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Copyright 2013Š The National University of Malaysia
Community Engagement Symposium Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia 26th – 27th November 2013
Research, Community Engagement, University Social Responsibility & Sustainability: Future Partnerships across ASEAN Prof. Dato’ Dr. Saran Kaur Gill Deputy Vice Chancellor (Industry & Community Partnerships), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia & Executive Director, AsiaEngage (ATNEU, AUN-USRS & AYVP)
Main Campus in Bangi: 1,100 hectares Kuala Lumpur Campus: 20 hectares
Cheras Campus: 22 hectares
Ranked 23rd under the category of Young Universities (below 50 years)
Among the Top 300 Universities in the world Ranked 8th under the Top 10 Universities in Asia
BEIJING FORUM : November 2nd-4th , 2012 Keynote Address by Former President of India DR APJ ABDUL KALAM
“The Evolution of a Peaceful and Prosperous Planet Earth”
A key message – we need to work on global platforms made up of a network of universities, private sector and communities – researching and synergizing core competencies to find knowledge-driven solutions in a multinational manner.
Definition of University- Community Engagement Engagement is the partnership of university knowledge and resources with those of the public and private sectors to enrich scholarship, research, and creative activity; enhance curriculum, teaching, and learning; prepare educated, engaged citizens; strengthen democratic values and civic responsibility; address critical societal issues; and contribute to the public good. (Bloomfield, 2005, emphasis)�.
University – Community Engagement 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Establishment of the Community and Industry Partnerships Portfolio Vice Chancellor
Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic & Internationalization
Deputy Vice Chancellor Research & Innovation
Deputy Vice Chancellor Student Affairs & Alumni
Established by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia on the 1st of Sept 2007 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Deputy Vice Chancellor Industry & Community Partnerships
UKM’s Governance Eco-System for Engagement
Driving Engagements Across Research, Education & Service 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Service ‘Service’ as the third mission of the university focuses on an act of helpful activity; help; aid: to do someone a service, what is involved in volunteerism and this is extremely valuable for ensuring that we give with our hearts, hands and minds back to society.
Clarity of Conceptualisation It is a challenge “to rid ourselves of the old paradigm of “community service” that keep us captive and to arrive at a more reciprocal concept that emphasises partnership and mutual benefit.” (Botman, H.R. 2010. At the Talloires Network Conference. Bellagio, Italy)
Service vs. Engagement • The term 'Service' is not broad enough to sufficiently encompass and capture the diverse range of activities and initiatives which involve engagement with industry and communities which encompasses the richness of knowledge exchange, carried out with various multi-sectoral partners in mutually beneficial ways. • This area of industry and community engagement should not be regarded as the third mission - it only has value through integration by supporting and enriching the core missions of the university – research, education and service (volunteerism). 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
“Engagement implies purposive, respectful and productive interaction between both internal (academics, students and administrative staff) and external stakeholders (industry, government agencies, NGOs and communities) for the establishment of mutually beneficial partnerships. This will involve working together with shared understanding to develop shared solutions, through shared governance and shared assets, with the ultimate aim of gaining shared advantages for all stakeholders. All of these engagement initiatives enhance the key roles of the university – education, research and service – in alignment with industry, NGO and community needs 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Engagement & Partnerships
Principles Underlying Methodology and Approach for Research-Driven Community Engagement
Research is an integral part of engagement with communities – researchdriven community engagement
Academics apply their expertise but are cognizant of the fact that they are not the sole custodians of knowledge and work closely with communities to share and gain knowledge principles of respect and Knowledge-Exchange
Need to develop community champions and empower community members for them to proceed and progress with the solutions jointly developed
Multi-sector partnerships which address and jointly solve problems faced by communities – both at national and regional levels
Cascading Model – Academic Experts share knowledge with youth who in turn share the acquired knowledge in a form that is relevant, interesting and easily understood with school children and communities
Integrating Research, Education & Volunteerism through the UKM-YSD Endowed Chair for Climate Change
UKM-YSD Endowed Chair for Climate Change
Niche Research Area:
Climate Change
Discussions between Yayasan Sime Darby (Sime Darby Foundation) and knowledge leaders from various faculties and research institutes at UKM
UKM-YSD Endowed Chair for Climate Change Research Develop knowledge to address mitigation adaptation challenges
Enrich education through current knowledge in climate change
Service Create Climate Change Ambassadors (students) to create awareness
Cooperate with govt agencies / NGOs for capacity building initiatives
Niche Research Area: Climate Change Discussions between Yayasan Sime Darby (Sime Darby Foundation) and knowledge leaders from various faculties and research institutes at UKM
UKM-YSD Endowed Chair for Climate Change
Research Develop knowledge to address mitigation adaptation challenges
Enrich education through current knowledge in climate change
Create Climate Change Ambassadors (students) to create awareness
Cooperate with govt agencies / NGOs for capacity building initiatives
UKM’s Green ROSE Programme Based on the knowledge developed through the Chair on Climate Change, this research-driven community engagement project was initiated to raise the awareness of young children on climate change issues and adaptation. Through an impactful cascading model, UKM students are trained by academics to mentor school children on how energy efficiency, transport, fuel consumption, waste management and alternative energy sources impact on climate change and, in turn, on global communities. The Green ROSE programme has been conducted in 14 primary schools, impacting over 800 school children, and involving 80 UKM student volunteers. The impact of this initiative has recently been recognized by the Ministry and funding has been allocated to replicate this successful model nationwide.
