roll if you exemplify a condition on yourself. O For Science! Add 1 to rolls to find something out, whether a research/Gaze into the Abyss montage, manipulating someone into spilling beans, or a skin move like a Slayer’s Hitting the Books. O We do not apologize for the hardcore When someone else uses you as bait or the subject of their experiment (willingly or not) you each mark experience
Your Backstory Someone gets you, and likes you the way you are even if you don’t. They take two strings on you and you take one on them. Someone is fascinatingly different, and you want to study them. Each take a string on the other.
Your Central Thruth is: _______________________________
Other Moves
O Blood and skin samples When you take a blood sample, skin samples, hair samples, a decent set of fingerprints, or the clothes someone was wearing in the scene you took them and get them to somewhere you can investigate, gain a string on that person. O Unofficial Truth Speaker When telling someone a truth they do not know or do not wish to acknowledge, gain +2 to any associated Hot roll. O I can not function without data Whenever you take something apart to see what makes it tick roll +Dark. On a 10+ choose 2, on a 7-9 choose 1 * You can put it back together * You find a new use for it (or the parts) * You discover something about its purpose or maker O Tape our flamethrowers to our pulse rifles When you have time to prepare, damage is going to be cinematic and there’s little chance of subtlety. As long as you both have prepared and are prepared to make a scene you may roll dark instead of volatile and you and everyone else you have equipped inflict 1 additional Harm when you inflict harm.
Sex Move
Playing The Medusa
When you have sex with someone, ask them to go steady. If they refuse, take two strings on them. If someone sees you in the act, gain the condition humiliated and the observer gains a String on you.
You have an axe to grind. A hard goal in mind. Your conviction in your own purity is strong, and the important part is that you’re honestly clean. Your betrayal has made you hardened, and you block people out. When you do let someone in, you want them to stay forever.
Darkest Self When you become your Darkest Self, you unleash your deadly gaze. Take the condition humiliated. Anyone who looks upon you must hold steady or suffer +1 harm. You can leave your Darkest Self when those who have harmed you in the past repent. The condition humiliated remains when you leave your Darkest Self.
Advancement m Take another Medusa move. m Take another Medusa move. m Take another Medusa move. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a move from another Skin. m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). m Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Skin Designed by:
Brie Sheldon Models: Julia Ellingboe Tristan Tarwater
The first thing you need to do is make your choice between Sisters and Gaze Upon Me. With Sisters, you have a gang, and you are never alone. From the beginning, you have people to watch your back and act as backup. Gaze Upon Me allows you to have the upper hand especially when you are threatened. Feel free to go into situations that are dangerous, because you have the strength to take charge. Stone Cold plays into your strong suit. Whenever you shut someone down it ensures you’ll have a noticable result. It pairs nicely with Whisspers, because it gives people the hard choice between sharing their secrets or bending to your will. Entering your Darkest Self is worth the exposure. Use any excuse to enter it, like the Shamed move that is triggered by humiliation, a condition that is easily gained by being caught in the act of your Sex Move. When you are your Darkest Self, you can use Pure of Heart to embrace your true identity and target those who have wronged you. Finally, don’t forget your own vanity. You’re So Vain allows you to steady yourself when you gaze into the abyss, letting your dark side guide you in the middle of conflicts and tense situations.
Someone wronged you once, and you took the punishment instead. You’re innocent. Pure of heart, but everyone sees you as tainted by lies. It’s no wonder you have a heart of stone. Gaze upon the unwashed masses and see only your own conviction. Things would be better for everyone if they would just see your truth. You have the moral high ground. Maybe you’re head of the chastity club. Maybe you are just plain good. Use others’ cruelty to prove your own innocence and further your cause. They might reveal you or lie, but when your true face shows you’re the one in charge.
The Medusa Name
Alexandra, Ceto, Faith, Cassandra, Esther, Virgil, Peter, Christian, Nikolos, Theo.
pious, innocent, faded, cold, snakelike, stony
Choose a name:
A holy name, a mythic name, a name with history, a forgotten name.
Circle one in each list:
haunted eyes, hard eyes, troubled eyes, dead eyes, suspicious eyes
Origin cursed, betrayed by a friend, born again, inherited darkness, unjustly scorned
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold +1, Volatile -1, Dark +1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
Experience Points: >> advance mmmmm
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Choose two people who have violated your moral cause. Take a string on each of them. Everyone else believes you’ve done something immoral. They each get a string on you.
Medusa Moves
Take Gaze Upon Me or Sisters and choose two more: m Gaze Upon Me When someone tries to lash out physically at you, you can try to make them hold steady. Roll +Cold. On a 10+ they must hold steady. On a 7-9, they must hold steady but you lose something. The GM will tell you what you’ve lost from the list below.
m Stone Cold You’ve got a stone-cold stare. When you shut someone down you may spend a String to gain +2 to your roll. If you succeed, your target gains the condition petrified in addition to the other affects of being shut down.
} The GM will tell you to take a condition. } You lose a string on someone. } You must expose a secret.
m Shamed When you are humiliated, you may choose to enter your Darkest Self.
or m Sisters You have sisters just like you, by blood or by bond, cursed just like you. They count as a gang. Your gang requires that any time one of them is at risk of harm or social ruin, you must step in to defend them.
m You’re So Vain When you keep your cool in a tense situation, gaze into the abyss. When you do so, roll with Cold. m Whisspers At any time, someone else can tell you a secret about their character to make you lose a string on them. m Pure of Heart When you are humiliated, you must protect your innocence. When you lash out physically, roll +Dark instead of +Volatile.
Other Moves
Sex Move
Playing The Rusalka
When you have sex with someone, they gain the condition fascinated. Each of you takes a string on the other. When the other person has sex with someone else, they lose a string on you.
Some people might pursue many relationships because they love being in love, but not you. Something inside you is empty and you need to be filled. You’re sinking and you are reaching for something to save you, but you can’t help but drag people down with you.
Darkest Self When you become your darkest self, you are revealed as the monster within. Take the exposed condition and do not lose it until you leave your Darkest Self. Anyone who sees you exposed for the first time gains a string on you. You exit your Darkest Self when person who is fascinated with you spends a string and takes one harm to bring you back.
You can make it easier to find love with Water’s Wife, which helps you turn people on. One of the most important goals is to have as many lovers as you can - fascinate them with your Sex Move and draw them in. That’s when you feel the most loved, and when you have the most influence. This is where you can use your Fanatics and Doe Eyes and people can see that crushes on you can be deadly.
You’re toxic. Once someone is in your arms they can’t get away. You give love freely, and take more than your lovers can give. Everyone knows that you’re bad news, but they still can’t resist you. You became what you are because once someone loved you - and then they left you for someone else. Now every relationship you have goes up in flames. You can’t help it. Love hurts.
Play hard. When you use No Pain, No Gain and Going Down with Me, you can take risks, and it always turns out better for you when it goes bad for someone else. Look for every opportunity to get yourself into trouble and never go it alone.
The Rusalka
Advancement m Take another Rusalka move. m Take another Rusalka move. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a Growing Up move. m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). m Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Skin Designed by:
Brie Sheldon Models:
Giulia Barbano Lavinia Fantini
Vasilisa, Ekaterina, Anastasia, Galina, Svetlana, Mikhail, Pyotr, Sergei, Dmitry, Nikolai.
hot, dangerous, lonely, gaunt, pale
Choose a name:
A haunting name, a sexy name, a name that fascinates, a name from the old world.
Circle one in each list:
piercing eyes, empty eyes, sparkling eyes, sunken eyes, wet eyes
Origin naturally dangerous, born from loss, a lover scorned, crawled out of a watery grave, reborn for revenge
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
Experience Points: >> advance mmmmm
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory One person has a crush on you. Describe how you met and take one string on them. Someone scorned you after some passionate loving. They take a string on you.
Rusalka Moves
Take Water’s Wife and choose two more: Water’s Wife If someone sees you bathe, swim, or wash your hair, it counts as turning them on. m Doe Eyes When someone is fascinated with you they will do anything for you. When you ask them a favor, roll +Hot. On a 10+, choose three. On a 7-9, the GM chooses two. } Take a string on them. } Place a condition on them. } Ask them their greatest weakness. } Carry +1 forward. m Two-Faced You’re more than just a pretty face. When you turn someone on, you may instead show your true face and roll +Dark. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9 choose one and take the condition exposed. } Take a string on them. } Do 1 harm. } Give them a condition. m Tainted Love People fall hard when they fall for you. When someone tries to turn you on, take a string on them.
Other Moves
m Going Down With Me Any time you take harm, you roll +Hot to pass on the pain. On a 10+, someone you have fascinated takes the harm instead. On a 7-9, choose one of the following: } Remove their fascinated condition to pass the pain on. } Take the harm and take +1 forward. m No Pain, No Gain When a person who is fascinated with you is injured, mark experience. m Fanatics When you have more than one person fascinated with you, you can stir them into a frenzy. Roll +Dark. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one and the GM chooses one. } The fanatics lash out physically at each other. } The fanatics take +1 forward. } The fanatics lash out physically at a target you choose.
Sex Move
Playing The Gargoyle
When you have sex with someone, protecting them counts as protecting your school for the purposes of School Spirit, and you cannot lash out physically at them for any reason. This lasts until you have sex with someone else or they do something to cause physical harm to your school. You can’t have sex when you are dormant or animate.
First and foremost: the school mentioned in various Moves doesn’t actually have to be a school at all. It could be a church, a summer camp, a community center, a nightclub, an apartment building, or any other establishment that’s located in a specific place and has regular hours of operation and a “community” of employees, patrons, customers, members, or inhabitants. Work together with your MC to figure out what setting will work best for your particular game.
Darkest Self Nobody else loves this school like you do. They just don’t understand how important it is. You’d be nothing without it, and you’re the only one that can protect it. The basketball team that beat yours in the playoffs, the school board members who want to cut funding, the teacher who molests her students - they’re all enemies, and they all have to be punished. Severely. You can recover from your Darkest Self only when someone shows you how your actions are hurting your school.
Advancement m Take another Gargoyle move. m Take another Gargoyle move. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a move from another Skin. m You’re part of a Stone Flock. m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Skin Designed by:
Topher Gerkey
Similarly, not all Gargoyles are stone statues in their dormant or animate forms. You could be a sculpture of metal or wood or plaster, a painting or mural, an old mascot costume or band uniform, a stained glass window, or even a digital character on a computer or HDTV screen. Anything works as long as it’s at least vaguely an anthropomorphic form, and it should be something that won’t be easily missed when you are walking around looking like a human. As a Gargoyle you’re tied to your school (or whatever), so protecting and helping it should always be your first priority. If that causes conflicts with your friends and loved ones, great - hard choices will lead to drama. Taking Kirkgrim can make this easier, as can your Sex Move. Babewyn and Grotesque can make you more flexible. Keep in mind that while Babewyn lets you be active when you normally couldn’t, it doesn’t let you look human. Hatchery also adds flexibility in a way, since you can use it to change what your dormant or animate forms look like.
You remember being a real human kid once, a long time ago. Before they built the school. Before they stretched you out on the foundation stone and cut out your heart. But you’re not so angry anymore. Now you go to classes, attend pep rallies, run for student council. You’re on the spirit squad and you’ve lettered in track. They wanted you to bless this school, and you’ve done your job well. And when vandals or thieves show up in your school at night...well, maybe you’re still kind of angry after all.
The Gargoyle Name
Arris, Belvedere, Cary, Chevron, Gable, Garret, Laurel, Rochelle, Tiffany, Veranda
dressed in school colors, greyish skin, sculpted face, large mouth, stiff posture
A fancy name, a cold name, an architectural name, a unisex name, a French name
hard eyes, suspicious eyes, protective eyes, dry eyes, glassy eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: animistic spirit, cornerstone sacrifice, magically animated statue, cursed victim, summoned demon
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
Experience Points: >> advance mmmmm
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Someone saw you transforming into your dormant form. They take 2 strings on you. You’ve been watching someone who seems to have a great love for your school. Take 2 strings on them.
Gargoyle Moves
You get this one and choose two more: ˜ School Spirit From sunrise to sunset (or vice versa) you appear to be a normal human being, but when your period of activity ends, you become dormant. While in this state, you are effectively an inanimate object - a statue, a painting, a mascot costume - and are invulnerable to harm, but incapable of taking any action. When not dormant, you may treat failures as 7-9 and 7-9 as 10-up when you lash out physically to protect your school building or grounds. m Babewyn During your dormant period, if someone else is on the school grounds you can assume an animate form. In this form you are an inanimate object brought to life - statues and costumes can move, paintings become 3-D, etc. While animate you take 1 less harm from anything that harms you (to a minimum of zero harm) and you get +1 to lash out physically or shut someone down. m Grotesque During your period of activity, you may transform from human form to animate form, as described in the Babewyn move. m Kirkgrim For the purposes of School Spirit, protecting the people associated with your school (students, faculty, employees) counts as protecting the building or grounds.
Other Moves
m Gullet You can vomit a gout of flame or torrent of freezing water. Roll Volatile: on a 10 up, you do 1 harm to your target and they must hold steady. On a 7-9, choose one: } You do 1 harm } You miss, but they must hold steady } You miss, but you get a string on them. On a 6 or less, you miss and they get a string on you. m Hatchery You can invest some of yourself into a single object in your school, turning it into an egg. You may only have one egg at a time. If you die, you will be reborn from the egg at the beginning of your next period of activity, with a new dormant form (and animate form if you have one) based on the egg object. Mark experience when you are reborn. m Hunky Punk With concentration you can give your human form some of the durability of your inanimate form. When you get hurt, you can hold steady. On a 7-9, you take 1 less harm. On a 10 up, you take no harm and mark experience. m Rival Schools For the purposes of School Spirit, attacking a rival school or people associated with it counts as protecting the building or grounds. m Sheela na Gig When in human form, you can roll with Cold to turn someone on or manipulate an NPC, but only if your genitals are exposed.
You open yourself up to another, the warmth of your bodies and passion thawing your heart and mind in ways nothing else can. They gain 3 Strings on you, minus 1 for each time you have slept together before (minimum of 1)
Darkest Self Nobody else matters anymore. You don’t need them, not for anything. power, money, pleasure, you can take care of yourself. Knocking others aside or snuffing out a life is just one more petty obstacle between you and what you want, whether that’s the pursuit of something or just being left alone. You escape your Darkest Self when someone convinces you that they would be willing to die to save you from others, or from yourself.
Advancement Take another Frozen move Take another Frozen move Take a move from another Skin Take a move from another Skin You have a Collection of Golems Add 1 to Hot (max of 3) Add 1 to Cold (max of 3) Add 1 to Volatile (max of 3) Add 1 to Dark (max of 3)
Playing The Frozen
It is so hard sometimes. No matter what you do, you always seem to push people away. Even when you dont want to, it can be so hard to share any piece of yourself...after all, if they never know you then they can never hate you for it. People just hurt each other when they get close...and the closer they become then the more it can hurt.
The Frozen is someone that needs others, but has a lot of trouble with trust and letting intimacy happen because of how scary vulnerability can be, and to be intimate means being vulnerable. While the theme intimates the ability to create cold and ice at will, how much control you have and whether it is overt ice making or just a creepy chill in the air is all fiction left up to you. Do you need to sleep in the cold? How does your skin feel? Do you freeze any liquid you touch?
Sometimes it is better to just keep to yourself...its safer that way. Safer for everyone.
Ice-Bound Heart is the core of the character. Any time you draw on the character’s greatest strengths you are also pulling away Strings that keep you connected to those around you. It also puts you at a disadvantage once you are vulnerable to others, and they can take advantage of that. Many of these Moves allow you to defend yourself or push others away, but force you to struggle to stay connected to others in order to remain sane. Chilling Beauty and Frosty Glare provide a more atmospheric cold theme, and allow you to subtly control a situation without needing grandiose displays of ice-magic. Frigid Pursuit, and Icy Blast can seem powerful with the added damage or range, but it can quickly turn against you as Ice-Bound Heart pulls Strings away from other characters with each use. Seeking Warmth and Beacon in the Storm are for characters that are trying to reach out, and trying to open up to those around them even though it’s painful to do. While this character is not the sort to join a Gang, the Collection of Golems allows the Frozen to construct a handle of minions out of snow and ice that function as one, though their demands and Trigger might be a little more outlandish than other Gangs
Conceal...don't feel...right?
The Frozen Monsterhearts Skin created by: Daniel Enss (v. 1.3)
Sex Move
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Elsa, Astrid, Asuka, Rin, Annette, Elizabeth, Louis, Lang, Leif, Eric, Arthur, Michael
aloof, lonely, coy, towering, longing, wary
A regal name, a stern name, a name of stillness, an upright name
frosty eyes, twinkling eyes, distant eyes, bright eyes, guarded eyes, frail eyes
Circle one : cursed by winter, sold heart to trolls, born with dangerous gift, child of the North Wind, claimed by the unseelie fae
Carry Forward
Frozen Moves
You get this one, and choose two more:
Ice-Bound Heart While you hold a chilling power, it can be difficult to keep it from freezing your heart against the world around you. Any time that you roll 10+ with Dark or Cold, you must choose someone to lose a String on you. You are -1 on all Cold and Dark rolls against anyone that has two or more Strings on you. If at anytime there is no one with Strings on you, you become your Darkest Self.
Stats Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
Chilling Beauty When you Shut Someone Down, it also counts as a roll to Turn Someone On (using Cold), with all the effects of both.
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Harm Experience Points:
>> advance
Your Backstory Someone fears or admires your cool strength and/or grace, gain 1 string on them. Someone suspects what you are capable of. They gain 1 String on you. There is someone that you never meant to hurt, but did. They take two strings on you.
Frosty Glare When you hold your ground either the cold look in your eyes or a supernatural chill in the air warns others away from you. When you roll to Hold Steady, on 10+ you can give someone present the “Terrified” condition in addition to the normal effects.
Frigid Pursuit When you Run Away you can choose to roll with Dark instead of Volatile, as ice erupts in bursts to guard against pursuit. If you do, then in addition to the normal results add: On 7-9 you inflict 1 Harm on everyone around you when you leave, on 10+ you inflict 1 Harm only to those pursuing you.
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
Beacon in the Storm When you find someone worth caring for it can mean the world to you. The first time someone gains their fifth String on you they mark experience and gain the “Beacon” condition. The first time you gain a fifth string on a Beacon in a session you mark experience.
Winter’s Answer Your pain manifests through ice shards and cold bursts against those around you. The first time you take Harm in a scene, everyone else present takes one Harm. Either lose a String on each person injured, or they gain a String on you.
Other Moves
Icy Blast From your hands or eyes, or even with a snap of your fingers, frost and ice erupt to harm those around you. When you Lash out Physically you can roll with Dark instead, and if so you can reach almost as far as you can see.
Seeking Warmth You can choose to give someone a String on you when you ask them for something, or ask them to do something for you. If they do it, you mark experience and they take another String on you.
Sex Move
Play the Apprentice
When you have sex with another character, you both erase each other's highlighted stats, and then highlight Dark and choose another stat to highlight.
You’re bound to the Laws of Magic, an infinite serie of Don’t do This and Don’t do That. You suffer from the freedom of Mundanes, they have no law, they can choose without a moral and ethical college of Elders and Magister.
Darkest Self You tap into a font of true power, and the time for action is now. You will make your will known. Your spells become supercharged, more powerful than you can probably responsibly wield, and they all have unexpected side-effects. You escape your Darkest Self when someone you care about confronts you and talks you down.
Advancements *Take another Apprentice move. *Take the remaining spells. *Learn two Witch hexes. You cast them with the Spellcasting move. *Collaborate with the MC to create a new Spell. *Take a move from another skin. *Take a move from another skin. *You belong to a Wizard's Cabal. *Add +1 Hot (max +3) *Add +1 Cold (max +3) *Add +1 Volatile (max +3) *Add +1 Dark (max +3
You are Hungry for Freedom, for Friends, for Power …
So you're a wizard. You would think that would be fun and games, except you've got an overbearing mentor making sure you learn magic the right way, a whole council of overbearing wizards just waiting for you to slip up and prove to them you're evil, and you're not eve n allowed to use your spells for anything fun. Well, maybe it's time to change things up. You have a power coursing inside of you, and woe be to those who stand in your way.
If you are the Prodigy, the Chosen One, the Power … Why can’t you have All you want ? If you’re not in the Potterverse you can easily substitute your Magical Heritage with this description: Slytherin: Seductive Magic School like Cult of Exstasy or Tremere or Witch Circle Ravenclaw: Intelligent, Technomagic or Noble Magic like Order of Hermes, Tremere Lich or Manus Nigrum Gryffindor: Elemental or Power Magic like Flambonis, D&D Order of Magic or Magical Gang Super Team Hufflepuff: Dark, Esoteric or Secret Magic like Criamon, Euthanatos, Bataa or Demon/Necromantic Circle
Choose a Name David, Elisabeth, Harriet, Jonathan, Maximus, Minerva, Prudence, Roland, Severus, Victoria A powerful name, a virtuous name, a complicated name, an ancient name
Circle one in each list
Nervous, scrawny, old-fashioned, stubborn. Cunning eyes, powerful eyes, soulful eyes, eyes that contain the universe
Origin Choose one
Child of a wizard, stumbled into arcane secrets, trained by a dark mentor, otherworldly patron, arrived from Hogwarts, Genius that skipped two years.
Name: Stats: Add 1 from your Magical Heritage Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile +1, Dark +1
Carry Forward
Apprentice Moves You get Spellcasting and Sympathetic Tokens, and choose one more:
 Spellcasting
You can cast spells. Start with two. To cast a spell, spend a sympathetic token during a secret ritual, or meet the target's gaze and chant at them in tounges. Then roll with the appropriate Stat for the spell. On a 10+, the Spell works. On a 7-9, it works, but choose one: *The casting drains you, take -1 forward to Spellcasting until you have a chance to rest. *The spell has unexpected side effects. *Trigger your Darkest Self
 Sympathetic Tokens
Harm: Experience: OOOOO
Your Backstory:
You gain power from sympathetic tokens: items of personal significance you take from others. A Sympathetic Token counts as a string and can be used to power ritual magic.
O Blackest Magic Whenever you violate a Law of Magic, gain xp.
O Toil and Trouble When you have time and access to a proper work area, you can brew up a potion. Name a condition, such as Angry, Forgetful, or Madly in Love. Whoever drinks the potion gains that condition for a few hours. Player characters must Hold Steady to resist acting in accordance with the condition. NPCs will have their sense of self dominated by that condition
O Unbidden Summoning When you whisper the true name of an entity, roll + Dark. On a 10+, they come to you, and you gain a String on them. On a 7-9, they come to you, and will listen to you. On a miss, they come to you, and are angry for the interruption.
O Witch Blood You can train your Wizard Spells Slot with Witch Hexes
O Yes Sir You start with a Familiar or Minion devoted to you (you have 3 String on It) when someone show more Love or Compassion about It, you lost this Move.
Magical Heritage Slytherin +1 Hot. When you lie, cheat, or steal to gain favour in your house; clear a Condition.
You start the game with two Sympathetic Tokens. Decide who they came from, and what they are.
Ravenclaw +1 Cold. When you use intellect to silence others, they choose: give you a String on them, gain the Condition silenced, or blurt out something stupid.
You have a Mentor who keeps an eye on you. They gain 2 strings on you.
Gryffindor +1 Volatile. When you put others at risk to pursue an ideal, they act as a Gang for you until someone gets seriously hurt. Their trigger is pursuit of this ideal.
You wish you could be friends with one of the others.They gain a string on you
Hufflepuff +1 Dark. When you let others use you to achieve an exceptional goal, mark XP.
O Elementalism (Volatile)
O Unleash the Wand (Dark)
You conjure fire, cold, or lightning. Elementalism deals 2 harm to one target, or 1 harm to everyone in an area.
You can Leash Out with Magic using Dark instead of Volatile
O Hexing (Dark) You cause a piece of technology to short out and malfunction for a few minutes. Cameras cease to record, guns jam, computers blue screen.
O Memory Wipe (Dark) You cause the target to forget a few minutes, up to an entire hour. On a 10+, you can also put alternate memories in their place.
O Transmute (Volatile) You turn something or someone into something else. A pencil becomes a knife or crowbar. A person a frog or statue. A vampire a lawn-chair. Eventually, the changes wear off. You can't create life from nothing, but you can turn living things into inanimate things.
O Veil (Dark) Veil hides you behind a web of illusions, making you appear invisible. As long as you concentrate, the spell persists
Your Wand:
O Genius Loci (Dark) If you have a Familiar you can see with Its eyes: Roll Dark 10+ Clear Vison, 7-9 Clear vision but choose: You Lose a String on It It gain a String on You Other in room feel observed by You
O Undoing Magic (Cold) You can revert a Magic or Hex. Roll Cold 10+ perfect reverse, 7-9 reverse in a strange manner (MC calls) 6- You fail: Magic can be permanent, magic can target you too, ecc …
O Parma Magica (Cold) You can parry/divert/reflect Magic at a Cost. Roll Cold 10+ Magic Fail but the Caster take Forward +1 on You, 7-9 as 10 but you’re Drained too, 6- Magic Fail and you’re Drained.
