Kamila Piotrowska // Portfolio ENG

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Kamila Piotrowska


Curriculum Vitae Kamila Piotrowska d.o.b. 22nd of May 1991 address_ 14 Wodnika St. / 80-299 Gdansk / Poland contact_ kml.piotrowska@gmail.com / +48 508 899 747 Education from 2014 // Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of Technology / Gdansk // Masters degree 2010-2014 // Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of Technology / Gdansk // Bachelor degree 2007-2010 // 19th Highschool in Gdansk // Art profile Experience 04.2014 // 1 month internship / Poberezny Podgorczyk Architects // Gdansk Poland 09.2013 // 1 month internship / Rochman Drohomirecki Architects // Gdynia Poland 07.2013 // Fortnight school-internship / Studio212 Design Studio // Gdansk 07-09.2012 // 3 month internship / Contemporary Art Center // Gdansk 07-08.2011 // 1 month school-internship / construction site / Research Laboratory LINTE^2 Gdansk University of Technology // Gdansk od 09.2013 // Member of the Association of Pomeranian Designers - POCOTO od 2010 // Leadership in the Academic Organization 'Urban and Architectural Brigade’ - BUA, University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture Organization and participation in workshops 02.2014 // ‘Product Matter’ TuBaza Workshop // Gdynia 11.2013 // “RE:BRICK. Revitalization of brick districts in Gdansk” Workshop / 2nd edition // Gdansk 07.2013 // “Me:bel” Gdynia Design Days Workshop // Gdynia 04 - 05.2013 // ‘BreakPoint. DIY’ Workshop // Gdansk 07.2013 // ‘Physical State’ OSSA Gdansk 2013 Workshop // Gdansk Poland 11.2012 // “RE:BRICK. Revitalization of brick districts in Gdansk” Workshop / 1st edition // Gdansk 11.2011 - 06.2012 // ‘Design for all’ PPNT Workshop // Gdynia Prizes / Others 06.11.2013 // Distinction in the "Competition for Architecture Students from University of Technology in Gdansk conception of functional and spatial use of green areas located next to the Science and Technology Park in Gdansk for the public park." 30.04 - 06.05.2013 // Research project in Dublin, Ireland. International cooperation with Dublin Institute of Technology, School of Spatial Planning, Dublin Council and Dublin Docklands Authority. Computer Skills Pakiet Office / Autodesk AutoCad / ZWCAD + / Google SketchUp 8 + V-ray / Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Illustrator CS6 / Corel DRAW X5 Languages polish / english


Concepts 7th semester / Engineer diploma // Student Dormitory / Orlowo district of Gdynia 6th semester // Veterinary Medical Center / Orlowo district of Gdynia 4th semester // Multi-family house 16x16x16 / Wrzeszcz district of Gdansk 0RU]H Z.2á2 6HD $URXQG &RQFHSWXDO GHVLJQ RI SXEOLF WRLOHWV WK .2á2 &RPSHWLWLRQ *G\QLD ¶5H IRUW · 5HYLWDOL]DWLRQ RI ¶(DVWHUQ (DUWKZRUN· 1RZ\ 3RUW GLVWULFW RI *GDQVN ¶5H EULFN · :RUNVKRS &RQFHSWXDO GHVLJQ RI FRQWDLQHU EXLOGLQJV ,QWHUQVKLS 5' $UFKLWHFWV 2014 // Conceptual design of interactive installation ‘Cloud’ // ‘Gdynia Playground ‘14’ Concept and realization 5HYLWDOL]DWLRQ RI WKH EDFN\DUG ·/RFRPRWLYH· 'ROQH 0LDVWR GLVWULFW RI *GDQVN ¶/D]QLD· &RQWHPSRUDU\ $UW &HQWHU ¶%UHDN 3RLQW· *GDQVN 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 7HFKQRORJ\ FDPSXV ¶%UHDN3RLQW ',<· :RUNVKRS ¶3ODFH IRU 'LDORJXH· *GDQVN VKLS\DUG ¶266$ *GDQVN ¶ · :RUNVKRS References SURI %DUWRV] 0DFLNRZVNL )DFXOW\ RI $UFKLWHFWXUH *GDQVN 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 7HFKQRORJ\ 5RFKPDQ 'URKRPLUHFNL $UFKLWHFWV 3REHUH]Q\ 3RGJRUF]\N $UFKLWHFWV