Impacting Regional Communities through Research-Driven Community Engagement ď ą The Green ROSE programme successfully applies the principles and criteria of research-driven community engagement to address challenges of local communities through an integrated model that combines research with socially responsive knowledge (innovative teaching & learning) and volunteerism (service). ď ą This integrated model and the principles and criteria of research-driven community engagement can be replicated at the regional level to benefit ASEAN communities through collaboration amongst multi-sectoral stakeholders via AsiaEngage.
Teaching & Learning
Integrated Model for Regional Collaboration in Research19 Driven Community Engagement
Scholarship of Engagement and Capacity Enhancement “An important challenge therefore is to understand how to shape programmes of community-based engagement so that they are philosophically and conceptually located within the core functions of the university. This would be different from supporting them from the edge to the centre. The one way of doing this is by placing community-based engagement firmly within a knowledge production framework so that the kinds of knowledge production and knowledge dissemination in community-based engagement activities are in competition with ‘high’ knowledge – knowledge that forms the basis of a traditional university.” (Ahmed C. Bawa, 2007:59) 20
A Powerful Collaboration to Engage ASEAN & Asia The Asia-Talloires Network of Engaged Universities (ATNEU) was formed in January 2011 as a regional partner of the Talloires Network, a global association of over 200 institutions in 59 countries committed to strengthening the civic roles and social responsibilities of higher education globally.
The ASEAN University Network’s thematic network for University Social Responsibility & Sustainability was endorsed in July 2011, as an enabling mechanism to achieve greater regional cooperation amongst the higher education institutions in ASEAN, to contribute to the social, economic and environmental development of the region.
The proposal to establish the ASEAN Youth Volunteers Programme (AYVP) was presented during the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Youth (SOMY) in Hanoi, Vietnam on 18 October 2011, endorsed by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dato’ Sri Ahmad Shabery Cheek during the Seventh ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Youth (AMMY VII) on 20 October 2011 and approved by the Malaysian Cabinet on 20 April 2012
A Powerful Collaboration to Engage ASEAN & Asia
AsiaEngage ATNEU
71 AsiaEngage Members from 16 Countries
Output from the 2nd AUN USR&S Steering Committee Meeting Governance Systems and Structures to Institutionalise Industry and Community Engagement across ASEAN universities
Community Engaged Research
Community-Integrated Teaching and Learning
Development of Criteria for selection of Community Engagement experts across ASEAN for the different areas of community-engaged research, teaching and learning and service
Development of Criteria for Regional Awards for AUN USR&S
Non-ASEAN NationalsEligible only if they are faculty members in ASEAN universities
CRITERIA 1 English Competent ASEAN Nationals
CRITERIA 2 Expert in Research, Teaching & Learning and/or Service and in any or a combination of the following subjects
Rural & Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation
Protecting ASEAN’s Heritage
Community & Industry Engagement
Social Entrepreneurship
Disaster Risk Reduction & Recovery
Climate Change & the Environment
Education Development
Health Services
Exhibited or established in endeavors undertaken in at least two (2) ASEAN member-states
Includes awards or other forms of institutional or community recognition for work in the area(s) of claimed expertise
CRITERIA 3 Proven track record with these characteristics Includes publications on his/her area(s) of expertise, whether in print or electronic media
High educational attainment
“community engagement needs to be connected to faculty’s research and scholarly agendas, be tied to the university’s research mission and be integrated into the discipline-based, academic work of departments.”
