Safari Magazine Edition 31

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welc ome to s afari maga zine 31 well what a start to the year that ha s been!

en dem ic en c oun ter s in m adaga s car pAg E 6

After one of the most bizarre years on record (think Brexit, Trump and celebrity deaths), it appears that at least the UK safari business is getting back on track with many of you reporting record months in terms of sales. After a busy month of consumer shows, it is encouraging to see such interest in Africa travel. On page xx you can gain a sneak insight into our Kamageo Marifa Report 2017, whilst page 32 shows the success we enjoyed with our Animatronic gorilla in support of Uganda Tourism.

th e pain ted wolves of kon kam oya PAg e 14

Heading into Spring, it’s the start of trade show season, so we look forward to seeing you at ITB, WTM, We Are Africa and Indaba. We’re also looking forward to seeing you at own exclusive Safari Shows and on the Kamageo organised Zambia Roadshow in March.

ugan da’ s £1 .1 M m edi a c overage pAg E 3 2

As ever, if your looking for honest, first-hand opinion or product training across so many lodges, camps and entire destination, be sure to give us a call. We’re here to help.


The ever-expanding Kamili/Kamageo team has recently welcomed another new face. Helen Brown joined as Account Manager in late January.

Gorilla h abituation in c on go pAg E 4 8

Initially coordinating the Zambia roadshow, Helen will provide a vital link between selected tour operators and a small number of our partners, in a business development role. This takes advantage of Helen’s successful career to date in product management roles, including many years with major UK operators including TUI And Carrier.

Safari is a dedicated travel trade magazine from:

To contact us call +44 (0)1664 823 750

PUBLISHER : Tim Henshall | ART DIRECTOR : Izzie Ludbrook | CONTENT EDITOR : Bex Knight | FEATURE EDITOR : Adele Cutler

joi n ou r pri d e Our three brands (Kamili, Kameric and Kamageo) continue to grow and become ever more successful. We are also looking at exciting areas of expansion, too. As a result, we are always on the look out for talented people to join the team. Do you know anyone with marketing, product management or Africa sales experience that would want to work in a highly dynamic, vibrant and professional marketing environment? Whilst we are based on the Leicestershire / Nottinghamshire border, location might not be an issue. We’re looking for highly proactive and innovative people, where passion and determination are every bit as important as experience. If so, ask them to drop us a line : 2

Bwindi Baby B oom It ’ s offi c ia l … U ga n da’ s g o r i l l a n u m be r s ar e i n cr e a si n g. Uganda. During the last few months of 2016 and into early 2017 we’ve see a noticeable baby boom with 4 new arrivals amongst the 12 habituated families within Uganda.

She may have only been with us for 4 months, but Bex Knight (PR Assistant), has already led a successful media trip around Uganda. With journalists Mark Stratton (The Guardian), Nicola Brady (Irish Independent), Sarah Freeman (Open Skies), Emma Gregg (National Geographic), and Petra Shepherd (The Huffington Post) in tow, Bex visited Murchison Falls, Kibale, Queen Elizabeth National Park and Bwindi.

UWA is responsible for maintaining the habitat of the country’s mountain gorillas - this is crucial to their future survival. Executive Director, Dr. Andrew Seguya commented, “The consistent and sustained conservation efforts to ensure the survival of mountain gorillas are to thank for this growth.”

It was at this last location that Bex was unbelievably fortunate to see the birth of a baby gorilla! The picture shows two year old Nykeina proudly showing off her new baby just a few minutes after it entered the world.

He went on to say that “Over the last 10 years, Uganda has been leading in conservation of the species- at more than 450 individuals, and growing, Bwindi has the largest number of mountain gorillas found anywhere in the world.”

The latest addition edges the total mountain gorilla population ever closer to the 900 mark with almost 2/3rds ‘residing’ in


Re m in d you r cl ients why they fell i n lov e with Afr ica Dramatic, diverse and distinctly different, Africa can satisfy most traveller’s bucket list dreams. The hardest part is deciding which country to discover next! We’re guessing you know the activities mentioned below inside and out, but why not use the information for your own social media or newsletters?

A K ilim a n jaro c hal l eng e to s u i t a l mo st e veryon e Enjoy the tremendous landscapes when you take a relaxed hike across the Shira Plateau, one of the most fascinating and scenic areas on Kilimanjaro. You can picnic on top of Africa.

D iving i n L a k e M al aw i

Be like Prin ce Harry an d a ssist in an im al tran slocation

Dominating this country is the 560km-lwide and 705m-deep Lake Malawi. More like an inland sea, the lake is laced with stunning golden sandy beaches and the crystal clear blue waters are a water sports enthusiast’s paradise. Kayaking, sailing, snorkelling, scuba diving and water skiing are just some of the lake activities available to visitors. More than 800 species of endemic cichlid fish have been recorded in Lake Malawi.

