kmct ayurveda college magazine

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Xo ]nSn-∏n-∏m-\p-]-tbm-Kn-® Itºm sIm≈ntbm IØn-Øo¿∂mepw Xo ]ns∂bpw hym]n-®p-sIm≠n-cn°pw. an°-hmdpw Ae-Iƒ t]mse... Hcp ]t£ Ic-hsc FØn-Øo¿∂p F∂pw hcmw... i{Xp-°f - n-√msX acn-°p-∂h - ¿ H∂pw sNbvXn-´n√. Fw.-F≥. hnP-b≥

-C-hnsS Ncn{Xw Ipdn-°-s∏-´n-cn-°p∂p...

STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND PARTICULARS Place of Publication Period of Publication Printer’s Name Nationality Address Publisher’s Name Nationality Address

: : : : :

Mukkom (Calicut) Annual Dr. S.G. Chandini Indian Principal, KMCT Ayurveda Medical College, Calicut : Dr. S.G. Chandini : Indian : Principal, KMCT Ayurveda Medical College, Calicut

I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sd/Dr. S.G. Chandini


Iøn¬ \mta¥n-sbmcp ap¥n-cn-bn¬ CS-]m¿Øp ]Xn-bn-cp-∂-Wp-IoSw Hcp alm-^-Wn-bmbn Zwin-∏-sXßv? lrZ-b-Øntem inc- ntem hwi-hr-£-Øn≥ Nph-´ntem hnÆntem?

˛ a[p-kq-Z\≥ \mb¿

I am happy to know that KMCT Ayurveda Medical College is bringing out there annual magazine EreditĂ for the year 2010-2011. I hope the magazine will promote educational, cultural and literary talents of the students. Wish you all success.

V.S. Achuthanandan


Iem-e-b-ß-fnse k¿Km-fl-I-amb {]h¿Ø-\-ßfpsS IÆm-Sn-bmWv amK-kn-\p-Iƒ. Bi-b-ß-fpsS ]Wn-ime-bmbn Iem-e-b-ßsf \ne-\n¿Øp-∂-Xn¬ amK-kn-\p-I-fpsS ]¶v \nkvXp-e-am-Wv. Adn-hns‚ ]pØ≥ koa-I-fn-te°v ISs∂-Øp∂ hn⁄m-\-Ip-Xp-In-I-fmb hnZym¿∞n-Iƒs°-∂t]mse Ahsc ssI]n-Sn-®p-b¿Øp∂ A[ym-]I - ¿°pw A`ypZ-b-Imw-£n-Iƒ°pw Hcp \nXy-{]-tNm-Z-\-am-Im≥ sI.-Fw.-kn.Sn. Bbp¿thZ saUn-°¬ tImtf-Pv, tImgn-t°mSv ]pd-Øn-d°p∂ amK-kn\v Ign-bs´ F∂m-iw-kn-°p-∂p.


I have great pleasure to know that our KMCT Ayurveda Medical College, Manassery, Kozhikode is bringing out its annual college magazine for 2010-2011, EreditĂ . I hope the magazine will help the students in a big way to express there ideas and thoughts and also to develop their skills in various fields like arts, education, culture & literature. Let me congratulate the students and staff of the college for bringing out this magazine.

With warm regards

Dr. K. Moidu Chairman & Managing Trustee KMCT Group of Educational Institutions


Fs‚ {]nb-s∏´ hnZym¿∞n hnZym¿∞n-\n-Iƒ°v F√m-hn[ Biw-k-Ifpw t\¿∂p-sIm≠v kvt\l-]q¿∆w

˛ kpio-e-∏≥ ˛

({]Ya {]n≥kn∏¬, sI.-Fw.-kn.-Sn. Bbp¿thZ saUn-°¬ tImtfPv)


sI.Fw.-kn.-Sn. Bbp¿thZ saUn-°¬ tImtfPv hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ BZy tImtfPv amK-kn≥ {]kn-≤o-I-c-WØns‚ {]h¿Ø-\-ß-fn-em-sW-∂-dn-bp-∂-Xn¬ Rm≥ AXoh k¥p-jvS-\m-Wv. \nß-fnse ss[j-WnI `mh-߃ A£-cß-fmbn Pzen-°s - ´. \nß-fpsS Iq´mb ]cn-{i-aß - ƒ°v k¿∆hn[ awK-f-ßfpw t\cp-∂p.

tUm. sI.-Pn. hnZym-km-K-c≥

(ap≥ {]n≥kn∏¬, sI.-Fw.-kn.-Sn. Bbp¿thZ saUn-°¬ tImtfPv)


Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Chief Editor

Staff Editor

Ajeesh T. Alex

Dr. Madhu K.P.



Gayathri Jayan

Anju E.K.

Pheba Susan Raju

Neethu Mohan

T.M. Irshad

Sajitha K.

Abdul Gafoor C.

Divya M.

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

-\-°m-cm.... p-∂n-√. {]nb hmb H∂pw Ah-Im-i-s∏-S n b m n¬ IqSp-X-e -´-Øns‚ ¿§-km-K-c-Ø \nßsf k a-t∂m, amdp∂ Ime-L -s Bdm-Sn-°m n-∏n-°m-sat∂m, -‰m-sat∂m h {i w Z v hI-™p-am f _ s i I e m d psS am C∂-se-If hoºv ]d-bp-∂n-√. p-S®v pw ∂ m Fs∂ n-Xn-Isf X® pw ÿ yh h S n\ C∂-se-bps v\-km-£m-XvIm-c-Ø ] zk X c m ` \h n-cp-∂n-√. ns‚ R߃ apX nb {ia-am-Wv. ¬ tImtf-P f CXv Hcp F n. Bbp¿thZ saUn-° -bm-\p≈ {iaw. -d -S emI-tØmSv hnfn-®p-] p∂ t -ß d zw D nX n¬ X v w. Ak pw D≈ b S t pb nm-\p≈ {ia Hmtcm hy‡ -Øn\v NndIv apf-∏n-° -h pw k¿§-ssh-` ∑ kz]v\w ImWm\ \ S ps yw c-ºc \msf-b m-e-amb ]m \ΩpsS hni p-ap≈ {iaw. m-\ m-Wv. hnfn-t®m-X psS i_vZ-a Jym-]n-°p-∂-hs‚ f ß R v X AsX, C v Dds° {] m-[y-a-s√∂ H∂pw Ak _vZw. i mK-kn≥; apg-ßp∂ tImtfPv a Ø ys Z B Rß-fpsS Xv \nß-fp-tS-Xm-Wv. C CXm, C\n eIvkv-

A APojv Sn. n-‰¿ No^v FU

° v w Fs∂ms I rX ]n≥Ip-dn∏ ] s s , mc-ºcyw ]Zw. Eredità ˛ ] C‰m-en-b≥ ∂ pc h w A¿∞

]g-sam-gn-bn¬ ]d-™ Nßm-Xn-sb -tXSnbp≈ Ahs‚ bm{X Ah-km-\n-®Xv IÆm-Sn-bpsS ap≥]n-¬!!!

⁄m\-]o-Thpw ]fl-hn-`q-jWpw t\Snb

ae-bm-f-Øns‚ {]nbIhn! Ic-fns‚ X°n-fn-Øpºn¬ XpSn-°p∂ hcn-I-fm¬ Xqsh´w Xp∂p-thmsc! ae-\m-Sn≥ Pohn-X-N-{I-hm-f-Øn¬ \n˛ s∂mcp \√ \msf-X≥ ]qhn-dp-°m≥ Db-cp∂p ]pXnb bpK-Øns‚ ]qhnfn "DW-cp-hn≥, am‰p-hn≥ N´-ß-sf....'sb∂v ]mSnb

{io. H.-F≥.-hn.°v {]Wm-aw.

"C∂n-'s‚-b-¥n-°pam "\msf'-X≥ ]pe-cn°pw sN∂nWw ]qin-Sp-hm≥ \n≥ Xqh¬ Nen-°s´!

DƒØp-Sn∏pIƒ \jvS-kw-kvIrXn ............................................................................... 17 Bbp¿thZ Nn-In-’m-cw-KsØ A\m-tcmKy {]h-W-X-Iƒ ............................................................. 18 B Nn{Xw ˛ Igp-Is‚ ap∂nse s]¨Ip´n .......................... 21 kvt\l]q¿∆w Hcp Phm≥ .......................................................... 22 Career options in ayurveda ........................................... 23 C\n Rm\pw ....................................................................................... 26 B apdn-∏mSv ambn√ ......................................................................... 27 Kpcp-Z-£nW ........................................................................................ 28 Hm¿a-bn¬ \o ..................................................................................... 29 Nß-ºpg -˛ ae-bm-f-Øns‚ kvt\l-Km-b-I≥ ...................... 30 EXp-t`Z߃....................................................................................... 36 aXn-ep-Iƒ°-∏pdw ............................................................................. 39 ]n≥hnfn ............................................................................................... 41 hnt[b .................................................................................................. 42 Ayurvedic education: thought & its propagation in an age of ‘Systems Thinking’ ............................................. 43 ]pg _m°n-bm-°n-bXv .................................................................... 46 ]pe-b-∏m-´ns‚ Xmfw ....................................................................... 47 Heal the world ............................................................... 50 ʴɷɶÉÉÎxiÉ& ................................................................ 52 hnScpw aptº sImgn™.... ........................................................... 54 A universal law from ayurveda ............................................ 55 \nem-ag ................................................................................................. 58 F√mw Ah-\p-th≠n ...? ............................................................... 59


Fs‚ tNmc-sIm-s≠-gp-Xn-bXv.... ................................................. 60 Stress management ................................................................. 63 aI-tf... .................................................................................................. 65 Yogic management of nasal sinusitis ............................. 66 Im°n-°p-≈nse `mjm-kvt\ln ................................................. 68 Hm¿a°p-dn∏v ........................................................................................ 71 \ne-bv°mØ kvt\lw .................................................................. 72 hnZym-`ymkw ˛ alXv ZrjvSn-I-fn¬ ........................................... 73 £{Xnbw .............................................................................................. 74 Pohn-X-\m-SIw..................................................................................... 76 Icn-¶men .............................................................................................. 77 sFXn-ly-ß-fn-eqsS ......................................................................... 79 Xe-ap-d-I-tfmSv Hcp hm°v .............................................................. 82 \nan-Ø-߃ ........................................................................................ 83 Imcp-Wy-Øns‚ \nd-Zo]w -˛ _m_m BwsX ........................ 88 km¶¬∏nI tdmkp-Iƒ ................................................................. 92 Imcp-Wy-Øns‚ {]hm-N-I≥ ....................................................... 93 `£-W-Øn\pw `mj-W-Øn\pw ................................................... 96 ka¿∏Ww ........................................................................................... 98 ad-°m-\m-hmØ sImßwsh≈w ............................................... 101 {]nb-s∏-´... ......................................................................................... 103 \o BcmWv?... .................................................................................. 103 Love Vs. Infactuation .................................................... 104 Hm¿a-bn¬ Kp¬tam-l¿ ]qØ-t∏mƒ ...................................... 106 Understanding complication of sthoulya W.S.R.T. krichravyvaya and sukralpatha ............................................... 108

Hcp \nan-jw-sIm≠v ........................................................................ 110 Growth of racism through the misuse of history ............ 111 `mcXw + kwkvIrXw = Bbp¿thZw ..................................... 115 C\n-sbm-cn-°epw ............................................................................ 120

Hcp]mSv {]Xo-£-I-fp-am-bmWv C∂v R߃ ChnsS Cu ¢mkv apdn-bn¬ ..... ]pXnb temIw, ]pXnb Np‰p-]m-Sp-Iƒ, ]pXnb Iq´p-Im¿ ..... A—-\-Ω-am-cpsS XW-en¬\n∂pw amdn \msf-bpsS hmKvZm-\-ß-fm-Ip-hm≥ th≠n .... C\n-bp≈ \o≠ \me-c-h¿j-°mew Rß-fpsS temIw CXm-Wv. PohnXw Chn-sS-bm-Wv. Imew R߃°mbn F¥m-bn-cn°pw Icp-Xn-sh-®n-´p-≠m-hp-I!

j_v\ F. aq∂mw _m®v fbo ˛ bw \os ° ƒ p c n-{Xbpw mhn-∂ ∂p tZy n-Øp-≠-ß-sf X X Xnc-bpk r s wkvI -ap-Xn-cm Po¿Æ p-Im-sX, cp[n-c jn-∏-sX-¶nepw. g C\n-bp-a h-bvt°Ww ti -cn-®o-Sp-hm≥ s p n-b-]-l ƒ, ImØ d-ho-gvØ m›mXy t`cn-I n®p ˛ I p ∂ ] Im¿ £ o ¬ vSn-bm w {]X . ImI-Zr-josWmcm lrØ bm Zwjv{S-Iƒ ˛ I p h s d p p ° v h ] m nb p ¢ n-bv°p∂ p¬Inbo [c-W ] ]Xn-bn-c w. \ ns -Ø buh\ \h-bp-K yw cNn-°p∂p InX-bv°p∂p h Nc-a-Im [qa-ß-sfßpw m cWm-¶Ww? ‘ p `qth K ¿ Zp ¿§-bv° lkvX-ß-fn¬ pw. p Z c m Xb kwl -dnbm Icmf ey-ß-f-{ Icp-W-b p, tIgp∂p _m -ß-fn¬ Ø ]nS-bp∂ KoX NSpe \r bn-´-h¿ nw S q k a S w ] I-fn¬ I apJ w p I m ‚ ssI ]XrIw. a ns BZ¿i n¿tem-e-an-∂ ss \ -ßp∂p hnIrX, cn-bv°m≥ XpS vaim-\Øn-˛ i arXyp h -hn¬ t\mhn≥ q ` o a p d o \

-Iƒ. ·n Pzme m y \ X v n∂p k hnlm-b- n¬ -I-bm-W e secn-bp ¿°p-s∂m-c-Is lnbpw; o X t p p n\mbv p∂ Z Xa n-√m-X-e-b pdpßp sh´Ø , a £ m a \ t bmWo mfßfn¬ XncbpI Wnbpao N{Ih ßfmbv c a AcpW mXn mbnµoh \y Zo]ambv, y X P t N s fmbv taL e‰phm≥ s IWß ßfn¬ ¿ nt o Æ Ø r I v] l mWn∂p j_mj tXSpIb IrXnX≥ l¿ t]mesh {] w hnßpw nse au‡nI Wßfmbv J bmbv w I X zi o hni mbv \∑ ei b ns a h m ¨ p fl c \˛ A¥cm shbv°ms\m kzØns p tN¿Ø yamw ss]XrI Ønepw C∂n\\ ∏n®Km[ K¿Ø≥ amdnepw. n ¬ X Imeta pWyamw KwK amw kwkvIrX ] vS j n√ \ ≠ p I fn¬. bmWn∂ XncbpI pdw Xmcm]Yß ∏ hnÆn\

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

C∂sØ kaqlw aqeym[njvTnX NnIn’bn¬ \n∂v aqe-[-\m[n-jvTnX NnIn-’-bn-te°v hyXn-N-en-®n-cn-°p-∂p. Bbp¿thZ NnIn’ F∂Xv acp∂v Iº-\n-Ifpw tcmKn-bp-am-bp≈ Hcp Xcw sImSp-°¬ hm߬ F∂ Ah-ÿ-bn-te°v Xcw XmWn-cn-°p-∂p.

tUm. Znt\iv Ipam¿ Fw.-Un. (B-bp.) {Zhy-KpW hn`mKw

Bbp¿thZ Nn-In-’m-cw-KsØ A\m-tcmKy {]h-W-X-Iƒ am\-h-cm-in-bpsS Bbp- n-s\-°p-dn-®p≈ hymIp-e-X-IfmWv Ejn-t{i-jvT∑ - msc Bbp¿th-ZØ - n-te°v \bn-®Xv. AXv sIm≠p- X s∂ A\m- t cm- K y- Ø ns‚ hn]- c o- X - h m- ° mWv Bbp¿th-Zw.- A-t∏mƒ ]ns∂ Bbp¿th-Z-cw-KØv A\m-tcmKy- { ]- h - W X- I ƒ F∂ {]kv X m- h \ hntcm[m- ` m- k - a mbn tXm∂mw. F∂m¬ kXyw AXm-Wv. Bbp¿th-Zc - w-KØv FhnsS-sb-√mtam A]-Nbw kw`-hn-®n-cn-°p∂p. C∂v ImWp∂ Btcm-Ky-cw-KsØ A\-`n-e-j-Wo-b-amb {]h-W-X-Iƒ Bbp¿th-Z-cw-K-sØbpw {Kkn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. Bbp¿th-Zhpw hmWnPyh¬°-c-W-Øns‚ ]nSn-bn-e-a¿∂n-cn-°p-∂p F∂¿∞w. Bbp¿th-Z i - m-kv{X-Øns‚ {]mamWnI {KŸ-ßf - n¬ Hcp hmIy-ap-≠v. “`njIv {ZhymWn D]-ÿmXm tcmKo ]mZ NXp-jvSbw” F∂v NnIn-’m-]-≤-Xn°v Ahiyw th≠ \mev LS-I-ß-fmWv Ch. 1)- `n-jIv AYhm sshZy≥ 2)- Hu-j[w AYhm acp∂v 3)- ]-cn-Nm-c-I≥ AYhm \gvkv 4)- tcmKn Cu \mev LS-I-ßfpw AXns‚ ]q¿Æ A¿∞-Øn¬ kwtbm-Pn-°p-tºmtg A¿∞-h-Ømb Hcp NnIn’ km[y-amIp-∂p-≈q.Cu \mev LS-I-ß-fp-tSbpw D∂-X-amb \ne-hmcw F¥m-sW∂v imkv{Xw \njvI¿jn-°p-∂p-≠v. F∂m¬ t\csØ kqNn-∏n-®-t]mse C∂sØ kaqlw 18

aqeym[njvTnX NnIn’bn¬ \n∂v aqe-[-\m[n-jvTnX NnIn’-bn-te°v hyXn-Ne - n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. AXn-\m¬ Cu aqey-NypXn ta¬]- d ™ NnIn- ’ m- ] - ≤ - X n- b nepw \ap°v ImWmw. Bbp¿thZ NnIn’ F∂Xv acp∂v Iº-\n-Ifpw tcmKn-bp-ambp≈ Hcp Xcw sImSp-°¬ hm߬ F∂ Ah-ÿ-bn-te°v Xcw XmWn-cn-°p-∂p. `nj-Iv-˛-{Zhyw (Huj[w)˛D-]-ÿm-X≥ ˛ tcmKn F∂ _rl-Xvirw-Le {Zhyw tcmKn F∂ {lkz imJ-bmbn tem]n®n-cn-°p-∂p. {]Ya-ZrjvSym KpW-I-c-amb Hcp am‰-ambn CXns\ tXm∂m-sa-¶nepw (NnIn-’m-Nn-ehv Ipd-bp-∂p F∂ A¿∞Øn¬) NnIn-’b - nse X{¥-{]-[m-\a - mb LSIw AXm-bXv `njKz-cs‚ _u≤nI-amb CS-s]-S¬ (Vigorous intervention of physician in evaluation of treatment protocol) D≠m-Ip-∂n-√. CXv k¶o¿-Wamb cmk-ssP-h{- ]-{In-b°v hnt[-ba - m-Ip∂ Hcp tcmKm-h-ÿ-bn¬ hfsc A\n-hm-cy-amb H∂m-Wv. Htc acp-∂p-Iƒ Zo¿L-\mƒ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-tºmƒ D≠mIp∂ imco-cnI cmk-]-cn-Wmaß-fn¬ Cu CS-s]-S¬ AXy¥m-t]-£n-X-am-Wv. DZm-l-c-W-Øn\v {]talw t]mep-≈ -tcm-K-ß-fn¬ Bbp¿th-Z-Øns‚ ImgvN-∏mSv shdpw c‡-Ønse ]©km-cbpsS Afhv Ipd-°pI (Hypoglycemic drugs) F∂-Xn¬ \n∂pw XnI®pw hyXy-kvXa - m-Wv. ChnsS {]ta-lØ - ns‚ Hmtcm L´-ß-fnepw, [mXz-·n-am-µyw, [mXp-timjw, {]`qX Bhne

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

aq-{XX XpS-ßnb hnhn[ tcmKm-hÿ - I - fn¬ hyXy-kvXa - mb NnIn-’m-]≤ - X - n-Iƒ A\n-hm-cy-ambn hcpw. ]{X Zriy am[ya-ß-fn¬ H∂v ItÆm-Sn-®m¬ Hmtcm Znh-khpw F{X F{X ]pXnb acp-∂p-I-fmWv Bbp¿th-Z-Øn-s‚ t]cn¬ cwK-{]th-iw sNøp∂-Xv. CXv I≠m¬ tXm∂pw Huj-[-tbm-Kß-fpsS A]-cym-]vX-X-bm-bn-cp∂p Bbp¿thZw CXp-hsc A`n-ap-Jo-I-cn® ImX-emb {]iv\-sa-∂v. ]c-ky-tIm-em-lew krjvSn-°p∂ Cu acp∂v \n¿amXm°ƒ, Bbp¿th-Zt- ØmSv tIc-fob kaq-lØ - n-\p≈ KrlmXp-cXzw \nd™ sshIm-cnI _‘sØ (Im-em-Im-e-ßfn¬ Ahs‚ Btcm-Ky-{]-iv\-ß-fn¬ \nkzm¿∞ hgn-Im´nbmb Hcp sshZy--im-kv{X-tØm-Sp≈ _‘w) apX-se-Sp°p-I-bmWv sNøp-∂-Xv. B[p-\n-I NnIn’m-cw-KØv Cu {]h-WX Xptemw Ipdhm-Wv.- AXv Bip-]-{Xn-I-fpsS ]cky-Øn-\-∏pdw t]mImdn-√.- i-‡-amb \nb-a-Øns‚ N´-°qSpw ]m¿iz-^-e-ß-sf°p-dn-®p≈ `bhpw s]mXp-k-aq-lsØ Atem-∏Xn acp∂ns‚ kzbw D]-tbm-K-Øn¬\n∂v AI‰n \n¿Øp-∂p. F-∂m¬ Bbp¿th-Za - c - p-∂p-If - psS Imcy-Øn¬ ÿnXn adn®m-Wv. A[n-Ir-X-cpsS `mKØv \n∂p≈ Zp¿_-e-amb CSs]-Sepw, Bbp¿thZw ]m¿iz-^-e-ß-fn-√mØ NnIn-’m-coXn-bm-sW∂ sX‰n-≤m-cW-bpw (]m¿iz-^e-߃ a\- n-em°- s ∏- S msX t]mIp- ∂ - X pw Ah- K - W n- ° - s ]- S p∂XpsIm≠pamWv Cu hnizmkw cqV-aq-ea - m-bX - v. sX‰mb Bbp¿th-Z- Nn-In-’-sIm≠v {]ta-l-tcm-K-ß-fn¬ c‡Ønse ]©-km-c-bpsS Afhv {Iam-Xo-X-ambn h¿≤n-°p∂Xpw ]©-I¿a -Nn-In-’-bn¬ c‡-k-Ω¿±w IqSp-∂-Xpsams° NnIn-’I - ¿°v A\p-`h - s - ∏-Sm-dp≈ Imcy-ßf - m-Wv)


Cu Ahÿsb klm-bn-°p-∂p. Bbp¿th-Z-Øns‚ Imcy-Øn¬ acp∂v IS-Ifn¬ FSpØp-sIm-Sp-°m≥ \n¬°p∂ hy‡n-t]mepw NnIn-’n-°p∂ “hmsf-Sp-Ø-h-scms° shfn-®-∏mSv” F∂ Ah-ÿb - mWv Ct∏m-gp-≈X - v. Cu {]h-WX - , from manufacturer direct to the patient F∂ Hcp coXn t{]m’m-ln-∏n°-s∏-Sp-hm≥ Hcp Imc-W-am-Ip-∂p.- ChnsS Hcp tamU-td-‰¿ Bbn h¿Øn-t°≠ sshZy≥ Nn-{X-Ønen√msX t]mIp-∂p. Ipd®p -Imew ap≥]v hsc apSn-h-f-cm\pw ico-c]p-jvSn-°psams° DX-Ip∂ acp-∂p-If - mWv ]c-ky-ØneqsS hn‰-gn-°-s∏-´n-cp-∂-Xv. F∂m¬ C∂v hfsc imkv{Xo-b-amb NnIn’ Bh-iy-ap≈ {]talw, h-‘yX, A¿»-kv, ÿueyw, kv{Xotcm- K - ß ƒ, t\{X- t cm- K - ß ƒ XpS- ß nb tcmK߃°p t]mepw acp-∂p-Iƒ ]c-ky-Øn-epsS hn‰-gn°-s∏-Sp∂p! Cu tcmK-ß-sf-sbms° Bbp¿thZw imkv{X-{KŸ-ß-fn¬ F{X \njvI¿j-tbmSpw kqjva-X-tbmSpw Kuc-h-tØmSpw IqSn-bmWv N¿® sNbvXn-cn-°p-∂Xv F∂v a\- n-em-°p-tºmƒ Cu tcmK-ß-fpsS {]m[m\yhpw Huj-[-{]-tbm-K-Ønse k¶o¿W-X-Ifpw hy‡-am-Ipw. Cu tcmK-߃s°m-s°-bmWv emL-h-_p-≤ntbmsS ]e-N-c°v IS-bn¬ \n∂v km[-\-߃ hmßptºmƒ ImWn-°p∂ kqjvaX t]mepw C√msX P\w acp∂v hmßn- I-gn-°p-∂-Xv. ]c-ky-ß-fn-eqsS hn¬°∏-Sp∂ Nne acp-∂p-Iƒ h≥ hn]Wn hnPbw t\Sn19

bXv AXns‚ KpW-\n-e-hm-c-Øns‚ am\-Z-WvU-ambn Nne Huj-[-\n¿am-Xm-°ƒ Ah-Im-i-s∏-Sm-dp-≠v.- Aßns\ hn]-Wn-bn¬ IqSp-X¬ hn‰-gn-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xv am\Z-WvUa - mbn FSp-Øm¬ kaq-lØ - n\v AXy-¥m-t]-£nX-amb hkvXphmWv knK-c-‰v, ]m≥a-kme XpS-ßn-bh F∂p ]d-tb-≠n-hcpw. AXpsIm≠v hn]-Wn-hn-Pbw Huj[Øns‚ KpW-\n-e-hmc-Øns‚ am\-Z-WvU-a-√. Cu cwK-tØ°v IS-∂p-h∂ as‰mcp hn√-\mWv Propreitary medicines AYhm Patent Medicines F∂v \Ωƒ Hma-\-t∏mcn¬ hnfn°p∂ acp-∂p-Iƒ. CXn¬ {][m\w ^nenw As√-¶n¬ jpK¿ tIm´Uv tS_ve-‰pw, tkm^v‰v, lm¿Uv Im]vkyqƒkpw BWv. B[p-\nI NnIn’-bpsS `mK-amb Huj-[-\n¿amW- co-Xn-IfpsS X\n-bm-h¿Ø-\-amWv Ch.- C∂v ]cky-ß-fpsS AI-º-Sn-tbmsS \ΩpsS kzoI-c-W-ap-dnbnepw, Bbp¿thZ Cw•ojv acp∂p jm∏p-I-fn-eqsS \ΩpsS Zl-\h - yq-lØ - n-te°pw CS-XS- h - n-√msX IS-∂ph-cp∂ H∂mWv CXv. B[p-\nI sshZy-imkv{Xw CØcw Huj-[-߃ \n¿an-°p-∂Xv Nne {]tXyI Pharmacological intention t\mSv IqSnbmWv. DZm-l-c-W-am-bn, 1)- Kym-kv{SnIv Cdn-t‰-j≥ Ipd-bv°pI. 2) hmbnse Zl-\-c-k-ß-fpsS {]h¿Ø-\-^-e-ambn Huj-[Øns‚ hocyw \jvS-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv Hgn-hm-°pI. 3) Huj-[Øns‚ A[nI kmao]yw Zl-\-hy-h-ÿbpsS Nne {]tXyI L´-ß-fn¬ e`y-am-°p-I. XpS-ßnb e£y-߃. IqSmsX ^nenw tIm´nßv, jpK¿tIm-´n-ßv, Iw{]-j≥ tIm´nßv XpS-ßnb Huj-[-\n¿am-W -co-Xn-I-sfms° Huj-[-\n¿am-Whn- X - c - W - c w- K sØ Nne ]cn- a n- X n- I sf XcWw sNøm\p≈ D]m-[n-bm-Wv. B[p-\nI NnIn-’m-cw-KsØ Huj-[ß - ƒ an°-hbpw Ir{Xna \n¿an-X-am-Wv. Ah-bpsS Absorption and bioavailability F∂Xv IWn-ihpw IrXyhpw Bbn-cn-°pw. F∂m¬ Bbp¿thZ Huj-[-ßsf kw_-‘n-®n-St- Ømfw Huj-[ß - f - psS ico-cØ - nse {]h¿Ø-\ß - ƒ hniI-e\w sNøp∂-Xv Bbp¿th-Z-Øns‚ am{Xw

]c-ky-ß-fn-eqsS hn¬°-∏-Sp∂ Nne acp-∂p-Iƒ h≥ hn]Wn hnPbw t\Sn-bXv AXns‚ KpW-\n-e-hm-c-Øns‚ am\-Z-WvU-ambn Nne Huj-[-\n¿am-Xm-°ƒ Ah-Im-i-s∏-Sm-dp-≠v.A-ßns\ hn]-Wn-bn¬ IqSp-X¬ hn‰-gn-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xv am\-Z-WvU-ambn FSp-Øm¬ kaq-l-Øn\v AXy-¥m-t]-£n-X-amb hkvXphmWv knK-c-‰v, ]m≥a-kme XpS-ßn-bh F∂p ]d-tb-≠n-hcpw.


pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic theories F∂v hnti-

jn-∏n-°m-hp∂ ‘ck-]-©Iw’F∂ kn≤m-¥sØ B{i-bn-®mWv. AXpsIm≠v Xs∂ tcmK-Øn¬ tZmj, [mXp, ae-ßf - psS kzm[o-\w (involvement) GXv Xc-Øn-emWv F∂v hni-I-e\w sNbvtX AXn-\-\p-k-cn®v Huj-[-Øns‚ GXv Xcw ‘Iev]-\’bmWv th≠Xv F∂v \n›-bn-°m≥ ]‰p-≈q. Cu kml-N-cy-Øn¬ F√m tcmKm-h-ÿ°pw Kpfn-I, Iym]vkqƒ, {Km\yqƒ F∂ coXn kzoIm-cy-a-s√∂v kmcw. F¥mWv Iym]v k yqƒ ? Iym]v k yqƒ F∂ em‰n≥ hm°ns‚ A¿∞w Xs∂ sNdnb t]SIw (Small box) F∂mWv. AXm-bXv matrix formers, membrane modifers, solubilizer lubricants, supplimentary coating, density modifiers XpS-ßnb hkvXp-°sfms° AS-ßnb Hcp sNdnb t]S-Iw. Cu t]S-IØn¬ Iptd cku-j-[-ßfpw (`-kva-߃) ImjvTu-j-[-ßfpw (Herbal powders) IpØn-\n-d-®mWv Hcp Bbp¿thZ Iym]vkyqƒ \n¿an-°p-∂Xv. XØz-Øn¬ CXv Bbp¿thZ Iev]-\-bnse Nq¿Æ-߃ F∂ hn`m-K-Øn¬s∏-Sp-∂p.- km[m-cW Nq¿Æ-߃ A\p-]m-\-Øns‚ IqsS-bmWv sImSp-°mdp-≈X - v. Ah ck-t\-{µnb kwk¿K-Øn¬ ]mN-\Ø - ns‚ {]Ya-L´ (A-h-ÿm-]m-I-Øns‚ {]Y-a-L-´w) ØneqsS IS∂v t]mIp-∂p. F∂m¬ \mw hngp-ßp∂ Bbp¿th-ZnIv Iym]vkyqƒ t\cn´v BamibØn¬ FØp-Ibpw Ah-ÿm-]m-I-Øns‚ {]mY-anI L´w hmbn¬h®v Dan-\o-cp-ambv IqSn-t®¿∂v \S°m-Ø-Xp-sIm≠v ]mN\w hnI-e-am-°-s∏´v Huj[w Xs∂ ‘Ba’ ambn amdp∂ Ahÿ D≠m-Ip-∂p. CXv {]i-kvX-t`-jP-Øns‚ \n¿h-N\ - Ø - n\v hncp-≤a - m-Wv.- Iym-]vkyqƒkns‚ wall thickness 100nm Bbn IW-°m-°n-bn-´p≠v. C-Xn¬ IqSp-Xem-bm¬ Ah BKn-cWw sNø-s∏-SmsX h≥Ip-S-ens‚ Ahkm-\`- m-KØv Xßn-\n∂v ae-_‘w D≠m-tb°mw F∂v B[p\n-I-ssh-Zy-imkv{Xw Hm¿an-∏n-°p-∂p.- B-bp¿thZ Huj-[\n¿am-Xm-°f - n¬ ]ecpw Ah¿°m-hi - y-amb Empty capsules \v Ah \n¿an-®p-hn-X-cWw sNøp∂ Iº-\n-Isf BWv k-ao]n-°m-dp-≈-Xv. Ah¿ icn-bmb am\-Z-WvU߃ ]men-®mWv Cu Hgn™ Iym]vkyqƒ Ip‰n-Iƒ D≠m-°p-∂Xv F∂v B¿°dnbmw? {Xn^e AS-ßnb Hcp t]‰≥Uv saUn-kn≥ Ign®v a-e-_‘w h∂ Hcp NnIn-’m-\p-`hw Hcp NnIn-’-I≥ ]d-™Xv Hm¿Ω hcp-∂p. Cu am‰-ß-sfms° Bbp¿thZw B[p-\n-I-Im-eØv \nebp-d-∏n-°p-tºmƒ Bh-iy-amWv F∂v hmZn-°p-∂-h-cp-≠v.- AXn\v Imc-W-ambn ]d-bp-∂Xv \nXy-\q-X-\-Xz-amWv imkv{XØns‚ apJ-ap{Z F∂Xm-Wv. ]s£ ]pcm-X\ `mc-XØ - n¬ \n∂v D¤-hn® Cu imkv{Xw `mc-Xob kn≤m-¥-ßsf kzmwio-I-cn-®mWv hf¿∂Xpw hnIkn-®-Xpw. Cu XXz-Øn¬ A[n-jvTn-X-amWv AXns‚ Hmtcm ImgvN-∏m-Spw. B[p-\n-I- ssh-Zy-im-kv{X-Øns‚ A`qX-]q¿hamb hf¿®-°n-S-bn¬ C∂pw Hfn-a-ßmsX, Ime-Øns‚ IpsØm-gp-°ns\ AXn-Po-hn®v \ne-sIm-≈p∂ Bbp¿th-Z Nn-In-’m-imkv{Xw Kth-jWcwKØv _lp-Zqcw k©-cn®p ]m›m-Xy-k-aq-l-Øns‚ {i≤sb BI¿jn-°p-∂p-s≠-¶n¬ AXv CXns‚ auen-I-kn-≤m-¥-ß-fpsS A¥-kØ sIm≠v am{X-am-Wv. Bbp¿th-Z-Øns‚ Aw_m-kn-U¿am-cmbn FØp∂ Nnesc-¶nepw Cu imkv{X-Øns‚ apJw hnIr-Xa - m-ImsX t\mt°≠Xv Bbp¿th-ZsØ kvt\ln-°p∂ F√m-hc - p-sSbpw I¿Øhy-am-Wv.

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

kPv\ ]n. aq∂mw _m®v

]s£, A`n-\h hnI-k-\-hm-Zn-Iƒ ad-∂n-√, HIvtSm-_¿ 16 temI-`-£y-Zn-\-ambpw HIvtSm-_¿ 17 temI-Zm-cn{Zy \n¿am¿P\ Zn\-ambpw "BN-cn-°p-hm≥'. Hcp ]s£, ]´n-Wn-bn¬ s]men-™p-t]mb Bbn-c-°-W-°n\v Bflm-°ƒ Cu {]l-k\w I≠v ]cn-l-kn-°p-∂p-≠m-hmw, aoUnbm am\n-bm-°p-I-fmb apX-emfn ta[m-hn-Xz-ß-fpsS CØcw hnUvVn-th-j-߃ I≠v \ni-_vZ-ambn Nncn-°p-∂p-≠m-hmw....


hni-∏v ˛ AsXmcp `oI-c-X-bm-Wv. Iqcn-cp-´n-te°v \bn-°p∂ A‘-X. ]e-t∏mgpw AXns‚ c‡w-]p-c≠ ssIIƒ a\p-jys‚ a\-xkm-£nsb NpSptNm-c-bn¬ ap°n-°-f-bp-∂p, sImSpw-]m-]-ß-fn-te-°-hs\ hen-®n-g-°p-∂p, Hcp t\csØ hni-∏-S-°-m\m-bv. C∂pw F{Xtbm IpSn-ep-I-fn¬ AΩ-am¿ ]nt©m-a-\-I-fpsS hni-∏ns‚ tXß-ep-I-tf-°mƒ D®-Øn¬ Xmcm-´p-]m-Sns°m-≠n-cn-°p-∂p. temIw hnI-k-\-Øns‚ Atß-b-‰-tØ°v IpXn-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂psh∂v temI-\m-b-I-∑m¿ tLmc-tLmcw DZvtLm-jn-bv°p-tºmgpw ]´n-Wnt°m-e-߃°p apºn¬ kzbw tImam-fn-I-fm-hp-I-bm-sW∂ kXyw Ah-cdn-bp-∂pt≠m? Hcn-SØv Ah-c-h-cpsS kwkvIr-Xn-sb, ss]Xr-IsØ Nhn´n-b-c®v hnI-k-\-sa∂ te_epw Nm¿Øn kz¥w kpJ-t`m-K-ß-fn-te°p ]mbp-∂-h¿, F∂m¬ as‰m-cn-S-Øm-Is´ Hcp t\csØ Blm-c-Øn-\mbn tamjvSn-t°-≠n-hc - p-∂, amwkw hn¬t°-≠n-hc - p-∂, sIme sNtø-≠n-hc - p∂ a\p-jy-P-∑-߃. ]s£, A`n-\h hnI-k-\-hm-Zn-Iƒ ad-∂n-√, HIvtSm-_¿ 16 temI-`-£yZn-\-ambpw HIvtSm-_¿ 17 temI-Zm-cn{Zy \n¿am¿P\ Zn\-ambpw "BN-cn-°phm≥'. Hcp ]s£, ]´n-Wn-bn¬ s]men-™p-t]mb Bbn-c° - W - ° - n\v Bflm°ƒ Cu {]l-k\w I≠v ]cn-l-kn-°p-∂p-≠m-hmw, aoUnbm am\n-bm-°pI-fmb apX-emfn ta[m-hn-Xz-ßf - psS CØcw hnUvVn-th-jß - ƒ I≠v \ni_vZ-ambn Nncn-°p-∂p-≠m-hmw.... Zmcn-{Zy-Øns‚ sImSpw-`o-I-cX Xpd∂p Im´p∂ F{Xtbm hm¿Ø-Iƒ \mw Adn-bm-dp-≠v. Ah-sb√mw Xs∂ a\-km-£nsb kv]¿in-°p-∂-h-bpam-Wv. Hcn-°¬, sIhn≥ Im¿´¿ F∂ hniz-{]-kn-≤-\mb t^mt´m-{Km-^¿, tPml-∂mkv _¿Kv kv‰m¿ F∂ ]{X-Øn-\p-th-≠n, ]c-kv]cw ]I-sh®p ]pe¿Øn XΩn-e-Sn®p XI¿∂p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p∂ kpUm-\nse PohnX ZpcnX-߃ ]I¿Øp-∂-Xn-\mbn Ahn-sS-sb-Øn. F∂m¬ XΩn-e-Sn-®p-sIm-≠ncn-°p∂ a\p-jy-cpsS ]S-sa-Sp-°m≥ At±-l-Øn\v tXm∂n-bn-√. ]Icw AhnSpsØ acn®p Pohn-°p∂ a\p-jy-cpsS Zpcn-X-ß-sf-bmWv At±lw 21

""]´n-Wnbpw apdnhpw sIm≠p-hn-ßp∂ Ip™p-ß-fpsS thZ-\-bp-tSbpw hntZz-j-Øn-t‚bpw Hm¿Ω-Iƒ Fs∂ th´-bm-Sp-I-bmWv'' Cß-s\-sbmcp Ipdn-s∏-gp-Xn-h-®mWv At±lw Cu temI-tØmSv hnS-]-d-™-Xv.

Xs‚ Iyma-d-bn¬ ]I¿Øn-b-Xv. At±-l-sa-SpØ ]S-ß-fpsS Iq´-Ønse B Nn{Xw, AtbmZv F∂ {Kma-Ønse Hcp bp.-F≥. `£- W - I ym- º n- t e°v Cg- ™ p- \ o- ß p∂ Hcp s]¨Ip-´nbpw Ah-fpsS ]n∂n¬ XSn-®p-sIm-gpØ Cd-®n-s°m-Xn-b-\mb Hcp Igp-I\pw ho£-Isc Ft∂bv°pw th´-bm-Sp∂ H∂m-Wv. a\p-jy-lr-ZbsØ thZ-\n-∏n-°p∂, sR´n-∏n-°p∂ ImgvN! 1994 se t^mt´m- { Km- ^ n- ° p≈ temI- Ø nse G‰hpw henb Ahm¿Umb ]pen‰vk¿ kΩm\w B Nn{X-Øn\v e`n-®p. 1994 Pqsse 27 \v, sIhn≥ Im¿´¿ Bfl-lXy

sNbvXp. ""]´n-Wnbpw apdnhpw sIm≠p-hn-ßp∂ Ip™p-ß-fpsS thZ-\-bp-tSbpw hntZz-j-Øn-t‚bpw Hm¿Ω-Iƒ Fs∂ th´-bm-SpI-bmWv'' Cß-s\-sbmcp Ipdn-s∏-gp-Xn-h® - mWv At±lw Cu temItØmSv hnS-]-d-™-Xv. ]´n-Wnbpw apdnhpw sIm≠p-hn-ßp-∂, ZpcnX-a-\p-`-hn-°p∂ Ip™p-ß-fpsS thZ-\-bmWv Im¿´-dpsS thZ-\bmbn amdn-b-Xv. C∂pw temI-Øns‚ F√m tImWnepw ]´-Wnbpw Zpcn-Xhpw A\p-`h - n-°p∂ Hcp-]mSv a\p-jy-P∑ - ß - f - p-≠v. Ah-sc-°p-dn®v Nn¥n°p-∂-Xn-\pw, Ah¿°pw as‰-√m-h-tc-bpw-t]mse Cu `qan-bn¬ Pohn-°p-∂-Xn-\p≈ Ah-k-c-sam-cp-°p-∂-Xn\pw Cu Nn{Xw ImcW-am-bn-Øo-c-s´.....


Hcp Phm≥ ARvP\ \ºym¿ 4˛mw _m®v


]nS-bp∂ s\©Iw I√m-°n-am‰n Xf-cp∂ Iøn-embv tXm°p-ta-¥n. \n¬∏q Rm≥ GtXm A⁄mXcmw cn]p-Iƒ°p \Sp-hn-embv _‘-\-Øn¬ kl-Nm-cn-bm-sa≥ tXmg-sc√mw Ac-sßm-gn-s™-tßmt´m AI-∂n-cp-∂p. amXr-cm-Py-Øn≥ amdn-S-Øn¬ ebn-°m≥ XpS-ßp-∂p Rm\nhnsS \o X∂ P∑w Pohn®p Xo¿°m≥ Bh-Xmbns√-\n-s°-∂m-Inepw am∏p XcnI \o, C\n-sbmcp P∑-Øn¬ aI-\mbv ]nd-∂nSmw F∂p am{X-ambv Imw£n-®nXm bm{X-bm-Ip∂p Rm≥ GI-\m-bn...

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

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Taken from the speech of Dr.Muhammed Ikbal, Associate Professor, Department of Shalyatantra, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Ollur During the welcome programme (Sishyopanayaneeya) of 5th Batch of KMCT Ayurveda Medical College.

‘Expanding the reach of Ayurveda across the globe for the future generations through quality education’ is the course of action happening in every teaching school of Ayurveda. There has been lot of concerted efforts by the policy makers at national level and the academia to revive the education sector in Ayurveda domain, resulting in devising various tools to work effectively. The outcome of these activities resulted in a palpable renaissance. However, the unique nature of Ayurveda and related sectors are still not in the public mindset. This write up highlights important indicators in this direction to orient the interest regarding the openings possible at the gateway of Ayurveda and the relevance of Ayurveda in general. Human life and the knowledge of its preservation as a continuous process and concern (in the face of overpowering and brute physical and biological environment) must have come into being almost simultaneously. Logically viewed, it has to be so. Historical evidences are conclusive to the fact that the art and science of healing existed in various configurations across the globe with striking similarities of function. There cannot be any other plausible explanation to account for the continuity of human race and survival of its several highly evolved bio-techniques in the backdrop of these remarkable human accomplishments. In India, development and growth of the body of knowledge known as Ayurveda, meaning science of life, was in tune with the chronological growth and evolution of Indian civilization and culture. Vedas, which are considered to be the repositories of recorded Indian culture, have mention of this



Futuristic considerations of Ayurveda must be appreciated at this level so that observations and predictions will turn extraordinary and refined.

knowledge both in theoretical and practical form. There is discussion of theories about the composition of living and non-living matter, the physical, biochemical, biological, psychological and spiritual components of man and the vital motive forces working both inside and outside the body. In other ancient works there is mention of such current medical subject like anatomy, physiology, etiology, pathology, treatment and environmental factors. This medical knowledge has been the work of ages. It is the outcome of the great power of observation, generalization and analysis combined with patient labor of hundreds of investigators spread over thousands of years. All known cultures of the past - Egyptian, Babylonian, Jewish, Greek, Indus - Valley etc. had their own equally glorious and useful systems of medicine and health care. Futuristic considerations of Ayurveda must be appreciated at this level so that observations and predictions will turn extraordinary and refined. Ayurveda is considered to have divine origin representing one of the oldest organized system of medicine for positive health & cure of human sickness. Making use of systematic and careful observations and documenting detailed experiences over the past several thousands of years, it has grown into a very comprehensive health care system with two major schools, of physicians and of surgeons referred in literature as ‘Atreya Sampradaya’ and ‘Dhanvantari Sampradaya’ respectively. In the course of time Ayurveda has progressed into a fully developed medical science with eight branches (basic specializations) which have parallels in the modern western system of medicine. In the last 50 years of developments in the teaching and training, it has developed into many sub – specialties of living traditions. Ultimate aim of the Teaching and Learning of the discipline ‘Ayurveda’ happens to serve the real life needs of various categories of people. During today’s training in Ayurveda, the key skills required in the task are to have better observation, communication, numeracy, learning ‘how to learn’ and use of conventional methodologies as well as information technology. Cognitive skills such as the understanding of methodologies or the ability in critical analysis and reflection are crucial. Subject specific skills such as Laboratory skills, Clinical skills, and Therapeutic skills, professional etiquettes are mandatory. Above all, very good career awareness can be the single simple wisdom for the most successful candidate. This write up is to explore


the scope of Ayurveda as a profession and line of business for a novice into this unchartered sea. Ayurveda offers a variety of life and academic experiences. The best part of learning Ayurveda is to recognize and value these experiences. One has to identify the responsibility expected from adult learners while mastering the art of time management of studies with a clear mind focused on the aims and objectives. Thinking should be independent and tolerant with enough room for reflections. Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical sciences diligently following certain basic principles and practices kept unchanged over millennia. Curriculum and contents of the present Ayurveda education incorporate contemporary tools and language of science as well, often appreciated as two immiscible liquids in one jar. Great ability and balance is needed to integrate this ancient clinical wisdom to the present time in a measure of a variety of deliverables. Educational opportunities in Ayurveda are well defined and systematized. Graduate, Masters, Post-Graduate Diploma and Doctoral levels of program are open, admitted upon certain basic requirements and prior educational backgrounds. Having secured any of these qualifications, one can hook on to various domestic and global organizations in the healthcare sector. Entrepreneurship is challenging as in any other sector, but is highly rewarding as the demand for Ayurveda related products and services is steadily progressing. Herbal products and modified value added extracts belong to a special cluster, but can be integrated to Ayurveda on export possibilities and the chances arising time and again. Exploring the career opportunities in Ayurveda, the primary focus falls on the medical profession; a Physician practicing authentic Ayurvedic Medicine. Having trained for five and a half years stint, an Ayurvedic Graduate is expected to diagnose both acute and chronic ailments and prescribe necessary care interventions. Ayurvedic Medicine is rated to be superior in case of many chronic degenerative, autoimmune, metabolic, psychiatric, neuromuscular and musculo-skeletal disorders. Surgical conditions are to be identified and referred to appropriate centers while minor surgical procedures are contemplated if feasible. So is the case of emergencies and accidents, where one can identify the case and offer necessary first aid and pass on the case to secondary or tertiary level centers for proper management. With emerging sub-specialties in Ayurveda, experts in the

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

Identifying and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses in relevant areas of Ayurveda can equip the present day Ayurvedic Graduate to pursue his career in the most accomplished style.

field of surgery, orthopedics, ENT, ophthalmology, pediatrics, gynecology, psychiatry etc. are available with sufficient exposure to modern and conventional medical practices in relevant areas. Technically competent Ayurvedic physicians are on demand in the Government and private sectors catering clinics and hospitals.

industry; in the supervisory, managerial and quality control sections. Entrepreneurship is really rewarding, but requires a strong R& D as well as marketing network. Areas like manufacturing Ayurvedic food supplements and cosmetics are promising and there are successful companies with a track record of less than ten years!

A master level study in Ayurveda is designed to produce skilled specialists as well as good Teachers of Ayurveda. Teachers are essentially required in Ayurveda Colleges and teaching hospitals. Recent trend has set number of Ayurveda colleges across the country creating dearth for qualified teachers, and this tendency is expected to continue further. Those having a flair for teaching and profession at the same time, educational institutions and academy offer the best milieu. Continuing medical education becomes the hallmark of teachers, who are always in the forefront of shaping the next gen Ayurveda personnel and also in the propagation of Ayurveda. Teaching can happen in a college, Post-Graduate Institute or University designated to offer various programs in Ayurveda and related streams.

Medical tourism has opened up certain definite areas for a trained Ayurvedic person. Accredited Ayurvedic treatments such as ‘panchakarma’ and ‘rasayana’ are globally marketed by many agencies and there is huge demand for genuine organizations providing these services. There are several major hospitals in metros offering Ayurveda facilities alongside competitive price tag for advanced surgeries and high-tech medical procedures. Export quality Ayurvedic physicians are in demand for this sector as communication skill is the key requirement for anyone placed in this newly emerging field.

Research domain in Ayurveda is still largely unexplored. With the renewed interest of interdisciplinary areas of research, experts with cutting edge know-how are required by various organizations in both government and private sectors. Right candidate for the right project can contribute much while earning very good pay and perks. Fundamental research in Ayurveda is gaining momentum as the interpretation of principles is warranted at all levels of application. There are genuine attempts in Ayurveda research following the dictum of modern scientific research coming up with dependable models in healthcare. The ‘original’ trend of research making use of the ancient tools of Ayurveda is also in vogue, but often side-lined for want of ‘evidence base’. Ayurvedic pharmaceutical industry and medicine manufacturing sector is thriving in the current scenario. Ethical preparations and ‘patented’ products are produced in large scales catering Indian and global requirements. Multi-national companies are also in the fray, while small scale enterprises are getting firm footing. There are issues of setting standards for Ayurvedic medicines, partially addressed by introducing GMP and other regulations. But the single issue of availability of raw drugs remains the growing crisis resulting in the escalating cost of products. An Ayurvedic graduate has several opportunities in the


Information technology has marked its advent in Ayurveda as well. In the era of global village customs, electronic media and software techies are seriously into Ayurveda with simplified solutions across all the sectors of Ayurveda. This has made tremendous changes in the quality assurance of medicine manufacturing, setting standards, easing the research protocols, information dissemination and tele-medicine. Scope of Ayurvedic physician who can also communicate electronically is increasingly recognized in recent times. Electronic giants like Google and Microsoft are planning to venture in every branch of medicine including Ayurveda. This is expected to turn around Ayurveda in an unprecedented manner. The school of Ayurvedic lifestyle is slowly and steadily getting popular, to get universally accepted and accredited. The philosophical backdrop of Ayurveda projects and provides a superior art of living. Preventive, health promotive and curative potential of Ayurvedic system of medicine is yet to be explored to its fullest degrees. The detoxification principles of Ayurveda are unmatched and there are internationally acclaimed scientists who believe in the true strengths of the rare specialties in Ayurveda. Skilled Ayurvedic physicians are the backbones of centers offering these services at clinical or research levels. Going global, Ayurveda is rated as second amongst the CAM (Complementary and Alternate Medicine), Traditional Chinese Medicine being first. WHO has recognized Ayurveda in its schedule of CAM. There are new


openings in the Middle East, Far East, Europe and United States for Ayurveda and related products. Several Ayurveda Doctors from India have migrated to these countries and are reasonably well placed earning a good living. Opportunities are cropping up as several countries have accepted Ayurveda. Licensed clinics and Doctors are listed for providing authentic Ayurveda practices. Several universities in Europe and US are offering courses on Ayurveda creating positions for Indian trained Ayurveda specialists. World’s interest in Ayurveda presently revolves around rejuvenation and detoxification therapies and formulations. Issues regarding the heavy metallic contents

in Ayurvedic tablets are part of the negative campaigns by the competitors of Ayurveda. It is a temporary phenomenon and has not affected the steadily growing demand of Ayurveda. Geriatric care interventions in Ayurveda are also in the limelight of modern scientists focusing on safety and efficacy. Identifying and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses in relevant areas of Ayurveda can equip the present day Ayurvedic Graduate to pursue his career in the most accomplished style. Success in the career line of Ayurveda lies in getting properly trained to deliver safe, effective and quality services against emerging consumer preferences for Ayurvedic Medicine.

lkv\ sI.-Fw. c≠mw _m®v

C\n Rm\pw C\n F∂pw Rm≥ X\n-®m-Ip-sa-¶n¬, Ime-߃s°-¥n\o acn-°mØ Hm¿a-Iƒ? AXn¬ \mw Iq´n-sh® IdpØ Hm¿a-Ifpw ]ns∂ ]q°ƒ hnS-cmØ \ns‚ kz]v\-ßfpw. Imeta, \osbs∂ Hm¿an-°p-sa-¶n¬ IqsS \osb-\n°v X∂ \ns‚ Hm¿a-Isf ambv®p If-bp-I. As√-¶n¬ sIm≠p-t]m-Iq Fs∂bpw \ns‚ IqsS A\-¥-X-bn-te°v. Xncn-sI´ Zo]wt]mse C\n Rm\pw Fs‚ Hm¿a-Ifpw...


