Why do we need ngos like relief india trust

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Why Do We Need NGOs Like Relief India Trust? The need for NGOs increases each day in India and the world. This is because there are millions of people across India suffering in poverty and not able to get even the basic amenities like food, clothing and shelter. Running their daily life with dignity is such a problem for many Indians in the rural and slum areas in many cities of India. Despite the efforts by the government and the many programs it organizes, very little reach the people on the ground. For this reason alone, India needs even more NGOs. The gap between the rich and the poor is widening by the day and NGOs are the only solution to bridging this gap. The Relief India Trust is working to improve the quality of life for the needy and less privileged. With this vision and a mission to ensure improved standards of living Relief India Trust is gaining popularity and support from many corporations, individuals of good will and even the government itself. This trust runs a number of programs across the country to ensure they achieve the goals as soon as possible. To start with, the provision of free education is on the top of priorities. So far as it is considered as the best social service across India as it helps solve various problems facing various groups of people in the country. Analysts of the Indian society concluded that poverty is only brought about by the poor literacy rate in the country. The solution to this challenge, therefore remains to be quality education for all school going children in the country. The Relief India Trust is focusing its attention mainly to the slum areas of Mumbai and other cities and the rural places where poverty is strikingly visible. In such areas, the trust sets up free schools to help boost education for the needy children living there. The trust has so far managed to supply slum and rural children with necessary educational materials and recruited quality teachers for them. Quality slum education is a mission of the Relief India Trust that can be achieved through your support and participation. Poor individuals in the society are not driven by the idea of having their children educated among other things. It is with the help of such NGOs as Relief India Trust that people are mobilized and educated of the importance to send children to school. They do not stop there, they go ahead to organize for effective educational programs across the country for the benefit of poor and needy children across India. The services by the trust may seem as a drop in the ocean, but with time, the difference has been felt. A lot of success stories have been written about this charitable organization, but still a lot needs to be done. Greater social participation through voluntary work and donation is needed to help change the society for the better. Your hand in the cause is thus crucial in reaching the goals set by the trust in improving the quality of life for every needy and less fortunate citizen out there.

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