Your Familiar:
Your Tokens:
Sex Move
Playing The Shadow
When you’re intimate with someone, give them the Shadowed condition. If they already have it, mark experience and give them the Drained condition instead. If they already have that as well, they take 1 harm.
Secretive, manipulative, watchful, paranoid. The Shadow is all about mystery, puppeteering, and role reversal.
Darkest Self You’ve let what was outside in, and it isn’t interested in leaving. You have a ringside seat for the darkness parading around in your skin, and it doesn’t like all the friends and foes you’ve made. It needs to hurt and punish to distance itself from all those connections, and it isn’t afraid to cross as many lines as it takes to do it. While you are your Darkest Self, you can use Mine! even if you’ve never selected the move. You can escape your Darkest Self when someone recognizes you aren’t behind the wheel, or when all your strings are gone.
Advancement m Take another Shadow move. m Take another Shadow move. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a move from another Skin. m You belong to a Shadow Troupe. m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). Skin Designed by: Jeremy Kostiew Layout by: Topher Gerkey Stock Art by: Caffeinated-Stock
The Shadow excels at conversations with the abyss and keeping others at bay. A low Hot and Volatile means you need to look to moves like Errant Shadow to be successful with violence and attraction. The Passenger encourages you to let others take strings on you, so you can share the Shadowed condition. Mine! makes those strings a liability for anyone who gets close to you, particularly when you risk Darkest Self. Whispers in the Dark makes the Shadowed condition particularly dangerous by toying with trusted game mechanics. Nyctophobia can help with the passive spread of Shadowed, but also gives you an avenue for actively pushing the condition on others.
It was your friend when you had no others. It said it would never leave you, hurt you, betray you. It was always there for you. They said you’d grow out of it. They said it would disappear when you got older. They lied. Now you’re making new friends. Real friends. It doesn’t like that.
The Shadow
Dayslumber is the only move that gives you an edge over your jealous shadow, but it makes evenings something to feared. Errant Shadow can make cooperation with the Shadow a tempting proposal. It helps with a low Hot and Volatile, and the associated moves. Most of the moves imply a mostly antagonistic relationship with the Shadow, with moments of desperate tolerance. Misdirection is less ambivalent, rewarding even the accidental conspirator for covering your tracks. It’s no small thing to work with your Shadow, particularly taking the danger of your Sex Move into account.
Choose a name for yourself and for your Shadow: Toby, Aislinn, Melanie, Collie, Darcy, Kieran, Corey, Duncan, Megan, Layla
Circle one in each list: calm, creepy, gaunt, suspicious, obscured dark eyes, bright eyes, hollow eyes, nervous eyes, blind eyes
A dark name, a troublemaker’s name, a name best whispered, a name that doesn’t quite fit
Mr. Cooger, Harvey, Redrum, Daisy, Miss, Mother, Rosemary, Bloodybones, Jack
possessed, enthusiastic imaginary friend, psychic split-personality, haunted
a gentleman’s name, a nonsense name, a backwards name, a short name, your name
Circle one:
Shadow’s Voice
Circle one: a raspy voice, a child’s voice, a breathless voice, a fathomless voice, an amalgam of voices
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Someone is the first real friend you’ve made. Each of you take a string on the other. This does not give them the Shadowed condition. Someone took the heat for something you did and they know it. They take a string on you. This does not give them the Shadowed condition.
Harm Experience Points: >> advance mmmmm
Shadow Moves
You start with this one, and choose two more: The Passenger Your Shadow takes note of anyone with their fingers in your clay. Anytime someone gains a string on you, give them the condition Shadowed. When you gaze into the abyss, it’s your Shadow who answers. m Dayslumber At sunrise your Cold increases by 1 and your Dark decreases by 1. Your stats return to normal at sunset. m Errant Shadow Whenever anyone with the Shadowed condition is standing in your shadow, add 1 to any roll to affect them. In addition to the effects of the roll, on a 10 up Shadowed remains. On 7-9, they remove the Shadowed condition. m Mine! When you lash out physically against someone who has a string on you, roll Dark instead of Volatile.
m Misdirection Whenever someone attributes your actions or those of your Shadow to an innocent party, the accuser marks experience and you gain a string on them. m Nyctophobia When someone in your presence is given the Terrified condition and they do not have the Shadowed condition, they may choose to take Shadowed instead. If you have any strings on them, they must take the Shadowed condition. m Whispers in the Dark When someone with the Shadowed condition gazes into the abyss, you may answer instead of the MC, and you may lie. This removes the Shadowed condition from the gazer. This does not require the Shadowed condition if gaze into the abyss is used to ask questions about you.
Other Moves Strings
Sex Move
Playing the Fates
When you lay with another, you gain a glimpse of their destiny. You change aspects and give them the Doomed Romance condition. When someone who already has the Doomed Romance condition sleeps with someone other than you who doesn’t have it, they lose the condition and the person they slept with gains it instead. Doomed Romance counts as Doomed for all Fates moves.
As befitting a skin that has a focus on a variable personality, The Fates can represent many archetypes. The know it all, the teacher’s pet, the fatalist, and the one who is unsure of themselves. Frequently, they represent all of these things at different times, and sometimes more than one at once.
Darkest Self For too long everyone has ignored your warnings and avoided the futures that you have foreseen and which were due them. No longer can they be allowed to shirk their fated moments. You will guide the hand of destiny yourself and cut those threads that have grown beyond their ordained length, so that no one will think themselves above the order of things ever again. You escape your Darkest Self when you have changed your aspects three times, or when someone proves to you definitively that their fate can be avoided or ignored.
Advancement Take another Fates move. Take another Fates move. Take a move from another Skin. Take a move from another Skin. You’ve joined a Weird Sisterhood (or Brotherhood). Add 1 to Hot (max 3) Add 1 to Cold (max 3) Add 1 to Volatile (max 3) Add 1 to Dark (max 3)
The core of the character is that they are unsure of themselves, even as they speak with assuredness of what is going to happen to everyone else. Despite this, most of their moves offer outs for their targets, so other skins shouldn’t be afraid to interact with The Fates. Don’t avoid the roleplaying queues given with each aspect - part of the fun of the Skin is the variability of it. Avoid the temptation to choose a specific aspect and cling to it - the Skin encourages moving the cycle along.
Free will is an illusion, and you’ve seen behind the curtain. Your eyes are open now, and you can see the footsteps people should be taking before they take them. You are the arbiter of destiny and can guide others towards or away from great fortune or greater misfortune. Sometimes, you have worries. People go against the path you’ve set out of them, the path you’ve seen, and you wonder if all your warnings are for nothing. And even more worryingly, out of all the paths you see, you never see your own. Maybe that’s why you have such a hard time settling on just who, or what, you’re supposed to be?
Other characters can remove the Doomed Condition in the same way they would remove any other Condition. A Feast for Crows is a powerful move, but there’s a limit to how much you can get out of it, especially since you can only change aspects once a scene. If you would gain a benefit when you can’t (removing a Condition or healing a Harm when you have none), that use of the move is wasted. With Cassandra, feel free to make up your prognostications; nothing says they have to have been a true fate before The Fates says so. After you’ve told them what’s going to happen, it’s up to them to embrace it or deny it.
The Fates Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Cassie, Arthur, Morgan, Brutus, Joan, Theresa, Harold, Pete, Judy, Adam
weird, mercurial, pale, distracted, windtossed
A name of destiny, a strong name, a famous name, a name with baggage, a family name
wide eyes, wizened eyes, unfocused eyes, tired eyes, tearful eyes
Origin Circle one: cursed by the gods, avoided destiny, trained fortune teller, charlatan, voices in the head
Pic: megane
Carry Forward
Fates Moves You get this one, and choose two more:
The Tangled Skein You have three aspects. Each aspect provides a bonus to one Stat and a penalty to two others. You are always in one of three aspects. At the beginning of the game, you can choose which aspect you are currently in. Many Fates moves will tell you to change aspects, but you can only change aspects once per scene. The Maiden - You gain +1 Hot, but -1 Volatile and Cold while in this aspect. When you follow your passions regardless of propriety or tact for yourself or others, change aspects. The Mother - You gain +1 Volatile, but 1 Hot and Cold while in this aspect. When you harm those that have harmed someone or something you love, change aspects. The Crone - You gain +1 Cold, but -1 Hot and Volatile while in this aspect. When you break a longstanding bond or ruin a relationship or friendship, change aspects. Changing aspects follows a progression: The Mother follows the Maiden, the Crone follows the Mother, and the Maiden follows the Crone.
Stats Add 1 to one of these:
Hot 0, Cold 0, Volatile 0, Dark 1
Hot (Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
Volatile (Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
Eye of the Needle
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Experience Points: >> advance
Your Backstory Someone has relied on your advice and warnings. Gain 2 strings on them. Your fatalism and dire prognostications have irked some Pic: megane people. One someone gains 2 strings on you, or two someones gain 1 string on you each.
When you Lash out Physically against someone with the Condition Doomed, they take 1 additional Harm on a successful roll, but they lose the Doomed condition. While you are The Mother, they do not lose the condition.
Other Moves
Cassandra When you issue a warning of impending doom to someone else, roll with cold, then change aspects. On a 10 plus give them the condition Doomed or carry one forward towards ensuring your prophecy comes true. On a 7-9, as above, and they choose one: they gain a string on you; they give you a condition; they carry 1 forward against you or towards avoiding their fate. If they fail to avoid their fate, they mark experience and you take a string on them. If they avoid their fate, they gain a string on you.
Washer at the Ford When you gaze into the abyss to learn something about someone or spy on them, add the following option to the 10 and up list: “the visions show you their ultimate fate. You give them the Doomed condition.” After using this move, change aspects.
Cauldron Burn, Cauldron Bubble When you tag the condition Doomed for a bonus, you may take +3 instead of +1, but they lose the condition Doomed and take a string on you. While you are The Crone, they do not lose the Doomed condition.
Shuttle and Loom Whenever you change aspects and someone notices, they gain a string on you. You carry 1 forward to your next roll to Turn them On. If it is an NPC, carry 1 forward on your next roll to Manipulate that NPC. If your aspect changes to The Maiden, they also gain the condition Doomed.
A Feast for Crows Whenever you change aspects, you gain a benefit: when you change to the Maiden, you may remove a Condition; when you change to the Mother, heal 1 Harm; when you change to the Crone, mark experience.
Playing The Serpentine Indoctrinated, uncertain, beguiling, and abrupt. The Serpentine belongs to a sprawling, controlling family and is uncertain about their place in the modern world. They struggle with balancing family obligations with a wider social network. The stats you choose will slant your character toward being either seductive and aloof (Hot 2 & Cold 1) or fierce and dangerous (Cold 2 & Volatile 1). Either way, your Serpentine will be caught between worlds and forced to decide who deserves their trust and intimacy. Your family is obsessed with and anxious about their legacy. Your sex move reflects this: anyone who you become emotionally and sexually entangled with is at risk of being pulled into their power games. The true form referenced in The Big Reveal is a terrifying snake-person visage. You get to decide the details: whether you slither out of your human skin, grow fangs and a tail, or something else entirely. If you’re the MC, find ways for the family to meddle in the Serpentine’s social life. Maybe their strict father imposes arbitrary and stifling rules, or their grandmother tries to dictate who they are to befriend next. Play the family members in a way that makes them at least somewhat sympathetic, but ultimately in conflict with the larger world. Find out what the Serpentine does about that conflict.
The Serpentine In ancient days, your family held dominion over this world. They were powerful, deadly, and wise. At least, that’s what they tell you. But all you’ve ever seen is empty faith and crumbling dreams. You just want to live your life like any other kid, but they have bigger plans for you.
Credits This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at This skin designed by Avery Alder
They say that there will come a day when the serpent rules once more. That once again they will swap secrets with powerful allies and venom with powerful enemies. But they need your help first. After all, what else is family for?
Name: Adelinde, Attor, Dana,
Eyes: darting eyes, cold eyes,
Hester, Jasdeen, Lucian, Nuna, Russel, Seth, Zachariah
apprehensive eyes, hypnotic eyes, snake eyes
Human Appearance: sleek,
Family Origin: from old money,
beguiling, sleazy, lithe, skittish
from the swamps, in exile, secretive travellers, demons
Your Backstory
You’ve been watching someone, trying to learn from them what it means to be human. Gain two Strings on them.
The human and serpent worlds are too different, and you’ll never be able to reconcile their demands. The only way out is to choose a side, as decisively and irrevocably as possible. Watch carefully and quietly for an opportunity, and then strike, regardless of who needs to be hobbled or devoured in the process. It’s the only way to make the world simple again, and find your place at last. You escape your Darkest Self when you accept your complicated place in the world, or when you moult.
You get Failing Dynasty, and choose one more:
Failing Dynasty In the age of serpents, your family was powerful and prolific. Now, they live in a shadow of their former glory. They want to regain (choose one): their political clout, their old wealth, their failing beauty, their secret allies. Whenever you are convinced to do the bidding of a family member, take 1 Forward to doing it and that family member gains a String on you. Whenever you help your family regain some of their former glory, mark experience.
Your family seeks to control your every move, and they will not be denied. The head of your family gains two Strings on you.
Darkest Self
Serpentine Moves
Add +1 to one of your stats. Take another Serpentine move. Take another Serpentine move. Take a move from any Skin. Take a move from any Skin You belong to a Nest of Humans.
Hot 2
Cold 1
Volatile -1
Dark -1
Hot -1
Cold 2
Volatile 1
Dark -1
The Big Reveal When you reveal your true form to someone, they gain a String on you. If they accept you as you truly are, they mark experience. If they reject you, take 1 Forward against them.
The New Order When you learn to meet one of your needs within human society rather than within your family, mark experience. When others help you fit in better with human society, they mark experience.
Patience is a Virtue When you bite your tongue and don’t respond to an antagonist, roll with Cold. On a 10 up, gain a String on them. • On a 7-9, take 1 Forward to striking the next time you see them.
Mesmerizing When you stare at someone without blinking, roll with Hot. On a 10 up, they freeze up until you blink or someone touches them, and afterwards they don’t really remember anything unusual happening. • On a 7-9, it’ll still work, but only if you hiss loudly the entire time (and they’ll definitely know something weird happened).
Sex Move
If your family learns that you’ve had sex with someone, that person becomes part of your family’s Failing Dynasty. If they’re a main character, they add the move to their sheet.
Notes on the Krampus
The Krampus
They thought you did it. You didn’t! But they don’t like the look of you. You’re what they call a “bad kid.” Something fucked up happens in a small town and they point fingers at the likes of you.
Now something’s come over you… you’re changing. Physically, into some kind of demon. People are noticing, but for some reason instead of freaking out they act like they’ve been completely unplugged… and that’s how you’ll get what you want.
This is a Skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at This skin designed by the community for Happenings in Christmas Village
That’s how you’ll find the real monsters.
Name Nick, Kris, Jes, Lane, Jonah, Harvey, Brad, Mona, Derrik Look disheveled, clean-cut, punk, lude, humble
Origin - On December 5th... your closest was murdered, your sibling went missing, your school was burned down, your family’s presents disappeared from under the tree, Why does everyone blame you for it?
Eyes angry eyes, bedroom eyes, wide eyes, manic eyes, penetrating eyes
Your Backstory
People can’t control themselves well around you. Gain 2 strings on everyone. One person has been with you through everything. Give them 2 strings on you. Ditch yours on them.
Hot 2
Turn Someone On
Cold 1
Shut Someone Down, Keep Your Cool
Volatile -1 Lash Out Physically, Run Away
Dark -1
Gaze Into the Abyss
Darkest Self
When you are around people, they drop all of their inhibitions and fulfill their impulses or desires with immediacy and conviction. They are generally capable of nothing else. You escape your darkest self when darwinism takes its toll and the storm calms back down a bit.
Conditions + Forward
Add +1 to one of your stats. Take another Krampus move. Take another Krampus move. Take a move from any Skin. Take a move from any Skin. You have 8 demonic reindeer.
Krampus Moves
Instruments This morning you woke up and next to a rusty iron chain with bells attached. Also, a long bundle of Uninhibitor sticks bound tightly with leather Ask at any time, “what is this character’s impulse or desire?” If it’s straps. You don’t need to carry a player, offer an experience point to these items with you. When you act on it in an irrevocable way. Non- want them, they just appear in your hands. Use them to take +1 to player characters will just do so. clop clop or lash out with violence. Add this option to Pulling Strings: they must answer you truthfully Lust Blessing and in sordid detail This morning you woke up with your tongue hanging a foot out Morality Check of your mouth. When you slither This morning you woke up with glowing red eyes. You can ask some- or coil your long slobbery tongue one to give you the gift they intend around someone, roll+HOT. On a hit, they do not even notice you to give someone else who doesn’t yet inexplicably gain the Condition deserve it, or else you will hunt that someone else. You get to know aroused. On a 7-9, they only have the condition while you maintain what that gift is so you’ll know contact. whether it was deserved. You get this one. Choose two more:
Gift of Coal This morning you woke up on a bed of coals. You may smile, give someone one of these chunks of coal and tell them they’ve been naughty. Then, roll+COLD. On a hit they gain the Condition creeped out; gain a String on them.
Unchained This morning you woke up with discolored skin. When you strip and reveal your flesh, roll+HOT. On a hit, you gain the Condition sex god. You always get at least the 7-9 effects when you roll to turn someone on. This all lasts only while you remain in the buff.
Clop Clop This morning you woke up with hooves. When you sneak around someone. Roll+COLD. On a hit, all they observe is the sound of your steps; they gain the Condition terrified or curious.
Sex Move
When you join others in sex, gain a String on them. When you initiate sex with someone, lose all Strings on them; they are immune to you until you have sex with someone else.
Sex Move
Giocare il Roleplayer
Quando fai sesso fatti chiamare dal Partner col nome del tuo Personaggio. Se accetta guadagna 2 Stringhe su di te. Se rifiuta guadagni +1 Forward per fargliela pagare cara.
Il Roleplayer è chiaramente un’estremizzazione dei personaggi di Dark Dungeon a cui sono ispirate le Secondary Skin.
Se Oscuro Hai fatto un Tiro Salvezza contro la Realtà e l’hai fallito, un ultima volta ! Il tuo Personaggio non avrebbe fallito ! “Stay in Character Choomba” esci dal tuo Se Oscuro solo se il tuo Personaggio riesce ad ottenere un successo nella vita “Reale”, oppure se fallisce anche il tuo Personaggio. In quel caso attiva la mossa “It’s my Fumble” delle Secondary Skins.
Avanzamenti o Prendi un’altra mossa del Roleplayer o Prendi un’altra mossa del Roleplayer o Prendi una mossa da una Secondary Skin o Prendi una mossa da un’alta Pelle o Diventa Master di una RPG GANG o Aggiungi 1 a Hot o Aggiungi 1 a Cold o Aggiungi 1 a Volatile o Aggiungi 1 a Dark Aggiungi 1 Livello al tuo Personaggio
Il tema del Roleplayer è la Comfort Zone, significa giocare in un mondo virtuale e controllato dove avere amici con cui condividere le avventure, i problemi e le gioie senza esser giudicati. L’aspirazione segreta del Roleplayer è diventare un Master, incarnare il Mondo insicuro e tenebroso in cui far vivere i propri compagni per far espiare a loro le colpe, le tribolazioni e il Male che il Mondo Reale ti ha sempre inflitto.
La realtà è un mondo grigio, privo di fantasia, ma c’è un modo per sfuggirvi. Esiste una salvezza, lontano dai bulli, dagli insegnanti, dalle regole della popolarità, dai vincoli del sesso o della moda. Esiste il GDR, la possibilità concreta di vestire una nuova pelle, di entrare in un nuovo mondo e di trovare la salvezza tra i cadaveri dei propri nemici
Purtroppo il Mondo, Reale o Virtuale ha una sola scappatoia ed è la Morte. Inevitabilmente il Sentiero del Roleplayer ha un epilogo triste, a meno di ricevere la Salvezza e la salvezza può nascere solo allo stesso tavolo di gioco dove il Male nasce e si nutre.
Roleplayer Nome
Scegli un nome
Cerchia uno per lista
Lorenzo, Giada, Anna, Kalu, Morgen, Gabe, Gary, Master of Disaster, Fabrizio, Elia
Ordinario, Uniforme scolastica, Abito da Rievocatore, Costume, Taglia Forte
Un nome qualsiasi, un soprannome, un nome da sfigato, un nome “non in lista”
Occhiali da Nerd, Google Glasses, Occhi stanchi, Occhi folli, Occhi da veterano
Nome del Personaggio
Scegli un nome
Scegline una
Avon, Beltazhar, Cecile, Daigo, Elric, Frodo, Xanthos, Hellstar
Genio incompreso, Fanatico dei Fumetti, Cresciuto in Soffitta, Membro di una Setta
Un nome antico, un nome epico, un nome esoterico, un soprannome. Mai un nome banale.
Mosse del Roleplayer Scegliene 3
Hot -2 Dark +2 PG / LV / Classe / Razza
O Vestire le Pelli: puoi dare una Secondary O Goth: The Degeneration: puoi sfruttare una Skin a qualcuno tirando una Stringa o offrendo paura personale di un membro della tua RPG un Punto Esperienza GANG costringendolo subito ad un tiro per “Rimanere Calmo” se il tiro riesce tu entri nel O Dungeons & Darkness: puoi sfruttare Dark tuo “Se Oscuro”. per “accendere qualcuno” che appartenga alla tua RPG Gang. Con 6- attivi il tuo “Se Oscuro” O Phone for Chtulu: tutte le forme digitali di comunicazione dei membri della tua RPG O Sell your Soul in search of Answers: prendi GANG smetteranno di funzionare fino a 1 Harm e la condizione Insonne, Sfinito, quando loro non faranno eseguire una mossa Puzzolente o similari per cambiare una tua ai loro PG mossa permanentemente con una di un tuo PG (vedi abilità di Dungeon World)
Altre Mosse
O Roll Play, Rule Play & Role Play: Tira in Dark 10+ cancelli una MOSSA di un altro PG che appartenga alla tua RPG Gang e gli affibbi una MOSSA del suo Personaggio. 7-9 Lui sceglie con quali MOSSE far la sostituzione 6- Il bersaglio si accorge del tuo rituale di manipolazione su di lui e guadagna +1 Forward contro di te O Drachen Fest LARPING: Se sei nel tuo Se Oscuro puoi usare DARK invece di VOLATILE per colpire qualcuno a patto che appartenga alla tua RPG GANG O Rispetta le Regole: Puoi aumentare i livelli dei Personaggi degli altri membri della tua RPG GANG giocando con loro anche senza la presenza del Master. Tuttavia la morte del tuo PG ha direttamente come conseguenza “It’s my Fumble!”
Background Hai creato un Personaggio ispirato ad una persona che conosci: Concedigli 2 Stringhe. Hai un Master/Mistress col quale giochi abitualmente: Concedigli 2 Stringhe.
Sex Move
Giocare l’Orco
Quando fai sesso s’è consensuale ricevi una Condizione se non è consensuale, tu dai una condizione al partner, lui ne da una a te.
L’orco affronta, anzi affonda a pieno nel tema del bullismo.
Dark Self
Sei un bullo, il violento, il dominante, l’aggressivo.
Il tuo lato oscuro è fatto di tenerezza, empatia e fragilità. Quando concedi la tua amicizia, quando scappi dalla paura, quando passi dal fare BRANCO al fare parte di un CERCHIO DELL’AMICIZIA diventi vulnerabile. Ogni tuo 12 conta come 10 e ogni 10 come 79. L’unico modo per uscirne è trovare sollievo nella violenza ferendo o denigrando qualcuno.
Advancement Take another Ork move. Take another Ork move. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin. Enter in a Gang. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Sei un male necessario, il cattivo della Storia, perché tutti hanno bisogno di un esempio negativo, qualcuno da additare. Ogni volta che mostri il tuo lato umano, fragile, empatico, qualcuno cerca di distruggerti. E la tua corazza si impessisce.
Abuso, prevaricazione, violenza. Sono le uniche armi per sopravvivere in un mondo che morde. Tu mordi più forte, mordi per primo. Sei considerato il cattivo, il bullo, il violento. Sei solo il modo con cui la natura applica la propria selezione.
L’Orco Nome
Scegli un nome
Cerchia uno per lista
Butch, Greg, Kief, Thor, Val, Fren, Max, Chuck, Tia
Jock, skinhead, rock, metal, disadattato
Un nome corto, un nome onomatopeico, un nome violento
Occhi violenti, occhi pesti, occhi sottili, occhi gialli, occhiali da sole neri
Origine Scegline una Famiglia abusiva, famiglia orchesca, fuggito da un dungeon, rapito dagli orchi
Mosse dell’Orco Start with this and choose two
Nemico Pubblico Cominci ogni episodio con una Condizione: Violento, Punk, Bullo, Disadattato ecc… Ignori la prima ferita ricevuta ogni sessione.