Student Dormitory Orlowo district of Gdynia Engineer diploma / 7th semester The object in this Project is located in Gdynia – Orlowo just near the street leading to the pier and the beautiful beach, which are at a close distance from the lot. Parallel to Orlowska Street, on the RSSRVLWH VLGH WR WKH WHUUDLQ RI WKH 3URMHFW WKHUH LV WKH /DQGVFDSH 3DUN .Ä‹SD 5HGâRZVND¡ VHSDrated since its foundation by the small ‘Kacza’ river. Exceptional location has significantly influenced the form of the building. Narrow lot and a substantial slope of terrain have determined a long plan of the building with the mass partially dug into the rock. However, as to avoid the isolation of the people strolling on Orlowska Street from beautiful circumstances of nature on the other side of the lot, functional and viewing openings have been made. First opening is the entrance road being also the fire-fighting road. The next opening to the recreational space of the Project is the pedestrian stair passage ‘laid out’ with wood – narrow passage with walls on the sides, increasing the excitement, willingness to discover the targeted view, which is framed in the beginning – its range increases step by step. This sequence transforms into a foot-bridge on the river, enabling a more comfortable exploration of the Park. The third opening is less literal – that is a viewing axis on the ground floor of the building, from entrance there is the opportunity to FDWFK WKH VLJKW RI WKH JUHHQ Âś.Ä‹SD 5HGâRZVND¡ 7KH UHFUHDWLRQDO VSDFH RI WKH 3URMHFW LV DYDLODEOH for everyone. The lighting inside the building are the two lanterns, enabling interaction of the students on all levels.


1st floor plan

ground floor plan

idea explanation

semi-underground floor plan

detailed ground floor plan

site plan

detail of mobile curtain wall

C-C section


D1 detail

Veterinary Medical Center Orlowo district of Gdynia 6th semester The building in this Project is located on the lot just next to the above described Students House, by Orlowska Street. This Project, however, had a totally different character. Veterinary Clinic required the settlement of many functional zones – from those ‘cosmetic’ (animal grooming, Animal Hotel), recreational to treatment zones, reception rooms or operating- theatres, up to spaces devoted to psychological care of the users. In this Project the most essential part was the ‘emotional sphere’, because the Clinic just out of its function, is an unpleasant and stress-generating place, for the people as well as for the animals. For this purpose there have been created numerous spaces for relax and recreation, whereas the routine reception zones have been appropriately separated from these, in which the necessity of parting with the pet may occur. This buffer is among others the ‘heart’ of the Project - transparent atrium. Essential characteristic of the mass is an externally visible separation of scientific, recreational and cosmetic functions from those connected with the curing of the animals. Masses interweave, which is externally underlined by the interactive elevation. Elevation made of metal plates, which wave in response to the wind from the sea, emits a soothing sound and ‘enlivens’ the Clinic.

idea explanation




50. klatka schodowa 51. pom. socjalne 51a. WC (dla pracowników) 52.WC 53. WC 54. czytelnia 55. sala konferencyjna 56. biuro typu ’open space’ 57. taras czytelni oraz kawiarni 58. rekreacyjny taras zielony (ogólnodostępny)




53 58

52 51a


1st floor plan


25 26




35 24















15 39a



16 10



41 42



43 43a 44

21 20 8


22 45

50 2



5 48a




3 6







ground floor plan




site plan


16x16x16 Multi-family house / Wrzeszcz district of Gdansk 4th semester The main assumption of the Project was to create a multi-family house on the basis of a cube of dimensions approximate to 16x16x16 m. Besides the form, the layout of the objects on the lot was also given – form of a chessboard. My purpose was to create untypical two-level flats, which was achieved by interweaving the module in the form of letter L. In the module there are two open two-level flats. The two-level terrace is on the roof of the building, the highest level being the ‘green roof’. The layout of the flats was outlined on the elevation, and numerous glazed spaces gained protection in the form of wooden protective panels, which can easily change the character of the building at different times of the day, depending on the sun exposure of certain elevations, because those are sliding panels – folding like harmonica.