KAMC Magazine 2010-11

A`n-PnØv tKm]m¬ H∂mw _m®v

A\n-hm-cy-amb GtXm Hcp hn[n-bn-te-°p≈ ]cn-Wm-a-amIpw C∂p \mw ImWp-∂-h-sb-√mw. F√m tNmc-®p-h∏pw H∂m-bn-am-dp∂ GtXm Hcp henb bp≤-Øn-te-°p≈, hnπ-h-Øn-te-°p≈, {]W-b-Øn-te-°p≈ A\n-hm-cy-amb ]cn-Wm-aw.

This is our cry This is our prayer ‘Peace in the world’!

lntcm-jn-a-bnse kam-[m\ ]m¿°n¬\n∂v ...

B apdn-∏mSv ambn√ c≠mw temI-alm "A\ymbw' Ah-km-\n-∏n® B [oc-IrXyw. P∏ms‚ amdp-]n-f¿Øns°m≠p≈ Kw`o-c-]cy-h-km-\w. AhnsS \jvS-s∏-´Xv Ipgn™ IÆpw ]Xn™-aq°pw Ipdp-Inb ico-chpw D≈ Hcp Pohn-bpsS ssNX-\y-am-Wv. temI-Øn-\p-ap-ºn¬ hc-®p-Im-´-s∏-´Xv Xß-fp-tS-Xmb Hcp kwkvIm-chpw Ah-Im-i-s∏-Sm-\n√mØ kz¥w ]nXr-Xzw-t]mepw Nne IpSn-tb-‰-°m-cn¬ Ah-Im-i-s∏-Sp∂ ]q®-°Æpw kz¿Æ-Ø-e-ap-Sn-bp-ap≈ Hcp A[-a h¿K-Øns‚ [m¿jvSy-amWv. Ata-cn° F∂v Btcm hnfn® Cu kaq-l-Øns‚ sNbvXn-Iƒ°p-ap-∂n¬ ln‰v-e¿ F∂ Bcy-\-c-hwi kvt\ln \njv{]-`-\m-bn. am\-hn-I-X-t°‰ B apdn-∏mSv Hcn-°epw ambn-√. ...... ({]-th-iIw Ah-km-\n®p ) ............... bp≤w, hnπ-hw, {]Wbw; A{Xbv°v Xo{h-Xb - mWv Chbv°v. temI-sØ-Øs∂ hgn-Xn-cn-®p-hn-Sm≥ Chbv°v Ignbpw. kwkvIm-c-߃ XΩn-ep≈ Bi-b-hn-\n-a-b-߃ Ime-ß-fmbn \S-∂p-h-cp-∂p. bp≤-ß-fnepw AXp-X-s∂bmWv kw`- h n- ° p- ∂ - X v . Hc¿∞- Ø n¬ ]d- ™ m¬ kwkvIm-cß - ƒ XΩn¬ G‰hpw IqSp-X¬ kwh-Zn-°p-∂Xv bp≤-ß-fn-eq-sS-bm-Wv. BcmWv icn F∂ tNmZy-Øn¬Øp-Sßn Bcm-Wn\n _m°n F∂ kXy- Ø n¬ HSp- ß p- ∂ - X mWv bp≤w. ]mhvsem sImbvtem ]d-™-Xp-t]mse ""hnPbn F∂pw GI-\m-Wv'' B GIm-¥X Adn-™p-Xp-S-ßp-tºmƒ Ahs\-√m-‰n-t\bpw shdp-°pw. ]t£ CXmhpw Nne-t∏mƒ

\nb-Xn-bpsS \n›-bw. F√m Poh\pw \ne-\n¿Øp∂ tNmcbpsS \ndw Nph∏m-sW-∂-dn-bp-∂Xv sshIn-bm-bn-cn-°pw. At∏m-tg°pw AXv ]pd-tØ-s°m-gp-In-Øp-S-ßn-bn-´p-≠m-Ipw. Cu tNmc-bpsS aWw Xs∂-bmWv bp≤-Øn-\pw hnπ-hØ - n\pw ]ns∂ {]W-b-Øn\pw. F∂mepw \msa-ßs\ C{X-tØmfw amdn! H∂v Nncn°m≥t]mepw \man∂v ad-∂p-t]m-bn-cn-°p-∂p. s]mbvap-J-ßfs√ F√mw? F√m-‰n-t\bpw am‰p-∂Xv am‰-am-Wv. AXv Xs∂bmWv Cu {]Ir- X n- b psS ASn- ÿ m\ XXzhpw NmeI i‡nbpw. {]mIr-X-amb B am‰w, AXmWv ]cn-Wm-aw. A\nhm-cy-amb GtXm Hcp hn[n-bn-te-°p≈ ]cn-Wm-aa - mIpw C∂p \mw ImWp-∂-h-sb-√mw. F√m tNmc-®p-h∏pw H∂m-bn-am-dp∂ GtXm Hcp henb bp≤-Øn-te-°p≈, hnπ-h-Øn-te-°p≈, {]W-b-Øn-te-°p≈ A\n-hm-cy-amb ]cn-Wm-aw. ....................... (hn-jbw Ah-km-\n-®p) ....... "ap_m-d-°p-am¿°v ap_m-d°v' sNm√p∂ Cu \in® hyhÿnXn s]mfn-s®-gp-Xm≥ \mw C\nbpw Hcp Pn_vcoens\ ImØn-cn-t°≠ Bh-iy-ap-t≠m? Pn. i¶-c-°p-dp∏v ]d-™Xv F{Xtbm icn. ""Nß-e-s°-´n¬ InS-°-bm-Wn∂pw \nß-sS-b-¥x-I-cWw I≠n´pw ImWmsX tI´n´pw tIƒ°msX an≠msX \nß-fn-cn-∏q.... .................. (A-\p-_‘w Ah-km-\n-®p) .......



cojv\ H∂mw _m®v

Hm¿Ω-I-fpsS Hcp -sa-gp-Im-h-c-W-Øn-\-Sn-bn¬ Ime-߃°p aptº Rm≥ Nne-sXm-fn-®p-sh-®n-cp∂p Ah NnX-e-dn-bm-™Xv kl-{k-tbm-K-Øns‚ AI-a-d-hn-em-b-Xp-sIm≠pw AjvSmw-K-lr-Z-b-Øns‚ kpJ-\n-d-hn¬ Bb-Xn-\m-ep-am-Imw. ag-am-dn-b-a-cp-tºmƒ aÆp-≠m-°p∂ BZy-\-\hpw shbn¬]mXn s]øp-tºmƒ a\- n-se-Øp∂ BZy-a-Whpw apdn-hn-en-e-®m-dp-‰n-°pw-t]mse Hsc-fnb \od-em-b-ßs\ s]cp-In-sbm-gp-In-bn-´p-≠m-Imw. ]s£˛ AsXm-∂pao Rm\-dn-bmsX t]mbXv ASp-Øv, AXn-ep-sa-{X-tbm ASpØv Hcp Kpcp F\n-bvs°m∏w {]m¿∞n-°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ""A⁄m-\-am-Ip∂ Ccp-´n¬ Adn-hns‚ ARvP-\-sa-gpXn IÆp Xpd-∏n-°p∂ Kpcp-hn\v \a-kvIm-cw''

Hm¿a-bn¬ \o... APojv Sn. AeIvkv H∂mw _m®v

sNº´p ]pX® \n≥ ta\n-X≥ hi-Ømbn \n¬°p∂p Rms\≥ kJo \n∂n-se≥ IÆpw \´v. Fcn-bp-s∂mcm \ne-hn-f-°ns‚ \mfw-t]mse Dcp-Ip∂p Rms\≥{]ntb a\-Xm-cn¬ hyY-bp-ambv tXmcmØ IÆo-scs‚ lrØn-¶¬ \nt£-]n®p F¥n\p t]mbn \otbm-a-te.... \ni-_vZ-ambv C∂-se-°q-Snbpw I≠p-Rm≥ \n≥]p-©ncn C∂nXm \n≥Np-‰nepw \ne-hn-fn-bp-b-cp-∂p. ]pI-bp-s∂mcm [qa-h¿Øn-X≥ ]S-e-߃ Hm¿Ω-bm-sb-s‚-bp-≈n¬ Nn{X-߃ \nd-bv°p∂p BZy-ambv \ma∂v I≠Xpw Ifn-®Xpw \n∂-Ω-X≥ hnc¬Xpºp ]nSn®p \o \S-∏Xpw aÆ∏w NpSp-∂Xpw ssItIm¿Øp \S-∂Xpw ap‰sØ amhn¬\n∂pw amºgw ]dn-®Xpw ]n∂oSv hmKvtZ-hn-X≥ ap‰-Øp-\m-sam-∂n®p A£cw ]Tn-®Xpw Ime-߃ IS-∂-Xpw. F√mta ImWp∂p Rm≥ F≥ kJo ZpxJ-tØmsS C∂-se-°-gn-™-t]m¬ hy‡-ambv a\-Xm-cn¬ C∂se \Ωƒ XΩn¬ I≠-t∏mƒ \otbm-Xnb hm°p-I-sf-s‚-bp-≈n¬ ams‰men sIm≠o-Sp-∂p. ""C√-sb≥ {]nb ktJ \sΩ th¿]n-cn-°p-hm≥ ac-W-a-√msX as‰m-∂n-√t√m C∏m-cn-Xn¬''

C∂p Rm≥ ImWp-∂tXm \n›-eamw \n≥ta-\nbpw ZpxJ-Øn-ep-g-ep∂ _‘p an{X-ßfpw F¥n-s\≥ {]nb-kJo \osbs∂ X\n-®m°n F≥ Poh-\mUn X∂n¬ iq\yX \nd-bv°p∂p? Hmtcmtcm \nan-jhpw F≥ Nmsc \n¬°p∂ \o F¥n-\m-sbs∂ hn´p X\n®p \S-∂p-t]mbv? C√n-√, t]mbn-´n-√, \osbs‚ Nmsc-bp≠v \n∂m¿{Z kv]¿i-sas‚ Xz°n¬ Rm\-dn-bp-∂p. C°p-fn¿Im-‰m-bn´pw ag-X≥ Xp≈n-bmbpw ]£n-X≥ \mZ-ambpw \osbs∂ s]mXn-bp-∂p. ]´-S-bn-te-°nXm sIm≠p-t]m-Ip∂p \ns∂ {hWnX lrZ-b≥ Rm≥ ]n≥Xp-S-cp∂p aqIw.

Nß-ºpg ae-bm-f-Øns‚ kvt\l-Km-b-I≥ 30

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

iymaf -sI. kwkvIrX hn`mKw

sshcp-≤y-ß-fp-sS temI-amWv Nß-ºp-g-bp-tS-Xv. PohnX coXn-s°m∏w AKm-[-amb arXyp-t_m-[hpw {]W-bm-th-i-tØm-sSm∏w \ndsØ taml-`w-K-ß-fpw, \ncm-ibpw B a\- ns\ k¶o¿Æam-°p-∂p.

ap ∏Øntbgv h¿jsØ Pohn-Xw-sIm≠v Xs∂ ae-bmf Ihn-Xm-km-ln-Xy-Øn¬ Ahn-kva-cWo- b - a mb ÿm\w t\Sn- s b- S pØ Nß- º pg IrjvW-∏n≈ hyh-ÿm-]nX [mc-W-Iƒ°pw am\Z-WvU-߃°pw AXo-X-amb khn-tij hy‡nXz- Ø n- \ p- S - a - b m- W v . ae- b m- f - Ø nse `mh- K oXw XnI®pw Bfl-tI-{µn-X-am-hp-Ibpw Bflm-em-]\ kz`mhw ssIh-cn-°pIbpw sNøp-∂Xv Nß-ºp-gbn-em-Wv. F√m-Øn-t\mSpw sshIm-cn-I-ambn {]XnI-cn® Ihn, hnIm-ch - n-£p-_v[a - mb a\- ns\ A\phm-N-I\v ap∂n¬ Xpd-∂p-sh-°p-∂-Xn¬ NmcnXm¿∞y-a-S-bp-∂p. {]W-bhpw \n¿hr-Xnbpw B\µhpw \ncm-ibpw s\mº-chpw Bhn-jv°-cn-°p-∂Xn¬ {`m¥-amb Bthiw ImWn® Ihn bph-P-\lr-Z-b-Øns‚ {]Xn-\n-[n-bm-Wv. 1911 ¬ CS-∏≈n Nß-ºpg ho´n¬ ]mdp-°p´nbΩ-bp-tSbpw sXt°-SØv \mcm-bW tat\ms‚bpw aI-\mbn IrjvW-]n≈ P\n-®p. Xncp-h-\¥-]pcw bqWn-th-gvkn‰n tImtf-Pn¬\n∂v _n.-F. ae-bmfw HmtWgvkv ]co£ ]m m-bn. 1940 ¬ CS∏-ffn {iotZhn AΩsb hnhmlw Ign-®p. ]q\m anen-´dn hn`m-K-Ønse tPmen Imhy-c-N-\bv°v XS -ambn tXm∂p-I-bm¬ Dt]-£n-®p. ]n∂oSv awKtfm-Zbw ]{Xm-[n-]-k-an-Xn-bn¬ AwK-ambn Ipd®v Imew tPmen t\m°p-Ib - p-≠m-bn. A\n-b{- ¥n-Xa - mb PohnXw Ihnsb tcmKn-bm-°p-I-bpw, £b-tcm-K_m-[n-X\ - mbn 1948 ¬ At±lw Imhy-tem-It- ØmSv hnS-]-d-bp-Ibpw sNbvXp. _mjv]m-©e - n, tamln-\n, ca-W≥, k¶¬]-Im¥n, ]mSp∂ ]nim-Nv, kv]µn-°p∂ Aÿn-am-Sw, kzc-cm-Kk - p-[, c‡-]p-jv]ß - ƒ, HmW-∏q-°ƒ, \ngep-Iƒ, Iem-tI-fn, DZym-\e - £van XpSßn At\Iw Ihn-Xm-k-am-lm-c-߃ Nß-ºp-g-bp-tS-Xm-bn-´p-≠v. Eredità

"hmg-°pe' Nß-ºp-gb - psS P\-{]nb cN-\I - f - n¬ H∂mWv "XpSn-°p∂ Xmfp-Iƒ' F∂ Bfl-IY - bpw "Ifn-tØmgn' F∂ t\mh-ep-aS- °w \nc-h[n KZy-Ir-Xn-Ifpw Nß-ºpg Fgp-Xn-bn-´p≠v. B[p-\nI Ihn-{Xbw ae-bmf Imhy-tem-IØv Xß-fpsS B[n-]Xyw Dd-∏n® thf-bn-emWv Nß-ºpg cwK-sØ-Øp-∂Xv. Nß-ºpg Ac-sßm-gn™t∏mgpw D≈q¿, h≈-tØmƒ F∂n-h¿ Pohn-®n-cn-∏p-≠m-bn-cp∂p. F¶nepw Imhym-¥-co-£Øn¬ Nß-ºp-g-bpsS kzcw ÿm\w ]nSn-®n-cp-∂p. Imhy-temI-Øn-te°v kz¥-amb i_vZw tIƒ∏n-®p-sIm≠v IS-∂p-h∂ Nß-ºpg ka-Im-en-Ic - nepw ]n≥Km-an-If - nepw am{X-a√, ap≥Kman-I-fn¬t]mepw kzm[o\w sNep-Øn. A∂v {]i-kvXn-bn-seØn-°g- n™ apXn¿∂ Ihn-Iƒt]mepw Nß-ºp-gb - psS ssien A\p- I - c n- ° m≥ {ian- ® p. i‡- a mb B kzm[o- \ - i - ‡ nbn¬\n∂pw ap‡-cm-bh - ¿ CS-t»-cnbpw sshtem-∏n-≈nbpw a‰pam-Wv. Ccp-]Øn A©m-asØ hb- n-emWv Nß-ºpg Xs‚ amÿ]okmb ca-W≥ cNn-®-Xv. ]m›mXy coXn-bn-ep≈ AP]m-e-I-hn-em-]-Imhyw F∂ coXn-bn-em-Wn-Xns‚ cN-\. Xs‚ Bfl-kp-lrØpw tPyjvT-ÿm-\o-b-\p-amb CS-∏≈n cmLh≥]n-≈-bpsS Bfl-l-Xy-bn¬ D≠mb hnjm-Z-Øns‚ Dd-hbmWv ca-Ws‚ ]nd-hn°v Imc-Ww. Ahn-Sp-∂-tßm´v Nߺp- g - b psS Imhy- P o- h n- X - Ø ns‚ hk- ¥ - I m- e - a m- b n- c p- ∂ p. "_mjv]m-RvPen' apX¬ "\odp∂ Xo®qf' hsc \o≠p-In-S°p∂ \m¬]-Xn¬ ]cw Imhy-k-am-lm-c-ß-fmWv C°q-´-Ønep-≈-Xv. sshcp-≤y-ß-fp-sS temI-amWv Nß-ºp-g-bp-tS-Xv. PohnX coXn-s°m∏w AKm-[a - mb arXyp-t_m-[hpw {]W-bm-th-it- ØmsSm∏w \nd™ taml-`w-K-ß-fpw, \ncm-ibpw B a\- ns\ k¶o¿Æam-°p-∂p. Np‰p-ap≈ kaq-lsØ kwi-b-tØmsS ho£n-°p-Ibpw "I]-S-tem-I-Øn-em-flm¿∞-am-sbmcp


]m›mXy Imhy-cq-]-ß-fn¬\n∂v ]eXpw kzmwio-I-cn®v kzX-kn-≤-amb cN-\m-ssi-en-tbm-Sn-W-°m≥ Ihn°v A\n-X-c -km-[m-c-W-amb kma¿∞y-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Nß-ºpg°hn-Xbv°v At±-l-Øns‚ kzImcy Pohn-X-tØmSv KmV-_-‘-ap-≈-Xn-\m¬ Ah-bn¬ Gdn-b-Iqdpw hnIm-c-]-cX Xs∂ Bbn-cp-∂p.

lrZ-b-ap-≠m-b-Xm-sW≥ ]cm-Pbw' F∂v _mjv]m-RvP-en-bnepw "]c-am¿∞ kvt\l-an-∏m-cn¬ ˛ C{X hnc-f-am-sW-∂m-c-dn™p' F∂v "Ccpƒ' F∂ Ihn-X-bnepw "ImWp-∂-sX-¥m-sW≥ Np‰p-at√m t{]a-\n-»q-\y-am-a-¥-co£w' F∂v ASpØ {]`m-X-Ønepw Ip‰-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ Ihn Xs∂-bmWv hmg-°pe t]mep≈ hnπ-hK - o-Xß - fpw cNn®-Xv. "CXn-s\ms° {]Xn-Imcw sNøm-X-S-ßptam ]Xn-Xtc, \n߃ X≥ ]n≥ap-d-°m¿' F∂pw "hnØ-\m-Ys‚ t__n-°p-]mepw \n¿≤-\-s®-dp-°-∂p-an-\ocpw Cuiz-tc-—sb ˛ √mIn-e-Ω´p ˛ Cfo-iz-cs\ Nhn-´pI \mw' F∂pw "NnX¬ Xn∂ PS-bpsS ]\-tbm-e-s°-s´ms° NnX-bn-te-s°-dn-bp-hn≥ Nps´-cn-°n≥' F∂m-lzm\w sNbvX Ihn Xs∂-bmWv "KoX ebn-s®m-co-a-Æn¬ apf-bv°p∂ ˛ tXXpw ]hn-{X-^-em-Vy-am-sW-∂pta' Fs∂-gp-Xnbpw AXp-t]mse ...... kv{Xosb "\n¿hrXn-X≥ s]m≥I-Xn-cm'bn hmgvØn-bXpw "A¶p-i-an-√mØ Nm]-ey-ta, a∂n˛ ewK-\-sb∂pw hnfn-°p∂p \ns∂ Rm≥' F∂p \nµn-®Xpw Nß-ºpg Xs∂. "\odp∂ Xo®qf' F∂ Ihn-X-bn¬ temI-Øn-s\-Xncmbn Fgp-Xn-b-Xn-\√mw am∏v tNmZn®psIm≠v Cßs\ Fgp-Xn-bXpw Nß-ºpg Xs∂. "\m\m-c-km-Ipew \msf a÷o-hnX \mS-I-Øn-¶¬ Xnc-»oe hogvInepw AkzÿNnØ-\mbv tZmssj-I-Zr-jvSnbm ˛ ekvXan®oSm\n-S-bm-°n√ \o ho¿∏n´p IÆo-cn¬ apßn-\n-∂Xm am∏p tNmZn∏p Rm≥ \nt∂mSp temI-ta. hnIm-c-]-c-X-bnepw kml-kn-I-X-bnepw sj√n°pw Io‰vkn\pw kZr-i-\m-bn-cp∂ Nß-ºp-g, hn]p-e-amb kmln-Xy-]c - n-Nb - Ø - n-\p-Sa - b - m-bn-cp-∂p. ]m›mXy Imhycq-]-ß-fn¬\n∂v ]eXpw kzmwio-I-cn®v kzX-kn-≤-amb cN-\m-ssi-en-tbm-Sn-W-°m≥ Ihn°v A\n-X-c-km-[m-cW-amb kma¿∞y-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Nß-ºpg°hn-Xbv°v At±-l-Øns‚ kzImcy Pohn-X-tØmSv KmV-_-‘-ap≈-Xn-\m¬ Ah-bn¬ Gdn-b-Iqdpw hnIm-c-]-cX Xs∂ 32

Bbn-cp-∂p. B IhnX Nn¥n-∏n-°p-∂-Xn-t\-°m-tfsd Nncn-∏n°p- I bpw Ic- b n- ∏ n- ° p- I bpw ]pfIw sIm≈n- ° p- I bpw sNbvXp. ""Bcp-hm-ßp-an-∂mcp hmßpao ˛ bmcm-a-Øns‚ tcmam©w'' F∂m-cw-`n-°p∂ "B ]qame'-bnse hcn-Iƒ hmbn®v A°meØv tcmam©w sIm≈m-Øh - c - n-√. CXn¬ Ihn Hcp ]I¬°n\mhv ImWp-I-bm-Wv. "Xn∑-X≥ \ng¬ Xo≠n-Sm-Xp≈ \n¿Ω-eXz'hp-amWv Cu Ihn-Xb - nse \mbn-I. aeo-ak am\-h¿ t]mepw Ahsf ImWp-tºmƒ ]cn-ip-≤-Nn-Ø-cm-Ip-∂p. X¶\m-W-b߃°p ]Icw Xs‚ ]qame \¬Im≥ Ahƒ Hcp-°-a-√. Im´nse ac-®p-h´- n-en-cp∂v apc-fn-bq-Xp∂ \nkz-\mb B´n-Sb - \v \¬Im-\p-≈-XmWv B ]qam-e. AXv {]W-b-am-hmw, Io¿Ønbmhmw, kº-Øm-Imw. F¥m-bmepw AXv Xs‚ Igp-Øn¬ hogp-∂Xv kz]v\w ImWp-I-bmWv Ihn Chn-sS. Iuamc kl-P-a-√mØ ac-Wm-`n-ap-Jyw, PohnX hnc‡n F∂n-hbpw Nß-ºpg Ihn-X-I-fn¬ ImWmw. A∂pw C∂pw, kt¶-Xw, \jvS-ku-`m-Ky-kvarXn, Ccp-fn¬ F∂n-h-bn¬ acWsØ A`-b-ambn Iev]n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. "Imap-Is\ ImØv' F∂ Ihn-Xb - n¬ ac-WsØ Imap-Is‚ ÿm\Øv {]Xo-£n°p-∂p. "Hmat\ aSn-bvt°≠ t]mcn-sI-s∂s∂ kzbw t{]a-k-√m-]-Øn-\mbv £Wn°pw ac-WsØ Rm\m-Z-cn-®mtem? ]mSn√ thKw sNs∂≥ ]m\-`m-P\w ssIbn¬ sImSp-∏-Xs{X Imayw' F∂n-ßs\. kq£n®v t\m°n-bm¬ ac-Wm-`n-ap-Jy-Øns‚ adp-h-iØv Pohn-X-Im-a\ kv^pcn-°p-∂-Xmbn ImWmw. at\m-l-c-amb hkvXp-°-sf-√mw "Pohn°q, Pohn°q' Ft∂m-Xp-∂p. Cfw-apIp-f-߃ hnI-kn®v s\Sp-ho¿∏n´v "\pIcq \pIcq a¬kuµcyw' F∂p ]d-bp-∂p. "apdpsI apI¿∂n-Sp-tIm-at\' F∂v h≠n-t\mSv bmNn-°p-I-bm-Wv ]\n-\o¿∏q-hv. CsX√mw Ihn°v A\p-`-h-s∏-Sp-∂p-≠v. kuµ-cy-e-lcn F∂ Ihn-X-bn¬ PohnX-am-Ip∂ eLp-Im-hy-Øns‚ ]I¿∏-h-Imiw tIhew ac-WØn-\p≈XmImw, F∂mepw \nXy-kp-µ-c-amb kvt\l-Ko-XnsIm≠v AXns\ \nkvXp-ea - m-°n-Øo¿°m≥ Ign-™m¬ \∂mbn-cp-∂p F∂v Ihn Nn¥n-°p-∂p. GXp Imev]-\nI Ihn-X-bnepw Akw-Xr-]vXn-bpsS `mhw ImWmw. AXp-Im-c-W-amWv Ihn hnjm-ZØ -- n\pw ac-Wm-`n-emj-Øn\pw hiw-h-Z-\m-Ip-∂-Xv. "Rm\p-sa≥ t{]ahpw aÆ-Snbpw Km\ta \obpw ]ncn-™p-t]mIpw A∂p \mw aqh-cp-sam∂p t]meo -˛ a∂n-s\m-tcm-a\ kz]v\-amIpw' F∂n-ßs\ hnjm-Zm-fl-IXzw sXfn™pw aßnbpw Nß-ºp-g-°-hn-X-

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

Pohn-X-Øns‚ t\¿°v hnc-‡nbpw hntZz-jhpw {]I-Sn-∏n-°p∂ hcn-I-fmWv At±lw Gsd-bp-sa-gp-Xn-b-Xv. timtIm-]m-k-I-\m-bn-´mWv {]mcw-`-Øn¬ Nß-ºp-g-bpsS Pohn-Xm-k‡n {]I-S-am-hp-∂Xv B\-µ-Øn-te-°p≈ am¿§w timI-Øn-t‚-XmWv F∂ ho£-W-amWv CXn\v ]n∂n¬ ○

bn¬ DS-\ofw ImWmw. A]-I¿j-X-t_m-[hpw temI-Øns‚ Ah-K-W-\-sb-°pdn-®p≈ ZpxJhpw Nß-ºpg Ihn-X-I-fn¬ ImWmw. temIØnse F√m a\p-jycpw B\-µn-®p-sIm≠v Ign-bp-∂p. AXn\n-Sb - n¬ X\n°v am{X-amWv Cu A]-am-\hpw k¶-Sh - pw. Cßs\-sbmcp hnIm-c-amWv B Imev]-\nI a\- n¬ \nd-™p-\n∂-Xv. ""Fhn-tSbpw Im◊q aln-X-am-sbmcp ]c-am-\-µ-Øn≥ \ng-em´w lX-lr-Z-b-ta, kXXw \o am{Xw IZ-\-K¿Ø-Øn-e-Sn-bpt∂m'' F∂v Xs‚ am\-kn-Im-h-ÿsb ap≥\n¿Øn Nß-ºpg tNmZn-°p-∂p. Nß-ºp-g-°-hn-X-bpsS apJy-[m-c-bmbn Pohn-Xm-k-‡nsb Nq≠n-°m-Wn-®X - n¬ AXns\ i‡n-bmbn FXn¿°p∂ hy‡n Nß-ºpg Xs∂-bm-bn-cn-°pw. ImcWw Pohn-XØ - ns‚ t\¿°v hnc-‡nbpw hntZz-jhpw {]I-Sn-∏n-°p∂ hcn-If - mWv At±lw Gsd-bp-sa-gp-Xn-bX - v. timtIm-]m-kI - \ - m-bn-´mWv {]mcw-`Ø - n¬ Nß-ºp-g-bpsS Pohn-Xm-k‡n {]I-S-am-hp-∂Xv B\-µ-Øn-te°p≈ am¿§w timI-Øn-t‚-XmWv F∂ ho£-Wa - mWv CXn\v ]n∂n¬. "kam-Kaw' F∂ IhnX CXn-\p-Zm-l-c-W-am-Wv. "B\-µ-tZ-htX \obp-d-ßpam aWn-a-®n≥ Ihm-S-Øn¬ t{]a-]-c-h-i≥ Rms\m-cn-°¬ tcma-l¿j-Øns\ km£n-\n¿Øn k√m-]-eo-e-Iƒ°mbn \ns∂ ˛ sØ√nS ap´n-hn-fn-®p-t\m°n' F∂mWm IhnX Bcw-`n-°p-∂-Xv. hmkvXh - Ø - n¬ kwXr-]vXnbpw D√m-kh - p-amWv Ihn tXSp∂-Xv. hnjmZ am¿§-Øn-eqsS am{Xta AXn-se-Øp-I-bp≈q F∂pw Ihn Adn-bp-∂p. AXp-sIm-≠mWv amZ-Im-\-µ-Øns‚ t\¿°v. "Acp-sXm-scm-‰Sn apt∂m´v hbv°cp ˛ XhnsS \nev°p \o amZ-Im-\-µta F∂v hne°v Iev]n-°p-∂X - v. Nß-ºpg XmXv°m-enI hnImc-ß-fm¬ \bn-°-s∏-Sp∂ _e-lo-\-\m-Wv. AXn-\m¬ Xm≥ hne°n \n¿Ønb AtX amZ- I m- \ µw Xs∂- b mWv kz¿§Ønte°p≈ Ihm-S-sa∂v Nne kµ¿`-Øn¬ Ihn°v ]d-tb-≠n-h-cp-∂p. C{]-Imcw sshcp≤yw {]I-S-am-°p∂ At\Iw `mh-߃ Nß-ºp-g-°-hn-X-bn-ep-≠v. F¶nepw Nn¥-bpsS klm-b-tØm-Sp-IqSn kmaq-ly-t_m[-Øn-t‚bpw temI-ho-£W - Ø - n-t‚bpw ]oT-ßf - n¬ Ib-dn-bncp∂v IhnX cNn-°m\pw Nß-ºp-g°v Ign-™n-´p-≠v. Ahn-


tSbpw ÿnc-am-bn-cn°m-t\m, Htc ImgvN-∏mSv ]pe¿Ømt\m Ft∏mgpw Ign-™n-s√∂v am{Xw. Xm¬°m-en-Ihpw hy‡n-KX-hp-amb A\p-`-h-ß-fpsS Xcw-K-߃ B Ihn-am-\-ksØ Ft∏mgpw N©-ea - m-°n-s°m-≠n-cp-∂p. ]c-kv]c hncp-≤ß - f - mb `mh-ßtfm Bi-b-ßtfm Bhn-jv°-cn-°p-tºmgpw B IhnX-I-fn¬ Ft∏mgpw Bflm¿∞-X-bpsS XpSn∏v \ap-°-\p-`-hs∏-Spw. lrZ-b-ho-W-bn¬ \n∂v kz—-µ-am-sbm-gp-Ip∂ Km\-amW-sX∂v B¿°pw tXm∂n-t∏m-Ipw. B Bflm¿∞-X-bmWv ˛ Pohn-Xm-k-‡n-bn-eq∂n \n¬°p∂ Hcÿnc{]Ir-X-Øns‚ Bflm¿∞-X-bmWv ˛ Nߺpg Ihn-X-I-fpsS {]mW≥. A{Xtbsd Aÿn-cX ]pe¿Øn-bt- ∏mgpw ZrV-ambn At±lw I]S-\m-SysØ A]-e-]n-°p-∂p-s≠-∂p-≈Xv {]tXyIw {i≤n-t°≠-XmWv. "IÆ-S-t®-Im-¥-tbm-Kn-t]m¬ ]mSØp sN∂n-cn-°p∂ sh¨sIm-‰n-tb-°mƒ ImSpw ae-Ifpw h¿Æn®p ]mSp∂ Im¿Ip-bn-em-sW-\n-t°-sd-bnjvSw' F∂v "]mSp∂ ]nim-Nn¬' At±lw ]d-bp-∂p-≠v. ka-Im-enI {]iv\-ß-fp-ambn t\cn´v _‘-s∏-Sm≥ Nߺpg ]e-t∏mgpw {ian®v ImWp-∂n-√. GsX-¶nepw coXn-bn¬ Xs‚ hy‡n-Po-hn-XsØ kv]¿in-°p-tºmƒ am{X-amWv B IhnXzw s]mXp-{]-iv\-ß-fp-sS t\¿°v {]Xn-I-cn-°p-I. Km‘nPn-bpsS t\Xr-Xz-Øn-ep≈ kzmX-{¥y-k-a-cw, Abn-tØm-®m-S\w, aZy-h¿÷\w apX-em-bh - s - bm∂pw Nß-ºp-gsb BI¿jn®n-´n-√. Ah-kc ka-Xzhpw kmº-ØnI ka-Xzhpw hmKvZm\w sNbvX Iayq-WnÃv {]ÿm-\-tØmSpw sXmgn-emfn h¿§tØmSpw At±lw Iqdp ]pe¿Øn. ]mh-s∏´ IpSpw-_-Øn¬ P\n-®v, hfsc hnj-an®v hnZym`ymkw t\Snb Nß-ºpg Hcp ]cn-[n-hsc D]-cn-h¿§sØ D‰pt\m-°n-s°m≠pw B h¿§-Øn-\-Sn-a-s∏-´p-amWv Pohn-®-Xv. B ASn-ÿm-\-Ønte At±lw IhnX Fgp-Xn-bn-´p-≈q. Nß-ºpg-bpsS \mbn-Im-\m-b-I≥am¿ CXn-\p-Zm-l-c-W-am-Wv. GsX-¶nep-samcp ]mh-s∏-´-h≥ As√-¶n¬ ]mh-s∏-´-hƒ ˛ Db¿∂ h¿§-Øn¬s∏´ as‰m-cmƒ ˛ Ch-cmWv Nß-ºp-g-bpsS \mbnIm-\m-b-I≥am¿. ""iyma-tf, kJo, Rms\mcp shdpw Im\-\-Ønse∏qht√? am\-am-fp∂ tkma-\p-≠mtam ImWp-hm-\n-Xn¬ IuXpIw''? CXm-W-t±-l-Øns‚ Imap-Io-Im-ap-I≥am-cpsS Pohn-X-thZm¥w. ca-W\ - nepw h’-eb - nepw am{X-a√ Nß-ºp-gb - psS a‰p ]e IrXn-I-fnepw CtX hcn-Iƒ Xs∂ ImWmw. "F∂n´pw h∂ose≥ IÆo¿ XpS-bv°phm ˛ s\∂m-fl-\m-b-I≥ tXmgo' 33

]Whpw {]i-kvXnbpw h¿≤n®v am\yX t\Snb ImeØv s]s´∂v F√mw \jvSs - ∏´v A]-am-\n-X\ - mbn Ae-tb-≠n-h∂ - p. \ne-hn-ep≈ kmaqly-hy-h-ÿn-Xnsb tNmZyw sNøm-\p≈ {]h-WX hf-cp-∂Xv C°m-eØm-Wv. "]mSp∂ ]nim-Nm'bn A´-l-kn-°m\pw Xs∂ ]mSp∂ ]nimNm-°n-Øo¿Ø kml-Nc - y-ßt- fm¿Øv hne-]n-°m\pw Ihn apXn-cp-∂Xpw Cu kµ¿`-Øn-em-Wv. ]mSp∂ ]nim-Nn¬ am{X-a√ a‰p ]e Ihn-X-Ifnepw X∂nse ]nim-Nn-s\-°p-dn®v Nß-ºpg ]cm-a¿in-°p-∂p. ○

F∂n-ß-s\-bp≈ Ic-®nepw IqsS-°qsS tIƒ°mw. IY-bpsS Ah-km\w ]mh-s∏-´-h¿ h©n-°-s∏-Sp-∂p. ]ns∂ Pohn-Xs - s\-cmiyw, Bfl-lX - ym-hm-Zw, HSp-hn¬ Atßb-‰sØ \n¿th-Zw. kI-e-Xn-t\mSpw shdp-∏v. temIw apgp-h≥ Np´p-s]m-≈n-°m-\p≈ at\m-`m-hw. Cßs\ ]Sn-]S- n-bmbn a\pjy-XzsØ \ntj-[n®v \ntj-[n®v Ah-km\w a\p-jy-\nepw a\p-jy-Po-hnX aqey-ß-fnepw {ItaW hnizmkw \in®v ]pcpjs‚ ]pcp-j-Xz-tØbpw \ntj-[n-®p, kv{XobpsS kvXoXzØn\p t\sc Im¿°n®p Xp∏n. A¶p-i-an-√mØ Nm]-ey-ambn Ahsf \nµn-®p. Ah-\-hs‚ Xs∂ A¶p-i-an-√mØ Nm]eysØ At±lw kv{Xotem-I-Øns‚ Xe-bnepw a\p-jy-cp-sSsb√mw Xe-bnepw Btcm-]n-®p. X∂nepw Xt‚- X mb k¿∆- Ø n- e p- a p≈ Aan- X - a mb IuXpIw ˛ {`aw ˛ Bfl-c-Xn-bpsS tNjvS-I-fm-Wv. Nß-ºp-gbpsS hy‡n-Xz-Øn¬ F∂pw kPo-h-L-S-I-ambn h¿Øn-®Xv Cu Bfl-c-Xn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Rm≥, Fs∂, Fs‚, F\n°v Fs∂-√m-ap≈ hm°p-Iƒ C{X-b-[nIw {]tbm-Kn-®n-´p≈ as‰mcp Ihn ae-bm-f-Øn-en-√. hnZym¿∞n Pohn-X-Im-eØpw ]n∂oSpw kap-Zm-b-Øns‚ Nne Aen-JnX \nb-a-߃ ewLn-®-Xns\ XpS¿∂v Nß-ºpg cq£-amb hna¿i\Øn\v ]m{X-am-bn. ]Whpw {]i-kvXnbpw h¿≤n®v am\yX t\Snb ImeØv s]s´∂v F√mw \jvS-s∏´v A]-am-\n-X-\mbn Ae-tb-≠n-h-∂p. \ne-hn-ep≈ kmaq-ly-hyh-ÿn-Xnsb tNmZyw sNøm-\p≈ {]h-WX hf-cp-∂Xv C°me-Øm-Wv. "]mSp∂ ]nim-Nm'bn A´-l-kn-°m\pw Xs∂ ]mSp∂ ]nim-Nm-°n-Øo¿Ø kml-N-cy-ß-tfm¿Øv hne-]n°m\pw Ihn apXn-cp-∂Xpw Cu kµ¿`-Øn-em-Wv. ]mSp∂ ]nim-Nn¬ am{X-a√ a‰p ]e Ihn-X-I-fnepw X∂nse ]nim-Nns\-°p-dn®v Nß-ºpg ]cm-a¿in-°p-∂p. A\ysc ]oUn-∏n-°p∂-Xn-eqsS ckw \pI-cp∂ hne-£W-Nn-Øh - r-Øn-bpsS Nn{Xw ]mSp-∂ -]n-im-Nn¬ ImWmw. ]m]-Øns‚ hnØp-Iƒ hnX-®p-sIm≠v Km\-ap-Xn¿°p∂p F∂ k¶-ev]-Øn-emWv "]mSp∂ ]nimNv' F∂v kzbw hntijn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. F∂m¬ H∂mw JWvU-Øn¬ ]mt]m-]mk-\bpsS el-cn-tbm-Sp-IqSn ]nim-Nns\ Bt«-jn-°p∂ Ihn \mepw A©pw JWvUØ - n¬ ]nim-Nns\ B´n-tbm-Sn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. ""amdn-t∏m, amdn-t∏m, sN¥oh-an°pw sIme-]n-imtN Xp∏p∂p Rm\n-∂Xp \n≥ apJ-Øp{K ˛ Z¿∏-apƒs°m≈pw sIme-]n-imtN'' F∂pw ]d-bp-∂p. Cßs\ hyXy-kvXß - f - mb kzc-ßf - psS tNcp-hb - mWv "]mSp∂ ]nim-Nv'. Xs‚ ss\k¿§n-Im-`n-\n-th-i-ß-fpsS kv—µ-kv^p-c-WØn\v {]Xn-Iq-ea - mbn kaq-lØ - ns‚ kZm-Nm-ct- _m-[t- Øbpw 34

BNm-c-ßtfbpw I≠ Ihn-bmWv Nß-ºp-g. B ho¿∏p-ap´¬ At±-l-Øns‚ Ihn-X-bpsS ssien-bnepw D≈-S-°-Ønep-sa√mw kv^pcn-°p-∂p-≠v. F∂m¬, ]c-º-cm-KX kZm-Nm-cØns‚ koa-Iƒ kz¥w {]h¿Øn-bn-eqsS ewLn-®-t∏mƒ, A]-cm-[-t_m-[hpw Nß-ºp-g-°-\p-`-h-s∏-´n-cp-∂p. AXns‚ ^e-ambn Ip‰-t_m-[w, Ipº-kmc hmk-\, Bfl-\n-µ, thXmfm-`n-ap-Jyw, ac-Wm-`n-em-jw, a\p-jy-hn-tZz-jw, F√m-Øn-s‚bpw t\¿°p≈ Ah⁄ XpS-ßnb `mh-ßfpw Nß-ºpg {]ISn-∏n-®n-cp-∂p. Nß-ºpg alm-cm-Pmkv tImtf-Pn¬ ]Tn-®p-sIm-≠n-cp∂ Ime-ØmWv 1936 Pqsse amk-Øn¬ CS-∏≈n cmL-h≥]n≈ Bfl-lXy sNbvX-Xv. tZzjhpw am’-cyhpw a‰pw Ah-cpsS _‘-Øn¬ {]h¿Øn-®n-cp-∂p-sh-¶nepw Cu kw`hw Nߺp-gsb h√msX kv]¿in-®p. XpS¿∂v ""XI¿∂ apcfn'' F∂ eLp-hn-em-]-Imhyw ˛ CS-∏≈n cmL-h≥ ]n≈-bpsS {]mWXym-K-Øn-\p≈ A\p-tim-N\w F∂ Ipdn-t∏msS 1936 Pqsse 20 \v amXr-`qan hmcn-I-bn¬ {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øn. AXn-`m-hp-I-XzØns‚ B¿{Z-kz-c-amWv Ihn-X-bn¬ \nd-™p-\n¬°p-∂-Xv. aÆnse s]m≥In-\m-hmbn kplr-Øns\ Ihn-X-bn¬ Nn{XoI-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. at\m-th-Z-\sb Ip‰-ambn Icp-Xp∂ \nµy-kap-Zmb \oXnsb \n»_vZw Ip‰-s∏-Sp-Øp-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. IhnX Ah-km-\n-°p-∂Xv Cß-s\-bm-Wv. "\n∂m-fl-im-¥n-°p-th≠n am{X˛ sa∂p-ao-tØm-g≥ `Pn-®p-sIm≈mw sh√ \o klr-Z-b-s∏m-∂-ep-t°, sh√ \o hnÆn≥ sISm-hn-ft°' Cu coXn-bn¬ Hcp IhnX Fgp-Xn-sb-¶nepw X\n°v Bhnjv°-cn-°m-\p-≈Xv ]ns∂bpw Ah-ti-jn-°p∂p F∂v Nߺp-g°v tXm∂n. Aß-s\-bmWv "ca-W≥' F∂ "Bc-Wy-Ihn-em-]Imhyw' ]nd-hn-sb-Sp-Ø-Xv. \mev IYm-]m-{X-ß-fmWv Imhy-Øn-ep-≈-Xv. ca-W\pw tXmg≥ aZ-\-\pw, N{µn-Ibpw tXmgn `m\p-a-Xnbpw ]ns∂ Hcp Kmb-I-kw-Lw. aZ-\-s‚bpw ca-W-s‚bpw kw`m-j-W-Øn-eqsS-bm-Wv, ca-W≥ kº-∂-bmb N{µn-I-bn¬ A\p-c-‡-\msW∂ IY \ma-dn-bp-∂-Xv. ca-Ws‚ Xs∂ hm°p-I-fn¬ ]d™m¬ "ic`{Z hoNn-bn-ep-√-kn-°p-samcp ˛ sh≈n-\-£-{X-sa-¥p-sImt≠m A\p-c-‡-bm-bn-t]m¬ ]qgn-a-Æne˛ acpw shdp-samcp ]p¬s°m-Sn-bn¬! F∂mWv. "\Ωƒ ImWpw k¶¬]-tem-Ia - √o De-Iw' F∂p ]d™v N{µn-Isb ]n¥n-cn-∏n-°m\pw ca-W≥ {ian-°p-∂p-≠v. XpS¿∂p-h-cp∂ Imhy-`m-KØv \mbn-Im-\m-b-I≥am-cpsS kamKaw, CjvSØ - n-s\-Xn-cmbn \mbn-Ib - psS hnhm-l\ - n-›b - w, Ah-

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

F¥p-h-∂m-ep-sa-\n-°m-kz-Zn-°Ww ap¥n-cn-®m-dp-t]m-ep-s≈mco PohnXw'


"" ○

fpsS Bfl-lXymhmRvO, XpS¿∂v Pohn-XX - ym-KØ - n-¬ \n∂p a\w-am‰w F∂nh h¿Æn-°p-∂p. "F¥p-h-∂m-ep-sa-\n-°m-kz-Zn-°Ww ap¥n-cn-®m-dp-t]m-ep-s≈mco PohnXw' F∂-hƒ ]d-bp-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. XpS¿∂p hcp∂ `mKØv `m\p-aXn N{µn-It- bbpw aZ-\≥ kap-Zmb hyh-ÿt- bbpw Ip‰s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. Ah-km\w ca-Ws‚ Bfl-l-Xy ˛ Cß-s\bmWv CXn-hrØ kwhn-[m-\w. {]W-b-Øns‚ kzX-{¥-Xbv°v XS w \n¬°p∂ kapZm-b-sØ Ip‰-hn-Nm-cW \S-Øp-I-bmWv Ihn CXn¬. ca-W\v Akm-[m-c-W-amb {]ikvXn e`n-®p. ]pkvXIw hmßn-®-h¿ Iq´-am-bn-cp∂p hmbn-°p-Ibpw hmßm≥ \nhr-Øn-bn-√m-Øh¿ ]I¿Øn-sb-gp-Xn-s°m-≠p-t]mbn hmbn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. kvIqfp-I-fnepw hmb-\m-im-e-I-fnepw AXv kwkm-c-hn-j-b-ambn. tIc-fØ - n¬\n∂p am{X-a√ C¥y°p ]pd-Øp-\n-∂p-t]mepw Nß-ºp-g°v A`n-\-µ-\-°ØpIƒ e`n-®p. AtXmsS Nß-ºpg-bpsS {]tXyI Imhy-ssien e_v[-{]-Xn-jvTam-bn. Nß-ºp-g-bpsS Pohn-Xm-¥y-Øn-¬ F-gp-X-s∏´ "a\-kzn-\n'bn¬ hnIm-csØ h¿÷n-°msX hnNm-cmw-isØ Ihn kzoIcn-°p-∂p. Pohn-XØ - ns‚ t\¿°v ]Iz-Xb - m¿∂ Hcp kao-]\w Ihn kzoI-cn-°p-I-bm-Wn-hn-sS. Ihn tcmK-i-ø-bn-em-b-t∏mƒ ]Xv\n {]I-Sn-∏n® XymK-k-∂-≤-X-bmWv Imhy-c-N-\bv°v {]tNm-Z\w \¬In-bs - X∂v Ihn-Xs∂ ]d-bp-∂p-≠v. B \ne°v {]W- b - I - h nX F∂ hn`m- K - Ø n¬Øs∂ a\- k zn- \ nsb Dƒs°m-≈n-°mw. _mly-amb sshIr-X-߃ tISp-h-cpØmØ a\-kzn\o `mh-sØ-bmWv a\-kzn-\n-bn¬ Nn{Xo-I-cn°p-∂-Xv. "ae-scmfn NnXdpw a[p-N-{µn-I-bn¬ ag-hn¬s°m-Sn-bpsS ap\-ap°n.' Ihn-tN-X\ Fgp-Xm-\p-g-dp-∂Xv Znhy-amb Ag-Ins‚ Nn{Xam-Wv. sdmam‚n-knk-Øn¬\n∂v dnb-en-kØ - n-te°v Xncn-bm-\p≈ t{]cW Nß-ºp-g°v e`n-®Xv F. _me-Ir-jvW-∏n-≈-bn¬\n∂m-Wv. Nß-ºp-g-bpsS Imhy-Po-hn-X-Øn¬ kzm[o\w sNepØnb as‰mcp \ncq- ] - I ≥ tPmk^v ap≠- t »- c n- b m- W v . kmlnXyw P\-Io-b-am-I-W-sa∂ ap≠-t»-cn-bpsS hmZw Nߺp-gbv°v A\p-Iq-e-am-bn-cp-∂p. Ccp-]Xmw \q‰m-≠ns‚ BZy-Zi - I - ß - f - n¬ A`y-kvXh - n-Zysc kzm[o-\n® a\x-imkv{X ]T-\ß - ƒ Nß-ºp-gt- bbpw BI¿jn®n-´p-≠v. t{^mbn-Un-t‚bpw bpßn-t‚bpw ]T-\-߃ {]W-b`m-h-ßsf ]pXn-sbmcp shfn-®-Øn¬°m-Wm≥ Nß-ºp-gsb kzm[o-\n-®p. ]m›mXy a\x-imkv{X ]T-\-Ønse kmUnkw, atkm-In-kw, ]n‹m-en-b-\nkw F∂n-h-sbms° Nß-ºpg


Xs‚ IrXn-I-fn¬ {]tbm-Kn-®p-t\m-°n-bn-´p-≠v. Nß-ºp-gb - psS Pohn-Xh - o-£Ww "Ccpƒ' F∂ Ihn-Xb - n¬ hy‡-am-°n-bn-´p-≠v. "^e-c-ln-Xamw hmKzm-Z-tLm-jhpw ]cn-`-h-ßfpw ]mgv°-e-l-ßfpw NXn-bp-ao¿jybpw h≥]p-a-kq-bbpw lrZ-b-iq-\yamw ]®-®n-cn-Ifpw ]c-]-cn-lm-k-hmRvObpw sshchpw ]c-a-\o-Namtamc-l-¶m-chpw aXn, bnX-√-√n, kzm`n-am\w kZm aln ]qgvØp∂ am\-h-Po-hnXw' Nß-ºpg Zmcn-{Zy-an-√mØ, kmº-Øn-Im-k-a-Xz-ß-fn-√mØ, F√m-h¿°pw Ah-k-c-߃ hmKvZm\w sNøp∂ Hcp \htemIw kz]v\w I≠n-cp-∂p. F√m-h¿°pw Hcpt]mse ImWm≥ Ign™ Hcp Ign-hmWv Nß-ºp-g-bpsS ]Zy-c-N-\m-ssh-`-hw. Nß-ºp-g-bpsS t]\ ISem- n¬ kv]¿in-®m¬ aXn IhnX DSs\ Xpfp-ºp-Ib - m-bn. F{Xt\cw thW-sa-¶nepw XpS¿®-bmbn Fgp-Xn-s°m-≠n-cn-°m≥ Ignbpw. ]e cm{Xn-I-fnepw ]pe-cp-thmfw Ccp∂v IhnX cNn-°p-ambn-cp-∂p. Nne-t∏mƒ a‰p-≈-h¿ h∂v hnf°v sISp-Øp-tºmƒ am{Xta as‰mcp Znhkw ]pe¿∂-Xmbn At±lw Adn-bp-am-bncp-∂p-≈q. C{X emL-h-tØmsS ]Zy-c-N-\-bn¬ apgp-Im≥ Ignbp∂ Cu ssh`hw Xs∂-bmWv as‰mcp \ne-bn¬ Nß-ºpg °hn-X-bn¬ Zu¿_-ey-ambn amdn-b-Xpw. Nß-ºp-g-bpsS IhnXz kn≤n-I≠v A`n-\-µn-®-h-sc-t∏m-seXs∂ Ihn-X-bpsS cq]-`m-h-ßsf \nin-X-ambn FXn¿Ø-h-cpap-≠v. Nß-ºpg°hn-X-bnse hnjm-Zm-fl-I-X-tbbpw ac-Wm-`nem-j-tØbpw "kRvP-b≥' \nc-¥-c-ambn FXn¿Øp. Da¿Jbm-an-t‚bpw t_mZvsesd-bp-tSbpw Pohn-XX - X - z-imkv{Xw B¿j kwkvIm-c-Øn\v \nc-°p-∂-X-√ F∂v ]e \ncq-]-Icpw hn[nsb-gp-Xn. th≠{X Kl-\X - b - n-s√∂v tXm∂n-bX - n-\m-emhmw, A{Xam{Xw {]Nmcw t\Sn-bn´pw Nß-ºp-g° - h - n-Xb - psS t\¿°v {]uU-am-\-k-cmb hna¿i-I¿ s]mXpsh Aew-`mhw Im´n-b-Xv. kz¥w Pohn-XI - m-eØv Xs∂ amkvac - nI i‡n-bm¿∂ Ih\-`w-Kn-bm¬ klr-Zb temIsØ ]m´n-em-°m≥ Ign™ IhnbmWv Nß-ºp-g. X∂n¬\n∂pw tamN\w {]m]n-®p-sIm≠v As√¶n¬ kz¥w hy‡n-Po-hn-XsØ am‰n-\n¿Øn-s°m≠v Hscm‰ IrXnbpw At±lw cNn-®n-´n-√. GtXm A⁄m-Xt- em-IØv \n∂v tIc-f° - c - b - n-seØn Km\]o-bq-jw-sIm≠v k¿∆ lrZ-b-ß-tfbpw tImcn-Ø-cn-∏n®v GtXm A⁄m-Xt- em-IØ - n-te-°p-Xs∂ aS-ßn-t∏mb K‘¿∆\m-bn-cp∂p Nß-ºpg IrjvW] - n-≈. ae-bm-fØ - nse Hm¿^yqkv F∂mWv eoem-hXn So®¿ At±-lsØ hnti-jn-∏n-®-Xv. 35

kmP≥ tXmakv H∂mw _m®v


Imin\p sIm≈mØ Ing-h≥, hnhcw sI´-h≥. Xe-bn¬ Ifn-a-Æm-bn-cn-°-Ww. Ft∏mƒ F¥p sNøp-sa∂v bmsXmcp \n›-b-hp-an-√. Ft∏mgpw Zqc-tØ-°v t\m°p∂ angn-Iƒ. tNmdp-In-´n-bm¬ Dcp-f-bp-cp-´n-°-fn-°pw. ]d-™m¬ tIƒ°n-√. A\y¿ sNøp-∂-Xn-sem∂pw Xm¬]-cy-ta-bn-√. Cbmsf Ipfn-∏n-°-Ww, tZlw XpS®p hrØn-bm-°-Ww. Fs∂-sbm∂p t\m°q. Rm≥ ]md-t]mse A\-ßm-Xn-cn-°p-∂p. \n߃ ]d-bp-tºmƒ DÆm-Ø-h≥. Dd-ßm-Ø-h≥, A\p-k-cW Xosc-bn-√mØ Ipg-∏-°m-c≥, A—-\Ωam-cp≈ ]Øp hb- p-Im-c-\mWv Rm≥. ktlm-Z-c-∑mcpw ktlm-Z-cn-amcpw D≠v. Rß-sf√mw ]c-kv]cw kvt\ln-°p-∂p. F\n°v {]mbw ]Xn-\m-dv. Imen¬ Nnd-Ip-I-fmWv, kz]v\-ap-≠v. sshImsX Hcp kvt\l-h-Xnsb Is≠-Øpw. F\n°v Ccp-]-Xv. Fs‚ lrZbw IpXn-®p-b-cp-I-bm-Wv. ka-tcm-∑p-J-amb buh-\-hpw, k¿Km-fl-I-amb {]W-bhpw; ]d™ hm°p-I-tfm¿Ω-bp-≠v. Ah ]men-°-Ww. Ccp-]-Ø-©mbn. AXn-Po-h-\-Øn-\m-bp≈ ]c°w ]m®n¬ F\n°v Pohn-°Ww ap∏-Xmbn. F\n-s°mcp Ip™p ]nd-∂p. F\n-°-hs\ \∂mbn hf¿Ø-Ww. Ah-s\mcp hoSp-≠m-°-Ww. Fs‚ Ip™v s]s´-∂mWv hf-cp-∂-Xv. F\n°pw Ah\pw XΩn¬ Hcn-°epw XI-cm-Ø _‘w. sI´v Agn-bn-√. ]t£, F\n°p \mev]-tØ-gm-b-t∏mƒ Ah≥ t]mbn. ]t£, Fs‚ ]Xv\n Ft∂m-sSm-∏-ap-≠v.

