Title :
How do you want to portray yourself ( as a designer ) Description : Brief research of overall section towards my FYP
· i want to portray myself as a independant designer that evolves throughout my an artist. always improving and growing each year. explain 3-5 unique interest / design style / passion expriences that influence your path as a designer. · unique - developing new skillsets by experimenting with various type of design skills that exist. ·freedom - as a creative individual i tend to be inspired by various artist and try to immetate them while mixing my own style and direction. ·evolve - as we create new pieces of art in everyday life. we tend to forget what is our main objective in our direction. therefore i tend to rethink my entire formation and invision myself to be
Notes n’ insights consider the objective intended what is it for? · This objective towards my FYP project is to conceptualized the depiction of New Normal of 2020. Having the effect of covid-19 taking place in our daily life. This direction is going to be made in a form of book to deliver my designer’s view.
Title :
brainstorming big idea
big idea Description :
· New Normal
Brief research of overall section towards my FYP
concept · Symbolism language goals · PSA, message towards visual langauge inspiration · Lifestyle
brainstorming big idea summary The concept of New Normal is a depiction of research gathered and documented to deliver a visual language for the outsider’s view to interpret their perception by reading this concept book. Thus, the delivery execution will be implemented by separating 5 titles and with 1 packaging to contain the overall book itself. These 5 books are titled in their specific catergory and compiled by their individual content.
Title :
Deliveries Part 1
Deliveries Concept Book
Description :
· 5 separation book with 1 packagaging
Brief research of overall section towards my FYP
Part 1 :
book 1
Concept Book
· Introduction book 2 · Relationship book 3 · Jobs book 4 · Entertainment book 5 · Mental Health Cover
Size Specification · A5 size, Dimention - 21cm x 148cm
bluu next Title : Research
Description : Typography of the
overall FYP Part 1 : Concept Book
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 arial
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
primary font · generally, a systematic font which emphasizes on the overall geometric outlook of the type face · Consistent use of this fonts brings a new interface that invision the overall direction of my self branding
Title :
Description :
Typography of the
overall FYP
Part 1 : Concept Book
#6D86C3 #6D86C3 #6D86C3
Title :
Description : What is new normal
New : Normal
in particular.
Part 1 : Concept Book
a Brief depiction of evolution and adaptation for our daily life routine
Basic fundamental of life itself interpreted into a form factor
Visual Language from design for the public mass
Title :
Description : Direction of New normal concept
Part 1 : Concept Book
device that uses symbols, be they words, people, marks, locations, or abstract ideas to represent something beyond the literal meaning.
The concept of symbolism is not confined to works of literature: symbols inhabit every corner of our daily life
an artistic and poetic movement or style using symbolic images
Title :
Description : Direction of New normal concept book.
Part 1 : Concept Book
Mind-map · New-normal
Title :
Description : Direction of New normal concept book.
Part 1 : Concept Book
Mind-map · Symbolism
brief intro of symbolism Title :
Description : Direction of New normal concept book.
Part 1 : Concept Book
· Brief Symbolism is the practice or art of using an object or a word to represent an abstract all have a symbolic meaning.
idea. An action, person, place, word, or object can
When an author wants to suggest a certain mood or emotion, he can also use symbolism to hint at it, rather than just blatantly saying it. Let's explore some examples of symbolism in the arts and our everyday lives.
· History The earliest recorded forms of human storytelling— —are quite literally symbols representing more complex narratives or beliefs. Ancient Greek theater, which is the basis for much of today’s narrative artforms, used symbolic props including phallic objects to represent Dionysus, the god of fertility. Symbolism remained in wide use throughout the Middle Ages (almost always with religious connotations) and then, from the Renaissance forward, returned in full force to represent human desires ranging from lust to ambition to heartbreak. William Shakespeare used symbols to represent inner conscience (think of blood in Macbeth); Edgar Allen Poe used it to convey dread and mortality (think of the eponymous bird in “The Raven”); and William Blake used religious symbols (including Jesus himself) to represent human emotion and desire (as in “The Everlasting Gospel”).
Earliest form of human story telling Cave paintings are a type of parietal art, found on the wall or ceilings of caves. The term usually implies prehistoric origin between 40,000 and 14,000 years ago.
hieroglyph (Greek for "sacred carvings") was a character of the ancient Egyptian writing system. forms of communication. old form of writing that they starting using as early as 3000 B.C
Why does it exist? Title :
Description : Direction of New normal concept book.
Part 1 : Concept Book
· Research description Symbolism matters because it is a basic fundamental of visual translation or visual language towards people’s perception on their ways of seeing it. It is a brief interpretation of showing direction and navigation in a form of abstract image depending on the circumtance or context of the symbol itself. It is also considered as a ancient start of the birth creation of art where it evolves throughout the years of generation. Given by the context of different style and execution. These are a form factors of how symbolism exist due to itself becoming a iconic medium to deliver language throughout the world of art and language.
Symbolism in art? · Research description Symbolism in Art and Writing. Symbolism is one of the most important elements in giving your art depth. It can be in the colors of a painting, the metaphors in a poem, or the setting of a scene or book. Symbols can be very broad, like a storm that symbolizes danger, or a crow that symbolizes death.
Symbolism in Design? · Research description An understanding of symbolism is a critical part of graphic design. Designers use symbols in both obvious and subtle ways to communicate something about the design. Symbolism is a profound, complex subject so in this post I will present an overview of what I consider to be the most important for designers to be aware of in terms of symbolism. Symbols exist everywhere and we ‘read’ them without even realizing it. For example, we all know the red octagon symbol for “stop” and respond to it even if the words are not there. If we used the stop symbol and put the words “go” on it instead, the majority would stop anyway and the rest would be confused. Why? because the symbol is more powerful than the words.
Stop sign A combination of symbolic gesture and structure mix together with medium of colors to convey a direct message to the mass
Colors Title :
Description : Direction of New normal concept book.
