CCIE training Yes, it is important! IP4 Networkers
CCIe (CIsCo CertIfIed INterNetwork exPert) Is the hIghest level of CertIfICatIoN IN the NetworkINg area.
the CCIe CertIfICatIoN Creates exPert Network eNgINeers who earNed the mastery of CIsCo aPPlIaNCes aNd solutIoNs. the CCIe exPertIse Is CoNsIdered to be most PrestIgIous PosItIoN IN the NetworkINg INdustry for a reasoN.
As the CCIE is a Cisco certification, it carries value and maintains its value. Cisco continually revises its testing methodologies to ensure the quality, relevance and value of CCIE certification. One who desires to become a Cisco certified expert in the networking area must cope up with the latest advancements of networking technologies to pass the CCIE certification exam. This very exam is certainly not a child’s play.
A CCIE training program should also be arranged in such manner as to polish the skills of a networking professional and must believe in his capabilities of becoming a networking expert. The program must cover the core topics of CCIE test like; • UC development models • User management • UCS • VMware • Wireless in Cisco collaboration solution and application of Cisco appliances
httP://www.IP4Networkers.Com/ IP4 Networkers offICe address: # 25-30, ramky house, soNy CeNter buIldINg, heNNur rINg road, kalyaN Nagar Post, baNgalore 560043, karNataka, INdIa. Call us vIa PhoNe +91 8861 200 800, +91 8861 200 801, +91 80 65 65 65 24.