Rm≥ ZpxJn-°msX Ah¿ t\m°p-∂p. A≥]-Ø-©m-b-t∏mƒ AXm ho≠pw Ip™p-߃ Fs∂ Np‰n-tbm-Sn-°-fn-°p-∂p. F\n°pw Ahƒ°pw Ip™p-ßsf Adn-bmw. Gsd sshIn-bn-√. Ahƒ Fs∂ hn´p-t]m-bn. Ccp≠ Zn\-߃. {]mWs‚ t\¿]mXn \jvS-s∏-´-t]mse Rm≥ `mhn-bn-te-°p-t\m-°n t]Sn-°p-∂p, sR´p-∂p. Fs‚ Ip™v Ahs‚ Ip™p-ßsf hf¿Øp-∂p. F\n°v ]gb kvt\lw Hm¿Ω hcp-∂p. sI´v Agn-bmØ kvt\lw. F√mw N{Iw t]mse-bm-Wv. ho≠pw ho≠pw ]gb ]mX-bn-eqsS Id-ßn-Øn-cn-bp-∂p. ]Sp-In-g-h-\m-bn-°-gn-™p Rm≥, Hcn-°¬ Ah-\pw. {]Ir-Xn-bn¬ {Iqc-X-bp-≠v. \sΩ {]IrXn hr≤-cm-°p-∂p. \mw hnUvVn-I-fm-sW∂v A\y¿°p tXm∂pw-hn[w hr≤-cm-°p-∂p. icocw Zp¿_-e-am-Ip-∂p. ]√p sImgn-bp-∂p. F√v {Zhn-°p-∂p. kuµ-cyhpw Du¿÷-kz-e-Xbpw hn´p-]n-cn-bp-∂p. ImWp-∂-h¿s°√mw thZ-\n-∏n-°p∂ kl-Xm-]w. AXp an°-t∏mgpw hm°n-sem-Xpßpw. ]t£, NØp-a-c® Cu ]gb ico-c-Øn-\-IØv Ct∏m-gp-ap≠v Hcp bphm-hv. Fs‚ lrZbw XpSn-°p-∂p. ]gb kpJx-Zp-J-ß-fn¬ a\ v Hgp-In-\-S-°p-∂p. Rm≥ kvt\ln®p Pohn-°p-∂p. AsX, Hcn-°¬°qsS Pohn-°p-∂p. h¿j-߃ F{X Ipd-hv! F{X thK-amWv Ah HmSn-t∏m-bXv! H∂pw imiz-X-a-s√∂ kXyw Rm≥ a\- n-em-°p-∂p. Imin-\p-sIm-≈mØ ]gp-°n-g-h-\-√. Ipsd-°qsS ASp-Øp-t\m-°q. \nß-fn-t∏mƒ Fs∂ ImWp-∂p, At√? Imew, \nß-fn¬ Fs∂ ImWn-®p-X-cpw.

Ppss\Zv F.-]n. \memw _m®v

aXn-en\v Dbcw IqSp-X-em-bXv sImt≠m AtXm F\n°v \ofw Ipd-hm-bXv sImt≠m Bthm, aXn-en¬ \nd™p \n¬°p∂ B ]®-∏ns\ ssI°-em-°m≥ HØncn IjvS-s∏-tS-≠n-h-∂p.


A∂mWv Rß-f-dn-™-Xv, B aXn-en-\-∏pdw Hcp temI-ap-≠m-bncp-s∂∂v!!! "]®∏v' tXSn \S∂ R߃ FØn-s∏-´Xv AXym-hiyw henb Hcp Ip‰n-°m-´n-te-°m-bn-cp-∂p. AXn\p ]nd-In¬ Cßs\ Hcp aXn-ep-≈Xmbn ]pdta \n∂v t\m°p-∂-h¿°v tXm∂n-√. F¶nepw Rß-fpsS IÆn¬\n∂pw B aXn-ens\ adbv°m≥ \ndw aßnb kmbm-”Ø - nt\m B Ip‰n-°m-Snt\m Ign-™n-√. tdmUv sskUn¬ h≠n \n¿Øn R߃ aq∂v t]¿ B Ip‰n-°m-Sns\ e£y-am°n \oßn. Ip‰n-°m-Sn\v ]nd-Inep≈ aXn-em-bn-cp∂p Rß-fpsS e£yw. aXn-en\v Dbcw IqSp-X-embXv sImt≠m AtXm F\n°v \ofw Ipd-hm-bXv sImt≠m Bthm, aXn-en¬ \nd™p \n¬°p∂ B ]®-∏ns\ ssI°-em-°m≥ HØncn IjvS-s∏-tS-≠n-h-∂p. GWn-sh®v Ib-dn-bmtem F∂v hsc Nn¥n-®p. CXn-\n-Sbv°v Btcm c≠v t]¿ hcn-Ibpw DSs\ Xncn®p t]mIp-Ibpw sNbvXp. At∏mgpw R߃ B ]®∏v ssI°-em-°m-\p≈ hy{K-X-bnem-bn-cp-∂p. Gsd sshIn-bn-√, Hcp Po∏ns‚ \o≠ tlmWSn tI´v R߃ Xncn-™p-t\m-°n. ASp-sØ-Øn-b-t∏m-gmWv AsXmcp t]meokv Po∏msW∂v a\- n-em-b-Xv. h≠n \n¿Ønb DSs\ c≠v t]meo-kp-Im¿ R߃°-Sp-tØ°v \S-∂p-h-∂p. F∂n´v Rß-sfbpw aXn-en-s\bpw amdn amdn t\m°n. Iq´-Øn-semcp tNmZyhpw; ""F¥mSm ChnsS Imcyw''? BZy-sam∂v ]I-s®-¶nepw, ss[cyw hos≠-SpØv R߃ Cßs\ hnh-cn-®p. sI.-Fw.-kn.-Sn. Bbp¿thZ tImtf-Pnse HmWm-tLm-jØ - ns‚ `mK-ambn \S-°p∂ ]q°-fa - ’ - c - Ø - n-\p, a‰p ]q°-fß - f - n¬\n∂p hyXyÿX ]pe¿Øm\pw a’-cØ - n\v IqSp-X¬ t]mbn‚ v e`n-°p-sa∂ "hnes∏´' \n¿t±-i-Øn-s‚bpw ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ ""aXn¬∏®'' tXSn-bp≈ 39

""F¥n-\-h¿ Rßsf tXSn h∂p''??? shdpsX Np‰p-]mSpw H∂v ItÆm-Sn®v t\m°n-b-t∏m-gmWv sR´n-°p∂ B kXyw R߃ a\- n-em-°n-b-Xv. B aXn-en-\-∏pdw as‰mcp temI-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p!

bm{X-bmWv Rßsf Cu aXn-en-\-SpØv FØn®- X v . tiJ- c n® aXn¬∏® km£n- \ n¿Øn R߃ Cßs\ ]d-™-t∏mƒ kw`-h-Øns‚ InS- ∏ p- h iw a\- n- e m- ° nb Ah¿ ""tdmwMv sskUn-em-tWmSm h≠n \n¿Øp-∂Xv'' F∂ ÿncw t]meokv Ub-temKpw ]d-™v, GtXm \jvS-t_m-[-tØmSpIqSn Xncn-®p-t]m-bn. ]®n-ebn¬ ]dn-®p-sh® aXn¬]-®bpw sIm≠v Xncn®v h≠n-°-SpØv FØn-b-t∏mgpw R߃°v a\ n-em-ImØ Imcyw ""F¥n-\-h¿ Rßsf tXSn h∂p''??? shdpsX Np‰p-]mSpw H∂v ItÆm-Sn®v t\m°n40

b-t∏m-gmWv sR´n-°p∂ B kXyw R߃ a\- n-em-°n-b-Xv. B aXn-en-\-∏pdw as‰mcp temI-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Hcp ""teUokv tlmì'' At∏m-gmWv ]®∏v \nd™ B aXn-en\v F{X-tØmfw {]m[m-\y-ap-s≠-∂p≈ Imcyw R߃ Dƒs°m-≠-Xv. aS-°-bm-{X-bn¬, aXn-en\-`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-®p≈ Rß-fpsS Nm´hpw A∏p-d-Øp≈ teUokv tlmkv-‰epw Hcp-an-t®m¿Ø-t∏mƒ Hcp Dƒ°nSn-e-tØmsS R߃ aq∂v t]cpw apJ-tØmSv apJw t\m°n, ]n∂o-Ss - Xmcp s]m´n-®n-cnbm-hm≥ Gsd kabw th≠n h∂n-√.

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

aoc. hn


Ccp-´ns‚ K¿Ø-߃ tXSn h≠n- ]m-bp-tºmƒ thWp-th-´≥ C∂se ]d-™p-X∂ ‘A\n-X-bpsS hoSv ’ F∂ IY-bm-bn-cp∂p a\ v \nd-sb.... ‘AcIvjn-X-amb s]¨kaqlw ’ Fs∂mcp teJ-\-Øn\v kvtIm∏v D≠v \mfsØ ]{X-Øn¬. IpSpw-_-Po-hn-X-߃ \jvS-am-Ip∂ kv{XoIƒ Hcp Znhkw am{Xw ]I-c° - m-cn-bm-Ip∂ kaq-lw.- A-\n-XI - ƒ Cu temIØv H∂√, Hcp-]m-Sp-s≠∂v hnfn-®p-]-d-bWw Cu teJ-\-Øn-ep-sS... B teJ\w ]{X-Ønse XpS¿]-c-º-cbm-bm¬...- X-\n°n\n ‘ko\n-b¿ k_v FUn-‰¿’]Z-hn-bm-bn-cn-°pw kΩm-\w. IjvSw! F∂pw em`-Øn\v am{X-amWv ap≥Xq°w. F¥n\v, ]{X-Øn¬ hcp∂ hm¿Ø-Iƒ, ]c-ky-߃ F√mØnepw Imiv F∂ c≠-£cw ]Xn-bn-cn-°p∂nt√? C∂se IqSn Cu t]cp-]d- ™v Abm-fp-ambn DS-°n-bX - m....-Ab - mƒ°v kXy-sØ-°mƒ Bhiyw amkvac - n-IX - b - m-Wt- {X... s - ]-Æns‚ sh´n-Øn-fß - p∂ ta\n...-Im-gvN-°m¿ AXn-\m-Wt{X?!!! Imgv®°m¿, Bcm-W-h¿? hnUvVn-Iƒ, Xcp-∂-sX√mw B{Im-¥-tØmsS hngp-ßp-∂-h¿. ]d-™n´p Imcy-an-√. Ah-cn√m-bn-cp-∂p-sh-¶n¬ ASp∏p ]pI-bn-√. Nn¥-Iƒ ImSp-I-b-dn-bXv Adn-™n√ kp\n-X. Hmtcm Znh-khpw XpS-ßptºmƒ Fhn-sSbpw Hcp Ipg-∏hpw D≠m-h-cptX, (As√-¶n¬, Ccsb hmbn¬ h®p XctW) F∂p {]m¿∞n-°p-∂-hƒ. cmhnse A©n\p≈ _pJvdm FIvkv{] v ]nSn®v \K-cØ - n-seØn {Sm^n°v tªm°p-Isf tXm¬]n®v Hm^okn-se-Øp-tºm-tg°pw A‰≥U≥kv cPn-ÿ Pn.-F-Ωns‚ Iym_ns\se-Ønbn-cn-°pw. -]ns∂ ]Xnhv \mS-I-ß-fn-eqsS H∏v kºm-Zn-°Ww. kz¥w tS_n-fn-te°v FØp-tºm-tg°pw ]q¿Øn-bm-°m≥sh® hm¿ØI-fp-am-bn´mIpw Pkow Dd-°-Øn-te°v t]mbn-cn-°p-I.- Ip-Øs\ hc-Ifpw Ipdn-I-fp-ap≈ B A£c-߃ Ahs\t∏mse-Xs∂ apc-S-\m-Wv.- F-∂mepw Ah≥ Xs∂ A[nIw _p≤n-ap-´n-°m-dn√. Nn¥m-K-Xn-Iƒ FI-tZiw Hcp-t]mse-bm-b-XpsIm≠mImw. _m°n-h-®Xv Fgp-Xn-Øo¿Øv ]pXnb h√ hm¿ØIfpw Fgp-Xn-Øn-cp-Øp-tºm-tg°pw 7 aWn-°p≈ C‚¿kn‰n ]nSn°-Ww. Cu bm{X-Iƒ-°n-S-bn-emWv B¿s°-√mtam ASn-b-d-hp-h® Bi-b-߃ Xe-s]m°p-I. ]£ Ah Ahƒt]mepw Adn-bmsX tXm‰p-t]m-Ipw. C∂pw hyXykvX-am-sbm∂pw kw`-hn-®n-√. -a-\- nse \∑ Ipd-bp-t¥mdpw `qan IqSp-X¬ hmk-tbm-Ky-amIpw. a\- nse hmKzm-Z-߃s°m-Sp-hn¬ Ccp-hn-`m-K-Øn\pw ka-\ne In´n-bt∏m-gmWv bm{X-°m¿ IqSn-b-Xmbn Ahƒ I≠-Xv. C∂se Hcp sNdnb Ip´nsbbpw sIm≠p-h∂ kv{Xo C∂pw Xs‚ ]W-∏n-cnhv Bcw-`n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. ÿncbm{X-°m-cmb X߃°p ap∂n¬ Cu \mSIw F∂m-Wmthm Ah-km\n-∏n-°p-I...? 41

Xnc°p IqSn hcn-I-bmWv... Ahƒ°v Hcn-°epw kln-°m≥ Ign-bmØ km[m-cW-°m-cpsS hnb¿∏ns‚ K‘w...-X-an-gv\m-´pIm-sc-t∏mse Ipfn-°msX kvt{] ASn®pw ]qNqSnbpw h∂n- c n- ° p- ∂ p...Cu Zp¿K‘Øn¬ \ns∂√mw c£-s∏-Sp-∂Xv hn≥tUm-ko-‰n¬ Ccn-°p-tºm-gm-Wv.- bm-{X°n-S-bn-se-t∏mtgm BWv ASp-Øn-cn-°p∂ Bsf Ahƒ {i≤n-®Xv; Xs‚ apØ-in-sbt∏m-se... Ip´n-°m-esØ IY-I-fpsS A£-b-]m{X-am-bncp∂p apØ-»n....- Hcp \mfpw XocmØ{X IY-Iƒ... Xqsh≈ \nd-Øn-ep≈ B Xe-ap-Sn-bn¬ Im®nb FÆbpsS K‘w...\-cn-®o-dp-I-fpsS i_vZw tIƒ°p∂ B X´n≥]pdw X\n-s°∂pw t]Sn-bm-bn-cp-∂´-s\m∏w Hcp \mƒ AhnsS Ibdn-bXpw hgn-bd- n-bmsX \ne-hn-fn®p Ic-™t∏mƒ imt¥- S Øn FSp- Ø p- s Im≠p t]mbXpw C∂pw Hm¿Ω-bn-ep-≠v. A∂p cm{Xn ]\n- ® - t ∏mƒ s\‰n- b n¬ \\™ XpWn hncn-®n-´Xv apØ-»n-bm-bn-cp-∂p. cmP-

Ip-am-cs\ In´m≥ ImØn-cp∂ cmP-Ip-amcnbpw, Ah¿°p XS -ambn \n∂ a{¥-hm-Zn-bp-sa√mw X\n°v Np‰w \rØw sh°ptºmƒ apØ-in-bpsS hb-dns‚ NqtS-‰mWv Dd-ßn-b-Xv. A—\v ÿew am‰w In´n-b-t∏mƒ apØ-»nsb hn´v t]mtI-≠n-h-∂p. B NqSpw... Xd-hm-Sns‚ `mKwshbv]pw hn¬°epw Ign-™-t∏mƒ apØ»n IqsS-bm-bn-cp-s∂-¶nepw aqIbmbn-cp∂p. Ft∏mgpw Fs¥-¶nepw Btem-Nn®p≈ Ccn-∏v...- Ft¥m \jv´-s∏´ t]mse...- h-ep-Xm-b-t∏mƒ IY-I-sf ad∂ Rm≥ apØ-»nsbbpw ad-°m≥ {iant®m? C∂pw Hm¿a-bp≠v, apØ»n acn® Znhkw...-Hcp C‚¿hyq-hn-\mbn U¬ln-bn-em-bn-cp-∂p. FØnb-t∏m-tg°pw apØ»n Hcp]nSn -Nm-c-ambn amdn-bn-cp-∂p.- A-∂v Hcp]mSv Ic-™n-´p≠v \jvS-s∏-´-Xns\ Hm¿Øv.... kzt_m[w In´n-b-t∏m-gmWv Adn-™Xv tÃj-s\-Øn-sb∂v...- h-b- mb kv{Xo tXmfn¬ Xe-sh®v Dd-°-Øn-em-Wv.- X-eam-‰m≥ {ian-®t- ∏mƒ AXmsI XWp-Øp-hn-dß - e - n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. B Xqsh≈ apSn Im‰n¬ Ft¥m kzImcyw ]d-bp-∂pt≠m ? B IÆp-Iƒ Xt∂mSv kvt\lw ImWn-°p-I,-bm-tWm.. A√... H∂pw Adn-bm-Ø-t]mse AhnsS\n∂v Fgp-t∂‰v B kv{Xosb P\-en-t\mSv Nmcn-bn-cp-Øn. C\nbpw sshIn-bm¬, GM...?

Pn\n sI.F 3--˛mw _m®v


\ng-ep-I-fm-bn-cp∂p F\n-s°∂pw Iq´p-Im¿; Ah-sbs∂ H‰-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn√ Rms\m‰-°n-cn-°m≥ B{K-ln-®p-sh-¶nepw... shbnenepw ag-bnepw angn-bnepw a\- nepw Ah-sb∂pw BSnØnan¿Øp. D≈nse abn¬∏o-en-Ø-≠p-Iƒ Ime-N-{I-Øn-\n-S-bn¬s∏´p sRcn-™-a¿∂-t∏mƒ t]mepw. C∂pw Rmt\-I-b√...! ad-hn-bpsS Nncn-bmbn..., tXß-em-bv, \nizm-k-ambv kulr-Z-am-bv, {]W-b-ambv ]n¥p-S-cp∂ \ng-ep-Isf ssI\o´n hmßm≥... Rm\n-∂pw, F∂pw hnt[-b!


KAMC Magazine 2010-11

U.M.T. Brahmadathan Namboodiri1 & Dr.Madhu.K.P2

AYURVEDIC EDUCATION: THOUGHT & ITS PROPAGATION IN AN AGE OF ‘SYSTEMS THINKING’ The past two centuries, especially the 20th century has presented the system of Ayurveda with the strongest challenge it would have ever faced in its entire history of a ‘presumed’ 5000 years, threatening its very existence as a living system of medicine. A foreign invasion inadvertently gives rise to strong waves of political, economic and cultural shifts which can at times present fatal blows to a scientific or cultural traditions of the invaded nation. The British Imperialism triggered and powered by the scientific and the resultant Industrial revolutions radically transformed the nature of knowledge systems and their methods of transference to succeeding generations till then prevalent in India. The scientific revolution was inspired by a set of ‘Analysts’ spearheaded by Galileo Galilee and Rene Descartes who hypothesized that the nature of any phenomenon can only be studied by the study of its parts. Galilee’s program banned ‘quality’ from science, restricting it to the study of phenomena that could be measured and quantified. Rene Descartes had founded the system of ‘Analytical Thinking’ which involved breaking up complex phenomena into parts to study their nature. This conceptual framework was completed triumphantly by Sir Isaac Newton with his grand synthesis of Newtonian Mechanics. The Mechanistic model of Descartes was hugely successful in biology too, with William Harvey’s adoption of the theory in Circulatory mechanism. More and more Physiologists used this Philosophy to understand various physiological phenomena and found it to be quite suitable to explain most of them. Although deeper and confusing phenomena were frequently encountered, they were generally pushed aside or ‘rounded off’. This phase was not to change until Relativity theory and Quantum mechanics swept away the soil under the feet of the ‘Cartesian Mechanism’. THE INDIAN SCENARIO The viability and vitality of any branch of science is directly proportional to the magnitude of its awareness among the general public. The succeeding generations of the 20th century, educated in the ‘British model’ was growing ever more innocent of the theories of Ayurveda which once constituted the whole understanding of disease pathology among the general mass. ‘Vata’, ‘Pitta’ and ‘Kapha’ were once common usages, coming up every now and then during small talks. Now they seemed to have evaporated and so were the strict orders about ‘Pathya’ from the elderly. Many common medicinal preparations known to the ‘ladies of the house’ like the famous ‘Pachanamrutam’ were a thing of the past. In a very short time, Ayurvedists were staring at the face of a generation



A major handicap Ayurvedic physicians have faced in the process of ‘co-relation’ has been the lack of an apt scientific language. This seems to have been understood by almost all who have tried their hand at it. ○

who thought they were listening to ‘Swahili’. This alienation of ‘Ayurvedic thought’ from the public domain triggered what can be called the great ‘Co-relation Age’. Modern Ayurvedic scholars, now desperate to communicate their thought structure were seen hunting for Physiological phenomena in the modern medical texts which could at the least ‘narrowly’ match the descriptions in the classical Ayurvedic treatises. Soon ‘Rajayakshma’ became Tuberculosis, some even going to the extent of claiming it as AIDS; the five kinds of Vatas took up their position on the spinal cord as various ‘Neural plexuses’ and Panchamahabhutas discovered their counterparts in the Atomic world. Among the resultant chaos it was the Sanskrit dictionary which benefitted the most, now greatly enriched by the novel names coined for all the possible bones ever conceived in the human body. A reductionist storm was raging on and soon the syllabi of ‘Ayurvedic colleges’ saw the introduction of new ‘subjects’ being introduced such as ‘Shareera Rachana’ and ‘Shareera Kriya’ which were nothing but the sanskritized versions of ‘Anatomy’ and ‘Physiology’. The reason behind these measures were quoted as ‘the need to adapt, integrate and communicate’ with the ‘scientific world’. But the crowning glory of the reductionist regime was yet to arrive in the form of ‘Research oriented post graduate courses’ which were designed to get the Ayurvedic fraternity acquainted with the new ‘scientific research methodologies’ which were essential to be rigorously implemented on to all the spheres of Ayurveda for it to be proven as ‘not Pseudo’! It was not that nobody gave a thought to the mayhem. Some brave but short lived experiments such as the seven year ‘Gurukula model’ Ayurvedic graduate program in Coimbatore were conducted and similar ones continues to be pursued. But the last century would essentially go down in the history of Ayurveda for its short sightedness, lack of original thinking and some very bad policy making. THE LINGUISTIC HANDICAP A major handicap Ayurvedic physicians have faced in the process of ‘co-relation’ has been the lack of an apt scientific language. This seems to have been understood by almost all who have tried their hand at it. The modern scientific terminologies reflect a static, disconnected and deterministic idea of reality inspired by the Galilean perception of universe. It is needless to say they are thoroughly incapable of conveying the probabilistic, interconnected and dynamic view of universe and life which 44

are explored in Ayurveda. It is interesting to note that Ayurveda uses metaphors, contextual synonyms and poetry profusely to convey biological phenomena contrary to the modern scientific obsession of using scientific terms with rigid definitions. In short, the Ayurvedic language reflects the inherent dynamism which is characteristic of most oriental Knowledge systems. Once we critically analyze the Ayurvedic educative modules that were existent in the past, it becomes clear that there was an intentional exercise towards the development of what we can call a ‘Thought culture’. This was achieved through a systematic study of the Sanskrit language, its ‘Kavyas’ and then proceeding on to more sophisticated areas like ‘Tarka’ before getting initiated to the study of medicine. This initial training would help a student’s mind to move cohesively through the world of abstractive biological phenomena presented in Ayurveda. In the present educational scenario, this initial training is bypassed which leads to utter confusion in a student’s mind who comes for his graduation after years of schooling, a program highly influenced by modern science. Although popularization of Sanskrit language and ‘oriental philosophies’ from early schooling years is highly recommended, its viability in the current religious and political situation is rather doubtful. The core solution to the problem lies in the evolution of a new dynamic, probabilistic and integrative understanding of reality by the modern science and an eventual development of an appropriate scientific language reflective of the resultant paradigm shift. And exactly such a paradigm shift is happening in the modern scientific circles since the later half of the 20th century, although the implications of such a drastic shift is yet to reveal in its entire magnitude in the popular scientific domain. THE RISE OF SYSTEMS THEORY As explained earlier, the ‘Cartesian model’ of the Universe had been dealt a major blow with the rise of Quantum Physics and the Relativity theory. New researches slowly began to uncover the gaping holes in the claims of Newtonian Physics as a ‘Universal model’ of reality with its deterministic mechanistic laws. A radically novel view of the Physical world and reality

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

‘Rajayakshma’ became Tuberculosis, some even going to the extent of claiming it as AIDS; the five kinds of Vatas took up their position on the spinal cord as various ‘Neural plexuses’

was now evolving, thanks to some ground breaking researches in the fields of Physics, Biology, Mathematics and Electronic engineering. The first rumblings of the oncoming revolution started with Alexander Bogdanov, a Russian medical researcher who conceived the idea of a common ‘systematic organizational structure’ in universal phenomena. But the branch of ‘Systems Thinking’ and ‘Systems Theory’ crystallized with the work of biologist Ludwig Von Bertalanffy, who identified biological systems as ‘Open Systems’ which involves a constant flow of matter and energy through them. He also introduced the concepts of ‘Self organization’ and ‘Self perpetuation’ in these biological systems. According to the deterministic Cartesian model of the universe, laws of thermodynamics theorizes that irreversible loss of energy such as ‘frictional heat loss’ in functional systems (‘entropy’ is its unit) would eventually lead to higher levels of disorder and hence push the whole system into an eventual halt. But this is not the case in reality. In biological systems, dissipative phenomena somehow, begin to organize themselves in closed feedback loops where the last reaction in the chain of events gives rise to the first one in the chain and hence the system spontaneously organizes itself, perpetuates in closed loops and is surprisingly adaptive to minor fluctuations in the variable factors that influence its working. This phenomenon was discovered during Prof. Manfred Eigen’s work on the catalytic network of cellular enzymes and he called this phenomenon by the term ‘hyper cycles’. Similar phenomena had been observed in Physics and Chemistry too such as the famous ‘Bernard cells’. In the meantime researchers working on the Cybernetics program were successful in creating computer models of such spontaneously self organizing feedback loops which opened up a vast field of development in Artificial Intelligence through computer models of cognition. However, a ‘non linear’ mathematical framework for explaining such immensely complex systems began to emerge only later through the works of brilliant mathematicians like Henry Poincare, and Benoit Mandelbrot. The rise of topology and fractal


geometry with the assistance of highly powerful ‘super computers’ inspired mathematicians to frame new models of immense complexity and work out their ‘non linear’ equations which were now capable of predicting the ‘qualitative features’ of a system’s behavior in a chaotic environment. These methods are now slowly being introduced to the domain of medical research where ‘Statistical analysis’ still rules the roost. Systems theory has already found its way into fields like Cognitive Neuropsychology where new therapeutic programs have been designed and are undergoing clinical trials. IMPLICATIONS OF THE PARADIGM SHIFT IN AYURVEDA The importance of the new ground breaking discoveries in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Molecular biology, Mathematics and Cybernetics becomes clear only when we consider what Ayurveda really needs today. The current need is a ‘Research and communication interface’ capable of accommodating the ‘subjective’ and ‘qualitative’ parameters that essentially constitute the pathological, diagnostic and therapeutic models of Ayurveda. What we anticipate and hope is that the current trend that is gaining momentum in the western science will one day be able to accommodate the current day needs of Research and development in Ayurveda and also provide a common platform for the western medicine and Ayurveda to communicate without compromising their integrity and strive together to design and implement refined health strategies for a changing world. But till that day dawns, it is our humble request to the policy makers that they should thoroughly reconsider the Ayurvedic education modules that are actively pushed through. Let us keep the flickering flames of ‘Traditional learning methods’ alive by supporting and invigorating them. We may be accused of going back to the ‘stone ages’, but as new researches in anthropology and linguistics indicate, there may be things worthwhile to learn from the ‘stone age’ men! 1- Ullannoor Mana Trust, Kannoth (P.O), Thrissur, Kerala. E-mail- 2- Lecturer, Department of Agadatantra and Vyavaharayurveda, KMCT Ayurveda college, Manassery, Mukkam. E mail- * Authors are greatly indebted to Fritjof Capra’s ‘The Web of Life’ for information on Systems theory.


Nmen-bm-dnse tXmWn-b-]-I-S-Øn¬ acn® 8 Ipcp-∂p-I-fpsS kvac-W-°p-ap-∂n¬ Cu IrXn ka¿∏n-°p-∂p.

Rß-fpsS kz]v\-Ønse Xq°p-]m-e-ta......., Nmen-bm-dns‚ Bg-ß-fn-te°v \n\-°p≈ kzmK-X-Km-\-a-t\z-jn®v t]mb-Xmhpw Rß-sf-´p-t]cpw F∂v Hcp ]t£ \o Ct∏mƒ Icp-Xp-∂p-≠m-hpw.... AsX, Nne- _-en-°-√p-Iƒ°v Hcp ]pg-bpsS Bg-tam,A-s√-¶n¬ Hcp tXmWn-bpsS \oftam D≠m-bn-cp-∂n-cn-°mw....... Aßs\ Icp-Xp-∂-Xn¬ sX‰n-s√∂v R߃°-dnbmw; F¶n-epw, Rß-fn-t∏m-gpw Xncbp-∂Xv \jvS-s∏´pt]mb Poh-s\-b-√ ]Icw, ]I¿Øn-sb-gp-Xm-\mbn hmßn® Iq´p-Im-cs‚ t\m´p-_p-°n-s\-bpw F∂pw kvIqfn¬ ad∂p shbv°m-dp≠mbn-cp∂ tNm‰p]m{X-sØbpw Hs°-bm-Wv.... Xncn-®p sImSp-Øn-´n-s√-¶n¬ Ah-cpsS ]cn-`hw \nd™ apJw H∂p ImtW-≠n hcpw....!!! ]t£ Iq´p-Im-tc, R߃°pw \n߃°pw CS-bn¬ Ct∏mƒ Hcp ]pgbpsS A¥-c-ap≠v. amjv ]d-™-Xp-t]mse˛ ""acWw F∂Xv Hcp `mK-tØ°v am{Xw Xpd-°p∂ hmXn-em-Wv, As√-¶n¬ ]pd-tØ°v hgn-bn-√mØ Xtam-K¿Ø-am-Wv......''

Znhy Fw 4-˛mw _m®v


\nß-sf-t∏mse R߃°pw hniz-kn-°m-\m-Ip-∂n√; Nmen-bm-dns‚ Ccp´p \nd™ Ipgn-I-fn¬ Rß-sf´p t]scbpw sIm≠p t]mIm-\mbn Hcp \ocmfn ]Xn-bn-cn-∏p-≠m-bn-cp∂p F∂v......!!! C\n Rß-fpsS hgnbn¬ Bcpw hcm-Xn-cn-°-s´......!!!

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

inev] kn.-]n. aq∂mw _m®v

Fw. apIp-µs‚ ]pe-b-∏m´v F∂ t\mh-ens‚ Hcp Bkzm-Z\w


a\p-jy≥, Ah≥ P\n-®Xp apX¬ B{K-ln-°p∂ H∂mWv kzmX-{¥yw. kz¥w BZ¿i-ßsf hy‡-am°m≥, ka¿∞n-°m≥, ÿm]n-°m≥ F√mw Ah\v kzmX{¥yw thWw. hbdp \nd-®p-Æm≥ Ign-™n-s√¶nepw B Bi-b߃ Ah\v Poh≥ \¬Ipw. AhIm-i-߃ t\Sn-sb-Sp-°m-\p≈ t]mcm-´-߃ Ah\v t_m[w h∂ A∂p-apX¬ Bcw-`n-®-Xm-Wv...... C∂pw AX-h-km-\n-®n-´n-√... aÆv, AsX∂pw A[zm-\n-°p-∂-hs‚ IqsS-bm-bn-cp∂p. Hcn-°epw A≤zm-\n-°p-∂-hsc Ahƒ NXn-®n-´n-√. Ahsc ]≠p \Ωƒ hnfn-°p-am-bn-cp∂p A[x-ÿnX h¿§-sa∂v; Ipd-®p-IqSn ae-bm-fo-I-cn-®m¬ "]pe-b-∑m¿' F∂pw a‰pw. Ah¿°v F∂pw X{ºm-°-∑m-cm-bn-cp∂p ssZhw. cm∏-I¬ ]Wn-sb-SpØp Xf¿∂mepw X{ºm-°∑m-cpsS Nhn-´p-sIm-≠mepw ]´nWn InS-∂mepw B hnizmkw amdn-√... Adn-hn\pw am\-Øn-\pw-th≠n Hcp ImeØv \S∂ hnπ-hw, F√m-hcpw a\p-jy-cm-sW∂v Dds° {]Jym-]n® Ncn-{X-߃, AXmWv "]pe-b-∏m-´n-'s‚ CXn-hr-Øw. aøgn-bpsS IYm-Im-c≥ B hnπ-hsØ hfsc \s√mcp hmMvab Nn{X-ambn hmb-\-°m-cs‚ ap∂n-e-h-X-cn-∏n-°p∂p. IYm-Im-c≥, ePv]Xv \K-dn¬ tPmen sNøp-tºmƒ kh¿Æ ta[m-hn-Xz-Øns‚ Ccsb t\cn-´p-Im-tW-≠nh∂ k¶-S-I-c-amb kµ¿`-Øn¬ Dcp-Øncn-™p-h∂ Cu IY C¥y-bpsS kzmX-{¥y-Øn\v apºp≈ Ccpƒ\nd™ Ncn-{X-sØ-°p-dn®v ]d-bp-∂p. 47

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"Nn¥'-sb-s¥-∂-dn-bmØ ]pe-b-ssZ-h-amb "]pena-d™ sXm≠®'t\°mƒ X{ºm-°ƒ°v {]m[m\yw \¬Ip∂ Imcn-°p- fsØ ]pe-b∑ - m-cn¬\n∂pw hyXykvX-am-bn-cp∂p KuX-a-t‚bpw Nnø-bn-°p-´n-bp-tSbpw P\-\w. Adn-sh∂ {]]-©-k-XysØ Iog-S-°m-\mbn t_m[n-k-XysØ a\- n¬ IpSn-bn-cpØn KuX-a-\pw, ]pen- a - d ™ sXm≠- ® s\ ssZhnI ]cn- t h- j Øn¬\n∂pw Bcm-[y-]p-cp-j-\m°n Bcp-adnbmsX IpSn-bn-cpØn Nnø-bn-°p-´nbpw iIm-c-ß-ƒ°v \Sphn¬ hf-cp-∂p. ]t£ c≠p-t]-cp-tSbpw B{K-lß - ƒ B¿°pw a\- n-em-Ip-∂n-√m-bn-cp-∂p. A£- c - a - d n- b m- \ p≈ AS- ß mØ B{K- l w, kh¿Æ ta[m-hn-Xz-Øn\p ap∂n¬ ap´p-a-S-°n-bt∏mgpw AXns\ _en Ign-∏n-°m≥ KuX-a≥ Xømdm-bn-cp-∂n-√. AXp-sIm-≠p-Xs∂ Imcn-°p-fsØ aÆnepw ac-Ønepw AsXmcp XpS-°-am-bn-cp-∂p, am‰Øns‚ ..... sXm≠®-\n¬\n∂v ]dn-s®-SpØv Nnø-bn-°p-´nsb Aip- ≤ - a m- ° m≥ {ian® "Bf- Ø m- d n's‚ Zrjv S nbn¬\n∂pw Ah-fpsS amdp ad-bv°m≥ {ian® KuXa≥ I≈-\m-hp-Ibpw AXp [cn® Nnø-bn-°p´n [n°mcn-bm-hp-Ibpw sNbvXp. {Iqc-amb B\-µ-tØmsS "AbnØw' Iev]n-°msX Bf-Øm¿ Ah-fpsS I®b-gn-®-t∏mƒ KuX-as‚ a\ p am{X-a-√, ico-chpw s\m¥n-cp-∂p. ]nim-Np-°ƒ am{X-ap≈ B \m´n¬\n∂pw c£s∏´ KuX-a≥ FØ-s∏-´Xv eqt°m-k-®s‚ ssIIfn-epw, Nnø-bn-°p´n FØ-s∏-´Xv sNdn-b-th-es‚ ssII-fn-epambn-cp-∂p. Adn-sh∂ alm-km-K-csØ ssIøn-sem-Xp-°m≥ {ian® KuX-a-_p-≤-s\-t∏mse Ae-™, Ah-tl-f\ - ß - sf AXn-Po-hn® KuX-a≥ Dbc-ß-sf-Øn-∏n-Sn-°m≥ {ian-®p. am™-fn-bn-te°v `¿Øm-hn-s\m∏w t]msb-¶nepw Imcn- ° p- f sØ Imhpw Im‰pw Nnø- b n- ° p- ´ nsb XncnsI hnfn®p sIm≠n-cp-∂p. Kucn F∂ Ah-fpsS ssI°p-™n-t\bpw FSpØv Hmtcm {]mh-iyhpw AhnsS t]mbn hcp-tºmgpw C\n Atßm-´n-s√∂v BW-bn-Spw Ahƒ. ]t£, Ah-f-dn-bmsX Atßm´v a\ v BI¿jn-°s - ∏-Sp-∂p. sNdnb thes‚ a\ n\v Hcn-°epw AhfpsS B bm{Xsb \ymbo-I-cn-°m≥ Ign-™n-cp-∂n-√. AXp-sIm-≠m-bn-cn°mw B bm{X Ah-fpsS Pohn-XsØ Ah-km-\n-∏n-®-Xv. ]t£, AXv "Abn-Ø-an-√mØ' ]pe-b-s∏-Æp-ßfpsS am‰-Øns‚ i_vZa - m-bn-cp-∂p. ico-cØ - n-\p-th≠n

A£-c-a-dn-bm-\p≈ AS-ßmØ B{K-lw, kh¿Æ ta[m-hn-Xz-Øn\p ap∂n¬ ap´p-a-S-°n-b-t∏mgpw AXns\ _en Ign-∏n-°m≥ KuX-a≥ Xøm-dm-bn-cp-∂n-√. AXp-sIm-≠p-Xs∂ Imcn-°p-fsØ aÆnepw ac-Ønepw AsXmcp XpS-°-am-bn-cp-∂p, am‰-Øns‚ .....

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

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sImXn-°p∂ Bf-Øm-dn\v ap∂n¬ Nnø-bn-°p´n Xs‚ apeIƒ Adp-sØ-dn-™p- . At∏mgpw CsXm-∂p-ad- n-bmsX KuXa≥ hf-cp-I-bm-bn-cp∂p. aIƒ°p-th≠n Dgn-™p-sh® sNdn-bt- h-es‚ PohnXw Np‰p-]m-Sp-Isf Adn™p XpS-ßn. Aßs\ In´nb _‘am-bn-cp∂p ANyp-X≥ \ºymcptS-Xv. Nnø-bn-°p´nbpsS ZmcpW-amb A¥y-Øn\v Imc-Wa - mb kh¿Æ ta[m-hn-Xz-tØmSp≈ shdp-∏m-bn-cp∂p At±-lsØ Kucn-bp-ambn ASp∏n- ® - X v . A£- c - ß - t fm- S p≈ Ah- f psS B{K- l - Ø n\v Abmƒ°v \jvS-s∏-´Xv A[ym-]-\-hr-Øn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. IqSmsX Hcp hnfn-t∏-cpw; ANyp-X-∏p-e-b≥. Abmƒ Xf¿∂n-√. Aßs\ Kucn-bpsS Ip™p-hn-c¬ lcn{io Fs∂-gp-Xn. IÆq-cn¬ Hcp Kpa-kvX∏ - Wn G¿∏m-Sm-°n-s°mSpØ h°o-ens‚ aIƒ cpIvan-Wnsb Abmƒ°v hnhmlw Ign-t°-≠n-h-∂p. F√m-h-cmepw Dt]-£n-°-s∏-s´-¶nepw, Ah-km-\-saØnb B ssIIƒ Kucnsb `{Z-ambn ]nSn-®p. F√m {]Xntj[--ß-tfbpw FXn¿Øv Ahƒ Kh. kvIqfn¬ tN¿∂p. cpIvan-Wn-bpsS FXn¿∏p-Iƒ hI-h-bv°m-sX.... Nnø-bn-°p-´n-bpsS ]p\¿P-∑a - mb Kucn°v cpIvanWn a\ -dn-™p-Xs∂ Hcp ªukp sImSp-ØXv Ncn-{X-Ønse ]pXnb Im¬sh-∏m-bn-cp-∂p. Ah-fd- n-bmsX Xs∂ A[zm\n-°p∂ P\-hn-`m-KØ - ns‚ thZ\ Ah-fp-tS-Xmbn amdp-Ibm-bn-cp-∂p. AXn\v {]tNm-Z\w \¬In-s°m≠v KuX-as‚ IØp-Iƒ XpS¿®-bmbn Ahsf tXSn hcp-am-bn-cp-∂p. AXpsIm≠v am{X-amImw ANyp-X≥ \ºym¿ acn-®t- ∏mgpw Ahƒ ]nSn-®p-\n-∂X - v. kzmX-{¥y-e-_v[n-°p-tijw Iayq-WnÃv th´sIm≠v Pbn-ep-Iƒ \nd-®-h¿s°Xn-sc-bp≈ i‡-amb Xm°o-Xmbn-cp∂p BZy-\n-b-a-k`m Xnc-s™-Sp∏v ^ew. Adn-hpsIm≠v hnπ-hØ - n\v {]tNm-Z\w \¬Inb KuX-a≥ F∂pw Kucnbv ° p XW- e m- b n- c p- ∂ p. Hcn- ° epw B¨XpW ths≠-∂p-]-d™ Ahƒ {]mb-Øns‚ ]Iz-X-bn-emhmw tIfp-Æn-bpsS kvt\lw a\- n-em-°n-b-Xv. ]t£, F∂pw Ahƒ°v hnπ-h-hocyw \¬In-bXv Ah-fpsS aÆpw AΩbp-am-bn-cp-∂p. Nnø-bn-°p-´n-bpsS {]Xna B aÆn¬ ÿm]n®-t∏mgpw Ah-fpsS a\- n¬ AXm-bn-cp-∂n-cn-°-Ww. Adn-hn\pw am\-Øn\pw th≠n Iogm-f¿ \S-Ønb kacw Hcp ]cn-[n-hsc e£y-{]m-]vXn-bn-se-Øn. ]t£, C∂pw kh¿Æ-ta-[m-hnXzw \ne-\n¬°p-∂n-s√? PmXnbpsS AXn-cp-Iƒ t`Zn®v a\p-jy-sc√mw H∂m-Ip∂ Hcp Imew hcptam?

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There is an eerie sense as one walks down the hospital corridors in Kerala. Zombic faces, burning body and mind and anxiety about epidemics remains indelibly printed on one’s mind. Countless waterlogged small and big potholes and humid climate; Kerala today provides the perfect environment for millions of mosquitoes to hatch and breed and major arbovirus diseases are at their peak. Among them Dengue is the most common epidemic that haunts kerala. Pheba Susan Raju II-Batch

DENGUE FEVER (Breakbone fever, Dandly fever) Dengue is an acute febrile illness, characterized by: High fever Severe musculoskeletal pain Lymphadenopathy Characteristic Rash Significance Dengue is hardly a disease restricted to India. According to WHO, 2.5 billion people are now at risk of infection. It estimates that there may be 50 million cases world wide every year. The US reported nearly 2,500 cases this year, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore have shown over 100% increase in the cases from last year. Etiology Caused by four distrinct serotypes of dengue viruses within genus flavivirus of family flaviviridae. DEN - 1 DEN - 2


KAMC Magazine 2010-11

DEN - 3 DEN - 4 According to health experts, the virus detected in India this year is DEN - 1, which is prolific but less morbid. Transmission Transmitted when mosquitoes carrying virus bites a person. Main vectors are Aedes egypti and Aedes polynesiensis. These mosquitoes are fresh water breeders, existing in domestic surroundings. They do not fly long distances, are daybiters, most active at dawn and dust. Painless bites are characteristic and doesn’t spread from man to man. Pathology Infected bite - Virus enters the body - replicates in regional lymphnodes - disseminated via blood and lymphatics to tissues. Clinical Stages Dengue Fever (DF) Dengue Hameorrhagic fever (DHF) DENGUE SHOCK syndrome (DSS)

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each other, government agencies should work in collaboration. But that requires a political will. Something that is in shorter supply than the drugs. Always remember, “An ounce of prevention is worth of a pound of cure”

one can only condole the callous attitude of government towards the plight of public health. While the pesky insect appears to be getting the upper hand in this battle, instead of pointing fingers at

Signs & symptoms Dengue Fever (DF) Fever with headache Fever - biphasis pattern Muscle and joint pain

Generalized maculopapular rash Abdominal discomfort - pain, Nausea, Vomiting, diarrhoea clinically, platelet count will drop until after the patients’s temperature is normal. Dengue haemorragic fever (DHF) High fever Thrombocytopenia (<100,000 platelett / mm3) Haemotocrit - more than 20% Encephalatic occurance Dengue shock syndrome (DSS) Weak speedy pulse Narrow pulse pressure (less than 20 mm & Hg) Cold clammy skin and restlessness Mainly Affects Coalgulation functions Main Cause of death In DHF and DSS - increased capillary permeability.


Management Principle: Management of fever Prevention of Haemorrhagic symptoms General Health Improvement Prevention of recurrence Vector control Prevent in the early stages, to prevert haemorragic stages. Experts say that the current focus should be on availability of medicines and medical faculty to curb the epidemic. But one can only condole the callous attitude of government towards the plight of public health. While the pesky insect appears to be getting the upper hand in this battle, instead of pointing fingers at each other, government agencies should work in collaboration. But that requires a political will. Something that is in shorter supply than the drugs. Always remember, “An ounce of prevention is worth of a pound of cure” 51

Reshma S. Nair V Batch


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KAMC Magazine 2010-11




Jayesh J.N. I - Batch

Ayurveda is the eternal science of life. It teaches us how to live in a way which would prevent diseases and delay ageing and death. Ayurveda has created its own unique niche among other systems of medicine, thanks to its holistic way of treating diseases and life style suggestions. The subject of every medical system being the human body, with its myriad and enigmatic complexities, each of these branches of medicine has tough challenges to overcome. Ayurveda places ‘the cure of the diseased and the preservation of healthy’ as its supreme goal.