Hot -1 Volatile +2 Cold 0 Dark -1
Gigantismo Sei decisamente più alto della media dei tuoi coetanei, un’altezza che fa paura: Puoi gelare qualcuno usando VOLATILE invece di COLD
Pellaccia Ignori tutti i danni che infliggono solo 1 HARM gli altri li subisci interamente □ Volgare Quando cerchi di Accendere qualcuno con 10scegli gli effetti su Gelare □ Botte Freudiane Se riesci a Rimanere Calmo guadagni +1 HARM nel prossimo attacco contro l’origine della tua paura □ Forte sui Deboli Infliggi +1 HARM su chi ha una Condizione affibbiata da te (vedi mossa sessuale e sputo) □ Sputi e Minacce Qualsiasi risultato di lancio 7+ con un altro personaggio come obbiettivo ti permette di affibbiargli una Condizione
Background Hai una vittima preferita +1 Stringa su di lui. Qualcuno ti spinge ad essere violento e ti affibbia una Condizione
□ Tirapiedi Hai una vittima che ti fa da tirapiedi e schiavo. Ogni volta che viene ferito tu sei richiamato ad intervenire. Se non ripari il torto, lui guadagna +2 Stringhe su di te
Sex Move
Giocare l’Elfo
ACE: tutti I tuoi pretendenti sono in quella che viene chiamata Zona Grigia (Vedi Mosse) se qualcuno viene accettato da te oltre la Soglia. Entrambi guadagnate 1 PX. Se ti piace usate gli effetti della SUA mossa sessuale. Se non ti ognuno sceglie una Condizione per l’altro.
Una scelta difficile da giocare.
Dark Self Troppa pressione ti schiaccia, ti svilisce. Quando raggiungi 3+ Condizioni si manifesta il tuo lato Oscuro, Hai bisogno di rifugiarti nella Confort Zone e trovare subito qualcuno con cui scambiare affetto senza che questo risulti in una Sex Move.
Advancement Take another Elf move. Take another Elf move. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin. Enter in a Clique. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
L’Elfo rappresenta l’Asessualità. In un mondo di Teenager porta una delle più gravi “stigmate” sociali. Il suo punto debole, il suo essere sofisticatamente Naive, la sua confusione è, di fatto, la sua vera forza. Impermeabile alle battutine volgari, amico che non potrà mai finire nella Friend Zone risulta difficile da comprendere per i coetanei.
Il termine corretto è ACE. Asessuale o Asessualizzato. Un’etichetta pesante da portare in un mondo in cui l’unica leva è la libido. Tu non cedi all’essere un discriminato, ti ritieni un illuminato, non puoi essere una pedina perché sei fuori dai giochi. Superiore alla massa, immortale, perfetto. E se tutti vedono il sesso come unica via che fottano, anzi, che si fottano !
La sua mossa sessuale è una delle più complicate, perché a senso unico, una volta passato il segno, si è in un punto di non ritorno. E la vita di un Elfo è costellata di punti di non ritorno.
L’Elfo Nome
Scegli un nome
Cerchia uno per lista
Oscar, Andrea, Sacha, Nino, Alex, Crystal, Brina, Snow, Gale, Leanna.
Metrosexual, Dandy, Modaiolo, Impermeabile con cappuccio, Hipster
Un nome fantasy, un nome neutro, un nome di qualcosa di trasparente.
Occhi a mandorla, occhi fugaci, occhi languidi, occhi chiari, occhi lucidi
Origine Scegline una Famiglia fatata, famiglia adottiva, predestinato, angelo caduto, abuso farmacologico.
Mosse dell’Elfo Inzia con Elfo Grigio, scegli un retaggio Elfico, scegli una mossa.
Hot 0 Volatile 0 Cold 0 Dark 0
Background Una persona trova eccitante il tuo essere ACE guadagna +1 Stringa su di Lui Una persona trova sconcertante il tuo essere ACE guadagna +1 Stringa su di Lui.
Elfo Grigio Fino a che non accetti una persona oltre La Soglia Romantica ogni tentativo di Infiammarti, otterrà i successi di un tiro di Gelare basato su HOT .
Oroburos Ti ami, basti letteralmente a te stesso. Quando Guardi dentro l’Abisso con 7-9 puoi rimuovere una stringa con 10+ puoi rimuovere 2 stringhe.
Retaggio Elfico Scegli un retaggio:
□ Grey Detector Guardare il sesso da “fuori dai giochi” ti permette quando Guardi dentro l’Abisso di aggiungere la domanda CHI ECCITA QUELLA PERSONA o DA CHI E’ ECCITATA QUELLA PERSONA ?
o Elfo Alto: Aggiungi +1 COLD incapace di venir distratto dal sesso e dalla volgarità, sei sempre concentrato, attento nelle materie scolastiche, perciò passerai qualsiasi esame senza alcun □ Lama Danzante tiro. Eleganza e fluidità nei movimenti ti rendono formidabile nelle performance atletiche. o Elfo Scuro: Puoi Infiammare qualcuno tirando su Aggiungi +1 HOT bello ed enigmatico. Hai una VOLATILE forte carica sessuale, percepita solo dagli altri. Quando usi Infiammare lo fai per mera □ Albino esibizione puoi scegliere come risultati: Hai un look che spaventa quando Geli 10+ Guadagni 1 PX, 9- Guadagni 1 PX e ricevi qualcuno tiri su DARK una Condizione □ Orecchie da Elfo o Elfo Silvano: Hai una specie di sesto senso quando parlano Aggiungi +1 VOLATILE. Non sprecare energie di te (o scrivono) senti un fischio nelle nel gestire inutili tensioni ormonali ti permette orecchie. Quando condividi una Stringa con di avere sempre la riserva atletica necessaria al chi ti nomina ne conosci l’identità. combattimento o allo sforzo fisico. Conti I risultati dei tiri in VOLATILE come fossero I 10: □ Amico della Natura 12+ I 7+ come 10 e I 6- come fallimenti. Nella natura più selvaggia (fuori dal contesto urbano quindi) sei nel tuo ambiente. Puoi o Mezz’Elfo: rimanere Calmo tirando su HOT Aggiungi +1 DARK. In perenne conflitto tra le tue due nature una nobile ed una volgare ed □ Arlecchino impura ti chiudi in te stesso cercando di Non avere nessuna identità vuol dire averle discernere il rapporto tra le due. Questo tutte. Prendi la condizione di Thespian o Glee conflitto ti rende totalmente distaccato da ciò o Queer a tua scelta. che ti circonda puoi quindi ti lanciare in Quando fingi di essere qualcun altro tira su Rimanere Calmo usando DARK. COLD 10+ Puoi usare una delle sue Mosse 7-9 Puoi usare una delle sue Mosse ma gli concedi una Stringa. 6- Guadagni una Condizione.
Sex Move
Playing The Unchained
After you have sex with someone, your other self carries 1 forward to harm that person.
The key concepts for the Unchained are repression, freedom, dysphoria, and addiction, all rolled up into one violent little dysfunctional bundle. Your other self is your outlet for all your secret needs - you can be and do all those things you’re not allowed to be and do, but safely, as someone else, without ruining your reputation.
After your other self has sex with someone, take a string on that person.
Darkest Self Your other self always pursues its selfish desires, but now you’re truly free. No limits, no constraints, no regrets. Do what you please, with and to whom you please. Use and abuse anyone who crosses your path. Nothing is as important as satisfying your every whim, and no-one really matters except for you. You can only return from your Darkest Self when you cause some sort of unforgivable harm to someone your normal self cares about.
Advancement m Take another Unchained move. m Take another Unchained move. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a move from another Skin. m You’re part of an Underground Club. m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). m Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Skin Designed by:
Topher Gerkey Stock Art by Marcus Ranum
Your other self can be as different from your normal self as you like, from minor changes like hair style and color to bigger shifts like changing your height or ethnicity, to major alterations like changing your sex (the Unchained lends itself to an exploration of trans issues, but BE CAREFUL - don’t fall into the hazard of conflating trans-ness itself with monstrosity). Animal Magnetism, Addiction, and Dysphoria/Euphoria lend themselves well to a character who focuses on the other self in play, while Unholy Glee and You’re Not Me! are better suited for an Unchained who has a love/hate relationship with his other self, or considers it an antagonist. Freedom from Consequence can be a very handy move. Feel free to rack up conditions while indulging your deviant lusts as your other self, then wipe the slate clean when you change back into your respectable normal self in the morning. The Underground Club gang advancement may be a sex club, a fight club, a drug den, or whatever other seedy location your other self uses to unwind.
All you could think about were the things you shouldn’t do, the person you shouldn’t be. All day, every day, burying your real feelings because giving in would mean losing everything - your family, your friends, your place in the world. So you did what you were supposed to do, and you quietly hated yourself, and everything felt wrong - until now. Now you can have everything. Your good life, and your secret pleasures. And if people get hurt sometimes... that’s a small price to pay for tasting the forbidden fruit, right?
The Unchained Name
Bruce, Eliza, Fanny, Hank, Jackson, Jacqueline, Julia, Marlowe, Mary, Tom
pristine, stuffy, nerdy, average, tailored, sickly
Choose two names:
A respectable name, an antique name, a plain name, an inherited name
Circle one in each list:
prescription lenses, yearning eyes, dilated pupils, frightened eyes unkempt, trendy, hulking, stunning, devolved, small
Blake, Chloe, Dorian, Edwina, Emil, Harriet, Heidi, Helen, Holt, Ian
bloodshot eyes, smoldering eyes, hungry eyes, darting eyes
An outdated name, a simple name, a stolen name, a brutal name
Circle one: chemical concoction, invocation of Janus, mathematical formula, sensory deprivation, radiation exposure, meditative trance
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
Experience Points: >> advance mmmmm
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Someone is very important to you as a close friend or lover. Give them a string on you. Someone else is very important to your other self; take a string on them. Someone accidentally witnessed you transforming; each of you take a string on the other.
Unchained Moves
You get this one and choose one more: The Formula You have discovered a way to transform yourself into an other self. This alternate version of you may look or act completely differently, and exists to fulfill your repressed desires. Transforming in either direction requires a lengthy preparation, although you will always transform back into your normal self when you are unconscious. When you transform into your other self, subtract 2 from your Cold and Dark and add 2 to your Hot and Volatile. When you become your Darkest Self, you automatically transform into your other self. m Addiction You no longer need a lengthy preparation process; you may become your other self at will. Only being unconscious will return you to your normal self. When you become your other self, carry 1 forward. If you go a full day without becoming your other self, hold steady. If you don’t roll 10 up, give yourself the condition needs a fix. m Animal Magnetism When you are your other self, you may give yourself +1 to turn someone on or manipulate an NPC if you have previously lashed out physically at that person. If you take this bonus, give yourself the condition bestial.
Other Moves
m Dysphoria/Euphoria When you are your normal self, your repression and dysphoria prevent you from using turn someone on or manipulate an NPC under any circumstances. When you are your other self, your exuberance at the freedom you feel allows you to roll Volatile instead of Cold to shut someone down or hold steady. m Freedom from Consequence When you transform, clear all your conditions and heal 1 harm. m Unholy Glee When you are your normal self and you hear from a third party about some shameful or violent incident your other self was involved in, you may give yourself +1 to gaze into the abyss about the incident or people involved in it. If you take this bonus, give yourself the condition seduced by darkness. m You’re Not Me! Your other self is a true separate identity, not just a release of your usual restraints. Neither of you remember what happens while the other is active, although you can communicate via leaving messages. Track strings as if you were two separate characters; you and your other self each get a string on the other when you take this move.
Sex Move Quando fai sesso il partner guadagna la mossa “Casato”. Volente o nolente entrerà negli “intrighi” della tua famiglia.
Dark Self La tua anima di condottiero, pura, splendente, bruciante ti ha condotto al fallimento. E’ il momento di realizzare che la tua comunità non merita un Leader giusto, ma ne merita uno meschino e machiavellico come la loro Regina. Comincia a danneggiare uno per uno tutti i tuoi alleati fino a che uno di loro non ti darà un vero motivo per “ritornare in sella” o fino a che con questa epurazione non avrai ottenuto un significativo vantaggio per il Casato.
Advancement Take another Lion move. Take another Lion move. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin. Lead Family Businness. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Giocare il Leone Rampante La scuola è piena di Regine e Reginette, ragazze e ragazzi che rappresentano una buffa corte di edonismo, vanità, malizia e frecciatine pungenti. Fintanto che questa situazione permane è chiaro che la comunità è in pace e non serve un vero Leader. Ma una corte abbisogna di un Re, un Signore del Feudo che arriva da una lunga dinastia, qualcuno che ispiri gli uomini in battaglia, che rischiari il cammino dei propri sudditi splendendo come un fuoco. Qualcuno che spaventi le fiere col ruggito del Leone Rampante. Giocare il “Rampante” vuol dire aver ereditato onori ed oneri di essere il Signore della Comunità ed esser pronto a guidarla verso la Vittoria come fecero gli antichi condottieri prima di te.
Il Leone Rampante Nome
Scegli un nome
Cerchia uno per lista
Charles, Abdul, Philippe, Johana, Sheila, Salomè, Ernesto, Abhram, Maria, Junior, Donna, Beauty, Hope, Faith
Uniforme, elegante, marziale, retrò, austero
Un nome biblico, un nome regale, un patronimico, un nome di un “valore” positivo
Sguardo generoso, sguardo vittorioso, sguardo deciso, sguardo ispirante, sguardo sofferente
Origine Scegline una Figlio di un decano, figlio di un lobbysta, figlio di un cultista, unico erede, primogenito.
Mosse del Leone Start with this and choose one
Casato Scegli uno:
Hot 0 Volatile 0 Cold +1 Dark -1
• Tuo padre è il ___________________ della comunità. Dagli 2 Stringhe ma guadagni +1 Forward per ________________________ all’inizio di ogni episodio.
• Tua madere è la ___________________ della cominunità, Dalle 2 Stringhe ma guadagna +1 Forward per _________________________ all’inizio di ogni episodio • Un tuo avo è stato il primo ______________ della comunità. Guadana +1 ad una Stat e la condizione Nel mirino di [Scelta dello MC] • Uno dei tuoi fratelli è purtroppo il __________________ della comunità. Guadagni 2 Stringhe su di lui e la condizione Nel mirino di [Scelta dello MC]
• Club (I membri del Club di _______________ della tua scuola ) Pronto per il Ballo Quando hai il tempo di prepararti e stabilire le condizioni di un evento guadagni +1 al primo tiro di HOT Punizione Esemplare Quando hai il tempo di prepararti e stabilire le condizioni di un evento guadagni +1 HARM al primo tiro per ferire Sottovalutato Quando scopri che qualcuno sottovaluta la tua opinione o autorità tira in COLD: 7-9 Guadagni +1 Forward nel primo tiro contro di loro 10+ Guadagni +1 Forward in ogni tiro contro di loro fino a che non viene ristabilita la tua autorità. 6- gli altri guadagnano +1 Forward nel primo tiro contro di te.
Consigli Saggi • Il tuo partner è il ___________________ Quando dai un consiglio: se viene seguito della comunità. Dagli 2 Stringhe ma il prossimo tiro del tuo “avvertito” guadagna +1 Forward per guadagna +1 e tu marchi esperienza. ________________________ all’inizio di Altrimenti marchi esperienza solo se non ogni episodio seguendolo effettivamente fallisce.
Background Sei sulla bocca di tutti e tutti hanno favori da chiederti per tenerti in cima. Concedi a tutti +1 Stringa.
• Anziani (I membri della fratellanza GREEK della più vicina università)
Alleati Inizi la Stagione con una Gang scegli:
Cattivi Consigli Quando hai il tempo di preparare e manipolare gli eventi dai un consiglio: se • Blue Ribbon (gli alunni più bravi della viene seguito tu e il tuo “avvertito” scuola) marcate esperienza. Altrimenti il suo prossimo tiro conterà comunque come 6• Influencer (lo staff marketing/web della ma tu prenderai la condizione di Nel tua famiglia) mirino di [Avvertito]
Carry Forward
Minotaur Moves
Labyrinth When you do harm to someone, take a string on them. You get +1 ongoing to lash out physically, shut someone down, or gaze into the abyss when your target has the condition In the Maze. You get -1 ongoing to lash out physically, shut someone down, or gaze into the abyss when your target has the condition Golden Thread.
m Bestial Pleasures When you successfully turn someone on, take a string on them, give them a string on you, and give them the condition Golden Thread.
Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory You regularly act as the muscle for someone. Give them three strings on you. You recently bullied someone. Take a string on them. You’re someone’s guilty one-night stand. Each of you take a string on the other.
Harm Experience Points: >> advance mmmmm
You get this one, and choose two more:
m Bully When you use physical force to intimidate or harass someone, roll to shut someone down with Volatile instead of Cold. Take -1 ongoing to hold steady; if you fail, gain the condition Enraged instead of Terrified. m In a China Shop When you lash out physically, on a 7-9 your target chooses one physical item they own that is either on their person or nearby; that item is destroyed or rendered unusable. On a 10 up, you choose the item.
Strings Other Moves
m Mess with the Bull When you violently confront someone who is In the Maze, roll Volatile. On a 7-9, you take on a huge bestial form, complete with horns and hooves. On a 10 up, take on the bestial form and become your Darkest Self. While in your bestial form, do 1 extra harm when you lash out physically and take 1 less harm from any source. You must hold steady in order to return to your human form. m Red Flag When someone spends a string on you to ask you to do something for them and you accept, instead of marking experience choose two: } Carry 1 forward toward completing the task } Clear a condition } Mark experience } Remove 1 harm m Seeing Red When you gaze into the abyss about someone with whom you’re furious, roll with Volatile instead of Dark. On a 7-9, add this to the list of options: “Place the condition In the Maze on them.” On a 10 up, add these to the list of options: “Place the condition In the Maze on them” and “Do 1 extra harm the next time you lash out physically at them.” m Tribute When someone else gives out the condition In the Maze, you lose a string on them.
Sex Move
When you have sex with another character, it counts as studying them closely. You can assume their form at will, but it always counts as if you'd rolled a 7-9. If you are transformed, Hold Steady or return to your original form immediately afterward.
Darkest Self
You despise yourself. All these other pretty people have everything you've ever wanted but could never have for yourself. In fact, no one would even notice if you were just...gone. Just be someone else - ALL the time. And if you need to get the "real" them out of the way to pull it off, so be it. Escape your Darkest Self when someone calls you on not being who you say you are.
Add 1 to Hot (max+3) Add 1 to Cold (max+3) Add 1 to Volatile (max+3) Add 1 to Dark (max+3) Take another Doppelganger move. Take another Doppelganger move. Take a move from another skin. Memorize a person's form. Pick one character you have at least one String on and have studied closely. You can take their form at will, as if you'd rolled a 10+. Take a dead PC's form permanently. Take the discarded Skin sheet and just start using it, with their stats and selected moves and remaining Strings and all.
Playing The Doppleganger The Doppleganger is about jealousy and hating yourself and wishing you were more like your heroes. Transform gets done by abandoning yourself to try to take on their form, but they often find the flaws in the people they take on, resolving to find a new, perfect person to copy. Ultimately though, The Doppleganger wants to become the person he thinks is perfect, the person who has the most that he thinks he's lacking. They aren't likely malicious at first. As they discover the flaws of the new body, however, they may desire revenge over being "deceived."
You idolized them, their icy glares, their smoldering looks, their razor intellect. You had none of it. You tried to act like them, pretended to be like them, but it never worked. Then you started to become them. Now none of it is outside your grasp if you can just find the right person.
It can be very hard to strike back at The Doppleganger - continued picking on a single PC could annoy the other player, so bear that in mind.
The Doppleganger
Your moves all are functions of your transformation. Some, like Personality Bleed, are statistic-based, while others, like Linked, are purely narrative. In your Darkest Self, you're abandoning your own shape in favor of being a certain someone else - that would be a single someone else. Beware using your memorization advancement lightly - you only get one perfect other form. You can get a partial memories from your sex move though. The final advancement is forever - you give up Doppleganger-hood for it. You keep no moves or stats. You could take Transform with your new skin's advancements, but that will never be your core identity ever again.
Alex, Cameron, Chris, Emily, Hailey, Jennifer, Jordan, Michael, Sarah, Taylor, Tommy
Paper-white skin, Boring and average, Unappealing, Inconspicuous, Forgettable
An unassuming name, a genderneutral name, a plain name, a common name.
Prying Eyes, Jealous Eyes, Distant Eyes, Harmless Eyes, Brooding Eyes
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Circle one: Rich and neglected, Fanboy, Wannabe, Depressed, Stalker Skin and Art by Max "Ego" Hervieux, original stock photo (Male Stock 140) of Kevin Leon by, layout and Monsterhearts by Joe Mcdaldno. See more content by Max at
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile +1, Dark +1.
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC)
Walk Like You, Talk Like You: m While you're disguised as another PC, use their stats instead of your own.
Your Evil Twin: When someone m is blamed for something you did in their
Personality Bleed: When you m return to your original form, alter your
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
habits you've studied closely, roll+Dark. On a 10+, you've got it just right and can stay that way as long as you desire. On a 7-9, choose one: * Your impersonation doesn't hold up under scrutiny, * Assuming the disguise is an agonizing process. Take 1 Harm, * The disguise won't last very long. On a 6-, the MC chooses any or all of the above and makes a hard move.
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady)
You get the following move, plus one other: Transform: When you take the l form of someone whose mannerisms and
Doppleganger Moves
form, mark experience.
Harm Experience Points:
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
>> advance
Your Backstory
You've been impersonating someone recently. Who? Gain a string on them. Someone caught you while reverting to your own form once. They get two strings on you.
stats based upon the stats of the form you just changed back from. Whichever stat they had highest, increase your own stat by 1 (to a maximum of +3). Whichever they had lowest, decrease your own stat by 1. If you had been copying an NPC, the MC will tell you which stats to change. These alterations go away when you next Transform.
Other Moves
Crawl Inside Your Head: m When you spend time and intimacy with someone, it counts as closely studying their mannerisms and habits. From then on, whenever you assume their form you may ask one question of the other character's player. It needn't be something you could reasonably know, and they have to answer completely and honestly. If you do ask a question, they get to ask one in return, same rules.
Be Like You: When you Transform m into another PC's form, you get one of their moves. If you rolled a 10+ on the Transform roll, you select one of their Skin moves and consider yourself to have that move until you change form again. If you rolled a 7-9, the MC chooses the move instead.
Linked: While in the form of m another character, you both know and experience the emotions of the other, though you cannot necessarily distinguish those emotions as being from a foreign source. When you allow the other's emotions to affect your behavior, you can take an appropriate Condition (eg Furious, Despondant, Elated) to take a String on the other character.
Carry Forward Conditions
Stats Add 1 to one of these:
Hot -2, Cold +1, Volatile 0, Dark +1
Scegliene 3: Hanno quasi tutte la medesima funzione: Quando sei obbiettivo di un tiro esegui il medesimo lancio con le tue Stat. Se ottieni un risultato uguale o superiore all’altro, la sua mossa non ha effetto.
Il tuo fisico particolarmente molliccio, paffuto o estremamente magrolino ti rende permeabile alla violenza.
Quando si manifesta il Blob, ogni mossa manifesta passivamente l’effetto Blob e tutti i tuoi tiri sono sempre eseguiti su HOT indipendentemente da come indicato.
BLOB: Hai la tipica faccia da schiaffi, considera HOT -1
La Realtà si è già accanita su di te, quindi non c’è modo per l’Oscurità di infierire oltre.
Sei fuori dalle convenzioni sociali, non hai bisogno di scendere a patti con le “loro” etichette.
Qualunque Condizione ti viene appioppata mettila tra le Condizioni in Grigio
Cold Volatile
Blob Moves
BLOB: Oltre agli effetti già descritti aggiungi la Condizione Disadattato
Experience Points advance
Sei immune agli effetti di puzze, miasmi ecc, e riesci a dormire tranquillamente anche in ambienti malsani.
Qualunque Stringa cedi o guadagni mettila tra le Stringhe in Grigio
Leggi il nome delle MOSSE che possiedi. Se qualcuno ti accetta come sei dagli +1 Stringa.
BLOB: Sei così sfigato che tutti quelli che non ti disprezzano apertamente prendono la Condizione di Sfigati o una delle tue Condizioni a loro scelta.
Your Backstory
Quando subisci tiri di DARK lancia per negare l’effetto.
Sei troppo pigro per sottostare al gioco del dare/prendere. Semplicemente gli altri non hanno leve per increspare la tua Serenità
Ascolta tutti gli altri, metti le Stringhe in zona grigia, metti le Condizioni in zona grigia.
BLOB: Oltre agli effetti già descritti le Stringhe usate dagli altri hanno il doppio dell’effetto su di te
Quando subisci tiri di VOLATILE lancia per negarli annullando anche le ferite.
Sorridi sereno e compiaciuto davanti alle avversità della vita. Quando subisci tiri di COLD lancia per negare l’effetto. BLOB: Il sorriso stupido rivela stupidità! Non hai alcun beneficio dall’uso di Stringhe o Forward.
Quando subisci tiri di HOT lancia per negare l’effetto. BLOB: Il tuo fetore pestilenziale non è più solo una prerogativa tua. Prendi la Condizione “Puzzolente” e affibbiala a chiunque ti sia intorno.
