Kamila portfolio 2017

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Kamila Lukus, M.Arch


Architecture + Design Selected Works 2017

Kamila Lukus is a recent masters graduate from Carleton University. She is in pursuit of intern statues within the OAA and working towards an architect licence. 2

Projects I. Liminal Crossing :Venice Between Space and Time II. Archipelago of Trindade III. Framing Byward IV. Dominican College Addition V. Wildlife Research Centre VI. World Fair Expo 2067: CCA Charrette VII. Redefining The Edge VIII. Grid 27


T h esisL i minal Crossing: V e nice Between Space and T i me

What lies between the city and the city? Between a city's present and its future? The first is a liminal space, the second is a liminal time. Venice has many simultaneously occurring cities within its urban fabric: economic, social and environmental mega forces. Since the 1960's Venice has seen an exodus of its residents, taking with them the memory of an obsolete urban identity. Venetians are equally replace in numbers: one city is replaced by the other. Six narratives tell the fantasy of a Venice a collection of urban maps that trace Venice's future,a span of 30 years, during which the cruise ship is transformed from a buoyant container into a mechanism of infrastructure, neighbourhood, and industry.


Dredging Venice + Ship Location Map

Renaming the Ships

Twenty-six vessels of varying sizes are berthed around the city, each connected to its sestiere. One neighbourhood at a time, the Venetians take up their new residence aboard. The ships are renamed for the sestiere. The old streets grow quiet, except for the construction workers, who dig deep beneath the foundations to make their repairs. The cruise ships absorb the daily life, finding their own accommodation for hanging laundry and small gardens.


Streets of the Ship City

The Grand Canal is being drained. Two ships, one at the San Marco and the other at the Ponte della Liberta, work to hold back the waters of the lagoon. To complete these dams, steel cofferdam walls close the gaps. First weeds sprout from below a forest of kelp. In the coming seasons, a green landscape takes root and fills the empty canal. Some is wild, some cultivated. It is the Grand Canal Park, a deep and temporal topography that belongs to this liminal time.

Ship Section

The Central Canal

New Industry: Ship Hull Adapted Plan


New Industry: Ship Hull Adapted Section


Lifting the Rialto Bridge: Preparation of the City for the Arrival of the Ships Venetian Foundations Repaired

Ship Remains

View From A Cabin

San Michele Ship Breaking Cemetery


2047 Archeological Map of Venice, Ship Remains


A r chipelago of Trindade : W ater Research Centre On the coast of Brazil is an island once populated by goats, military and settlers. Since then it has been abandoned, an inhabitable island with remains of its human past is redesigned to sustain a population. Working collaborative as a group of 18 and then to detail an individual design, the island is planned for the sustaining of human life. Water, infrastructure, agriculture and power are developed in the powering of the research island. To the north a transit hub, the south the harvesting and within the mountains water and knowledge collection. Individually, a water turbine research center is designed within the bedrock of the mountains. Short term housing, water research and a light rail transit converge at the building. The architecture frames the views towards the ocean as the movement within the building and site reestablished the research.


LRT Street View

Building Massing

Level 1 : Water Turbine Research Centre

Level 2 : Water Turbine Research Centre


Site Massing

Urban Planning Island Infrastructure: Power, Agriculture, Transit, Movement, Water

Transit Hub

Water Reservoir

Reforestation Knowledge Hub

Green Belt

Detail Site Plan

Water Turbines

Agriculture Fields


F r aming Byward Framing Byward is an housing complex using modular stacking units. Located within Ottawa’s downtown core the project combines three housing complexes into an overall unified architectural language. Working collaborative in a group of three to first define the form of the housing complex , each section is split and designed. Site analysis,zoning ,sunlight, local height restrictions and existing conditions were considered in the development of the design. The final design uses three modules of units that are stacked to create horizontal and vertical openings for light and vegetation. Four cores frame the units and lead to a swimming and garden bellow.