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The conceptual and theoretical framework of Ayurveda rests firmly on a specific principle, a sort of universal law. This universal law has been articulated in this famous verse from Vagbhatacharya’s Ashtangahrdaya. ´ÉÞÊrù& ºÉ¨ÉÉxÉè& ºÉ´Éæ¹ÉÉÆ Ê´É{É®úÒiÉè& Ê´É{ɪÉǪÉ& (A.H. Su. 1/14) “Every substance undergoes increase by substances bearing similar properties and vice versa”. Therefore any substance in the universe will fall in to either of these two classes and if endowed with proper understanding and logic, a physician can use any of these substances as a medicine. Hence the famous saying by Charakacharya; iÉnäù´É ªÉÖHò¨É ¦Éè¹ÉVªÉÆ ªÉnùÉ®úÉMä ªÉÉªÉ Eò±{ªÉiÉä (C.H. Su. 1/115) “In this universe, never will we find a single substance that is not medicine”. Provided that this perfectly satisfies the inquisitiveness of the lay man, the modern ‘scientific’ man needs explanations that are harmonious with his understanding of science and logic. Therefore, an effort to explain the laws of Ayurveda with the aid of modern physiology and physics has been attempted here. The internal constant environment of a human body is called homeostasis. For maintaining this homeostasis, our body itself applies feedback


mechanisms. There are two types of feedback mechanisms, positive feedback mechanism and negative feedback mechanism. The diseases are manifested due to the changes from homeostasis. This is beautifully quoted by Acharya Vagbhata in his chikitsa Sthana as

¤É±ÉÉÊvɹ`öÉxɨÉÉ®úÉMä ªÉ¨É +É®úÉMä ªÉÉlÉÈ ÊGòªÉÉGò¨É& (A.H.Su.1/2) The treatment of a disease should be, on the basis of this theory to maintain the homeostasis. From this observation, we can interpret that, the body itself maintains the homeostasis by the above principle of ayurveda. Glycogeninsulin feedback mechanisms to maintain the blood glucose level, parathormone-calcitonin mechanism to maintain the Ca2+ ions level of blood, rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) to maintain the ions of the blood are some examples to support this theory. Let us try to prove this principle with Ca2+ ion homeostasis mechanism of the human body. Calcium and phosphorus form important structural components of bones and teeth. This calcium with many other metals contributes a lot of biological processes in our body. Some important functions of calcium in body are (i) Development of bones and teeth (ii) Neuromuscular excitation. (iii) Membrane integrity and plasma membrane transport. (iv) Blood coagulation. (v) Mediate the intracellular action of hormones. (vi) Action of enzymes such as lipase, ATPase and succenate dehydrogenase (vii) Release of hormones and neurotransmitters. (viii) Regulation of secretory process. (ix) Contact inhibition. (x) Action on heart. HORMONAL REGULATION OF PLASMA CALCIUM LEVEL The normal value of Ca2+ level in blood plasma is 9-11mg/ dl. Deviation of the ionized calcium from the normal range 55

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Reduced Ca2+ intake

Reduced Serum Ca2+

Parathyroid gland

Reduced renal lose


Increased Synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxy chole calciferol

Increased bone resorption Increased Intestinel absorption of Ca2+

Normal Serum Ca2+


causes many disorders and can be life threatening . The hormones regulate plasma calcium level includes, (i) Calcitropic hormones:(a) Parathyroid hormone (PTH) (b) 1,25-dihydroxy cholecalciferol (active form of vitamin D) (c) Calcitonin (ii) Parthyroid hormone related proteins (iii) other hormones :Growth hormone -Stimulatory effect on bone deposition Sex hormones -Inhibitory effect on bone resorption Glucocorticoids -Stimulatory effect on bone resorption Growth factors - Stimulatory effect on bone deposition

Through keen observations this principle of ayurveda is also applicable in modern physics.

A Schematiic representation of negative feedback mechanism :Increased Ca2+ level in blood

Activates thyroid gland

Calcitonin gut Increased urinary excretion of Ca2+

resorption Po43-

Ca2+ release to bones reduced the level Ca2+ in blood

Binding of Calcitonin to specific membrane bound receptors in target cells is thought to stimulate a CAMP-mediated second messenger pathway to reduce the level of Ca2+ . From the above findings, it can be evident that the body tries itself to increase the decreased level of Ca2+ and decrease the increased level of Ca2+ ions. Thus with these feed back mechanism we can very well prove that the increase- decrease theory of ayurveda is a universally accepted principle. Through keen observations this principle of ayurveda is also applicable in modern physics. For example, the photoelectric effect of Cesium (Cs) and Francium (Fr) metals are universally accepted discoveries. For this ‘Albert Einstein’ was honored with Nobel Price in 1921.We can see the above principle in this theory also. According to Einstein, when radiations with threshold frequuency, strike the surface of a metal, the electrons are ejected from the surface of that metal. This is called the photoelectric effect. When we are considering this ‘Cesium’(Cs) atom as a system and ‘energy’ as a property, we can prove the above principle in this theory. We know that ‘Cs’ is the largest metal of the periodic table due to its lowest ionization energy. Low ionization

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

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Our preceedors have understood such complex concepts of nature in astonishing precision which made them device a system of healing and lifestyle useful to all living in this world. It is to be understood that all the complex and hard to digest theories of modern world are presented in a simple and beautiful manner in Ayurveda.

h Cs e energy means its sub shell energy levels are in a higher state. So it is a less stable atom. When we are bombarding a radiation with suitable frequency to this atom, the energy level of the atom is increased. so the atom becomes unstable and it tries to maintain a stable state by removing the electron from its outer shell called photo electrons. The emission of photo electrons retains the stability of the atom. Einstein also stated that the velocity and kinetic energy of the electrons ejected depends upon the frequency of the incident radiation. This again gives a support and proof to our theory. From the above observations we can apply our theory to both living and non-living things. So it can be accepted as a universal law. Now we can combine the above said theories- feedback mechanisms to attain homeostasis and photoelectric effect of Einstein for attaining stability of atoms, very well correlate with this law of Ayurveda. Our preceedors have understood such complex concepts of nature in astonishing precision which made them device a system of healing and lifestyle useful to all living in this world. It is to be understood that all the complex and hard to digest theories of modern world are presented in a simple and beautiful manner in Ayurveda. Our preceedors were surely master craftsmen of this trade. We bow before them and their simple idea of ´ÉÞÊrù& ºÉ¨ÉÉxÉè& ºÉ´Éæ¹ÉÉÆ Ê´É{É®úÒiÉè& Ê´É{ɪÉǪÉ& (A.H. Su. 1/14) According to Achaya Vagbhata, the nature is the greatest acharya of whole actions and we can understand all from this nature.

+ÉSÉɪÉÇ ºÉ´ÉÇSÉä¹]õɺÉÖ ±ÉÉäEòÉ B´É ʽþ vÉÒ¨ÉiÉ&* +xÉÖEòÖ ªÉÉÇkɨÉä´ÉÉiÉÉä ±ÉÉèÊEòEòÉlÉæ {É®úÒIÉEò& (A.H. Su.2/46)



{ioim¥v Fw.-]n. H∂mw _m®v

\nem-ag e√, CS-\m-gn-bn-

-Øns‚ I-fn-ep-a√ Iem-e-I-bØ m-fnse hcn-

]pkvX -cp-∂ ƒ H∂p-tN I¨]o-en-I -Ønepw n-j Hmtcm \na \nd-™p-\n-∂p. X√mw w \ns‚ apJ pw lrZ-bhpw Nen-®-s \ p. Fs‚ a m-bn-cp-∂ ≠n am{X-a \n\°p th m h∂ Im¿ta-L-Øn¬ ∏mƒ -t Fßp\nt∂ n¬ \o \\™p hnd-® m≥ ph b s]bvX ag amdnse NqtS-‰p-dß ‚ Ft¥ Fs n∂p. \ p n® e \obpw \o aS vX ag t]ms o kJo... b ] s X s m ß vXn-d ]d-b ¥n-\p s]b F∂n¬ F


KAMC Magazine 2010-11

F√mw Ah-\p-th≠n ...?

Pmkvan≥ F≥.-F-kv. A©mw _m®v

Rm≥ bm{¥n-I-ambn ho´n¬ \n∂n-d-ßn. Fs‚ Pohn-X-Øn¬ BZy-ambn hfsc Zp -l-ambn Ft¥m H∂v A\p-`-h-∏-Sp-∂-Xmbn Rm≥ Adn-™p. F∂pw kvIqfn-te-°n-dßptºmƒ AΩ-bpsS Ihn-fØv Rm≥ DΩ shbv°m-dp-≠m-bn-cp∂p. Rm≥ tamln-®p ] - c - n-]men®ph∂ tdmkm-s®-Sn-tbmSv Ipiew tNmZn-°m-dp-≠mbn-cp-∂p.-Fs‚ tSman-°p-´-t\mSv In∂mcw ]d-bp-am-bn-cp-∂p. ]s£! Cs∂√mw Rm≥ ad-∂p.- Ft¥ F\n°p am{Xw Cßs\ ? Rms\s‚ hn[nsb ]gn-®p. kvIqfn-t\m-S-Sp-°pw-tXmdpw `bw Gdn-tbdn h∂p. GtXm Io sImSpØ Ifn-∏m-´-sa-t∂mWw a‰p Ip´n-I-tfm-sSm∏w Rm\pw ¢mkn-te°v \S-∂p. Ah-cpsS apJØv t\m°m≥ Xs∂ F\n°v e÷ tXm∂n. Ah-sc√mw Fs∂ Ifn-bm-°p-∂pt≠m? F\ns°t¥m Ah-cpsS Nncn Ak-l-\o-b-ambn tXm∂n. t{Kkn So®-dpsS amXvkv ]nco-Um-bn-cp∂p BZyw.- F-\n°v ]≠v apXte shdp-∏p≈ hnj-bw. C∂v F\n°v H∂pw {i≤n-°m≥ Ig-nbn√ F∂p-d-∏m-bn-cp-∂p. F∂n´pw Fß-s\tbm Rm≥ ]ncoUv Ign-®p Iq´n. F{Xbpw s]s´∂v ho´n-se-Ø-Ww F∂ Hcp Nn¥ am{Xw a\ n¬ h∂p-sIm-≠n-cp-∂p. C∂v kvIqfn¬ hcm≥ Xosc a\- p-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√.-A-Ω-bpsS \n¿_‘w ImcW-amWv h∂-Xv. “F¥m-bmepw Fs‚ thh-emXn cmhnse AΩ-tbmSv ]d-™Xv \∂m-bn. AΩ Fs¥-¶nepw t]mwhgn Is≠-Øm-Xn-cn-°n√.” Ah-s\-t∂mSv C{X-tbsd shdp-∏mtWm ? Fs‚ ASp-Øn-cn-°p∂ A∂-tbmSpw imen-\n-tbmSpw Ah-s\-¥n-jvSa - mWv ? Rm\n-Xp- h - sc Hcp



hm°p-sIm-≠p-t]mepw Ahs\ thZ-\n-∏n-®n-´n-√ F∂p IcpXn Xe-bn¬ ssIh-®Xpw t{Kkn-So-®¿ Fs∂ s]m°n. “Can you tell me what is (a+b)2”?

Fs‚ Ip™p-ap-JsØ c≠v tKmf-߃ ]pdtØ°v NmSm≥ B{K- l n- ° p- ∂ - X mbn F\n°v tXm∂n. aDw bDw F¥mWv F∂ Hcp tNmZyw Fs‚ a\- n¬ s]m¥n-h-∂p. t{Kkn-So-®-dpsS iIm-c-h¿j-߃s°mSp-hn¬ Rm≥ Xf¿s∂s‚ Ccn-∏-nS-Øn-en-cp-∂p. Hcp \qdp-XhW Rm≥ Ahs\ a\- n¬ ]gn-®p. D®-bqWv th≠ F∂p Xocp-am-\n-®p.- Rm≥ kIe ssZh-ß-tfmSpw a\- p-cpIn {]m¿∞n-®p. Aßs\ sshIp-t∂-csØ s_√n-\m-bp≈ ImØn-cn-∏m-cw-`n-®p. Bscm-s°tbm ¢mkn¬ hcnIbpw t]mIp-Ibpw sNbvXp. Ahs\ I≠-Øm≥ Ign-bptam? Fs‚ kvt\l`m-P-\-am-Im≥ Ah≥ B{K-ln-°p-∂nt√? Fs‚ lrZbw Ah-\mbn tXßn. At∏m-gmWv h¿§o-tk-´s‚ \o≠ aWn tI´-Xv. tI´-]mXn tIƒ°m-Ø-]mXn _mKpw ]pkvX-I-ßfp-ambn Rm≥ ¢mkn¬ \n∂n-d-ßn, _ n¬ ÿm\ap-d-∏n-®p. Fs‚ Cuiz-c-hn-izmkw Hcp-]mSv h¿≤n-®n-cn-°p∂-Xmbn F\n°v tXm∂n. _kv thK-Øn¬ FØm\mbn Rm≥ {]m¿∞n®p-sIm-≠n-cp-∂p.- Cfw Im‰n¬ aµw aµw XØn-°f - n°p∂ A∏q-∏≥Xm-Sn-sb-∂-hÆw _kv \oßp-IbmWv; \K-c-Øns‚ Xnc-°p-I-fn-eq-sS. hoSn\v ap∂n¬ _kv \ndpØn-bXpw Rms\m-tcm´-am-bn-cp∂p D≈n-te-°v. hcm-¥-bn¬ Xs∂ A—-\p≠m-bn-cp-∂p.- Rm≥ A—-t\mSv tNmZn-®p. “A—m Ahs\ In´ntbm?” A—≥ \n¿∆n-Im-c-\mbn a{¥n®p: ""C√''. F\n°v tIm]hpw Xm]hpw Hcp-an®p h∂p.- Rm-s\s‚ ]pkvX-I-߃ tai-bn-te-s°-dn-™p. Ft∏m-ƒ hnjaw h∂mepw Rm≥ Fs‚ AΩbpsS ASp-tØ-t°m-Spw. B amdn¬ Xe-sh®v Icbpw. Rm≥ AΩsb At\z-jn®v In®-\n-te-t°m-Sn. ]s£, AΩsb AhnsS I≠n- √ . AΩ- b psS s_Uvdq-anepw Fs‚ -s_-Uvdq-anepw t\m°n. AhnsS-bp-an-√. At∏m-gmWv tÃm¿dq-an¬ Ft¥m i_vZw tI´Xv.- Rm-\-tßm-t´m-Sn. Fs∂-I-≠-t∏mƒ AΩ-bpsS apJ-sØ-hnsStbm Hcp ]p©n-cn.- Rm≥ BImw-£m`-cn-Xbmbn tNmZn-®p, “Ah-s\ -In-´ntbm” ? AΩ aµw ]pd-In¬ ]nSn-®n-cp∂ ssI F\n°v t\sc \o´n. F\n°v kt¥mjw AS-°m-\m-bn-√. tZ ! AΩbpsS ssIbn¬ Ah-\n-cn-°p-∂p. “Fs‚ ]m‰” Rm≥ ]cnkcw ad∂p Xp≈n-®m-Sn.- A-Ωsb sI´n-]n-Sn®v DΩ-sh-®p. F∂n´v Rm≥ Ah-t\mSmbn ]d-™p. “\o Fhn-sS-bm-bn-cp∂p? \ns∂ ImWm≠v Rm≥ F{X hnj-an®p? \o h∂n-√m-bncp-∂p-sh-¶n¬ Rm≥ \msf _tbm-fPn ¢m n¬ BsI NΩn-tb-s\.- F-¥m-bmepw “I Love you da.....” \ns∂ In´n-bt√m ? 60

Fs‚ tNmc-sIm-s≠-gp-Xn-bXv....

Fs‚ tNmc-sIm-≠mWv ChnsS Rms\gp-Xp-∂Xv ImcWw ˛ Fs‚ `mh-\-tb-°mƒ˛ Fs∂ \n߃°v ]cn-N-b-ap-≠v.

Sn.Fw. C¿jmZv aq∂mw _m®v

ImtXm¿Øn-cn-°p-∂-h¿°pw I¨]m¿Øn-cn-°p-∂-h¿°pw \ne-°mØ `mh\m {]hm-l-Øns‚ aq∂v Xp≈n Rm≥ Xcmw. H∂v ˛ Chn-Sp∂v t]mIp-∂-h-tcm-Sv, Hcn-°¬°qSn R߃°p-th≠n Nncn-°Ww Rß-fXv s\©n¬ Hfn-∏n®v sh°-s´. c≠v ˛ Chn-sS-bp-≈-h-tcmSv, \∑sb ISn-®p- ]n-Sn-°Ww ImcWw, \∑ acn-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂p. aq∂v ˛ C\n hcp-∂-h-tcm-Sv, \n߃ ad-°m-Xn-cn-°p-I, sXΩm-Sn-Iƒ°-\p-Iq-e-ambn Ccpƒ ]c-°p-I-bm-sW-¶n¬ BImiw Iodn-h-cp∂ CSn-an-∂-embn Rm≥ hcpw !

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

Dr. Finbe Baby M.D. (Ay) Dept. of Panchakarma

At one point or the other everybody suffers from stress. Relationship demands, physical as well as mental health. Problems, pressure at workspaces, traffic snarls, meeting deadlines, growing-up tensions-all of these conditions and situations are valid causes of stress. THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION CALLS STRESS, - “A GLOBAL EPIDEMIC.”


The word ‘stress’ is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “a state of affair involving demand on physical or mental energy”. A condition or circumstance ( not always adverse), which can disturb the normal physical and mental health of an individual. Stress can cause headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, eating disorder, allergies, insomnia, backaches, frequent cold, Menstrual disorders, Thyroid disorders (under active, overactive, thyroiditis), Adrenal hypo function, Infertility, Premature ejaculation, Impotence, Hypertension, asthma, diabetes, heart ailments and even cancer. Stress can be positive too: The words ‘positive’ and ‘stress’ may not often go together. But, there are innumerable instances of athletes rising to the challenge of stress and achieving the unachievable. Experts tells us that stress, in moderate doses, are necessary in our life. Stress responses are one of our body’s best defence systems against outer and inner dangers. In a risky situation (in case of accidents or a sudden attack on life), body releases stress hormones that instantly make us more alert and our senses become more focused. The body is also prepared to act with increased strength and speed in a pressure situation. It helps to keep us sharp and ready for action . “Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances .” - Thomas Jefferson 63

When we fail to counter a stress situation (flight response) the hormones and chemicals remain un-released in the blood stream for a long period of time. It results in stress related physical symptoms such as tense muscles, unfocused anxiety, dizziness and rapid heartbeats. We all encounter various stressors (causes of stress) in everyday life, which can accumulate, if not released. Subsequently, it compels the mind and body to be in an almost constant alarm state in preparation to flight or flee. This state of accumulated stress can increase the risk of both acute and chronic psychosomatic illnesses and weaken the immune system of the human body. INDIVIDUAL LEVEL PREVENTIVE MANAGEMENT: Any one at any point of their life can undertake ones own action plan for preventive management. PRIMARY PREVENTION 1) Personal perception related Identification of negative thoughts recurring often Superimposing negative thoughts with positive


thoughts Identifying one’s own strengths/capabilities Believing in those strengths to energies self Avoiding being always directed by imagination of what others will think and feel Avoid getting crippled by the feeling of guilt Avoid doing two or more things at a time Accepting that nobody is 100 percent perfect or imperfect, including you 2) Personal work related Time management Delegation with authority Planning based on objectives and available resources. Developing a relationship of trust and care with others Attending personal growth/stress management related training programme

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3) Life-style management Maintaining a balance between working and home life Relating to people stepping out of barrier of status Developing interest in many aspects of life Holidaying frequently with family members Keeping aside at least half an hour exclusively for oneself for relaxation Pursuing some higher values of life SECONDARY PREVENTION (Response directed) 1) Relaxation training Deep muscular relaxation Meditation Autogenic training Bio feed back Deep breathing exercise

2) Physical workout Aerobic exercise Outdoor games Jogging brisk walking Swimming Cycling Boating 3) Emotional workout Anger-avoid bottling up angers. I expressing anger start the sentence with ‘I’ rather than ‘You’. Describe what you feel. Describe what you see. Describe what needs to be done. Don’t attack the person but the act. Depression: - Invalidate negative, self-de- meaning thought. Gather faith in one’s own capabilities. Translate negative thoughts into positive ones. Talk to people.

koXp 3˛mw _m®v


Rms\≥ aIƒ°v P∑w \evIn \≥a-sb∂v A`nX sNm√n Ahƒ°v Ifn-∏m-´-߃ \evIn-bn√ Ifn-Iƒ°p Iq´m-b-Xp-an√ ]mZ-Øn¬ Du∂n \S-Øn-bn-√. Xmcm´n\oWw ]I¿∂p-an√ kvt\l-tØmsSmcp samgn-sNm-∂-Xn√ \ns∂ ]Tn°m≥ XpW®pan√ \ns∂ Rm\-dn-™n-cp∂p \n≥ t\mhp I≠n-cp∂p tNX-\-b‰ \n≥ XmXs‚ ap∂n¬ Hcn-°¬ \o ]I-®-tXm¿°p∂p Rm≥ Hcn-°¬ ac-W-sas∂ Ih-cp-tºmƒ F≥ ico-c-Øn\p ap∂nepw ]X-dm-Xn-cn-°p-hm≥ \o kzbw Pohn-°m≥, ]Tn-°m≥, Fs‚ hnclw \ns∂ apdn-s∏-Sp-Øm-Xn-cn-°m≥ Cu AΩsb Hm¿Øv s\Sp-ho¿∏p-Xn¿°m-Xn-cn-°m≥ Rm≥ Cßs\ \ns∂ ioen-∏n®p, aI-sf... Cu AΩsb shdp-°m-Xn-cn-°p-I.



Dr. Archana Radhakrishnan Medical Officer

Today sinusitis is the most common disorder all over the world . The state in which the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses get inflamed due to an allergic reaction or infection is called sinusitis. Usually secretions formed by the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses are drained in to the nasal cavity. Swelling membranes may block the drainage into the nasal cavity increasing the fluid pressure in the paranasal sinus, leads to sinus headache. Often the pain become severe and is accompanied by irritation in the eyes. symptoms, like excessive sneezing, watering of nose, blockage of one or either nostrils and heaviness of head are associated. Many a times breathing become difficult and one has to struggle for every breath. Voice is also affected. Constant sneezing and congestion makes the life miserable. Chronic state of sinusitis may lead to several other respiratory disease and can become uncontrollable through conventional medical devices. Yogic Management Asanas and pranayama are the yogic technique involved in the management. ASANAS Simhasana:- This asana benefits various parts of the body that most other asanas do not 66

ie; the face, jaw, mouth, throught and tounge.It has medicinal value for curing throat trouble, voice deficiency and tonsillitis. It also has good effect on respiratory system , activates larynx, trachea and all the bronchioles. It provides an invigorative effect on the thyroid cartilage Bhujanganasana Bhujanganasana activates and energizes the upper areas of the body like chest, shoulders ,neck, face and head, giving a youthful experience and the activation of pancreas and liver and other organs of the digestive system are strengthed and normalized. Pranayama Extension and expansion of dimension of prana (breath, vital force) Kapalabathi One among shadkriyas, usually practiced with pranayama. It clears skull. Respiratory tract and sinus. Destroying the cough that clogs the trachea, kapalabhathi leads to the cure of asthma. By practice aircells in the lungs receive ample amount of life giving O2 hence the germs of the disease like TB cannot harm lungs. Co2 the gaseous waste is exhaled in large amount purifies blood. The process also activates the heart, enhances the capacity of respiratory system, circulatory and digestive system. Nadi Shuddi Through this pranayama, blood get increased the amount of life giving O2 that clean and purifies, blood calms the

KAMC Magazine 2010-11



Yama, Niyama, Asana & pranayama initial 4 limbs of Ashtanga yoga are the basic stage which help the person to attain sthiram (stable mind and body ) which is prior necessity for practising further stages of meditation. Meditation brings the brain wave pattern into alpha state, which is a level of consiousness that poromote healing state. Now-a -days Physicians are presenting meditation as a way to health. mind, soothes anxiety & stress, balance right and left hemisphere, promote clear thinking. Bhasthrika With this practice, swelling of the throat is corrected. Appetite is kindled and the cough removed. Disease of the nose and chest (asthma, TB) are also corrected. If no other means to warm the body is available it can be heated with the help of Pranayama. Nethi (Nasal cleaning) is a kriya of cleansing the nasal passage and sinuses. Maintains freedom of breath practise of passing a length of thread through nose called Sutraneti (Sutra thread) .Practice of Jalenethi is essential before sutraneti to make sure the nostrils are clear. Simple practice of Jalenethi swears by its effectiveness for sinus infection, allergy and ENT problems. It has remarkable effect on upper respiratory tract infection especially hay fever. Neti helps in relieving headache and maintain youthfulness. Other methods 1) Drink plenty of water but do not immediately after walking up. 2) Avoid spicy, heavy and fatty food including sweets and fried items. 3) Avoid ice, frozen and refrigerated food materials


4) Stop taking bed coffee or tea. 5) Avoid perfume and hairoil with strong smell. 6) Take steam inhalation and keep body warm. 7) Avoid cold exposure. Yama, Niyama, Asana & pranayama initial 4 limbs of Ashtanga yoga are the basic stage which help the person to attain sthiram (stable mind and body ) which is prior necessity for practising further stages of meditation. Meditation brings the brain wave pattern into alpha state, which is a level of consciousness that promote healing state. Now-a days Physicians are presenting meditation as a way to health. Life style along with medication which helps in copping with stress, anxiety, many medical condition and day-to- day “static� that robs us of inner peace. 67

Im°n-°p-≈nse `mjm-kvt\ln

]pXnb ]pXnb tIkpIƒ, ]cm-Xn-Iƒ...C-t∏mƒ F√m taJ-e-I-fnepw t]meo-kns‚ tkh\w P\-߃ Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-∂p.

knhn¬ k¿ho-kn-te-°p≈ hgn:

sI. tkXp- c m- a ≥ sF.- ] n.- F - k v . ; knhn¬ k¿hokn¬ {]th-in®v Ipd®p Imeta Bbn-´p≈q F-¶nepw Xs‚ I¿Ωta-J-e-bn¬ hy‡nap{Z ]Xn- ∏ n® {]Xn- ` m- i m- e n. I¿Ω- s sh`hw sIm≠p P\k-ΩXn ]nSn-®p-]-‰nb a\p-jy-kvt\-ln. Agn-a-Xnbn-√msX, \nb-a-Øns‚ Imh-em-fmbn \ne-sIm≈p∂ cmPy-kvt\ln. k¿t∆m-]cn ]nd∂ \mSns\bpw `mj-sbbpw s\t©mSv tN¿Øv AhbpsS D∂-a-\-Øn-\p-th≠n A{im¥w ]cn-{i-an®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p∂ `mjm-kvt\-ln. Ct∏mƒ ae-∏pdw t]meokv kq{]-≠mbn tkh\w A\p-jvTn-°p-I-bmWv Ct±lw. Ip‰n-∏pdw aZy-Zpc-¥-t°kv XpSßn P\-{i≤ ]nSn-®p-]-‰nb H´\h[n tIkp-Iƒ - C°m-eb - f - h - n¬ sXfn-bn-°p-hm≥ Ct±-l-Øn\p Ign-™p. tImgn-t°mSv sI.-Fw.-kn.-Sn. Bbp¿th-Z-tIm-tfPns‚ {]Y-a-am-K-kn-\p-th≠n {io tkXp-cm-a≥ sF.-]n.-Fkpambn \S-Ønb A`n-ap-J-Øns‚ {]k‡- `m-K-߃.

Rm≥ ]Ømw ¢mkn¬ Xocp-am-\n-®X - m-Wv. {]oUn-{Kn°v ^Ãv {Kq∏v Bbn-cp-∂p.- F-©n-\o-bd- nwKn\v ske-£≥ In´p-Ibpw sNbvXp. F∂m¬ t]mbn-√. sIankv{Sn Xmev]c - y-ap≈ hnjb-am-bn-cp-∂p. A©p amkw ]Tn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. F∂m¬ knhn¬ k¿ho-kn-tebv°v sIan-kv{Sn sIm≠p≈ D]-tbmKw ]cn-an-Xa - m-sW∂v a\- n-em-°n-bt- ∏mƒ, AXn¬ \n∂pw amdn C°-tWm-anIvkv FSp-Øp. Aßs\ Hcp A[y-b-\-h¿jw \jvSs - ∏-´p. ]n∂oSv kmº-Øn-Ii - m-kv{X-Øn¬ Xs∂ Fw.F bpw Fw.-^n¬ Dw t\Sn. knhn¬ k¿∆o-kn\v ske-£≥ In´n , `mKyw ISm-£n-®p.

t]meokv Pohn-X-sØ-°p-dn®v : hfsc FIvssk-‰nwKv Bb tPmen-bm-Wv. Znh-tk\ Hcp]mSv Bfp-I-sf ImWp-∂p. ]pXnb ]pXnb tIkpIƒ, ]cmXn-Iƒ...-Ct- ∏mƒ F√m taJ-eI - f - nepw t]meo-kns‚ tkh\w P\-߃ Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-∂p. ]e Xc-Øn-ep≈ P\-ßsf ImWp-∂X - p- sIm≠v hnhn-[t- a-Je - I - f - nse hyXy-kvXß - f - mb {]iv\-߃ ]Tn-°p-hm≥ t]meo-kn\v Ign-bp-∂p. Hmtcm tIkv sXfn-bn-°ptºmgpw \ap°v Bflm-`n-am\w tXm∂p∂p.

kmº-Øn-Ii - m-kv{X-Øn¬ D∂-X_ - n-cp-Zß - ƒ t\Sn-bn´pw amXr`m- j - t bmSv C{X I≠v \oXn ]pe¿Øp- h m≥ Xm¶ƒ°p Ign-™p. ae-bm-f-`m-j-bn¬ Kth-jWw \SØp∂psh∂pw Adn-bm≥ Ign-™p.-C-Xn\p ]n∂n-ep≈ hnImcw.....? amXr-`m-j-bn¬ ]Tn-°m-Ø-Xns‚ Ipd-hp-aq-e-ap≠mIp∂ \jvSw hfsc IqSpX-emWv. DZm-l-c-W-Øn\v Bbp¿th-ZØns‚ Imcyw Xs∂ FSp-°mw.- B-bp¿th-ZØ - n¬ kwkvIrX-`m-j-bn¬ BWt√m kwln-X-I-sf-gp-X-s∏-´n-´p-≈-Xv. Hcp


KAMC Magazine 2010-11

“ae-bm-f-Øns‚ `mhnbpw `mjm Bkq-{X-Whpw am\-hnI-hn-I-k\hpw”F∂ Hcp ]pkvXIw Ct±-lØ - n-t‚-Xm-bp-≠v. IqSmsX aebmf `mjm-]-T-\-Øn-\p≈ klm-b-ambpw kam-\-Nn-¥m-K-Xn-°m-cpsS Iq´mbva-bv°mbpw Ct±lw {Kmaw.s\‰v ( F∂ sh_-v ssk‰pw XpS-ßn-bn-bn-´p≠v ”

ae-bmfn CXv ]Tn-°p-tºmƒ AXns‚ bYm-¿∞ A¿∞w Dƒs°m≈Wsa-¶n¬, Bi-b-߃ ]p\cm-hn-jvIc - n-°W - s - a-¶n¬, AXv amXr-`m-jb - n¬ Xs∂ A`y-kn-°W - w. hnZym`ym-kc - o-Xn-bnepw as‰√m cwK-ß-fnepw Ime-ß-fmbn BwK-te-b-`m-j-bp-tSbpw coXn-bp-sSbpw A‘amb A\p-I-c-I-W-amWv \S-∂p-sIm≠n-cn-°p-∂Xv. amXr-`mj ]Tn-°m-Xn-cn°m\p≈ ImcWw, tPmen-km-[yX Ipd-bp∂p F∂p≈-Xm-Wv. F∂m¬ Cßs\ tPmen t\m°p∂-hs‚ ÿnXntbm, Ah\v Bi-b-hn-\n-abw \S-tØ≠p∂Xv P\-ß-tfm-Sm-Wv, ae-bm-f-Ønepw, Xan-gnepw, lnµn-bn-ep-sam-s°-bm-Wv. amt\-Pvsa‚ v hnZym-`ym-k-Øn\pw knhn¬ k¿hokv C‚¿hyq, ]co£ CXn-s\√mw Cw•o-jmWv C∂v Bi-b-hn-\n-a-b-Øn-\p≈ `mj. F∂m¬ I¿a-]YØn¬ Ch¿°v Bi-b-hn-\n-abw \S-tØ≠p-∂Xv ae-bm-fn-tbmSpw Xan-g-t\mSpw _wKm-fn-tbm-Sp-sams° BWv. kvt]m°¨ Cw•ojv F∂ t]cn-¬ \S-Øp∂ Hcp {]l-k-\-Øn-eqsS hnI-kn-∏n-®-Sp-°p∂ "Iayq-Wn-t°-j≥ kvIn¬' H∂pw km[m-c-W-°m-cmb P\-ß-tfm-Sp≈ Bi-b-hn-\n-a-b-Øn\v DX-Ip-∂n-√. Cu coXn-bnep≈ hnZym-`ymk-Øns‚ \yq\X Fs¥-∂m¬, Ip´n-IfpsS ‘{Inbm-fl-IX’ \jvS-s∏-Sp-∂p. ]Øv ae-bm-fn-I-fpsS ‘{Kq∏v UnkvI-j≥’ Cw•ojn¬ \S-°p-tºmƒ Fßs\ Ah¿°p ]q¿Æ-ambpw Bi-b-{]-I-S-\-ß-ƒ \S-Øm-\m-hpw ? AhnsS Ah-cpsS k¿Km-fl-I-Xbv°pw Nn¥m-kzm-X-{¥y-Øn\pw hne-°p-Iƒ hogp∂p.- am-Xr-`m-j-bn¬ tPmen t\Sm-\p≈ km[yX IqSp-X-em-°-Ww. thm´v tNmZn-°p∂ `mj-bmbn-cn°Ww `c-W-Øn-s‚bpw `c-W-I¿Øm-°-fp-sSbpw `mj. P\m-[n-]-Xy-t_m-[hpw `mjm-t_m-[hpw C√m-ØXp- sIm-≠mWv \ΩpsS Ip´n-Iƒ C∂v ae-bm-f-sØhn´v s]mbvs°m-≠n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. (“ae-bm-f-Øns‚ `mhnbpw `mjm Bkq-{X-Whpw am\-hnI- hn-I-k-\hpw”F∂ Hcp ]pkvXIw Ct±l-Øn-t‚-Xm-bp-≠v. IqSmsX aebmf `mjm-]T - \ - Ø - n-\p≈ klm-ba - mbpw kam-\N - n-¥m-KX - n-°m-cpsS Iq´m-bva-bv°mbpw Ct±lw {Kmaw. s\‰v ( F∂ sh_-vssk‰pw XpS-ßn-bn-bn´p≠v ”).

Bbp¿th-Z-sØ-°p-dn-®p≈ A`n-{]mbw : Bbp¿th-Z-sa∂ NnIn-’m-imkv{Xw `mc-X-Øn\v G‰hpw IqSp-X¬ A`n-am-\n-°m-hp∂ Hcp kºØm-Wv. AXn-s‚ \yq\X F∂Xv ]pXnb kmt¶-Xn-Ih - n-Zy-Iƒ°-p A\p-kc - n-®p≈ am‰-ßf - n-√m-bvabpw dnk¿®p-I-fpsS A`m-hhpw BWv.

Ct∏m-gsØ bph-Xz-sØ-°p-dn®v.....? C∂sØ bphXzw Hcp IW-°n\v `mKy-hm∑m-cmWv. km-t¶-Xn-I-]-c-amb Ah-k-c-߃ Ah¿°v [mcm-fa - p≠v. F∂m¬ hnI-k\ - ] - c - a - mb kw`m-h\ - I - ƒ Ipd-hm-Wv. aq∂ct°mSn P\-߃ D≠m-bn´pw ]e taJ-e-I-fnepw {]iv\-]-cn-lmcw ImWp-hm≥ \ap°v km[n®n√. sU¶n-∏\n , ]∂n-∏\n F∂nßs\ a\p-jys\ Zpcn-X-Øn-e-mgvØp∂ ]I¿®-hym-[n-Iƒ ]e cq]-Øn¬ Bh¿Øn-°p-tºmgpw Ah-bv°p≈ {]Xn-tcm[w H∂pw Xs∂ I≠p-]n-Sn-®n-´n-√. FtUz¿Uv sP∂¿ et_m-d-´dn t]mep-an√mØ Ah-ÿ-bn-emWv BZy-ambn Hcp hmIvkn≥ I≠p-]n-Sn-®-Xv. C∂v B[p-\n-I- kuIcyßfp≠m-bn-´p-t]mepw \ΩpsS \m´n¬ Kth-j-W-ß-sfm∂pw icn-bmb coXn-bn¬ A√ \S-°p-∂-Xv. CXv saUn-°¬ cwKØv am{X-a-√, XmPva-l¬ \n¿an-®Xv Hcp Xcn aW¬ t]mepw C√m-sX-bm-Wv. C∂v aW¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°mØ Hcp sI´nSw t]mepw C√. Cu aW-¬ apgp-h≥ FSp-°p-∂tXm ]pg-



alm-flm-Km-‘n, cho-{µ-\m-Y-Sm-tKm¿, {io\m-cm-b-WKpcp, kp`mjv N{µ-t_m-kv apX-em-b-h-cpsS ASp-ØmWv \ΩpsS cmPy-]p-tcm-K-Xn°v th≠ ]cn-lm-c-ßfpw \n¿tZ-i-ßfpw D≈-Xv. CXv \Ωƒ Hcn-°¬°qSn hmbn®v Dƒs°m-≈p-I. AXpXs∂-bmWv Pohn-X-hn-P-b-Øn-\p≈ am¿K-hpw.

I-fmb ]pg-Isf F√mw \in-∏n-®p-am-Wv. aW-en\v Hcp imkv{Xo-b-amb ]Icwsh∏v \S-Øm-\n-hn-SpsØ Kth-j-W-Øn-\n-Xp-hsc km[n-®n-´n-√. hntZ-in-I-fpsS Kth-j-W߃ A\p-Ic - n-°pI-b√ - msX, kz¥-amb Hcp Kth-jW - c - o-Xn-sbbpw Bhn-jvIc - n-°m≥ \ap-°n∂p hsc km[n-®n-´n-√.

kaql-tØm-Sp≈ bphm-°f - p-tSbpw bph-Xn-If-pt- Sbpw IS-as - b-Ip-dn-®p≈ hnebn-cp-ج. Chn-SpsØ bphm-°-fpsS Pohn-X-Øn\v kpc£-bp-≠v. hntZ-i-Øp≈ Hcp hy‡n 18 hb- n\p tijw hoSn\v ]pd-Øm-Wv. Ah≥ kz¥w Imen¬ \n¬°Ww, kzbw Pohn-X] - ¶ - m-fnsb I≠-ØW - w, kz¥w Pohn-Xa - m¿Kw I≠-ØW - w, Pohn°-Ww.- ]t£ ChnsS 35 A√ 40 Bbmepw A—-\-Ω-am¿ D≠v. IpSpw_w F∂Xv Ah¿°v henb Hcp kpcIvjbm-Wv. C - h - n-SpsØ bphm°-fpsS G‰hpw henb {]iv\w, Ah¿ C¥y≥ kwkvImcw Dt]-£n-°p∂p F∂-p≈Xm-Wv. ]m›m-Xy-kw-kvIm-csØ A\p-I-cn-°pI-b-√msX \ΩpsS ]mc-º-cysØ Dƒs°m≠v Pohn°m≥ Ah¿ {ian-°p-∂n-√.

ssk_¿ Ip‰-Ir-Xy-ß-sf-°p-dn-®v... ssk_¿ Ip‰-Ir-Xy-߃ kmt¶-Xn-I-hn-Zy-bpsS k¿∆-hym-]-\-tØmsS Ipd™v XpSßn-bn-´p-≠v. hfsc Ffp-∏-Øn¬ sXfn-bn-°m≥ ]‰p∂ H∂mWv Ch-sb∂v {]tXyIw Hm¿°-Ww.AXp-tIm-≠p-Xs∂ AØcw Hcp Ip‰-IrXyw \S-Øp-I-bm-sW-¶n¬ Dd∏mbpw ]nSn-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xm-bn-cn-°pw.

Ip´n-I-fn¬ AØcw {Inan\¬ hmk-\-I-ƒ XS-bp-∂-Xn-s\-°p-dn-®v... taml≥Zmkv Km‘n ‘almflm’ BbXv cmPm-l-cn-›-{µ-s‚bpw in_n- N{I-h¿Øn-bptSbpw IY ]d-bp∂ \mS-I-߃ I≠n-´m-Wv. F∂m-en∂v dnbm-en‰n tjmbnse hrØntI-Sp-I-fmWv \ΩpsS Ip´n-Iƒ ImWp-∂-Xv. ]m›m-Xy-cm-Py-ßsf F{X I≠p Ip‰w ]d-™mepw AhnsS Ip´n-I-fp-tS-Xmb Hcp taJebp-≠v. Ip´nIƒ°v th≠n kn\n-aIƒ Cd-ßp-∂p-≠v. lm-cn-t]m´¿, B\n-ta-j≥ Nn{X-߃ apX-em-bh ‘Ip´nIfpsS kn\na’ F∂ t]cn¬ hntZ-iØv Cd-ßn-hc - p-tºmƒ ChnsS hb-e≥kpw hƒKm-cn‰nbpw IpØn-\n-d® kn\n-a-Iƒ BWv Ip´n-Iƒ°mbn Cdßp-∂-Xv. apXn∂h¿°p≈ Zriyam-[y-a-߃ BWv Ip´n-Ifpw ImWp∂-Xv. amXm-]n-Xm°ƒ Cu Ahÿ a\- n-em-°pIbpw Ip´n-Isf ]c-am-h[n {i≤n-°p-Ibpw thWw.

Ip´nIsf Pohn-X-Ønepw ]Tn-Ø-Ønepw DXvt_m-[n-∏n-°m≥ Hcp D]-tZ-iw... \ΩpsS \mSns‚ {]iv\-߃ F√mw t\csØ Xs∂ \ΩpsS t\Xm-°-∑m¿ ]Tn®v DØcw I≠-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. alm-flm-Km-‘n, cho-{µ-\m-Y-Sm-tKm¿, {io\m-cm-b-WKpcp, kp`mjv N{µ-t_m-kv, apX-em-b-h-cpsS ASp-ØmWv \ΩpsS cmPy-]p-tcm-K-Xn°v th≠ ]cn-lm-c-ßfpw \n¿tZ-i-ßfpw D≈-Xv. CXv \Ωƒ Hcn-°¬°qSn hmbn®v Dƒs°m-≈p-I. AXv Xs∂-bmWv Pohn-X-hn-P-bØn-\p≈ am¿K-hpw. Xøm-dm-°n-bXv : Ptbjv sP.-F≥., APojv Sn. AeIvkv 70

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

kpa-ø Fkv. H∂mw _m®v


CsXmcp bm{Xm-sam-gn-b√,

hnS-hm-ßp-∂-h-cpsS tXß-ep-I-fp-a√. ]ntº ]d-∂p-h-cp∂ Ip™m-‰In-fn-Iƒ°mbn aptº ]d-∂-I-ep∂ hm\ºm-Sn-Iƒ aqfn-s°m-Sp-°p∂ Nne Hm¿aIfpsS ioep-I-fm-Wv. πkv Sp-hns‚ ag\\™v F≥{S≥kv ]co-£-I-fpsS a™n¬ ac-hn®v Cu Iem-e-b-Øns‚ ]Sn-I-S-∂p-h-cp-tºmƒ hk¥w ChnsS FØn-bn-´p-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. AXn-\p-sa-{Xtbm apºv kz]v\-ß-fn¬ R߃ ie-`-߃ Bbn-cp-∂p. ]t£ I≠-tXm... sI.Fw.-kn.-Sn. Bbp¿th-Z- tIm-tf-Pns‚ hnØp-]m-Inb hb-epw..... AsX R߃ Chn-SpsØ {]Ya _m®m-Wv. ]mdn-∏-d-∂p-\-S-°m≥ Hcp Imº-kp-≠m-bp-cp-∂n-√. skmd ]d-™n-cn-°m≥ ac-Ø-W-ep-I-fn-√. Ipkr-Xn-Iƒ ]¶p-h-bv°m≥ \o≠ CS-\m-gn-I-fn-√m-bn-cp-∂p. BZy-sams° \ncm-i-tXm∂n ]ns∂ apf-®p-s]m-¥p∂ tImtf-Pns\ Rß-fpsS kz¥-ambn IcpXn XW-ep-\m-´n, hf-an-´v, sh≈-sam-gn®v R߃ Cu sNSn°p Imh-en-cp-∂p. CXns‚ Bh-iy-߃°mbn kwL-Sn-®p....

ka-c-߃, kXym-{K-l-߃... hf-cp-t¥mdpw apt∂dpt¥mdpw ]pXnb {]Xn-_-‘-߃ ]s£ R߃ Xf¿∂n-√. H∂n®p\n∂p t]mcmSn tXm‰p-sIm-Sp-°m≥ R߃°v a\- n-√m-bn-cp-∂p. ]ns∂ Iptd ]co-£-Iƒ, Pbw,- tXm¬hn,- k-πn-Iƒ Nne H‰-s∏-S-ep-Iƒ, H‰s∏Sp-Ø-ep-Iƒ... HSp-hn¬ A\n-hm-cy-amb cay-X. A∂v tXmtfmSv tXmfp-cp-Ωn\n∂ kplr-Øp-°ƒ, Bizm-k-amb hm°p-Iƒ, Rßsf a°sft∏mse kzoI-cn® Cu \m´nse AΩ-am¿... Cu bm{X-°n-S-bn¬ Cu \uI-bn¬ \n∂pw bm{X-tNm-Zn-°msX hnS-hm-ßn-b-h¿, Nne¿ a‰p h≈-ß-fn-te°v kuI-cy-]q¿∆w Imev am‰n-N-hn-´n-b-t∏mƒ kl-Xm]w t]mepw tXm∂m-Xn-cp-∂-sX-¥m...?! F\n-°d- n-bn-√... ]t£ Cu h©n-bpsS h°n¬ \n∂v hgp-Xn-hoWv \o apßn-t∏m-b-t∏mƒ {]nb-s∏´ AtPjv... \ns∂-tbm¿Øv Ic-bp-hm-\-√msX as‰m-∂n\pw R߃°v Bhp-am-bn-cp-∂n-√-t√m.... {]nb Ip™m-‰-Isf, C\nbpw HØn-cn-bp≠v ]d-bm≥ ]s£ Ct∏mƒ \n¿Øp-I-bmWv _m°n C\n-sbm-cn-°-emhmw \nß-fn\n Nnd-IpIp-S™v Fgp-t∂¬°pI. ]d∂pXpS-ßpI... t\m°q... Cu BImiw C\n \n߃°p-≈-Xm-Wv.



{]nb¶ hn. A©mw _m®v

-Pohn-X-Øns‚ \oƒ® Hcn-°epw Bbp- ns‚ ssZ¿Ly-a-√. ]Øp h¿jw sIm≠v Bbp v Pohn-°p-∂-h-cp-≠v. ]Øp Znh w sIm≠v Bbp v sImgn-bp-∂-h-cp-ap-≠v. P\\w Ds≠-¶n¬ AhnsS ac-Whpw D≠m-Ipw.


sXt°ap‰sØ Xob-W-™p XpS-ßn. _‘p-°ƒ Hmtcm-cpØcm-bn ]Sn-bn-dßn. Ah-km\w B Xd-hm-´n¬ Ahfpw c≠v A\p-P-Øn-amcpw _m°n-. B¿°pw th≠mØ aq∂v ]mgvP-∑-߃. -Xn-cp-aw-K-eØv Xd-hm-Sns‚ Hcp Ccp´v apdn-bn¬ Npcp-≠vIqSn InS°p-I-bmWv km{µbpw A\p-P-Øn-am-cpw.- X-\n°v tIhew Hc-Ωb√ \jvS-am-b-Xv.- Xs‚ Xmßpw XW-ep-am-bn-cp-∂p. Pohn-X-Øns‚ `mK-am-bn-cp-∂p. Xs‚ P∑sØ kzbw i]n-®p-sIm≠v Ahƒ Hm¿Øp. a\- nse AΩ-bpsS cq]w F{X {ian-®n´pw ad-°m≥ Ign-bp-∂n-√. F{X s]´-∂mWv PohnXw amdn-a-dn-™-Xv. Iym≥k¿ aq¿—n®v ac-W-i-ø-bn¬ InS-°p-tºmgpw AΩ Ht∂ ]d-™p≈p ""Bcp-an-√m-Ø-h¿°v ssZhw XpW''. s]s´-∂v, -{]-Xo-£n-X-sa-¶nepw A{]-Xo-£n-X-am-bn-´m-bn-cp∂p AΩ-bpsS ac-WwHcp Im‰p hoip∂-Xp-t]m-se,- Hcp ]q sImgn-bp-∂-Xp-t]mse AΩ kz¥w aÆ-d-bnte°v t]mbn. Pohn-X-Øns‚ \oƒ® Hcn-°epw Bbp- ns‚ ssZ¿Ly-a-√. ]Øp h¿jwsIm≠v Hcmbp v Pohn-°p-∂h - c - p-≠v. ]Øp Znh w sIm≠v Bbp v sImgnbp-∂h - c - p-ap-≠v. P\\w Ds≠-¶n¬ AhnsS ac-Whpw D≠m-Ipw. CsX√mw Ahƒ°dn-bmw. ]t£ kvt\ln-°p-∂-h¿ \jvS-s∏-Sp-tºm-gt√ AXns‚ thZ\ a\- n-emhq. Ahƒ A\p-P-Øn-amsc Xt∂mSv tN¿Øp ]nSn®p InS-Øn. Hcp a\p-jym-bp v apgp-h≥ A\p-`h - n-t°≠ ZpcnXw Npcp-ßnb Imew sIm≠v AΩ A\p-`h - n®v Xo¿Øp. ho´p-Imsc shdp-∏n®v kvt\ln® ]pcp-jt- \m-sSm∏w Cdßnt∏mcp-tºmƒ AΩ-bpsS a\ v \ndsb kz]v\ß - fpw {]Xo-£I - f - p-sam-s°-bm-bncp-∂n-cn-°mw.-]p-Xnb hoSv,- Ip-Spw-_w. ]t£ Hcp a¨IpSw hoWp-Sb - p∂ emL-htØm-sS-bmWv AΩ-bpsS kz]v\ß - ƒ hoWp-S™ X - v. Igp-Ønse Xmen°v Hcp NcSns‚ hne-t]mepw Iev]n-°mØ `¿Øm-hv, hg°pw _l-fhpw ho´n¬ \nXy kµ¿iI-cm-bn. A—≥ Rß-fpsS t]Sn-kz-]v\a - mbn amdn. ]n∂o-S— - ≥ ho´n¬ hcm-Xm-bn. Rßsf hf¿Øm≥ AΩ ]pdw ]Wn°v t]mbn-Øp-Sß - n. ]n∂o-Sd- n™p A—≥ Hcp KAMC Magazine 2010-11

acWw AΩbv°v Cu Zpcn-X-ß-fn¬ \ns∂√mw tamN\w \evIn. ]t£ R߃...? ]d-°-ap-‰mØ Cu Ip™p-ßfpw Rm\pw Fßs\ Pohn-°pw.?

B{‘m-°m-cnsb hnhmlw Ign-s®∂pw AXn¬ Hcp Ip´n-bp-s≠-∂pw. ]n∂o-S-tßm´v hmin-bm-bn-cp∂p AΩ-bv°v. Rßsf hf¿Øn \√-co-Xn-bn¬ FØn°m≥- Hcp]mSv kln-®p. acWw AΩbv°v Cu Zpcn-X-ß-fn¬ \ns∂√mw tamN\w \evIn. ]t£ R߃...? C\n-sb¥v F∂ tNmZyØn\v ap∂n¬ ]I®p \nev°p-Ibm-Wv. ]d°-ap-‰mØ Cu Ip™p-ßfpw Rm\pw Fßs\ Pohn-°pw? Ahƒ s]m´n-°-c-bm≥ B{K-ln®p. ]t£ Ign-bp-∂n-√.

