Mars in astrology

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MARS IN ASTROLOGY We use 12 planets, 12 houses and 12 signs in Astrology to predict everything in Astrology. Everything is signified by these 36 tools we use in Astrology. It is impossible to remember which article, part of body, eatable etc. is signified by which planet, house and sign. Astrology is science of similarities and we signify everything by this principle of astrology. Let me explain how we do it and how we do it for Mars. The surface of Mars contains ferric oxide because of which Mars appears to be red in colour. Red colour corresponds to aggression, blood, fire etc. Hence Mars is considered as security or commander – in – chief. It signifies aggressiveness, soldier, blood, arms etc. because it is red in colour. It is a fiery and masculine planet. It signifies energy, both constructive and destructive. General

: Brother, energy, strength, practical nature, obstinate, landed property, accident, operation, wounds, cuts, bleeding, earthquake, military operations. Direction : South. Parts of body : Ear, nose, forehead, sinews fiber, muscular tissues, kidney, gall bladder, prostate glands, uterus, colon, external sex organs, sense of taste, rectum, testicles and bone marrow. Disease : Fever, smallpox, chickenpox, measles, burns, wounds, tumor, eruptions, ENT high blood pressure, bleeding, hernia, fistula, carbuncles, brain fever, deformity. Products : Iron and steel, copper, coral, red woolen shawl, Sulphur, shellac, Ginger, garlic coriander, thorny plants, walnut, cashews, groundnut, and betelnut. Others : Liquids, chemicals, brandy, whisky, coffee, tea, tobacco, hemp tiger, hunting dogs, wolf.

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