¡ Research description Color means many different things to different people and cultures. Color also represents feelings, people, countries, cultures, and color symbolism. Color can be personal to each individual but as designers, we consider the how color is generally represented in the particular culture we are targeting. In the western world, for example, the color red symbolizes many things: depending on context. In addition to the meanings as listed above, red is frequently used to symbolize anger, aggression or intense passion. Some car insurance companies even charge more for red cars because studies show that the owners of red cars are more aggressive drivers and take more risks.
Part 1 : Concept Book
Description the color of love, passion, intensity, energy, excitement, sexy and attention getting.
Applying two methods into one
Red cross symbol red cross is used in a form of red and a symbol with the internationally protected message to convey the directive statement.
symbolism in color ¡ Research description Symbolism matters because it is a basic fundamental of visual translation or visual language towards people’s perception on their ways of seeing it. It is a brief interpretation of showing direction and navigation in a form of abstract image depending on the circumtance or context of the symbol itself. It is also considered as a ancient start of the birth creation of art where it evolves throughout the years of generation. Given by the context of different style and execution. These are a form factors of how symbolism exist due to itself becoming a iconic medium to deliver language throughout the world of art and language.
Symbolism in everyday life Title :
Description : Direction of New normal concept book.
Part 1 : Concept Book
¡ Research description Our language contains an immense number of symbols whose intended meaning or significance is well-known and accepted by the majority. Of course, many of these do wind up in books, magazines, stories, and other written works.
Types of symbolism ¡ Research description Symbolism comes in multiple factors and separated into few individuality where it has progressed and evolved throughout the evolution of art and used in specific categories.
Symbols in colors Black is used to represent death or evil. White stands for life and purity. Red can symbolize blood, passion, danger, or immoral character. Purple is a royal color. Yellow stands for violence or decay. Blue represents peacefulness and calm.
Symbolic objects A chain can symbolize the coming together of two things. A ladder can represent the relationship between heaven and earth or ascension. A mirror can denote the sun but, when it is broken, it can represent an unhappy union or a separation.
Flowers in symbols Roses stand for romance. Violets represent shyness. Lilies stand for beauty and temptation. Chrysanthemums represent perfection.
Title :
Description : Direction of New normal concept book.
Part 1 : Concept Book
Symbols in animals A bear might represent courage or danger.
Types of symbolic categories
Symbols in weather A bear might represent courage or danger.
A butterfly can symbolize great transformation.
A butterfly can symbolize great transformation.
A dog often stands for loyalty or devotion.
A dog often stands for loyalty or devotion.
A serpent might symbolize corruption or darkness..
A serpent might symbolize corruption or darkness..
Concept book · Research description Title :
Description : Direction of New normal concept book.
Part 1 : Concept Book
In this section, the direction of the concept book will be focusing on delivering the “New : Normal” by applying the story driven concept with the combination of symbolism and design. Executing a visual language throughout the segments separated with the given title of the representative symbols as well as their own book chapters itself. As well as how it should be executed?, by having a legitamately interview session with real life experience of Malaysian people on how they suffered and not suffered during ths pandamic.
what is the new normarl? · Research description The language of a 'new normal' is being deployed almost as a way to quell any uncertainty ushered in by the coronavirus. With no cure in sight, everyone from politicians and the media to friends and family has perpetuated this rhetoric as they imagine settling into life under this 'new normal'. This framing is inviting: it contends that things will never be the same as they were before — so welcome to a new world order. By using this language, we reimagine where we were previously relative to where we are now, appropriating our present as the standard. As we weigh our personal and political responses to this pandemic, the language we employ matters. It helps to shape and reinforce our understanding of the world and the ways in which we choose to approach it. The analytic frame embodied by the persistent discussion of the 'new normal' helps bring order to our current turbulence, but it should not be the lens through which we examine today’s crisis. Far from describing the status quo, evoking the 'new normal' does not allow us to deal with the totality of our present reality. It first impedes personal psychological wellbeing, then ignores the fact that 'normal' is not working for a majority of society.
Normal A brief depiction of the everyday life normality of the surrounding.
New Normal After months of transition and strict guidelines of SOP and etc. These are the new set of rules and guidelines we must follow to prevent the spread of the virus, since there is not pure cure towards the current situation of the world. Transition from before and after.
Concept book Title :
Description : Direction of New normal concept book.
Part 1 : Concept Book
· Research description The 'new normal' discourse sanitizes the idea that our present is okay because normal is regular. Yes, there may be public health challenges, but these are issues that can be managed. We accept life under the omnipresent threat of disease as ordinary. But what exactly is normal about this pandemic? It is not normal for society en masse to be isolated, but if this is normal, then we are supposed to have control of the situation. Even if we feel loss or despair, we are expected to get used to it — accepting that this morbid reality is now standard. Not only does the 'new normal' framing inhibit our ability to heal ourselves, it constrains our ability to think expansively about fundamentally transforming society because it imagines a world that only functions for the elite. Popular strategies focused on social distancing and personal protective equipment remains the remit of those with the means to fortify and seclude themselves. Stay-at-home orders cannot be observed by the more than 100 million people homeless worldwide.
Direction of Concept book · Research description Although the New : Normal concept book is basically a story driven research that is based on selective topics of the overall condition of the current situation of the world. As well as forming a selective interview session with real life experience. I have separted them into the primary topics that is the most prone elements from the effects of the aftermath of covide-19 itself. Thus, below diagram shows how the overall concept should be read and depicted from the reader’s point of video.
· Cover packaging
· Start
book 3
· End
book 1
book 2
· Introduction
· Relationship
· Jobs
· Entertainment
· Mental Health
A brief introduction of the new normal affecting relationship in general. It might not seem releveant but it is part of our daily life that is happening contiously without our eyes noticing
Jobs are very prominent in our life. This segment will be interpreted in a form of interview session on how the overall covid-19 has affected in this field
With entertainment also being part of our life. This part is a section to explore on the restriction areas as well as changing our views in social media and entertainment
Mental Health is also part of the aftermath of the new normal. Exploring the section of indept adaptation of daily routines.
