Salem portfolio 2017

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I believe that architecture is tools of evolution and promotion the human value, our today architecture should drive people by smooth way to the complex future. the integration of the best of science and technology into a comprehensive plan for a new society based on human and environmental concern. It is a global vision of hope for the future of humankind in our technological age. I believe that architecture its not only about designing a buildings but in fact it should presents a new way of seeing the world; how it changes our way of thinking about the world and, as a result, might change the world itself. The concept of change drives us to the futuristic project. Seeing, not seeing as, enables knowledge to grow� Barbara Stafford... By changing the way (we think about (our thoughts, (we) can change (our brains as well as the world.› Because we can imagine change, then change takes place. The net result is to design new future scenarios for the world. This requires new ways to imagine the world, not just as an ongoing real estate opportunity, but as the setting for new ways to be to get new conditions for conducting life in close margins, in my project principles of having new urban planning visions dependent on the conditioning principles of both utopia and the ideal city. Kamel Lokman

Bauhaus Museum Type: Museum Location: Germany, Dessau Client: Dessau Goverment Year: 2015 More info.:Competition Proposal

The building of the Bauhaus museum in our opinion should be simply formed just for convenience of the exposition inside, but at the same time it should demonstrate a challenging attitude in the way of the thought of architecture because that was the way of Bauhaus school. It is not about reproducing buildings of historical styles, but pushing today›s achievements further, and beyond a museum extension, our ambition is to provide an extension to the city and the park. The project designed by Alan Jibilov & Kamel Lokman.


Type: Visionary Location: Dessau,Germany Client: Acadamic project Year: 2016 More info.: Dessau institute of architecture

“Science fiction investigation to develop new conditions for conducting life in apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic scenarios” It Seems that its is Science fiction ,but it is our future, in 2013 , several scientists said human will be extinct with in 40years, maybe much sooner, this a call to an action, over the past century we have set in motion events which are now beyond our control, When Fresh water is disappearing, the biosphere is badly warming , the oceans are dangerously acidified, food supplies are dawdling, the dirty energy sources we can’t live without are poisoning the planet, taken separately any one of those factors spells disaster for civilization , together they mean the end of human as species, Realistically, all that is left to us is learning how to survive with whatever measure of dignity our individual circumstances allow.

TRANSONOID Type: Visionary Location: Dessau,Germany Client: Acadamic project Year: 2015 More info.: Dessau institute of architecture

The project aims to High-Tec mechanical technology to create transforming spaces for creative performances and a media center for a massive part of the Seoul city, stressing on the importance of (Cinema, media, and culture)experience which can be used for film premieres, festivals and other cultural events. The main aim of the project is the transforming, implementation and control of a distributed robotic system along the bridge. The system will be made up of heterogeneous, dynamically connected robots. Collectively, these robots will form what will be called (multi appendage Robotic system). That actuated programed system will be comprised of 32 autonomous robots machines of 2 types: core-bots, and limbs-bots, they collaborate to achieve different functionality.

Cerebellum Academic Workshop Type: Dessau,Germany Location: DIA Client: 2015 Year: More info.:Teamwork Natalie Belous ,Kamel Lokman

Our approach is using specific community information frequencies to try and get the convenient and valuable information’s through different existing channels and means of communication, and try to model defined and supportive circuits of information in artificial neural networks. That way, we can generate a project that works like a network by filtering different inputs and finding certain conditions of specific habitat, while beginning to generate outputs. Then that creates an informative model of information like the auditory hallucinations “the wrong information”, this approach was to generate an artificial neural network that could process filter the different inputs. Artificial neural networks are basically sets of mathematical functions modeled in a computer program. It will be designed to simulate the information‐processing functions carried out by individual Senders and more importantly, the computational functions carried out by an interconnected network of such senders. They are necessarily highly abstract, but they can recapitulate many of the computational functions and it works same like neural networks.