Cu \in® P∑w Ah-km-\n-∏n-°m≥ Ahƒ°v B{Klw tXm∂n. ]t£ Xs‚ A\p-P-Øn-am¿..- ]m-Sn√; tXm‰p ]n∑mdm≥ ]mSn√, hmin-tbmsS Pohn-XsØ t\cn´ AΩ-bpsS aIfmWv Xm≥. Pohn-°Ww, Fs‚ A\p-P-Øn-am¿°v th≠n-sb¶n-epw...-A-h-fn¬ {]Xo-£-Iƒ apf-s]m-´n-Øp-Sßn. At∏mƒ Hcp t\¿Ø Im‰v Ahsf XtemSn IS∂p t]mb-Xmbn Ahƒ°v tXm∂n. X - \ - n°v ss[cy-ambn AΩ IqsS-bp≠v, H∏w AΩ-bpsS hm°p-I-fpw. ""Bcp-an-√m-Ø-h¿°v ssZhw XpWbp-≠m-Ipw'' Ahƒ A\p-PØ - n-amsc Xs‚ s\t©mSp tN¿Øp InSØn, AΩ Ip™n-s\-sb-∂-t]m-se...

hnZym-`ymkw ˛

alXv ZrjvSn-I-fn¬ i_v\ lmjvan aq∂mw _m®v

hmbn-®mepw hf-cpw, hmbn-®n-s√-¶nepw hfcpw hmbn®p hf¿∂m¬ hnf-bpw, hmbn-°msX hf¿∂m¬ hfbpw ˛ Ip™pÆn-amjv


sIm≠p-t]m-In√ tNmc-∑m¿ sImSp-°p-t¥m-dp-ta-doSpw ta∑ \¬Ipw acn-®mepw hnZy Xs∂ alm-[\w -˛ D≈q¿


kmP≥ tXmakv H∂mw _m®v


“NmXp¿h¿Æyw abm krjvSw KpW-I¿Ω hn`m-K-ix Xky I¿Øm-c-a-]namw hn≤y-I¿Øm-c-a-hybw” (`-K-h-XvKo-X) KoX-bn¬ `K-hm≥ ]d-bp-∂p, KpW- I ¿Ω- h n- ` m- K - a - \ p- k - c n- ® v , NmXp¿h¿Æy- Ø n¬ A[n- j v T nX- a mbn Rm\mWv kXz-c-P-kvX-tam-ab {]]-©sØ krjvSn-®-Xv. Cuiz-c≥ NmXp¿h¿Æy-Øn¬ A[n-jvTn-X-ambn Cu {]Ir-Xnsb krjvSn®p.- Nm-Xp¿h¿Æy-Ønse h¿Æhpw PmXn-bpw- hy-Xy-kvX-amWv. h¿ÆsØ \n›-bn-°p-∂Xv Hcp Pohm-flm-hns‚ KpWhpw Ah¿ `qan-bn¬ sNøp∂ I¿Ωßfp-am-Wv. NmXp¿h¿Æyw {_m“Wyw £{Xnbw sshiyw iq{Zw F-∂n-ßs\ \mep kmap-Zm-bnI PmXn-I-fmbn s]mXpth IW-°m°-s∏´n-cp-∂p. CXn¬ \n∂pw hyXy-kvXa - mbn, Chsb Hmtcm Ime-L´- ß - f - nse `mc-Xo-b-P-\-X-bpsS Pohn-X-\n-e-hm-c-ambn ChnsS Ah-tem-I\w sNøp-∂p. Cu NmXp¿h¿Æyw a\p-jy-cn¬ am{X-a√, ]£n-I-fnepw P¥p-°-fnepw kky-ß-fnepw D≠mhpw. iq{Z-\mbn Pohn® Hcp Bflmhv ]e P∑-ß-fn-eqsS k©-cn®v ip≤o-I-cn°-s∏´v h¿Æ-ß-fpsS ]Sn-Iƒ Ib-dn HSp-hn¬ {_m“Wy-Øn-se-Øn -Po-hm-flmb Xm\pw ]c-am-flmhmb Cuiz-c\pw H∂m-sW∂ kXy-Øn-se-Øn-t®cpw. F√m Pohm-flm-°-fp-sSbpw P∑-c-l-ky-an-Xm-Wv. Cu NmXp¿h¿Wy c-lkyw {]]-©-kr-jvSn-bpsS Xs∂ cl-ky-am-Wv. KAMC Magazine 2010-11

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A[n-Im-c-Øns‚ B[n-]-Xy-Øn¬\n∂v

a\p-jy-kzm-X-{¥y-tØbpw Nn¥m-kzm-X-{¥y-tØbpw tamNn-∏n-°m≥ th≠n \S∂ hk-¥-hn-π-h-ß-fpsS Hm¿a-Iƒ°v F∂pw {]k-‡n-bp-≠v. C∂ns‚ apt∂-‰-߃ AXmWv sXfn-bn-°p-∂-Xv. AXp-sIm-≠p-Xs∂ \msf \Ωp-tS-Xm-bn-cn-°pw...!

Bflm-hp-Iƒ°p am{X-a√, P\-X-Iƒ°pw kwLS-\-Iƒ°pw hsc Cu \nbaw kXy-am-Wv.-\-ΩpsS cmPyw apºv Hcp iq{Z-cm-Py-am-bn-cp-∂p. -{_n-´o-jp-ImcpsS ASn-a-I-fmbn \Ωƒ Pohn-®p.- A∂v `mcXw `cn°m≥ hn[n-°s - ∏-´h - c - mWv {_n´o-jp-Im-sc∂v \Ωƒ Dd®p-hn-izkn®p. Ht´sd alm-flm-°-fpsS Pohs‚bpw kl- \ - Ø ns‚bpw hne- b mbn e`n® kzmX{¥yw iq{Zkw-kvIm-cØ - n¬ \n∂p \sΩ ssI]n-Sn-®p-b¿Øn. \mw ASp-Ø-X-´mb sshiy-kw-kvIm-c-Øn-te°v {]th-in-®p.- ssh-iy-kw-kvIm-cØ - ns‚ kzm[o-\Ø - n¬ F¥n\pw Fhn-sSbpw ]W-Øns‚ B[n-]Xyw ImWp∂p.- N-ßmXn Xe-sh® ]mf-ß-fn-eqsS Xo¿-∞m-S\w sNøp-∂ kwkvIm-cw. _‘ßfpsS ASn-ÿm\w ]Ww F∂ Ah-ÿ. [\n-I-cpsS apºn¬ Ip-gnbm-\-bmbpw, ]mh-s∏-´hs‚ apºn¬ sImº-\m-\bmbpw {]Xy-£s - ∏-Sp∂ \nb-a-߃, ]m¿´n°p-th≠n ]W-°mcn¬\n∂v tImghmßn kºm- Z n°p∂ t\Xm-°ƒ, am\n-s^tÃm A√; Iym]n- ‰ ¬ BWv {][m-\-sa∂p Xocpam-\n® apX-em-fn-XzØns‚ Imh-em-fpI- f mb hnπ- h m- \ pbm-bn-Iƒ, tImSo-izc≥am- c mbn kpJku- J Icy- ß - f n¬ Ign-bp∂ k\ym-knIƒ, CtX kabw ]eni sIm-Sp-°m≥ ]en- i - s b- S pØv IS-s°-Wn-bn¬ \n∂p BfllXy sXc-

s™-Sp-°p∂ IpSpw-_-߃, hr≤-k-Z-\-ß-fnse \nt£-]-amIp∂ A—-\-Ω-am¿, \mw C∂p ImWp∂ CsX√mw sshiykw-kvIm-cØns‚ `mh-ß-fm-Wv. `mcXw Hcp [\n-I-cmPy-amIp-sa∂pw temI-Ønse kº-∂-cmIpw Hmtcm `mc-Xo-b\pw F∂ \h-`m-c-X-kz]v\w!-˛ BWv sshiy-kw-kvIm-c-Øns‚ kph¿Æ-tc-J. Cu kz]v\k - m-£m-XvIm-cØ - n¬, `m-cX - Ø - ns‚ G‰hpw hneIq-Snb kzØmb IpSpw-_-_-‘-ß-fpsS ]hn-{XX \jvS-s∏-SpIbpw, ]Ww t\Sm≥ GXp am¿§hpw kzoI-cn-°p∂ Hcp P\X D¤-hn-°p-Ibpw sNøpw F∂Xpw kz`m-hn-I-k-Xy-am-Wv.F-∂m¬ sshiy-kw-kvIm-cw aq¿≤-\y-Øn¬ FØn-°-gn™m¬, \-Ωƒ £{Xn-b-kw-kvIm-c-Øn-te-t°p \oßpw. Cß-s\-sbmcp Nn¥, tIhew teJ-\h - n-jb - Ø - n-\p-th-≠nbp≈ ip`m-]vXn-hn-izm-k-a√, adn®v Hcp {]Ir-Xn-]-cn-Wm-a-amsW∂v Icp- t X- ≠ - X mWv . {_“¿jn- I ƒ, AK- k v X y- a p\n, k]vX¿jnIƒ, F∂n-hc - m¬ A\p-{K-lo-Xa - mb ]pcmW`m-cXw {_m“-Wy-Øn¬ Bcw-`n-®p.- B-cy-∑m¿, cP-]p-{X¿ F∂n-hc - m¬ £{Xn-b-]m-c-º-cy-Øn-te°v IS-∂p-sN-√p-Ibpw A[n-\n-th-i°m-cmb cmPm°-∑m-cn-eqsS (tj¿jm, apKƒ cmP-hw-iw) aq¿≤-\y-Øn-se-Øp-Ibpw D≠m-bn. ]n∂o-Sp-≠mb hntZ-i-hmWnPyw sshiy-kw-kvIm-cØns‚bpw A-Xn-\p-ti-ja - p≈ {_n´ojv ASn-aØw iq{Z-kw-kvIm-c-Øn-t‚-Xp-am-Wv.- Cß-s\-sbmcp Ime-N{I-Øn¬ sshiy-kwkvIm-cm-\¥ - cw, £-{Xn-bX - e - apd cq]w- s Im- ≈ p- s a- ∂ Xv {]Ir-Xn-bnse A\n-hm-cy-Xbm-Wv.


\mSn- s \bpw P\- ß - s fbpw \bn- ° m≥ {]m]vX-cmb B≤ym-flnI ]ucpjw DS-se-Sp°pw.- a-Wn-a-µn-c-ß-fn¬ Xma-kn®v, Nen-°p∂ sIm´m-c-ß-fn¬ k©-cn®v, [-\n-I¿°v A\p{Klw h¿jn®v alm-flm-hm-Ip-∂-h¿ A∂p≠m-hn-√.- \m-´p-Imsc NqjWw sNøp∂ t\Xm°-fp-≠m-In√ AYhm Ah¿°v \ne-\n-¬]p≠m- I n√. kXy- Ø n\pw \oXn°pw [¿ΩØn\pwth≠n F¥p XymKhpw kln-°m\pw {]Xn-I-cn-t°-≠-nSØp i‡-ambn {]Xn-I-cn°m\pw Xt‚-S-ap≈ Hcp £{Xn-b-kw-kvImcw ChnsS hf¿∂p-ht∂ aXn-bm-Iq. sshiy-kw-kvIm-cØ - ns‚ am\w aqSn, Ccpfn\p I\w h®n-cn-°p-∂p.- \n-cm-i°pw A-kzÿ-X°pw Bi-¶-Iƒ°pw Hcp Ah-km\w D≠m-Ipw. tNmZy-߃ tNmZn-°m\pw, aqey-

߃ kq£n-°m\pw, XymK-߃ kln-°m\pw ]W-Øn¬ IÆpNnΩm-sX, IpSpw-__ - ‘ - ß - f - psS ]hn-{XX ImØp-kq-£n°m\pw N¶pd-∏p≈ Hcp Xe-ap-d-bpsS DZ-b-tØm-sS-bm-bncn°pw £{Xn-b- kw-kvImcw ChnsS \ne-hn¬ hcp-∂X - v.- AXv A[nIw sshIn√ F∂v {]Xo-£n-°mw. ‘ If Winter Comes, Can spring be far behind ?’ ]pcm-X\ `mc-X-Øns‚ Bflo-bX {_m“-Wkw-kvIm-cØn¬ A[n-jvTn-X-am-bn-cp-∂p.- {_m-“-Wy-Øn¬ \n∂pw `mcXo-b-P-\X NmXp¿h¿Æy-Øns‚ X´p-Iƒ Cdßn iq{Z-kwkvIm-cØ - ns‚ lo\-Xb - n-se-tØ-≠Xv {]Ir-Xn-\n-ba - a - m-bn-cp-∂p; -F∂m¬, A\n-hm-cy-amb {]Ir-Xn-i-‡n-bpsS AtX \nb-a-{]Imcw iq{Z-X-bn¬ \n∂pw ip≤o-I-cWw kw`-hn®v sshiyw, £-{Xnbw, {_m“-Wyw,- F-∂n-h-I-fn-eqsS BXy-¥nI AssZzX-Øn¬ FØn-t®-tc-≠-XmWv \ΩpsS B¿j-`m-c-Xw. -{]-Xo£-Isf {]tNm-Z-\-am°n \ap°v ImØn-cn°mw, C\n-sbmcp £{Xn-b-Øn-\p-th-≠n!

PohnX \mSIw

ARvPp C.sI. 1˛mw _m®v

cwKw 1 ]I¬


cwKw 2

Xte∂v Agn-®p-sh® ]p©n-cn-sb-Sp-Ø-Wn-bmw, Xnc-°ns‚ IqsS hy{K-X-tbmsS HmSmw bm{¥n-I-amb `mj-W-߃°v Iq´mhmw \ni-_vZ-amb kzmÿysØ tXSn-b-ebmw HSp-hn-semcp bm{X-]-d-®nepw \SØmw,


]I-ens‚ A¥yw ]I-ense A`n-\b aplp¿Ø-ß-fpsS hne-bn-cp-ج ]eXns‚ t\¿°pw ]cn-lmkw hen-s®-dnbmw ]pkvX-I-Øm-fp-I-fn-te°v Hsc-Øn-t\m´w hcn-Iƒ°pw Nn¥-Iƒ°p-an-S-bn¬ C\n-bp-a-ebmw "_m°vkvs]bvkv' ASn-®mepw ambmØ Hm¿Ω-I-fpsS Xncn-®p-h-chv Hm¿Ω-Isf IÆo-cn-s\m∏w bm{X-bm°mw k¶o¿Æ-X-Iƒ°v hnS-\evIn C\n-bp-dßmw dntl-gvk-em-h-iy-an-√mØ \msf-bpsS ]I-ep-Zn°pw hsc..

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

FSm Hcp IY Fgp-Xn-ØmSm, Hcp IhnX Fgp-Xn-ØmSm, ASpØ 10˛mw Xnø-Xn°p-apºv aXn-sb-Sm....-\o-bn-s√-¶n¬ ]ns∂ Bcm Fgp-Xp-I, Fs∂ms° ]d™v Hcp alm≥ Fs‚ ]ndsI IqSn-bn´v Ipd®v Ime-am-bn. Rm\nXv ]d-bp-tºmƒ \n߃ hnNm-cn°pw Rms\t¥m henb kmln-Xy-Imc≥ BsW-∂pw Fs‚ GtXm Bcm-[I≥ Fs‚ krjvSn-Iƒ hmbn-°m≥ shºn \nev°p-I-bm-sW∂pw. kplr-Øp-°tf \n߃°v sX‰n. Rß-fpsS tImtf-Pnse amK-kn≥ FUn-‰¿ BW-h≥. CtX Bh-iy-hp-ambn Ah≥ tImtf-Pnse apgp-h≥ Ip´n-I-fp-sSbpw ]ndsI \S°m≥ XpSßn-bn´v Imew Ipd-®m-bn. tImtfPv apgp-h≥ Ah≥ k¿§-krjvSn-Iƒ°mbn he-hn-cn-®n-cn-°p-Ib - m-Wv. hebv°v {]mbw Ipd®m-bX - n-\m¬ apdp°w t]msc∂v At±-lØ - n\v tXm∂n-°m-Wpw. AXm-bn-cn°pw Ct∏mƒ tImtf-Pns‚ ap°nepw aqe-bnepw Ah-s\-°mWmw. Np≠n¬ \nd-™-Nn-cn-tbmsS ""FSm \ns‚ FgpØv Fhn-sS-hs - c-bmbn? t]\-bnse ajn Xo¿∂n-´n-√-t√m...?'' XpS-ßnb a[pc {]tem-`-\-ß-fp-am-bn... Fs‚ t\m´p-_p-°n\v ]n∂n¬ Ipdn-®n-´n-cn-°p∂ hcn-Iƒ Hcn-°¬ Ah≥ I≠p-]n-Sn-®p.- A-tXm-sS-bm-bn-cp∂p F√m-‰ns‚bpw XpS-°w. F\n°v Xncn-bm\pw adn-bm\pw hømØ Ahÿ. ssI Igp-Im≥ t]mIp-tºmgpw, em-_n¬ t]mIp-tºm-gpw, H.]¬ t]mIp-tºm-gp-sa√mw B ]gb ]√hn tI´p-Xp-Sß - n. B ]mh- Ø n- \ - d n- b n- √ t√m, B hcn- I ƒ°p- S a Rm\- √ , Fs‚sbmcp ]gb kplr-Øm-sW-∂v. Ah≥ Ct∏mƒ FhnsS-bm-sW∂v IqSn F\n-°-dn-bn-√. As√-¶n¬ Ah-s\-s°ms≠-¶nepw HscÆw Fgp-Xn-°m-am-bn-cp-∂p. C\n Rm≥ Xs∂ Fgp-Xm-sa∂v sh®m¬ `mh-\sb hncnbn-s®-Sp-°m≥ FhnsS ka-bw. Cu t«mI-ß-fp-sS-bpw,- Issº-te-j-\p-I-fp-sS-bpw, -sd-t°m¿Uv _p°p-I-fp-sS-bpw, ]-co£-If - p-sS-bpw, k-πn-If - p-sS-bpw, ssh-hI - fpsSbpw temI-Øn¬ IY-b-dn-bmsX \S-°p-I-bm-Wt√m Rm≥. ]≠v, kvIqƒ Ime-L´- Ø - nse Fs‚ cq]w Hm¿Øv t]mIpEredità

Acp¨ c≠mw _m®v

Icn-¶men 77

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

∂p. F√m N¿®-I-fnepw Iq´m-bva-Ifnepw hnl-cn®p \S-∂n-cp∂ Rm≥ kaIm-eo\ kw`-h-ß-sf-°p-dn®v Nn¥n-®ncp-∂p, A`n-{]m-bß - ƒ Fgp-Xn-bn-cp-∂p, - a m- d mØ hyh- ÿ n- X n- s b- ° p- d n®v tcmjw {]I-Sn-∏n-®n-cp∂p, F√m-‰n-s\°p-dn®pw kz¥-am-sbmcp Imgv®-∏m-Sp≠m-°m≥ {ian-®n-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ Ct∂m, a\ p \ndsb ]Tn-®p-]q¿Øn-bm-°mØ t«mI-ßfpw Fgp-Xn-Øo-cmØ sdt°m¿Uv _p°pI-fpw,-k-a¿∏n-°-s∏-SmØ Issº-tej\pIfpw am{Xw. Cu Hm´-Øn-\n-Sb - n¬ Fs∂ Rm\m-°n-bn-cp-∂s - X√mw \jvSs∏-´p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂p. s{]m^jW¬ tIm-tf-Pp-Iƒ Aßs\-bm-Wv. NneXp t\S-W-sa-¶n¬ a‰p-Nn-eXv \jvS-s∏-Sp-

hnπhw Ime-l-c-W-s∏´p Ign™p. Ime-Øn-\-\p-k-cn®v amdp-∂-h-t‚-XmWv C∂sØ temIw. hnPbw Ah-\m-Wv. Xe-ap-d-I-fpsS Icn-]p-c≠ Bi-b-hp-ambn ka-c-Øn-\n-d-ßmsX, C∂ns‚ Bi-b-ß-fp-ambn s]mcp-Ø-s∏´v Nn¥-Isf am‰p-∂-h-\mWv C∂ns‚ hnP-bn.

Øntb aXn-bm-Iq. At∏mƒ Hcp kwibw Nne¿s°-¶n-epw -tXm-∂n-tb-°mw. CXp c≠pw IqSn Hcpan®p sIm≠p-t]m-bv°qsS F∂v. CXn- \ p- Ø - c - a mbn Rm≥ ]d- ™ p- s Im- ≈ s´,A- ß ns\ sIm≠v t]mIm≥ Ign-bp-∂-h¿ D≠v. hfsc Npcp°w. Hcp iX-am\w am{Xw. F¥m-bmepw B Hcp iX-am-\-Øn¬ Rm\n√. Hcp ]t£ Rm\nXp ]d-bp-tºmƒ \nß-fpsS apJw Npfnbp-∂p-≠m-Imw. Al-¶mcn F∂v D≈n¬ ]d-bp-∂p-≠m-Imw. AsX \n߃ Fs∂ Is√-dn-t™m-fq..-{Iq-in-t®m-fq.. \nßfn¬ ]m]-an-√m-Ø-h≥ Fs∂ Is√-dn-bs´ F∂v Rm≥ ]d-bn√. F\n-°n-t∏mƒ Ft‚-Xmb \ymbo-I-c-W-߃ D≠v.- Fs‚ Xs∂ Nn¥-Isf am‰n Fgp-Xp-hm≥ F\n-°n-t∏mƒ Ign-bpw. \n߃°v AwKo-Ic - n-°W - s - a-¶n¬ AwKo-Ic - n-°mw. As√-¶n¬ X≈mw. AXn-\p≈ kzmX{¥yw Rm≥ \n߃°v hn´n-cn-°p∂p. F¶nepw \n߃ Hcn-°¬ Xncn-®-dnbpw Bfl-tcmjw sIm≠v H∂pw t\Sm-\m-hn√ F∂v. hnπhw Ime-l-c-W-s∏´p Ign™p F∂v . Ime- Ø n- \ - \ p- k - c n®v amdp- ∂ - h - t ‚- X mWv C∂sØ temIw. hnPbw Ah-\m-Wv. Xe-ap-d-I-fpsS Icn-]pc≠ Bi-b-hp-ambn ka-c-Øn-\n-d-ßmsX, C∂ns‚ Bi-bß-fp-ambn s]mcp-Ø-s∏´v Nn¥Isf am‰p-∂-h-\mWv C∂ns‚ hnP-bn. AØcw Bi-b-°m¿°v Iog-S-tß≠n hcpw; Bib-߃ ASn-bd- s - h-bvt°≠n hcpw. R߃ tXm‰-hc - √ - , tXm‰psIm-Sp-Ø-h-cmWv F∂- Nn-¥-t]mepw Ah-cpsS c£-s°ØmØ Imew hcpw. CsX√mw tIƒ°p∂ \n߃ ]d-bp∂p-≠mIpw "Icn-¶men' F∂v. F¥m-bmepw AXn-\p≈ adp]Sn Rm≥ Hcn-°¬ ]d-™p-I-gn-™p. FUn-‰-tdmSv Hcp hm°v, {]nb kplr-tØ,- \n-߃°v Xcm≥ Fs‚ ]°¬ H∂pan-√. Fs‚ ]m{Xw Ft∂ iq\y-am-bn-cn-°p-∂p. F¶nepw Fs‚ {]nb-Iq-´p-Im-c-\mbn Fs‚ ]°¬ \nd™ {]m¿∞-\-Iƒ am{Xw.

a\p-jys\ Adn-bp-∂-XmWv G‰hpw t{ijvT-amb Adnhv ˛ tkm{I-´okv

hnZym-`ymkw ]ptcm-K-Xn-bn¬ Hc-e-¶m-chpw IjvS-Im-eØv Hcp c£m-tI-{µ-hp-am-Wv ˛ Acn-tÃm-´n¬


Adn-hp-t\-S¬ Bcm-[-\-bm-Wv. Adn-hns‚ am¿§w kz¿§-Øns‚ am¿§-am-Wv. ⁄m\m-t\z-j-Is‚ am¿§sØ ssZh-Zq-X≥am¿ Xqh¬ hncn®v arZp-e-am-°pw ˛ apl-ΩZv \_n KAMC Magazine 2010-11

kvarXn-bn¬ \n∂mWv {_“-tZ-h≥ ⁄m\w ]I¿∂p-sIm-Sp-Ø-Xv. At∏mƒ kvarXn°v Imc-W-am-Ip∂ imkv{Xw AXn\p ap≥t] D¤q-X-am-bn-cp∂p F∂v A\p-am-\n-°mw. {- _-“t- Z-h\ - n¬ \n∂mWv Bbp¿th-Zs - a∂ alm-im-kv{X-Øns‚ ⁄m\w ]n∂o-Sp≈ Xe-ap-d-I-fn-tebv°v ]I¿∂p \¬I-s∏-´-Xv.



sFXn-ly-߃ F∂Xv B¿j-`m-c-X-kw-kvIr-Xn-bp-sSbpw ss]Xr-I-Øns‚bpw kzIm-cy-amb Al-¶m-c-ß-fn-sem-∂m-Wv. ]e-t∏mgpw sI´p-I-Y-I-fmbn hymJym-\n-°p-s∏-Sp-∂p-sh-¶nepw Ah-bn¬ ]eXpw imkv{X-k-Xy-Øns‚ kq£va-amb hni-Zo-I-c-W-߃ sIm≠v km£y-s∏-Sp-Øp-hm≥ Ign-bp-∂-hbm-Wv.

Po\ _n.-]n. H∂mw _m®v

`mc-Xob NnIn-’m-im-J-bmWv "Bbp¿th-Zw'. thZ-am-bmWv imkv{XsØ \ma-I-cWw sNbvXn-cn-°p-∂-Xv. AXn-\m¬ Xs∂ Bbp¿th-Z-sa∂ NnIn-’mim-kv{Xhpw sFXn-ly-ßfpw kmwkvIm-chpw tKm{X-ßf - p--sa√mw ]c-kv]c A\p_-‘-tØm-Sp-Iq-Sn-b-hbm-Wv. t£{X sFXn-ly-߃ ]e-t∏mgpw a\p-jy-cpsS hnizm-k-ßtfbpw BNm-c-\p-jvSm-\-ßtfbpw Pohn-X-co-Xn-sbbpw B{i-bn-®ncn-°p-∂p. DØ-ct- I-cf - Ø - nse ]pcm-X\ t£{X-ßf - n-sem-∂mb sIm´n-bq¿ t£{X-Øn\v, sFXn-ly-Øn-\-∏pdw Bbp¿th-Z-sa∂ imkv{X-hp-ambn Nne _‘-ß-fp≠v. ""{_“m kvarXzm Bbptjm thZw'' F∂v XpS-ßp∂ Bbp¿th-Z-Øns‚ DXv]Øn k¿∆-{k-jvSm-hmb {_“-tZ-h\m¬ \n¿∆-ln-°-s∏-´-Xm-sW∂v ]d-bp-∂p.



""kv a rXn- b n¬ \n∂mWv {_“- t Z- h ≥ ⁄m\w ]I¿∂p-sIm-Sp-Ø-Xv. At∏mƒ kvarXn°v Imc-W-amIp∂ imkv{Xw AXn\p ap≥t] D¤q-Xa - m-bn-cp∂p F∂p A\p-am-\n-°mw. -{_-“-tZ-h-\n¬ \n∂pamWv Bbp¿thZ-sa∂ alm-im-kv{X-Øns‚ ⁄m\w ]n∂o-Sp≈ Xeap-d-I-fn-tebv°v ]I¿∂p \¬I-s∏-´-Xv.'' A·n tZmj[m-Xp°fmIp∂ Bbp¿th-Z-Øns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-L-S-Iß-fpsS hnIr-Xn-I-fmWv k¿∆-tcm-K-ß-fp-sSbpw ImcW-ambn Bbp¿th-Z-Øn¬ ]d-b-s∏-Sp-∂Xv. k¿∆-tcmK-]-Xn-bmbn Bbp¿thZw hnti-jn-∏n-°p-∂Xv Pzc-sØbm-Wv. e£-W-amtbm A\p-_-‘-amtbm Pzcw k¿∆tcm-K-ß-sfbpw B\p-K-an-°p∂p. F√m BNm-cy-∑mcpw ]d-bp-∂Xv inh-`-K-hms‚ tIm]-Øn¬ \n∂p≠mb-XmWv Pzc-sa∂ "hym[n-]-Xn' F∂m-Wv. kwlm-c-aq¿Øn-b B tIm]-Øns‚ Imc-Wambn ]d-bp-∂Xv {]kn-≤a - mb Z£-bmK IY-bm-Wv. Hcp bmKw \SØn Z£-{]-Pm-]Xn Xs‚ i{Xp-hmb {io]-cta-iz-cs\ A]-am-\n-°m≥ {ian-®p. Z£s‚ _p≤n-iq\y-X- Z£-\p -am-{X-a-√, -bm-K-Øn¬ kwº-‘n® k¿∆Po-h-Pm-e-߃°pw Hcp t]mse ZpJw \evIp∂ Hcp hym[n-bm-bmWv ]cn-W-an-®-Xv.- Z-£-\pw inh-`-K-hm\pw XΩn-ep-≠mb kv]¿[bv°v Imc-W-ß-fmbn ]e sFXnly-ßfpw ]e Imc-W-ß-fp-amWv ]d-bp-∂-Xv.

Z£s‚ Zpcm-{Klw :˛ krjvSm-hmb {_“-tZ-hs‚ ]p{X-\m-bn-cp∂p {]Pm-


]-Xn-I-fn¬ Hcm-fmb Z£≥. -Zp-cm-{K-ln-bmb Z£s‚ kwXr-]vXn-bn-√mØ a\- n¬, ]-cm-i-‡n-bmb tZhn Xs‚ ]p{Xn-bmbn P\n-°-W-sa∂ B{Klw D≠m-bn. ITn\-X-]- n-eqsS Xs‚ A`ojvSw km[n-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. aIƒ F∂ ]cn-K-W-\-bn-√msX F∂v Z£≥ Xt∂mSv s]cp-am-dp-∂pthm A∂v Xm≥ Awi-cq]w shSnbpw F∂v tZhn Acpƒ sNbvXn-cp-∂p. Z£s‚ 54˛masØ ]p{Xn-bmb kXo-tZ-hn-bmbn ]cm-i‡n Awi-cq]w ]q≠p.- kzbwhc-Im-ea - m-bt- ∏mƒ Z£≥ aIfpsS a\- -dn-bm≥ {ian-®p. ]c-ta-iz-c-\mb inh-`-K-hms\-bmWv Xm≥ `¿Øm-hmbn I≠n-cn-°p-∂-sX∂v kXn hy‡-am-°n.- Np-Se-hm-knbpw {]mIr-X\ - p-am-bnt´ Z£\v inh-`K - h - ms\ ImWm≥ Ign-™p-≈p. ]nXm-hns‚ Al¶mcw ]q≠ hm°p-Iƒ kXo-tZ-hn-bn¬ ZpJ-ap-f-hm-°n.kzbwhc-]-¥-en¬ tZhn `K-hms\ {]m¿∞n®v {]Xy£-s∏-Sp-Øn. At±-lsØ ]Xn-bmbn kzoI-cn®v ssIemk-Øn-te°v bm{X-bm-bn.- Xs‚ aIsf kz¥-am°n Xs∂ A]-am-\n® ]c-ta-iz-cs\ A]-am-\n-°m≥ Z£≥ al-Ømb Hcp bmKw \S-Øn. \m\m-tem-IØ - p≈ F√m Pohn-Iƒ°pw B bmK-Øn¬ £W-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. bmtK-iz-c\ - mb ]c-ai - n-h\ - pw,- ]Xv\n kXo-tZ-hn°pw Hgn®v. bmK-sØ-°p-dn®v \mc-Z-cn¬ \n∂v tI´-dn™ kXotZhn inh-`-K-hms\ kao-]n®v Xo¿®-bmbpw Z£≥ £Wn-°m≥ ad-∂X - m-hp-sa∂v DW¿Øn-®p. bmK-Øn¬ kw_-‘n-°m≥ Xt∂m-Sp-IqsS `K-hm\pw hc-W-sa∂v A`y¿∞n-®p.- Z-£s‚ AXym-{K-lhpw sshcm-Kyhpw tZhn-bpsS \njvI-f-¶-amb a\ pw a\- n-em-°nb `K-

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

bmK-Øn¬ P¥p-_en A¿∏n-®p, Xn-I-bmsX h∂-t∏mƒ ]ip-°-sf-°qSn _en-b¿∏n-®p,- F∂pw B {]kmZw `£n® kIe P¥p-°ƒ°pw k¿∆-hn-[-hym-[n-Ifpw Pzc-tØm-Sp-IqSn D≠mbn F∂pw as‰mcp IYm-¥-c-ap-≠v, bmK-Øn¬ inhs‚ \ma-tam,ssi-hm-lp-Xn-Itfm sNøm-Ø-Xn-\m¬ BWv inh≥ Ip]n-X-\m-b-sX∂v as‰mcp IYm-¥chpw D≠v. t{Im[-cq-]n-bmb hoc-`-{Z≥ Xs‚ I¿Ω ]q¿Øo-I-c-W-Øn\ptijw Pzc-cq-]n-bmbn Poh-Pm-e-ß-fn¬ hkn-°p∂p F∂pw ]d-b-s∏-Sp-∂p.

hm≥ t]mIm≥ A\p-aXn \evIp-I-bpw, -X-\n°p hcm≥ km[n-°n-s√-∂d- n-bn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp.- ]n-Xm-hn-s\bpw a‰v IpSpw-_mw-Kß - s - f-bpw Z¿in-°m\pw bmK-Øn¬ kw_-‘n°m-\p-ambn t]mb tZhnsb Z£≥ A]-am-\n-®p,- b-⁄im-e-bn¬ \n∂v ]pd-tØ°v X≈n-bn-´p. aI-sf∂ ]cn-KW\ \ntj-[n® s]cp-am‰w tZhnsb hnj-an-∏n-°p-Ibpw, tZhn ZpJ-Øn¬ kzbw Fcn-™p-Xo-cp-Ibpw sNbvXp. ]Xv\n-bpsS arXyp-hm¿Ø tI´-dn™ ssIem-k-\m-Y≥ tIm]w sIm≠v hnd-®p. B t{Im[-Øn¬ \n∂v hoc-`-{Z≥ F∂ t{Im[-cq-]n-bmb _me≥ P\n-®p. Z£-bm-Khpw bmKimebpw bmK-Øn¬ kw_-‘n® kI-e-scbpw hoc-`-{Z≥ \in-∏n-®p. Z£-bm-K-Øn\v kw`-hn® B hnLv\-Øns‚ ]cn- W nX ^e- a m- b n- ´ mWv k¿∆PohPm- e - ß - f p- s S- b pw tZlhpw a\ pw Hcpt]mse X]n-∏n-°p∂ Pzc-sa∂ hym[nbpsS Bcw-`w. Zmlw,- hy-Y,- ZpJw F∂nhsIm≠v PohnIƒ {`m¥-∑msc t]mse Ae-™p. tZh-∑mcpw k]vX¿jn-amcpw inhs\ im¥-kzcq-]\ - m-°m≥ th≠n kvXpXn®p sIm≠n-cp-∂p. Pohn-If - psS im¥n-°mbn `K-hm≥ a\- ns\ \nb-{¥n®v ]q¿∆-ÿn-Xnbn-em-°n. t{Im[w shSn™v inh≥ im¥-am-bt- XmsS PohnI-fpsS ZpJ-Øn\v ia-\-ap-≠m-bn. AXn-\p-tijw k¥m]w,- tkz-Zm-ht- cm[w F∂o ]oU-tbm-Sp-Iq-Sn,- Pz-ca - mbn AXv Pohn-I-fpsS P∑,- Po-hnX ac-W-Im-esØ kZm A\p-Kan®v sIm≠n-cn-°p-∂p. bmK-Øn¬ P¥p-_en A¿∏n-®p, Xn-Ib - msX h∂t∏mƒ ]ip-°s - f-°qSn _en-b¿∏n-®p,- F∂pw B {]kmZw `£n® kIe P¥p-°ƒ°pw k¿∆-hn-[-hym-[n-Ifpw PzctØm-Sp-IqSn D≠mbn F∂pw IYm-¥-c-ap-≠v. bmK-Øn¬ inhs‚ \ma-tam, -ssi-hm-lp-Xn-Itfm sNøm-Ø-Xn-\m¬ BWv inh≥ Ip]n-X\ - m-bs - X∂v as‰mcp IYm-¥chpw D≠v. t{Im[-cq-]n-bmb hoc-`-{Z≥ Xs‚ I¿Ω ]q¿Øo-I-c-WØn\p tijw Pzc-cq-]n-bmbn Poh-Pm-e-ß-fn¬ hkn°p∂p F∂pw ]d-b-s∏-Sp-∂p. IYm-¥-c-߃ ]e-Xp-s≠¶nepw Z£s‚ a\- ns‚ cmK- t am- l m- Z n- `m- h - ß ƒ sIm≠mWv kI-e-hn-]-Øp-Ifpw \S-∂Xv F∂Xv hy‡-


am-Wv. a\-kns‚ hn\m-i-Im-cn-bmb `mh-amWv tIm]w AYhm t{Im[w. tZhn-bpsS hnjmZw F∂ Xtam-tZm-j-hpw,- inhs‚ tIm]-amb cP-kpw,- tZ-h-k-]vX¿jn-am-cpsS {]m¿∞\m-kvXp-Xn-I-fmb kXz-Kp-Whpw Pzc-Øn¬ at\m-Kp-W߃°p≈ {]m[m-\ysØ hy‡-am-°p-∂p. ico-cs - Øbpw a\- n-s\bpw Hcp t]mse t¢in-∏n-°p∂ Cu hym[nsb ]m]vam F∂pw, arXyp F∂pw hnfn-°p-∂Xv a\- n-eqsS ico-c-sØbpw ico-c-Øn-eqsS a\- n-s\bpw \in-∏n-°m\p≈ CXns‚ {]`mhw sIm≠m-Wv. tIc-f-Øns‚ hS-t°-b-‰-Øp≈ ]pcm-X-\-amb t£{X- ß - f n¬ H∂mWv sIm´n- b q¿ t£{Xw."Z-£n-W-Imin' F∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp∂ Cu t£{X-Øn\v Pzcw F∂ tcmK-]-Xn-bp-ambn sFXn-ly-]-c-amb _‘-ap-≠v. {_“-Kncn ae-\n-c-I-fpsS Xmgvhcbn¬ hmh-en-∏p-g-bpsS XocØv ÿnXn sNøp∂ A°-sc-sIm-´n-bq¿ F∂ Cu t£{X-Øn¬ kzbw-`q-hmb inh-enw-K-amWv {]Xn-jvT. alØmb Z£-bmKw t{XXm-bp-K-Øn¬ \S-∂Xv Z£n-W-`m-cX-Ønse hiy-kp-µ-c-amb Cu Im\-\-{]-tZ-i-Øm-sW∂v Icp-X-s∏-Sp-∂p. tZhn Fcn™v Xo¿∂ bmK-im-e-bn¬ ]Xv\o-th¿]m-Sn¬ ZpJn-X\ - mb `K-hm≥ kzbw-`q-hmbn {]XnjvTn-X-\mbn F∂mWv hnizm-kw. ChnsS ]qP-\-S-°p-∂Xpw,a-\p-jy¿°v {]th-i-\ap-≈Xpw Bb kabw sshim-J- am-kØ - n-emW.v sshimJ-a-tlm-’-h-Øn\v th≠n D≠m-°p∂ XmXvIm-enI Hmes®-∏p-Iƒ am{X-amWv {]Xn-jvTI - q-SmsX Chn-sS-bp-≈X - v. a\pjy¿°v ]qP sNøm\pw {]th-i-\-Øn-\p-ap≈ 28 Znh-k߃ Ign-™m¬, Cu Hme-s®-∏p-Iƒ t]mepw \in-∏n®v `qansb kzX-{¥-bm-°p-∂p. _m°n-bp≈ ka-bØv a‰v PohPm-e-߃°pw tZh-K-W-߃°pw ]qP sNøm-\p≈ kab-amWv F∂mWv hnizmkw. tIc-f-Ønse A\y-t£-{Xß-fn¬ \n∂pw thdn´ BNm-c-co-Xn-Iƒ Cu t£{XsØ hyXy-ÿ-am-°p-∂p.



Hcp hm°v C∂ns‚bp≈p ]Ip-sØ-Sp-Øn´p \o Fs∂ ImWpI F≥ apJw ImWp-I... Cu Iem-e-b-Øn≥ {lkzamw hgn-I-fn¬ CS-\m-gn-I-fn-em-sb≥ Imsem® tIƒ°pI... I≠pw ]Tn®pw Ifn®pw Nncn®pw ]Xn-‰m-≠p-Iƒ ]n∂n-s´mco \o≠ hgn-I-fn¬ \n∂n-cp∂q Rm≥ ]≠m¿{Z-Nn-Ø-\mbv \n¿∂n-ta-j-\mbv Aen-™p-t]mbv ImeØn¬ \n≥ \nizm-k-sa≥ ImXn-e-∂pta ap∂-ambv Nne-ºn-®n-cp-∂Xv \ob-dn-™n-s√-¶nepw ap∂ta Rm≥ I≠ kz]v\-ß-sfm-s°bpw \ns∂-°p-dn-®p-≈-Xm-bn-cp-s∂≥ ktJ... C∂n-s‚-bp≈p Xpc-s∂-Sp-Øn´p \o Fs∂ ImWpI, F≥ a\w ImWp-I... C∂p-Rm-\pƒs°m≠ kwkm-c-N-{I-Øn≥ \o≠ Im¬∏m-Sp-Iƒ ]n¥p-S¿∂o-S-th... Hm¿°pI F√m-bvt∏mgpw \obn-Xp... ""CXp R߃ sXfn® ]mX-Iƒ R߃X≥ Ime-Sn-∏m-Sp-Iƒ R߃ X≥ hnb¿∏p Xp≈n-Iƒ R߃ X≥ N¶nse tNmc s]mSn-s™mcp Iem-e-b-®p-h-cp-Iƒ'' C∂ns‚bp≈p ]Ip-Øp-Sp-Øn´p \o RßsfImWpI R߃ X≥ Bflmhp ImWp-I. Cu aXn¬s°-´ns‚ \mepƒ®p-h-cn-embv Xf-bv°-s∏-SmsX \o \n≥bm{X XpS-cp-I... R߃ sXfn® ]mX-Iƒ ]n∂n´v \n≥]mX \o hos≠-Sp-Øo-SpI AXn¬ \o Ipdn-°pI; R߃ X≥ Hm¿Ωbpw \n≥ Poh-c-‡-hpw.. R߃ X≥ Bflm-hp ]Ip-sØ-Sp-Øn´p \o Du¿÷--apƒs°m-≠o-SpI ˛ R߃ \n\-°p-ap≥t] \S-∂-h¿...-\n-\-°mbv ]mX-Iƒ Na-®-h¿ R߃ sXfn-s®-Sp-Øp-s≈m-co-∏m-X-Iƒ \ns∂-Øp-W-bv°s´ \n≥ Poh-h-gn-I-fn¬ F¶nepw \o bm{X-Xp-S-cp-I, ImX-߃ Xm≠n BImiw Iog-S-°p-hm≥.. \n\°pw ]n≥Km-an-Iƒ hcpw, Ah¿°mbv \obpw Icp-Xn-sh-®o-Sp-I, \Ωƒ kln® thZ-\-Iƒ, bmX-\-Iƒ, ASn-a-Øw, Bew-_-lo-\X F√mw \o Ah¿°mbv Ipdn®p h®o-Sp-I,- A-h¿°Xp am¿§-Z¿»nbmw. \n›bw R߃°p-d-∏p≠v Ah¿ \sΩ Xncn-®-dn-bpw... \Ωƒ X≥ bmX-\-Iƒ,- Xym-K-߃ F√m-a-h¿°p hnπ-h-ho-cy-ta-Ipw... \Ωƒ Ipdn® ]mX-Iƒ ]n∂n-´h¿ hcpw..- ]p-Xn-bXp Ipdn-°p-hm\pw IogS°phm\pw A∂-h¿ \sΩ-°p-dn-t®‰p ]mSpw. Ah¿; aptº \S-∂-h¿, Ime-Øn¬ ebn-®-h¿..


APojv Sn. AeIvkv 1˛mw _m®v

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

\nan-Ø-߃ "h\nX' amkn- I - b psS sNdp- I Ym a’- c Ønepw kzn‰vk¿em‚ v ae-bmfn Atkm-kntb-j-\mb "tIfn-'bpsS sNdp-IYm a’-cØnepw IYm-Imcn kΩm-\ß - ƒ t\Sn-bn-´p-≠v.

A\nX _m_p 1˛mw _m®v


Ah-km\w Rms\s‚ Xmh-fØ - n-te°v aS-ßn-sb-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Bdpam-kw, AsXmcp \o≠ Ime-L´- a - mtWm? ]eXpw ad-°m≥ Cu kabw [mcmf-am-Wv. Ct∏mgpw aS-ß-W-sa∂p Icp-Xn-b-X-√.- H-cpƒhn-fn. t]mI-Ww,- Im-WWw, Hm¿Ω-bpsS Xmfp-If - n¬ \ndw-aß - n-°n-S° - p∂ Nn{X߃°v angnhv \evIWw. _ n-dßn ho´n-te°v \S-°p-tºmƒ Hm¿Øp. \S∂v \m¬°-h-e-bn-se-Øn-b-t∏mƒ B¬Ø-d-bn-te°v H∂v ]mfn-t\m°n. Ah-\-hn-Sp-t≠m? Xt∂m-S-h-s\-¥m-hpw? ]I-bm-bn-cn-°p-tam? F¥mbmepw Ah-\n-hn-Sn-√. Hcp IW-°n\v \∂m-bn. a\- ns\ AXns‚ ]m´n\v Ae-bm≥ hnSm-at- √m. ]Xn-\© - p-an-\n-t´mfw th≠n hcp-at√m ho´n-se-Øm≥. \S-°m≥ F\n-°n-jvS-am-Wv, hgn-b-cn-Inse ImgvN-I-fm-kz-Zn-®p-sIm-≠v.... Ah-bpsS Nn{X-߃ a\- n¬ ]I¿Øn-s°m-≠-ß-s\..- ]-eXpw Nn¥n®p-sIm≠v \S-°p-∂-Xn-\n-S-bn¬ ap∂n¬°qSn IS-∂p-t]m-Ip∂ cq]-ßsf Xoscbpw {i≤n-°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. 83

F\n°p ]n∂n¬ AΩ-bpsS s\Sp-ho¿∏p-Iƒ ams‰m-en-sIm-≈p-∂-X-dn-™p. {U p amdn ASp-°-f-bn-te°v sN∂p, ]pd-In-eqsS sN∂v apØ-»nsb sI´n-∏n-Sn-®p. apØ-»n-sbs∂ ap∂n-te°v ]nSn®p \n¿Øn. Fs‚ Ip™msI £oWn-®p-t]m-b-t√m.. Blm-c-sam∂pw icn-bm-Ip-∂n-t√.. shdpsX Nncn-®p..

"A√ CXm- c m..' \mWn- b - Ω - b m- W v . Fs‚ ho´n¬ ]pdw]Wn-°p-h-cp∂ \mWn-b-Ω. ""`{Z-tamfv hcp∂ hgn-bm-tWm.?'' ""Dw'' adp-]Sn Hcp aqf-en-sem-Xp-°n. ""tImtf-Pn¬ apS-°-am-tbm?'' ""Dw,- k-a-c-am.'' F\n-s°t¥m BtcmSpw kwkm-cn-°m≥ tXm∂n-bn-√. Btcm-sSm-s°tbm tZjyw tXm∂n. C\n ImWp-∂-h-cp-sSsbms° Ipi-em-t\zj-W-߃°v adp-]Sn ]d-b-Ww. a\pjys‚ XmXv]-cy-߃ F{X-s]-´-∂mWv amdp-∂-Xv. sNdp-Xmb-t∏mƒ Hcp ]mSp-X-hW kz]v\w I≠n-´p-≠v. Zqsc-tb-sX¶nepw ÿeØv ]Tn-°m≥ t]mIp-∂-Xv, h√-t∏mgpw \m´nte°v XncnsI hcp-∂-Xv, kplr-Øp-°-fpsSbpw _‘p-°fp-sSbpw kvt\lm-t\zm-jW - ß - ƒ°v kt¥m-jt- ØmsS adp]Sn ]d-bp-∂X - p-sam-s°. kz]v\ß - s - fm-s°bpw bmYm¿∞yam-Ip-tºmƒ Bkz-Zn-°m≥ a\ v aSn-Im-Wn®p XpS-ßntbm..? Nn¥-If - psS ]mcm-hm-cØ - n¬ Bgv∂p-t]m-Ip-tºmƒ ]et∏mgpw h¿Ø- a m- \ - I m- e sØ hnkv a - c n- ® p- t ]m- I p- ∂ p. Fs¥m-c-h-ÿ-bm-Wn-Xv? Rm≥ h∂Xv ImgvNI - f - m-kz-Zn-°m-\m-Wv. \ndw aßn-ØpS-ßnb Nn{X-߃°v \nd-∏-In´v \¬Im-\m-Wv. Iep-s¶-Øm84

dmbn. Hcp ]‰w"hmbvt\m-°n-Iƒ' \nc∂ncn-∏p-≠v.- C-Xn-\n-Sbn-se-hn-sS-sb-¶n-epw-A-h≥ ImWm-Xn-cn-°n-√. apJw Ip\n-®p]n-Sn®p \S-∂p. Hcp ]t£ t\cn-Sm-\p≈ `bw sIm≠m-hmw. Rm≥ IS-∂p-t]m-hp-tºmƒ Ah¿ ]d-bp-∂Xp tI´p. ""Cß-s\-sbms° kw`-hn-°p-sa∂v Bcm-≠-dnt™m? h√Xpw Adn-™p-Im-Wp-tam-sb-t¥m.? AtXm C\n Adn™n´p h∂-Xm-tWm.?'' Ah- c m- s c- ° p- d n- ® mhpw kwkm- c n- ® - X v ? Fs∂- ° p- d n®mtWm? ]pd-In¬ Ahs‚ Im¬s∏-cp-am-‰-Øns‚ H® tIƒ°m-\p-t≠m..? ImXp-Iq¿∏n®p t\m°n. C√. icn-°pw F\n°v Ah-t\mSv F¥mWv? ]Itbm ? shdpt∏m? `btam? AtXm Rm\-dn-bmsX Xs∂ Fs‚ a\- ns‚ tImWn-se-hnsS-sb-¶nepw Ah≥ ÿm\-ap-d∏ - nt®m? th≠; kw`-hß - f - psS X\n-bm-h¿Ø\w \S-°p-an-hn-sS.- B{K-ln-°m-Xn-cn-°p-∂X - mWv \√-Xv. F¥n\v Rm≥ ImcWw Hcp bp≤w IqSn? tK‰ns‚ HmSm-º-e-Sbv-°p-tºmƒ Hm¿Øp, C\n-sbs‚ am{Xw temIw. Rm\pw, {]W-bn-°p∂ GIm¥-Xbpw am{Xw. i_vZw tI´m-hWw AΩ h∂v hmXn¬ Xpd-∂p. AΩbpsS apJØv sXfn™p hcp∂ AZv`pXw F\n°p \t∂ ckn-®p. ""\osb¥m tamtf Cu t\cØv? ¢mkn-t√?'' ""kvss{S°v'' ""F{X Znh-k-tØ-°m..?'' ""HcmgvN''.

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

""A-dn-bn-°m-™-sX¥m? A—≥ h≠n-bp-ambn ht∂-s\-bt- √m.. C\n-bn∏w A—s‚ hmbn-en-cn-°p∂Xv tIƒ°Ww..'' AΩ-bpsS kzc-Øn¬ ]cn-`hw. h√-t∏m-sg¶nepw kzmX{¥yw F∂Xv Rm\pw A\p`-hn-t®mt´ AtΩ... AΩ AXn\v adp-]Sn ]d-™n√.. t]mbn DSp∏p am‰n-bn´p hm Nmb Xcmw.. thW-sat∂m.. -th-≠-sbt∂m ]d-™n√. apdn e£y-am°n \S-∂p. apdn Xpd∂p t\m°n-b-t∏mƒ tXm∂n-bXv A]-cn-Nn-XX - z-am-Wv. Bdp amksØ CS-thf kΩm\n® A]-cn-Nn-X-Xzw. dm°n-en-cn-°p∂ ]pkvX-I߃°p aosX hnc-tem-Sn-®p. Ah-km\w Rm≥ aSßn h∂p {]nb Iq´p-Im-sc. C\n \nß-fp-sSbpw Fs‚bpw temIw. Rm≥ ]ndp-]n-dp-°p-∂Xp tI´mhWw AΩ Nmb-bp-ambn h∂-Xv.. Zb-hp-sNbvXv Fs‚ s]m∂p-tam-fv, Cu apdn-bn-e-S-®n-cn-°-cp-sX. \ns‚ Iq´p-Im-cn-I-fpsS ASp-sØms° t]mWw. HØncn \mfm-bnt√ ..- A-hnsS apØ»n \ns∂ At\z-jn-°p-∂p-≠v. thKw {U v amdn-bn´p hm.. AΩ Fs∂ `b-°p∂psh∂v tXm∂n. Fs¥ms°sbm am‰-߃ F\n°p kw`-hn-s®∂v AΩ hniz-kn-°p-∂Xp t]mse. As∂m-cn-°¬ AΩ tNmZn-®t- Xm¿°p-∂p. \osb¥m tamtf Cß-s\-sbms°? \ns‚ {]mb-Øn-ep≈ s]¨Ip-´n-Iƒ F{X D’m-lØ - n-em.? \n\-s°¥m ]‰n-bX - v. AΩ-tbmSv ]d. ASn-t®¬∏n® am‰-߃. F\n°p ]n∂n¬ AΩ-bpsS s\Sp-ho¿∏p-Iƒ ams‰m-en-sIm-≈p-∂-X-dn-™p. {U p amdn ASp-°f-bn-te°v sN∂p, ]pd-In-eqsS sN∂v apØ-»nsb sI´n-∏n-Sn-®p. apØ-»n-sbs∂ ap∂n-te°v ]nSn®p \n¿Øn. Fs‚ Ip™msI £oWn-®p-t]m-b-t√m..