Introduction of the New:Normal concept direction as well as the overall segments of the next books
book 4
book 5
book 1 : introduction Title :
· Content Research
-What is the new normal? ( A Brief example of the new normal, how the coronavirus came about.. Started in Wuhan China through bats)
Description :
-The New Normal in Malaysia ( The time it started till now) ( Talk about what is the New Normal, Find facts and figures of how the new normal has started in Malaysia )
Content of all 5 books
Part 1 : Concept Book
-Precautions ( The safety precautions now and the steps the government is doing to prevent the spread.. Standing one meter apart, washing hands, wearing mask)
book 2 : Relationship · Content Research -Relationships ( Have people broke up or got together? How has this affected some people’s rs? Why is it hard) -Good side of relationship during covid-19 (This section will be an interview segment from a real life perception of relationship on how, Luqman and Lisa faced their fears,struggles and etc yet overcoming it through the new normal) -Bad side of relationship during covid-19 (This section will be an interview segment from a real life perception of relationship on how, Adam and Dania faced their fears,struggles and etc. Lastly breaking apart from each other despite going through the new normal)
book 3 : Jobs · Content Research -Jobs ( Talk about Job loss, find people who have lost their jobs and what people can do now.. Living through a pay check) -Good side of jobs after covid-19 (This section will be an interview segment from a real life perception of how Ammar survived his job securement during the pandamic) -Bad side of jobs after covid-19 ( This section will be an interview segment from a real life perception of how Ari Adzmin didn’t survive his job securement during the pandamic session and interpreting his ideals on the form factors of the jobs spectrum during the pandemic.
book 4 : Entertainment Title :
· Content Research
-Entertainment ( Lifestyle, No events, what are happening to local artists? What can the public do etc? )
Description :
--Interview session (in this issue, we will look into how entertainment has affected these individuals due to the restriction movement control being implemented in Malaysia on how these rules are affected in our daily routine. Selected interview person will be Zikri and Anissa)
Content of all 5 books
Part 1 : Concept Book
book 5 : Mental Health · Content Research -Mental Health ( How did people cope, being cooped up takes an effect, being with your family 24/7)
-Interview session (in this issue, we will look into how mental health has affected these individuals especially when one of them lives abroad. Selected interview person will be Dina and Jane)
· Start
book 1
book 2
· Introduction
· Relationship
Introduction of the New:Normal concept direction as well as the overall segments of the next books
book 3
book 4
· Jobs
Interview session with luqman Interview sesssion and nisa / Adam and dania Ammar and Ari
· End
book 5
· Entertainment
· Mental Health
Interview session Zikri and Anissa
Interview session Dina and Jane
Moodboard for concept book Title :
Description : New Normal logo design
Part 1 : Concept Book
New : normal logo design Title :
Description : Logo for new normal
Part 1 : Concept Book
¡ Content Research -New Normal logo design
Sketches are formed in a interchange dedesign based on specification towards the final phase.
New : normal logo design Title :
Description : Logo for new normal
Part 1 : Concept Book
· Content Research -New Normal logo design
implementing the world “New” and separating from “Normal” as though it is a separation world between 2 sided reality.
Logo : 1
description conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern normal working hours He had a normal childhood. the effect of normal aging. b : according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle The normal way to pluralize a noun is by adding -s adding -s
Logo : 2
description produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before. world.
description “Curved” to emphasize on the differentation of the second body context.
: NORMAL description a colon used in various technical and formulaic contexts, for example a statement of proportion between two numbers, or to separate hours from minutes (and minutes from seconds) in a numerical statement of time.
Book 1 :symbol Title :
Description : Symbols for all 5 books
Part 1 : Concept Book
· Content Research -Introduction symbol
Sketches that are based on specification on the content of “introduction” before the final phase.
Book 1 :symbol Title :
· Content Research -Introduction symbol
Final phase of the introduction symbol
Description : Symbols for all 5 books
Symbol : 1
Part 1 : Concept Book
When a form is separated it changes and re-emerged itself. And creates a new form of introduction of a symbol.
description The design of this symbol that represent “Introduction” symbolises a 2 section where it implements a structural attachment of both forms and shape.
Book 2 :symbol Title :
Description : Symbols for all 5 books
Part 1 : Concept Book
· Content Research -Relationship symbol
Sketches that are based on specification on the content of “relationship” before the final phase.
Book 2 :symbol Title :
· Content Research -Relationship symbol
Final phase of the relationship symbol
Description : Symbols for all 5 books
Symbol : 1
Part 1 : Concept Book
description The symbol represents an “infinity” structure with a disembark circular that has been cut off as it represents relationship being torn into 2 pieces. Creating an in-balance structure form
description As the circular structure formed into 1 form as a whole. This is to give a key message towards the reader that relationship is balanced if one is correspond towards the other.
Book 3 :symbol Title :
Description : Symbols for all 5 books
Part 1 : Concept Book
· Content Research -Jobs symbol
Sketches that are based on specification on the content of “Jobs” before the final phase.
Book 3 :symbol Title :
· Content Research -Jobs symbol
Final phase of the symbol direction of “jobs”
Description : Symbols for all 5 books
Symbol : 1
Part 1 : Concept Book
description The structure of this symbol depicts a whole format where two different stroke of cirle is implemented as 1 will make it and the other does not.
description Thus, if it combines. It delivers a complete form stucture as it symbolises the overall state of it.
Book 4 :symbol Title :
Description : Symbols for all 5 books
Part 1 : Concept Book
· Content Research -Entertainment symbol
Sketches that are based on specification on the content of “entertainment” before the final phase.
Book 4 :symbol Title :
· Content Research -Entertainment symbol
Final symbol design for “entertainment symbol”
Description : Symbols for all 5 books
Symbol : 1
Part 1 : Concept Book
description The key towards the “entertainment” symbol is to detach the form so that it seems as though it does not relate towards the representation of the letter “E”
description As it merges into as a whole. The whole structure becomes complete to tell a visual language towards the readers that this form resemblance the letter “E” as entertainment.
Book 5 :symbol Title :
Description : Symbols for all 5 books
Part 1 : Concept Book
· Content Research -Mental Health symbol
Sketches that are based on specification on the content of “Mental Health” before the final phase.