Dewa tower

Type: Government building Location: Dubai Client: DEWA Year: 2014 More info.: design proposal

Design proposal for a 93-meter tall office building. Designed by Invert Studios, the governmental mixed-use project «complex form» was shaped as a result from the climatic restraints and wind moving direction in its site. It is set to rise 30-stories on a stepped podium in the city›s central business district. Once complete, it will provide 372 different use spaces. This project is a result of our significant climate research which spontaneously creates the complex form – a vertical cantilever. Also it is the most effective way to redistribute the building›s mass, giving the best results in terms of structural dispersion, frequency oscillation and wind requirements with coherency.

Oslo museum

Type: Location: Client: Year: More info.:

Culture museum Oslo, Norway Oslo government 2009 Design Porposal

The establishment of a national museum of art, architecture, and design is an expression of a dynamic government commitment to the visual art. With a basis in the rich location of visual art assembled over a long period of time, the museum through its activities will raise the awareness and involvement with the visual arts, develop the critical sense, simulate new recognition ,elicit growing historical insight, and build respect for the diversity of expression of the arts, and the building.

Orial-Doha Type: Multi Use Towers Location: Doha, Qater Client: Barwa Real Estate with MA Year: studios More info.: Proposed: 2007 built 2012 Concept Invert Studios J.V. design: with MA studio

Utilizing state of the art modeling and sustainable design techniques, the 10 towers will act as a gateway to the city, with the highest tower rising for 215 meters, and the project will provide world-class residential and business services. The design concept was driven from the traditional Islamic patterns and includes a diaphanous «mashrabiya» that protects the exposed parts of the building against sun rays resulting in 25% reduction in the surrounding landscape to ensure a highly sustainable and efficient building. The «mashrabiya» was conceived as a dynamic facade that will response to the sun path. Landscaped external spaces include palms and water features while sky gardens are situated on the upper levels of the building.

Dahab Canyon Type: Multi complex Location: Sainai, Egypt Client: Tarek Tharwat Year: 2011 More info.: Cost 14 M usd

The project is one of the leading medium density residential developments in Sinai, Egypt. The site has a view over the high mountains and it is located few kilometers in front of the project with a sea back view. During the design, Dahab Canyon Multiplex combined extensive use of Ecologically Sustainable Design (LEED) with sophisticated urban design principles, establishing a community that is both of a high standard of living and sustainable. Central to the site layout is a Green wide atrium, which is punctuated by a series of landscaped courtyards. This serves as a link between the residential units and other facilities, which allows 90 percent of the apartments to have cross-ventilation and a northern-orientated living area.

Benetton CO. Type: Attiler and office building Location: Tahran, Iran Client: Benetton Co. Year: 2009 More info.: Competition

The project consists of masses inspired by the geometric lines of the regular Islamic inscriptions that separate the masses, with a clear fusion between the masses, and dock with the space for the entrance of the panoramic entrance, and joining the masses and voids formed in the center of the porosity of the building creates shaded spaces inside. Then it appears as if the project is a matrix of many biological features and it breaks the rhythm as well as the existence positive environmental of the positive full advantage of the wind and disrupting the movement of air and spaciousness and brightness of lighting and non-direct and indirect and direct correlation to test the movement of the sun in places of the glass and closed areas. In the context of the user interaction with the construction, the need to come to a form of the building- a form can translate the past and help to create the vision of the future appeared. So we created a consistent rhythm and reflected the Islamic civilization and diverse music that chants to the subconscious and conscious of the human being both with avoid of boredom. It was necessary to create a framework which gathers these interactions in contradictory positive in one pot so that the project’s strong edifice the project came simply to explained the previous stages of civilization and the evolution of the place and its interaction with the surrounding urban environment.