Blm-c-sam∂pw icn-bm-Ip-∂n-t√.. shdpsX Nncn-®p.. G´≥ hnfn-°m-dpt≠m AtΩ.. Dw.. \ns‚ Imcy-߃ Hs° tNmZn°m-dp-≠v. ASp-Ø-amkw hcpw. \n\-°∂v eosh-Sp-°m-tam.. AXns‚ Bhiyw Ds≠∂v tXm∂n-bn-s√-¶nepw aqfn-bn´v ]Xnsb sXmSn-bn-te-°n-dß - n. ]pd-In¬ AΩ-bpsS kzcw tI´p, Hs° ImSp ]nSn®p sIS-°p-hm.. A—s‚ IÆn¬ s]SmsX Cßp tIdn-t∏m-t∂-°Ww. I≠p-Ig- n-™m¬ ]ns∂ AXp-aXn Ct∂-°v. A—≥ Fs∂ GXv Imcy-Øn-emWv hg°p ]d-bmØ-Xv? Hm¿ØpsIm≠v amhn≥tNm-´n-te°v aS-ßn. Hcp ]mSv IÆn-amß ]nSn-®p-In-S-°p-∂p, AΩ-tbmSv ]d-bWw A®m-dn´v Xcm≥.. tlmkv]n-‰e - n¬ FØn-bm¬ ]ns∂ D’-ha - m-Wv. F{X Xn∂m-\p-s≠-¶nepw AhnsS ]nSn-®p-]dn Xs∂. AXns‚ kpJw! AXv ]d-™-dn-bn-°m≥ ]‰n-√. a\- n-te-°v ]gb D’mlw aS-ßn-sbØn XpS-ßn-bn-cn-°p-∂p.. {]Ir-Xn-bpsS amkva-cn-IX CXm-hpw. _l-fß - f - psS temI-Øp-\n∂pw aSßn h∂Xv CXn\m-Wv. Cu {]im-¥-X-bpsS kpJw \pI-cm≥. ""FtSm.. Xms\-t∏m-gm h∂-Xv?'' tNmZyw tI´v Xncn-™p. DÆn-bmWv. Fgp-t∂‰v aXn-en-\-SptØ°v sN∂p. ""C∂v, Ct∏mƒ'' ""h∂-bp-Ss\ ÿew ]nSn-®p-h-t√..?'' Np≠p-Iƒ°n-S-bn¬ Hcp ]p©ncn shdpsX Xncp-In-sh-®p. ""X\n°v saUn-kn\v In´nb hnhcw Adn-™n-cp-∂p. \√ kt¥m-ja - p-≠v. AsXm∂v t\cn´v ]d-bm≥ t]mepw Xm\n-hnsS D≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√-t√m..? A∂v h∂-t∏mƒ Xs‚ AΩ ]d-™p. Xm≥ AΩm-bnbpsS ho´nem-W-∂v.'' Fs¥-¶nepw tNmZn-°m-≥ th≠n tNmZn®p. ""AΩbv°v kpJ-am-tWm?'' ""kpJw. Xs∂-°≠ - n´v HØncn \mfm-sb∂v CS°p ]dbpw kabaps≠-¶n¬ \o ho´n-te-s°m∂p hm. AΩbv°v \√ kt¥m-j-am-hpw.'' ""t\m°s´ F∂m icn ImWmw.'' 85

]mhw DÆn, Ah-s\-¥-dnbmw AΩm-bn-bpsS Ahn-SpsØ ho´pXS-¶e - n-s\-°p-dn-®v. t\cw Ccp-´n-ØpS-ßn. A—≥ Ft∏mgm h∂p Ib-dp-∂-sX∂v B¿°dn- b mw? AI- t Ø°v Ib- d m- s \m- c p- ß p- t ºmƒ AΩbpw apØ-»nbpw XΩn¬ ]ndp-]n-dp-°∂ - Xp tI´p. Ah-tctXm saUn-°¬ tImtf-Pn\p sImSp-Øq∂m tIƒ°p- ∂ - X v . Pohn- ® n- c n- ° p∂ ImeØv Hcp ]pWyhpw sNbv X n- ´ n- √ t√m, acn- ® - t ∏m- s g- ¶ nepw BIs´ F∂m- h pw. Ah- f n- s Xm∂pw Adn- b ≠.. F√mw I≠pw tI´pw Fs‚ Ip™v Hcp ]cp-h-ambn. F{Xbm Fs‚ Ip™ns\ Ah-fpsS A—\pw G´\pw IqSn X√n-®-X-®-Xv. Ah-sf¥p sX‰p sNbvXn´m? F√mw Ah≥ Imc-Ww. Ahs‚ sX‰n\v Ah\p In´n. NpΩm-XmtWm Bbp-s m-Sp-ßmsX NØ-Xv... Fhn-sS-sbm-s°tbm kwi-b-Øns‚ \mºp-Iƒ apfs]m-´p-∂p. BcmWv acn-®Xv? Btcm-SmWv apØ»n°pw AΩ°pw C{X ]I? Fs∂ I≠Xpw Ah¿ ]I-®p. ""Bcm AtΩ acn-®-Xv ?'' Fs‚ tNmZyw tI´-t∏mƒ Ah¿ ]c-kv]cw Ip‰s∏-Sp-Øp∂ a´n¬ t\m°n. AΩ-bpsS apJØv Zb\o-bX \ng-en-®p. ""Bcm-bmepw \n\-s°¥m?'' apØ»n \oc-k-s∏´p. ""F\n-°-dn-bWw Adnt™ ]‰p...'' ""Ah≥, B \{kmWns®°≥'' AΩ-bpsS kzc-Øn¬ Ft∂m-Sp≈ kl-Xm-]t- am A-h-t\m-Sp≈ tZjytam XfwsI´n \n∂n-cp-∂p. Cuizcm F\n-s°m-∂pw kw`-hn-°p-∂n-√. Hcp \nanj-tØ-°p-am{Xw F\n°pNp‰pw {]]©w Iog-ta¬ adn-bp-Ib - m-Wv. Xe-t®m-dn¬ {]I-º\ - ß - f - psS {]fbw s]m´n-®n-X-dm-Xn-cn-°m≥ Ccp-ssI-Iƒ sIm≠pw Xe s]mØn-∏n-Sn-®p. Imep-Iƒ°v thcn-dßn-bX - p-t]m-se. th®p th®v \S∂p hmXn¬ hen-®S- ® - t- ∏mƒ tXm∂n, hcm-Xn-cp-s∂-¶n¬. temI-Ønse Hcp hm¿Ø-Ifpw


Xs∂-tØSn FØm-Xn-cp-s∂-¶n¬. I´n-en¬ Iangv∂p hogptºmƒ Hcp]mSm-izmkw tXm∂n F\n-s°m∂pw kw`-hn®n-´n-√. hniz-kn-∏n-°m≥ {ian°mw Ah-s\s‚ Bcp-ambn-cp-∂n-√t- √m... Fgp-t∂‰v IÆm-Sn°p ap∂n¬ \n∂p. Adnbm-sX-sb-¶nepw IÆo¿... Gbv C√. Rm≥ Ic-bmt\m?..I-c-bm≥ Fs‚ Bsc-¶nepw BtWm acn-®-Xv? Btcm Hcmƒ. AsX Btcm Hcmƒ .. F\n°v Nncn-°-W-sa∂v tXm∂n. Nncn-®p... {`m¥-amb Nncn. ]pdØp hmXn-en¬ B™p ap´-ep-I ƒ tIƒ°m≥ XpSßn Xpd- t °≠ Xmakw ssIho-in-sbm-c-Sn.. Ihn-sf√p \pdp-ßn-t∏m-bXp t]mse tXm∂n. tIm]w sIm≠p Pzen-°p∂ IÆp-Iƒ Nhn-´n-Øp≈n IS∂p t]mbn. A—-\mWv. Hcp sImSp-¶m‰v ian® {]Xo-Xn. tamtf Fs‚ tamtf.. AΩ-sbs∂ sI´n∏n- S n®p Ic- ™ p. Rm≥ Poh- — hw t]mse \n∂p sImSpØp. Ah-sc-¶nepw Biz-kn-°-s´. FSo `m\p.. \obn-tßm´v hcp-∂pt≠m C√tbm.- C-Sn-ap-g°w t]mep≈ i_vZw tI´v AΩ HmSn-t∏m-bn. Rm≥ hmXn-e-S®p Xmgn´p. F\n°p ho≠pw Nncn-°W - s - a∂p tXm∂n. th≠ C\n ssIh-°p-∂Xv AΩ-bpsS tZl-Øm-bn-cn-°pw. Ihn-fmsI ]pI-bp-∂p...-I-Æm-Sn-°-cnIn¬ sN∂v \n∂p. aq∂mev hnc¬∏m-Sp-Iƒ..-A-t{X-bp-≈p. X߃°n-S-bn¬ InS∂p \odm≥ AΩ-bvs°mcp ImcWw IqSn. saØ-bv°-Sn-bn¬ \n∂v Ubdn hens®SpØp. Nne- s Xms° \Ωƒ Hm¿°m≥ B{K-ln-°pw. Nne-sXms° ad-°m-\pw. CXnte-Xn¬s∏Spw Cu kw`-hw? Xmfp-Iƒ adn-®p. XnøXn Ipdn®tijw Nph∂ ajn-sIm-s≠-gp-Xn. "BZ-cm-RvP-en-Iƒ' CXn-e-∏pdw F\n-s°¥v sNøm≥ Ign-bpw? thW-sa¶n¬ IÆo-cn¬ Nmen®v Hc-Sn-h-c-Iq-Sn. ]t£ F\n°v IÆo-cn-√-t√m, Nncn-b-t√-bp-≈q. GtXm Dƒt{]-c-W-bm¬ Rm≥ P\-ep-Iƒ ae¿t° Xpd- ∂ n- ´ p. t\cw \t∂ Ccp- ´ n- ° - g n- ™ n- c p- ∂ p. B aXn¬s°-´n-\-∏p-dØv Ahs‚ IÆp-Iƒ Xs∂ tXSp-∂Xv C\n-sbm-cn-°epw F\n°v ImWm≥ Ign-bn-√.- A-hs\-°m-Wp-tºmƒ hmin-tbm-sS- sN∂v P\-hm-Xn-ep-Iƒ sIm´n-b-S-°m-\p-am-hn-√. F∂n-cp-∂m-epw... Ft¥m {]Xo-£n-®p-sIm≠v Rm≥ Ccp-´n-te°v IÆpw \´n-cp-∂p. GsX-¶nepw sXΩm-Sn-°p-gn-bn-em-bn-cn°pw AS°n-bn-´p-≠m-hp-I. Fßn-s\-bm-bn-cn°pw acn-®-Xv? BtcmSmWv tNmZn-°p-I? tNmZn-°m≥ F\n-s°-¥h - I - miw? Hcp hm°p-t]mepw kwkm-cn-®n-´n-√-t√m.. A√..-A√; kwkm-cn-®n-´p≠v, Hcn-°¬ am{Xw. F-¥n\n-ßs\ ]pdsI \S∂v iey-s∏-Sp-Øp∂p F∂v tNmZn-®t∏mƒ Ah≥ ]d-™-tXm¿Ω-bp-≠v. "wherever you go, I will be there.' Hcp ae-bmfw kn\n-a-bnse Ub-tem-Kv. ]d-b-W-sa∂v tXm∂n. ]t£ ]d-™n-√. ÿesØ {][m\ tIUn. ]t£ F\n- ° - h s\ sX√pw t]Sn-bp-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. A∂m-bn-cp∂p F√m kw`h-ß-fp-sSbpw XpS-°-hpw,- H-Sp-°-hpw. A—s‚ Xo°-ÆpIƒ Fs‚-bpw Ah-s‚bpw hgn-Isf ]n¥p-S-cp-∂Xv Rm≥ Adn-bp-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. Adn-™n-cp-s∂-¶nepw F\n-s°m∂pw sNøm-\m-Ip-am-bn-cp-∂n-√. A∂v A—s‚ Po∏v Ahs‚ ho´p-ap-‰Øv sN∂p \n∂p. ]ns∂-bp-≠mbXv `qI-º-am-Wv. sIm≈m-hp∂ \mbcp ho´nse s]ºn≈m-cpsS ]ndsI \S-t∂mfpw. tÃj-\n¬ sXfn-bmsX InS°p∂ tIsk√mw \ns‚ Xe-bn-em-°p-saSm Cu Rm≥. Hm..-A-Xns‚ Bh-iy-an-√t√m \n\°v. A√msX Xs∂ F{X-sb-Æam Xe-bn¬..

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

sIm≠- X n- s ‚bpw sImSp- Ø - X n- s ‚bpw IW°v Xo¿ØXv Fs‚ taem-Wv.- H-Sn-bm≥ Hsc√pw _m°n-bn√ F∂p tXm∂n-t∏m-bn. hmbn-eq-sSbpw aq°n-eq-sSbpw tNmc Nmen-s´m-gp-In. Ic-™n-√. AtXm Ic-t™m..? Hm¿Ω-bn√; Hm¿°m-Xn-cn-°-s´..- ]n-∂oSv A—s‚ Po∏nembn bm{X.- Hcp Pbn¬∏p≈nsb-t∏mse Fs∂-sIm-≠psN∂v AΩm-bn-bpsS ho´n-em-°n. AXn\p tijw Ahs\ Rm≥ I≠n-´n-√. sNømØ Ip‰-Øn\v in£ A\p-`-hn-∏n®-Xns‚ t]cn¬ shdp-∏m-bn-cp∂p BZyw. ]n∂o-SXp amdntbm.? Ime-Øn\p apdn-hp-W-°m-\-dn-bm-sa∂p ]d-bp-∂Xv F{X icn-bm-Wv. \msf-Øs∂ F\n-°n-hn-sS-\n∂v t]mIWw.-A-hn-sS-bp≈ GsX-¶nepw kplr-Øp-°-fpsS IqSpI-fn¬ A`bw tXSmw. I´n-en¬ Xncn™pw adn™pw InS∂n´pw \n{Zm-tZ-hX ISm-£n-®n-√. Xpd-∂n´ P\-hm-Xn-en-eqsS Im‰v BcpsStbm ktµiw sIm≠phcp-∂Xp t]mse tXm∂n. Bcp-sStbm i_vZw ams‰m-en-sIm-≈p-∂p. ""shbsd-h¿ bp tKm sF hn¬ _o sZb¿''. t\cw H∂p shfpØn-cp-s∂-¶n¬... \in® Hm¿Ω-Iƒ.- Hm¿Ω-bpsS XS-¶√ - n¬ \n∂v F∂mWv Rms\s∂ c£-s]-Sp-Øp-I? cmhnse AΩtbmSp am{Xw bm{X-]-d-™n-d-ßn. ASpØ {^≠ns‚ ho´n¬ Xßn. Ah-km\w Rms\√mw ad-°m≥ XpS-ßnbn-cn-°p-∂p... ho≠pw _l-f-ß-fn-te-°v. acn®p hoW A£-c-ß-fn-te-°v. ChnsS Bcpw H∂p-a-t\z-jn-°p-∂n-√. Bcp-sam∂pw Is≠-Øp-∂p-an-√. F√m-h¿°pw Ah-c-hcp-tS-Xmb temIw. CXmWv \√-Xv. ¢mknse sUkvIn¬

\√ kz]v\-ß-fpsS km£m-Xv°m-c-amWv hnZym-`ymkw ˛ tUm. A_vZp¬I-emw.

Bfl-hn-izm-khpw Bfl-kw-b-a-\hpw \jvS-s∏-SmsX F√mw tIƒ°m-\p≈ Ign-hmWv hnZym-`ymkw ˛ tdm_¿´v t{^mÃv

Xe Ipºn´v InS-°p-tºmƒ sadn≥ h∂p hnfn-®p. ASpØ Ah¿ Unsk£\mWv. \osb¥m InS-°p-∂-Xv? ""sF Bw t\m´v ^oenßv sh¬,bq πokv tKm.'' Rm≥ ]d-™p. ""tZ tUm. Ae-IvkmWv kmdns‚ hmbn-ep-≈Xv apgph≥ \n\°v tIƒt°≠n hcpw. thKw hm.'' sadns‚ IqsS \S∂p. Ah-sf-s¥m-s°tbm Ie-]ne ]dbp-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p.- H-∂nepw a\-kp-d-®n-√. Unsk£≥ lmfn¬ IUm-h-dn\v Np‰pw F√m-hcpw IqSn \nev°p-I-bm-Wv. Hcp aqe-s°m-Xpßn \n∂p. F\n-°n-sXm∂pw ImW-≠. tUm. AeIvkv {]kwKw XpS-ßn. ""SptU ho lmhv A∏¿ enºv t^m¿ UnkvI-j≥. tlm]v Zm‰v bq Bƒ B¿ {]n]-tb¿Uv'' ]ns∂-bp-sa-s¥m-s°tbm ]d-™p. Rm≥ H∂pw tI´n-√. Rm≥ {i≤n-°msX \n¬°p∂Xv I≠n-´m-h-Ww, sadn≥ Fs‚ sNhn-bn¬ ]d-™p, "tZ ]pXnb IUm-h-dm-So, sNdp-∏-°m-c-\m.' Ht∂ B apJ-tØ°v t\m°n-bp-≈p. lrZ-b-sam∂v anSn-°m≥ ad-t∂m.? C\n-bpam apJw ImWm≥ hø. IÆp-Iƒ Cdp-°n-bS- ® - p. sadns‚ ssIIfn¬ apdp-s°-∏n-Sn-®p. k¿∆-\m-Un-Ifpw Xf-cp-Ib - m-Wv. sadns‚ ssII-fn-eqsS Du¿∂v Xmtg°v t]mIp-tºmgpw {]]-©Ø - ns‚ AXn¿Øn-If - n¬X´n Hcp i_vZw ams‰men-sIm-≈p-∂Xv Rm≥ Adn-™p. "wherever you go, I will be there.'

Ah-\-h-\n¬ X\-Xm-bp≈ ]q¿Æ-X-bpsS km£m-Xv°m-c-amWv hnZym-`ymkw ˛ kzman hnth-Im-\-µ≥

hy‡nsb k¬kz-`m-hnbpw hniz-Øn\v D]-Im-cnbpw B°n-Øo¿°-emWv hnZym-`ym-k-Øns‚ e£yw. -˛ bm⁄-h¬Iy≥

PohnXw Xs∂ Hcp The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


k¿∆-I-em-im-e-bm-Wv. ]Tn-°m-\p≈ ]e hnj-b-ßfpw ChnsS D≠v. AXp \ap°v ]Tn-°mw. amIvknw tKm¿°n


Imcp-Wy-Øns‚ \nd-Zo]w

_m_m BwsX

Zriy Sn. c≠mw _m®v

I sought my soul, my soul I could not see; I sought my god, My god eluded me, I sought my brother and I found all three.


{_n´ojv `c-W-ImesØ hm¿≤-bn¬ \n∂pw \mKv]q-cn-te-°p≈ Hcp s{Sbn≥ bm{X.- A-[n-\n-th-iØns‚ Ibv∏p-\o¿ IpSn®psIm≠n-cn-°p∂ `mc-Xo-b¿.Fßpw B IS∂p Ib-‰-Øns‚ Zriy-߃ am{Xw. B Xoh-≠n-bn¬ ]pØ≥ {]Xo-£-Ifpw t]dn Hcp \h-hc\pw At±-l-Øns‚ ]Xv\nbpw bm{X sNøp-∂p-≠v. \mW-Øm¬ apJw XpSp-Øp-sIm≠v Xs‚ {]nb-Xas‚ Icw {Kln-®n-cn-°p-∂p A-hƒ. s]´∂v B t_mKn-bn-te-°n-c®p Ib-dnb Hcp ]‰w sh≈-∏-´m-f-°m¿ Ahsf D]-{Z-hn-°m≥ XpS-ßn. \hh-c-\m-Is´ sh≈-°m-tcmSv FXn-cn-Sm≥ `b-s∏´v {Sbn≥ I°q-kn¬ Ibdn Hfn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. k¿∆-cpw- `bwsIm≠v Cu AXn-{Iaw ImWm-\m-ImsX IÆp-a-S-®n-cn-°p-∂p. Ahn-sSbpw Nne Igp-I≥ IÆp-Iƒ Ahsf B¿ØntbmsS t\m°p-∂p. CXm ChnsS Hcp kv{Xo A]-am-\n-Xb - m-hm≥ t]mIp∂p; Hcp `mc-Xob s]¨sImSn ]n®n-®o-¥s - ∏-Sm≥ t]mIp∂p; Ah-fpsS ]mXn-{hXyw \jvS-s∏-Sm≥ t]mIp-∂p. F∂m¬ Cu _l-f-߬°n-S-bnepw Hcmƒ, Hcp bphmhv Ah-fpsS am\w Im°m≥ th≠n,- `-b-Øns‚ KAMC Magazine 2010-11

Nh-dp-Iƒ°n-S-bn¬ Rcßn \oßn-s°m≠v hni-∏-I-‰m-\p≈ hI tXSp∂ Hcp IpjvTtcmKn. At±-l-Øns‚ Xs∂ hm°p-I-fn¬ ""IpjvT-tcm-K-Øns‚ Ah-km-\sØ Ah-ÿ-bn¬ FØn-s∏´ Hcp-Ø≥''. Hcp ]pgp-Ø-fn™ amwk-]°ns‚ ÿm\Øv c≠v ]pgpØ Zzmc-߃ am{Xw. Iønepw Imenepw H‰ hnc¬ t]mep-an-√.I-Æns‚ ÿm\Øv Iran-Ifpw {hW-ßfpw am{Xw.

ehteiw t]mepw apJ-Øn-√msX B ]´mf°m¿°n-S-bn-te°v FSpØvNmSn, B s]-¨Ip´n°v th≠n \ne- s Im- ≠ p. H‰- ° m- b n- c p∂ ImcWw Abmƒ {_n´ojv ]´m-f-°m-cpsS a¿±\-ß-tf‰v Ah-i-\m-°-s∏-´p. F¶nepw hm¿≤ sdbn¬th tÃj-\n¬ sN∂-t∏mƒ Cu A{I-a-Øn-s\-Xn-cmbn P\-hnImcw DW¿Øn- s b- S p- ° m- \ pw,- s N- d pØp \n¬∏ns‚ Hcp kaq-lsØ krjvSn-°m\pw Abmƒ°v Ign-™p. -A-h¿ s{Sbn≥ XS-bpIbpw B ]´m-f-°m-cpsS Xe-h-s\-s°m≠v \S]Sn FSp-∏n-°m-sa∂v kΩ-Xn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. ]n∂oSv Km‘nPn Cu kw`-hsØ Ipdn-®-dn™-t∏mƒ B sNdp-∏-°m-cs\ hfsc A`n-\-µn°p- I bpw ""A`bv km[Iv '' ˛ `- b - a n- √ msX \oXnsb At\z-jn-°p-∂-h≥ -˛ F∂ hntijWw Nm¿Øn-s°m-Sp-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. Cu sNdp-∏-°m-c≥ ]n¬°m-eØv htdmd ap≥kn-∏m-en-‰n-bpsS sshkv {]-kn-U‚ v Bbn Ah-tcm-[n-°-s∏-´p. Aß-s\-bn-cns° \K-cØnse tXm´n- I ƒ H∂- S ¶w ]Wn- a p- S - ° n¬ G¿s∏-´p. Ahsc A\p-\-bn-∏n-°m-\p≈ am¿§ßƒ H∂pw Xs∂ ^e-h-Øm-bn-√,- A-Xn-\m¬ Ah-cpsS {]iv\-߃ ]Tn-°p-hm\pw a\-kn-em°p-hm\pw th≠n At±lw H≥]Xp amk-Øne-[nIw tXm´n-∏Wn sNbvXp.


Hcp Znhkw C{]-Imcw sNøp-∂X - n-\nsS Nh-‰p-Iq-\I - ƒ°nS-bn¬ A - t- ±lw Hcp ImgvN I≠p. Nh-dp-Iƒ°n-Sb - n¬ Rcßn \oßn-s°m≠v hni-∏I - ‰- m-\p≈ hI tXSp∂ Hcp IpjvTtcmKn. At±-lØ - ns‚ Xs∂ hm°p-If - n¬ ""IpjvTt- cm-KØ - ns‚ Ahkm-\sØ Ah-ÿ-bn¬ FØn-s∏´ Hcp-Ø≥''. Hcp ]pgp-Øfn™ amwk-]n-WvUw.- aq-°ns‚ ÿm\Øv c≠v ]pgpØ Zzmc߃ am{Xw. Iønepw Imenepw H‰ hnc¬ t]mep-an-√.- I-Æns‚ ÿm\Øv Iran-Ifpw {hW-ßfpw am{Xw. B ImgvN I≠ am{X-bn¬ Zbbpw Ad∏pw F√mw tN¿∂ hnImcw At±-lØ - n-\p-≠m-bn. B `oI-ca - mb ImgvN ImWm≥ Ign-bm-sX,- A-t±lw AhnsS \n∂pw HmSn. A∂p-hsc A`bv km[Iv F∂p alm-flm-Km‘n hnti-jn∏n® Xs∂-°p-dn-®p≈ Du‰-Øn¬ Ign-™n-cp∂ At±-lØ - ns‚ Bflm-`n-am-\Ø - n¬ Cu kw`hw sh≈n-Sn-t]m-se-bmWv ]Xn-®Xv. IpjvTtcm-K-Øns‚ Ah-km\ Ah-ÿ-bn¬ \c-In-°p∂ B Xpƒjo-dm-ans\ I≠-t∏mƒ Fhn-sS-t∏mbn Xs‚ Zo\m-\pIº, Fhn-sS-t∏mbn Xs‚ ss[cyw F∂n-ß-s\-bp≈ tNmZy߬ At±-l-Øns‚ a\- ns\ aYn-®p. At±lw Hm¿Øp. FhnsS `b-ap-t≠m,- A-hnsS kvt\lw C√, FhnsS kvt\lw C√-tbm, AhnsS ssZhhpw C√. Cu hcn-Iƒ At±-l-Øn¬ ]pXnb Bi-b-߃ Dcp-Øncn-bm≥ Imc-W-am-bn.- A-t±lw Fgp-t∂‰v sXcp-hn¬ B IpjvTtcm-Kn-bpsS ASp-tØ°v sN∂p. Abmsf ip{iq-jn®p. -`-£-Whpw sh≈hpw \evIn. At±-l-Øns‚ aSn-bn¬ 89

IpjvT-tcm-Kn-Isf kvt\ln-t°-≠-Xn-s‚bpw ip{iq-jn-t°-≠-Xn-s‚bpw Bhiy-IX At±lw a\-kn-em-°n. ]n¬°m-eØv Cu kaq-l-Øn¬ \n∂pw ]n¥-≈-s∏´ IpjvT-tcm-Kn-Iƒ°p-th≠n Xs‚ PohnXw B alm≥ Dgn™p sh®p.

""\n߃°v kzbw XmXv]-cy-an-s√-¶n¬ a‰p-≈-h-cn¬ XmXv]cyw P\n-∏n-°m≥ Ign-bn-√, \n߃ kzbw Nen-°msX a‰p-≈-hsc Nen-∏n-°m-\pw''


InS∂v Xpƒjodmw A¥y-izmkw hen-®p. IpjvTt- cm-Kn-If - mWv kaq-lØ - n¬ G‰hpw Ah-KW - \ - bpw ]oU-\hpw A\p-`-hn-°p-∂Xv F∂ kXyw At±lw Xncn-®-dn™p. Ahsc kvt\ln-t°-≠-Xn-s‚bpw ip{iq-jn-t°-≠-Xns‚bpw Bhiy-IX At±lw a\-kn-em-°n. ]n¬°m-eØv Cu kaq-lØ - n¬ \n∂pw ]n¥-≈s - ∏´ IpjvTt- cm-Kn-Iƒ°p-th≠n Xs‚ PohnXw B alm≥ Dgn™p sh®p. At±-l-amWv "apcfo-[-¿ tZh-Zmkv BwsX' F∂ _m_ BwsX. alm-cmjv{Sbnse lnwK≥ L´n¬ {iotZ-hn-Zm-kn-s‚-bpw, e£vao `mbv BwsX-bp-sSbpw aI-\mbn 1914 ¬ BWv _m_m BwsX P\n-®-Xv.- hm-bn¬ sh≈n-°-c-≠n-bp-ambn Hcp kº∂ Ip-Spw-_-Øn-emWv P\n-®-sX-¶nepw D∂-X-amb kmaq-lnI Ah-t_m-[hpw Bew-_lo-\sc klm-bn-°m-\p≈ hnime a\ pw _m_ sNdp-∏-Øn¬ Xs∂ {]I-Sn-∏n-®n-cp-∂p. hf¿∂-t∏m-ƒ At±lw \nb-a-Øn¬ _ncpZw Ic-ÿ-am°n. ]n¬°m-eØv kmaq-lnI t_m[-ap≈ GsXmcp sNdp-∏°m-c-t\bpw t]mse At±-lhpw kzmX{¥yka-c-Øn¬ ]¶mfn-bm-hp-Ibpw kzmX{¥y ka-c-t∏m-cm-fn-Iƒ°p-th≠n tImSXn-bn¬ lmP-cm-hp-Ibpw sNbvXp. 1942 se Izn‰v C¥ym ka-ctØm-S-\p-_-‘n®v Pbn¬ in£bpw At±lw G‰p-hm-ßn-bn´p-≠v. ]n¬°m-eØv IpjvTtcm-Kn-Isf klm-bn-°p-Ib - mWv Xs‚ PohnX e£yw F∂p a\- n-em-°nb _m_ Ah-cpsS NnIn’°pw ]p\-c-[n-hm-k-Øn-\p-ambn aq∂v B{ia߃ ÿm]n®p. kaqlw Xg-™h - ¿s°m-∏a - p≈ kl-hmkw At±-lØ - n\v ]e Zpc\p-`h - ß - fpw F-Xn¿∏p-Ifpw A\p-`h - n-°m≥ CS-bm-°n. ]t£ AsXm-∂pw At±-l-Ønse [oc-\mb t]mcm-fnsb Xf¿Øm≥ t]m∂-Xm-bn-cp-∂n-√. _m_ ]d™p :˛ ""\n߃°v kzbw XmXv]-cy-an-s√-¶n¬ a‰p-≈h - c - n¬ XmXv]cyw P\n-∏n-°m≥ Ign-bn-√, \n߃ kzbw Nen-°msX a‰p-≈-hsc Nen-∏n-°m-\pw.'' _m_ alm-cm-jv{S-bn¬ IpjvTt- cm-Kn-If - psS NnIn-’°pw ]p\-c-[n-hm-k-Øn-\p-am-bn -ÿm-]n® B\-µ-`-h≥ B{i-a-sØ°p-dn®v unicefs‚ dnt∏m¿´n¬ ]d-™n-´p-≈Xv {i≤n-°p-I. At Anandavan, human beings who happen to be leprosy patients and those who usually considered ‘disabled’ like the blind and the deaf, enter the development process as responsible "subjects'’ - those who know and act, in contrast to "objects'' which are known and acted upon. Nothing but awakening of consciousness can explain the marvels typical of the place: structures, strong and functional, built without architects, engi-

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

At Anandavan, human beings who happen to be leprosy patients and those who usually considered ‘disabled’ like the blind and the deaf, enter the development process as responsible "subjects'’ - those who know and act, in contrast to "objects'' which are known and acted upon. Nothing but awakening of consciousness can explain the marvels typical of the place: structures, strong and functional, built without architects, engineers and contractors, weavers without fingers, leprosy patients successfully insisting on being licenced to drive heavy duty trucks; a man who cannot walk managing the industrial training centre moving on a tricycle fabricated with in-house talent and materials; a person without previous experience in printing, running a press with competence; a one handed cashier who makes up for a slight slowness by unusual thoroughness; a master tailor who cannot use his hands freely, training tailors from neighboring villages...

- From UNICEF Report

neers and contractors, weavers without fingers, leprosy patients successfully insisting on being licenced to drive heavy duty trucks; a man who cannot walk managing the industrial training centre moving on a tricycle fabricated with in-house talent and materials; a person without previous experience in printing, running a press with competence; a one handed cashier who makes up for a slight slowness by unusual thoroughness; a master tailor who cannot use his hands freely, training tailors from neighboring villages...

Xs‚ taJ-eI - f - n¬ apgpIn Pohn-°p-tºmgpw a‰p taJ-eI - f - nepw At±lw Xs‚ km∂n≤yw Adn-bn-®n´p-≠v. Id-Xo¿∂ ]cn-ÿnXn hmZn-bpw,-Km-‘n-b≥ am¿§nbp-am-bn-cp∂ _m_ "\¿ΩZm _Nmthm Bt¥m-f'\nepw ]s¶-Sp-Øn-´p-≠v. 1947 ¬ _m_ temIv _ncm-Scn {]I¬]v F∂ kwL-S\ ÿm]n-®p. KUvNn-tcmXn Pn√-bnse BZnhm-kn-Iƒ°n-S-bn-ep≈ {]iv\-߃°m-bn-cp∂p Cu kwL-S\ {]mapJyw sImSp-Øn-cp-∂-Xv. cmPyw I≠ alm-\mb Cu a\pjykvt\lnsb 1986 ¬ ]fl-hn-`q-j¨ \evIn-bpw, 1997 ¬ ]fl{io \¬Inbpw \mw BZ-cn-®p. Nobel prize for religion F∂- d n- b - s ∏- S p∂

sSw]nƒS¨ kΩm\w AS°w sNdpXpw hep-Xp-amb H´-\h[n ]pc-kvIm-c-ßfpw hnhn[k¿∆-I-em-im-e-I-fpsS Un.-en‰v ]´-ßfpw At±-l-Øn\v e`n-®n-´p-≠v. ''I dont want to be a great leader, I want to be a man who goes around with a little oil can and, whenever he sees a break down offers his help.'' I sought my soul, my soul I could not see, I sought my god, My god eluded me, I sought my brother & I found all three

F∂-Xm-bn-cp∂p At±-lØ - ns‚ XXzimkv{Xw. IpjvTt- cmKn-Iƒ°v kaq-l-tØm-Sp≈ ImgvN-∏m-Sn-s\-°p-dn®v ""Ah¿°v th≠Xv Ah-kc - ß - f - m-Wv, kl-Xm-]a - √ - .'' F∂Xm-bn-cp∂p At±-l-Øns‚ ho£Ww. 1946 ¬ BWv At±lw hnhm-ln-X-\m-b-Xv. `mcy `mh\ Kp¬im-kv{Xnbpw a°-fmb hnIm-kpw -{]-Imipw Ah-cpsS `mcy-amcpw At±-lsØ Xs‚ I¿Ω-ta-Je - b - n¬ hf-sc-b[ - nIw ]n¥p-W-°p-Ibpw klm-bn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. ""alm-tcmKn tkhm-k-anXn'' F∂ kwL-S-\-bpsS \S-Øn-∏p-Im-c≥ At±l-Øns‚ aI-\mb {]Imiv BWv. 2008 s^{_p-hcn 9-˛mw XnøXn B kvt\-l-Zo]w F∂-t∂°p-ambn AW-™p. F¶nepw _m_-bpsS Bi-b-ßfpw {]h¿Ø-\-ßfpw kaq-l-Øn\p am¿§-Z¿inbmbn,- C-cpƒ \nd™-tem-I-Øn\p shfn-®-ambn FÆ-h-‰msX sXfn-™p-I-Øns°m-t≠-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Iq´mbn _m_ ÿm]n® B{i-aß - f - pw.

hnZy kXy-hn-izm-kn-bpsS hoWp-t]mb apØm-Wv -˛ hn. Jp¿-B≥. a\p-jy\v bYm-k-a-bØv ZpxJn-°m\pw kt¥m-jn-°m-\p-ap≈ Ign-hmWv hnZym-`ymkw ˛ tπt‰m



Znhy Fw 4˛mw _m®v

C‚¿s\‰v It^-I-fnse \mep-Np-h-cp-Iƒ°p-≈n¬ InS∂v Iq´n-en´ shcp-In-s\-t]mse {]Wbw; Znh-khpw πmÃnIv k¿Pdn... ssS∏nw-Kn-eqsS, ]ns∂ aukp-sIm-s≠mcp t^jy¬, ssk_¿Iq-´nse Cu hmep-ap-f® {]W-b-Øn-\-dn-bn√; ]\n-\o¿∏q-hns‚ ap≈p-sIm≠ ]gb {]W-b-Øns\. AXp-s]mse, I´nwKpw t]ÃnwKpw hgn Iq´n-t®¿Øv Nph-∏n-®,- ap-≈n-√mØ km¶¬∏nI tdmkp-Isf ]\n-\o¿∏qhpadn-bn√; \m´n-S-h-gn-I-fnse ac-Ø-W-ep-Iƒ amSn-hn-fn-°p-tºmƒ ho≠pw,- ]mkvthU-dn-bmsX ]mhw, ""ssk_¿ {]W-bw''....


KAMC Magazine 2010-11

APva¬ F. H∂mw _m®v

APva¬ F. H∂mw _m®v


\ΩpsS {]]-©Ø - n\v AXn-t‚-Xmb Hcp Xmf-ap-≠v. krjvSn-If - psS A\mh-iy-amb CS-s]-S-ep-Iƒ {]]-©-Xm-f-Øn\v XS w krjvSn-°p-∂p.- Xm-f-∏n-gIfpsS Cu temI-Øn¬ A]-kz-c-ambn Ign-™p-Iq-Sp∂ a\p-jys\ thZ\m-Z-Øns‚ kzc-cm-K-Øm¬ DW¿Øp-hm≥ ssZhw \ntbm-Kn-°p-∂-h-cmWv {]hm-NI - ∑ - m¿. {]hm-NI - ∑ - m-cn-√msX Hcp kap-Zm-bhpw IS-∂p-t]m-bn-´n-√. alØmb Cu {]hm-N-I-irw-J-e-bnse kp{]-[m-\-I-Æn-I-fm-bn-cp∂p kap-∂-Xcpw, -k-am-Z-c-Wo-b-cp-amb C{_mlnw \_nbpw aqkm\_nbpw Cukm-\-_nbp-sa√mw. temI-\-∑bv°v th≠n Ab-°-s∏´ Ah-km-\sØ {]hm-N-I-\mbn-cp∂p apl-ΩZv \_n (k). {InkvXp-h¿jw 570 d_o-D¬ A∆¬ 12 \v a°-bnse Jpssdin IpSpw-_Øn¬ Hcp A¤pX-inip `qPm-X\ - m-bn.- P-\\ - Ø - n\v GXm\pw amk-߃°v apºv ]nXmhv A_vZp≈ \ncym-X\ - m-bn. ]d-°a - p-‰m≥ {]mb-am-Ip-∂X - n\v apºv BdmasØ hb- n¬ amXmhv Ban-\bpw acn-®p. Aßns\ A\m-Y_ - m-e\ - mbn aplΩ-Z(v k) a°-bn¬ hf¿∂p. A°m-esØ a°-bpsS A¥-co£w XnI-®pw A‘Imcw \nd-™X - m-bn-cp-∂p. sIm≈bpwsImebpw hy`n-Nm-chpw aZy-]m-\hpw k¿∆{X-km-[m-cW - amb Cu Ccp-≠I - m-eL - ´- Ø - nepw apl-ΩZv (k) s‚ PohnXw AXy¥w {it≤-bhpw A\p-Ic - W - o-bh - p-am-bn-cp-∂p. kzmX-{¥y-Øns‚ A¥-co£-Øn¬t]mepw \nc-£c-\mb apl-ΩZ- v(k) XnI®pw kzbw \nb-{¥n-°m≥ Ign-hp-≈h - \ - m-bn-cp-∂p. A‘hpw aqVhpw {`m¥-hp-amb Hcp kaq-lØ - n¬ F√mw I≠pw tI´pw \mev]Xv sIm√w Pohn-®n´pw Id-]p-cf - mØ ]hn-{X-amb hy‡nXzw kq£n-°m≥ apl-ΩZ- v(k)\v Fßs\ km[n®p F∂Xv Ncn-{X-]Y - Ønse Hcp alm-hn-ka v b - a - mbn Ah-ti-jn-°p-∂p. hm°nepw {]hr-Øn-bnepw kXy-k‘ - a - mbn kq£n® apl-ΩZv(k)s\ a°m \nhmkn-Iƒ kvt\l-]q¿∆w A¬-Aa - o≥(hniz-kvX≥) F∂p hnfn-®p. \m¬]Xv Ign™ thf-bn¬ a°bv°v kao-]-ap≈ lndm F∂ Kpl93

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Jp-ssd-in-I-fpsS IÆn¬ {]hm-N-I≥ Ipe-t{Zm-ln-bmbncp-∂p. ]mc-º-cy-ßsf ]p—n-°p∂ A[n-Im-c-sØ A]-l-kn-°p∂ [n°m-cn. Xß-fpsS \n£n]vX XmXv]-cy-߃°v {]hm-N-I≥ hne-ßp-X-Sn-bm-sW∂v a\- n-em-°nb Jpssd-in-Iƒ At±-lsØ ITn-\-ambn ]oUn-∏n-°m≥ XpS-ßn, kmaqly _ln-jvI-cWw {]Jym-]n-®p. Ip´n-Isf hn´v Is√-dn-bn°pIbpw \S-h-gn-bn¬ ap≈v hnX-dp-Ibpw sNbvXp.

bn¬ {]hm-N-I≥ [ym\-\n-c-X-\m-hpI ]Xn-hm-bn-cp-∂p. Hcp Znhkw A¿≤-cm-{Xn-tbm-SS- p-Øt- ∏mƒ ssZh-Øns‚ ae°v Pn_vco¬ apl-Ω-Zv(k)s‚ apºn¬ {]Xy-£-s∏Sp-Ibpw hmbn-°phm-\m-hi - y-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNbvXp.- X-\n°v hmbn-°m-\-dn-bn-s√∂v ]d-™-t∏mƒ amemJ {]hm-NIs\ KmUm-enw-K\w sNbvXp. XpS¿∂v Hcp AZr-iy-hN- \ - Ø ns‚ kzcm- a rXw {]hm- N - I s‚ a\- n- t e°v Bgv∂n-d-ßn. ""hmbn-°p-I,- \ns∂ krjvSn® \mYs‚ \ma-Øn¬. Ah≥ a\p-jys\ H´n-∏n-Sn-°p∂ hkvXp-hn¬ \n∂v krjvSn-®p.- A-Xyp-Zm-c-\s{X \ns‚ \mY≥. XqenI sIm≠v ]Tn-∏n-®h - ≥. a\p-jys\ Ah≥ Adn-hn-√m-ØXv ]Tn-∏n®p''(hn.Jp). a\p-jys‚ ]nd-hn-sb-°p-dn®pw ssZh-Øns‚ k¿∆mXn- i - b - a mb krjvSn- s shZKv[y- s Ø°pdn®pw


⁄m\hn⁄m- \ - ß - f psS {]Nm- c - W sØ°pdn- ® pap≈ kq£va-kq-N-\-Iƒ Pn_vcoens‚ hm°p-I-fn¬ apgßn \n¬°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. kp]-cn-NnX hnizm-k-ß-fpsS ewL\w inem-t`-Z\w t]mse {ia-I-c-am-Wv. {]hm-N-Is‚ kao-]\w _e-{]-tbmK- Ø ns‚tbm lnwkm- fl - I - X - b p- s Stbm Bbn- c p- ∂ n- √ . BZ¿i- s ∏m- e n- a - b p≈ Hcp \h- t em- I - Ø ns‚ Nn{Xw At±lw hc-®p-Im-Wn-®p. AN-©-e-amb GI-ssZ-h-t_m[hpw k¿∆-kr-jvSn-I-tfm-Sp≈ kvt\lhpw Pohn-XsØ sFizcy ]q¿Æ-am-°n-Øo¿°p-sa∂v {]hm-N-I≥ t_m[ys∏-Sp-Øn. F∂m¬ A‘-Imcw XI¿Ø lrZ-bh - o-Wb - nse X{¥n-bn¬ thZ-hm-Iy-߃ Ne-\-ap-≠m-°n-bn-√.- Jp-ssd-inI-fpsS IÆn¬ {]hm-N-I≥ Ipe-t{Zm-ln-bmbncp-∂p. ]mcº-cy-ßsf ]p—n-°p∂, A[n-Im-c-sØ A]-l-kn-°p∂ [n°m-cn. Xß-fpsS \n£n]vX XmXv]-cy-߃°v {]hm-NI≥ hne-ßp-X-Sn-bm-sW∂v a\- n-em-°nb Jpssd-in-Iƒ At±-lsØ ITn-\-ambn ]oUn-∏n-°m≥ XpS-ßn. kmaqly _ln- j v I - c Ww {]Jym- ] n- ® p. Ip´n- I sf hn´v Is√- d nbn°pIbpw \S-hg- n-bn¬ ap≈v hnX-dp-Ibpw sNbvXp. Ahkm\w {]hm-N-Is‚ IY Ign-°p-hm≥ Xs∂ Ah¿ Xp\n™n-d-ßn. i{Xp-°-fpsS sImSnb a¿±\w kln-°-h-øm-Xmb-t∏mƒ {]hm-N-I\pw A\p-bm-bn-Ifpw bYvcnºnte°v \mSp-hn-Sm≥ Xocpam-\n®p. Ncn{X {]kn-≤-amb Cu ]memb\w lnPvd F∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂p.. £a-bp-sSbpw kl-\-Øns‚bpw hnim-e-amb IhmSw temI-Øn\v apºn¬ Xpd-∂psh® alm-\mb {]hm-N-Is\ kzoI-cn-®m-\-bn-°p-∂-Xn¬ bYvcn_pIm¿ a’-cn-®p. ]n¬°m-eØv bYvcn_v aZo-\Øp-\_vhn ({]hm-N-Is‚ \Kcw) F∂-dn-b-s∏-Sm≥ XpSßn. XpS¿∂p≈ kw`-h_ - l - p-ea - mb Pohn-XØ - n-eqsS amXrIm-tbm-Ky-amb Hcm-Z¿i-ka - q-lsØ hf¿Øn-sb-Sp-°p-hm≥ {]hm-NI - \v Ign-™p. {]hm-NI - s\bpw A\p-bm-bn-Is - fbpw kaq-l-{`-jvS-cm-°nb ]ecpw {]hm-N-Is‚ A\p-bm-bn-Ifmbn amdn. Cu AZv`pX {]hm-lØ - n\v tNmc-bpsS aWtam \n¿_-‘-Øns‚ \ndtam D≠m-bn-cp-∂n√ F∂Xv {it≤-bamb Hcp hnkva-b-am-Wv. BIm-i{KŸØnse Aaq-ey-h-N\-ßsf A\z¿∞-am-°n-s°m-≠p≈ Hcp kzm`m-hnI ]cnWm-aa - m-bn-cp∂p AXv. Znhy-t_m-[\ - ß - f - n-eqsS X\n°v e`n® ssZhnI hN-\-ß-fpsS kam-lm-c-amb hnip-≤-Jp¿ B\pw AXns‚ {]mtbm-KnI cq]-amb Xs‚ Ncybpw temI-Øn\v ka¿∏n-®p-sIm≠v {]hm-N-I≥(k) Adp-]-Øn-aq-∂m-asØ hb- n¬ Cu temI-tØmSv hnS-]-d-™p.

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

A-b¬hmkn hni-∂n-cns° hb-dp-\n-d-bv°p-∂-h≥ Xs‚ kap-Zm-b-Øn¬ s]´-h-\-s√∂pw X\n°v CjvS-s∏-Sp-∂Xv Xs‚ ktlm-Z-c\v CjvS-s∏-Sp-∂-Xp-hsc Bcpw kXy-hn-izm-kn-bm-hp-I-bn√ F∂pw {]hm-NI aXw ]Tn-∏n-®p. A\m-Y-bpsS Xe XS-hp-∂Xv t]mepw ]pWy-I-c-am-sW∂v {]Jym-]n® {]hm-N-I≥(k) AK-Xn-Iƒ°v Blmcw sImSp-°p-hm≥ kaq-lsØ t{]cn-∏n-®p. -am-dn¬ \n∂pw ape-∏mepw a\- n¬ \n∂pw kvt\lhpw Npc-Øp∂ amXm-hns‚ ]mZ-Øn≥ Iogn-emWv kz¿§w F∂v \_n(k) {]Jym-]n-®p.

ImcpWyw ssZhnI {]Xn-`m-k-am-Wv. aX-sa-∂p-≈Xv {]]-©\ - m-Yt- \mSpw kl-Po-hn-It- fm-Sp-ap≈ _‘-am-Wv. a\p-jy-_-‘-Øn¬ XmXv]cyw sIm≈msX ssZh-hpambn am{Xw kwh-Zn®pw temI-Øn-\p-th≠n cm]-I¬ thZm-¥s - am-gn™pw Ign-bp∂ tIh-es - amcp XØz-⁄m\n-bm-bn-cp-∂n√ {]hm-NI - ≥. ssZh-Øns‚ GI-Xz-Øn¬ Du∂n-bp-d®pw F√m krjvSn-I-tfmSpw kvt\lw {]ISn-∏n®pw Ign-™n-cp∂ {]hm-N-I≥(k) Ak-Zr-iy-\mb Hcp I¿Ω-tbm-Knbpw a\p-jy-kv-t\-lnbpw Bbn-cp-∂p. {]hm-N-Is\ Xs‚ injy-∑m¿ A\p-I-cn-®Xv t]mse temI-Ønse Hcp t\Xm-hn-s\bpw AtX-]Sn ]I¿Øphm≥ A\p-bm-bn-Iƒ {ian-®n-´n√ F∂Xv hnkva-b-I-camb Imcy-am-Wv. a\p-jy-\p-am-bp≈ _‘w \∂m-°mØ `‡s‚ Bcm-[-\-I-sfm-s°-bpw ]mgvthe-I-fm-sW∂v ]d™ {]hm-N-I≥(k) `qan-bn-ep-≈-h-tcmSv \n߃ IcpWImWn-®m¬ am{Xta ssZhw \nß-tfmSp Icp-W-Im-Wn-°pI-bp≈p F∂pw ]Tn-∏n-®p. Bcm-[\ - b - psS kZv^ew klPo-hn-I-tfmSv A\ymbw sNøp-∂-h¿°v Bkz-Zn-°m≥ km[n-°p-∂n√ F∂v ]d™ {]hm-N-I≥(k) ssZhn-IaXw a\p-jy\pw am\p-jn-I-_-‘-߃°pw \evIp∂ ÿm\w hy‡-am-°n. am\-hP - o-hn-XØ - ns‚ apgp-h≥ taJe-I-fnepw {]hm-N-I≥ [m¿Ωn-Im-≤ym-]\w \S-Øn. BZcWob\mb a\p-jy-ap-JØv t\m°n aµ-l-kn-°p-∂Xv t]mepw ]pWy-Ic - a - m-Wv.- A-b¬hmkn hni-∂n-cns° hbdp-\n-db - v°p-∂h - ≥ Xs‚ kap-Zm-bØ - n¬ s]´-h\ - s - √∂pw X\n°v CjvS-s∏-Sp-∂Xv Xs‚ ktlm-Z-c\v CjvS-s∏-Sp∂-Xp-hsc Bcpw kXy-hn-izm-kn-bm-hp-I-bn√ F∂pw {]hm-NI aXw ]Tn-∏n-®p. A\m-Y-bpsS Xe XS-hp-∂Xv t]mepw ]pWy-Ic - a - m-sW∂v {]Jym-]n® {]hm-NI - ≥(k) AK-Xn-Iƒ°v Blmcw sImSp-°p-hm≥ kaq-lsØ t{]cn-∏n-®p. -am-dn¬ \n∂pw ape-∏mepw a\- n¬ \n∂pw kvt\lhpw Npc-Øp∂ amXm-hns‚ ]mZ-Øn≥ Iogn-


emWv kz¿§w F∂v \_n(k) {]Jym-]n-®p. Xs‚ sIm®p-aI - ≥ A\m-YI - ƒ°pw AK-Xn-Iƒ°pw th≠n Iqºmcw Iq´n-bn-´n-cn-°p∂ Imc-°-bpsS tiJ-cØn¬ \n∂pw Hs∂-SpØv ISn-®-t∏mƒ B sIm®-cn-∏-√pI-fn¬ \n∂pw AsX-SpØv am‰nb Xpey-Xb - n-√mØ [m¿ΩnI-t_m-[Ø - ns‚ DS-ab - m-bn-cp∂p \_n (k). D∂X tKm{XØn¬ s]´ Hcp kv{Xo tamjvSn-°p-Ibpw Ahsc in£bn¬ \n∂v Hgn-hm-°-W-sa∂v ip]m¿i sNøpIbpw sNbvX-t∏mƒ Xs‚ aIƒ ^mXzn-a-bm-sW-¶nepw in£ \S-∏m-°p-sa∂v ]d™ AXp-ey-amb \oXn-t_m-[Ø - ns‚ DS-ab - m-bn-cp∂p {]hm-NI - ≥(k). kzX-{¥-ambn hnl-cn-®ncp∂ Hcp ]q®sb sI´n-bn-´-Xn-\m¬ AXns\ th≠ `£Ww e`n-°msX arXn-b-S-bm≥ Imc-W-°m-cn-bmb Hcp kv{Xo A°m-cWw sIm≠pXs∂ \c-Im¿l-bm-sW∂pw, Zmlm¿Øn-tbmsS acp-`q-an-bn¬ Ae™p \S∂ \mb aÆv \°nØn∂p∂ ImgvN I≠v a\- -en™ Hcp a\p- j y≥ Xs‚ ]mZ- c - £ - b qcn Bg- ° n- W - ‰ n- e n- d ßn sh≈w tImcn-s°m-SpØv AXns‚ Zmlw ian-∏n-®-Xns‚ t]cn¬ \nXy-hm-k-Øns‚ D∂X kz¿§-ß-fn-em-bn-cn-°psa∂pw \sΩ ]Tn-∏n®p X∂ kvt\l-kº - ∂ - \ - m-bn-cp∂p {]hm-N-I≥(k). ]d-°-ap-‰mØ GXm\pw ]£n-°p-™pßsf ]cn-°p-]-‰m-Ø-\n-e-bn¬ ]nSn-s®-SpØv Xs‚ AcnIn¬ h∂ A\p-bm-bn-sb I≠-t∏mƒ hnjm-Z-Øm¬ hnh¿Æ-\mbn Ah-sb F√mw Iq´n-en-cp∂v Ic-bp∂ X≈∏-£n-bpsS kpc-£n-XXz-Øn-te°v Xncn-t®¬∏n-°m≥ I¬∏n® arZp-e-a-\-kvI-\mb kvt\l-\n-[n-bm-bn-cp∂p {]hm-N-I≥(k). a\p-jy-cm-in-tbm-sS-∂√ {]Ir-Xn-bnse k¿∆-kr-jvSn-Pm-e-ß-tfmSpw kvt\l-Øn-s‚bpw ImcpWy-Øn-s‚bpw `mj-bn¬ A{X-am-{Xw- CgpIn-t®¿∂ {]hmN-I-]pwKh\m-bn-cp∂p apl-ΩZv \_n (k). Ipdn∏v : (k)˛k-√≈ - mlp Aem apl-ΩZv k√-≈mlp Asselnhk-√w. {]hm-NI - s‚ \maw tIƒ°p-tºmƒ hnizmkn-Iƒ \n¿_-‘a - mbpw sNmt√≠ {]m¿∞-\b - m-Wn-Xv.


t\l Fkv. \mb¿ 3-˛mw _m®v

"cpNn Adn-bp-∂Xv \mhm-Wv, cpNn Adn-bn-°p-∂-Xpw.' Blm-cØ - ns‚ cpNn Adn-bp∂ tPmen am{X-a√ - , ]d-bp∂ hm°p-If - n-eqsS \mhns‚ DS-a-bpsS cpNn shfn-hm-°p∂ ioehpw \mhn-\p-≠v. a\p-jys‚ D≈nse am[p-cyhpw Ibv∏pw ]pfnbpw temI-Øn\p ap∂n¬ hm°p-I-fn-eqsS {]Im-in-∏n-°p-∂Xv \mhm-Wt√m.. ck\{Kmtlym KptWm ck: k N a[pcmæehW ISpXn‡Ijmbt`ZmXvjUvhn[... F∂v hmKv`-S≥

\mb-I\pw tkh-I\pw \mw a\- n¬ ImWp-∂X - n-t\-°mƒ IqSp-X¬ I¿Ω-]c - n-]m-Sn-Iƒ A°-an-´p ]d-bm≥ \mhn\p km[n-°pw. CXn¬ ]d-bpI F∂Xv c≠m-asØ tPmen am{X-am-Wv. F∂m¬ {]Y-aÿ m\w hln-°p-∂Xv cpNn Adn-bn°pI F∂ Ign-hm-Wv. AXp sIm≠m-Wt√m ]t©-{µn-b-ß-fn¬ hneaXn-°m-\m-hmØ ÿm\w hln-°m≥ \mhn\p Ign-™-Xv.

