Resolve birth chart queries by umang taneja

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Resolve birth-chart queries by Umang Taneja Shri Umang Taneja is a great Astrologer who is completely devoted to spread the awareness about Nadi Astrology among people. Simply birth details i.e. Date, time and place of birth is required to answer any of your queries which can be submitted on the site to get your answer. In addition to birth details, a number in between 1 to 249 is taken by the queerest as the horary number to cross check the answer by horary astrology. People who are not sure about their birth details can also get answers of their questions by submitting a horary number in between 1 to 249. Experience has shown that Nadi Astrology gives most accurate results ans so we remember Master of Astrology, Shri Umang Taneja!

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