North Coast Compound Type: Multi use compound Location: Noth Coast, Egypt Client: Syndicate Year: committee,Dakahliya More info.: 2015 under construction

Utilizing state of the art modeling and sustainable design techniques, the 10 towers building will act as a gateway to the city, with the highest tower rising for 215 meters, the project will provide world-class residential and business services. The design concept was driven from the traditional Islamic patterns and includes a diaphanous «mashrabiya» that protects the exposed parts of the building against sun rays resulting in 25% reduction in the surrounding landscape to ensure a highly sustainable and efficient building. The «mashrabiya» was ceonceived as a dynamic facade that will response to the sun path, Landscaped external spaces include palms and water features while sky gardens are situated on the upper levels of the building.

Prishtian Central Mosque Type: Religion building Location: PRISHTINA,Kosovo Client: Kosovo Year: 2013, Competition More info.: design proposal Design team: Victoria stotsya , Raof Abdelnabi , Kamel Lokman

Islam in Kosovo has a history of over six centuries. It is now a main part of its cultural identity, with the Islamic architecture as an integral part of it. From the Ottoman Islamic architecture, over the time original features were developed that formed a unique local style on the basis of the Ottoman style, which in the sacral architecture always kept the core components of the Ottoman mosque. From this we may conclude that, the mosque architecture in Kosovo does not start today. On the contrary, it presents a continuity of a long and deep tradition in this place. The idea behind the design started with a very simple question, how we can design a building that should play in harmony with the surrounding neighbourhood, integrated with the urbanity, and for a very powerful reason want to stand out as a futuristic icon for Prishtina City? We looked at the Ottoman architectural elements, and simply we merged the two big elements that can make any building a mosque like shape, the Minarets and the Dome. We thought that if we can take the dome shape and merge it with the minaret and integrate the tower- where the most of activities will take place- and have a presence of this tower to the main road, we will be adding an iconic design for the Islamic Culture Centre that will easily tie in with the urbanity of the site, and will interact with different directions of approaching points to it, from the main high road and the back lower road.

The duality Type: Office building Location: Jeddah, K.S.A Client: El- Rodain real estate Year: 2010 More info.: cost 26 M usd

VENICE BIENNALE Type: visionary project Location: Venice, Italy Client: Venice Binnale Year: 2010 More info.: Pavilion design proposal Team: Ahmed Mito ,Kamel Loqman, Hisham Alaa and the artists Ayman Lotfy ,Ahmed Refat, Niveen Farghaly , Amer Abdelhakem.

The Search for Salvation: The Exhibition Space for the Egyptian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale concept design ... Beliefs of people throughout the history... The manuscript in itself is meaningless without the ink giving it life... And distinguishing its soul... Making up the ideas and inspiration... Leading people to believe, love and hate... The methodology depends on decoding the inseparable relation between the ink and the paper... Pushing the paper to its edge... to the limit of its potential... so that it represents all mankind in its procedures, aspirations, hopes and needs... Influencing the Manu script with every process known in design to push it to expel and evaporate in to a cloud of thoughts inviting man to think... Imagine... Assume... and believe... With parameters that seem to be rather independent but, anyway, cross influencing – which strengthens the Idea of a dialectic relation between them and their antonyms.

cardboard Pavilion Type: Academic Workshop Location: Dessau,Germany DIA Client: 2015 Year: More info.:

Academic course and Workshop on Constructive Geometry at Dessau Institute of Architecture in Germany, design the 1:1 scale! For Constructive Geometry Pavilion, Group of 23 architects investigated the design of dome structures using computational design processes. Differently from previous editions, the goal was to select one solution and build it at full scale using corrugated cardboard as a recycling materials.the design was focusing on the discussion of the design cover all other aspects like production time frame, economic feasibility, and structural integrity.