(Furco, 2001)
Capacity Building for Effective Industry and Community Engagement through Meaningful, Organised and Impactful Training
Systems and processes for effective stakeholder engagement
Social participatory research
Example of Areas Skills and competencies to access funding for industry and community engagement
Examining the social impact of community engaged projects
ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme (AYVP)
Endorsed by all 10 ASEAN member states on 20 October 2011 at the Seventh ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Youth (AMMY VII) Approved by the Malaysian Cabinet on 20 April 2012 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
AYVP as a Technical Hub Selection of InCountry Projects of Thematic Areas for Countries to Lead, Excel and gain visibility across ASEAN
Advice on the Development of Innovative Curriculum and Modules
Capacity Building through the Sharing of experience & learning
Developing Network of Volunteer Alumni
Selection of ASEAN Volunteers 18-30 years
Quality Assurance Measures to Ensure Impactful and Productive Volunteerism and Community Engaged Programmes
AVYP Model to create the multiplier effect across ASEAN countries
Setting up of a regional knowledge portal
Design and Development Principles for AYVP
Foundational knowledge (content and cross-disciplinary knowledge)
Professional knowledge (practitioner skills and content)
Socially responsive knowledge
Educate for a Socially Responsible Life “We don’t only live a vocational life but we live a civic life and we have to be educated for it.” (Bringle et. Al.: 3)
Socially Responsive Knowledge first, to educate students in the problems of society second, have them experience and understand first-hand social issues in the community; and third, and most important, give students the experiences and skills to act on social problems.” (Altman, 1996, pp. 375-376) 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
What Is AYVP? AYVP is an instrument that would create opportunities for youth across the ASEAN region to apply knowledge-driven multidisciplinary volunteerism to collaboratively solve communities’ problems; and as they do this, they exchange knowledge, learn about each other and strengthen intercultural relationships. All of this would contribute to the development of a strong ASEAN identity – a younger generation who not only volunteer but also develop leadership qualities, coloured with the strength of humility, kindness and compassion.
Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change
Research Institutes
Environment & Sustainable Development (LESTARI)
Disaster Prevention (SEADPRI)
Climate Change Studies (IKP)
Solar Energy (SERI)
Fuel Cell
Systems Biology INBIOSIS
Living Labs
Marine Biology Research Centre
Langkawi Research Centre
Pusat Penyelidikan Tasik Chini Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Tasik Chini Research Centre 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Fraser Hill Research Centre
Unsustainable Use of Natural Resources With the greed of mankind, we humans have consumed the earth resources in an unsustainable way, in a way that disrupts the ecosystem on which we and other species depend on.
The development of ASEAN Eco-Leaders through Volunteerism and Community Engagement 15th August – 20th Sept 2013 They will become Eco-Leaders with competencies and skills in leadership and environmental conservation and be empowered with ASEAN values as well as a love for community engagement
RESPONSE TO AYVP Received 848 applications from the 10 ASEAN countries for 100 places AYVP’s main goal is to drive youth volunteerism and community development that involve young people with a targeted demographic age of between 18 and 30 from higher education, colleges, youth organisations, NGOs and working professionals across ASEAN. 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Duration and Location ď ś Week one: held at UKM - the only university in this region that is located in about 100 hectares of forest reserve – ASEAN History, Development and Identity
Kampong Dew, Firefly Sanctuary, Perak
Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu
Kuala Selangor Nature Park Selangor
Three weeks at 4 biodiversity sites in Malaysia 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Mersing Coastal Communities, Johor 42
MERSING COASTAL COMMUNITIES, JOHOR UKM has established the Marine Ecosystem Research Centre (EKOMAR), a field station to conduct research related to the marine ecosystem and resources. The centre aims at bringing about economic development to the area and act as a catalyst to improve the quality of life for local population by providing business and job opportunities while conserving the natural ecosystem. Solid waste management is an area that has to be worked on with the community – the aim is to work to build up awareness and know-how so that the community is willing to take responsibility of their environmental surroundings. 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Mersing, Johor “Enhance environmental awareness and minimizing pollution in coastal communities by promoting the practice of community based recycling�
Clear Your Coast, Cash Your Trash 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Collaboratively built a concrete recycling collection center ď ś The volunteers worked together with the local community in building a concrete recycling collection centre by the beach. This is for the local community to segregate their trash and collect the recyclable materials. The centre will also generate data on trash disposal and recycling rates, which can be used by the local community, district office and future volunteers to track trends and success rates.