LS\ t\¿Ø sXmen-sIm≠v s]mXn™ F´p t]in-Iƒ AXmWv \m°ns‚ LS-\. Cu t]in-I-fn¬ \mseÆw \m°v AI-tØm´pw ]pd-tØm´pw Atßm-´pw Ctßm-´psams° Nen-°m≥ klm-bn-°p-∂p. F∂m¬ _m°n-bp≈ \mep t]in-I-fm-Is´, B`y-¥c Imcy-ß-fn¬ apgp-In-bn-cn-°p-∂p.

cpNn-bpsS ]Sn-hm-Xn-ep-Iƒ H∂v \m°p \o´n t\m°q.. Nph∂ \nd-Øn¬ sIm®p sIm®p IpØp-Iƒ t]mse Ft¥m H∂v ImWp-∂p-≠-t√m. Ahsb ^wKnt^mw ]m∏n-√-Iƒ F∂v ]d-bp-∂p. -A-Xm-bXv cpNnsb Adn-bm≥ \mhns\ klm-bn-°p∂ ck-ap-Ip-f-ß-fpsS Ccn-∏n-SamWv ^wKnt^mw ]m∏n-√-Iƒ.

] ]co-£Ww ] ˛ ^nss\¬ Xtbm Im¿_-ssaUv cpNn Adn-bp∂ Imcy-Øn¬ F√m-h-cp-sSbpw Ignhv Hcp t]mse-b√ F∂v sXfnbn-°p∂ ]co-£-W-amWv ]n.-Sn.-kn. Cu ]co-£-W-Øn¬ ^nss\¬ Xtbm Im¿_ssaUv F∂ cmk-hkvXp cpNn®p t\m°n-bm¬ AXn¬ 70% Bfp-Iƒt° Ibv]v Xncn-®-dn-bm≥ tijn-bp-f-fq. Hcp ]t£ AXp-sIm-≠mhmw ]≠v tXbn-e-°-º-\n-Iƒ


KAMC Magazine 2010-11

\nXyhpw \mhv hSn-°p-∂Xv Im≥k-dn\v Imc-W-am-Ip-sa∂v Hcp hmZw. F∂m¬ adp-]-£Øv \mhv ÿnc-ambn hSn-°p-∂Xv \m°n¬ D≠m-tb-°m-hp∂ Im≥k¿ tImi-ßsf apf-bnte \p≈m≥ km[n-°p-sa-∂Xpw IqSmsX kwkvIrXw, a-e-bmfw apX-emb "t\m¨ s^mW-‰nIv' `mj-Iƒ ip≤-ambn ]d-bm≥ km[n-°p∂p F∂pw hmZn-°-s∏-Sp-∂p.

Cu ]co-£W - Ø - n\v tijw am{Xw So tSÿamsc \nb-an®psIm≠n-cp-∂-Xv.

\mhv hSn-°tWm? A£-ci - p-≤n-bn-√m-Øh - sc \Ωƒ Ifn-bm°pw; X\n°v \mhv H∂v hSn-®p-IqsS F∂v. F∂m¬ ]pXnb I≠p-]n-Sn-Øß - ƒ ]d-bp∂p F∂pw \mhv hSn-t°≠ F∂v. CsX¥m Cßs\ F∂v \ap°v kwi-b-ap-≠m-Imw. F∂m¬ CXn\p ]n∂nse imkv { Xob hiw a\- k n- e m- ° p- t ºmƒ Cu kwibw Zqco-I-cn-°-s∏-Spw. ico-c-Øns‚ GsX-¶nepw `mKØv XpS¿®bmbn G¬°p∂ Dc-ktem BLm-Xtam Aƒkdn\v Imc-W-am-Ip-sa∂v ]d-b-s∏-Sp-∂p. \nXyhpw \mhv hSn-°p-∂Xv Im≥k-dn\v Imc-W-am-Ip-sa∂v Hcp hmZw. F∂m¬ adp-]-£Øv \mhv ÿncambn hSn-°p-∂Xv \m°n¬ D≠m-tb-°m-hp∂ Im≥k¿ tImi-ßsf apf-bnte \p≈m≥ km[n°p-sa-∂Xpw IqSmsX kwkvIrXw, a-eb - mfw apX-

emb "t\m¨ s^mW-‰nIv' `mj-Iƒ ip≤-ambn ]d-bm≥ km[n°p∂p F∂pw hmZn-°-s∏-Sp-∂p. sshI-ey-߃ 1. Ne\ sshIeyw 2. ck-ap-Ip-f-߃ \in-®p-t]m-IpI 3. \m°ns‚ \ndw amdpI 4. \m°n-ep-≠m-Ip∂ tcma-h-f¿® \m°pw hm°pw `mjbpw kwkvIm-ch - p-ambn hen-sbmcp _‘-ap≠mv \m°n-\v. ImcWw hyRvP-\m-£-c-ß-fn¬ ]eXpw D®-cn-°p∂Xv \m°ns‚ klmbw sIm≠m-Wv. \m°ne F∂ {]tbmKw Xs∂ t\m°q.. \mhns‚ cq]-Øn¬ apdn® hmg-bn-e-tb-°mƒ tbmPn® as‰mcp kmayw Is≠-Øm-\m-Ip-tam..? \m°v Hcp Sq˛th C{µn-b-am-W∂v ]d-bmw. ImcWw ImgvNbpw, K‘hpw, i_vZh - p-w, cpNn-bp-sams° AXmXv C{µnb-ßf - n-eqsS AI-tØ°v IS-°p-tºmƒ \m°v `mjbpw kwKoX-hp-sa√mw ]pd-tØ°v sImSp-°pI IqSn sNøp-∂p-≠-t√m..!

j_od Ajvd^v 3-˛mw _m®v Eredità



{]Xojv ]-©-I¿Ω sXdm-∏nÃv


R߃ Hm¿°p-∂p, XymK-Øns‚ _en-°-√p-I-fn¬ PohnXw Fdn-™p-S®v \Ωƒ°mbn kzmX-{¥y-Øns‚ ]pe-cn-sh-fn®w \evInb [oc-tc....-\n-ßsf A`n-am-\m-Z-c-ß-tfmsS R߃ Hm¿°p-∂p.. "sh´n-ap-dn-°pI Im¬®-ße hnt`m.. s]m´n-s®-dn-bpIo ssIhn-eßpw' Aßs\ ]pXnb C¥y DW-cp-tºmƒ P\-X-bpsS t\mhpw s\Sp-ho¿∏p-Ifpw amdn sFiz-cy-Øns‚ kz¿§-`qan ]nd-°psa∂v \n߃ IcpXn. C∂v, Cu Ccp-]-sØm∂mw \q‰m-≠nepw \nß-fpsS In\m-hp-Iƒ CXƒ sImgn™p hogp-∂Xv lrZb hyY-tbmsS R߃ a\- n-em-°p∂p \ap°v \S-°m≥ hgn-sbm-cp-°nb Xo°-Xn-cp-Itf.... \nß-fpsS kz]v\-߃ Ii-°n-sb-dn-™v,- R-ß-fpsS taml-߃ No¥n-sb-dn™v C¥ysb A[n-Im-cn-h¿§w acp-`q-an-bm-°p-∂Xv \Sp-°-tØmsS R߃ A\p-`-hn-®-dn-bp∂p Ct∏mƒ temI km{am-PyXzw \qdp-tImSn C¥y-°m-cpsS sFIyw XI¿°m≥ KqUm-tem-N\ \S-Øp-∂Xv R߃ Adn-bp-∂p. hnL-S\ hmZn-I-fpw cmPy t{Zmln-Ifpw \ΩpsS {]nb-s∏´ P∑-`q-an-bpsS amdn¬ apdn-∏m-Sp-Iƒ hogvØp-∂Xv Akz-ÿ-X-tbmsS R߃ I≠-dn-bp∂p aX-au-enI hmZn-Ifpw h¿§ob tIma-c-ßfpw Hcp-a-bpsS {]im¥ XocØv Ass\-Iy-Øns‚ kp\m-an-Iƒ D≠m-°p-∂Xv Bfl thZ-\-tbmsS R߃ a\- n-em-°p∂p AsX, h¿Ø-am\ ImesØ {]Xn-k-‘n-I-fn¬ \n߃°p ssIØm-ßmbv, \n-ß-fpsS Bi-b-߃s°m∏w Rßfpap≠mIpw, C∂ns‚ bphXzw D≠m-Ipw.

KAMC Magazine 2010-11


sImßwsh≈w apl-ΩZv CIv_m¬ ]n. 4˛mw _m®v


]pXp-X-e-ap-d-bpsS apºn¬ {]Xnh¿jw HcXnYn-sb-t∏mse kulrZw ]pXp°n ]ncn-™p-t]m-hm-dp≈ B {]nb Zn\-߃ tNµ-aw-K-eq¿°m¿°v Hcp ]cn-[n-hsc Bth-ihpw, ]cn[n hn´m¬ \mi-\-jvS-hp-am-Wv. Rm≥ ]{¥≠mw ¢mkn¬ ]Tn-°p∂ Imew. A∂sØ tImcn-s®m-cnbp∂ ag-bn¬ Ft∏m-gmWv \n{Z-bn-te-°m-≠-sX-∂-dn-bn-√. ]Xn-hn-√mØ tImem-l-e-߃ tI´mWv ]nt‰ Znhkw Rm≥ Dd-°-ap-W¿∂-Xv. t\sc ]mS-tØ°v t\m°n. AXm Ccph-gn™n∏pg kwlmccq]n-Wnbmbn cu{Z`mhw ]q≠p hcp-∂p. H∂pw t\m°n-bn√ t\sc ]p¬∏-d-ºn-te°v t]mbn. tdmUn¬ s\cn-bm-Wn°v sh≈w. aPo-Zn-°b - pw, A_vZp-dl - n-am≥ Im°-bpw, Ip‰n-∏p-d≥ Im°bpw IS Hgn-°p-∂-Xns‚ Xnc-°n-em-Wv. Rm\pw IqSn Hcp klm-b-Øn\v. ]pg-sh≈w k¿∆-X-S- -ß-sfbpw t`Zn®v ap°nepw aqe-bnep-sa-Øn. tdmUn¬ _kn\p ]Icw tXmWn. tNµ-aw-K-eq¿ lb¿sk-°≠-dn-bn¬ AUvan-j\p h∂ Ip´n-Ifpw c£n-Xm-°fpw tXmWn Ibdn hcp∂p. CXp 2007 Pqsse 17. F√m-hc - p-sSbpw kwkmc hnjbw sh≈-s∏m°w Xs∂. Imc-Wh - ∑ - m¿ ]d-™p, sXmÆq-‰n-\m-en-emWv Cß-s\-sbmcp sh≈s∏m-°-ap-≠m-b-Xv. sXmÆq-‰n-\mev Bh¿Øn-®n-cn-°p-∂p! ]p¬∏-d-ºnse _tÃm∏v ap°m¬ `mK-tØmfw aqSn. Fs‚ Ab¬hmkn lao-Zm-°-bpsS ho´n¬ sh≈w Ib-dnØpSßn. Ah-sc√mw Aßv Kƒ^n-emWv. F√m-hcpw IqSn km[-\ß - s - f√mw apIƒ \ne-bn-te°v am‰n. klm-bØ - n-\m-tf-sd. Ip´nIsf kw_-‘n-®n-S-tØmfw CsXm-cm-thiw Xs∂. ]m≠n-bp-≠m-°Ww, R߃ Ip´n-Iƒ πm\n-´p. t\sc ho´n¬ t]mbn tXm¿Øp-ap-≠pw Syq_pw 101

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

ag Hc-\p-{K-l-hpw, -AtX kabw im]-hp-am-sW-∂Xv F{X A¿∞-h-Ømb {]tbm-K-am-Wv. ag Hcp `mKØv Poh\pw Ipfncpw \evIp-∂p, adp-h-iØv Zpc-¥-ßfpw IÆo¿ ag-Ifpw h¿jn-°p-∂p.

FSpØp h∂p. ASp-Øp≈ hmg-tØm-´Ø - n¬ sh´n-bn´ Bdp hmg-Ø-Sn-Iƒ Xc-s∏-Sp-Øn. ioa-s°m-∂-bpsS c≠p Isº-SpØv A‰-߃ Iq¿∏n- ® p, hmg- I sf XΩn¬ tbmPn- ∏ n®p; ]m≠n sdUn. R߃ ]m≠n-bp-ambn sh≈Øn-en-d-ßn. Nne¿ Syq_n¬. slm! Fs¥mcp lcw! ]mSw apgp-h≥ H∂p du≠-Sn-®p. Iq´w IqSn Hgp-Ip∂ Ddp-ºp-Iƒ, ac-Wsh-{]mfw ImWn-°p∂ sNdp-Po-hn-Iƒ. R߃Xn-cn®p Ib-dn. \√ hni-∏v. sh≈-s∏m°w tNµ-aw-Ke - q-cn-s\bpw ]cn-kc {]tZ-iß - s - fbpw H‰-s∏-Sp-Øn. sshZypXn, sSen-t^m¨ _‘-߃ hnt—-Zn-°-s∏-´p, P\-߃ _p≤n-ap-´n-em-bn. ag Hc-\p-{K-l-hpw, AtX kabw im]-hp-am-sW-∂Xv F{X A¿∞h- Ø mb {]tbm- K - a m- W v . ag Hcp `mKØv Poh\pw Ipfncpw \evIp-∂p, adp-h-iØv Zpc¥-ßfpw IÆo¿ ag-Ifpw h¿jn-°p-∂p. tNµaw-K-eq-cn\v \jvS-s∏-´Xv hne-a-Xn-°m-\m-hm-ØXmWv. Im¿jnI˛kmº-ØnI taJesb AXv \jvSØn-em-gvØn.

D®°p tijw R߃ F√m-hcpw ho≠pw HØp IqSn. hmg-Iƒ kwL-Sn-∏n®p ho≠pw ]m≠n- D≠m-°n. F√mhcpw AXn¬ Ib-dn. C\n-bmWp Xam-i. R߃ sImßw sh´m≥ t]mbn. CXmWv G‰hpw lc-ap≈ ]cn]m-Sn. sh≈s∏m°w ImcWw DS-aI - ƒ Dt]-£n® ImbvIfpw ]g-ßfpw Rß-sf-t∏m-ep≈ "]m≠n'-Iƒ°v Ah-Im-is - ∏-´X - m-Wv. Aßs\-sbmcp \m´p\S-∏p-≠v. Rßsfmcp hmg-tØm-´Ø - n\p t\sc \oßn. IqsS Icp-Xn-bn-cp∂ IØn-sIm≠v ]gpØp InS∂ hmg°p-eI - ƒ sh´n-sb-SpØp. Hen®p hcp∂ tXß-Ifpw ssI°em-°n. ]ghpw tXßbpw F√m-hcpw ]¶p-sh®p Xn∂p. kXyw ]d-bm-tem.. C{Xbv°p tSÃp≈ Hcp hn`hw Rm\nt∂ hsc Xn∂n-´n-√. sshIp-t∂-ca - m-bt- ∏m-tg°pw sh≈w Cd-ßn-Øp-Sß - nsb∂v thZ-\t- bmSp IqSn Rß-fd- n-™p. Iem-is - °m-´n\v t\cam-bn. R߃ tdmUn¬ \n∂v ]mS-tØ°v NmSn Ipfn-°m≥ XpS-ßn. DΩ h∂v hnfn-°p-∂p. t\cw k‘y-bmbn a\-kn√m a\-t msS Ipfn Ah-km-\n-∏n®p ho´n-te°p Xncn-®p. sh≈-s∏m°w ]e¿°pw I\Ø \mi-\-jvS-߃ hcp-Øn-bXv thZ-\b - p-≠m-°p∂ A\p-`h - a - m-sb-¶nepw sImßwsh≈w Fs‚ a\- n¬ _m°n-h® Hm¿Ω-bpsS Hmf-߃°v F∂pw a[pcw Xs∂-bm-Wv.

kmPnX sI. aq∂mw _m®v

A⁄mX h¬k-ew amK-kn\p th≠n krjvSn-Iƒ tXSn-bp≈ Ae-®n-en-\n-Sb - n¬ bmZr›n-I-ambn ¢mkvap-dn-I-fnse Nh-‰p-Ip-´-I-fn-te°v ZrjvSn ]Xn™p. Ip∏-bnse amWn-Iy-sa-∂h - Æw Btcm X≈nb c≠p IrXnIƒ CXm ChnsS shfn®w ImWp-∂p. ˛ FUn-‰¿

{]nb-s∏-´... ltem... {]nb-s∏´ Fs‚ Bbp¿thZ kplr-tØ... Fs∂ _m[n® Hcp tcmKsØ°pdn-®v Xm¶sf Rm≥ Adn-bn-®p-sIm-≈s - ´... Ipd-®p Ime-ambn CsXs∂ ]nSn-Iq-Sn-bn´v... Ie-ie - mbn XpS-ßntbm F∂mWn-t∏mƒ kwi-bw. tcmK-e-£-W-߃ Cß-s\. ˛ Nn-¥-I-fn¬ h¿Æ-{]-k-cn∏v. ˛ Im-hy-ß-tfmSpw kmln-Xy-ß-tfmSpw XmXv]cyw. ˛ kw-Ko-Xhpw Ah-bpsS ]Xn™ kzchpw Np≠n¬ Nncn-bp-W¿Øp-∂p. ˛ kz-]v\-߃ hf-sc-b-[nIw Fs∂ Ae-´p-∂p. ˛ Zn-h-k-ßsf Rm≥ Ae-k-ambn Nn¥n®p If-bp-∂p. ˛ a-\-sk∂ hnj-bsØ Rm≥ tXSp-∂p. ˛ H∏w a\-sk∂ IÆm-Sn-bnse _nw_-sØbpw. ˛ H-cm-fpsS am{Xw \£{XIÆp-Iƒ Hm¿Ω-bn¬ Xßn-\n¬°p-∂p, AX-Xz-m`n-\n-thi cq]-Øn¬ ImWp∂p. ˛ GtXm Ahy‡cq]sØ tXSn a\ p Id-ßp-∂p. ˛ A-jvSmw-K-lr-Z-b-Ønse ]ntØm-]-{I-a-Øn¬ ]d-™ CS-ß-fn¬ B IÆp-I-tfm-sSm∏w k©-cn°m≥ tXm∂p-∂p. ˛ C-ßs\ t]mIp∂p tcmK-e-£-W-߃. Rm\pw Xm¶-sf-t∏mse Xs∂ Bbp¿thZw ]Tn-°pI F∂ hgn-]m-Sn\v FØnbXmWv. F∂m¬ Cu tcmKw Xm¶ƒ°p NnIn-’n-°m-\mhpw Fs∂-\n°p {]Xo£ D≠v. ^okv Bbn Rms\s‚ PohnXw Xcm-sa∂v Dd∏p Xcp-∂p. {]Xo-£-I-tfmsS Hcp tcmKn......

\o BcmWv?... F¥nt\m th≠n Fs‚ a\ v C∂pw ImØn-cn-°p∂p Hcp ]t£ Hcn-Øncn kvt\l-Øn\p th≠n-bm-tWm.? F¥n-\mWv \o F∂n-te°v h∂Xv? Fs‚ kz]v\-ß-fn¬ C∂p \o am{X-am-Wp-≈Xv. \ns∂ ]ncn-bm-\m-hn-s√-\n°v. Cu PohnXw Rm≥ \n\°p Xcm-\m-{K-ln-°p∂p. ]q]-dn®pw ]qºm-‰-Iƒs°m∏w Ifn®pw BÀm-Zn-®p-√-kn-®n-cp∂ F∂n-te°v Hcp ag-Øp-≈n-t]mse h∂v Fs‚ lrZ-b-Øns‚ aWn-s®-∏n¬ C∂pw \o \nd™p \n¬°p∂p. Rm\-dn-bmsX F∂n-te°p h∂ \o Bcm-Wv..?

Love Vs. Infactuation



What is this elusive thing called “love” that everyone so desperately needs? Sometimes, we sort of like this girl because she is beautiful? Or the girl likes him because he is handsome? But this kind of “Cindrella Syndrome” when the girl is waiting for her Prince Charming is not real love. It is better known as “Infatuation”, and there is a vast difference between it and real love. Infatuation describes the intense range of feelings present at the beginning of most relationships; sweaty palms, rapidly beating heart, butterflies in the stomach. The world is a better, more beautiful place because the object of your affection is with you. Every time you touch is thrilling, you remember every conversation, and your thoughts revolve around them. In more common terms, this is a crush. Crushes are a very real, normal part of human life. Everyone experiences at least one crush at some point or another in their lives. Here are some feelings we have when infatuated that we don’t have when we’re feeling love. Some of the “symptoms” of infatuation are; feelings of panic, uncertainty, overpowering lust, feverish excitement, impatience, and / or jealously. When infatuated, we are thrilled, but not happy, wanting to trust, yet suspicious. There are lingering, nagging doubts about our “partner in infatuation” and their love for us. We’re miserable when they’re away, almost like we’re not complete unless we’re with them. It’s a rush and it’s intense. It’s difficult to concentrate. When infatuated we experience a surge of dopamine that rushes through the brain causing us to feel good. Norepinephrine flows through the brain stimulating production of adrenaline (pounding heart). Phenylethalimine (found in chocolate) creates a feeling of bliss. Irrational romantic sentiments may be caused by oxytocin, a primary sexual arousal hormone that signals orgasm and feelings of emotional

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

Infatuation discourages any real disagreements from taking place. You both are on your best behavior during all the time you spend together. Anything that could cause a discrepancy to the idea of a perfect relationship is avoided. Everything is perfect, and no one wants to mess that up.

attachment. Together these chemicals sometimes override the brain activity that governs logic. The body can build up tolerance to these chemicals so it takes more of the substance to get that special feeling of infatuation. People who jump from relationship to relationship may be craving the intoxicating effects of these substances and may be “infatuation junkies”. When the chemical flood dries up, the relationship either moves into a loving romantic one or there is disillusionment, and the relationship ends. Love, on the other hand, is a calmer, more mature feeling. It is a sense of stability. Love is still exciting, at times. It can change day-to-day. Love takes work. The feelings are not supported by the rise of hormones, but by a shared love and respect for each other. Love is what exists after infatuation fades, if you are lucky. Infatuation and love are different in many ways. While both result in pleasant feelings, the feeling of infatuation is more intense than the feeling of love. Love may not be as intense, but it is usually a much deeper emotion. Relationships that start as infatuation can mature into love.


One of the biggest differences between infatuation and love is how long each can last for. Infatuation can last, at most, several months before it starts to fade. Love, on the other hand, is capable of lasting fifty years or more, if both people in the relationship work for it. Infatuation is almost effortless. Anything put into the relationship is because you want to. Everything you do for the other person brings great pleasure for you too. This isn’t always the case in love. You do things that you don’t want to do, things that you will get no pleasure from, because it is the fair thing to do. Love is about compromise. Infatuation and love are both different in the amount of unpleasant tension that is part of the relationship some days. Infatuation discourages any real disagreements from taking place. You both are on your best behavior during all the time you spend together. Anything that could cause a discrepancy to the idea of a perfect relationship is avoided. Everything is perfect, and no one wants to mess that up. Love allows people to be who they really are. While arguments aren’t encouraged, they happen. Sometimes they happen a lot, especially in times of stress. Love is admitting that your partner has faults, and so do you, but that is okay. You have realistic expectations of each other. Love is accepting. Infatuation and love are two separate emotions, and similar in some ways. However Infatuation is like a shiny new pair of dress shoes, where as love is the comfy old sneakers you’ve had for years. Infatuation is fun, while it lasts. Eventually, though, the night out ends, and you slip into the sneakers that fit perfectly, even if they are starting to give at the seams and the tread is worn out. This is what happens in relationships. As the brilliance of infatuation fades, couples move into a contented place where, even if there are problems, they know they can depend on one another to provide the love and support they need. That is the difference between infatuation and love.


AJnj ]fl-\m-`≥ 4˛mw _m®v


Kp¬tam-l¿ ]qØ-t∏mƒ

Rmb-dmgvNbmb-Xn-\m¬ ]Xn-hp-t]mse sshIn Fgpt∂‰p tImem-bn¬ Ccp∂p Nmb-bpsS Cfw-NqSv Bkz-Zn®p IpSn-°p-∂-Xn-\n-S-bn-em-Wv ]{Xw H∂p hmbn°mw F∂ Nn¥ a\-kn¬ h∂-Xv. Xnc°p ]nSn® Hm^okv bm{X-Iƒ ImcWw ]Xn-hmbn sshIp-t∂-c-ß-fn-em-bn-cp∂p ]{X-hm-b-\. ]ns∂ Hm^o-kn¬ sh®v "Z lnµp 'H∂v HmSn®p t\m°p-Ibpw PohnX Ncy-bm-b-Xm-Wv. ]ns∂ bm{X-Iƒ°n-S-bn¬ hmbn®p Xo¿°m-dp≈ _n n-\ v amK-kn-\p-Iƒ... Xnc-s™-Sp∏v hm¿Ø-I-fn-eq-sSbpw, tIm-a¨sh¬Øv hnti-j-ß-fn-eq-sSbpw, Imivao¿ a[y-ÿ-{]-iv\-Øn-eq-sS-bpw IS∂p t]mbXn\p tijw s]´-∂mWv ac-W-t°m-f-Øns‚ Xmsg-bmbn InS-°p∂ t^mt´m {i≤-bn¬s∏-´-Xv. ˛ dlow apl-ΩZv 10-˛mw Nc-a-hm¿jnIw. ]I-ens‚ \c® shfp∏p\ndw a\- n-te°v Cc-®p-I-b-dp-∂-Xmbn tXm∂n. Hcp]mSv Imew Xs∂ thZ-\n∏n® th¿]mSv C∂v ad∂p t]mbn-cn-°p-∂p, ad-∂-X-√.- sjb¿ am¿°‰pw, _n-kn-\- pw,- Hm-^o-kv Xn-c-°p-Ifpw \nd-™ a-\- n¬ \n∂v B Hm¿Ω-Iƒ F√mw am-™p-t]m-bn-cn-°p∂p. kulr-Z-Øn\pw A¬jn-tagvkv _m[n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. Imºkv kulrZw ]c-kv]cw c≠v Zni-I-fn-te°v ]mbp∂ Xoh-≠n-Iƒ t]mse-bm-Wv. a\- n¬ kz]v\-Øns‚, {]m-cm_vZ-ßfpsS Xoøpw \nd®v e£y-Øn-te°v IpXn-°p-∂-Xn-\n-Sbn¬ Iymºkv F∂ tÃj-\n¬ h®v I≠p-ap-´p-∂p...- kz-]v\߃ ]¶n-Sp-∂p.... -ho≠pw IqIn-bm¿Øv Ccp-Zn-i-I-fn¬... ]pXnb temIw ]pXnb kulr-Z-߃....


KAMC Magazine 2010-11

XWpØ ]mds°´p-I-ƒ°nS-bn-eqsS HmSn-°-fn® {]W-b-Øn\v Imen-S-dn-bXv Kp¬tam-l¿ ]q°m≥ XpS-ßn-b-t∏m-gm-Wv. IS-∏m-Sns‚ t]cp-]-d™v Ahƒ {]W-bsØ AΩm-h-∑m¿°p-ap-∂n¬ ASn-bdsh®-t∏mƒ Kp¬taml¿ ac-߃°v Iosg Rm≥ X\n-®m-bn-cp-∂p... kulr-Z-Øn\v A∂pw hk-¥-am-bn-cp-∂p..

bqWn-th-gvkn‰n Iymº-kn-¬ {]oUn{Ko ¢m n¬ h®mWv dlo-ans\ BZy-ambn I≠-Xv. A∂v Rm≥ ]Ømw ¢mkp Ign™ Hcp X\n \m´n≥]p-d-Øp-Im-c-\mbn-cp-∂p. ]mT-]p-kvX-I-Øn-\-∏p-dsØ temI-a-dn-bmØ Xs∂ kaq-l-Øn-te-°v,- hn-π-h-Øn-te-°v, Pohn-X-bmYm¿∞y-ß-fn-te°v Xpd∂p hn´Xv dlow Bbn-cp-∂p. henb bqWn-th-gvkn‰n Iymº-kns‚ Ing°p hiØmbn InS-°p∂ tlmÃ-en¬ Hcpan®v Xma-kn-®n-cp∂ 244˛mw \º¿ apdn. h¿j-߃ ]g°w sN∂ B apdn hfsc CSp-ßn-b-Xpw,- Np-h-cp-I-fn¬ \ndsb ]q¿∆n-I-∑mcpsS ssIsøm∏p ]Xn-™Xpw Bbn-cp-∂p. Nph-cp-I-fn¬ knK-d‰p Ip‰n ]Xn-∏n® ]mSp-Iƒ. F¶nepw kulrZw ]qØp-X-fn¿°m≥ B tlmìapdn aXn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. 245 se cmtP-jv, cLp F∂n-ßs\ tlmÃ-ense ko\n-tbgvknepw Pq\n-tb-gvkn-ep-ambn hym]n®v InS∂p, kulr-ZØns‚ thcp-Iƒ. kulrZw bu∆-\sØ aZy-°p-∏n-I-fn¬ \pW™v, B¿∏phnfn-I-tfmsS Iymº-kns‚ CS-\m-gn-Isf apJ-cnX-am-°n. hnπ-h-Øn¬ \n∂p {]W-b-Øns‚ temI-tØ°v hmXn-ep-Iƒ Xpd∂p X∂Xv Iymº-knse Kp¬taml¿ ac-߃ Bbn-cp-∂p. Ahbv°pXmsg "tÃm¨ s_©n'¬ CS-th-f-bn¬ kz]v\-߃ ]¶p-sh® {]W-b-Øn\v kulrZw sh≈hpw hfhpw C´p Xcn-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. ]n∂oSv aq∂v h¿jw ininchpw, h¿jhpw, hk-¥-hpw... EXp-°ƒ amdn amdn IS∂p t]mbXv R߃ Adn™n-cp-∂n-√.... Iymº-kns‚ At°-jym-a-c-߃ AXv Hm¿an-∏n-°m-\mbn ]qØp \n¬°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. _‘-߃°p EXp-t`Zw D≠m-bn-s°m-≠n-cp-∂p. XWpØ ]mds°´p-I-ƒ°nS-bn-eqsS HmSn-°-fn® {]W-b-Øn\v Imen-S-dn-bXv Kp¬tam-l¿ ]q°m≥ XpS-ßn-b-t∏m-gm-Wv. IS-∏m-Sns‚ t]cp-]-d™v Ahƒ {]W-bsØ AΩm-h-∑m¿°p-ap-∂n¬ ASn-bdsh®-t∏mƒ Kp¬taml¿ ac-߃°v Iosg Rm≥ X\n-®m-bn-cp-∂p... kulr-Z-Øn\v A∂pw hk-¥-am-bn-cp-∂p.. Iymº-kn\p ]pdØv Cd-ßn-b-t∏mƒ PohnXw sh√p-hn-fn-Iƒ Db¿Øn ap∂n¬ \n¬°p-∂p≠m-bn-cp-∂p. s]mcpXn Pbn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p e£yw. AXn-\mbn, a\-x]q¿∆as√-¶nepw hen-s®dn-bp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂nt√ kulr-Z-߃? HSp-hn¬ kplr-Øns‚ acWhnhcw Adn-™-Xp-Xs∂ 2 amk-Øn-\p-ti-jw. Hm^o-knse Xnc-°p-Im-cWw Hcp Hm´-{]-Z-£nWw t]msebmWv Ahs‚ ho´p-Imsc t]mbn I≠-Xv. H∂p c≠p h¿j-tØmfw Hm¿Ω-I-fn¬ \nXy kµ¿i-I-\m-bn-cp∂p Ah≥. {]mcm-_v[-߃ Pohn-X-Øns‚ Xoc-tØ°v ASn®pIb-dn-b-t∏mƒ Hm¿a-Iƒ am™p t]mbn-cn-°-Ww. cmhnse ]{X-sa-Sp-Ø-t∏mƒ a\-kn-te°v HmSn-h∂ bqWn-th-gvkn‰n Iymºkpw ap{ZmhmIy apJ-cn-X-amb CS-\m-gn-Ifpw Kp¬taml¿ ac-ßfpw ]ns∂ dloapw H∂p c≠p Znh-k-tØmfw a\- n¬ \n¬°pambn-cn-°mw. Hcp ]s£ Xnc-°ns‚ Xnc-am-e-Iƒ Ah-sb F√mw Fhn-tS-s°-¶nepw sIms≠-Øn-t®-°mw.



Dr. Adarsh E.K MD(AY) Dept. of Panchakarma

UNDERSTANDING COMPLICATION OF STHOULYA W.S.R.T KRICHRAVYVAYA AND SUKRALPATHA The new millennium sun is rising brightly on the horizon yet the people’s life all over the globe is sinking in the sea of despair and agony. Today’s way of fast life styles has brought more stress, depression and many unexplained ailments to mankind. Obesity results when too much fat accumulates in the body. A person is normally considered obese when his or her weight is 20% over the normal weight for height and age. The Body Mass Index (BMI) measures 30 or more. Now recognized as a serious medical problem, Obesity affects about 30% adults and about 14% of children and adolescents in the U.S. It has been recognized that medical condition such as Obesity can alter a persons sexuality. Complications of Sthoulya Ayushahrasa deficient in longevity. Javoparodha slow in movement. Krichravyavaya difficulty to indulge in sexual Intercourse. Dourbalya weakness. Dourgandhya bad smell. Swedabada excessive sweating. Kshudatimatra excessive hunger. Pipasatimatra excessive thirst. Among these complications, I am highlighting the Krichravyavaya, it means difficulty in sexual act or reduced sexual desire due to Sthoulya. This may disturb the personal relations, and the person can’t ever share the feelings to others and get any advice from his friends circle. So this is a major problem in the personal relations, and that is why I have taken this subject to discuss here. In Ayurveda Krichravyavaya is considered as one of the Ashta doshas of Sthoulya.Vyavaya means sexuality which refers to an individual’s sexual attitudes behavior and practices. It is considered as an integral part of our personality. 108

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

Obese individual commonly experience some sexual dissatisfaction or sexual difficulties related to their weight. In male, for examples it has been proven that Obesity can lower sexual satisfaction and cause erectile dysfunction. The relationship between males and females sexual dysfunction is less clear, though obesity may lead to reduced sexual desires in women. The Sukrabahulatha i.e. sukralpatha is also considered as one of the complication due to Sthoulya. (Ch.Su. 21/4). The research showed that 20 pounds increased in men’s weight may increase the chance of infertility by about 10%. A study conducted researches in America Cancer Society, About 200 men aged between 51 and 88 were involved in the study. Of that number 34% reported moderate to severe sexual difficulty. These men had large waistlines. The sthoulya is considered as santharpana janya vyadhi and it’s a condition. Sthoola is one among the ashta ninthitha purusha and also a kaphanantmaja vyadhi.

among the etiology for impotency. And other etiologies like medical problems also having the partial relation between the impotency and Obesity. Here I am going to explain about this for your better understanding. Impotency & E D in Obesity

Eteopathology of Krichravyavaya in Sthoulya

General etiology of Impotency and Erectile dysfunction Medical problems: Diabetes, Vascular disease, Low testosterone Poor habits: Excessive alcohol, Smoking, Obesity, Lack of exercise When we go through the context of impotency in contemporary science we will get that Obesity is also one


Physical changes: Obese people may experience social stigmatization, discrimination and prejudice because of their weight. The poor self esteem and body image affect overall sexuality. Over weight people may feel like sexual misfits, unattractive and undesirable, causing them to avoid potential or actual sexual relationships. Generally, the people who consider their weight to be a real problem and who seek treatment are those who have the highest rates of sexual problems. “Psychological issues may lead you to use your weight as a mean of avoiding relationships or intimacy” Vascular changes: “Obese patients also have an increased prevalence of vascular risk factors” Obesity does impose a risk to vasculogenic impotence by developing chronic vascular disease like Atherosclerosis Healthy circulation and blood flow are necessary to maintain erection. Impotency often causes loss of elasticity of the arteries - a condition causing poor circulation and impairing blood flow because atherosclerosis is a specific form of arteriosclerosis affecting primarily the intima of large and medium sized muscular arteries and is characterized by fibro fatty plaques or atheromas. Hormonal changes: “Obesity affects testosterone levels”


Testosterone levels drops in men who are overweight or obese. Male obesity and excess abdominal adipose tissue accumulation is associated with reductions in gonadal androgen and low adrenal C19 steroid concentrations. Reduced C19 steroids are also related to an altered metabolic risk factor profile including glucose intolerance and an atherogenic dyslipidemic state. However, the concomitant visceral obese state appears as a major correlate in these associations. In both men and women, plasma levels of sex hormone-binding globulin are strong correlates of obesity, and more importantly, the relationships between low SHBG and altered plasma lipid levels appear to be independent from the concomitant increased levels of visceral adipose tissue. SHBG concentration may, therefore, represent the most important and reliable marker of the sex hormone profile in the examination of the complex interrelation of sex steroid hormones, obesity. Low plasma levels of SHBG and free testosterone have been associated with increased insulin resistance and risk for type 2 diabetes in males. Plasma levels of SHBG and free testosterone are primarily related toinsulin resistance or to generalized and regional adiposity. Conclusion: If sukralpata or krichravyavaya is due to sthoulya, then vajeekarana chikitsa may not be helpful because in sthoulya the nourishment and regulation of all the dhatus is essential, By vajeekarana chikitsa only the sukra dhathu will be nourished. Obesity has a negative impact on the outcome of treatment of infertility. Weight reduction programme should be an essential component of infertility management. Obese individuals report higher incidences of sexual difficulties due to their weight (lack of sexual enjoyment, lack of sexual desire, difficulty with sexual performance, and avoidance of sexual encounters) A higher BMI is associated with a greater impairment in sexual quality of life Sexual quality of life is impaired in obese women more than in obese men, possibly because women place a greater importance on body image. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to have problems with sexual performance. Lifestyle changes are associated with improvementin sexual function in about one third of obese men with erectiledysfunction at baseline


\oXp taml≥ c≠mw _m®v

Hcp \nanjwsIm≠v ac-W-Øns‚ Cu XWp∏v; Ak-l-\obw! AXn-\m-em-Imw, IØn-ap-\-I-fpsS apdn-s∏-Sp-Ø-ep-Iƒ t\mh-dn-bn-°p-∂n√. C\n kq£n-®v, AsXs‚ lrZ-b-am-Wv. anSn∏v \ne-®p-sh-¶nepw AXn¬ \ndsb Fs‚ kz]v\-ß-fmWv. Fs‚ \jvS-kz-]v\-߃ C∂v ac-W-Øns‚ IdpØ \ndw Nm¿Ønb h¿W-kz-]v\-߃. ]d-b-s´... C∂pw Hcp kz]v\w-IqSn Rm\-Xn-te°v tN¿Øn-cp-∂p. \m´p-h-gn-bn-te°v IÆpw \´n-cn-°p∂ AΩ-bpsS aSn-bn-te°v ]W-s°m-gp∏v \nd™ Cu \K-c-Øn¬\n∂v Hcp Xncn-®p-t]m°v. Hcp \nan-jw-sIm≠v, Hcp Iq´n-bn-Sn-sIm≠v Fs‚ kz]v\-߃s°m∏w XI¿∂p-ho-WXv thdm-cp-sStbm kz]v\-߃ tXSn-bp≈ bm{X-Iq-Sn-bm-Wv. Xncn-®p-h-c-hns‚ bm{X-bv°n∂v Idp-∏p-\n-d-am-sW-¶nepw Fs∂ Np‰n-s∏m-Xn-™n-cn-°p∂ XpWn°v Xqsh-≈-\n-d-ap-≠v.

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

Growth of racism through the misuse of history

Vinod Guruprasad I-batch


The word racism means the belief that certain races are better than others. This promotes discrimination against or hostility towards other races. Racism and Racist beliefs has been growing in India since the last two centuries. This can be related inseparably with the establishment of East India Company in India. In history, India was a country where society stood in the form of a network comprising hundreds of castes and creed. It was into this system that Islam arrived. Although the Muslims were able to achieve political strength through military invasions, they were not interested in altering the social and cultural systems of that time. The Muslims which consisted mainly of the Turks and the Mughals were ready to accept anyone into Islam religion, regardless of cast, creed, sex, occupation etc. often these conversions where conducted by force. The Muslim rulers often gave more political rights and other privileges to the Muslims than to those enjoyed by the local citizens. But such Muslims were also imposed with heavier taxes. Anyway none of this led to any kind of religious conflicts or racist ideologies. Indian history is featured with warfare and battles. But, a fact to be noted is that all these battles were fought for money, property, water resources, fertile land etc. Such battles were fought even in the capitalist European lands and Asian countries who considered themselves superior to others. In short these battles and atrocities were not confined to India alone. Battles were fought between the Kings of Vijayanagara and The Bahmini Sulthans in order to gain control over the Raichur region 111

The revolts by the Indians during the nineteenth century against the British rule are well familiar to all of us. The British later realized that military strength alone could not help them to gain supremacy. They needed to gain support by will and not by force. ○

enveloped between the Krishna, Ganga and the Tungabhadra rivers. The struggles by the Cholas at the heights of Valayar and Kodungallur in order to protect the safe transportation and business through the Arabian Sea are famous in kerala history. The looting of temples for gold and jewels kept there was also common. The Lingayathanas and Paramaras of Karnataka and the Colankis of Gujarat have also conducted such temple robberies. The looting of Somnath temple of Gujarat was also such an instance, but this incident was related to religion and modified for racist purposes during 20th century. The conflicts regarding Ramajanmabhumi and Babary mosque also rose during the 20th century. Why are such historical incidents being subjected to controversies? Discovery of historical facts depend upon archaeological findings, excavations and evidences. For example the ancient civilization like The Indus Valley civilization were discovered based upon the evidences collected from archaeological sites like Harappa and Mohenjedaro. But the rumors that this civilization mainly consisted mainly of the Aryans are simply fabricated. Rumors that the skeleton of an Ox collected from Harappa was that of a horse was also such a fabricated talk. These people argue that the Indian horses of that time had one 112

pair of ribs lesser than other horses. The making up of such stories regarding historical events can be doubted to be a part of a well planned conspiracy. The revolts by the Indians during the nineteenth century against the British rule are well familiar to all of us. The British later realized that military strength alone could not help them to gain supremacy. They needed to gain support by will and not by force. Eventually, they undertook the policy of ‘Divide and Rule’. They achieved this aim by inducing enemity among the various states and by establishing their ideological superiority. Initially the British went around with their policy by inducing wars between the various kings and rulers of the state. Later, during the nineteenth century, they began inducing enemity among the different religions and communities. Moves were on to destroy the whole Indian Nation. They began to collaborate religious beliefs with politics. The British picturised India as a country where religion ruled. They showcased the Indian history into Indian religious invasion. One century later, it was the British itself who mislead the people of India to think that the basis of nationalism was religion. This act eventually led to the splitting of India into two countries. According to the available knowledge, the colonialists arrived in India during the first part of the 18th century. ‘The History Of British India’ was a book which quotes the history of British India written by the 19th century British

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

The Indian historians renamed the Hindu phase, Muslim phase etc into the old age, medieval age etc. They described the foreign invasions as invasion over wealth and property. As a result the Turks and Mughals were to be thought of as robbers. This further lead to hatred between the Hindus and Muslims. ○

philosopher and imperial political theorist James Mill. It was published in 1818. This history went into many editions and during the 19th century, became the standard reference work on its subject among the British imperialists. It is this book, which separates the Indian history into various time phases. The division is into 3 time phases viz. The Hindu phase, Muslim phase and British phase. This opinion was accepted and followed by everyone. It was from this book onwards that the religious beliefs of the kings and rulers were used to divide the Indian history into different periods based upon religion. The book describes upon false statements that the Hindu religion alone existed in India before the invasion by the Turks. Actually, India also had followers of Buddhism and Jainism which is not accepted by James Mill. Similarly, he also hides the fact that there were nonMuslim rulers in India during the Muslim phase described in his work. According to the naming of the first two phases, the third phase has to be named as Christian phase, but Mill clearly named it as British phase, as he knew that, if it were to be named into Christian phase, the whole


Indian nation would be united against the British invasion .But this had to be averted. ‘The history of British India’ purports to be a study of India in which James set out to attack the history, character, religion, literature, arts and laws of India. They begin with a preface in which Mill tries to make a virtue of having never visited India and of knowing none of its native languages. To him these are guarantees of his objectivity, and he boldly claims“A duly qualified man can obtain more knowledge of India in one year in his closet in England that he could obtain during the course of the longest life, by the use of his eyes and years in India.” Mill goes on in this preface to say that his work is a “critical or judging history”, encompassing singularly harsh attacks on Indian customs and a backward culture which he claims to be notable only for superstition, ignorance and the mistreatment of woman. Unfortunately, the response of the Indian historians towards Mill’s work also led to the rise of racism. The Indian historians renamed the Hindu phase, Muslim phase etc into the old age, medieval age etc. They described the foreign invasions as invasion over wealth and property. As a result the Turks and Mughals were to be thought of as robbers. This further led to hatred between the Hindus and Muslims. There the Indian historians unknowingly helped the growth of racism instead of describing the truth. Lord Mac Ak described the book by James Mill as the second best literary history in English language. This book was one of the approved text books in the Hallebary College of London where the civil service officers being deputed to India were trained. Later the Judges, civil servants, viceroys etc who reached India also began to analyze India through Mill’s book. They believed that India consisted of two communities constantly fighting against each other. They thus furthered increasing the separation and enemity between the two communities and thus establish the supremacy over the Indian nation.


The British ideologies and English education led to the formation of a middle class among the citizens. The people were also influenced by the growing racist ideas which led to the further and faster growth of racism in India. It is when religion, caste etc are used for political purposes that racism grows. Religion is based upon ones own personal beliefs and it should be limited within oneself. It should never be used to create political barriers. Caste is simply an idea kept in ones mind. It does not have any value in real life. The social and cultural reforms that were undertaken in India and Kerala also aimed primarily at the abolition of caste system and other undue rituals like Sati, Dowry etc. But unfortunately, the corrupt politicians of today are trying to protect the caste system in order to safe-guard their high positions and monitory profits. They aim at ach-ieving high posi-tions by either bribing or by worki-ng for their on castes. Hence we can understand that racism is the highest weapon that can destroy the Indian nation. As 114

Indian citizens, we all must be aware of this and must aim at promoting nationalism and unity. Our country is a place where ‘Unity exists in Diversity’. We all must safeguard this unity against all odds. The most fertile land for growth of racism is young minds. Educational institutions are the place where youth are gathered in large numbers. There, education must aim at abolishing racism and educational institutions must be aware about the entry of racist ideas into their campuses. In this context it should be remembered that we all live in a state where Brother Ayyappan lived who preached ‘NO’ towards Caste, Religion etc. We live in a country where our Father of Nation Gandhiji lived and preached universal brother hood. Ideas of brotherhood must be spread far abroad. As students, we all must sow the seeds of brother-hood in our own campuses and cultivate this in our entire nation. Let the crops of brotherhood grow far and wide.

‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

hn.-Fw. Zmtam-Z-c≥ kwkvIrX hn`mKw

Bbp¿thZw `mcXw + kwkvIrXw =

`mcXw! {ihWkpJZamb ]Zw. `mkn¬ cXn°p-∂Xv `mc-Xw. Bflob {]Im-i-Øm¬ tim`n-°p∂Xv F∂mWv B hm°n¿∞w. C{X at\m-⁄-amb A¿∞-ap≈ cmPy-\maw hnc-fw. B¿j kwkvIm-cØns‚ ]cn-afw B t]cn¬ Xs∂ {]k-cn-°p-∂X - mbn ImWmw. ]ucm-WnI {]kn-≤-amb `mcX kwkvIm-cØnepw al-Ømb XØz-kw-ln-X-I-fnepw ]mc-º-cyß- f nepw A¤p- X hpw Akq- b bpw D≈- h - c mWv hntZi cmjv{S-߃t]m-epw. hm¬ao-In-bp-tSbpw hymk-t‚bpw `c-Zzm-Pt- ‚Ppw ssNX-\y-[\ - y-amb Nn¥Ifpw kwkvIm-chpw BZ¿i kwln-XI - f - p-amWv \mw Dƒs°m-≈p∂-Xv. thZ-ßfpw ]pcm-Wß - fpw CXn-lmk-ßfpw Ah Fgp-X-s∏´ kwkvIr-X-`m-jbpw `mcX-Øns‚ al-Xz-ß-fpsS \n[n-ti-J-c-Øn¬s∏Sp-∂p. +½Æþ ¥ÉÀÉκ¨É, iÉi´É¨ÉʺÉ, ºÉ´ÉÈ JÉα´ÉnÆù ¥ÉÀ XpS-ßnb D]\n-jZv hymIy-߃ \ΩpsS thZ-a-{¥-ß-fm-Wv. ]©- a - t hZw F∂- d n- b - s ∏- S p∂ alm- ` m- c - X Øn¬\n∂pw BZn-Im-hy-amb hm¬ao-In-cm-am-b-WØn¬\n∂pw sImfp-Ønb Zo]-b-jvSn-I-fmWv `mcXob kmln-Xy-Øns‚ ssIap-X¬. Cu ss]Xr-IØns‚ DS-aI - f - mbXn\m-emWv temI-cm-jv{S-߃ `mcXo-bsc _lp-am-\n-°p-∂X - v. am\-h¿ a‰p cmPy-ßf - n¬ P\n®v I¿Ω-^ew A\p-`-hn®v t¢in®v `mc-X-Øn¬ ]p\¿P-\n®v tam£w {]m]n-°p-∂-p F∂v ]d-b-s∏-Sp∂Xv AXn-i-tbm-‡n-]-c-a-√. kwKoX kmln-Xym-ZnIe-I-fn¬ XpS-ßmw. `mc-Xo-b¿°v Ie-Iƒ 64 BWv. AXn¬ {][m\w kwKoXw Xs∂. CXn¬ `mc-Xob hn⁄m\w A]mc-am-Wv. kwKoXw F∂Xv KoXw hmZyw \rØw F∂nh Eredità

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]mWn-\n-al - ¿jn Cu hnj-bØ - n-sem-cX - n-Im-b\ - m-Wv. ]X-RvPenbpw hc-cp-Nnbpw kXo¿∞y-cm-sW∂pw ]c-kv]cw a’-cn®n-cp∂hcm-sW∂pw ]d-bs - ∏-Sp-∂p. ]mWn-\nsb A¤pX a\pjy-s\∂v hnti-jn-∏n-°p-∂h - c - p-≠v. At±-lØ - ns‚ i_vZh - ni-Ie - \ coXn-bmWv bqtdm-]y≥ `mjm-im-k{v X-⁄∑ - m¿ C∂pw ssIs°m-≠p-t]m-cp-∂X - v. `mj-bpsS D®m-cW - i - p-≤n-bn¬ BZyambn \njvI¿jn-®Xpw Cu \mSp-X-s∂. a{¥-ß-fp-tSbpw a‰pw D®m-c-W-ip-≤n-sIm≠v kXv^-eßfpw Aip-≤n-sIm≠v AkXv ^e-ßfpw D≠m-Ip-sa∂v DZml-c-W-k-lnXw BNmcy≥am¿ A\p-im-kn-°p-∂p. i_vZ-Øns‚ kv]µ-\-߃°v Pohn-Isf BÀm-Zn-∏n°m\pw \in-∏n-°m\pw Ign-bp-sa-∂-Xn\v ]pcm-tW-Xn-lm-kß-fn¬ Ht´sd IY-Iƒ, (im]-Øn-t‚bpw A\p-{K-l-Ønt‚bpw) ImWp∂p≠t√m. i_vZw shdpw i_vZ-a-√, `mc-XØn\v AXv {_“-am-Wv.