Dubai arc Type: Location: Client: Year: More info.:

Office building Dubai, U.A.I Al-asary 2007 Cost 21 M usd

The building designed to be an approach along the main street, followed by an continuity strips leading visitors towards the entrance under the cantilever. The reception area is the crossroads between the offices and commercial spaces. Beyond and above are the offices and meeting rooms. The design has an industrial approach, combining concrete for walls and floors, glass for facades and internal divisions, metal plating for facades an ceilings, and aluminium strips for sunshades. All materials also produce a gloss, reflecting the building as well as the colors of sky and surroundings.

“Breathing bubbles” Functional skin The interior spaces are called bubbles. They are composed of flexibly elastic materials and framework, and float supported by the active dampers of the Fiber structure. The bubbles change in shape according to the nature and conditions of activities in the interior. Sometimes they are large masses, sometimes they are long and narrow, and sometimes they are compressed into a number of spaces. The floors inside the bubbles form a continuous spiral, allowing them to respond to these changes. The surface of the bubbles is a “functional skin” that responds to the outside world. The transparency of the surface materials, made of liquid crystals sandwiched in plastic, changes according to the activities in the interior. Alternatively, the skin can become a visual screen, communicating in real time with people on the street. The combination of flexible bubble spaces with the flexible Fiber structure enables an architecture that breathes like a living organism.

Breathing skin Type: Sports Club Location: Reyadh , K.S.A Client: Saudi Arabia Municipality Year: Proposed : 2007 More info.: INVERT studios J.V. with MA studio

The skinning of imitation is the main idea for this project form, we tried here to find a simple language to express most of the building cases around Dubai, as in the In last 5 years and after the big booming that happened in the Real-Estate market in Dubai, most of the cities like Al-Ain tried to imitate what they see from the technology and revolution. INVERT went in a joint-venture with AURA studio in the design of this multicomplex buliding in Al-Ain, U.A.E. The skinning of imitation is the main idea for this project form, we tried here to find a simple language to express most of the building cases around Dubai, as in the In last 5 years and after the big booming that happened in the RealEstate market in Dubai, most of the cities like Al-Ain tried to imitate what they see from the technology and revolution.

Skinning Type: Multi complex use Location: Al-Ain, U.A.E Client: Development group Year: Design Porposal 2005 More info.: Cost 8.5 M $

Evolo Skyscraper Type: visionary project Location: worlwide Client: E.Volo Year: 2012 More info.: Competition design proposal Plug-In Tower is a kinetic portable building that can be mechanically transferred and re-fixed in any other place. This idea helps to secure data between big organizations, and is a specific type of Freedom that is transferred and plugged-in in any available 50 m2 available area, and can connect directly through a matrix of network of same buildings around. As long as the main idea of portal tower is to help reducing demolition and the recycling of the deconstruction row materials, also the building is supported with turbine engines that work as wind turbines along the building’s curvy sides with sustainable energy along the entire structure ,the photovoltaic external skin is a part of the ecology system in the design to add an usable energy, the tower’s internal trusses is linked all around by an optical fiber glass surfaces to help the system to extend interior into the exterior view and the opposite.


The building form consists of two interlocking L-shaped volumes which articulate the functions of the building program.

Type: building and retail Location: Dubai, U.A.E Client: 2007 Year: Al-Asri Engineering More info.: Consultants Under Construction:

The building exterior is cladding with two distinct faรงade types, some spaces which is need natural light more than the others is a glazed aluminum walls, with alternating clear window openings and thin aluminum plate . The second faรงade type is also a glazed aluminum unitized curtain wall with horizontal louvers to reduce the direct sun light. However, all of the units are glass that is treated with varying types of glass frit that altogether cover approximately seventy percent of the wall, protecting the interior from solar gain.