Ingordo Ti piace mangiare e ti piace tutto, se cucinato a dovere o molto speziato puoi ingerire senza danni qualsiasi sostanza in qualsiasi quantità. BLOB: Non c’è bisogno di dirlo, prendi la condizione Mostro, ma aggiungi anche +1 HARM quando mordi.
Sex Move
Playing The Blob
Quando fai sesso con qualcuno sei appagato, l’altra persona è disgustata.
Narciso (il Blob) era innamorato della propria immagine, coccolato dalla mamma e dal papà ha vissuto perennemente riflesso in uno specchio deformante.
Chiedile se vuole iniziare una relazione, se no prendi +1 Stringa, se sì questo ti butta fuori dalla Confort Zone rivelando il tuo Dark Self
Darkest Self ATTENZIONE!!! Confort Zone violate !!! Probabilmente hai fatto sesso, hai fallito in maniera drammatica un tiro nel relazionarti con gli altri o qualcuno ti ha messo davanti all’evidenza delle cose. BLOB è pronto a manifestarsi. Prendi tutte le Condizioni “Grigie” e applicane l’effetto immediatamente. Se sono più di 5 prendi 1 HARM, se sono più di 7 prendi 2 HARM +1 per ogni condizione aggiuntiva.
Cos’hanno che non va ? Perché non riescono a stare sereni ? Siamo giovani, belli, sani, pieni di amici e i conti li pagano i nostri genitori, cosa li porta a soffrire ? ribellarsi ? ferirsi ? Boh, casa mia è sempre aperta, a patto che nessuno colpisca la mia “Confort Zone”.
Giocare Narciso è toccare la tematica della Zona di Confort, la serenità e la pace. Vuol dire giocare un teenager apparentemente esterno ai conflitti sociali, alle tensioni ormonali, insomma giocare un giovane felice ed in armonia con se stesso. Purtroppo questa è solo un’illusione: cresciuto dentro una campana di vetro di commiserazione, lodi immeritate e coccole gratuite Narciso è un mostro rinchiuso in una fragile Zona di Confort. Se la Zona viene violata si riversa fuori in tutta la sua mostruosità da qui, il termine Blob
Se dovessi risultare morto tenta il suicidio. L’unico modo per uscire dalla tua condizione è trovare qualcuno che apprezzi la tua bellezza interiore … auguri.
Add 1 to Hot (Max 3). Add 1 to Cold (Max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (Max 3). Add 1 to Dark (Max 3). Take another Blob move. Take another Blob move. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin.
Skin Designed By:
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Homer, Bluto, Brooke, Monia, Bob, Boomer, Angel, Elettra, Bijoux, Cloud
Abiti fuori moda, abiti di cattivo gusto, pijama, accappatoio, toga, abiti fuori taglia
Un nome scelto dalla Mamma, un nome morbido, un nome soffice, un nome con tante O
Occhi cisposi, occhi assonnati, occhi sognanti, occhi malvagi, occhi compiaciuti
Origin Circle one: Buddha Sorridente, Complesso di Edipo/Elettra, Nephilim, Vive con un solo parente, Maledizione Infernale
Carry Forward
IBIS Moves
Come l’Uccello, il Fiore
Scegli due mosse
o il Babbuino
Muro delle Stranezze Scegli 2
Stats Add 1 to one of these:
Hot 0, Cold 1, Volatile -2, Dark 1
o o o
Cold Volatile Dark
o Experience Points advance
Your Backstory Qualcuno ha un segreto che tu conosci prendi +2 Stringhe su di lui. Hai distrutto senza motivo la reputazione di qualcuno concedigli 2 Stringhe.
o o
Il muro riporta sempre qualche mistero (+1 Guardare dentro l’Abisso) Il muro riporta sempre qualcosa sul più popolare della Scuola (+1 Forward su di lui) Il muro è decifrabile solo da te
Ogni volta che vuoi spendi 1 Stringa o 1 Forward e sei appartato con la tua macchina fotografica/videocamera/smartphone nel luogo migliore per riprendere uno scoop
Maledizione di Toth Quando qualcuno usa parzialmente tuoi scritti o immagini per screditarti o prendersene il merito te ne accorgi subito e scegli 1:
Il muro riporta qualcosa di scomodo su un membro della Comunità +2 Stringhe s‘un PNG
Il muro è aggiornato da altri (ognuno guadagna +1 Forward, tu guadagni 1 Stringa su di loro)
Il muro è proprio ben organizzato guadagna 1 PX ogni nuovo articolo completato Il muro contiene Gossip (+1 nei tiri di HOT) Il muro ha origini magiche o divine (chi lo guarda deve Restare Calmo o guadagna la condizione Terrificato) Il muro si trova in un’altra dimensione (quando lo raggiungi il tempo sulla Terra non scorre)
Saggezza dello Scriba Hai sempre informazioni di prim’ordine quindi puoi dare consigli che diano:
o o o o o o
Hai evidenti prove per screditarlo guadagna +1 Forward. Hai evidenti prove per screditarlo: imponigli una Condizione. Hai modo di ricattarlo +2 Stringhe su di Lui. Hai l’originale, ti prendi i meriti che spetterebbero a Lui La sua è solo invidia hai +1 HOT nei tiri contro di Lui. Nota dei dettagli Creepy hai +1 su Gelarlo. Il senso di colpa lo tormenta puoi vagare nei suoi sogni se dormite entrambi. Ha uno stile peculiare puoi spacciare qualsiasi cosa scrivi per sua. Sai come pensa, usa una sua Mossa.
Occhio di Toth Quando due o più persone si scambiano un segreto tira in DARK:
1 PX / 1 Forward / 1 Token. In cambio di 2 PX / 2 Forward / 2 Stringhe / Recidere 1 Stringa.
12+ tu lo conosci e guadagni 1 Stringa su tutti loro, 10+ tu lo conosci e guadagni 1 Stringa su uno di loro 7-9 tu lo conosci MA loro guadagnano 1 Stringa su di te.
Sex Move
Playing The IBIS
Quando fai sesso con qualcuno, ponigli una domanda esplicita, se risponde onestamente dagli una Stringa, se mente guadagna +1 Forward su di lui.
Figlio dell’età dell’informazione tracci le tue origini dall’Antico dio Toth.
Darkest Self Nessuno ti ha ascoltato o creduto quando doveva. Ora è tardi per pentirsene. Colpirai il mondo come una grossa massa nera di caos che invaderà tutte le loro case! Fai tutto ciò ch’è in tuo potere per affibbiare una Condizione a chiunque abbia Stringhe con te (positive o negative). Fermati solo quando un innocente si farà dannatamente male.
Giocare l’Ibis significa incarnare lo stereotipo del giornalista scolastico o del giovane detective. Hai un morboso attaccamento al Gossip, alla Cronaca Nera e alla Politica Locale. Non ami lo Sport ma adori giudicare gli sportivi. C’è sempre qualcosa di sinistro nei tuoi scritti, forse parte del tuo animo oscuro che cerca di emergere.
Descrivere, riportare fedelmente, indagare … insomma servire la Verità (e assecondare morbosamente la curiosità). In un mare dominato dall’informazione tu ami sguazzare e più le acque sono torbide e minacciose, più sai che nascondono qualche tesoro sommerso. Alcuni ti chiamano scherzosamente Peter Parker.
Skin Designed By:
Add 1 to Hot (Max 3). Add 1 to Cold (Max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (Max 3). Add 1 to Dark (Max 3). Take another Ibis move. Take another Ibis move. Lead your School Journal. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin.
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Cloe, Peter, Clark, Jona, Ornella, Umberto, Indro, David, Ophra, Bes, Jack, Wu, Conan, Henry, Donna, Lois, Barbara
Noir Detective, Ultra Fashion, Militare, Formale, Vestito di Fretta, Colori Nazionali
Un nome che si ricordi, un nome tagliente, uno pseudonimo
Occhiali da vista, occhiali da sole, occhiaie da monitor, occhiali all’ultima moda, occhi inquisitori
Origin Circle one: Blogger, Vlogger, Reporter, Junior Detective, Osservatore ExtraDimensionale, Rifugiato Politico.
Carry Forward
LOA Moves
Gris Gris
Scegli il tuo retaggio Natura, Bianco o Nero. Scegli due mosse
Hai un oggetto in legno che puoi estrarre da una tasca , dallo zaino o dal cilindro.
Ohana Stats Add 1 to one of these:
Quando qualcuno fa sesso con te o ti salva la vita dagli la Condizione Tuo Bro/Tua Sistha.
Se il tuo retaggio è LOA della natura: lui/lei sarà immune all’elemento del tuo DarkSelf.
Hot 0, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 0
Se il tuo retaggio è LOA bianco: saprai immediatamente se ha subito ferite.
Se il tuo retaggio è LOA nero: saprai immediatamente se ha subito un effetto sovrannaturale o un tiro di Infiammare
Cold Volatile Dark
Metamorfosi Harm
Experience Points advance
Your Backstory Qualcuno non lo sa ma appartiene al tuo concetto di Ohana dagli una Stringa. Qualcuno ti fece un favore secondo il tuo concetto di Ohana dagli una Stringa.
Se il tuo retaggio è LOA della natura: Tira DARK 10+ ti trasformi in un grosso animale marino 7-9 ti trasformi un grosso animale marino ma torni alla forma umana solo svenendo o alla nuova alba 6rimani esternamente umano ma hai istinti animali fino alla nuova alba. Se il tuo retaggio è LOA bianco: Tira DARK 10+ ti trasformi in un elementale del tuo elemento Dark Self 7-9 ti trasformi in un elementale del tuo elemento entrando subito nel tuo DarkSelf 6- vai in giro nudo parlando solo una lingua antichissima. Se il tuo retaggio è LOA nero: Tira DARK 10+ ti trasformi in un elegante LOA aggiungi +1 ad una caratteristica a scelta 7-9 ti trasformi in Baron Samedi scegli: +1 HOT ma il sesso porterà a gravidanze inattese
Natura: è una tavola (surf/sk8) da +1 a Infiammare / Fuggire Bianca: è una effige di Tiki da +1 a Gelare e cura 2 HARM infliggendo 1 HARM da scottatura. Nera: è un bastone che da +1 Picchiare e +1 a Manipolare PNG
Ise Zumi Hai almeno un tatuaggio: Natura: un animale che può manifestarsi come famiglio. Bianca: un simbolo di pace che ti dà +1 Rimanere Calmo Nera: un simbolo di morte o guerra che ti dà +1 a Guardare nell’Abisso
Ophakung Natura: hai un gioiello neolitico che ti permette di manifestare il tuo elemento infliggendo 1 Harm a chiunque minacci il tuo Ohana e sia a vista. Bianca: hai un’arma neolitica che ti dona +1 Forward a chiunque minacci il tuo Ohana. Nera: hai una collezione di bambole una per ogni membro del tuo Ohana che ti da un Forward per ognuno di loro.
Voodoo Usata 1 volta questa mossa la perderai !
+1 HOT ma sei un focolaio di terribili malattie veneree
Natura: evita la morte e vai a farti un tatuaggio/piercing
+1 HOT e chiunque tocchi subisce effetti di Avvizzimento
Bianca: risorgi un compagno come Mortale Nera: risorgi un tuo Ohana come Ghoul.
Sex Move
Playing The LOA
Quando fai sesso con qualcuno, diventa parte del tuo Ohana. Se fai sesso con due o più partner e d è condiviso tutti beneficiano del vantaggio Gang. Se non è condiviso cedi una Stringa ad ogni partner.
Giocare il LOA significa essere il testimone di un retaggio culturale lontano, esotico e sciamanico.
Darkest Self Scegli un elemento: __________________ fino a quando non torni sereno quell’elemento continuerà a “tempestare”la zonao la comunità in cui ti trovi. Giungi alla pace solo se un membro della tua Ohana ti dona spontaneamente Cure, Sesso, Alcool o Cibo.
Talvolta araldo e paladino egli elementi, talvolta eroe nichilista pronto a sfidarli. Credi nella fratellanza, il concetto di “Ohana” e detesti l’autorità, il colonialismo, gli sbirri, la globalizzazione.
Il fuoco nelle vene, il vento nei capelli, il mare sotto i piedi e la terra della mia isola che nutre i miei sogni coi ricordi dei miei avi. Il Nirvana e l’Akashika altro non sono che quest’onda perfetta.
Se il tuo retaggio è dei LOA della natura sei legato agli spiriti degli elementi, dell’incontaminato e dell’onirico. Se il tuo retaggio è legato ai RADA bianchi, sei portato verso la medicina, la comunità e il mutuo soccorso. Se il tuo retaggio è legato ai LOA Neri (Ghede e Pedro) sei portato alla guerra, alla morte e alla sessualità spinta, in generale all’eccesso. Qualunque sia la tua natura sei in qualche modo la guida spirituale della famiglia, una specie di fratello maggiore con tutti gli onori e gli oneri del caso.
Add 1 to Hot (Max 3). Add 1 to Cold (Max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (Max 3). Add 1 to Dark (Max 3). Take another Loa move. Take another Loa move. Lead your Ohana Gang. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin.
Skin Designed By:
Loa Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Squall, Kami, Hemi, Tama, Tiki, Aroha, Hine, Moana
Surfista, Tatuato, No Global, Sk8Punk, Sportivo, Tropicale
Un nome esotico, un nome elementale, un nome di battaglia
Occhi circondati da pitture facciali, occhi circondati da tatuaggi, occhi sognanti, occhi vacui, occhi circondati dall’abbronzatura.
Origin Circle one: Giunto dale Isole, giunto dalla Costa, giovane Dio, audodidatta del Voodoo
Carry Forward
Snake Moves
Anello di Protezione
Scegli due mosse
Quando ti guardano con Guardare nell’Abisso rispondi tu e non il MC, se DEVI essere sincero rispondi in maniera sibillina.
Rifugio Anonimo
Guadagna +1 Stringa su chi guarda te nell’Abisso.
Scegli 2
Stats Add 1 to one of these:
o o
Hot -1, Cold +1, Volatile -1, Dark +1
Cold Volatile Dark
o o
o o Experience Points advance
Your Backstory Qualcuno ha un segreto che tu conosci prendi +2 Stringhe su di lui. Hai distrutto senza motivo la reputazione di qualcuno concedigli 2 Stringhe.
Il rifugio non è visibile con mezzi tecnologici Il rifugio non è visibile con mezzi magici Il rifugio non è visibile con mezzi naturali Il rifugio contiene armi per una gang Il rifugio contiene cibo per una gang Il rifugio contiene alcool, droga, fumetti e videogiochi per una gang Il rifugio è apribile solo col tuo DNA
Extrema Ratio Quando usi violenza tira in COLD invece di VOLATILE
FPS-Survival Mode Quando infliggi HARM infliggi DARK Harm invece di quelli indicati per il tipo di attacco
Parkour Ignori i danni da caduta
Sangue Freddo +1 in Restare Calmo
Il rifugio ha l’autodistruzione
Il rifugio ha un ingresso esattamente dove sei
Sei immune a droghe, veleni e malattie di origine non magica o che non siano specificatamente create da LORO per colpirti.
Perso nella folla Quando Fuggi tira in COLD 10+ prendono quello sbagliato scegli: E’ uno che ha una Stringa su di te, E’ uno su cui hai una Stringa, E’ uno di LORO 7-9 prendono quello sbagliato scegli: E’ innocente, è un tuo amico/alleato 6- Sanno come fuggi, guadagnano 1 Forward su di te.
Anonimo Hai previsto una routine per cancellare tutto il tuo passato da ogni archivio scritto o digitale. Tira in COLD 10+ è tutto sparito! 7-9 Scegli 2 Qualcuno è preoccupato perché non trova nulla su di te +1 Forward per trovarti, Qualcuno pensa sia strano +1 Forward per trovarti, LORO pensano sia opera tua concedigli 1 Stringa, Qualcuno riconosce il tuo stile concedgli 1 Stringa,sei un fantasma prendi la condizione di Clandestino
Simulare la Morte Sai simulare la tua morte in maniera estremamente credibile. Se “risorgi” davanti a qualcuno esegui subito un tiro in Gelare 7+ rimane Terrorizzato 6- prendi la condizione Mostro
Cibo del Bramino Sai prepararti da solo cibo e farmaci. Puoi sempre curarti almeno 1 livello di salute senza passare per un ospedale, riprenderti dallo Hangover e non puoi morire di fame se non sei impossibilitato nei movimenti.
Sex Move
Playing The Circlin’Snake
Quando fai sesso con qualcuno purtroppo lo metti nel LORO mirino (consegna 2 Stringhe a LORO)
Vivi con la consapevolezza che nessun’altro è disposto a combattere LORO. Sei l’unico fuori dal radar.
Darkest Self
Giocare l’Oroboro significa giocare un teorico della cospirazione, un sopravvissuto, un fuggitivo dominato da un istinto paranoide chiamato sopravvivenza.
LORO ti hanno scovato, non è più tempo di scappare, potrai fermarti solo quando avrai eliminato uno di LORO o avrai eliminato un altro innocente a causa LORO.
Sei la libertà di pensiero reincarnato in un inferno di prigioni mentali.
Smetti di essere strategico, furtivo, subdolo, è ora di essere diretto, violento e risolutivo.
Loro sono (chi)__________________________ e (cosa fanno)_______________________ il mondo per (cosa vogliono) _________________________________ e si fermeranno solo quando (come/perché) ______________________________________
Sai che oggi come ogni giorno è il 1984, LORO controllano le nostre azioni tramite il cibo che ci somministrano, controllano le nostre volontà tramite i vaccini che ci inoculano, controllano il nostro voto tramite i messaggi subliminali contenuti nei reality show. Ci spiano, ci schedano, ci sorvegliano, ma non possono nulla contro di te. Tu sai che LORO esistono e sai come sfuggire ai loro radar.
Oroborus Skin Designed By:
Add 1 to Hot (Max 3). Add 1 to Cold (Max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (Max 3). Add 1 to Dark (Max 3). Take another Oroborus move. Take another Oroborus move. Join Anonymous Party. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin.
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Jane, John, Caio, Mario, Maria, Nemo, Howard, Anna, Anne, Robert, Antoine
Anonimo, Banale, Incappucciato, Formale, Barbone, Hi-Tech Nerd, Sandwich Man
Un nome che si dimentica, un nome di un combattente
Occhi cupi, occhi folli, occhi impauriti, occhi furenti, occhiaie
Origin Circle one: Fuggito da LORO, discendente di uno di LORO, Nato tra i profughi, Nato tra i sopravvissuti, Fuggito dal Manicomio, Teorico della Cospirazione.
Carry Forward
Scooby Moves Choose 2:
Stats Add 1 to one of these:
Se due o più persone si incontrano grazie a te e almeno 1 di loro è un mostro. Entrambe guadagnano +1 Forward per il loro primo tiro durante l’incontro.
dell’Hentacolo Se qualcuno rivela il suo aspetto mostruoso o cerca di Gelarti coi suoi poteri e tu Resti Calmo il tuo tiro ha gli effetti di Infiammare 10+
Cold Volatile
Monster Mash
Se qualcuno ha un’esperienza o un contatto col sovrannaturale grazie a te, lei marca esperienza, tu guadagni 1 Stringa su di lei.
La Notte
Hot 1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark -1
Se vieni invitata da un “mostro” in un luogo a lui famigliare (casa, auto, covo, ecc) tira in DARK 10+ nomina 1 dettaglio che rivela la sua natura mostruosa (es: niente specchi in camera del vampiro o oggetti di altri in camera della strega) 7-9 idem come 10+ ma il mostro guadagna 1 Stringa su di te 6- ti convinci della sua normalità (come semplice stranezza)
Experience Points advance
Il Mostro della Settimana Se hai il tempo di preparare la scena, puoi
______________________________________________________________________________________ sfruttare una “mostruosità” di un alleato per
Your Backstory Un mostro ha sicuramente bisogno di te per integrarsi concedigli 2 Stringhe. Hai visto un mostro fare cose mostruosissime prendi 1 Stringa da lui.
renderlo popolare. Lui aggiunge +1 HOT al suo prossimo tiro, tu guadagni 1 Stringa su di lui.
La Soffitta In soffitta hai giusto un libro che parla dell’Ultima Minaccia estratta dal cappello del MC. Tira in COLD 10+ gli scritti rivelano il suo punto debole 7-9 gli scritti rivelano la sua tristezza e maledizione. La Minaccia guadagna 2 Stringhe su di te.
Tu guadagni 1 Stringa su ognuno di loro. Se ciò avviene durante la manifestazione del tuo Se Oscuro tira in COLD 7+ esci dal tuo Se Oscuro 6- Tutti i presenti guadagnano +1 Forward per danneggiarti.
Sex Move
Playing The Scooby
Se fai sesso con qualcuno che si rivela non essere un mostro, ti senti annoiato e frustrato, recidi subito tutte le Stringhe con lui.
Giocare Scooby ha a che fare con la necessità di armonia sociale.
Se fai sesso con un mostro prendi subito la condizione Bff [con mostro], Fan [del mostro] o Partner [del mostro]. Il mostro guadagna 2 Stringhe su di te.
Darkest Self Nessuno vuole credere ai mostri, soprattutto nessuno vuol credere al loro lato umano. E’ ora di entrare in azione e mettere a contatto il lato umano dei mostri col lato mostruoso degli umani. Organizza un grande Coming Out party, un Charity per raccogliere sangue per i Vampiri, una fiera Cosplay nel reame fatato, insomma tutti devono conoscere tutti. Smetterai di tentare di far scontrare i due mondi solo quando entrambi i mondi (o i loro rappresentanti) decideranno di comune accordo di tenerti lontana/escluderti. (Infondo staranno collaborando)
Tutti i tuoi simili sembrano ghettizzati, divisi, tanti tristi binari paralleli che corrono per la città ignorandosi. E quelli che fanno gruppo ? Si trincerano ignorando ancora di più gli altri. Tu vuoi a tutti i costi che i Mostri trovino il loro posto serenamente nel tessuto sociale. Infondo è spesso difficile se porti addosso etichette scomode, fare il tuo Coming Out … per quello c’è gente come te, per aiutare chiunque a rivelare la propria natura, sapendo che può affidarsi al 100% alla bellezza e alla varietà del mondo.
Quindi puoi trasformarti in cagnolino ? Wow Scoobydoso. Sei un Vampiro ? E ti trasformi in pipistrello ? Dev’esser figoso volare. Sei il mio fantasmino custode ? Ho sempre sognato qualcuno con cui giocare in soffitta. Acciderbolina proprio non riesci a non uccidere eh ? Meno male che domani abbiamo il compito e qui abita la prof di Greco.
Purtroppo questo ti allontana un po’ dalle persone “normali”. Quando i mostri saranno tra i “normali” che fine farai tu ?
Skin Designed By:
Scooby Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Alice, Dorothy, Wendy, Bruce, Toby, Fred, Wilma, Amelie, Dylan, Constantine
Abbigliamento furtivo, vestito per il pigiama party, escursionista, pirata, astronauta
Add 1 to Hot (Max 3). Add 1 to Cold (Max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (Max 3). Add 1 to Dark (Max 3). Take another Scooby move. Take another Scooby move. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin.
Un nome da signorino, un nome da signorina, un nome da ficcanaso
Sguardo Kawai, Occhi da Manga, Occhi da Cerbiatto, Sguardo Deduttivo, Sguardo Complice
Origin Circle one: Parenti Mostri, Cresciuto in Biblioteca, Cresciuto in Soffitta, Cresciuto coi Nonni, Amico dei Mostri
Carry Forward
Sheep Moves Prendi FAMIGLIA e scegline 2:
Famiglia La tua famiglia è strana loro sono infatti:
Stats Add 1 to one of these:
dei__________________________________ Come membro della famiglia prendi la condizione ___________________________
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
Ogni volta che fallisci un tiro la tua famiglia lo sa immediatamente. Quando Guardi nell’Abisso con 7+ puoi chiedere “Cosa si aspetta la mia famiglia da me ?” Se agisci in direzione diametralmente opposta guadagni +1 Forward.
Cold Volatile
Solo tu mi capisci Puoi usare Infiammare su animali e intelligenze animali con gli stessi effetti che otterresti sulle intelligenze umane.
Fuggitiva Hai sempre un +1 per Fuggire.
Experience Points
Famiglia allargata
E’ una cosa che detesti ma hai un parente ovunque. Puoi sempre trovare cibo, riparo e affetto per te e i tuoi alleati, ogni volta che ______________________________________________________________________________________ usi questa mossa, la tua famiglia guadagna +1 Stringa su di te.
Your Backstory
Un mostro ha sicuramente bisogno di te per integrarsi concedigli 2 Stringhe. Hai visto un mostro fare cose mostruosissime prendi 1 Stringa da lui.