<nù¨ÉxvÉÆ iɨÉEÞòºxÉÆ VÉɪÉäiÉ ¦ÉÖ´ÉxÉjɪɨÉ ªÉÊnù ¶É¤nùɼ´ÉªÉÆ VªÉÉäÊiÉ®úɺÉƺÉÉ®Æú xÉ nùÒ{ªÉiÉä** F∂ {]kvXmhw Hm¿Ωn-°p-I. `mc-X-Øns‚ KWn-X-imkv{X kn≤n-Ifpw a‰p≈-h-cpsS {]ikvXn ]nSn-®p-]-‰n-b-XmWv. C∂sØ KWn-X-im-kv{X-⁄≥am-cpsS Un{^≥jy¬ Im¬°p-ekv D¤-hn-®Xv `mkvIm-cm-Nm-cy-cpsS kn≤m¥ intcm-a-Wn-bn¬ Dƒs∏´ eoem-hXn F∂ {]kn-≤-amb A¶K-Wn-Xm-Ir-Xn-bn¬\n-∂mWv. tKmhkqcn {]tbm-KØ - nepw tπKv NnIn-’b - nepw teml߃ \o‰n Huj-[a - m-bp-]t- bm-Kn-°p∂ NnIn-’m-co-Xn-If - nepw temI-Øn¬ ap≥ssIbpw anSp°pw Cu B¿j-`q-an-°p-Xs - ∂. kv^Sn-I° - p-ge - p-Iƒ hgn k¥m-t\m-ev]m-Z\w \S-Øp-∂Xv imkv{X-Øns‚ A¤p-Xk - n-≤n-If - n¬ k¿∆-{]-[m-\a - m-bn-´p-≈Xm-sW∂v B[p-\n-I¿ sIm´n-tLm-jn-°p-∂Xpw Aÿm-\Ø - mWv. Zptcym-[\ - m-Zn-If - psS P\\w IpS-߃ hgn \njv{]-bmkw km[n® `K-hm≥ hymk-\n-cns° A°m-cy-Øn¬ Du‰w sImt≈-≠Xv `mcXw Xs∂-bm-Wv. AK-kvXy\pw t{ZmW\pw IpS-Øn¬ P\n-®-h-cm-W-s√m. alm-`m-c-X-Ønse t]mse ⁄m\-hm-kn-jvT-Ønepw Hcp k¶¬]w ImWmw. \mc-Z-cpsS _oPw- kv^-Sn-I-∏m{Xw hgn {]P-bmbn P\n-°p-∂-Xm-W-Xv. ⁄m\-hm-kn-jvT-Ønse Cu kv^Sn-I-∏m-{X-amWv C∂sØ sSÃyq-_p-Iƒ°v am¿§-Z¿in. acn-®h - sc Pohn-∏n-°p∂ arX-k⁄ o-h\n hnZybpw IqSphn-´p-Iq-Sp-am-dp∂ ]c-Imb {]thi hnZybpw ]c-lr-Z-b-⁄m\hpw Zqc-Z¿i\ i‡n°pw \n{K-lm-\p-{Kl kn≤nbpw acn®-hsc hcpØn ImWn-°epw a‰pw Cu\m-Sn\p ]pXp-a-b-√mbn-cp-∂p. CSn-sh-´p-tºmƒ sI´nS-߃°v tISp-X´- m-Xn-cn-°m≥ Ah116

bpsS apI-fn¬ hnZyp-—-‡nsb Bhm-ln®v `qan-bn¬ XmgvØn°-f-bp∂ Im¥-°-ºn-Iƒ LSn-∏n-°p∂ coXn- ]m›m-Xy¿ a\ n-em-°n-bXv `mc-Xo-b-cn¬ \n∂m-Wv. `qan-bpsS Im¥-i-‡n-{]-hmlw sX°p-\n∂p hS-t°m-´msW-∂d- n-™n-cp-∂X - p-sIm≠v tZl-Ønse Im¥-i‡ - n-bp-ambn AXns\ s]mcp-Øs - ∏-Sp-Øm-\mWv C¥y-°m¿ sXt°m´p Xesh®v Dd-ßm≥ InS-°m-dp-≈-Xv. Hcp t\m¿ho-Pn-b≥ imkv{X-⁄≥ `mc-Xo-b¿ sNºp-]m{X-Ønepw Hm´p]m-{X-Ønepw sh≈w-tImcn kq£n-°p-∂-coXnsb hfsc «mLn-®p-Im-Wp∂p. CSn-sh-´p-tºmƒ Hm´p-]m-{X߃ shfn-bn¬ \ns∂-Sp-Øp-am-‰nbns√-¶n¬ Ah-bn¬ hnZyp—-‡n-{]-hm-l-ap-≠m-Ip-sa∂v Chn-SpsØ ho´-Ω-am¿t]mepw Bbn-c-°-W-°n\p h¿j-߃°p- apºv a\- n-em-°n-bn-cp-∂p. DuWp-I-gn-°m≥ hmg-bnebpw Xma-c-bn-e-bpw D]-tbm-Kn°p∂ \ΩpsS imkv{X-t_m[w a‰p temI-sØm-cn-SØpw ]≠pan√, C∂p-an√. Blm-c-Ønse Im¥-i‡n `qan-bn-te°p tNm¿∂p-t]mIp-∂X - ns\ XS-bm≥ hmg-bn-e°pw Xma-cb - n-e°pw {]tXy-I -I-gn-hm-Wp-≈-Xv. ico-c-Ønse Im¥-i‡n `qan-bnte°v Hen-®n-d-ßm-Xn-cn-°m≥ Xs∂-bmWv tbmKn-Iƒ am≥ tXmenepw ]pen-tØm-enepw a‰pw Ccp∂p [ym\n-°p-∂-Xv. hnam-\-Øns‚ IYbpw ]t≠ -`m-cXw ]Tn-∏n-®-Xm-Wv. `mcXo-b¿°v BIm-i-bp≤w \S-Øm\pw [qa-]-Sew sIm≠v i{Xphns‚ ImgvN \in-∏n-°m\pw BIm-i-Øp-sh®v izmkw ap´n°p- h m\pw Ign- b p- a m- b n- c p- ∂ p- s h∂v 1831˛¬ tIW¬ Hmƒt°m´p ]d-™-t∏mtg temIw AXp hniz-kn-°m≥ Xømdm-bp-≈p. a\p-jy-a\ - - ns‚ AXo-{µnb-amb Ign-hp-Isf∏‰n ]pcm-X\ Imew apX¬°p-Xs∂ `mc-X-Øn¬ Adn-hp≠mbncp-∂p. amen-\o-imkv{Xw F∂ {KŸ-Øns‚ I¿Ømhv Eiy-irw-

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

Bgn-∏-c-∏p-t]mse hnim-e-amWv kwkvIr-X-kmln-Xyw. {KŸ _mlpeyw sIm≠pw hnj-b-ssh-hn≤yw-sIm≠pw kwkvIr-X-km-lnXyw A\p-]-a-am-Wv. C{X ]Z-k-º-Øp≈ Hcp-`mj temI-Øn-se-ßp-an√. ○

K≥ F∂ Ejn-bm-Wv. CXn¬ sskt°m-f-Pn, ]mcm˛ sskt°m-fPn, IqSmsX a‰-t\Iw XXz-ß-fpw-hn-h-cn-®n´p-≠v. B[p-\nI a\-im-kv{X-Øns‚ Xºp-cm≥ F∂p hnti-jn-∏n-°p∂ t{^mbnUv P\n-°p-∂-Xn\v F{Xtbm iXh¿j-߃°p-ap-ºmWv Cu {KŸw cNn-®-Xv. ]c-amWp kaq-l-amWv ]Zm¿∞-sa-√m-sa∂v Bbn-c°-W° - n\p h¿j-߃°p-aptº {]Jym-]n® IWm-Z\ - pw I]n-e\pw BWv \ho-\-amb AWp-kn-≤m-¥-Øns‚ BZy {]tbm-‡m-°ƒ.

kwkvIr-X-`mj km¿∆-P-\o-\-amb {]]-©-`m-j-bmWv kwkvIr-Xw. BIm-ihpw i_vZhpw k¿h-Nc - m-Nc - ß - f - p-ambn tN¿∂ncn-°p-∂-Xp-sIm≠v {]]-©-Øn-emsI Hcp `mjbpw Hcp hymI-cW - h - p-amWv BZy-ap-≠m-bXv. Aßs\ k¿∆-P\ - o\- a mb `mj kwkv I r- X - Ø m¬ `cn- ° - s ∏- S p- ∂ p. kwkvIrXw tZh-Iƒ al¿jn-am¿°v ]I¿∂p sImSp°p-Ibpw Ejn-am¿ AXv kwkm-cn®p XpS-ßn-sb∂pw ]d-bs - ∏-Sp-∂p.

ºÉƺÉEÞòiÉÆ xÉÉ¨É nèù´ÉÒ ´ÉÉEÂò +x´ÉÉJªÉÉiÉÉ ¨É½þ̹ÉʦÉ& alm-`m-j-bmb kwkvIrXw {]W-h-Øn¬ \n∂pw D¤-hn-®p. {]Wh P\y-amb kwkvIrXw a‰v kIe `mjI-fpsSbpw amXrXzw hln-°p∂p. kc-kzXo tZhn-bn¬ \n∂mWv kwkvIr-X`mj D≠mb-sX∂pw hnizm-k-ap≠v. kwkvIrXw t]mse hntizmØ-c-amb Hcp `mj temI-sØ-hn-sS-bp-≠v. kwkvIrXw F∂ ]Zw Xs∂ ip≤n-bpsS ]cym-b-ambn amdn-bn-cn-°p∂p. temI-Ønse G‰hpw kwkvIm-ca - p≈ P\-XX - n-bpsS `mj-bmWv kwkvIrXw. AXp-sIm-≠mhmw AXns\ tZh`mj, Aa-c-hm-Wn, Aar-X-hmWn Fs∂ms° hnti-j∏n-°p-∂Xv ]s£ B tZ-h-∑m¿ BIm-i-Øn-\-∏p-dØv AarXpw A]vk-c- p-I-fp-ambn Ign-™p-Iq-Sp∂ Hcp h¿§- a m- s W∂p ]d- ™ m¬ Ahn- i z- k - \ o- b - s a∂v ]WvUnX ]£w. tZh-∑m¿ Ah¿ \ΩpsS ]q¿∆n-I-cmWv. Bbn-ca - m-bn-ca - m-Lm-Xß - f - p-ambn G‰p-ap´n hnP-bhpw ]cm-P-bhpw kpJhpw Zp:Jhp-sa√mw FSp-Ø-Ωm-\-am-Sns°m≠v D÷z-e-amsbmcp Pnhn-X-Øns‚ t\¿°v IpXn®p-]m-™n-cp∂ Hcp P\-kapZm-b-am-W-h¿. Ah-cpsS hnPn-Ko-jbpw kXym-t\z-jW X¬]-c-Xbpw C∂pw \ΩpsS knc-I-fn¬ {]h-ln-°p-∂p≠v al- Ø mb Cu kwkvIr- X - ` m- j - b psS A¥kØbpsS i‡nbpw kn≤nbpw sIm≠mWv temI-`mj-bpsS amXm-sh∂v hnh-c-ap-≈-h¿ hnti-jn-∏n-°p-∂Xv. temIØv Fhn- s S- b mtWm a\p- j ys‚ BZnakwkv I mcw cq]w sIm≠Xv Ahn- s S- Ø s∂ kwkvI-cn® `mjbpw `mjbpw kwPm-X-ambncn°-Ww.


Bgn-∏-c-∏p-t]mse hnim-e-amWv kwkvIr-X-km-ln-Xyw. {KŸ _mlpeyw sIm≠pw hnj-b-ssh-hn-≤yw-sIm≠pw kwkvIr-Xk - m-lnXyw A\p-]a - a - m-Wv. C{X ]Z-kº - Ø - p≈ Hcp`mj temI-Øn-se-ßp-an√. `K-hm≥ hymk\pw BZn-Ihn hmevao-Inbpw Bbn-c-°-W-°n\v Ejn kØ-a≥amcpw IhnN{Ih¿Øn-I-fmb `mk-ImfnZmkmZy∑mcpw Pohn®v hnl-cn® `mj-bm-WXv. kwkvIr-X-]-Z-ß-fpsS shdpw D®m-cWw Xs∂ P\- ß ƒ°v Hu∂- X yhpw A¥ pw HmP pw D≠m- ° nØo¿°p-sa∂v kzman-hn-th-Im-\µ - s‚ {]kvXm-h\ {]Xy-£cw kXyw Xs∂. XpS-scØp-Ssc kmap-Zm-bnI kwt£m-`-ßfpw aX ]cn-jvIm-c-ßfpw hntZ-io-bm-{I-a-W-ßfpw Hs°-bp-≠mbn-´p-IqSn `mc-X-am-Ip∂ hnim-e-km-{amPyw inYn-e-am-ImsX GIo-I-cn®p \n¿Øn-bXv Cu `mjm tZh-X-X-s∂-bm-Wv. ªmh‰vkv°n tNmZn-°p∂p: kwkvIr-X-km-lnXyw t]mse A{X al-Ø-c-amb Hcp kmln-Xy-sØ-∏-‰n A`n-am-\n-°m≥ thsd GsXmcp P\-X-°p-I-gnbpw? F∂v. Xß-fpsS `mjIƒ°pw Ie-Iƒ°pw ]cn-jvIm-c-Øn\pw temI-Ønse CXc cmjv{S-ß-sf√mw `mc-X-tØmSp IS-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p. F∂v At±lw A\y{X {]kvXm-hn-®n-´p-≠v. Km‘nPn AcpfnsNøp∂p: F√m tZiob hmZnbpw kwkvIrXw ]Tn-°Ww. \ΩpsS ]nXm-al - ∑m¿ Nn¥n-°p-Ibpw Fgp-Xp-Ibpw sNbvXXv B `mj-bn-emWv. kz¥w a\- ns‚ kmcmwiw AXn-eqsS am{Xsa \ap°v \pI-cm≥ Ignbq F∂nß-s\. `mjm tKm{X-ß-fn¬ C≥tUm-bq-tdm-]y≥ tKm{X-ß-fnse Hcp imJbmWv kwkvIr-Xs - a∂v `mjm imkv{X hnim-cZ- ∑m¿ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-Sp-∂p. C¥y-bnse I\Ø Nn¥-I-fpw `mh-\-Ifpw kwkvIrX `mj- b n- e m- b - X n- \ m¬ `mc- X o- b ¿s°∂√ temI- N n- ¥ I≥am¿s°√mw Xs∂ B `mj AXym-Zc - W - o-ba - m-bn-Øo¿∂p. Bcy kapZm-bØ - ns‚ hnIm-cw, hnNmcw, `mh\ apX-embn A\-¥c Xe-ap-dbv°v ]I¿∂v sImSp-°m-\p≈ Aaqey hn`h-ß-sf¥pw Xßn-\n¬°p-∂Xv kwkvIr-X-`m-j-bn-em-Wv. ]cn]-Iz-amb Pohn-Xm-\p-`h - ß - f - psSbpw A¤pXmZc-߃ sIm≠v Btcbpw kvXw`n∏n-®p-\n¿Øp∂ kw`-hß - f - psSbpw Hcp almk-ap-{Z-amWv alm-`m-c-Xw. kpIp-amc `mh-\-Iƒ Nnd-I-Sn®p ]d°p∂ klm-\p-`q-Xn-bpsS Hcp \n¿‘-cn-bmWv cmam-bWw. Xt]m-h\ hnip≤n aW-°p∂ imIp-µfw! Ic-™p-I-c™p IS-em-°p∂ DØ-cc - m-aN - c - n-Xw. F{X-sb{X kpµ-cI - e - m-kr-jvSnI-fm-W-Xn-ep-≈-Xv.- _p-≤n-i-‡n-bpsS ]mcaya-f-°p∂ ]mWn\ob kq{X-߃ alm-`m-jy-߃! Pohn-IfpsS BsI-Øp-Isb {XntZmjßfn-e-S-°n-\n¿Ønb Bbp¿th-Zw. A\-¥-X-bnsetßm Id-ßn-°-gn-bp∂ tKmf-ß-fpsS KXn-hn-K-Xn-Isf kq£-aa - mbn I≠-dn-bp∂ tPymXn-imkv{Xw. ssewKn-Im-k‡ - nt]m-epw Cuiz-tcm-]m-k\ - b - mbn ]cn-KW - n°p∂ Ima-im-kv{Xw. Cu temtIm-Øc al-Xz-ßsf I≠-dn-bm≥ Ign-™h - \v SmPval¬ shdp-samcp Iqc-∏p-cb - mWv! ]nc-an-Up-Iƒ a¨]p-‰p-Ifpw! 117

Nne-Im-cy-ßf - n¬ c≠-`n-{]mbw D≠m-hpI hø. C¥y-bnse G‰hpw henb ]¿∆Xw GsX∂ tNmZy-Øn¬ Hcp DØ-c-ta-bp≈p; lnamebw. C¥y-bnse G‰hpw alm-\mb Ihn Bsc-∂-Xns\-∏-‰nbpw B¿°pw X¿°-an√ . Imfn-Zm-k≥ ]≠p-am-{X-a√, C∂pw Aß-s\-X-s∂. ○

Bcp-tS-bpw s\‰n Npfn-tb-≠-Xn√ ; hnth-In-I-fpsS kphn-Zn-Xamb Nn¥m-ku-K-‘n-I-ß-fm-Wn-h. kwkvIr-X`- mjm ]T-\Ø - ns‚ ]c-a{- ]-tbm-P\ - ß - f - n-sem∂v A£c-kv^p-SXm-e-_v[n-bmWv. hmg-∏gw F∂v ip≤-am-bp-®cn-°m≥ Ign-bm-sX-t]m-b- Ip-´nsb A≤ym-]-I≥ i-Im-cn-®p. Cu hnhcw ]nXm-hn-t\mSv ]d-™p-k¶ - S- s - ∏´ k¥-Xnsb At±l-ap-]-tZ-in®p:˛ tamt\ hmb° F∂p ]d™v c®-s∏-Sm-ambn-cp-∂n-t√. Ip´n-Iƒ°v A£-c-ip-≤n-bn-√m-Ø-Xn-s\-°p-dn®v Un. C. H kvIqƒ kµ¿i\ thf-bn¬ slUvam-Ã-tdmSv X´n°-b-dn. Ah-cpsS Xb°hpw ]b-°hpw Aß-\m-bn-t∏m-bn˛ slUv amÿ adp]Sn \¬In! C{]-Imcw Xs∂ ]∏-\m-h\pw, \oem-≠\pw, ^qanbpw, _mh-Im-b-I-\p-sams° \ap°v kp]-cn-Nn-X-am-bn-t∏m-bn. {]`mj-I\ - mbmepw Kmb-I\ - mbmepw A£-ci - p-≤n-bn-s√-¶n¬ tim`n°n√. t{imXm-°ƒ°v Atcm-NI - a - m-bn-tØm-∂p-Ibpw sNøpw. ]fl{io sI. sP. tbip-Zm-kns‚ ]m´p-Iƒ tI´m¬ ipt≤m®m-cWw `wKn-bmbn ]Tn-°mw. B K‘¿∆ Kmb-Is‚ Hmtcmhm-°nepw a[pcw ]pc-≠n-cn-°p∂p; `mhhpw. kzc-˛-hy-⁄-\˛-a-≤-ÿ-˛-Du-jvam-°ƒ CXn-t\-°mƒ `wKn-bmbn D®-cn-°m≥ C\n-bp-sam-cmƒ P\n-t°-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. l¥! `mKyw P\m\mw F∂-√m-sX-¥p-]-d-bm≥.

Imfn-Zm-k≥ Nne-Im-cy-ßf - n¬ c≠-`n-{]mbw D≠m-hpI hø. C¥y-bnse G‰hpw henb ]¿∆Xw GsX∂ tNmZy-Øn¬ Hcp DØ-c-tabp≈p; lnamebw. C¥y-bnse G‰hpw alm-\mb Ihn Bsc∂-Xn-s\-∏-‰nbpw B¿°pw X¿°-an√ ˛ Imfn-Zm-k≥ ˛ ]≠pam-{X-a√, C∂pw Aß-s\-X-s∂. `mc-XØ - n\v Hcp Imhy-]mc-ºcyw krjvSn-®p \¬Inb ImfnZmk IhnX F∂pw Imhym-kzm-Z-I-cpsS lrZ-b-kw-kvIm-cØns‚ `mK-amWv F∂v Bkzm-Z-I¿ hne-bn-cp-Øp-∂p. i_vZm¿∞-ß-fpsS G‰hpw cay-amb ktΩ-f-\-am-W-Xv. Imfn-Zm-kI - r-Xn-Iƒ ]mcm-bWw sNøp∂ P\-߃ F∂pw Cu temIsØ kvt\ln-®p-sIm-t≠-bn-cn°pw. Imfn-Zm-k-I-hn-XbpsS hnin-jvS-Kp-W-ambn temI kvt\l h¿≤-IXzsØ tbmKn-bmb Ac-hn-µ-tLmjpw FSpØp ]d-bp-∂p-≠v. `mc-Xob-cpsS kmln-Xy-t_m-[sØ C{X-b-[nIw kzm[o-\n® as‰mcp-I-hn-bn√ F∂v klr-Z-b¿ hne-bn-cp-Øp-∂p. kz¿§-tØbpw `qan-tbbpw Iq´n-bn-W° - nb alm-\mb Ihn F∂v hniz-a-lm-Ihn tKmbvtY- hn-ti-jn-∏n® Imfn-Zm-k-I-hn. alm-Ihn Imfn-Zm-ks‚ Imhy-߃ ]mcm-bWw sNøm≥ Ign-bmsX t]mIp∂ a\p-jy-P∑ - ß - ƒ hn^-es - a-∂√ - msX F¥p ]d-bm≥! Ipam-c-kw-`-hhpw cLp-hw-i-hp-sams° tX≥ IpSn°p∂ A\p-`q-Xn-bmWv \¬Ip-∂Xv. taL-k-tµiw shdp-samcp ktµ-i-a√; `mh-\m-em-h-WyØn\v Imfn-Zm-k≥ Nm¿Øn-s°m-Sp-°p∂ Hcp Ik-hW - n- m-cnbm-WX - v. 118

{io ta¬]- Ø q¿ \mcm- b W `´- X ncn cNn® kvtXm{XImhy-am-Wt√m \mcm-b-Wobw. tZzm[m \mcmb-Wobw F∂v Ihn-Xs∂ Ah-km\ `mKØv ]d-bp-∂p.

xÉÉ®úɪÉhɨÉÊvÉEÞòiªÉ xÉÉ®úɪÉhÉäxÉ Ê´É®úÊSÉiÉÆ AXp-sIm-≠m-WXv tZzm[w (c≠p hn[-Øn¬) F∂v {]tbm-Kw. +OÉä {ɶªÉÉ欃 F∂p XpS-ßp∂ kvtXm{X-Ønse Nne hNx {]kcw {i≤n-°m-Ø-h¿ hncfw Ênù´ªÉ Eèò¶ÉÉä®ú´Éä¹É¨É - Znhy-amb _me-cq]w iÉɯûhªÉÉ®Æú¦É ®ú¨ªÉÆ - buh-\m-cw-`w-sIm≠v at\m-lcw {É®ú¨ÉºÉÖJÉ ®úºÉɺ´ÉÉnù ®úɨä ÉÉÎ\VÉiÉÉÆRóÂMÉè& - {_“m-\µ - c - kw A\p`-hn®v AwK-ß-fn¬ tcmam©w \nd-™n-cn-°p-∂-h-cmb \mc-Zm-Zn-Iƒ. CØcw `‡n \n¿`-c -a-[p-c- tIm-af ]Zm-h-en-Iƒ ta¬]-Øq-cn\p kz¥w. +YÉÉi´ÉÉ iÉä ¨É½þi´ÉÆ F∂p XpS-ßp∂ Ah-km-\-`m-KØv Ê´É·ÉxÉÉlÉÉ IɨÉälÉÉ& F∂ £am-bm-N-\-Øn\v F¥v lrZyX! +ɪÉÖ®úÉ®úÉMä ªÉ ºÉÉèJªÉÆ F∂ k¿t∆m-]-Im-c-I-amb {]m¿∞-\bpsS {]tbm-‡mhv ta¬]-Øq¿ \mcm-bW `´-Xncn F∂ alm-{]-Xn` Xs∂-bm-Wv. kwkvIr-X-`m-j-sb Ah-K-Wn°p∂ F{X t]¿°v \mcm-b-Wobw Bkzm-Zy-am-Ip-sat∂m¿°-Ww.

Bbp¿thZw B[p-\nI sshZy-im-kv{X-Øns‚ A¤p-Xm-hl - a - mb ]ptcm- K - X n- ° n- S - b nepw Akv X - { ]- ` - a mbnt∏mImsX \n¬°p∂ \ΩpsS ss]Xr-I-kz-ØmWv Bbp¿th-Zw. temI-Øn-se-Øs∂ G‰hpw ]g-°w-sN∂ NnIn’m coXn-I-fn-sem-∂v. tcmK-߃°pw NnIn-’bv-°p-a√, tcmKw hcm- X n- c n- ° m- \ p≈ Pohn- X - { I- a - Ø n- \ mWv Bbp¿thZw Du∂¬ \¬Ip-∂-Xv. thZ-k-am-\-amb ÿm\-amWv \ΩpsS ]q¿hn-I¿ Bbp¿th-ZØ - n\v Iev]n®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. Adn-hns‚ alm-km-K-c-amWv Bbp¿thZw. th≠ ka-bØv FÆ ]I¿∂pw Im‰Øv sISm-sXbpw c£nt°≠ Zo]-\m-f-amWv Bbp- v. kZm Nen-®p-sIm-≠n-cn°p∂ Bbp- ns\ Adn-bm\pw \ne-\n¿Øm-\p-ap≈ hgnIƒ a\- n- e m- ° n- Ø - c p∂ imkv { Xw ˛ AXmWv Bbp¿th-Zw. tIc-f-Øn¬ Bbp¿th-Z-Øns‚ B[p-\o-I-c-WØn\v XpS°w Ipdn® ]fl{io tUm. ]n.-sI. hmcn-bcpsS A`n-{]m-b-amWv ta¬ D≤-cn-®-Xv. temIØv e`yamb kIe Adn-hp-I-fp-tSbpw kmcmw-i-amWv sshZysa∂pw F√m Adn-hp-I-tfmSpw B`n-apJyw ]pe¿Øp∂-ht\ \√ sshZy-\m-Im≥ Ignbq F∂pw At±lw ka¿∞n-°p-∂p. hcpw- I m- e - ß - f n¬ Bbp¿th- Z - Ø n\v e`n- ° m≥

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

t]mIp∂ {]mNp-cyhpw {]kn-≤nbpw as‰mcp NnIn-’mhn-`m-K-Øn\pw D≠m-Im≥ Xc-an-√. A{X-am{Xw {]Ir-Xy\p-Kp-Wa - mWv AXnse k{º-Zm-bß - ƒ. D¬_p-≤c - mb P\߃ Ah kmwizo-I-cn-®n-cn-°p∂psh∂-XmWv BÀm-ZI-c-am-bn-´p-≈-Xv. Atem-∏-Xn-bnse B‚n ˛ _tbm-´n-°pIƒ A_-≤-P-Sn-e-am-bn-cp-s∂∂v Xncn-®-dn-bp-∂Xpw Ah\n-tcm-[n-°p∂ Imehpw AXn-hn-Zq-c-a-√. Cß-s\-sbm-s°-bm-sW-¶nepw `mc-X-Øn-s‚ am{Xw NnIn-’m-im-kv{X-amb Bbp-¿thZw ]Tn-°m≥ kwkvIrX-]-T\w Bh-iy-an-√ F∂ hmZn-°p∂ sshZy-imkv{X intcm-a-Wn-Iƒ C∂v cwK-sØ-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂p- F∂Xv A¤p-X-tØm-sS-bmWv Adn-™-Xv. auTy-sat∂ ]d-tb≠q

ºÉxiÉ& {É®úÒIªÉ +xªÉiÉ®úi¦ÉVÉxiÉä ¨ÉÚ`ö {É®ú|ÉiªÉxÉäªÉ¤ÉÖÊrù& F∂v Imfn-Zm-k≥. AsX a‰p-≈-hcpsS hnI-e-_p-≤n-bm¬ \bn-°-s∏-Sp-∂-h≥ aqV≥ Xs∂. H∂p-In¬ ta¬∏-d™ Imcy-ß-sf-°p-dn-®p≈ A⁄-X-sIm-≠m-hmw. As√-¶n¬ kwkvIr-Xw th≠hn[w ]Tn-®n-´n-√m-Ø-Xp-sIm-≠p-am-hmw. c≠m-bmepw CØcw Xocp-am-\-߃ Cu al-Xvim-kv{XsØ \in-∏n°mt\ D]-I-cn°q F∂-Xn¬ ]£m-¥-c-an-√. \∑ Ht∂bp≈q ˛ Adnhv. Xn∑ H∂pam{Xw ˛ A⁄X (tkm-{I-´okv) Hcp imkv{Xw GXp `mj-bn-emtWm D]-\n-_-≤-ambn-´p-≈-Xv, B `mj-bn¬ {]mhoWyw t\SmsX B imkv{Xw ssIImcyw sNøm≥ Aam-\p-jnI kn≤n-Xs∂ th≠n-h-cpw. C{µ-Pmew sIm≠pw km[y-am-Ipw. AjvSmw-Kl - r-Zb - hpw Nc-Ik - w-ln-Xbpw kp{ip-Xk - wln-Xb - p-sa-√mw kwkvIr-X`- m-jb - n-emWv cNn-°s - ∏-´s - X-∂ncns° B `mj ]Tn-°msX AXns‚ D≈-S°w hmbn®p a\- n-em-°m≥ F{X t]¿°v Ignbpw? XnI®pw hymIcW \n_-‘-amb {]uV-kw-kvIr-X-`m-j-bn¬ Imhymfl-Ia - m-bmWv Ah-sb√mw cNn-®n-´p-≈X - v. th≠-hn[w ]Zt—Zw sNbvXv A¿∞-{K-lWw km[y-am-I-W-sa-¶n¬ hmK¿∞-{]-Xn-]Ø - n°pX-Ip∂ hypev]Øn IqSntb Ignbq. A√m-Ø-]£w ]fl-\mt`m ac-{]`p F∂pw sXs° Xe-bv°se XrØm-cn-∏q-°s - f-∂p-sams° {Kln-s®-∂n-cn°pw. "hf-™-Im-ep≈ kmdns‚ IpS' F∂p tIƒ°ptºmƒ kmdns‚ hf™ Imen-s\-°p-dn®pw Nn¥n-®p-t]mIpw. inh-t£-{X-Øn\p apºnse ^vfIvkv t_m¿Un¬ \ax-in-hmbx F∂p henb A£-c-Øn¬ ImWp-∂Xpw Ak tXmam kXvK-ab F∂v AIew Iq´n Fgp-Xn-sh®n-cn-°p-tºmƒ Ah-dm-®s‚ aqØaI≥ tXmam-®s‚ Npcp-°-amtWm "tXmam' F∂pw i¶n-®p-t]m-bm¬ Ip‰s∏-Sp-Ø-cp-Xv. am{X-a√ Hcp ae-bm-fn°v kw-kvIr-tXm-®mcWw A{X {ia-I-c-hp-a-√. tIc-fo-b-cpsS A[-tcm-jvTßfpw cq]-`m-h-ßfpw kwkvIr-tXm-®m-c-W-Øn\v A\pcq-]-ambn krjvSn-°-s∏-´n-´p-≈-Xm-sW∂v {]I-S-am-Wv. F∂m¬ Hcp Ata-cn-°-°m-cs\ {i≤n-°q. Cw•ojv am{Xw kwkm-cn-°m\pX-Ip∂ hn[-amWv LS-\m-hn-tij-߃! tIc-fo-b≥ \nXy-Po-hn-X-Øn¬ \m¬]Xv iXam-\hpw kwkvIr-Xh - m-°p-If - m-Wp-]t- bm-Kn-°p-∂X - v. {]`mXhpw kqcy\pw Cuiz-c\pw apJhpw \Jhpw ico-chpw Blm-chpw Pe-hp-sa√mw kwkvIr-Xh - m-°p-If - m-Wt- √m. \h-Pm-Xi - nip Ic-bp-∂Xv (tem-IØv P\n-°p∂ GXv Ip´n-bpw) kwkvIr-X-`m-j-bn-em-sW∂v i_vZm-K-a-hn-ØpIƒ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-Sp-∂p. Ip´n-bpsS Ic-®n¬ C´É.. C´É..


F∂m-W-t{X. C´É F∂ hm°n¬ Ip{X ˛ FhnsS ˛ F∂¿∞w. Rm\n-t∏mƒ Fhn-sS-bm-sW∂v {Iµ\-Øn-eqsS inip tNmZn-°p-∂p. amXm-hns‚ DZ-cØ - n¬ InS-∂n-cp-∂t- ∏mƒ F\n°v B ]c-am-flm-hp-ambn _‘-ap-≠m-bn-cp-s∂∂pw F∂men-t∏mƒ B _‘w hnt—-Zn-°-s∏-´n-cn-°p∂p F∂pw [z\n. "{`qWw' F∂ hm°n¬ `qan-bn-te°v h∂m¬ ]m]w sNtø≠n-h-cptam F∂v iwJn-°p-∂Xv F∂m-W¿∞w. Aßs\ P∑\m kwkvIr-X`- m-jt- W—p-hmb B inip-hns\ \mw IjvSs∏´v {]b-Xv\n®v {]mtZ-in-I`- mj ]Tn-∏n®v ]c-am¿∞-ssh-apJyw P\n-∏n-°p-I-bmWv sNøp-∂-Xv. thZw ]Tn-°m-Ø-h\v i¶ Xocn√ F∂v cmam-b-W-Øn¬ ]d-™n-cn-°p-∂Xv kwkvIrXw A`y-kn-°m-Ø-hs‚ ImcyØnepw A\z¿∞-am-Ip-∂p. [mXphpw {]Xy-bhpw Adn-bmsX kwi- b - \ n- h m- c Ww D≠m- I p- ∂ - X - √ . AXp- s Im- ≠ p- X s∂ {]m⁄≥am-cpsS ka£w kwkm-cn-°m\pw ss[cyw hcn-√. ss[cy-im-en-I-fmWv \qdmw P∑-i-Xm_vZn F∂pw DPz-e-P-e-[nX-cwK Fs∂ms° tÃPn¬ X´n-hn-Sp-∂X - v. B Xocp-am\w H∂pIqSn ho≠pw ]p\-]-cn-tim-[n-°Ww F∂v ]d-bp-∂-Xn¬ Hcp sX‰pw ImWm-Ø-h-cm-W-[n-I-hpw. amXm-]n-Xm-°sf hr≤-k-Z-\-Øn-em°n apßp∂ "kXv]p{X≥am-cp'≈ \m´n¬ `mj-If - psS P\-\n-bmb kwkvIr-X`- mj Ah-K-Wn-°p∂ tamtU¨ sshZy≥am-cp-≠m-bn-t∏m-b-Xn¬ A¤p-X-s∏-Sm-\n-√. ]t£ hnZym-k-º-∂-\mb Hcp klr-Z-b\v Cu al-¤m-j-bnse cN-\-Iƒ Btem-N-\m-ar-X-am-bn-Øs∂ A\p-`-h-s∏-Spw.

+®úʺÉEäò¹ÉÖ EòÊ´Éi´É ÊxÉ´ÉänùxÉÆ Ê¶É®ú漃 ¨ÉÉ Ê±ÉJÉ ¨ÉÉ Ê±ÉJÉ ¨ÉÉ Ê±ÉJÉ Ac- k n- I ≥amsc Imhyw hmbn®v ckn- ∏ n- ° m- \ p≈ ZptcymKw F\n-°p-≠m-I-cptX F∂mWv CXn-eqsS Imfn-Zmk≥ At]-£n-°p-∂-Xv. kwkvIrXw th≠-hn[w ]Tn-°msX tUmIvS¿ ]Zhn Ae-¶-cn-°p∂ aqV-tN-X- p-I-fpsS NnIn’°v hnt[-b\ - m-tI≠ Zp¿KXn Pohn-Xk - m-bm-”Ø - n¬ D≠mI-cptX F∂v Rm\pw {io]-Zva-\m-`-t\mSv {]m¿∞n-°p-∂p. Cu A]-Nb - Ø - nepw Nne cP-Xt- c-JI - ƒ Zriy-am-Ip-∂p-sh∂Xv Bizm-k-{]-Z-am-Wv. kwkvIr-X-]-T-\-Øn¬ hnZym¿∞nIƒs°m∏w \s√mcp hn`mKw P\-ßfpw D’p-I-cm-Ip-∂p-sh∂Xv ip`-I-c-am-Wv, B\-µ-Zm-b-I-am-Wv. tImgn-t°mSv Pn√-bn¬\n∂pw {]kn-≤o-Ir-Xa - m-Ip∂ ck\ kwkvIr-Xa - m-knI A`n-\µ - \ - m¿l-amb {]hr-Øn-bmWv sNøp∂-Xv. AtX-t]mse Xr»q¿ Pn√-bn¬\n-∂p≈ `mc-Xa - p{Z F∂ amkn-Ibpw Zo¿L-Im-e-ambn Cu cwKØv kPo-h-am-Wv. 7˛01-˛2011 apX¬ 10-˛01-˛11 hsc _mw•q¿ \K-c-Øn¬ \-S∂ hniz-kw-kvIrX ]pkvXI - t- af A¤p-Xm, A`q-X] - q¿hm, sFXnlm-knIo Ah¿W-\obm Fs∂m-s°-bmWv hnti-jn-∏n-°s - ∏´-Xv. I¿Wm-SI k¿°mdpw F√m kwkvIr-X-hn-iz-hn-Zym-e-bßfpw kwkvIrX A°m-Za - n-Ifpw hniz-kw-kvIrX kwh¿≤\ {]Xn-jvTm≥Ifpw Hs°-t®¿∂mWv C{X h¿Æm-`a - mb Hcp taf Hcp-°n-b-Xv. BZy-Zn\w Xs∂ aq∂v tImSn-bn-e-[nIw cq]-bpsS kwkvIr-X-]p-kvX-I-߃ hn‰p-Xo¿∂p F∂Xv B›-cy-Icw Xs∂. "hniz-cq-]Z- ¿i-\Ø - m¬ A¿÷p-\\ - p-≠mbXpt]m-ep≈ ]pf-tIm-¤hw t]mse-X-s∂-bmWv Rm\p-an-t∏mƒ A\p-`-hn°p-∂Xv' F∂mWv Hcp {]Xn-\n[n A\p-`hw Adn-bn-®-Xv. `mcX-Øns‚ \m\m-`m-K-ß-fn¬\n-s∂-Ønb {]K-¤-a-Xn-I-fmb ]WvUn-X≥am-cpsS km∂n-[y-Øm¬ ssNX-\y-[\ - y-am-bn-cp∂p taf. I¿Æm-SI apJy-a{¥n bZyq-c∏ H∂mw Xcw kwkvIr-X]-WvUn-X\pw {]`m-j-I-\p-amsW-∂p-≈Xv A¤p-X-Øn\v am‰pIq-´p-∂p. 119


A\q]v sI.-F. H∂mw _m®v


30-˛08-˛2006 Hcp l¿Øm¬ Zn\w. tIc-fØ - nse hnhn[ Pn√-I-fn¬ hnhn[ Np‰p-]m-Sp-I-fn¬\n∂v h∂p-tN¿∂, ]ckv]cw I≠n-´p-t]m-ep-an-√m-Xn-cp∂, F∂m-en-\n-bp≈ Ipd-®pImew Hcp-an-®p-≠m-tI≠ Hcp ]‰w Iuam-c-°m-cpsS ]pXnsbmcp bpK-Øn-te-°p≈ BZy-Zn-\w. Aß-s\-b-h¿ Ncn-{X-Øn-te°v BZy-ambn Imse-Sp-Øp-sh-®p. C∂v, 08-˛02-˛2011 \mec h¿jw Ign-™n-cn-°p-∂p. Imew F{Xth-K-amWv IS-∂p-t]m-b-Xv. HmWm-tLm-j-߃, B¿Svkv, Bbp¿s^-Ãv F√mw C∂se Ign-™-Xp-t]mse tXm∂p-∂p. kpJ- a p≈ s\mº- c - ß fpw ZpxJ- ß fpw kt¥m- j - ß fpw \nd™ Cu Iem-eb Pohn-X-Øns‚ Ah-km\ \mfp-Iƒ hs∂-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Pohn-Xk - z-]v\ß - ƒ km£m-Xv°c - n-°p-hm≥ th≠n IS-∂ph∂ 50 Ipcp-∂p-Iƒ; AXm-bn-cp∂p sI.-Fw.-kn.-Sn.-bn¬ R߃. ]e¿°pw \jvS-s∏´ Fw.-_n.-_n.-F-kv. kz]v\-߃, Xm¬]-cy-tØmsS h∂-h¿. amXm-]n-Xm-°f - psS \n¿_-‘Ø - n\v hgßn tN¿∂-h¿. F√mw ..... Aßs\ Rß-sfm-∂mbn ]pXnb temI-tØ°v ]n®-sh-®p. sI.-Fw.-kn.-Sn. Bbp¿thZ tImtf-Pnse {]Ya _m®v. h¿j-߃ IS-∂p-t]m-bn-cn-°p-∂p. H∂p Xncn-™p-t\m-°nbm¬ kt¥m- j - t Ø- ° mƒ Gsd \jv S - ß - f m- b n- c n°pw ]e¿°pw ]d-bm-\p-≠m-hp-I. Db¿∂p-h∂ kulr-Z-߃, {]W-b-km-^-ey-߃, {]W-b-Ø-I¿®-Iƒ, a\x-]q¿htam A√m-sXtbm D≈ Imc-W-ß-fm¬ \jvS-s∏´ kplrXv _‘KAMC Magazine 2010-11

Ccp-∂n-cp∂ s_©p-Iƒ .... kulrZw ]¶p-sh® CS-\m-gn-Iƒ ..... ¢mkv dqw .... F√mw Ah-km-\-ambn I¨ap-∂n¬ h∂p-\n¬°p-tºmƒ Fs¥m-s°tbm R߃°v \jvS-s∏-´-Xp-t]mse tXm∂n. ]d-™-dn-bn-°m-\m-hmØ Hcp \jvS-t_m-[w.

߃, ka-c-߃, {]Xn-k‘n L´-߃, \ne-\n¬]v ..... Aßs\ F√mw. {]Xo-£I - ƒ°v hn]-co-Xa - m-bmWv ]eXpw kw`-hn-®-Xv. A\p-`-h-ß-fmtem Ft¥m, \∑bp≈ Ipd®v a\- p-I-sf-¶nepw apc-Sn-®p-t]m-bn-cn-°p∂p. ChnsS R߃ tN¿∂n´v H∂c h¿jw-t]mepw Ign-bp-∂-Xn\v aptº R߃s°mcp Xocm-\-jvShpw kw`-hn-®p. AsXm-cn-°epw H∂n\pw ]Icw sh°mhp∂ H∂-√m-bn-cp-∂p. F√m-h-cp-tSbpw {]nb-¶-c-\mbn-cp∂ Rß-fpsS {]nb-kp-lrØv "AtPjv' Fs∂t∂-°p-ambn R߃°v \jvS-am-bn. B¿°pw AXv s]s´∂v Dƒs°m-≈m≥ Ign-™n-√. a\- ns\ ]d™v hniz-kn-∏n-°m≥ {ian-®-Xp-an-√. kz]v\-ßfpw Hm¿aIfpw am{Xw _m°n-bm°n Ah≥ as‰mcp temItØ°v t]mbn. h¿j-ßs - f{X Ign-™mepw AsXmcp \jvS-am-bn-Øs∂ \ne-\n¬°pw. Imew IS- ∂ p- t ]m- b n- s °m- ≠ n- c p- ∂ p. ]pXnb tImtfPv sI´n-S-Øn-te°v R߃ amdn. im¥w..... ]pXnb _m®p- I ƒ h∂p- s Im- ≠ n- c p- ∂ p. ]t£ Ah¿°m¿°pw Bscbpw a\- n-em-°m≥ Ign-™ns√∂v tXm∂p-∂p. Cu tImtf-Pns‚ ssii-hm-hÿ apX¬ CXp-h-sc-bp-≠m-bn-cp∂ _m®n-t\bpw AhcpsS hnIm-c-hn-Nm-c-ß-tfbpw a\- n-em-°m≥ Bcpw {ian-®-Xp-an-√. ]t£ F√m-‰n\pw Imew km£n. GsXmcp tImtfPv Pohn-XØ - n-tebpw t]mse \√ kulr-Z-߃, kt¥m-j-߃, sX‰n-≤m-c-W-Iƒ, Ielw, HØp-Xo¿∏p-Iƒ F√mw Chn-sSbpw kw`-hn®n-´p-≠v. Imew Ign-bp-tºmƒ Hm¿Øv Nncn-°m-\p≈ Xam-i-Iƒ. ]e¿°pw ]e-tcbpw a\- n-em-°m≥ km[n-®n-´p-≠m-hn-√. Ah-chcpsS a\- n¬ AXn-\p≈ DØcw Ah¿ Ipdn-®n-´p-≠m-Imw.... Hcp ]t£ icnbm-bn-cn-°mw. As√-¶n¬ \ymb-ßfpw \ymbo-I-c-W-


ßfpw am{X-am-Imw. Cßs\ Fs¥m-s°-bm-sW-¶nepw C\n-sbm-cn-°epw Xncn®p-h-cmØ B \√ \mfp-Iƒ Ah-km-\n-°m≥ t]mhp-I-bmWv. AXns‚ Ah-km\ kmbm-”hpw kam-KX - a - m-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Hmt´m-{Km-^v... t^mt´m-Iƒ .... Biw-k-Iƒ .... AsX, F√mhcpw Xnc-°n-em-Wv. Nne \nan-jß - ƒ Hm¿a-bn¬ kq£n-°m≥ th≠n-bp≈ Ah-km-\-{i-aw. ]Tn-®n-cp∂ ¢mkv apdn-bn-te°v Ah-km-\-ambn \S-∂p-I-b-dn-b-t∏mƒ Ft¥m Hcp ho¿∏p-ap´¬ ..... Ccp-∂n-cp∂ s_©p-Iƒ .... kulrZw ]¶p-sh® CS\m-gn-Iƒ ..... ¢mkv dqw .... F√mw Ah-km-\a - mbn I¨ap-∂n¬ h∂p-\n¬°p-tºmƒ Fs¥m-s°tbm R߃°v \jvS-s∏-´Xp-t]mse tXm∂n. ]d-™-dn-bn-°m-\m-hmØ Hcp \jvS-t_m[w. C\n-sbm-cn-°epw Cßs\ Hcp-an®v Hcp ¢mkv apdn-bn¬ I≠p-ap-´mt\m kulrZw ]¶p-sh°mt\m Ign-bn-s√∂v F√mh¿°p-a-dn-bmw. Pohn-X-Ønse ]c°w ]m®n-en-\n-S-bn¬ h√t∏m-gp-sa-¶nepw kz¥w Iem-eb - P - o-hnXw Hm¿°m≥ .... Ign™ B \mfp-I-sf-tbm¿Øv s\Sp-ho¿∏n-Sm≥ ..... Biz-kn-°m≥ .... AXn\s√ Ign-bq. Chn-sS-\n∂v bm{X ]d™v ]ncn-bp-tºmƒ ]e-cp-tSbpw IÆp-Iƒ Cud-\Wn™n´p-≠m-Imw. "tlbv Aß-s\-sbm-∂pan-√...' F∂v ]pdta \Sn-°p-∂h - c - psS D≈n-s‚-bp-≈n-se-¶nepw A\n-hm-cy-amb B hn[n-sb-tbm¿Øv Hcp Xp≈n IÆo¿ s]mgn™n-´p-≠m-Imw. ¢m p-Iƒ CjvSa - n-√m-Øh - ¿t]mepw Hcp Znhkw-Iq-Sn-sb-¶nepw ¢mkv D≠m-bn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ F∂m-{K-ln-®pt]m-Ip∂ \nan-jw. \msf-bp-sS \√ \mfp-I-fn¬ Cu IÆo¿ ]p©n-cn°v hgn-am-dp-am-bn-cn-°mw. Imew Gsdbpw ap∂n-ep≠mImw? k©-cn-°m≥ hgn-I-fpw. ]t£ ... \jvS-s∏´ Cu Zn\-߃ Hcn-°epw Xncn-®p-h-cn-I-bn-√. shdp-sX-sb-¶nepw R߃°v Biz-kn-°mw, Ime-sa{X Ign-™mepw Hm¿°p-at√m Rßsf Chn-SpsØ Npa-cp-I-sf¶n-epw... 121

Achievers of KAMC

Recitation Sanskrit - I Prize Kathaprasangam Female - II Prize Recitation Malayalam - III Prize

Sreedevi Rajan I Batch

Mappilappattu male II Prize

Essay Writing Hindi II Prize

Muhammed Shafeeque I Batch

Rakhi I Batch

Embroidary III Prize

Rekha K.C. I Batch

B Zone Kalotsav


Mappilappattu Female III Prize

Ummu Subthaini II Batch

B Zone Kalotsav

B Zone Kalotsav



Anju Sreedharan


IV Batch (Sanskrit-Essay Writing Ist)

IV Batch (Kathaprasangam IInd)

IV Batch (Kathaprasangam IInd)

II Batch (Aksharaslokam IIIrd)

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

Drawing Corner

tcjva Fkv. \mb¿

A©mw _m®v

kmPnX 3˛mw _m®v

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H∂mw _m®v

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\memw _m®v


aq∂mw _m®v



Teaching Staff

Dr. S.G. Chandini

Dr. E. Parameswaran Potty

Dr. Syamala K. Dept. of Sanskrit

Dr. Dineshkumar P.M. Dept. of Dravyaguna

V.M. Damodaran Dept. of Sanskrit

Dr. Madhu K.P. Dept. of Agadathantra

Dr. P.V. Musthafa Kamal

Vice Principal


Dr. Manoj Kaloor Dept. of Salakya Thantra

Hospital Superintendent

Dr. T.N. Harikrishnan

Dr. Fathima Yasmeen Dept. of Kayachikitsa

Dept. of R & B

Dr. Roopa Nanannavar

Dept. of R & B.

Dr. Adarsh E.K.

Dept. of Panchakarma

Dr. Finbe Baby Dept. of Panchakarma

Medical Officers

Dr. Archana Dr. Reshma P. Radhakrishnan


Dr. Remya R.

Dr. Shehine Sidique M.

Dr. Shine Shershad

Dr. Ummer Farooque V.V.

KAMC Magazine 2010-11

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