Methodology of Nadi Astrology Nadi astrology is the Hindu predictive astrology, which has only 5 rules to pinpoint all the events of life exhaustively viz. Marriage, Childbirth, Litigation, Property & Vehicle, Health, Career, Education and Travel. Following are the rules with which predictions are done in Nadi Astrology. Rule No.1 According to Nadi Astrology a Planet in a Horoscope is under the influence of the following three factors. It is desired to give its results in DBA keeping in view these factors. 1) Its position & the lordship of houses in the horoscope. 2) Its Nakshatra. 3) Its Sub lord. According to Nadi Astrology Sub lord is stronger than the Nakshatra & Nakshatra is stronger than the Planet. If a planet is promising something & the Nakshatra negates, the event cannot happen. Similarly, if Sub lord negates an event promised by both Nakshatra & the Planet the event may finally not take place. On the contrary, if sub lord confirms an event, event is destined to happen. Whereas if all the Planet, Nakshatra & Sub lord join hands together the event takes place without any hurdle or difficulty. Rule No.2 According to Nadi Astrology, 12th house to every house mars the significance of that house. 12th House is death, whereas Ascendant is safe. Whereas 12th to 12th, i.e. The 11th will stop the expenses & losses 12th from 10th i.e. 9th will separate one from the job. &
12th from 9th i.e. 8th will create obstacles in the life.
12th from 7th i.e. 6th will separate from the marital home
may lead to divorce.
12th from 6th i.e. 5th will make one free from disease
litigation, although the person may not be inclined to work. 12th from 5th i.e. 4th will deny the children. 12th from 4th i.e. 3rd will be loss of property or denying the purchase of property & native will go away from the house / motherland.
There are certain exceptions to it as follows: 12th from 11th i.e. 10th is good for profits in the business as both are complementary houses here. Similarly 12th from 5th i.e. 4th is good in education since 5th is house of intelligence. &12th from 4th i.e. 3rd is better in regard to vehicles since 3rd house is the house of Travel & so on. Rule No.3 In elongation to the above rule 2nd house to every house enhances the significances of the penultimate house. 2nd house or family will help the native in everything. 4th house or vehicle helps 3rd house or travel. 5th house or intelligence enhances 4th house or education. 10th house or Karma enhances the fortune. 11th house or gains enhances profession. 12th house or expenditure increases Gains or 11th house. Rule No.4 Combinations of Houses give result. A single house never gives results. This discussion is common as one has to check 7th house of marriage, but 7th house not only signifies marriage, it also signifies, business, partnership, open enemy etc. Similarly, how to predict for 12 th house lord when its days comes into the life? Will it give expenditure, loss, jail, hospitalization, settle abroad, die or get salvation or everything will happen in its period?
Rule No.5 Dasa lord (Mahadasa Lord ) is the strongest . It is stronger than the Bhukti lord ( Antar lord ) & in the same sequence Bhukti lord is stronger than the Antar lord (Pratayantar lord). There are various Dasa systems in Indian Astrology. DA SA to be used: Only Vimsottari Dasa is correct Dasa.