Interior Courtyard Perspective

Site Plan

Aerial View of Complex


Combined Cross Section

Level 1

Unit Detail Type 1- Skip stop

Level 6


Massing Model

Elevation Interior Courtyard


Full Section Detail

Green roof detail

Balcony connection: cold-hot detail with steel structure

Exposed Floor connection: cold-hot detail with steel structure

Foundation: Concrete detail


D o minican College A ddition

The Dominican College campus in the downtown core of Ottawa is a philosophy school that is expanding with additional library and class space. The landscape of the site provides the opportunity for a low addition that does not hide the existing historical school and church. Through the inspiration of the surrounding site, a curve sweeping roof covers the new program. This elevated garden is inverted with an punctured library space in the existing central courtyard. Land is pushed and pulled creating the space for new program. The interior classrooms ,auditoriums and library wrap around a central street that ramps toward the existing building.


Exterior Perspective

Reading Room


Level 1 Plan



Reading Room Perspective

Cross Section

Green Roof Connection

Wood beam to column connection

Exploded Axo Details

Raised Floor Connection


Wall Panel Connection

The organic plan of the addition is developed with the central street of the addition. A ramping library in the courtyard moves towards a central reading space. The incorporation of a water collection and living machine filtration system is included within the building. A steel structure with wood beams curves along the profile of the roof, and mechanical systems are dispersed through the raised floor allowing the wood to be completely visible.


V W i ldlife Research Center Situated on the banks of the Ottawa River, this project is a reflection of the wildlife inhabiting the area. Through site analysis the research center’s form was developed from the idea of wildlife migration patterns and the local ecosystem. Initial sketches reveal circular spaces that allow human and animal interaction. Cone shaped habitats with underground tunnels allow wildlife to freely move throughout the building. The focus of this Research Center is on urban wildlife rehabilitation and education. The project explores the human and animal interaction imposing the question of whether humans or animals are the true observer.


Cross Section

Level 2 Plan

Circulation diagrams Level 1 Plan



Site Plan

Cross Section

Massing Model


W o rld Fair Expo 2067 C C A Charrette

Survival has become possible on the archipelago of Montreal. The world has dissolved into an architecture apocalypse. Built form became an infection, hacked by technology. Sentient machines have scoured the earth of all resources, in the process creating buildings that self replicate and breed using drones and 3-D printers. Technology has become a plague upon this earth. With their shorelines left to despair; St. Helens' and Notre-Dame Islands in Montreal have become the only space of natural preservation. It is our utopia within the dystopia: a pavilion for cultural, artistic and scientific protection. The Fuller Dome is the center of an organic network preserving all forms of knowledge and life. A shield of energy prevents technology from invading upon the landscape and humankind is able to rediscover their primitive roots. This is your future. The islands of human preservation- ReGenesis.


Montreal Archipelago Aerial Perspective

Pavilions Detail

Knowledge Pavilions Perspective


Dear 2015,

The World’s Fair has become poss architecture apoc

Sentient machine buildings that sel become a plague Notre-Dame Islan utopia within the Fuller Dome is th life. A shield of en humankind is abl

This is your future

Expo ‘67: ReGenesis

Cross Section

VII R e defining The Edge Redefining the edge introduces a new community center on the bank of the Suzhou River. Through a two week study visit to Beijing and Shanghai the building focuses on the reintroduction of the ancient urban planning method of the Siheyuan( courtyard house). The Siheyuan are Chinese courtyard layouts. The layouts are seen throughout the city's traditional residential areas and the Forbidden City. The community center focuses on the concept of the courtyards through the landscape and program orientation within the building. The soccer field becomes the central courtyard with a variety of programs that wrap around the edges. An existing bridge is connected to the building from the banks of the river, wrapping along the interior edges. The overall form is generated through a sloped roof that peaks at the library within the building.


Aerial Perspective

Interior Courtyard Perspective Program Requirements Soccer field Gymnasium Rowing club Library

Ground Level Plan

Second Level Plan 38

Site Plan

Exterior Perspective Bridge


Cross Section

Exterior Perspective Night

Detail Gymnasium Section

VIII G r id 27 : Display Case Grid 27, a moving display case held by gravity on aluminum rods. Working collaterally in a group of three, the design built focused on the design of a system of cubes and their connections with no permanent binding required. The cube has been reduced to its basic edges, creating a framework for movement in three directions. They are joined together through a series of grooves and assembled to remain lightweight in their movement. The 27 rods are placed through each opening in the cubes allowing for the modules to move and adapt to required space. The end result is 18 modular cubes that allows a multitude of arrangements for drawings and models to be placed within.


Perspective Detail Cube

Expanding Grid







Joints of a Typical Cube

Thank You E: kamila.lukus@gmil.com

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