In a real life Noah’s Ark story, Prince Harry assisted conservationists in the first round of translocation of 250 elephants to their new home in Malawi in 2016. The first round of the translocation process of a total of 500 elephants was half completed in August 2016 at Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve in central Malawi. August this year sees the second half of this translocation – and a chance to see true conservation in action.

CONSERVATION SUCCESS Swaziland’s rhino protection is unmatched by any other country, whilst rhino viewing in Hlane Royal National Park and Mkhaya Game Reserve are some of the best places to see both black and white rhinos in the wild. Due to their anti-poaching success, only 3 rhinos have been killed in Swaziland in over 20 years, compared with up to 3 per day elsewhere in Africa. 4

H i ki n g Rw en zor i s Those in the know have said ‘The Rwenzori Mountains are the beauty to Kilimanjaro’s beast.’ Their slopes are rich and varied, brimming with flora and fauna, and take you through varying landscape up to their snow capped peaks. Trekking offers 2-3 day hikes through to full 8 day treks to its 5109m Margarita peak.

G o ri l l a H ab i t uat i on Gorilla Habituation is a truly unforgettable experience and only available in Uganda. The Bikingyi Gorilla Family in the south of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is only two years into the long process of becoming familiar with humans, but you can now be part of their habituation. You accompany rangers to locate their nests, identify group members, and spend time watching the typics behaviour of this iconic species.

Batwa C o m m uni t y The Batwa is an ancient tribe of pygmies who have inhabited the forests of Uganda and Rwanda for thousands of years. Today around 3,500 Batwa remain. The growth in cultural tourism has provided the Batwa with an avenue to a sustainable income. Visitors have the opportunity to learn more about the history and culture of the Batwa people through a living history experience.

victoria fall s The famous Victoria Falls, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is also one of Seven Natural Wonders of the World and is a must see whilst in Zambia. The Zambezi River plunges headlong into a 108m vertical chasm creating the biggest curtain of falling water in the world.

Th e Great Migration The highlands of Ethiopia are a true wonder to behold and home to four UNESCO World Heritage sites. The rock-cut churches at Lalibela are perhaps the best-known landmarks in north Ethiopia, but they are also home to dramatic mountains where Ethiopian wolves roam. Travel south to the bush-covered hills of the Omo Valley and meet a variety of fascinating tribes people, each with their own different traditions and unusual rituals.

the O k Avan g o Delta One of the wettest, wildest and most diverse places on the planet, Botswana’s Okavango is the world’s largest inland delta. Its climate is sometimes at odds with the lush environment and plays an important role in making the Okavango a game rich destination.

Rich our social media expert and Bex our PR assistant can help you with content for your marketing activities : |

E thi o p i a The highlands of Ethiopia are a true wonder to behold and home to four UNESCO World Heritage sites. The rock-cut churches at Lalibela are perhaps the best-known landmarks in north Ethiopia, but they are also home to dramatic mountains where Ethiopian wolves roam. Travel south to the bush-covered hills of the Omo Valley and meet a variety of fascinating tribes people, each with their own different traditions and unusual rituals. 5

un iq ue lemu r en c oun ter s in madaga s car There are more than 100 species and subspecies of lemurs in Madagascar and UK travellers are keen to see them all.


These charismatic primates - endemic to the island - display a wide range of interesting behaviours, from singing like a whale (the Indri) to dancing across the sand like a ballerina (the Sifaka). Meanwhile the two most widely recognised species – the sun-loving Ring Tailed Lemur and the fear-inspiring AyeAye, captivate the hearts of wildlife lovers worldwide. But sadly, all lemur species are officially on the ‘endangered’ list, mainly due to habitat destruction (deforestation) and hunting.

Five Rea s on s to go on a Yoga S afari:

UK travellers are drawn to Madagascar to see these fascinating creatures, which live in varied habitats and locations – so knowing the home of your bamboo lemur, from the dwelling place of a ruffed to the best place to see a woolly, is vital! Accommodation standards aren’t as high as in other African destinations, but there are some nuggets and gems to be unearthed. Having the right DMC, with expert local knowledge, excellent English-speaking guides, well maintained vehicles and the ability to create outstanding (and either tailor-made or group tour) itineraries is key. Allow us to introduce you to ICTours, run by the delightful Hely – who is Malagasy born, but European educated – reflected in her understanding of international client requirements. Contact Hely at or Tim at for more information.



New flights to Madagascar from March 2017 Africa’s largest airline group, Ethiopian Airlines, will add Antananarivo, Madagascar to its network as of 28 March 2017. Madagascar will join the ever-expanding Ethiopian network of 95 worldwide destinations. Group CEO of Ethiopian Airlines, Mr. Tewolde Gebre Mariam, said: “Ethiopian, as a flagship carrier of Africa, is pleased to add Madagascar to its wide route network. Having started serving Africa seven decades ago with our motto “Bringing Africa Closer”, we are now continually enhancing our services and working to “Connect Africa to the World”… Moreover, travelers from Madagascar will be seamlessly connected with Ethiopian’s ever-expanding network across five continents.” The airline will offer non-stop flights three times weekly between Addis Ababa and Antananarivo with convenient connections from London Heathrow. See for details.