Voices of the Volunteers “We loved the process of working with a team of talented people and engaging with the local community because of the warm fellowship. However, the local people still use the burning method to solve the rubbish issues. We believe they should know more about proper waste segregation and recycling. We developed educational awareness of segregation and recycling of waste. We built recycling centres and community-based buy-back centres. To ensure that the knowledge is carried forward, we organized environmental education programs for primary school students, visited the homes of the local community. We also participated in craft making using recyclable materials, and helped to create a market for the craft products among tourists in order to create a viable business for the local crafters.� 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Nature’s Light
Kampong Dew : “Firefly Habitat Conservation & Community-based Ecotourism”
Site 2 Theme
Kampung Dew, Perak Firefly Habitat Conservation & Community Based Ecotourism
ď ś The Eco-Leaders here supported existing local community initiatives on forest firefly habitat conservation and community based eco-tourism. ď ś Among the activities the volunteers engaged in were fireflysurveying, host plant tagging, and tree planting along the river banks.
Intercultural Exchange Village Culture
ď ś Unique to this group is their experience of home-staying with local families during their time at Kpg Dew.
Regional Culture
ď ś They worked collaboratively to enhance the natural surroundings of the jetty area which is the starting point of firefly tours, as well as to train local tour guides with basic English language lessons and the production of information, education and communication (IEC) materials.
ď ś They developed a website, a pamphlet design and a script for the eco-tourism campaign. In addition, they also organised a community exhibition and a series of school talks for raising awareness on the need for environmental conservation. 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
The Last Week at UKM ď ś This is a week of sharing of knowledge and critically reflecting on their experiences gained at the various biodiversity sites. The volunteers worked on reports, writing their reflective journals, and plans for the replication of similar projects in their home countries.
ď ś The culmination of the five weeks ended with a Grand Celebration to bring together volunteers and other stakeholders to showcase the learning, the culture, the song and dances of various countries and communities across ASEAN. 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Recognition and Certification of ASEAN Youth Heritage Leaders’ Programme Certificate of participation – after 5 weeks of successful participation
Certificate of Excellence after the successful completion of conservation projects in respective countries. In-country supervision plan will be put in place to ensure implementation and continuity of proposed action plans developed. Working towards academics credits through the ASEAN Credit Transfer System (ACTS) with ASEAN University Network. 52
The Multiplier Effect The ASEAN Youth Heritage Leaders will apply the knowledge gained to replicate and implement similar projects in their respective countries – write research and development proposals.
They will also contribute to future AYVP programmes by becoming facilitators/trainers of Heritage Conservation and Preservation Youth Volunteer Programmes Formation of Alumni to support alumni projects and to develop and strengthen network – through social media Organizing a regional conference to share the best practices of alumni (a year after they return) 53
Forging Partnerships Across ASEAN
"If you want to establish partnerships and relationships with people, there is nothing like having to work together to make sure that the research and knowledge you have in some way benefits the communities that you work with, communities that perhaps are not as advantaged as those you come from. The 21st century is a century in which we have to expose and develop our youth, not only as youth who have academic research and knowledge, professional skills through internship competency and experience, but also the heart and feeling of wanting to give back to communities as well. That will really enrich the relationship and cultural know-how between the youth across ASEAN.'' 2013/UKM/HEJIM/Saran
Criteria for Research-Driven Community Engagement at UKM Engage with the community in collaborative research through consultative process or community profiling to identify needs and challenges of the community
Demonstrate sustainability by securing matching contribution from private sector stakeholders (foundations/industries/philanthropists) through their CSR mission
Demonstrate clear and measurable outcome in terms of research output and the impact on community development and empowerment
Demonstrate positive impact on teaching & learning through the development of community-based competencies in students via a cascading model and the integration of core project elements into the curriculum