Book 5 :symbol Title :
· Content Research -Mental Health symbol
Final design structure of “Mental Health” Symbol
Description : Symbols for all 5 books
Symbol : 1
Part 1 : Concept Book
description Mental health is represented as such how the center of the symbol, deprive from the “cross” with different circle structure is implemented throughout the design. The characteristic shows how complicated the overall form is.
description Thus, after forming a full stucture of the symbol. It represents the cross as it relates towards all health situation in our daily life as a symbol of visual language towards the readers.
concept book layout Title :
-Introduction symbol Sketches that are based on specification on the content of “introduction” before the final phase.
Description : Concept layout
Part 1 : Concept Book
Introduction Description —
A Brief example of the new normal, how the coronavirus came about and taking precautious against it.
concept book layout Title :
-Intro page will describe the definition of the symbol that represents “introduction” as a whole
-Page description A brief introduction of the whole book by itself before entering towards the next few pages
Description : Concept layout
Part 1 : Concept Book
● When a form is separated it changes and re-emerged itself.
● And creates a new form of introduction of a symbol.
Description — Introduction of the New:Normal concept direction. In this book you will learn mostly the essential criterias of what covid-19 is and ways to prevent it.
concept book layout Title :
-Design areas This area is specifically made for designing a visual language to represent the interview/description mood and stucture
-Body context This area is specifically to input the interview/description of the context towards the topic of the book.
Description : Concept layout
Part 1 : Concept Book
Design area
Body Context
packaging cover Title :
Description : Packaging cover
Part 1 : Concept Book
-Design areas This is the overall section of the packaging cover where it is basically an introduction of the book set itself. Printed on A2
Book 1 : body content Title :
Description : Book 1 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
-body content
What is the New Normal In the public mind, the origin story of coronavirus seems well fixed: in late 2019 someone at the now world-famous Huanan seafood market in Wuhan was infected with a virus from an animal. The rest is part of an awful history still in the making, with Covid-19 spreading from that first cluster in the capital of China’s Hubei province to a pandemic that has killed about 211,000 people so far. Stock footage of pangolins – a scaly mammal that looks like an anteater – have made it on to news bulletins, suggesting this animal was the staging post for the virus before it spread to humans. But there is uncertainty about several aspects of the Covid-19 origin story that scientists are trying hard to unravel, including which species passed it to a human. They’re trying hard because knowing how a pandemic starts is a key to stopping the next one. Prof Stephen Turner, head of the department of microbiology at Melbourne’s Monash University, says what’s most likely is that the virus originated in bats. With the coronavirus becoming a worldwide pandemic within a matter of time, the world has changed immensely with countries all over the world going into lockdown. Flights being cancelled making individuals and mostly students being stranded miles away from their home country Apart from that, the economy and business of the world had plummeted . More and more companies, despite their high social status, were shutting down . The list goes on and on about what the Coronavirus has done to the world but one thing that we can all agree on is the fact that it has tumbled our normal lives upside down making our daily routines changed for us to only adapt to what we call the “The New Normal”, the new part of living, the new part of life.
Book 1 : body content Title :
-body content
Lockdown in Malaysia Description : Book 1 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
Considering how every country was in lockdown, Malaysia was one of them too . Malaysia has announced restrictions on movement for two weeks from March 18, barring its citizens from travelling overseas and shutting all businesses except shops selling food and daily necessities, in a drastic move to stem a surge in coronavirus infections. At first the Prime Minister of Malaysia Muhyiddin Yassin said the Movement Control Order would be in effect until March 31 but has since extended to August 31st for the people’s safety “We can’t wait any longer for things to get worse. Drastic action should be taken immediately to prevent the spread of the disease by limiting public movement. This is the only way we can prevent more people from being infected by the outbreaks that can destroy lives.” as reported by the South China Morning Post At first, the rules of the lockdown imposed where prohibiting mass movements and gatherings across the country were prohibited, including religious, sports, social and cultural activities. To enforce this, all houses of worship and business premises must be closed except for supermarkets, public markets, convenience stores and convenience stores selling everyday necessities. All religious activities in mosques will be suspended, Muhyiddin said, including Friday prayers. Apart from that, the prime minister had also announced that all returning students who had just returned from overseas were required to equired to undergo a health check and self quarantine for 14 days. Restrictions have also been imposed on the entry of tourists to Malaysia, but foreigners will be allowed to leave the country. On top of this, all kindergartens, primary and secondary government and private schools, as well as all public and private higher education institutions and skills training institutes nationwide, will be closed. When the coronavirus was at its peak Malaysia had hit new heights with the number of cases climbing to 553, the highest in Southeast Asia making this a reason for Muhyiddin’s announcement
Book 1 : body content Title :
-body content
Description : Book 1 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
Apart from that a case that contributed to that high number was The religious meeting, or tabligh, saw some 16,000 people gather to pray from February 27 to March 1. Of the 14,500 Malaysians who attended, only 7,000 have come forward for testing despite repeated pleas from government and religious officials. Fast Forward to July, Malaysia has become so much better compared to before even making it one of the best few countries to tackle the pandemic As of right now, what was restricted before has been opened up again like recreational sports, dining in, places of worship have been opened and even events with less than 250 people are now allowed. With that, July has been a milestone and a historic moment for Malaysia with zero cases of local transmissions of Covid-19 for the first time since March Health Ministry director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said that the country registered only one new Covid-19 case today, and this was an imported case. It’s great to know that although Malaysia has been tackling the virus swiftly, although things are still not 100% back in place like it was before, there’s still some hope that the new normal life will be temporary and we can all go back to living normally again. Here are some healthy and safety guidelines regarding on how to avoid the coronavirus How to Wash Your Hands -With soap, thoroughly rub the palms of your hands together -Rub each palm over the back of the opposing hand with fingers interlaced -Interlace your hands and rub palm to palm -Interlock your hands and rub the back of your fingers onto the opposing palm -Grasp your thumb with the opposing palm and rub while rotating -With clasped fingers , rotationally rub each hand onto the opposing palm
Book 2 : relationship Title :
-body content
Breakups are hard, and moving on from a relationship is even more complicated now that we’re in the middle of a pandemic Description : Book 2 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