Il loro nemico è mio amico Quando qualcuno o qualcosa minaccia la tua famiglia guadagni +1 Forward per rapportarti con lui
Giochi da Maschio Nella tua famiglia non manca una certa maschia volgarità quando è il momento di botte e similari aggiungi +1 a VOLATILE
Che non si sappia in giro che ha il papà vampiro …
Scegli un parente: determina la sua PELLE. Sostituisci permanentemente questa mossa con una presa da quella PELLE
Bocconcino Attiri i Mostri come il Miele con Winny Pooh e ne sei ben consapevole (scegli 2 permanentemente): Puoi concedere una “parte di te” e guadagnare 2 Stringhe, o 1 Esperienza:
o o o o o
Capelli da Veela: sono un ingrediente magico: +1 ad ogni effetto magico Sangue Blu: il tuo sangue è una leccornia per chi se ne ciba: +1 al loro prossimo tiro Sesso Estremo: farlo con te è “da sogno” chiunque guadagna 1 PX (oltre ad ulteriori vantaggi da Sex Moves) Lacrime Fatate: chi beve le tue lacrime guadagna +1 nel prossimo tiro di Guardare nell’Abisso Bacio porta-fortuna: il prossimo 6di chi riceve un bacio da te conterà come un 7!
Sex Move
Playing The Sheep
Se fai sesso con qualcuno trovi istintivamente il modo di infilarti nelle sue amicizie. Prendi automaticamente la sua GANG MOVE. Se non ha GANG MOVE beneficiate entrambi del bonus Gang quando siete nella stessa scena.
Molti conoscono il concetto di Pecora Nera o di Capro Espiatorio. Pochi, a differenza tua, conoscono il concetto di Pecora Gialla.
Il Vantaggio viene perso appena fai sesso con chiunque abbia una GANG MOVE
Darkest Self La tua famiglia comincia ad essere un onere troppo grande, devi fuggire ora, far perdere le tue tracce, morire o essere considerata morta, sparire, inseguire i tuoi sogni che nulla hanno a che vedere coi loro. Fuggi più lontano che puoi e fermati solo se ti avranno perso per sempre o se ti farai così male che saranno loro a salvarti.
La Pecora Nera è una figura ribelle e romantica, tutti vogliono essere la pecora nera, il capro espiatorio è una figura che subisce, che soffre e quindi che può ad un certo punto, trovare la forza per ribellarsi, giungere alla catarsi …
Avere genitori Hyppie, un nonno convinto comunista e venir sbattute in una Scuola Cattolica, perché insomma … non è sbagliato integrarsi è una vigliaccata. Pretendere di superare l’adolescenza indenni è invece pura utopia. Non potevo essere una Pecora Nera come la Zia e diventare portavoce del Senato di Stato nel partito Repubblicano ?
Poi ci sei tu! La tua famiglia è strana, strana forte, non centri nulla con loro, e la cosa peggiore è che per loro tutto ciò è normale, sono genitori bizzarri, fratelli strani, e sei pure circondata d’amore e attenzione, questo ti fa imbestialire perché vorresti essere “normale” come lo sono tutti al di fuori della tua famiglia. Giocare la pecora gialla significa nascere tra i Freak e inseguire spasmodicamente la normalità, la banalità, la quiete.
Add 1 to Hot (Max 3). Add 1 to Cold (Max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (Max 3). Add 1 to Dark (Max 3). Take another Sheep move. Take another Sheep move. Left Family with a Gang. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin.
Skin Designed By:
La Pecora Gialla Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Lucita, Miele, Aurora, Sophia, Vladimir, Isaac, Joshua, Storm, Ocelot, Skorpio, Simone, Rancie
Abbigliamento casual, abbigliamento radical, abiti tradizionali, abiti zingari, abiti che odi, tatuaggi e piercing
Un nome neutro, un nome con un significato, un nome che detesti
Occhi alieni, occhi esotici, occhi albini, occhi distanti, occhi avidi, occhi furiosi
Origin Circle one: Parenti che detesti, parenti che non comprendi, parenti sovrannaturali, parenti strani, parenti serpenti, ultima erede
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these:
Cold Volatile Dark
Ogni volta che sei con il tuo BFF quando lui o tu subite l’effetto di un Infiammare, Gelare o Punire tira in DARK 10+ scegli tu chi lo subisce tra il tuo BFF, tu o entrambi. 7-9 scegli tu se lo subisce solo il tuo BFF o entrambi 6- lo subisce solo il tuo BFF come fosse 10+
Experience Points
Dai a un PG a tua scelta la condizione di BFF e prendila anche tu. Eri amico di qualcuno e poi è finita male, dagli +1 Stringa su di te.
Ricco Fisicato Social Bello Bravo in ___________________ Oscuro Ammanicato con __________________________ Elegante Divertente
Parli con Noi ?
advance Your Backstory
E’ l’ora di tagliare i rami secchi. Hai +1 HARM con qualunque affetto/amicizia del tuo BFF
Sei dannatamente (scegli 1): Il tuo BFF può aggiungere +1 ad una STAT a tua scelta in quanto tuo BFF
Hot +1, Cold 0, Volatile -1, Dark 0
Scegli 3 Mosse
Conditions Stats
Treasure Moves
L’hai lasciato da me Quando il tuo BFF ha un bisogno cruciale di un oggetto in scena, fortunatamente l’aveva lasciato da te o comunque tu hai pensato di portartelo dietro. Quando rubano un tuo Token scegli se appartiene a te o al tuo BFF
Figo raccontamelo ancora Ogni volta che il tuo BFF guadagna esperienza scegli:
Tu sai perché Guadagni esperienza anche tu Guadagni +1 Stringa sul tuo BFF
Amico dei miei amici Ogni volta che il tuo BFF guadagna +1 Stringa tu guadagni 1 Forward su quella persona.
Pronto per la Festa ?
Mi hai cercato ?
Ogni volta che vuoi puoi dare al tuo BFF +1 in VOLATILE o in HOT se accetta, guadagni 1 PX e prendi 1 Stringa sul tuo BFF
Puoi apparire quando vuoi in qualsiasi scena ci sia il tuo BFF
Il mio nome come PWD Quando Guardi nell’Abisso puoi scorrere le parole chiave del tuo BFF e trovare la sua PWD per eventuali device o il nascondiglio del suo diario segreto. 10+ trovi l’informazione senza problemi 79 la tua BFF si sente stranamente violata e non riuscirà a dormire prendendo la condizione di Sfinita.
Forse parlavi di Lui Puoi evitare l’effetto di una Condizione applicandola direttamente al tuo BFF. Tira in DARK 10+ il BFF si becca la condizione e tu guadagni +1 Forward per rimuovergliela. 7-9 il tuo BFF si becca la condizione e guadagna +1 Stringa su di te 6- tu e il tuo BFF vi beccate la Condizione e lui può decidere di rimuovere immediatamente BFF e la Condizione appena presa.
Sex Move
Playing The Treasure
Quando fai sesso con qualcuno sei appagato tu e il tuo/i BFF prendete +1 Stringa sul tuo parter.
Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro. Tu sei quel tesoro, sei il Sidekick perfetto, sei il Robin di Batman, il Pinotto di Gianni, il Soldato di Inverno di Cap ecc …
Se fai sesso con la/il BFF vi sentite “strani” avete subito bisogno di trovare un BFF differente.
Darkest Self Oppps, la tua BFF ha perso la Condizione di BFF … non è importante come, non può essere una svista, era tua BFF … 4 EVER ora pagherà e pagherà caro non aver risposto al telefono o aver preso le distanze perché il “tipo è geloso”. Qualunque sia il motivo della perdita dello Status di BFF va rimosso. Se accetterà di tornare la tua BFF sarà tutto come prima, altrimenti dovrai rimuovere anche lei. (Oppure farci sesso … i Trombamici non sono mai BFF, non si Trombamicizza per sempre).
Essere te, significa giocare l’amico stimolante, propositivo, sempre disponibile … quello però che, talvolta, viene messo in ombra … ma la prendi col sorriso sulle labbra. Gli amici possono anche sbagliare, tu sei li apposta per redimerli, perdonarli ecc …
Add 1 to Hot (Max 3). Add 1 to Cold (Max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (Max 3). Add 1 to Dark (Max 3). Take another Treasure move. Take another Treasure move. Enjoy your BFF Gang/Team. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin.
La mia Reginetta non mi dirà che basta un lutto in famiglia per trattenerla … se vuoi passo io a prenderti a casa con Gelato, Compassione, Compressione, Compresse di Ansiolitici e due biglietti per il Concertone. Chi trova un amico trova un tesoro e tu, amica mia, hai me.
L’importante è che non si dimentichino mai del loro tesoro. Perderanno il fidanzato ? Sarai li per loro, verranno bocciati ? tu ci sarai … loro sono dei parassiti, e li hai perdonati … BFF! Best Friend 4 EVER … Basta che le cose rimangano così 4 EVER altrimenti anche il tuo odio, la tua indifferenza, la tua capacità di far male diverrà 4 EVER !
Skin Designed By:
Kaludeliko Advancement
Hey ciao, allora, sei dei nostri ? Senza di te sai che gli altri sono persi !
Il Tesoro Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Abe, Stefy, Deb, Efrem, Ghermay, Ghibli, Hilary, Ilary, Novak, Nora, Tuck, Zu, Zed, Aaron
Vestito come il suo amico, vestito per uscire, vestito come l’amica, vestito per l’occasione
Un nome che inizia per A, un nome che inizia per Z, un nome con le lettere consecutive
Occhi furbi, occhi vincenti, occhi penetranti, occhi euforici, occhi come i suoi
Origin Circle one: BFF, Imp, Ex-Simpatico, Buddy-Friend, CoInquilino, Compagno di Squadra, Esperimento Fallito
Sex Move Quando fai sesso con qualcuno marca esperienza. Se il partner è Ossessionato, rimuove la condizione. Se il partner non è Ossessionato scegli un altro personaggio, lui/lei vedrà voi fare sesso. Lancia in Ossessione pericolosa 10+ scegli se la vittima diventa: Ossessionata da Te, ossessionata dal Partner, ossessionata da voi e applica gli altri effetti. 7-9 la vittima sceglie, 6- diventi Ossessionata dall’osservatore.
Darkest Self Abituata a stare nel mirino, il tuo Se-Oscuro si manifesta appena smetti di essere l’ossessione di qualcuno. Hai subito bisogno di diventare l’Ossessione di qualcuno. Uscirai dal tuo Se-Oscuro appena riceverai una ferita, appena morirà qualcuno per causa tua o appena avrai fatto sesso.
Giocare l’Ossessione Essere l’Ossessione di qualcuno è sempre un’arma a doppio taglio. Pronta ad essere la Vena del Vampiro come Curandera o la Vittima Sacrificale dei personaggi più Oscuri con Ossessione Oscura. Giochi un pericolosissimo “Gatto col Topo” dove sei solo un Topolino particolarmente nichilista, al limite della Psicosi. Non riuscirai mai ad avere veri amici ma la Cronaca Nera ti donerà tutta la popolarità di cui hai bisogno. Un cambio improvviso di direzione manifesterà invece il tuo pericolosissimo “Se Oscuro”
La Regina è il sogno sui sedili ribaltabiili dei pervertiti, tu sei il desiderio nel portabagagli dei depravati. Farebbero di tutto pur di averti. Farebbero di tutto perché tu possa non essere di nessun altro. Ha più potere il carnefice o una vittima consapevole quando la vittima diventa l’Ossessione del proprio Carceriere ?
Ginger, Sugar, Honey, Beef, Gas, Tequila, Midori
Straordinario, Unico, Casual, Urban Survival, Fluorescente, Total Black
Un nome di qualcosa che si possa bere, di qualcosa che si possa mangiare, di qualcosa che può essere consumato
Occhi sfuggenti, occhi vacui, occhi grandi, occhi profondi, occhi piangenti
Scegli un Nome
Advancements o Take another Obsession move o Take another Obsession move o Take a Move from any skin o Take a Move from any skin o You belong to an Other Character Gang o Add 1 to any Stat
Cerchiane uno per lista
Origine Scegline una
In fuga, in trasferta per studio, giunta da poco in città, amnesia totale, Blood Doll
Nome: Stats: Add 1 to one of these: Hot 1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark -1
Carry Forward
Obsession Moves
You get this one then choose two more
X Ossessione pericolosa
Quando qualcuno è Ossessionato da te lancia HOT: 10+ scegli un bonus e la tipologia di ossessione: Bonus: +1 to Harm You, +1 to Harm a Every Other, +1 Forward, Give 2 Strings to you Tipologia: “Ucciderei per te”, “Morirei per te”, “Tu mi appartieni”, “Non sarai di nessun altro”, “Non sarai di nessuno”. 7-9 tu scegli il bonus o la tipologia, l’ossessionato esegue l’altra scelta 6- L’ossessionato sceglie tipologia e bonus
O Ossessione Proibita Quando qualcuno lancia in HOT con te come bersaglio con 9- attiva Ossessione Pericolosa
Your Backstory: Qualcuno è Ossessionato da te: Se PG e consenziente dagli la condizione “Ossessionato da Te”. Qualcuno ti spaventa concedigli due Stringhe su di te.
Harm: Experience:
O Due di Spade
O Muori per me
Se rifiuti l’amicizia, l’avances o la proposta di qualcuno attivi Ossessione Pericolosa
Quando un Ossessionato da te muore puoi cancellare la condizione di ossessionato e regalargli una Death Move, tu marchi esperienza.
Other Moves
O Ossessione Oscura Quando qualcuno guarda l’abisso per avere informazioni di te, tu sai come ti percepisce, come ti vorrebbe, come ti desidera e attivi Ossessione Pericolosa
O Salvami Quando sei in pericolo puoi evocare in scena qualcuno Ossessionato da te. La vittima rimuove la condizione di Ossessionato
O Curandera Il tuo corpo è cibo per la depravazione. Quando qualcuno ti morde, beve, o fa sesso particolarmente logorante con te. Tu subisci 1 Harm lui cura 2 Harm. Attiva così Ossessione Pericolosa
Sex Move
When you have sex with someone, they can give you one command—one thing you could reasonably accomplish. If you succeed definitively, take a String on them. If you fail definitively (not just fail a roll—I mean completely fuck it up), immediately take 2-harm
Darkest Self
You have power. No, you are power. But you need direction; you’re a hammer without a hand to hold you, lying on a bed of nails. The world floods with signs and symbols and you know what they all mean—if only someone would listen! Your Darkest Self’s filters and barriers come down, the social graces which hide your lunacy from civilization; and all of a sudden you answer every question with the truths of your faith, even if that question was, “Did you hear Jeremy Lin’s going to Houston?” You cleave tightly to perceived authority figures, carrying out tenfold what they asked of you but once, whether they like it or not. To escape your Darkest Self, you must reject one of your faith’s tenets, or have someone outside your cult acknowledge its worth.
○ Take another Acolyte move. ○ Take another Acolyte move. ○ Take a move from another Skin. ○ Take a move from another Skin. ○ You have Minions of your Very Own. ○ Add 1 to Hot (max 3). ○ Add 1 to Cold (max 3). ○ Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). ○ Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Play the Acolyte Secretive, unstable, zealous. The Acolyte is all about that crucial teenage value of conformity, about trading your individuality for power and regretting nothing, at least until it’s too late. Your conformity isn’t blind and straightforward, though. That’d be too easy. Your moves reward a combination of following orders and questioning them. This isn’t just a Cthulhu cult thing; many, though not all, who believe in something—a religion, a political party, an individual, whatever—experience that dichotomy. The more you care, the more you question, and vice versa. For the Acolyte, the answers to those questions often come from without—other gang members, the gang leader—but also from within, from the abyss itself. You may not be in charge of your gang, but Tribunus Plebis and You Rebel Scum mean that anyone who wants either to work effectively with a gang or to avoid getting backstabbed needs to reckon with you.
You’ve seen the signs. Stars align, the Long Count You’ve seen the signs. Stars align, the Long Count Calendar runs out of pages, a man appears with snow-white hair and burning eyes. Others run, they hide, they deny it, they’re afraid, alone; but you wanted a part of something bigger. Alone you’re weak, but together, with a firm hand guiding you, you’ll walk on fire and raise the dead. In the final moments they’ll all learn what you knew all along, just you and those like you, justified by faith apart.
Choose One
Choose one per list
Alex, August, Hilda, Horace, Jane, Jones, Kofi, Lee, Maḥmūd, Mary, Ren, Sam
bared, crooked, formal, menacing, shrouded
An androgynous name, a fake name, a popular name, a Victorian name
innocent eyes, inviting eyes, nervous eyes, wild eyes, wrongcolored eyes
Origin Choose one
Desperate to belong, heard the call, indoctrinated, runs in the family, thinks it’s a game
Name: Stats: Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1
Carry Forward Conditions
Acolyte Moves
You get this one then choose two more
● True Believer You belong to any one gang you want, whether it’s the Queen’s clique, the Infernal’s needy fiends, or a NPC gang. Membership fills you with faith and/or devotion; figure out what that means for you. When you help or interfere with a gang member, roll with whatever they rolled (but apply your ±, not theirs). On a hit, PCs take +1 (help) or -2 (interfere) now, and NPCs act with Advantage or Disadvantage respectively. On a 7-9, you also expose yourself to scorn, danger, retribution, or cost.
○ I’ll Be Your Mirror Whenever you’re supposed to enter your Darkest Self, spend a String on someone to enter their Darkest Self instead.
○ Omega
Your Backstory: Give your gang leader—or, if that’s a NPC, the PC you want to supplant them—two Strings. You’re trying to recruit someone, and you think you’ve got an angle. Take a String on them.
Harm: Experience:
When you follow someone else’s orders, carry 1 forward. When you roll a miss in pursuit of that goal, mark XP.
You see portents of a great event: a sleeping god’s return, the Rapture, Chen finally asks Morgan out, whatever you want as long as it won’t stop play dead—like, “the end of the world” means the end of the world starts, not lights out right now. Draw a little countdown clock that looks like your harm circle. Mark two of the quarters with occurrences; the MC marks the other two. When one of those things happens, fill in that quarter, mark XP, and give a String to whoever made it happen. You can’t just make them happen yourself— someone else has to take the lead. When they all fill in, in whatever order, your great event happens. Now what do you do?
○ Seventh Sign
○ Tribunus Plebis Anyone trying to manipulate a gang to which you belong may lobby for your aid. They may offer you a String each for any of the following effects on one roll—they choose, but feel free to make suggestions. ~ you whisper support: +1 to manipulate the gang ~ you stoke their enthusiasm: +2 to rolls when the gang helps them instead of +1 ~ you redouble your strength: +2 harm instead of +1 harm in acts of violence No doubling up on individual choices: so they could give you 2 Strings for a +1 to manipulate the gang and a +2 on help rolls, but not for a +2 to manipulate.
○ Without Number When you die, immediately switch to playing another gang member. Your new Acolyte has all the same stats and moves and strings, but has a new name (chosen from the list, can’t make ‘em up for this one). Roll with dark. On a hit, you start with a String on whomever you consider most responsible for your last Acolyte’s death; on a 7-9, you also start with the Condition expendable. You can keep pulling this shit until you run out of names to choose from, and then you’re dead dead dead.
○ You Rebel Scum When you stir up dissent against your leader, roll with volatile. On a 10+, choose three. On a 7-9, choose one. ~ no one who’s not supposed to find out finds out ~ opinion turns against the leader ~ they’re confused, hesitant, full of questions, and ineffective ~ you gain a String on the leader
Sex Move If you haven’t already done so, reveal your True Nature to that person. If they accept you, give them a string and they choose one condition you get to remove. If you disgust them, give them two strings and take 1 forward to moving against them.
Darkest Self Do they know? Your True Nature and the thought of keeping it secret consumes you. You need to find out who knows, and to make sure they won’t tell. And do anything to make sure the secret won’t get out - or if it does make sure they are looking anywhere but at you. The concept of protesting too much doesn’t occur to you. You escape your darkest self either when you think no one knows or when someone who knows offers you acceptance.
Advancements o Gain 1 Hot o Gain 1 Cold o Gain 1 Volatile o Gain 1 Dark o Take one move from this skin o Take one move from this skin o Gain one move from your Cover Skin o Gain one move from your Cover Skin o Gain a network of Shoggoth-kin
For as long as you can remember you’ve heard people talk about Deep Ones, and how they are the spawn of things older than the earth. How they corrupt the young. How they lead people to beings whose mere presence blasts the sanity of humans. How they have recessive genes, so
Playing the Deep One The Deep One is a metaphor for being in the closet in a really conservative area. A lot of the moves (Corrupting the Youth, Bringing the Storm, Unnatural Desires) take the premise that many of the worse things claimed by fundamentalist preachers are true. They aren’t of course - but this doesn’t stop people believing them. Especially unfortunate people contending with their own uncertain desires. If you feel too uncomfortable with move names, rename them e.g. Corrupting the Youth to Our Precious Bodily Fluids, Bringing the Storm as Falwell’s Flood or the like. But playing ironically is not keeping the story feral. The heart of the skin is, of course, the Masquerade. Via passing you have a Cover Skin that you are pretending to be, or also are - it just isn’t consuming you (if you don’t want a monstrous cover, pick a fairly mundane move here from a skin like Mortal or Chosen). Ending the Masquerade is, of course, coming out of the closet. Metamorphosis is the dark ending, and has the potential to derail games. You can’t move in normal society, so it should only be taken in the last couple of sessions. But take it if that’s what honesty demands, whether for pathos or to become a dangerous menace that’s everything everyone’s ever told you a Deep One is. And speak to your MC before taking it, especially as the only way out is to change skins - and to have taken it before ending the masquerade. After it’s theoretically irrevocable. Projection is not a metaphysical move, just a mechanical reflection of a common and harmful coping mechanism. Unnatural Desires can be played either way.
For as long as you can remember you’ve heard people talk about Deep Ones, and how they are the spawn of things older than the earth. How they corrupt the young. How they lead people to beings whose mere presence blasts the sanity of humans. How they have recessive genes, so nd you? You’ve just discovered you are a Deep One. It’s all true! Keep your nature secret, keep yourself safe - and if people find out you are a monster hope that they find the Cover Skin you are passing as. Or reach out to the people you can, knowing many will reject you because of who you are. After all, no one wants to be alone.
You’ve seen the signs. Stars align, the Long
Name Choose a Name from one Cover Skin
An ordinary name, an ancient name, a strong name, a misgendered name, a mischosen name
Look Flamboyant, Powerful, Bruised, Freightened, Scarred Darting eyes, liquid eyes, haunted eyes, deep eyes, violet eyes
Origin Choose one
Like Grandpa, recessive genes, corrupted, dark magic, you don’t know
Name: Stats: Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
Carry Forward
Deep One Moves You get these two then choose one more * Masquerade You have a True Nature - that of a
Deep One. If someone learns your True Nature in your presence gain 1XP. A PC who knows adds 1 to all rolls against you, while an NPC who learns may immediately make a Hard Move and gains a string against you. When you take a Season Advance you may End the Masquerade, and replace Masquerade with any advance. You may trade both Sex Move and Darkest Self with your cover skin. After you’ve Ended the Masquerade the first time you meet: ● Any PC who knew your True Nature, you can thank them and give them 1XP and 1 forward or not. ● Any NPC who knew you but not your True Nature may immediately make a hard move
* Passing Choose one move from another skin.
Harm: Experience: OOOOO
Your Backstory: You revealed your True Nature to someone. They gain two strings on you. You are terrified of someone finding out. They gain two strings on you. You are used to secrets and lies. Gain one string against everyone.
The skin this move belongs to becomes your Cover Skin
O Cold Blooded. You are cold blooded, amphibious, and able to breathe under water. Like many reptiles you regenerate even lost limbs, and heal twice/session for +1 Harm
Other Moves
O Unnatural Desires: Whenever you roll to Turn Someone On, roll with Dark.
O Bringing the storm. The weather follows your mood. When you Run Away in the rain use Cold. When you call on the Old Gods for help in the storm, you may call a lightning strike, Lashing Out with Dark for +1 harm against someone exposed to the storm O Corrupting the Youth When you slowly and intentionally turn someone hot on a hit you may give them the condition Corrupted. When someone is Corrupted ● Gain +1 on all rolls against them ● They gain 1XP whenever they spread this condition to someone else (NPCs act at advantage)
O Projection When you successfully Shut Someone Down by claiming that they are a Deep One you may give them the condition Scapegoat. While someone is a Scapegoat no one can learn your True Nature from anyone but you. Gain 1 on all rolls to hurt them
O Metamorphosis You become a Shoggoth; a horror of dozens of tentacles, rendering the Masquerade irrelevant.. The first time a PC sees you they must Hold Steady or Run Away - most NPCs just run. The following skin moves are upgraded: ● Unnatural Desires: Add 1 to your roll ● Bringing the Storm: Buildings may be damaged with this move - an average house can take 6 harm. ● Corrupting the Youth: Any building you spend the night in becomes Corrupted and passes the Corrupted condition to anyone who spends the night in it. ● Cold Blooded: you can regenerate from a single tentacle in hours.
Deep One v 0.33 by Francis Dickinson
Sex Move
When you and another character have sex, They Hold 1. The next time they would mark their fourth Harm Box, they instead spend their Hold and heal all Harm.
Darkest Self
You have abused your powers too long and lost the privilege of being special and valuable. Nobody gives a fuck about you now that you’ve had your scythe taken away. In every face and word it is written; you are nothing without it. You will do anything to get it back. Escape your Darkest Self when you have resolved and repented for your irresponsibility to the satisfaction of the Higher Ups or when you take on an even greater responsibility.