idea explanation

apartments arrangement model

site plan

view from the top


floor plans

0RU]H Z.2รก2 Conceptual design of public toilets WK .2รก2 &RPSHWLWLRQ *G\QLD Colaboration with Zofia Zuchowicz The proposed toilet pavilion is located on the on the Seaside Boulevard in Gdynia. Characteristic linear system of the Boulevard and the austerity of the breakwater material - concrete - was an important inspiration for the project. Drawing inspiration from the sea we refer also to a simple, modernist architecture Gdynia. Entrances to the rooms are discreetly located in the side corridors, so as not to interfere with the image reflecting in the facade. Pneumatic roofing is resembling a sail canopy for protection against rain, as well as giving lightness to this form. Walls are covered with reflective stainless steel - reflected surroundings, multiplexing the image of boulevard: the ongoing life on it, and above all, the sea.

pasowy układ ścieżek / inspiracja

strip arrangement of paths

membrana / żagiel

membrana / ’lekkie’ zadaszenie

bryła toalety

lustrzana elewacja ze stali nierdzewnej

płyta / posadzka

podział bryły budynku toalety / dyskretne wejścia


podział bryły budynku toalety

form of the plot as a base / layers of the project

elements of the building / mirror stainless steel as a coat


idea explanation


A-A section

main facade


Re:fort Revitalization of ‘Eastern Earthwork’ / Nowy Port district of Gdansk ‘Re:brick’ Workshop / Team work In the 6-person team, in the course of three days we were studying the problems of the degraded district of Gdansk – ‘Nowy Port’. We have located the space being in the centre of interest of the GLVWULFW¡V LQKDELWDQWV ZKLFK LV 6]DQLHF =DFKRGQL¡ VLWXDWHG MXVW E\ WKH ULYHU 0DUWZD :LVâD RQ WKH RSSRVLWH VLGH RI WKH KLVWRULFDO Âś:LVâRXMÄ&#x;FLH¡ )RUWUHVV ,W ZDV DFWXDOO\ WKH )RUWUHVV DQG LWV IRUPHU layout that was our inspiration in this Project. The main goal was to create an antithesis of the Fortress. Fort as a closed protective object was the starting point for us to create the opposite – an open and widely available meeting and integration place for the inhabitants. Szaniec, according to plans, is to be recreational park space in the future. This was also the character we aimed to give it in our Project, respecting the will of the inhabitants and the attractive location favouring such functions. budynek trawnik uĹźytkowy / przestrzeĹ„ rekreacyjna zielony taras trawnik drzewa

roślinność niska / sadzonki mieszkańców zjazd do garaşu podziemnego miejsca spotkań / drewniane podesty rekreacyjne / place zabaw ścieşki piesze ulice wjazd do parkingu podziemnego M

wejście do części mieszkaniowej budynku


wejście do części usługowej budynku


The principle of a traditional fort Selected lines of pedestrian

The antithesis of the fort

Corners selected for the location of the different functions Change concept - change in form

Creating a form by pulling up the corners The penetration of the exterior with the interior of the fort

Form allowing activity at various levels

NOWY FORT działający na różnych poziomach idea evolution


Container buildings Conceptual design of cottage house and small bar / Internship RD Architects Colaboration with Jakub Drohomirecki The main assumption of the Project was to create the concept of objects of various functions, from hotel, to students house and summer house, up to small gastronomy, all made with the use of containers, more precisely with their construction. Within my practice I undertook the realisation of the summer house concept and the small gastronomy object. I have also largely contributed to the Project of Students House in London, in the above- mentioned system. The objects could comprise 3, 2 or 1 – module segments. Important characteristic of these objects, especially in case of summer – and year-round houses, was the possibility of linking them into terraced houses. Each of these Projects was supposed to be universal, with the possibility of locating them in a freely chosen environment, which was a great challenge.