During the movement control order due to the Covid 19, Relationships between partners were affected the most as many of them started breaking up With the nation going into lockdown and the strict rules started to apply like the banned of interstate travels and how no one was supposed to go further than 10km. Most of these couples had to resort into a temporary long distance relationship. In the absence of physical touch and activities to do together, new couples living separately resort to video calls, chats and virtual dates to keep the relationship interesting. However, even with their best efforts many of these relationships fell apart after a few weeks, most of the time abruptly. This was definitely a make it or break it stage for most relationships However as observed, there are 3 types of breakups. Those between couples that met up to a year before the restrictions, those between couples that just began dating a few weeks ago and those who have been together for the longest time . Although it might be a sad season for couples , the sky is still the limit and interestingly enough some individuals still had managed to get into a relationship during this unprecedented time. It’s no doubt that we only have technology and tinder to thank for that. In this book, we will get to know the bad side and good side of how the MCO had affected relationships
Book 2 : relationship Title :
-body content
Breakups are hard, and moving on from a relationship is even more complicated now that we’re in the middle of a pandemic Description : Book 2 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
During the movement control order due to the Covid 19, Relationships between partners were affected the most as many of them started breaking up With the nation going into lockdown and the strict rules started to apply like the banned of interstate travels and how no one was supposed to go further than 10km. Most of these couples had to resort into a temporary long distance relationship. In the absence of physical touch and activities to do together, new couples living separately resort to video calls, chats and virtual dates to keep the relationship interesting. However, even with their best efforts many of these relationships fell apart after a few weeks, most of the time abruptly. This was definitely a make it or break it stage for most relationships However as observed, there are 3 types of breakups. Those between couples that met up to a year before the restrictions, those between couples that just began dating a few weeks ago and those who have been together for the longest time . Although it might be a sad season for couples , the sky is still the limit and interestingly enough some individuals still had managed to get into a relationship during this unprecedented time. It’s no doubt that we only have technology and tinder to thank for that. In this book, we will get to know the bad side and good side of how the MCO had affected relationships
Book 2 : relationship Title :
-body content
Good side ( Luqman and Nisa) Description : Book 2 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
Self Introduction Hello, My name is Luqman and Nisa, we are both 24 years old and we both work as musicians .I How long have you been together We’ve been together for 4 month now ever since April 2020 which was the early stages of when the MCO was implemented How did you meet? We met through a dating app called “ Tinder” and talked from there and soon found out that the both of us had a lot in common especially when it comes to music. It was even more surprising to know that we both had the same occupations Did you have any concerns about getting into a relationship during such an unprecedented time? Of course ! We had so many friends around us who were breaking up and that lowkey made us feel worried that we would end up in the same rabbit hole. With that, we were also quite busy with our jobs as well. What made you get into a relationship Ultimately, I think it was more of a “ Now or Never” moment that made us get into one. At the same time, we had hopes that the coronavirus situation in Malaysia would get better and we would eventually get to meet each other soon. What was the hardest part about getting into a relationship in a relationship during the MCO? I think the hardest part was not getting to meet each other and we had to be patient for that . But thank god, for the internet so the next best thing to seeing each other fact to face was either through Skype or Facetime What is the first thing that the both of you are going to do together once the MCO has been lifted
Book 2 : relationship Title :
-body content
Bad side ( Adam and Dania) Description : Book 2 body content
Self Introduction Hi, my name is Adam . I am 22 years old and I’m final year degree student in UM studying political science Hey, I am Dania, I am a 21 years old and I’m a second year student in Taylors Lakeside studying communications
Part 1 :
How long have the both of you been together and when did you break up
Concept Book
We were together for 8 months but broke up somewhere in between May Why did the both of you break up? To be honest, we were already planning to break up due to our busy schedules in school and work but we were still holding back. Then came the coronavirus and the mco, we decided it would be best to break up now since we weren’t going to see each other for awhile Would you say the MCO was a good healing period ? Yes and no, it was good in terms of not having to see the other person again for awhile but it was also not a good time because we weren’t allowed to go out of the house, so we basically had to “ heal” in our rooms which is quite depressing How are you guys now? We are doing alright. We aren’t on bad terms and are still friends. Do you think it's wise to get into a relationship during this MCO period?
Book 3 : jobs Title :
-body content
Description : Book 2 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
JOBS The COVID-19 crisis has turned from a global health crisis into a severe economic crisis. The policy responses taken to fight the pandemic have resulted in economic shutdown, leaving millions out of work, with young people, women and less-skilled people worst affected. Today there are 1.8 billion people in the world between the ages of 15 and 35 — a quarter of the global population. This is the largest generation of youth and young people the world has ever known. Young adults are the backbone of every society, providing energy, ideas and investment potential. The global recession is expected to result in the loss of five to 25 million jobs, and it will be young adults and young people that are most vulnerable to unemployment. Across the world, young working people will be the first to lose their jobs, or will have to resort to lower quality, less paid, insecure or unsafe jobs Ever since the wake of the coronavirus in Malaysia, The job market has dropped drastically as businesses and companies around the nation were closing down or cutting down their workers. With that,Bank Negara Malaysia recently predicted the rise in unemployment rate to four per cent this year from 3.3 per cent last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Undoubtedly, this is a bad time for a lot of people as this affects them financially. However, in these desperate times there have also been some lucky individuals who had still managed to secure a job just in time or even got to maintain their job Over here, we will look into the good side and bad side of how the MCO has affected the job market in Malaysia Personally we don’t think it’s a wise choice, I think at this point people should take this time to just focus on themselves and have a plan of what they want to do after this whole thing is over. Despite the breakup, What is the first thing that the both of you are going to do after the mco Adam : I am going to hit the gym, I think that’s one of the places that i miss the most ever since we’ve been lockdown Dania : Probably, go find a part time job since my family has actually been struggling with finances.
