Be a change leader by joining hands with relief india trust

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Be A Change Leader By Joining Hands With Relief India Trust

How Relief India Trust is involved

Relief India Trust comprises of several members who come forth with a big heart to help the less fortunate and underprivileged in the society.


This is one of the pillars of social economic development of any country. Educating the young youth is a priority of in the campaigns held by the trust across the country to ensure the society is a better place once again.

Disability checkups

There are many disabled people in the society suffering various disabilities but with no help from the government. Most of them are in the marginalized rural areas of India where they cannot be traced easily.

Organ Donation

Relief India Trust goes around the country to mobilize people on the importance of saving lives through organ donations such as the kidneys, eyes and even the heart.

The Relief india TRusT offeRs seveRal oTheR seRvices all TailoRed TowaRds achieving iTs goal of changing The socieTy foR The beTTeR.

Relief India Trust D-22, Sector 3, Near Shiv Mandir, Noida (U.P.) - 201301 Speak to Doctor: - + (91)-(120)-4258313 Speak to a Volunteer: - (Toll free)-18001031777, + (91)-9810102897

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