The twin Connected Luxury architecture school Towers The Dubai Heart Tower is a Two Connected Luxury architecture school Towers A 150 meter 45 floor tall tower and a 120 meter tall tower are almost connected . The towers with a podium surface of 6000 m2. The two towers designed as an abstract gate shape to be as an entrance of any new science or technological city project, a master plan designed to be an extension also of any business district because of its futuristic design. The long tower reaches a height of 150 meters with 45 floors, the short tower 120 meters with 35 floors. Halfway, at the top and medium levels mechanical and technical floors are positioned. Usually a high-rise adds little to the immediate surrounding city life, but by integrating podium with the typology adds in a more social way to the city. Inside you can find all school function, easily connected with a large connecting atrium , links ,Halls , and clear appearance vertical circulations.

Dubai heart tower Type: Multi use Location: Dubai Client: AC-CA Year: 2013 More info.: Proposal

El-Hosary Villa Type: Residential Villa Location: New Cairo, Egypt Client: Mustafa Elhosary Year: 2003 More info.: Cost 2 M $

This Modern Villa was designed using the minimalist lines, A four bedroom villa with a living and dining overlooking a luxurious garden and a simple pool. it expresses a solid response to clear masses and wrapped construction yet it also harnesses the essentials of luxurious living including screening from the side and powerful view from the front.

Stand out compound

Type: Residential Compound Location: Pyramids view, Egypt Client: Stand out investment Year: 2003 More info.: encouragement prize

A limited competition to design a residential community, a unique location across the great pyramids in Giza, the project design to doesn›t act like a residential community only but also will act as a generous new public space, giving priority to people communication and activates and work as open space to gather the positive and a platform that can accommodate events and activates. and the idea came from lights and the prism, and can be used to split light up into its constituent spectral colors . a continuous compound view well beyond the pyramids, The site gently sloping surface enables a pedestrian promenade and all villas while still allowing the necessary clearance for the view. The Project designed by Invert Studios J.V. with MA studio.

Hatta crossing point Type: Check point between Location: Hatta and Oman, Client: Dubai - U.A.E Year: Dubai Municipality More info.: 2004 Limited Competition

A crossing point between Hatta and Oman, Invert studios J.V with Al-asary consultant office Urban growth has pushed the planners in U.A.E to build in the sea, in other words, urban expansion through the land reclamation what we call “ Dubai civilization proliferation � is just a simple expression of the expansion of the country in the twentieth century, where growth is a virtue in itself. A combination of simple units produces a complex whole. The building is a model rendering of a sharp topography urban structure based on that principle. The metal units used are of basically simple, abstract forms. Their combination produces a diverse whole. There also are several types of these textures, and combining them encourages further diversity. Light is the element that provides the clues to this approach. Even small variations in the transmission, reflectivity, and wavelength of light turn out to make a big difference. Differences in the angle of the reflecting plane deflect the light and amplify the movements of the sun. As a result, our perceptions of the forms change with the passage of time.

Metamorphic Type: Office building and retail Location: Dubai, U.A.E Client: Al-Asri Engineering Year: Consultants More info.: 2007 Under Construction

The design goal was to leave a mark on the territory, expressing One’s values and vision, in line with the adjacent of the new shape for Dubai city, and in alignment with the principles of economic, and environmental sustainability, in continuity with the the surround color schemes. From the architectural point of view, the project embraces a main value: the business community as core element integrated with the other new communities , symbolic and functional heart of the new Business Center. the design search their self reference, originating an horizontal and democratic architecture; research and innovation towards new sustainability.

Concrete Fashion Head quarter Type: Location: Client: Year: More info.:

Head Quarter office building and studio Cairo, Egypt Concrate 2007 Cost 12.5 M $

The Concrete mall is located prominently on the main axis within Elshikh Zaied area in Cairo, Egypt. The design has given equal attention to its three different uses office, workshops and retail and these three different types of uses go in three dimension formed flow, in order to maximize their opportunities and viabilities within the use context, the parts of the building work together and act as a weft into the project spaces. The Project designed by Invert Studios

J.V. with MA studio

Sand dunes

Type: Culture center Location: Cairo, Egypt Client: Development group Year: 2007 More info.: Design Proposal

In this project we tried to simulate a canyon experience, as canyon walls were resembled by glass walls, and the sand by the flow of the internal activities through the site. Our objective was to create acuity that will be extremely pedestrian-friendly with multilevel connections and filled with greenery. By introducing layers of new ground like the striations found in the strata of the earth sand sediments, we hope to create a horizontal environment of greenery and nature.