Book 3 : jobs Title :
-body content
Good Side ( ammar ) Description : Book 3 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
Self Introduction Hi ! My name is Ammar. I am 23 years old and I work as a writer at JUICE Online. When did you apply for the job ? Interestingly, I applied for the job when the MCO had just started which i was not mistaken on the 28th of March 2020 How did you get the job? I got the job through a phone call, the editor of the publication called me and said I could start immediately How is working during the MCO like? Working during MCO is really not fun, it was so weird to work from home all the time and not go into an office. It’s almost as if it feels you’re not working at all but you just have to remind yourself that you are. What’s a disadvantage of working from home all the time? Personally for me, I think the biggest disadvantage of working from home this whole time was not getting a chance to know my colleagues properly. Although, I’ve seen them through video calls when we have meetings, it still would have been nice to meet them in real life. Did you have any worries or concerns when you applied for the job? Of course I did ! I was really worried that I would not get it because a lot of my friends around me had gotten laid off from their jobs while the other half of them could not even find a job because no one was offering What is the first thing you’re going to do when you enter the office again? I think the first thing I am going to do , when i get to go back to the office again is have a good lunch with my colleagues and get to know them properly.
Book 3 : jobs Title :
-body content
Ari Adzmin ( Bad Side) Description : Book 3 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
Self Introduction Hi ! My name is Ari Adzmin. I am 22 years old and I was a former video editor and post production producer for a digital company When did you lose I lost my job somewhere in the middle of April when the MCO was taking place How did you feel To be honest, I didn’t know what to feel when i first got the news, it was all so sudden and I just had this numbing feeling . However, as time passed, I did feel sad and angry that this was happening to me Why did you lose ? I lost my job because the company that I worked at unfortunately got liquidated and everyone in there was forced to leave. What have you been doing so far to support yourself ? So far, I’ve just been spending my time doing freelance jobs here and there in order to support myself. However, even finding freelance jobs were hard to find because there weren’t any events happening. Do you have any advice to others out there who have lost their jobs? I think the best advice I can give is to never give up and keep moving forward as this is not the end yet and days will get better What’s the first thing are you going to do after the MCO That’s really easy, I’m just going to continue on finding a job and continuing my freelance work but on a more relaxed note, I would also like to have a good meal and my favorite coffee shop too.
Book 3 : jobs Title :
-body content
Ari Adzmin ( Bad Side) Description : Book 3 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
Self Introduction Hi ! My name is Ari Adzmin. I am 22 years old and I was a former video editor and post production producer for a digital company When did you lose I lost my job somewhere in the middle of April when the MCO was taking place How did you feel To be honest, I didn’t know what to feel when i first got the news, it was all so sudden and I just had this numbing feeling . However, as time passed, I did feel sad and angry that this was happening to me Why did you lose ? I lost my job because the company that I worked at unfortunately got liquidated and everyone in there was forced to leave. What have you been doing so far to support yourself ? So far, I’ve just been spending my time doing freelance jobs here and there in order to support myself. However, even finding freelance jobs were hard to find because there weren’t any events happening. Do you have any advice to others out there who have lost their jobs? I think the best advice I can give is to never give up and keep moving forward as this is not the end yet and days will get better What’s the first thing are you going to do after the MCO That’s really easy, I’m just going to continue on finding a job and continuing my freelance work but on a more relaxed note, I would also like to have a good meal and my favorite coffee shop too.
Book 4 : Entertainment Title :
-body content
Description : Book 4 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
It is no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected some of the major industries such as the tourism sector, aviation and even the real estate market. Preventive measures such as citywide lockdowns and travel curbs have been imposed by numerous countries in order to break the chain of infection. Everyone is subjected to the virus restrictions including celebrities, famous public figures and performing artists in the entertainment industry. Many shows and concerts have either been postponed or cancelled entirely over virus fears. For independent productions and event or street performers, the coronavirus crisis has left many of them without jobs and with no income. Before the country’s partial lockdown was enacted those in the industry could already feel the impact of the pandemic as there were not many shows being organised. In Malaysia, a country filled with many local talents from the art, film and music industry, most events that were supposed to happen for the upcoming months have been postponed or either canceled. Although this might be a safety measure, it still does not excuse the fact that it affects a lot of our creatives especially when it comes to their income. With that, bearing in mind that most of our creatives are mostly freelancers. According to a global statistic, World Economic Forum (WEF), the music industry has been hit hard by the pandemic with live performance revenue the biggest casualty. This is because Live music makes up over 50 percent of total revenues and is mainly derived from ticket sales. Whereas recorded music combines revenue from streaming, digital downloads, physical sales and licensing of music for movies, games, TV and advertising. That is why In this book, we will discover the lives of two struggling young creatives who are trying to make it through the creative world at such such an unprecedented time
Book 4 : Entertainment Title :
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Anissa Description : Book 4 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
Self Introduction : Hello, my name is Anissa ! I am 26 years old and I am copywriter by day but a musician by night As a musician, how has the MCO affected you? Ever since the government has implemented the MCO, it has affect the music scene immensely with all gigs being cancelled and no singers or bands could be played Were you supposed to perform in any upcoming gigs? Yes I was ! Ultimately, I was supposed to perform on the HITZ MET 10 at the Bee Publika but due to the coronavirus the dates were getting postponed and soon enough it got cancelled How did you feel when that happened I felt devastated ! It was such a big event to look forward too and all my friends were coming to support me What did you do to keep the music scene going since all events were put on a hold To continue on to play music for a live audience, I had to resort to IG LIVE where I would perform my songs there. I also performed in events online . Do you prefer performing online or live LIVE OF COURSE ! The feeling of performing live hits differently, you get to interact with the crowd and just be a little bit wild ! As for online performances, it’s not that bad but it still feels weird for me however I am glad with technology, there’s so many options now ! What is the first thing you’re gonna do when the MCO is over Meet my bandmates ! Over the course of this whole MCO, we’ve been on call almost everyday to not just make more music but to keep each other company. I can’t wait to give them a big hug when all of this over
Book 4 : Entertainment Title :
-body content
Zikri Description : Book 4 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
Self Introduction Hello, my name is Zikri, I am 24 years old and I work as a freelance graphic designer and painter As an artist, how has the MCO has affected you I had a lot of jobs coming my way for the next few months. I was hired by restaurant owners to paint murals in their restaurants but due to the coronavirus and mco. The plans had to be cancelled and some of those cafes and restaurants had to be shut down. Were there any art events coming up during that time ? Plenty ! I was even supposed to be in this art exhibition but it had to be cancelled then again due to the coronavirus and how the MCO did not allow any events to run. How did you feel when most of your plans were cancelled I felt sad because I was really looking forward to showcasing my art and to get paid from the cafe and restaurant owners. However, I understand that the implementation of the MCO is for the best in order to reduce the spread of the virus What did you do to keep the art scene going ? Honestly not much, unlike musicians who can just sing and perform a song online ,it’s quite hard for an artist to hold a showcase online as art needs to be observed in front of your eyes. However the best that I could do was to continue to make my art and post it on social media to keep the ball rolling Personally what do you think the public can do to help artists at a time like this ? The public can support artists by either buying their work or commission work for them ! This does not just make up their salary but it also makes an artist feel valued as someone out there is thinking of their work What is the first thing you will do once the MCO is over ? Here’s the thing before the whole coronavirus and MCO started, me and my friends had already plan to have a mega art meet up where we would be painting the day away while we get to spend time with each other. Im looking forward to that !