outside closed

inside open inside


diagram of segment system

outside closed

inside open inside


1st floor cottage house plan outside closed

inside open inside

section of triple - housing module

outside closed



outside closed

inside open inside


idea explanation

3d sketches

diagram of segment system

outside closed

inside open inside

ground floor bar plan


1st floor bar plan

section of triple - service module

idea explanation

V]NLFH EU\창\ 3d sketches

Cloud Conceptual design of interactive installation / ‘Gdynia Playground ‘14’ Colaboration with Diana Osmanska During this year’s summer holidays, people strolling alongside seaside boulevard in Gdynia had the occasion to catch a breath, ‘immersing’ themselves in the ‘Cloud’ – an interactive seat formed in such a shape so that it adjusts to the position of the user. Thanks to the elastic material spread over a solid construction, the ‘Cloud’ will be a comfortable deckchair as well as seat. Its interactivity comes from the untypical construction of the installation based on hydraulic pistons appropriately linked with one another. Their function is based on the fact, that while sitting the material which is weighed down and stretched on a hemisphere based on the piston changes the position of the hemisphere, pulling it down. Then this piston connected with the other three hemispheres by hydraulic wires, pushes them out. The Cloud changes its shape dynamically, surprising the users and encouraging interaction and joint fun.

hydraulic pistons system direction of the force functional scheme


Locomotive Revitalization of the backyard / Dolne Miasto district of Gdansk Colaboration with POCOTO and ‘Laznia’ Contemporary Art Center The Revitalisation Project of the yard by Torunska St. in Gdansk district ‘Dolne Miasto’ was created E\ LQLWLDWLYH RI WKH &HQWUH RI &RQWHPSRUDU\ $UW ¶áDĩQLD· DQG GHVLJQHUV IURP ¶32&272· $VVRFLDtion in the form of common work: ’ PoCoYard’ workshops, organised within ‘TirArt’ cycle, devoted mainly to kids and youth. With the cooperation of the local society, mostly with the youngest users of the Project’s space, we created an installation – ‘locomotive’, the wheels of which were made of used cable reels. Apart from the locomotive itself, we made flower pots with flowers and grass out of recycled PCV pipes, which were afterwards taken care of by the inhabitants of a tenement house. The Project was completed with success – responsibility for the common space has been shared by the inhabitants of the quarter, especially by the youngest ones.

Break Point Gdansk University of Technology campus ‘BreakPoint. DIY’ Workshop / Team work

The first stage of the Project was the creation of cooperation with students from all departments of Gdansk University of Technology – for this purpose, within the Scientific Organisation ‘BUA’, an action of common open designing was undertaken, where students together were making attempts to define a dreamy space of relaxation and rest on the Campus. Finally all of these ideas were synthesized and combined into one, which was realized in the next stage. The materials used in this Project were used advertising banners, filled with mineral wool, and palettes of two sizes. The effect of a week-long endeavours was the installation, which comprised functions of deckchairs, seats and outdoor working spaces with a small table. Crucial experience was obtaining the skill of wood processing and trials of putting different construction systems into practice.

Place for Dialogue Gdansk shipyard OSSA Gdansk ‘13’ Workshop / Team work During the course of five-day workshops, in a few-person team comprised of artistic schools’ and architecture students from the whole of Poland, we were examining the problems of post-shipyard terrains in Gdansk in order to create an installation providing answers to these problems. We have had enough of arguments and controversy, concerns about the future of such a precious area of Gdansk – an open talk and collective search of solution should take place. The uncertainty about the forthcoming, turbulent fate of Shipyard has ceased. In response to this problem, in one of the halls we made a large round table supported by 50 different legs with exceptional history: among others, a window frame torn out of former factory hall, a boot lost while running, red-white barrier, rope that moored the ships, hydraulic pipe, damaged piece of gutter, bricks left from demolition, steel constructions of hulls – items being an authentic record of the degraded space. The forthcoming transformations are not a problem, but the lack of communication between investors and the local society. The concept of creating the place of interaction, stated in the form of a symbol makes our message explicit and understood. The assumed temporary characteristic of the Project fits the character of the deconstructed place, stimulates to speak out, to begin a discussion. The ‘cloud’ above the table refers to the symbol of talk, and at the same time gradually falling – it measures the time which is left for this place to remain in the unchanged form.

arch. References / prof. Bartosz Macikowski, Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture / Rochman Drohomirecki Architekci 3REHUH朝Q\ 3RGJyUF]\N $UFKLWHNFL