+1 Hot +1 Cold +1 Dark +1 Volatile Gain the remaining Powers of Death. Create a new Power of Death with the
MC. You have Dead Colleagues Take a new Reaper Move. Take a new Reaper Move. Take a Move from another Skin
Play the Reaper The Higher Ups: Your Power comes with a price tag; you have to fulfill the duties of the Reaper by ferrying the Dead to their final resting places, maintaining the balance of Fate, and striking down those who would live forever. You receive your assignments from The Higher Ups. How do they appear to you?
The Icy Cold Touch of Death is Inevitable. Kings, Mountains, Dynasties, the Beautiful, the Poets, the Saints, the Oceans—all crumble before Him in time. We feel Him constantly, just out of sight, and no matter how we run, when he reaches out to tap our shoulder, he’ll only be a step behind. ...So that’s you, huh? I was expecting someone taller
A Choir of Angels, a Voice in my Head, A Looming Figure in Black, Overbearing Store Manager, Board of Trustees, Wears the Faces of those who have Passed
Choose One
Choose one per list
Damian, Jill, Jack, Elle, Light, Ned, Grey, Morrigan, Steph, Thane, Hellin
Concealed, Pale, Average, Lanky, Nervous
A Macabre Name, A name associated with Power, A Working Stiff’s Name, A Forgettable Name
Hollow Eyes, Normal Eyes, Ashamed Eyes, Judgmental Eyes, Sarcastic Eyes, Nurturing Eyes
Origin Choose one
Stumbled on the Power, Grim’s Replacement, Grim’s Heir, Amnesiac God of Death, It’s just my Day Job
Name: Stats: Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
Carry Forward Conditions
Harm: Experience: OOOOO
Someone knows the secret of how to contact the Higher Ups; ask them if they want something from you. If they do, give them a String. If they don’t, take a String on them. Someone embodies all that is Light and Life. Give them two Strings.
You get this one then choose one more
X Burden of Power
Your Backstory:
Reaper Moves
When you call upon one of your Powers of Death in the direct pursuit of a job assigned by the Higher Ups, it happens just like that. When you call upon a Power of Death for any other reason, Roll+Dark. On a 10+, it happens, just like that. On a 7-9, it happens, but choose 1: -Someone inconvenient learns that you have played god and tipped the scales of life and death in your favor. -Someone learns the secret of how to call upon and communicate with the Higher Ups. -The Price is taken in Blood; take 2 Harm.
O Job Perks When you reach into the void to bring someone back from the dead, Roll+Dark. On a 10+, Fate is rewritten; they weren’t quite as dead as you thought, or they just happen to find a convenient way back to true life. On a 7-9, their body is reanimated, but their player chooses 1: -The Danger hasn’t been avoided, just delayed, and it will come for you instead. -They come back “wrong” in some way. -Upper Management finds out, and you instantly become your Darkest Self.
O Errand Boy When you successfully complete a task assigned by an authority figure, or when you do a favor for someone when you really shouldn’t, Mark XP
O Give me a Chance When you fail to live up to someone’s expectations and beg their forgiveness, gain a String on them.
O Get on Your Good Side When someone flirts with or bribes you, they Mark XP. When someone asks you for a favor, and you use your Reaper powers for them, they lose a String on you.
Reaper Power Choose Two
O Dimensional Shift: You and/or any characters who are linked to you by hand leave the mortal realm and enter the Netherworld. It is possible to reach many other planes through the Netherworld, but you are not the only ones there. You may return yourself or any of the others with a snap of your fingers, appearing in any location in the Mortal Realm that you wish. O Locate: A path to reach the character of your choice is immediately offered (someone leaves the back door of their car open, you find plane tickets on the ground, a mystical gateway opens at your feet, etc). You might not know where you are going, but they will be there. O Alter Fate: You place your hand over a person who is afflicted by an ailment or Condition and they are healed of that Condition, but choose someone else in your presence (you may choose yourself) to gain the Condition. Alternatively, you may spend a String on someone who is not present to give the Condition to them instead. O Summon: You call forth the spirit of one of the deceased. They will aid you with a single task (answering a few questions, leading you somewhere, etc.) but after that, they can choose whether to return to their final resting place or remain on Earth as one of the restless dead. O Banish: With a snap of your fingers a Spirit, Demon, or Otherworldly Power is instantly returned to their home (for example, a Demon would be sent to Hell; a Ghost would return to their body’s final resting place). O The Scythe: someone that they will die soon; you need not speak words, but they must understand you. The next time they take Harm, they will take +3 Harm.
Sex Move
Playing The Muse
When you have sex with your protegé, they can act as if they had your Catacombs move until either of you has sex with someone else. If you have sex with someone besides your protegé, you can treat them as if they are a second protegé until either of you has sex with someone else.
As the Muse, you are a frustrated genius, capable of taking your field to a whole new level - or you would be, if something wasn’t holding you back. Some sort of terrible injury, disfigurement, or other obstacle prevents you from truly reaching the heights you were destined for...but you can still teach, and your crazed brilliance manifests itself in an obsessive focus on the one you’ve chosen to be your student. You’ll do anything - no matter how vile - to see them succeed.
Darkest Self There’s only one person in the world who truly understands your genius and your torment, and you will do anything it takes to make them yours forever. Kidnap your protegé and take them back to your Catacombs, and make it clear that from now on their entire life is going to be about learning from you and making you happy. Destroy anyone who interferes. You can only escape your Darkest Self when your protegé takes harm as a result of your actions.
Advancement m Take another Muse move. m Take another Muse move. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a move from another Skin. m You have Secret Minions. m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). Skin Designed by:
Topher Gerkey Stock Art by:
Masked Angel allows you to have a somewhat normal teenaged life, so take advantage of the fact that nobody knows you’re secretly the “Phantom” haunting the school. If your game is set in an environment other than a school, pick the most central and frequently used location to place the Catacombs (which could be a deserted bomb shelter, a natural cave network, or even actual catacombs). Most of your moves are focused around your protegé, as you might expect, but even those that aren’t can be used to clear a path for them. Judas Hole and O.G. are great for blackmailing potential obstacles, and Punjab Lasso offers a more violent and perhaps permanent solution to your protegé’s rivals. The Secret Minions gang advancement can represent sympathetic friends or family members who know your dual identity, blackmailed victims who have no choice but to obey you, or broken, enthralled former students desperate for another chance to become your protegé again.
Christian was amazing in his last game. You knew he would be. All it took for him to shine was your special training...and the coach finding out his video collection wasn’t so secret...and the original quarterback’s awful leg-breaking accident. But now homecoming is coming up, and Christian has been blowing off your training sessions to spend time with Rhonda. It’s okay. You have a solution for that. And Christian will thank you when the scholarships come rolling in. You just know it.
The Muse Name
Abner, Erika, Etta, Jason, Karla, Petrie, Santini, Shawna, Song, Winslow
fidgety, scarred, pale and sickly, disabled, well-dressed
Choose a name:
A haunted name, an overlooked name, an artistic name, an archaic name, a melodic name
Choose a skill: Composing or performing one style of music or dance; creating one type of visual art; writing or performing one type of theater, writing one form of prose or poetry, playing one sport
Circle one in each list:
broken eyes, hopeless eyes, fanatical eyes, inspired eyes, jealous eyes
Circle one: born disfigured, Faustian bargain, terrible accident, targeted by a rival, crippling insecurity
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
Experience Points: >> advance mmmmm
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Choose one person to be your protegé. Take three strings on them and give them one string on you. You’ve spied on someone else who caught your interest. Take one string on them.
Muse Moves
You start with these two, and choose one more: Masked Angel When you wear a mask, no one can perceive your true identity. When you spend a scene training your protegé in your virtuoso skill while masked, take a string on them. The next time they perform the skill publicly, they do so at a level of expertise far above what they could manage on their own. Catacombs Your school has a secret sub-basement, accessed through a variety of hidden doorways and passages, and you have made it your own. When you’re on campus and you run away, you can treat a 6-9 as a 10 up, but the person chasing you is now aware that the Catacombs exist. m Don Juan Triumphant When you are performing your virtuoso skill and wearing a mask, you can roll with Cold instead of Hot to turn someone on or manipulate an NPC. Take +1 to the roll if you are performing for your protegé. m O.G. When you send a threatening or blackmailing note to someone you have strings on, roll with +1 to shut someone down even if you’re not in the scene when they read it.
Other Moves
m Grasshopper or Scorpion? When you force your protegé to make a choice between spending time with you and pursuing some other interest or relationship, they choose one: } They stay with you, you get a string on them, and they get +1 forward (or advantage) toward their next performance with your virtuoso skill. } They leave to pursue their other interest, they lose a string on you if they have any, and you get +1 forward toward interfering with or harming their other interest. m Judas Hole When you are in your Catacombs and you spy on someone through a peephole and learn a secret about them, take a string on them. If you're spying on your protegé, take two strings. m Punjab Lasso When you spend a scene setting up an elaborate trap, you can roll with Dark instead of Volatile to lash out physically at someone who enters the trapped area, even if you aren’t present. Your Catacombs are always considered to be trapped, without requiring a setup scene. m Toccata and Fugue When your protegé discovers your true identity for the first time, mark experience. They can choose to keep training with you, or to abandon you and mark experience. If they choose to abandon you, you can choose a new protegé and get +1 forward toward harming the old one.
Sex Move
Playing The Muse
When you have sex with your protegé, they can act as if they had your Catacombs move until either of you has sex with someone else. If you have sex with someone besides your protegé, you can treat them as if they are a second protegé until either of you has sex with someone else.
As the Muse, you are a frustrated genius, capable of taking your field to a whole new level - or you would be, if something wasn’t holding you back. Some sort of terrible injury, disfigurement, or other obstacle prevents you from truly reaching the heights you were destined for...but you can still teach, and your crazed brilliance manifests itself in an obsessive focus on the one you’ve chosen to be your student. You’ll do anything - no matter how vile - to see them succeed.
Darkest Self There’s only one person in the world who truly understands your genius and your torment, and you will do anything it takes to make them yours forever. Kidnap your protegé and take them back to your Catacombs, and make it clear that from now on their entire life is going to be about learning from you and making you happy. Destroy anyone who interferes. You can only escape your Darkest Self when your protegé takes harm as a result of your actions.
Advancement m Take another Muse move. m Take another Muse move. m Take a move from another Skin. m Take a move from another Skin. m You have Secret Minions. m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). Skin Designed by:
Topher Gerkey Stock Art by:
Chyla Marie
Masked Angel allows you to have a somewhat normal teenaged life, so take advantage of the fact that nobody knows you’re secretly the “Phantom” haunting the school. If your game is set in an environment other than a school, pick the most central and frequently used location to place the Catacombs (which could be a deserted bomb shelter, a natural cave network, or even actual catacombs). Most of your moves are focused around your protegé, as you might expect, but even those that aren’t can be used to clear a path for them. Judas Hole and O.G. are great for blackmailing potential obstacles, and Punjab Lasso offers a more violent and perhaps permanent solution to your protegé’s rivals. The Secret Minions gang advancement can represent sympathetic friends or family members who know your dual identity, blackmailed victims who have no choice but to obey you, or broken, enthralled former students desperate for another chance to become your protegé again.
Christian was amazing in his last game. You knew he would be. All it took for him to shine was your special training...and the coach finding out his video collection wasn’t so secret...and the original quarterback’s awful leg-breaking accident. But now homecoming is coming up, and Christian has been blowing off your training sessions to spend time with Rhonda. It’s okay. You have a solution for that. And Christian will thank you when the scholarships come rolling in. You just know it.
The Muse Name
Abner, Erika, Etta, Jason, Karla, Petrie, Santini, Shawna, Song, Winslow
fidgety, scarred, pale and sickly, disabled, well-dressed
Choose a name:
A haunted name, an overlooked name, an artistic name, an archaic name, a melodic name
Choose a skill: Composing or performing one style of music or dance; creating one type of visual art; writing or performing one type of theater, writing one form of prose or poetry, playing one sport
Circle one in each list:
broken eyes, hopeless eyes, fanatical eyes, inspired eyes, jealous eyes
Circle one: born disfigured, Faustian bargain, terrible accident, targeted by a rival, crippling insecurity
Carry Forward
Add 1 to one of these: Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1
(Turn Someone On, Manipulate an NPC) m
Cold (Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) m
Experience Points: >> advance mmmmm
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
Your Backstory Choose one person to be your protegé. Take three strings on them and give them one string on you. You’ve spied on someone else who caught your interest. Take one string on them.
Muse Moves
You start with these two, and choose one more: Masked Angel When you wear a mask, no one can perceive your true identity. When you spend a scene training your protegé in your virtuoso skill while masked, take a string on them. The next time they perform the skill publicly, they do so at a level of expertise far above what they could manage on their own. Catacombs Your school has a secret sub-basement, accessed through a variety of hidden doorways and passages, and you have made it your own. When you’re on campus and you run away, you can treat a 6-9 as a 10 up, but the person chasing you is now aware that the Catacombs exist. m Don Juan Triumphant When you are performing your virtuoso skill and wearing a mask, you can roll with Cold instead of Hot to turn someone on or manipulate an NPC. Take +1 to the roll if you are performing for your protegé. m O.G. When you send a threatening or blackmailing note to someone you have strings on, roll with +1 to shut someone down even if you’re not in the scene when they read it.
Other Moves
m Grasshopper or Scorpion? When you force your protegé to make a choice between spending time with you and pursuing some other interest or relationship, they choose one: } They stay with you, you get a string on them, and they get +1 forward (or advantage) toward their next performance with your virtuoso skill. } They leave to pursue their other interest, they lose a string on you if they have any, and you get +1 forward toward interfering with or harming their other interest. m Judas Hole When you are in your Catacombs and you spy on someone through a peephole and learn a secret about them, take a string on them. If you're spying on your protegé, take two strings. m Punjab Lasso When you spend a scene setting up an elaborate trap, you can roll with Dark instead of Volatile to lash out physically at someone who enters the trapped area, even if you aren’t present. Your Catacombs are always considered to be trapped, without requiring a setup scene. m Toccata and Fugue When your protegé discovers your true identity for the first time, mark experience. They can choose to keep training with you, or to abandon you and mark experience. If they choose to abandon you, you can choose a new protegé and get +1 forward toward harming the old one.
Carry Forward
Twin Moves
Altre Mosse
Scegli Ruote, Scegli Branco, Scegli 1 altra mossa
Scegli una
Ruote Stats Add 1 to one of these:
Hai una due ruote indipendentemente dal poterla legalmente possedere/guidare o meno. (Scegli 1)
o La tua moto è Sexy (+1 Hot quando cavalchi) o La tua moto è Maledetta (+1
Hot 0, Cold 0, Volatile +1, Dark -1
Dark quando Guardi nell’Abisso cavalcandola. Inoltre la tua trance non ti porta comunque a fare incidenti)
o La tua moto è Minacciosa (+1
Cold Volatile
nei tiri in COLD quando la cavalchi)
o La tua moto è Corazzata (puoi
distribuire le ferite a tuo piacimento su di te o sulla tua moto: ne ha 4)
Experience Points advance
Your Backstory Un membro del Branco è un vero e proprio fratello concedigli 2 Stringhe Qualcuno una volta si è fatto una notte in cella per te concedigli 1 Stringa
Indossi sempre i colori del tuo Branco, siano essi una bandana, una toppa, un tatuaggio o qualsiasi altra amenità. Quando nomini la tua appartenenza al Branco benefici di tutti i bonus di una Gang. Quando Geli o ferisci qualcuno, gli imponi la condizione di Segnato. Qualsiasi membro del Branco (tu compreso) avrai quindi un +2 ad ogni tiro usando la condizione Segnato a tuo vantaggio.
Figlio dell’Anarchia Hai con te un oggetto personale, un cimelio del Branco. Quando Usi Violenza infliggi 1 HARM addizionale
Plata o Plomo Quando Geli qualcuno hai un bonus a tutti i tiri pari alle ferite che gli hai inflitto
Quattroruote Stai lavorando da tempo per riparare una moto. Quando perdi la tua moto è l’ora di tirarne fuori una nuova. Scegli una nuova mossa da Ruote.
Patente e Vip Pass Hai documenti credibili per passare per maggiorenne.
Amore Violento Quando Infiammi qualcuno che hai precedentemente ferito o Gelato lanci con un +2 al tiro
Traditore Hai almeno 16 anni e il tuo Branco è in effetti una squadra in incognito che lavora per la DEA, la Anti-Gang o una qualsiasi agenzia governativa o corporativa. Tira in COLD per avere rinforzi 10+ scegli 2, 7-9 scegli 1 con 6- hai bruciato il Branco (entri nel tuo Se Oscuro)
o o o o o
Rinforzi: il tuo Branco giunge ed agisce come Gang Arsenale: hai armi da fuoco di quelle veramente toste Merce di Scambio: hai droghe, alcool e prostitute in quantità Valigetta Nera: hai una gran quantità di soldi da mostrare Sat Link: conosci immediatamente la posizione di qualcuno che ha Stringhe su di te
Sex Move
Playing The Centaur
Quando qualcuno fa sesso con te deve prometterti qualcosa e può usare la mossa Branco.
Il tema principale del Centauro è quello del Branco.
Se non vuole prometterti nulla guadagna la condizione di Segnato
Darkest Self Il tuo Se Oscuro si attiva quando vieni esiliato o ostracizzato dal Branco. Prendi la condizione Segnato (che trovi nella mossa Branco) Perdi la mossa Branco e tutti i tuoi 10 contano come 7-9 e i 7-9 come 6- fino a quando non riguadagni la fiducia del Branco.
La famiglia allargata di cui non te ne frega nulla di essere la Regina, né di essere il Consigliere. Vuoi solo far parte di un grande esercito che travalica ogni confine.
Quando sono sulla strada, sono imbattibile, nessuno può fermarmi, ma ci provano, ci provano … e non ci riescono.
A differenza della Gang, non hai bisogno di avere i tuoi fratelli vicino per sentirti forte … sei un Cavaliere Solitario con le insegne del tuo “Chapter” bastano le insegne perché chiunque tremi davanti a voi come si trovasse un’intera Legione da affrontare. Ma senza il tuo Branco sei nessuno ! Senza le loro insegne sei solo un fuggitivo da se stesso e sarà meglio ti trovino già in un fosso, prima che siano loro a gettartici. Traditore è pensata per inserire un elemento fortemente poliziesco nella fiction. Patente e Vip Pass compensano sicuramente nella giusta occasione la tua mancanza di popolarità.
Add 1 to Hot (Max 3). Add 1 to Cold (Max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (Max 3). Add 1 to Dark (Max 3). Take another Centaur move. Take another Centaur move. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin. Join Biker Gang.
Amore Violento rappresenta al meglio il rapporto disturbato tipico delle relazioni disfunzionali nelle gang delle grandi metropoli. La Biker Gang può essere un “Chapter” del tuo Branco oppure un gruppo di ribelli anch’essi Segnati (vedi Branco e Sex Move).
Centauro Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Jackal, Arsenal, Mack, Tigra, Slade, Cobra, Lobo, Knight, Moon, Jefe
Vestito coi colori della Gang, vestito in pelle, vestito da motociclista, poco vestito
Un nome con un significato, un nome bestiale, un nome da motociclista
Occhi sulla strada, occhi all’orizzonte, occhi che hanno visto troppo, occhi che bramano vedere ancora molto, occhiali da sole
Origin Circle one:
Skin Designed By:
Nato nel Branco, cresciuto sulla strada, adottato dalla Gang, star delle due ruote, nato nel Motor Circus, affidato ai servizi sociali
Carry Forward
Twin Moves
Altre Mosse
Scegli una qui e scegli una in altre mosse.
Scegli una
Gemelli Identici
Come Lui
Siete identici nell’aspetto.
Stats Add 1 to one of these:
Tuo fratello ha esattamente la tua Backstory
Quando volete passarvi per l’altro avete un +2 ad ogni tiro e scegli:
Hot 0, Cold 0, Volatile -1, Dark 1
o Omozigote: siete identici e utilizzate entrambi questa PELLE scegliendo ognuno le proprie mosse e look
o Xenozigote: siete identici ma
utilizzate PELLI differenti scegliendo ognuno dalle slot indicate sulla propria PELLE
Gemelli Diversi
Volatile Dark
Siete differenti nell’aspetto. Tuo fratello ha esattamente la tua Backstory
Experience Points advance
Your Backstory Tu e tuo fratello siete strettamente legati, concedigli 2 Stringhe. Qualcuno è particolarmente confuso dalle vostre similitudini guadagna 1 Stringa su di lui.
o Crossgender: siete simili ma di sesso opposto: Quando qualcuno è Eccitato da uno dei due l’altro può Infiammarlo con +1 al tiro.Con 7+ può imporgli la condizione di Sessualmente Confuso. Quando qualcuno è Gelato da uno dei due, l’altro può gelarlo con +1 al tiro. Con 7+ può imporgli la condizione di Sessualmente Confuso.
o Xenozigote: siete diversi e utilizzate PELLI differenti scegliendo ognuno dalle slot indicate sulla propria PELLE
Quando qualcuno è Gelato o Infiammato dall’altro puoi Gelarlo o Infiammarlo trattando i 6- come 7-9, i 7-9 come 10+
Gesthalt Quando agisci insieme al tuo gemello considera i 6- come 7-9, i 7-9 come 10+
Qui, Quo, Qua Quando siete presenti tu e il tuo gemello nella stessa scena potete terminare uno le frasi dell’altro. Tira in DARK 10+ i presenti prendono la condizione di Terrorizzati 7-9 loro prendono la condizione di Terrorizzati e voi di Freak 6- voi due prendete la condizione di Freak
Spinta Narrativa Sai esattamente cosa ci si aspetta da tuo fratello, quando parli con qualcuno tira in DARK 10+ tieni 3, 7-9 tieni 1. Spendi i “Tenuti” per farti rispondere onestamente a queste domande (1 “tenuto” per domanda)
Ami mio fratello ? Ami me ? Quando hai dormito con mio fratello ? Hai mai fatto sesso con mio fratello ? Hai mai pensato a me stando con lui ? Cos’hai promesso a mio fratello ? Cosa ti deve mio fratello ? Cosa potrebbe renderti nemico di mio fratello ?
In caso di 6- “tieni” 1 ma il bersaglio guadagna +1 Forward su di te
Sex Move
Playing The Twin
Sei proprio certa che fossi io ?
Quando fai sesso con qualcuno lancia in HOT 10+ scegli 1, 7-9 sceglie 1 il Partner
I gemelli da sempre alimentano la superstizione, e da sempre avere un gemello apre all’opportunismo, in particolare quando si è teenager.
Allora dimmi, cosa ti ho sussurrato all’orecchio quella notte !
Riveli al Partner come distinguerti +2 Stringhe sul Partner Riveli al Partner un segreto sul tuo gemello (concedi 1 Stringa al tuo gemello, concedi 1 Stringa al tuo Partner sul tuo gemello) Il Partner ha capito cosa vi piace +1 Forward per far qualcosa che vi soddisfi / appaghi
6- sceglie il partner se essere disgustato da tutti e 2 (rimuove tutte le Stringhe) o se preferire l’altro gemello (+2 Stringhe per l’altro e rimuove tutte con te)
Darkest Self Per quanto tu possa amarlo/odiarlo, tuo fratello è parte di te. Se subisce 3 Harm, entri nel tuo Se Oscuro. Farai qualsiasi cosa per salvare tuo fratello o per infliggergli l’ultima ferita.
Add 1 to Hot (Max 3). Add 1 to Cold (Max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (Max 3). Add 1 to Dark (Max 3). Take another Twin move. Take another Twin move. Take a move from the other Twin. Take a move from another skin. Join local Gemini Club.
Passare l’esame della patente, passare gli esami scolastici, coprire le proprie assenze e avere un capro espiatorio a disposizione rendono le persone decisamente opportuniste. Xenozigote è una particolare “mossa” studiata per permettere a due giocatori di poter utilizzare i Gemini senza violare la regola delle PELLI DIVERSE al tavolo. Gesthalt pesca in pieno dall’immaginario dei vari gemelli atleti dei Manga o degli universi supereroistici che aumentano le loro chance di successo agendo in coppia risultando infallibili Qui, Quo, Qua serve invece per realizzare il classico “Creepy Duo” dell’orrore Kubrickiano
La Sex Move ha a che vedere coi “segreti” uno dei temi fondamentali di CdM. Il Gemini Club è un’associazione transnazionale legata a doppio filo a potenti case farmaceutiche, colossi assicurativi e potenti gruppi massonici. Ovviamente è un’associazione molto esclusiva, ed esclusiva, significa Sexy.
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Otto, Anna, Bob, Neven, April, Jule, May, Madison, Sidney, Beverly
Vestito come l’altro, look opposto all’altro, abiti di seconda mano, abiti qualunque, abiti di un'altra realtà
Un nome palindrome, un nome di un mese, un nome di un luogo
Occhi spenti, occhi freddi, occhi folli, occhi vacui, occhi euforici, occhi identici al fratello
Skin Designed By:
Circle one: Gemello buono, gemello malvagio, clone, sosia, visitatore da una realtà alternativa, gemello diverso, gemello identico
Carry Forward
Pasionario Moves
El Tango de la Muerte
You get this one, and choose one more:
La tua felina agilità degna di Tebaldo il Principe dei Gatti ti conferisce +1 Hot, infliggi +1 HARM e hai +1 nel Rimanere Calmo.