Book 5 : Mental Health Title :
-body content
Description :
The Coronavirus came out of nowhere, but in less than six months Covid-19 has swept the world, sickening over two million people, killing more than 150,000 and showing no signs of abating.
Book 5 body content
In the face of fast-exhausting resources, and limited manpower and protective equipment, hospitals across the globe are working tirelessly to save as many lives as possible while research organisations race to create a cure.
Part 1 :
It’s putting it mildly, then, to say the battle is hard, long and against seemingly impossible odds. And this is just what we can see. Another fight is taking place, and that’s against the psychological impact of this pandemic happening inside our minds.
Concept Book
It’s no doubt that many factors play a part in why the coronavirus is affecting our mental health. But one thing’s for sure is it is inducing a considerable degree of fear, worry and concern in the population at large and among certain groups in particular, such as older adults, care providers and people with underlying health conditions. In public mental health terms, the main psychological impact to date is elevated rates of stress or anxiety. But as new measures and impacts are introduced especially quarantine and its effects on many people’s usual activities, routines or livelihoods evels of loneliness, depression, harmful alcohol and drug use, and self-harm or suicidal behaviour are also expected to rise
Book 5 : Mental Health Title :
-body content
Dina Description : Book 5 body content
Part 1 : Concept Book
Self Introduction Hi, My name is Dina I am 20 years old and I’m currently in my first year at the University of Nottingham doing English Why did the quarantine take a toll on your mental health I think it really took a toll on me because of how we weren’t allowed to go out . At the same time, I also got very demotivated during online classes as I didn’t see a purpose to it anymore How did you feel during that period of time? I just felt restless and I could feel myself being depressed because I was in the room most of the time and I didn’t want to come out as I didn’t see a reason to What did you do to keep yourself busy and not think about it? I mostly just occupied myself with watching netflix shows, I also started to learn sewing a bit to not just take my mind off things but have a new skill How did you overcome it? I overcame it by mostly talking to my friends, We would go on discord every night and I think that was a gateway to my sanity I am in no position to give the best advice but all I can say is that things will brighten up and you have to keep on hoping First thing you’ll do once this mco is over Easy ! I am going to finally have that hipster cafe meal with my friends. We’ve been planning it and fingers crossed it will all come true.
Book 5 : Mental Health Title :
-body content
Jane Description : Book 5 body content
Part 1 :
Self Introduction Hello my name is Jane, I am 24 years old and I’m in my final year of being a Pharmacy student in the UK. How has the coronavirus pandemic affected your mental health ? It first started out with stress, from all the assignments from university and online class. It then also progressed to mild depression when we had to be at home all the time and it was getting overwhelming.
Concept Book
Why did you think the pandemic had taken a toll on your mental health ? I think the pandemic had taken a toll on my mental health because I was overwhelmed with everything, especially staying at home. At the same time, I was stressed about uni and could not catch up with online classes as I couldn’t understand them well. I also missed my family back in Malaysia and was worried sick about them What did you do to keep yourself busy and not think about it I mainly watched skyped with my friends often, the time difference sucked but at least i had someone to talk to How did you overcome it I overcame it by constantly reminding myself that things will get better soon. I also seeked online therapy from my university What advice would you give to someone who is going through a tough time in this quarantine period as well I’m not the best person for this but all i can say is that there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel What’s the First thing you’ll do once this mco is over ? I am going to visit my best friend, she was the person that I missed dearly throughout this whole quarantine period.
Title :
brainstorming big idea
big idea Description :
路 New Normal
Brief Research of part
路 Symbolism language goals 路 PSA, message towards visual langauge inspiration 路 Lifestyle
brainstorming big idea summary The concept of the campaign is to implement the structural of part 1. As it depicts the aftermath of covid-19 especially into our life. The direction of this campaign is to emplify a message towards the crowd to take massive serious measures in order to combat the remaining covid-19 situation.
