Why it’s Difficult For HR Alone To Change The Company Culture? Having a strong culture is crucial for any businesses success. But the term strong here is not essentially fixed. With time a business changes its strategy and goals, so the culture must also change.
very often the only answer people can come up with is HR and the department. Although getting a culture change can be a crucial and exciting task for HR, handing over complete responsibility to them is not going to work out the way people think. This happens because the competing priorities are different most of the times. So until the unit leaders of the business take the official responsibility, it is going to be very difficult to bring about a change in top priority task while there are so many other work priorities as well. Especially when they are aware that the HR who probably does have better skills and expertise in the field, is believed to be moving ahead with the task.
What Is Culture Change?
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A culture change actually means bringing about an alteration in the manner the company works presently. It forms the way employees make decisions, how the goals are met and prioritizing things according to the new strategies being developed. But it will only work when the business owners take the main responsibility on themselves and realize that HR is just a resource that will be helping to achieve it. This is the reason culture change needs to be a joint project. Basically, Human resource Management Company can help in the execution of culture change by performing the following task:
 Facilitation Of Research Period: For moving from present culture to the one that's desired, the company often waste a lot of time on just conversing on what needs to be done, but not first being aware of the present situation. The bigger the company is the more they have to think about the different variable like procedures, terms, and conditions, values and policies. This is also the place where HR can do wonders and save a lot of time as they have complete information about the existing culture that will be needed.
 Convincing The Heads That Culture Can Change: A lot of the senior officers and leaders of the company remain skeptical all the time that culture can actually change. As most EDP Services
of them had observed culture change only in times of drastic internal or the market situation had forced it on the company. And honestly, their justification is alright. But an HR will be able to put across examples on how companies have in sync with their long term strategic aims, practically and optimistically brought about a culture change.
 Educate Them On How To Change: Even for leaders that have decades of experience in the field are uncertain on change. And very few actually took part in the culture change.
Only when seniors are
provided with the
appropriate skills needed for driving out a culture change only then we can give them the ownership and hold them responsible for the achievement.
Conclusion: We have to be clear that in any organization, culture change is a must. And this needs to be led from the top, moved ahead with skills, and by working in collaboration with the HR for the accomplishment. PDF Source: https://www.sooperarticles.com/business-articles/human-resourcearticles/why-difficult-hr-alone-change-company-culture-1706257.html EDP Services