Gdansk University of Technology Department of Architecture Architecture and Town-planning Gabriela Narutowicza St.11/12 80-233 Gdansk arch. Bartosz Macikowski, PhD, Eng. +48 506 470 141

Gdansk, March 26th, 2014 Reference Letter Architect Engineer Ms. Kamila Piotrowska has graduated from Gdansk University of Technology with an Engineer Degree and is currently studying for her Master’s at the Department of Architecture. Since more than 3 years she is actively participating and acting as a Chairwoman in the Students’ Scientific Organisation ‘Town-planning Architectural Brigade’ (BUA) at the Department of Architecture of Gdansk University of Technology. She has become well known as an excellent organiser. Not only does this activity require organisation skills within the Organisation itself, but also the skill of creating initiatives and the consequence in their realisation is crucial, the skills of coordinating activities within the group as well as the skill of convincing people of the goals set. Ms. Kamila Piotrowska has organised and co-organised the following events: x

2 editions of town-planning architectural workshops nationwide in Poland 'Re:brick. The Revitalization of the Brick Districts of Gdansk.';


Inter-Departmental Architectural Workshops 'Break Point. DIY." ST Gdansk University of Technology;


'Me:bel' Workshops as part of Gdynia Design Days Festival;


Architectural Workshops 'Stan Skupienia' OSSA Gdansk 2013;


Architectural Design Workshops 'Materia Produktu' in the artistic workshop in Gdynia;


Scientific Research trip to the Irish capital with the cooperation of Dublin Council, Dublin Institute of Technology and Dublin Docklands Development Authority.

The above events have sometimes required the cooperation of students from various Departments, with the University’s Principals as well as self-governance and non-governmental entities and sponsors. All of these initiatives had the social and scientific purpose. The undertaken initiatives have been realised with full commitment, awareness of the purpose, consequence and finally with success, which has been proved by the achievements of the Scientific Organization ‘BUA’ . Ms. Kamila Piotrowska, regardless of her organisational skills, possesses an array of positive character traits which render sympathy amongst the people in her surroundings, and she is respected in the environment, which is shown by students of consecutive years actively participating in the Organisation’s initiatives. She is willingly handing over her experience to younger colleagues. arch. Bartosz Macikowski, PhD, Eng. Content-related Caretaker of the Students’ Organisation ‘BUA’, Architecture Dept. of Gdansk University of Technology

Sopot, 5th May 2014 ROCHMAN DROHOMIRECKI ARCHITEKCI NIP 585-140-26-98 Bohaterów Monte Cassino st. 49/25a 81-767 Sopot m: +48 660 447 894

REFERENCE LETTER Kamila Piotrowska

Name of the employee: Adress:

Wodnika 14 st., 80- *GDĔVN

Ms Kamila Piotrowska took an internship in Rochman Drohomirecki Architekci Company from July 2013 to August 2013 in the position of an assistant of an architect. Her responsibilities included: - Creating technical drawings - Developing architectural conceptions - Creating land development projects - Stocktaking of buildings Ms Kamila’s work was characterized by conscientiousness and engagement in projects she was realizing. She was showing initiative and creativity in new solutions. Ms Kamila was reacting very well in stressful situations and also when her work required much psychological effort, maintaining regularity and dutifulness. Working individually, as well as in a group, was no obstacle. I give this opinion at the request of the person concerned. Sincerely, Jakub Drohomirecki


0LFKDĂĄ 3RGJyUF]\N 3REHUHÄŞQ\ 3RGJyUF]\N Architekci 8/4 Hoene-Wronskiego St / 80-210 Gdansk Poland M : 0048604875443 michal@podgorczyk.pl


0LVV .DPLOD 3LRWURZVND KDV ZRUNHG DW 3REHUHĪQ\ 3RGJyUF]\N Architects as an Architects Assistant from March to April 2014. She was working in the team creating master plan for 1HZ &HQWHU RI à yGĨ LQ 3RODQG. Among Her tasks was designing residential building, public use building and public square. She has sufficient knowledge and skills to work on concept design. She is very good in working in a team and excellent coworker. When needed she can work independently with very good results.


contact kml.piotrowska@gmail.com +48 508 899 747

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