Title :
Deliveries Part 2
Deliveries nEW nORMAL cAMPAIGN
Size sticker · A5 size, Dimention - 21cm x 148cm
Brief research of overall section towards my FYP
· Poster, Gif, DIY, Face Mask, Stickers, Mock-ups, Brochure.
mOtivaltion/symbol posters
Part 2 :
Posters, part 1
Description :
New Normal campaign
· A4 size, Dimention - 21.0 x 29.7cm · Motivational posters x 5
Posters, Part 2
· A4 size, Dimention - 21.0 x 29.7cm
· Symbols posters x 5
Gif 1
· A4 size, Dimention - 21.0 x 29.7cm
· Combination of Motivational Posters Gif 2 · Combination of Symbol posters x 5 Stickers · 5 pieces of Stickers
bluu next Title : Research
Description : Typography of the
overall FYP Part 2 :
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 arial
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
primary font · generally, a systematic font which emphasizes on the overall geometric outlook of the type face · Consistent use of this fonts brings a new interface that invision the overall direction of my self branding
New Normal Campagn
8_bit_1_6 Regular
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
Tertiary font · Specifically for body context/ body copy
Title :
Description :
Color of the
overall FYP
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
#6D86C3 #6D86C3 #6D86C3
Title :
Description : New Normal Campaign
New : Normal Campaign
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
To convey a direct message towards the mass with visuals and symbols from part 1 into part 2
Basic fundamental of visual language as a key momentum to combat the covid-19 virus from spreading
Using design as a form of communication
Title :
Description : New Normal Campaign
“Stay Safe�
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
A direct vision of the new normal campaign
Having a simple path towards the campaign is a essential to give consistency and transparency
Simplistic and focused
Title :
Description : Phrases
“Stay Safe”
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
“Keep on living”
“1 Meter Distance”
“Wash you hands”
“For our future”
Given the direction of the slogan that implements the overall structure of the campaign. This is the phrases that is deprived from the initial slogan direction to give consistency and direct key to the visual designs
Title :
Design implementation Slogan
Description : Design implementation
· Logo-fied of the slogan as well as the arrangements
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Design implementation Phrases · Design implementation of the “Keep on living” phrase
Title :
Description : Design implementation
Design implementation Phrases · Design implementation of the “1 meter distance” phrase
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Design implementation Phrases · Design implementation of the “wash your hands” phrase
Title :
Description : Design implementation
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Design implementation Phrases · Design implementation of the “For our future” phrase
Symbols Title :
Description :
· Imputing the house Icon within the poster design as a form of complementary that suits with the direction of the campaign.
Symbols implementation
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
·Empty area to input the initial symbols of the part 1.
Symbols Description · Alignment of the overall part 1 symbols to accommodate the direction of the campaign.
We’re in this to make our lives better. ·Slogan and phrases being combined as a key visual language.
Symbols Title :
Description · Combination of the overall elements of the part 1 and 2 combined as awhole .
Description : Symbols implementation
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
We’re in this to make our lives better.
·Slogan and phrases being combined as a key visual language.
Symbols Title :
Description :
¡Using the House Icon as a implementation of the part 1 symbols together with phrases and simple design elements.
Symbols implementation Motivational Poster
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
Time to care TIme to heal.
Symbols Title :
Description :
¡Using the House Icon as a implementation of the part 1 symbols together with phrases and simple design elements.
Symbols implementation Motivational Poster
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
Time to care TIme to heal.
Symbols Title :
Description :
¡Using the House Icon as a implementation of the part 1 symbols together with phrases and simple design elements.
Symbols implementation Motivational Poster
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
Symbols Title :
Description :
¡Using the House Icon as a implementation of the part 1 symbols together with phrases and simple design elements.
Symbols implementation Symbol posters
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
Time to care TIme to heal.
Symbols Title :
Description :
¡Using the House Icon as a implementation of the part 1 symbols together with phrases and simple design elements.
Symbols implementation Symbol posters
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
Time to care TIme to heal.
Symbols Title :
Description :
¡Using the House Icon as a implementation of the part 1 symbols together with phrases and simple design elements.
Symbols implementation Symbol posters
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
Brochure Title :
Description : Brochure
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Description ¡Implementation of brochure as a PSA towards the Mass. Steps, symptoms and infographic are stated below as a form of visual communication
Motivational Posters Title :
Description : FA Poster design for motivational posters
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Description This is the overall segments of the motivational posters, implementing all the fundamentals and setting of the design direction.
Motivational Posters Title :
Description : FA Poster design for motivational posters
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Time to care TIme to heal.
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Motivational Posters Title :
Description : FA Poster design for motivational posters
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Symbol Posters Title :
Description This is the overall segments of the Symbol posters, implementing all the fundamentals and setting of the design direction.
Description : FA Poster design for Symbol posters
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Symbol Posters Title :
Description This is the overall segments of the Symbol posters, implementing all the fundamentals and setting of the design direction.
Description : FA Poster design for Symbol posters
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Symbol Posters Title :
Description This is the overall segments of the Symbol posters, implementing all the fundamentals and setting of the design direction.
Description : FA Poster design for Symbol posters
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Symbol Posters Title :
Description This is the overall segments of the Symbol posters, implementing all the fundamentals and setting of the design direction.
Description : FA Poster design for Symbol posters
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Symbol Posters Title :
Description This is the overall segments of the Symbol posters, implementing all the fundamentals and setting of the design direction.
Description : FA Poster design for Symbol posters
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Stickers design Title :
Description Each sticker represent a brief collaterals of the posters design fundamentals element embaded inside of these stickers
Part 2 :
Wash your hands
New Normal Campaign
1 meter distance
NORMAL Keep on Living
Facemask design Title :
Description Each facemask is a self-DIY cut based on paper for supporting and embrancing the New normal campaign movement.
Description : FA STICKERS DESIGN 40-50mm
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Facemask design Title :
Description : 40-50mm
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Facemask design Title :
Description : 40-50mm
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Facemask design Title :
Description : 40-50mm
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
We’re in this to make our lives better.
Facemask design Title :
Description : 40-50mm
Part 2 : New Normal Campaign
Time to care TIme to heal.
We’re in this to make our lives better.
FINAL YEAR PROJECT : NEW / NORMAL Part 1/2 : Product Shoot
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description 5 in 1 concept book.
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description 5 in 1 concept book.
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description 5 in 1 concept book.
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description Cover Book packaging.
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description Brochure guideline
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description Brochure guideline
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description Brochure guideline
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description Paper mask template DIY
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description Paper mask template DIY
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description Paper mask template DIY
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description Paper mask template DIY
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description Paper mask template DIY
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description Paper mask template DIY
Product Shoot Title :
Description : Product Shoot
Part 1/2 : New Normal Campaign
Description Paper mask template DIY