New approach of collaborative learning with fun is online study groups

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New approach of collaborative learning with fun is online study groups This article discusses the benefits of online study groups in an individual’s learning ability. In a recent research done in Cornell University, it is stated that almost half of higher education has made use of online learning in one way or another in its modules. The researchers believe that the internet has revolutionized the way learning works, opening up endless opportunities for students to study and discover things. Online Education or Distance Learning, as one might call it, paves the way for students to engage with other students in forums and some even come up with an online study group for students to communicate with other students from all over the world. Is Online Study Group Conducive to Learning? As information seems to transmit much faster than ever before, thanks to the internet, traditional learning might not be as effective as it used to be. For one, traditional learning would require one to spend time on books, which might no longer be updated, and discussions therefore become irrelevant. With online education, access to information and resource materials are readily available. Updates are also current which make the discussion relevant. Study group members can also post updated articles or news with the topics presented helping each member to be informed. Another reason why the online study group is advantageous is that one can discuss topics, which are sensitive or taboo without fear of repercussion as doing so in real life classroom situations would. Online study groups serve, as a good sounding board for students who want to express their opinions without fear as well as learn what other students have to say about the same. The interpretation and construction of meanings of the same topic gives the student a solid foundation, which will benefit them in the future. The Virtual Learning Environment also paves the way for people with learning disabilities to work on their skills with professionals, which might not be able locally. This type of learning program enables students with handicaps to reach others who have the same disability and work their way together. Experts in the medical field believe that interaction with people who share the same experience tend to become more positive and they are motivated to work and overcome their problems without pressure from society. Online study groups also ensure a sense of equality that might not be available in traditional study groups. More often than not, traditional study groups are made of leaders and followers with the latter having no voice in the matter. With online study groups, followers are given the chance to speak and voice their opinions or ideas on the topic under discussion. Gender-based arguments are also eliminated,as one can be anonymous in the forum.

Accessibility to instructors is also easier as lecturers or educators can join online study groups and provide timely discussion of the topic. This allows the educators to clarify issues readily and allows students to learn about the subject easily without having to wait for the next day for the answer. Online study group has paved the way for students to learn more than the traditional educational system does. Educators who want to learn how online study groups can work for them can simply visit Visitors can find vast information onhow to form and setup their online study groups.

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