El Corazon Stats Add 1 to one of these:
Dopo essere riuscito con 10+ a Infiammare El Corazon puoi dargli la condizione El Corazon.
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
Pasion Notes
Con un tiro di Guardare nell’Abisso puoi aggiungere come domande:
Cold Volatile Dark
o o
Experience Points
Cosa vuole El Corazon Dammi un nuovo dettaglio su El Malvado
advance Your Backstory
El Malvado ora saprà chi colpire, deve solo scegliere come e quando. Tuttavia essere nel tuo mirino le conferisce una forza d’animo straordinaria avrà infatti +1 a Gelare e Infiammare chiunque, inoltre tu saprai ogni volta che viene invocato il tuo nome.
Quando El Corazon è in pericolo lancia in Fuggire con 7+ scegli:
El Corazon fugge con te El Corazon riesce a fuggire El Corazon fugge raggiungendoti El Corazon fugge nel luogo che stai pensando
Con 6- El Corazon fugge diretta nelle braccia del Malvado oppure lo MC applica una Hard Move.
Porque ? Quando la Morte chiama te o El Corazon puoi disperarti e salvare te stesso o El Corazon
La prima volta che entri in scena puoi decidere il MOOD di tutti coloro che sono presenti.
Avverrà qualcosa di peggio a qualcuno che crede nell’amore o che sostenga appieno la tua causa Pasionaria.
Solo El Corazon sarà immune al tuo MOOD.
Mas Sexy
Tutti gli altri dovranno fare un tiro in Rimanere Calmi o subiranno la tua entrata fortemente emozionante. Inutile dire che tutti coloro che riescono nel tiro guadagnano 1 Stringa su di te.
Qualcuno potrebbe diventare El Corazon per ora concedigli 2 Stringhe
Qualcuno ti trova attraente ti concede 1 Stringa
Ti basta cambiare un minimo dettaglio del tuo aspetto per non essere riconosciuto da nessuno. Nemmeno da El Corazon.
El Corazon:
Avendo tempo di prepararti scegli 1:
I tuoi tiri di Gelare hanno anche l’effetto di Infiammare
i tuoi tiri di Infiammare hanno anche l’effetto di Gelare
Sex Move (La Pasion)
Playing The Pasionero
Me amor…no me ama…
Ogni volta fai una di queste azioni, marca la Pasion. Ha 5 marche El Malvado colpirà duro con una Hard Move per cercare di eliminare te o El Corazon.
Giocare il Pasionario (o la Pasionaria) è voler ribaltare uno dei concetti cardine di CdM.
Preparate por eser matado !
o o o o o o o
Usare una Mossa del Pasionario Infiammare El Corazon Gelare El Malvado Imporre la Condizione El Corazon Baciare El Corazon Uscire da solo con El Corazon Fare sesso con El Corazon
Darkest Self Appena el Pasionario dona a qualcuno El Corazon entra in scena El Malvado, solitamente una figura potente, meschina ed oscura che per qualche motivo non vuole permettere l’amore del Pasionario. El Malvado essendo strettamente connesso al Pasionario riesce sempre a sapere le informazioni che traggono El Pasionario e El Corazon guardando nell’Abisso, rimanendo perennemente una mossa in vantaggio sui due poveri amanti. Per allontanare El Malvado, basta che El Corazon rinunci all’amore. El Malvado ritornerà appena El Pasionario avrà scelto un nuovo amore.
Add 1 to Hot (Max 3). Add 1 to Cold (Max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (Max 3). Add 1 to Dark (Max 3). Take another Pasionario move. Take another Pasionario move. Join La Familia. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin.
S’è vero che CdM è un gioco dalle tematiche fortemente Queer, ed è uno dei motivi per cui ci piace tanto, questa Pelle è pensata invece per essere drasticamente, stereotipatamente, disperatamente etero-giocata. Il Pasionario è sessismo allo stato puro, è il Tanghero tutto sensualità e machismo opposto alla Guapa fatta di sessualità e disperazione. E’ il personaggio di una Soap (o spesso il prodotto di un’educazione fortemente bigotta e sessista) che si scontra con un mondo fatto di numerosi grigi e pochissimi bianco/neri. A caratterizzarlo sono il suo Se Oscuro, completamente separato da lui (vista la sua piattezza e monodimensionalità tradizionalista) e la sua mossa sessuale strettamente collegata al Se Oscuro. La tematica del Pasionario è AMARE, DURO, SIEMPRE … ma non riuscirci … MAI a causa del MALVADO, una minaccia chiamata in gioco appena il Pasionario attiva la propria Sex Move. Il Malvado odia l’amore e fa di tutto per ostacolarlo. Non esiste un Pasionario in versione LGBT ? Chi lo sa … tutto può essere. La Familia è una gang fatta tutta di maschietti o di femminucce (West Side Story e Grease docet) che aiutano il Pasionario a coronare il suo amore disperato.
Skin Designed By:
Pasionario Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Bianca, Violeta, Scarlet, Rodrigo, Renzo, Romeo, Julieta, Francisca, Ernesto, Nada
Caballero, Governante, Nobile, Gaucho, Miss Cittadina, Cocktail Dress
Un nome passionale, un nome di un colore, un nome ispanico
Occhi passionali, occhi languidi, occhi lividi, occhi piangenti, occhi sofferenti
Origin Circle one: Famiglia ricca, famiglia povera, famiglia di inservienti, trasferiti dall’Europa, trasferiti dall’America Latina, Gaucho, fuggito a un matrimonio combinato
Carry Forward
Pasionario Moves
Paso Adelante
You get this one, and choose one more:
La tua felina agilità degna di Carmen San Diego ti conferisce +1 HOT e quell’appeal sicuro che ti dà +1 COLD
El Corazon Stats Add 1 to one of these:
Dopo essere riuscito con 10+ a Infiammare El Corazon puoi dargli la condizione El Corazon.
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
Pasion Notes
Con un tiro di Guardare nell’Abisso puoi aggiungere come domande:
Cold Volatile Dark
o o
Experience Points
Cosa vuole El Corazon Dammi un nuovo dettaglio su El Malvado
advance Your Backstory
El Malvado ora saprà chi colpire, deve solo scegliere come e quando. Tuttavia essere nel tuo mirino le conferisce una forza d’animo straordinaria avrà infatti +1 a Gelare e Infiammare chiunque, inoltre tu saprai ogni volta che viene invocato il tuo nome.
Quando El Corazon è in pericolo lancia in Fuggire con 7+ scegli:
El Corazon fugge con te El Corazon riesce a fuggire El Corazon fugge raggiungendoti El Corazon fugge nel luogo che stai pensando
Con 6- El Corazon fugge diretta nelle braccia del Malvado oppure lo MC applica una Hard Move.
Porque ? Quando la Morte chiama te o El Corazon puoi disperarti e salvare te stesso o El Corazon
La prima volta che entri in scena puoi decidere il MOOD di tutti coloro che sono presenti.
Avverrà qualcosa di peggio a qualcuno che crede nell’amore o che sostenga appieno la tua causa Pasionaria.
Solo El Corazon sarà immune al tuo MOOD.
Mas Sexy
Tutti gli altri dovranno fare un tiro in Rimanere Calmi o subiranno la tua entrata fortemente emozionante. Inutile dire che tutti coloro che riescono nel tiro guadagnano 1 Stringa su di te.
Qualcuno potrebbe diventare El Corazon per ora concedigli 2 Stringhe
Carmen San Diego
Qualcuno ti trova attraente ti concede 1 Stringa
Ti basta cambiare un minimo dettaglio del tuo aspetto per non essere riconosciuto da nessuno. Nemmeno da El Corazon.
El Corazon:
Avendo tempo di prepararti scegli 1:
I tuoi tiri di Gelare hanno anche l’effetto di Infiammare
i tuoi tiri di Infiammare hanno anche l’effetto di Gelare
Sex Move (La Pasion)
Playing The Pasionera
Me amor…no me ama…
Ogni volta fai una di queste azioni, marca la Pasion. Ha 5 marche El Malvado colpirà duro con una Hard Move per cercare di eliminare te o El Corazon.
Giocare il la Pasionaria è voler ribaltare uno dei concetti cardine di CdM.
Porque ???
o o o o o o o
Usare una Mossa del Pasionario Infiammare El Corazon Gelare El Malvado Imporre la Condizione El Corazon Baciare El Corazon Uscire da solo con El Corazon Fare sesso con El Corazon
Darkest Self Appena el Pasionario dona a qualcuno El Corazon entra in scena El Malvado, solitamente una figura potente, meschina ed oscura che per qualche motivo non vuole permettere l’amore del Pasionario. El Malvado essendo strettamente connesso al Pasionario riesce sempre a sapere le informazioni che traggono El Pasionario e El Corazon guardando nell’Abisso, rimanendo perennemente una mossa in vantaggio sui due poveri amanti. Per allontanare El Malvado, basta che El Corazon rinunci all’amore. El Malvado ritornerà appena El Pasionario avrà scelto un nuovo amore.
Add 1 to Hot (Max 3). Add 1 to Cold (Max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (Max 3). Add 1 to Dark (Max 3). Take another Pasionario move. Take another Pasionario move. Join La Familia. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin.
S’è vero che CdM è un gioco dalle tematiche fortemente Queer, ed è uno dei motivi per cui ci piace tanto, questa Pelle è pensata invece per essere drasticamente, stereotipatamente, disperatamente etero-giocata. Il Pasionario è sessismo allo stato puro, è il Tanghero tutto sensualità e machismo opposto alla Guapa fatta di sessualità e disperazione. E’ il personaggio di una Soap (o spesso il prodotto di un’educazione fortemente bigotta e sessista) che si scontra con un mondo fatto di numerosi grigi e pochissimi bianco/neri. A caratterizzarlo sono il suo Se Oscuro, completamente separato da lui (vista la sua piattezza e monodimensionalità tradizionalista) e la sua mossa sessuale strettamente collegata al Se Oscuro. La tematica del Pasionario è AMARE, DURO, SIEMPRE … ma non riuscirci … MAI a causa del MALVADO, una minaccia chiamata in gioco appena il Pasionario attiva la propria Sex Move. Il Malvado odia l’amore e fa di tutto per ostacolarlo. Non esiste un Pasionario in versione LGBT ? Chi lo sa … tutto può essere. La Familia è una gang fatta tutta di maschietti o di femminucce (West Side Story e Grease docet) che aiutano il Pasionario a coronare il suo amore disperato.
Skin Designed By:
La Pasionaria Name
Choose a name:
Circle one in each list:
Bianca, Violeta, Carmen, Rodrigo, Renzo, Romeo, Julieta, Francisca, Ernesto, Nada
Caballero, Governante, Nobile, Gaucho, Miss Cittadina, Cocktail Dress
Un nome passionale, un nome di un colore, un nome ispanico
Occhi passionali, occhi languidi, occhi lividi, occhi piangenti, occhi sofferenti
Origin Circle one: Famiglia ricca, famiglia povera, famiglia di inservienti, trasferiti dall’Europa, trasferiti dall’America Latina, Gaucho, fuggito a un matrimonio combinato
Sex Move Quando fai sesso tutti i partecipanti sono appagati, estasiati, felici, purtroppo questo li consuma, il loro spirito non è pronto ad accettare il lato più selvaggio, quindi perdono ogni Stringa con te e tu perdi ogni Stringa con loro. Tra loro guadagnano tutti 1 Stringa.
Se Oscuro Quando il Pianeta soffre, tu soffri con lui, quando la Foresta piange, tu piangi con lei. Quest’empatia ecologica è la tua condanna e ogni volta che fallisci un tiro in Rimanere Calmo, tutti i tuoi tratti animali divengono visibili.
Avanzamenti o Prendi un’altra mossa del Satiro o Prendi un’altra mossa del Satiro o Prendi una mossa da un’altra Pelle o Prendi una mossa da un’alta Pelle o Diventi Membro di un Branco di Satiri o Aggiungi 1 a Hot o Aggiungi 1 a Cold o Aggiungi 1 a Volatile o Aggiungi 1 a Dark Diventi Membro di una Corte Fatata
Giocare il Satiro Il tema del Satiro è l’ecologia. Il Pianeta soffre a causa dell’ingordigia della Civiltà tecnologica e l’arte muore per la razionalizzazione imperante di tutto. L’Uomo impone la conoscenza sull’esperienza, impone la morale sulla gioia, impone l’etichetta sulla spontaneità.
Siamo fatti all’ottanta per cento di acqua, il resto di polvere cosmica. A livello atomico siamo esattamente il pianeta che abitiamo, il cibo che mangiamo, la musica che ascoltiamo e gli amori che viviamo. Non è possibile che l’uomo in un secolo di civiltà del petrolio l’abbia dimenticato solo per il profitto, per l’onnipotenza illusoria per la TV via Cavo. Madre Natura ha esaurito le parole, e ha mandato me a spigare meglio questo concetto.
La tua razza viveva in armonia con la natura incarnando la forza primigenia con canti, balli e orge. Erano i Bardi della corte degli Dei.
Oggi tu incarni l’animo del Guerriero, l’ultimo baluardo contro la civilizzazione. Punk ? Forse ! Militante ? Sicuramente. Fiero di esserlo ? NO ! Ma la tua è una lotta necessaria e il premio è un’Umanità nuova capace di apprezzare tutti i misteri che la Terra è pronta a rivelarci, a dischiuderci e a donarci.
Scegli un nome
Cerchia uno per lista
Thuane, Flora, Pan, Custos, Kuzko, Elk
Militante, Punk, Hippie, Trekking, Succinto
Un nome animale, un nome naturale, un nome leggendario
Occhi avidi, occhi affamati, occhi incantati, occhi rabbiosi, occhi struccati
Origine Scegline una Parenti divini, parenti fatati, benedizione di un Dio della Natura, espiazione di una colpa contro il Pianeta.
Mosse del Satiro Prendi MALEDIZIONE e scegline altre 2
Maledizione: ogni volta fallisci un tiro in Rimanere Calmo, tutti i tuoi tratti animali diventano visibili. Sei obbligato a fare un tiro in Rimanere Calmo anche quando assisti di persona a scempi naturali come violenza sugli animali, l’incendio di una foresta e similari.
Hot +1 Volatile +1 Cold -1 Dark -1
O Orecchie a Punta: Avere questa mossa significa poter percepire sempre la presenza della Natura intorno a te ed ogni via di fuga che ti offre. Puoi quindi aggiungere +2 ai tiri per Fuggire Via.
O Naso Lungo: Avere questa mossa significa O Zoccoli: Avere questa mossa ti permette di poter riconoscere distintamente un odore già ottenere un +2 in Lash Out e Run Away sentito. Quando Guardi nell’Oscurità puoi aggiungere 10+ l’esatta ubicazione dell’odore e O Artigli: Avere questa mossa ti permette di comprendere se c’è del pericolo nell’area con ottenere un +1 Harm in corpo a corpo 7-9 solo l’ubicazione dell’odore. O Corna: Avere questa mossa ti permette di ottenere +1 HOT quando Infiammi Qualcuno O Coda: Avere questa mossa ti permette di ottenere +1 COLD quando Metti qualcuno al suo posto.
O TaxidermiArcana: La tua pelle è coperta di lavori di taxidermia in Ogham o altri alfabeti antichi: possono essere Piercing in Pietra, Venature lignee, formazioni di cristalli o pattern di pelliccia. La tua connessione magica ti garantisce con questa mossa +1 nei tiri di Dark.
O Quadrupede: Avere questa mossa ti permette di rigenerare immediatamente tutte O Zanne: Avere questa mossa significa le tue ferite appena non sei ingaggiato o non guadagnare +1 Forward su chiunque tu abbia stai facendo sesso. morso fino a che le ferite da te inflitte non sono guarite. Quando mordi qualcuno, O Occhi Neri: Il dono di Dionisio ti conferisce entrambi guadagnate 1 Esperienza. un +2 in Manipolare PNG O Lingua Lunga: La tua lingua è anche un organo sovrannaturale che ti permette di parlare (e comprendere) la lingua di ogni pianta, animale o corso d’acqua.
Background Qualcuno conosce un luogo per te inviolabile. Concedigli 2 Stringhe su di te.
O Ruggito: La tua voce selvaggia e animalesca ti garantisce un +1 quando Rimetti qualcuno al suo posto.
Tu conosci qualcuno che sarebbe entusiasta della tua causa ecologica. Guadagni una Stringa su di lui.
Altre Mosse
O Priapismo: i tuoi genitali, siano essi il Pene o i tuoi Seni addizionali ti donano un +1 HOT nell’Infiammare qualcuno
Si ringrazia Thuane per l’ispirazione
Sex Move
Giocare il Saci
Concepisci il sesso in maniera dominante e possessiva. Il tuo partner guadagna 2 Stringhe su di te. Se fa sesso con chiunque altro tu guadagni +1 Harm con lui e con qualsiasi altro suo partner.
Il Saci appartiene alla mitologia Brasiliana, ma è presente in tutta la mitologia africana e legata al Voodoo.
Se Oscuro Abituato all’abuso difficilmente il tuo lato oscuro viene evocato. Tuttavia dopo aver subito 3 ferite. L’area in cui ti trovi viene bersagliata da Tornadi, Trombe Marine e Uragani. Fino a che non ricevi le scuse da chi ti ha ferito o non ricevi cure adeguate gli elementi continueranno a bersagliare incessantemente
Avanzamenti o Prendi un’altra mossa del Saci o Prendi un’altra mossa del Saci o Prendi una mossa da un’altra Pelle o Prendi una mossa da un’alta Pelle o Diventi Membro di un Branco di Disadattati o Aggiungi 1 a Hot o Aggiungi 1 a Cold o Aggiungi 1 a Volatile o Aggiungi 1 a Dark
Caratterizzato, tra le altre cose, dall’essere privo di una gamba, rappresenta tutte le minoranze insieme, è Freak, Dipendente, Nero e Storpio ! In Brasile è diventato il simbolo della rinascita, dello sport e della scienza. E’ l’esempio di chi continua a rialzarsi.
Figlio del Turbine e della Tempesta, antico spirito dell’Africa, del Brasile e dell’incontaminato. Tra gli uomini rappresenti la tenacia, la forza di farcela contro ogni avversità, malattia o abuso. Ovviamente il tuo aspetto sinistro non giova al dialogo, ma non è l’esser parte di una minoranza e combattere la Xenofobia uno dei primi atti di Medicina per curare una menomazione di questa modernità ^
Sempre in guerra contro l’intolleranza sei il nemico della Xenofobia. Purtroppo l’abbruttimento del Mondo ha lasciato spesse cicatrici anche nel tuo animo, che cerca troppo spesso rifugio nella bottiglia o nella pipa.
Scegli un nome
Cerchia uno per lista
Lobato, Red Cap, Cabeza, Monco, Peg Leg, Long John, 20 Cents, Ronaldo, Akimba, Neobe
Hip Hop, Marinaio, Sportivo, Mendicante, Tradizionale, Rastafari
Un nome africano, un nome brasiliano, un nomignolo da zoppo o sciancato, un nome Hip Hop
Sguardo Antico, Sguardo Intossicato, Occhi Cirrotici, Occhi Sporchi, Benda sull’Occhio
Origine Scegline una Curato col Voodoo, Evocato di Recente, Disabile Abbandonato, Giunto col Tornado.
Mosse del Saci Prendi RICONOSIBILE e scegline altre 2
Riconoscibile: hai sempre una gamba in O No Tocca Cappello: Mamma Africa ti ha meno (o una gamba artrofizzata) e un cappello donato le poche cose che possiedi. Non arretri rosso. Se fossi impossibilitato a portare il davanti a nessuno. Aggiungi +1 COLD per cappello i tuoi capelli risulterebbero crespi e di Rimanere Calmo. un rosso accesissimo. Appartieni ad una minoranza dalla pelle scura. O L’erba della Pace: Quando fumi o bevi con gli altri puoi eseguire un tiro di Guardare O Abuso Tossico: Sei immune agli effetti nell’Abisso e mostrargli ciò che vedi sfruttando negativi di droghe, alcool e dopanti. Ti godi lo il valore più alto di DARK tra i partecipanti. sballo senza danni. O C’è un AK47 In ogni angolo di strada: O Abuso Fisico: Immune alla fatica non hai Ovunque ti trovi nel mondo conosci bisogno di mangiare o dormire per VOLATILE l’ubicazione del primo mercato nero. Settimane O Uomo Medicina: Praticante di Magia O Turbine: Sei legato all’elemento del Turbine. Shamanica puoi curare qualsiasi tipo di ferita Tira VOLATILE 10+ Scegli 2 effetti, 7-9 Scegli 1 non sovrannaturale con un tiro di DARK 10+ Effetto 6- Il Turbine si manifesta curi fino a 3 Ferite 7-9 curi fino a 2 Ferite. incontrollabile. • Il turbine infligge 2 Harm ad un soggetto in vista • Il turbine infligge 1 Harm a tutti i soggetti in vista che scegli • Il turbine infligge 2 Harm a tutti i soggetti in vista • Il turbine ti trasporta direttamente in un luogo in vista • Il turbine elimina un elemento dalla scena (auto, casa in legno, gas velenoso, animale di grossa taglia ecc … )
Hot -1 Volatile +2 Cold -1 Dark 0
Altre Mosse
O Retaggio Vodoo: Tira in DARK 10+ sai se c’è un effetto sovrannaturale nell’area e sai vagamente quale possa essere l’effetto. 7-9 sai se c’è un effetto sovrannaturale nell’area ma ignori quale possa esserne l’effetto.
Qualcuno è discriminato, scambiatevi reciprocamente 1 Stringa. Qualcuno ti discrimina. Prendi 1 Stringa su di lui.
O Star dello Sport: Seppur menomato sei un campione paraolimpico. Aggiungi +2 a tutti i tiri in una competizione sportiva in cui puoi partecipare. Marca Esperienza se perdi la competizione. Si ringrazia Thuane per l’ispirazione
Sex Move
Giocare il Beholder
Quando qualcuno dorme nello stesso letto con te o entra fortemente in intimità chiedi “Ci lasceremo mai ?” Se la risposta è Sì si manifesta il tuo Se Oscuro nelle prossime 24h (sceglie il MC quando), se la risposta è NO guadagna 3 Stringhe su di te. Se mai TI lasciasse guadagni +2 Forward da usare su di lui/lei.
Il Beholder letteralmente è colui che “mantiene” o “tiene insieme”. Adora circondarsi di amici e tenerli tutti vicini arrivando a distruggere chi minaccia il circolo delle amicizie e punendo severamente chi cerca di uscirne.
Dark Self Quando anche l’ultimo amico/a ti sta lasciando è il momento di giocare il tutto per tutto per non essere abbandonato. Il tuo attributo di DARK aumenta di 1pt e continuerai ad usare I tuoi poteri fino a che non verrai distrutto o non verrai chiamato amico dal tuo bersaglio.
Advancement Take another Beholder move. Take another Beholder move. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin. Enter in an other PC Gang Create your Superfriends Circle Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Costretto all’eterna solitudine del Minotauro o del Beholder, innalza muri intorno a chiunque gli dia confidenza per non essere mai più abbandonato. Il suo lato oscuro è degno di un Serial Killer o peggio. E’ disposto ad intessere qualsiasi tipo di tossica dipendenza pur di non perdere l’ultimo amico/a, arrivando a simulare malattie, incidenti domestici o privandolo di qualsiasi altro amico/a. Tematica forte chiedete prima ai giocatori se desiderano averlo in gruppo.
Ho dei bellissimi videogiochi vediamoci da me. Ci facciamo una birra insieme ? Ho rubato la patente a mio cugino. Non vorrai uscire ancora con quel cafone, lui non ti merita, perché non rimaniamo qui ad ucciderci di gelato ?
The Beholder Nome
Scegli un nome
Cerchia uno per lista
Iris, CAMmy, EYEvelyn, Edgar, Howard, Gaze, Jareth, Theseus, BULBa, Giacomo, Dante
Emo, Schoolboy, Geek, Cyberpunk, Fatty Boy, Steampunk/Goth
Un nome con l’Occhio, un nome legato al labirinto, un nome solitario
mostra un solo occhio, eterocromia, occhiali da sole, occhiali sci-fi, occhiali cyberpunk, occhiali steampunk
Origine Scegline una Guardiano antico della città, Angelo della Gang, Costrutto digitale umanizzato, “Friendzoned by Witches”
Beholder Moves Scegliene 3
Hot -1 Volatile -1 Cold +1 Dark +1
Background Concedi a tutti tranne uno una Stringa su di te, ti piace la loro amicizia. Scegli uno che può essere un ostacolo alla vostra bella amicizia, tienilo d’occhio, guadagna 1 Stringa su di Lui.