Abu-dhabi housing Type: Private housing Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE Client: Mr.Alhashmi Year: 2007 More info.:Design Proposal

The project is located in the compound with a lack of view and direct vision to the compound center , together with high density master plan. It’s our mission to design a typical that overcomes those difficulties. Not only us figuring out the situation but our client also wondering on how to emerge the Privacy feeling and luxury living into those villas. Angular, modernist geometry interprets the sense of protection given by the city character from the outside, using combines a series of materials and volumes; polished concrete floors throughout, generously sized bathrooms, and coherent, interspersed with more playful, contemporary inclusions such as textured plywood paneling, exposed concrete finishes and simple structures.

Abu-dhabi housing Type: Private housing Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE Client: Mr.Alhashmi Year: 2007 More info.:Design Proposal

The complex characteristics of the site required a comprehensive solution, taking into account the privacy solutions. The resulting building is composed of superimposed layers, developed longitudinally, creating a wide terrass run the entire length of the building to emphasize the horizontal progression of the units separations and by same entities providing an access to the residential units. the depth on all facades using as an articulation , two bands enclose the structure in a unique geometry gesture, providing order to an otherwise fragmentary faรงade and serving as the identifying symbol of the building.

Alexandria eastern harbor Type: Harbor development Location: Alexandria Client: Bibliotheca Alexandrina Year: 2005 - competition 2nd More info.: prize Design team, Ameer Elgohery, Kamel Lokman

Developing Alexandria eastern harbor Competition The Alex-Med Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandria has organized a ceremony for handing the prizes to the winners of the Architectural Competition for developing the Eastern Harbor and its waterfront, as well as we should respect the historical city Alexandria, it has been formed in an accumulative process over a long history. Architecture to be built in the center of such a city, unlike architecture in a new city where there is nothing pre-existing, should respect the collective history of the city and respond to historical values.

Baku City Type: Multi use compound Location: Baku, Uzbekistan Year: 2014 More info.: Design Proposal

The Project aim is to design a multi use community, a unique location not far from the Baku city cneter, the project design to doesn›t act like a residential community only but also will act as a generous new public space, giving priority to people communication and activates and work as open space to gather the positive and a platforms and atriums that can accommodate events and activates.

E.C.G.S Type: Governmental Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE Client: UAE Goverment Year: 2014 More Design Proposal

The project is an Government office building with High priority to the security concerns and Estidama rating will be A3 pearl (UAE green building). The design reflect the cultural, high tech, contemporary design, institutional and government image, and also the main aim was to respect the architectural local style in contemporary frame.


Type: Office bld. Location: Cairo,Egypt Client: Arab Lawyers Union Year: 2014 More info.: Design Proposal

The building designed to be an approach along the main street, followed by an internal atrium leading visitors towards the entrance in between 2 masses, The design has a minimalist approach, combining natural stones for walls and floors, glass for facades and internal divisions, and aluminium strips for sunshades. All materials also produce a gloss, reflecting the building as well as the colors theme for the surroundings.

Haram Expansion Type: Location: Client: Year:

Religion Macca, Ksa KSA 2013

Great Mosque of Mecca, is the largest mosque in the world and surrounds Islam›s holiest place, one of the largest annual gatherings of people in the world, The current structure covers an area of 356,800 square metres (88.2 acres) including the outdoor and indoor praying spaces and is open at all times. Northern expansion of the mosque began in August 2011 and was expected to be completed in one and a half years. The area of the mosque will be expanded from the current 356,000 m2 (3,830,000 sq ft) to 400,000 m2 (4,300,000 sq ft)


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