Occhio Verde, Giallo e Rosso Sei naturalmente portato a controllare Semafori e sistemi di sicurezza elettronici. Tira in DARK 10+ hai pieno controllo del sistema 79 il tuo controllo è momentaneo tuttavia MC sceglie: -Lasci una traccia elettronica della violazione - Lasci una traccia sovrannaturale della violazione - Qualcuno sospetta di te per la violazione e guadagna +1 Forward su di te
Sguardo Bruciante Quando conosci il segreto, passione o debolezza di qualcuno e la usi per Infiammarlo usi DARK invece di HOT Occhio Piangente Puoi decidere di recidere tutte le Stringhe che possiedi su qualcuno e questi si sentirà immediatamente il Responsabile, la Causa o la Cura per un tuo problema. Occhio del Basilisco Quando Rimetti al suo posto qualcuno di cui conosci una Debolezza questi non può abbandonare la stanza/luogo fino a quando non lo congedi o non sei tu ad andartene.
Flash Se hai 2+ Stringhe su qualcuno puoi con un tiro in DARK cancellargli e riprogrammargli un Maledizione del Minotuaro evento importante: 10+ Riprogrammazione L’effetto della Maledizione è imprigionare tutti perfetta 7-9 La Riprogrammazione riesce ma: in un indovinello fisico che ABBIA una via -L’obbiettivo prende la condizione di Confuso d’uscita sia essa bussare alla porta invece di - L’obbiettivo prende +1 Forward per indagare spingerla, camminare solo sulle mattonelle sull’accaduto quando affiorerà l’impegno nere o saltare fuori dalla finestra. reale. Tira in DARK 10+ la Mossa avrà effetto su tutti I bersagli Molti Occhi 7-9 Scegli: Quando Guardi nell’Oscurità puoi vedere con -La Mossa ha effetto solo su un bersaglio. gli occhi di chiunque possieda almeno 2+ -La Mossa ha effetto su tutti alleati compresi. Stringhe con te. - La Mossa ha effetto anche su di te. La via di fuga la sceglie lo MC. Occhio del Destino Quando Guardi nell’Oscurità puoi domandare Hypercube un Desiderio, Passione, Segreto o Debolezza a Dotato dello stesso intuito di Teseo e Dedalo qualcuno. 10+ Scegli la domanda e ti risponde non c’è prigione che può contenerti, non perdi sinceramente 7-9 Sceglie LUI la domanda e ti mai il senso dell’orientamento. Qunado Scappi risponde sinceramente 6- non sa perché ma ti Via trovi sempre il modo per arrivare trova fastidioso guadagni la condizione di nell’ultimo punto che consideri sicuro. Bersaglio Mobile Sguardo Disintegrante Malocchio Talvolta salvaguardare un’amicizia richiede di Quando Rimetti qualcuno al suo posto se riesci fare una frittata rompendo qualche uovo. nel tiro lui avrà una serie di sfortune con Guadagni +1 HARM contro qualcuno che hai oggetti meccanici ed elettronici fino a quando già Rimesso al suo posto. tu non deciderai di sospendere l’effetto, fino alla prima ferita che subirà o fino a quando non ti avrà Rimesso al tuo posto.
Sex Move When you have sex with one person, you erase a Condition and they gain a String on you. When you have sex with multiple people, convert one String each participant has on you into a String on another participant.
Dark Self You're spiralling out of control and don't how to put on the brakes; your promises and obligations fall to the wayside. When you want to say something, you say it. When you want to do something, you do it—consequences be damned. Give in to your every temptation (fucking, fighting, or otherwise) without reserve. You escape your darkest self when your satisfaction comes at significant cost to yourself or someone you care about.
Play the Maenad You throw tha party, you make tha party you ARE the PARTY. Everyday with you it’s shinin’ like a Chaotic Dancin’Star. Everyday without you it’s a bored step to decay and sadness … Why your friend refuse to enjoy ?
Indulgent, thrill-seeking, rabblerousing, excessive. The maenad is about peer pressure, the desire to be perceived as fun and cool by your peers, and discovering the dark side of being the life of the party.
Advancement Take another Maenad move. Take another Maenad move. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin. You belong to a Posse of Libertines. Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
Maenade Nome
Scegli un nome
Cerchia uno per lista
Akira, Cyrus, Delilah, Finnick, Javier, Kali, Maddox, Mercedes, Olympia, Scarlett, Tyler, Zora, Cat
tousled, intense, wild, charming, lively
a hipster name, an eccentric name, a sensual name, a plucky name
mischievous eyes, intriguing eyes, sparkling eyes, lustful eyes, mocking eyes
Origine Scegline una leader of the pleasure cult, child of chaos, vice peddler, manic pixie dream girl/boy, rebel without a cause
Maenad Moves Start with this and choose two
Bad Influence When you tempt someone to act against their best interests or stated desires in the name of having fun: if they decline, you gain a String on them or they gain the killjoy condition, their choice. If they accept, they gain a String on you and lose the killjoy condition if they have it.
Hot +1 Volatile -1 Cold -1 Dark +1
When you have fewer Strings on someone than they have on you, they may add 1 to rolls against you as though you have the condition reckless. Ecstasy When you drink alcohol or partake in a moodaltering substance with other people, roll with HOT. On a 10 up, both: carry 1 forward and erase one of your Conditions. On a 7-9, choose one, and give someone in the scene a string on you. Raving When you brag publicly about your decadent or degenerate exploits, add 2 to your roll to turn someone on.
Background Someone really needs to loosen up. Give them two Strings on you, and they start with the condition killjoy. Someone once threw a legendary shindig with you. Take two Strings on them and give them a String on you.
Magnetic When you take this move, pick one: dancing, fighting, or playing an instrument. When you do that thing, your passion is entrancing, cathartic, and all-consuming. Name someone in eyesight or earshot and roll with DARK. On a 10 up, that person just has to come talk to you, and you carry 1 forward toward dealing with them. On a 7-9, that person may choose to erase one of their Conditions or gain a string on you. If they do, carry 1 forward. Tear You To Pieces When you tag a Condition to shut someone down, add an additional 1 to your roll.
Crazy Like a Fox When someone offers you sound advice and you decide aloud on a more extreme course of action, they gain a String on you and you mark experience. Frenzy When you passionately address a crowd (four people or more), roll DARK. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, you choose one and the MC chooses one: -a powerful emotion blankets the crowd, as appropriate (choose one: horny, euphoric, agitated) and everyone in the crowd adds 1 to rolls made toward embodying this emotion; - someone in the crowd gains a String on you but takes -1 to rolls made against you this scene; - someone in the crowd must Hold Steady; on a 7-9 they gain a Condition of the MC's choice rather than the terrified condition - you erase a Condition but take -1 to rolls made this scene.
Other Moves
Sex Move
Play the Sandman
When someone sleeps next to you they have vivid dreams. If they are good dreams they remove a Condition and you may ask them "What do you love?" If they have nightmares they gain the haunted condition and you may ask them "What do you fear?"
You feel other people like an Angel feel Humans. They don’t deserve the Power, they don’t inherit the Power.
Dark Self You can see what they all want. What they all hide. Their guilt and their passion calls to you. So give it to them. What they want - what they deserve. Let them see how terrible it can be to have all their dreams come true. Come out of your Darkest Self when someone fulfills one of your desires.
But Power side with their kind. No Angel has free choice, but Men have choice. Men understand nothing about dreaming, but they can dream … You can’t. Play Sandman is about be blind, create a visual show and feeling the show by the audience.
You walk in a world of dreams and nightmares. Of black miracles and wondrous terrors shaped by those around you. You can see their potential but it's obscured by all the petty bullshit they keep inside. And you envy them anyway because they can dream and you can't. Your dreams are their dreams and it gets so hard to see the real world through the haze of dreamstuff.
Advancement Take another Sandman move. Take another Sandman move. Take a move from another skin. Take a move from another skin. You can’t be in a Gang (Forever Alone). Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
The Sandman Nome
Scegli un nome
Cerchia uno per lista
Eric, Sherazaad, Elizabeth, Etienne, Sheila, Demetrio
dreamy, sleep deprived, ethereal, shadowed
Antique names, British names, fanciful names
intense eyes, bedroom eyes, knowing eyes, haunted eyes, dreamer's eyes
Origine Scegline una A dream in human form, an open mind, incubus or sucubus, disciple of a dreaming god
Sandman Moves
Hot +1 Volatile -1 Cold -1 Dark +1
Background Someone has dream about you Give Him two Strings on You. Someone has dream about you Take two strings from Him.
Start with this and choose two
□ Living Nightmare
Dreamwalker You can enter and explore the dreams of others. When you do roll with Dark, on 10+ take a String on them. On a 7-9, you take a String but you must pick one of the following:
Whenever you Shut Someone Down roll with Dark. If you have asked them "What do you fear?" gain +2 to your roll. □ Living Dream
They can ask you one question that you must You can seemingly make dreams come true. answer truthfully. You can spend a String on someone to have You gain the condition tired. the following effect: You give them a String on you. Believe one false thing to be true till the next Add the following to the list of what you can time you sleep. spend Strings on: - Ask them one question about how they feel □ Pulling a Jung that they must answer truthfully. Dreams can tell you a lot about a person. You Hemolacria can spend a String on someone for the You can distill a potion by your saliva, your following: weeps, or your blood. When ingested permit to target to feel your mood when dreaming. Ask them one question about their past that You give a String to Him. they must answer truthfully Ask them what they feel most proud or guilty Dreamweaver about You can change the very fabric of dreams. □ Maker of Dreams Shaping nightmares and dreamstuff alike. You may spend a String you have on someone to When you bring someone together with have one of the following effects: something they love, mark an xp. If you brought them together with what they love They take 1 harm and gain the they mark an xp too. condition terrified. They heal 1 harm and gain the □ Your Worst Nightmare condition inspired. When you bring someone face to face with □ Bedroom Eyes something they fear, mark an xp. If you brought them face to face with what they fear When you roll to Turn Them On you gain new gain a String on them. options. On a 10+ plus you may take a String on them or they dream of you the next time they sleep and trigger your Sex Move.
Sex Move Every time you stimulate another you gain an idea for a project based on them. The next time you would spend a String you have on them as an ANY String, keep that string.
Darkest Self They don't appreciate what you do, who you are, anything. They're bleating animals in a yard, too stupid to know what is good for them. You'll guide them to righteousness, the perfect path. Even if that includes a hefty dosage of tyranny and violence. Your Projects become dark and inflict only misery and pain. Weapons, mind control, psychological warfare, everything is legal and kind of fun. You stay in your Darkest Self until you see people accept your ideas or your work is recognized and praised.
Take another Prometheus Move Take another Prometheus Move Take another Skin Move Add 1 to Hot Add 1 to Cold Add 1 to Dark Add 1 to Volatile Join the EGGHEADS
Playing the Prometheus Oh how you want to enlighten the masses to view the world how you see it, but it is such a hard road. Firebringer powers your odd creativity that makes you you. These don't all have to be mad scientist plots but ideas that bring people together, poems that stimulate creativity in others, or speeches that effect people how you wish. As long as the end result is something that benefits people or stimulates your intellect it is okay. You have to watch out for a few of your powers, You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry and Solipsism Exercise can leave you with a detrimental Condition should you fail with them. But they offer very substantial rewards, giving your otherwise frail character a way to fight back and a way to adjust to any kind of scenario instantly. Hahahaha-HAHAHAHA! keeps you well in Strings should you be the type of person who uses their intellect to put others down. Da Vinci Science! grants you access to a new level of project which can be a fun run into Dr. Who style storytelling. These objects are generally one use or very unreliable, but cause a great commotion and explosion. Tunnel Vision keeps you churning out the ideas, helping everyone you can while working on the next big thing as long as you are willing to sacrifice relationships. Before your time reward you when fail Science Test scribing “Einstein was a blind Sheep!” Eggheads are the bullyzed nerds that someday will start a revolutionary Startup with an AI as President or something like.
Choose a Name:
Circle one on each list:
Abrellia, Brianna, David, Ethan, Helena, Lou, Morgana, Tyson, Wallace
Unconcerned with fashion, culture hopper, outcaste, too cool for school, infinite willpower
An outcast name, a strangers name, a smart name, a long name, a complicated name.
Grey eyes, smart eyes, deep eyes, wise eyes, hectic eyes
Origin Circle one: Just too smart, demigod, precocious scientist, on-theedge-of-madness, spark
Carry Forward
Chosen Moves Take Firebringer and two other moves
Add 1 to one of these Hot -1, Cold 1, Vol. -1, Dark 1
You are smarter than everyone you know, except maybe another of your kind. You bring ideas but unlike anyone you know. You may spend ANY String you have to make a Dark roll come out a 10 up, and also choose 3 options. Gain the new option “Get an idea for a great project� for your Dark rolls. Da Vinci Science! Create an object that is beyond modern science (a laser gun, a weight loss pill, a one time teleporter ring, etc) with a roll of Dark. On a 10 up the item works well. On a 7-9 it comes with an unknown side effect. You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry Your intelligence and wit are turned towards physical agony now. Lash out physically with Cold if you are using one of your inventions or devices. On a 7-9 you gain the Condition enraged.
Your Backstory You have been watching the right people. Gain two Strings on any one. Creepy and weird a few others have Strings on you. Hand out up to three strings to other PCs.
Tunnel Vision On any Project you make you can create it in half the time if you ignore other relationships. You spend ANY String to cut the project time in half.
Hahahaha-HAHAHAHA! It's all so simple now, to know what someone doesn't want to hear. You add 1 to all rolls to shut someone down and can always choose to gain a String on them when you roll 10 up. Before Your Time When someone rejects your creation, mark experience.
Solipsism Exercise Once per chapter the Prometheus sees the similarities in her connections and can spend ANY String on ANY other PC or NPC. If the action the String influences fails the Prometheus gains the Condition confused. Deicide Formulae This move is an anti-move for other skins. Roll Dark when a move is used, on a 10 up you may negate the move. On a 7-9 you may only negate it if it is aimed at you. This move may be used once per scene. Rise My Creation! The Prometheus rolls Cold and on a 10 up gives life to a prepared item that comes to their aid. On a 7-9 item comes to their aid but can only attack or defend or it is unwilling to die for you. Like a gang if helping the character do a physical task, add 1 to the rolls. When it joins you in any act of violence, inflict an additional 1 Harm. Your golem is intelligent but may not take action without command. You may only have one creation at a time. It goes back to being whatever it is at the end of the scene. Common ones are sewn up corpses, carved statues, and animate vehicles.
Sex Move When you have sex with someone, the next time you make an invention you can give your partner a String to automatically get a result of 10.
Darkest Self It’s time to let the light of inspiration really shine through you. You don’t see people anymore, you see test subjects. Any notion of social norms, ethics, or sanity is out the window— mere frivolities trying to distract you from your true calling. You blur the lines between human and machine, life and death, genius and insanity. You escape your Darkest Self when someone you care about breaks something you’ve made, or vice versa.
Take another Genius Move Take another Genius Move Take another Skin Move Add 1 to Hot Add 1 to Cold Add 1 to Dark Add 1 to Volatile Join the Collaborative Luminaries Create a NEW Invention
Playing the Genius Cold, brilliant, isolated, unhinged. The Genius is all about intellectual obsession, mad science, and crushing disappointment. To get the most out of your Inventions, always be on the lookout for technological solutions to problems—both yours and other people’s. Nothing you make will be truly perfect, but hey, you’re sure you can whip something up to take care of any issues that arise from a sadistic raygun or a toxic love potion. They Called Me Mad and Just Throw Some Gears On It both reward you for playing up the crazy. Remember: You’ve got it all figured out, everyone else is blind to the truth. Your worldview can be informed from obsolete scientific, academic, or philosophical theories, or you can make something up on your own. The move doesn’t automatically give you +1 forward to using your inventions, though if you spare a few moments to describe incharacter how the device and the theory relate to what you’re trying to do, that might work. The “something you’ve made” in your Darkest Self escape clause doesn’t have to be one of your inventions. It might be a social situation you engineered or your sculpture for art class. The same goes for Beautiful Daughter. .
Choose a Name:
Circle one on each list:
Ada, Carlos, Clio, Dimitri, Gustave, Ilsa, Marie, Nikolai, Roxy, Victor, Rasha
Scrawny, smooth, messy, impatient, prudish
A clinical name, a referential name, an intellectual-sounding name, a foreign name
grim eyes, bloodshot eyes,
Calculating eyes, quick eyes, bright eyes
Origin Circle one:
Driven by the voices, glimpsed strange wonders, brain parasites, abnormally intelligent, tragedy-stricken
Carry Forward
Genius Moves Take Invention and one other move
Add 1 to one of these Hot -1, Cold 1, Vol. -1, Dark 1
You can create wonders of superscience. When you have the time, space, and resources to build something, roll with Dark. On a 10+, your creation is finished, and can do one of the following (you choose): -Replace the stat rolled for one of the Basic Moves (e.g., Lash Out Physically with Dark) -Duplicate the effects of a Move from another Skin -Heal one Harm, once per scene -Give someone a specific Condition Your invention also possesses one of the following faults (the MC chooses): -It has a will of its own. -It tends to malfunction in the presence of regular people. -It can only be used once. -It’s cumbersome. -It deals one Harm to whoever uses it.
Your Backstory You begin with one Invention. Detail what it does and its fault. You’ve tried it out on someone. Take a String on them. Someone has given you the inspiration for a new invention. Give them a String.
On a 7-9, there are unexpected complications. You choose: -You get it working, but the MC chooses two faults instead of one. -You’re missing some key ingredient. The MC will tell you what it is. It’s up to you to figure out how to get it. Mere Mortals When you ignore your peers in favor of your inventions, someone involved (your choice) loses a String on you. When you’re convinced to leave your lab to attend a social function, whoever invited you gains a String on you and you mark experience.
They call me Mad Whenever you rant at someone about your ideas, you can take a String on them in exchange for a Condition. Just Throw some gear on it Your inventions work on the principles of some strange worldview that you hold (geocentrism, historical progressivism, Time Cube, etc.). Whenever you act in such a way that asserts or reaffirms your worldview, you get +1 forward Flux Capacitator You’ve built some sort of arcane device that lets you interact with the Abyss in new and interesting ways. When you use your device, roll with Dark. On a hit, choose 1: -Reach through the Abyss to something or someone connected to it. -Isolate and protect a person or thing from the Abyss. -Isolate and contain a fragment of the Abyss itself. -Insert information into the Abyss. -Open a window into the Abyss. By default, this effect will last only as long as you maintain it, will reach only shallowly into the Abyss as it is local to you, and will bleed instability. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1: -It’ll persist (for a while) without your actively maintaining it. -It reaches deep into the Abyss. -It reaches broadly throughout the Abyss. -It’s stable and contained, no bleeding. On a miss, whatever bad happens, your antenna takes the brunt of it.
Jock Take a String on someone you’ve pushed around or bullied. Raise Volatile by 1. Highlight Volatile and Cold.
Shy Kid Take a String on someone you’ve watched from a distance. Raise Volatile by 1. Highlight Volatile and Dark.
Slut Take a String on someone you’ve made out or slept with. Raise Hot by 1. Highlight Hot and Cold.
Goth Take a String on someone whom you understand better than themselves. Raise Dark by 1. Highlight Dark and Hot.
Burnout Take a String on someone you’ve disgusted or pissed off. Raise Dark by 1. Highlight Dark and Volatile.
Thespian Take a String on someone you’ve excluded from your clique. Raise Cold by 1. Highlight Cold and Dark.
Girl Next Door
Take a String on someone who has a crush on you. Raise Hot by 1. Highlight Hot and Volatile.
Take a String on someone you’ve stepped over on your way to popularity. Raise Cold by 1. Highlight Cold and Hot.
Shy Kid
Girl Next Door
Advanced Roleplay When you roleplay with a Dungeon Mistress, roll with Dark. If you show no mercy during the game then add 2 to your roll. This is your first year at college. You hope to make friends and save souls. Suggested skins: Chosen, Mortal, Werewolf, Witch You start with 1 stat at 0 and 3 stats at -1. You have no skin moves and no backstory. You have only the Basic Moves plus the Basic Roleplay move. You have a Grade Average of A.
Basic Roleplay When you roleplay with a Dungeon Mistress, roll with Dark. If you do not already have an adventurer, create one at Level 1, their name and class. If you lower your Grade Average by a full grade before you roll, add 2 to your roll. (If you lower to F then you are kicked out of college) If you offer the DM a string on you before you roll, add 2 to your roll. On a 10 up, your adventurer gains two levels On a 7-9, your adventurer gains one level and you give the DM a string. On a 6-, your adventurer is killed (loses all levels), gain the move It’s My Fault • • • • • •
The first time you roleplay, complete your backstories Levels 2&3—add 1 to the 2 stats normally +1 for your skin Level 4—take your regular skin moves as you would in normal set-up Level 5—take the Gang advance (RPGers), replacing your Skin’s gang advance Levels 6&7—take one of your skin’s advances Level 8—take another of your skin’s advances, replace this move with the Advanced Roleplay move and gain the move Ell Ae Arr Pee.
Note, you only gain these benefits the first time your adventurer obtains the level, not on subsequent occasions with other characters. You still gain experience and advances through experience in the usual way.
On a 10 up, your adventurer gains one level and a special weapon, describe the weapon. (There is no game impact to levels above 8.) On a 7-9, your adventurer gains some interesting loot, describe the loot. On a 6-, your adventurer is overshadowed by others and loses something important to them, describe what this is and how it happens. Ell Ae Arr Pee When you larp with a Dungeon Mistress, roll with either Volatile or Dark (your choice). If you choose to cosplay, describe your outfit and add 2 to your roll. On a 10 up, your adventurer emerges alive, gain a Growing Up move and the move Burn Them! On a 7-9, your adventurer is killed (gain the move It’s My Fault), but the next player to use this move adds 2 to their roll On a 6-, your adventurer is killed (gain the move It’s My Fault) It’s My Fault When you kill yourself because of something that has happened to your adventurer, then you instantly change your Skin to either Ghost or Ghoul. Create the character as normal, however you may take as many Skin moves from that Skin as you like. In addition, you keep one move (your choice) from your original character. You lose the Roleplay moves and Ell Ae Arr Pee. Burn Them! When you burn all your occult paraphernalia (rock music, occult books, charms, roleplay material) gain the Condition Saved, gain a Growing Up move, rewrite your Sex Move and all other characters (including them DM) lose all strings on you.
RPG! RPG! RPG! Once per day, you may chant RPG! RPG! RPG! to summon the Dungeon Mistress and get a roleplaying game going. Any Freshman present in the scene who Roleplay give you one string for every level their adventurer gains. Any Freshman who chooses not to Roleplay gives you a string and leaves. You are a student at college and part of the RPGer group. You want to bring in new members, but only those who are worthy of gaming at your table. Suggested skins: Infernal, Queen Do character creation as normal, then gain the Gang advance (RPGers) and take another advance (your choice) as per your Skin. You gain the moves RPG! RPG! RPG!, Advanced Roleplay and Level Boss. You gain experience and further advances normally. Add this additional backstory:
Advanced Roleplay When you roleplay with a Dungeon Mistress, roll with Dark. If you show no mercy during the game then add 2 to your roll. On a 10 up, your adventurer gains one level and a special weapon, describe the weapon. (There is no game impact to levels above 8.) On a 7-9, your adventurer gains some interesting loot, describe the loot.
Irrespective of the number of strings the DM has on you, the DM always acts as though she has a string on you (if there is more than one DM then choose which one you follow).
On a 6-, your adventurer is overshadowed by others and loses something important to them, describe what this is and how it happens.
Create an adventurer at Level 8 and define their name, class and previous exploits.
Level Boss When a Freshman makes the move Ell Ae Arr Pee, you may make the move Level Boss. Describe the final enemy or monster the Freshman adventurer encounters in their move. If the Freshman rolls a 9 or below, describe how they kill the adventurer. If the Freshman rolls a 10 or more, describe how they were about to kill them, but then allow the Freshman to describe how the scene finishes.
Dungeon Mistress Whenever you act as DM for other characters when they Roleplay or Ell Ae Arr Pee, you narrate the current part of their adventure and the challenge they face. If any adventurers are killed on their roll then describe how they die. You are the Dungeon Mistress of the RPGer group. You have some other, more official, position at the college but it is secondary to your position as DM. You also have a dark purpose at the college: to use roleplaying to train the innocent in the occult and bring them into your service.
Suggested skins: Fae, Vampire Do character creation as normal, then gain the Queen advance The Clique (cultists), the Infernal advance Dark Recruiter (the dark power is your witches’ coven) and then take another two advances (your choice) as per your Skin. You gain experience and further advances normally. You also gain the moves Dungeon Mistress, Stack the Odds and Ultimate Power. Add this additional backstory: Irrespective of the number of strings you have, you always act as though you have a string on any character with the RPGers gang advance.
If any characters roleplay without you as DM then lose a string on each one.
Stack the Odds One time only, when a character Roleplays with you, you can burn any and all the strings you have them (not including your permanent backstory string). Each string you burn is then a -1 modifier on their Roleplay or Ell Ae Are Pee roll. If they fail the roll, explain to them why it is their fault, why they are a bad roleplayer and hint at why they have displeased you.
Ultimate Power When one or more Freshmen makes the move Ell Ae Arr Pee and they roll a 10+, you must explain to them your secret plan to obtain ultimate power for yourself through using the occult and the dark arts. You must offer one or more of them the opportunity to devote their lives to your plan. If any of them reject you, you must kill or discredit them before they have a chance to be Saved.