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The re a lit y truly matc h es th e dr ea m First time Africa visitor, Richard Stubbs tells us of his memorable trip to Kenya’s Masai Mara.

No-one in the UK Africa travel business knows me. But you may know my sister and you certainly know my brother-inlaw. And for that, I’m partly to ‘blame’. My little sister - some 13 years my junior - is Mandy, who became Mrs. Henshall over 25 years ago, by marrying Tim. I am widely acknowledged as having given Mandy her love of animals by taking her on all too many trips to our local zoo at Chester and having her watch David Attenborough and the like on TV all the while! Her passion for wildlife grew strong and later influenced her husband, Tim and they’ve been travelling around the world in search of specific species ever since. That’s often been in Africa, with the creation of Kamili the result. So if it hadn’t been for me, they might never have started the business in the first place. Sorry! As a 60th birthday treat, Mandy and Tim decided to take me on the trip of a lifetime – my first adventure in Africa, to see the kind of animals I’d only previously seen behind bars or on my beloved natural history programmes on TV. And where better than to the Masai Mara, where we spent a glorious few days in Naibosho, Lemek and the Game Reserve itself. I’d like to give you my feedback on the camps we visited. I’m no industry professional nor even that well travelled, but there were a few things here and there that made my trip even more memorable from a client’s point of view. I hope they prove useful to you.


S en t i n el M a r a Ca mp I simply loved the feel of this camp – it’s everything I had imagined an old-fashioned “out of Africa” experience would be and felt like I’d stepped back in time. The staff were so attentive and sitting around the campfire, swapping stories with Peter (Twycross, the owner) was a real highlight. I’d only a few days safari experience to share, but he made me feel as though I was the first one ever to mention the Marsh Pride or that elephant making a mock charge….and his safari yarns were amazing! That said, the surprise bush breakfast (complete with champagne) along side the river was fabulous. I also enjoyed the way that the tents were so wide-spread through the trees, giving me a feeling of being all alone (in a positive sense) with their great views down on to the croc and hippo filled river, below.

W i l d ern ess Ca mp This diminutive camp feels like it is in the middle of nowhere, situated in a natural hollow that created an amazing ampitheatre with a vibrant cast of noisy wildlife (especially at night). Walking with masai guides – the main activity here – was so memorable, especially when venturing close to big game! Also worthy of note were the number of eco-friendly initiatives within the camp I hadn’t expected, but were very welcome.

E agl e V i ew I’ll quickly move on from the snake I encountered on my verandah and major instead on the stunning, seemingly endless views from the lodge. I loved simply chilling with a G&T and looking down on to the numerous busy waterholes below. Whilst I thought the staff were really welcoming, I clearly didn’t take to them as much as the young eland who stayed in and around reception throughout my stay! But those uninterrupted views from my room (with all its unexpected mod cons) will linger long in the memory.

Ba s ecam p M a s a i Ma r a This place had a lovely vibe and I look forward to visiting again post upgrade (I was even given a sneak preview, which looked amazing). The staff here were exceptional and I really liked the bridge over the river, which gave me and my fellow guests quick access to the park (rather than a longer drive around the back through the local villages). I think visitors will really enjoy hearing about the woodland they’ve created over the last decade, where they’ve encouraged all guests to plant trees close to the camp. This has included the Obama Family (nowhere near as into their wildlife at the Stubbs, but they grab all the headlines) and the woods now attract bird species that had previously left the Mara. Amazing. I’d also add in the educational visits to the local Masai villages which were so rewarding, although I think my dancing skills might need a few more lessons. So that’s it. I cannot tell you anything about tourism that you don’t already know, but I’d like to think my notes on what appealed to me as a first timer might just be relevant to some of your potential customers too.


Greening the Masai Mara Basecamp’s Re-forestation Project The Basecamp Tree plantation was established over 15 years ago to revive the Talek river ecosystem by addressing the pressing issue of deforestation and ground erosion.

Since it’s inception in 1998, Basecamp has been involved in environmental transformation practices. Basecamp’s current location has been transformed into a micro-climate covering approximately 10 acres with more than 80,000 trees planted. To date the benefits of this initiative are visible and include the increase of more than 200 bird species within this area with unlimited availability of other animal species especially the small wildlife. Basecamp endeavors to restore the forest area in the Talek region in Masai Mara and also create a bird centre. Basecamp will also be creating a study centre for both bird watchers and people wanting to study the micro-climate, tree species and re-forestation project Basecamp aim’s to plant 200 indigenous trees within 5 years whilst building a strong and competent seedling production, a future “Mara tree species bank” to preserve the rare species endemic to the Masai Mara region and local medicinal tree species. They will develop an awareness program for the community and guests to educate them on the importance of re-forestation and climate change. Their overall aim is to create a world-class carbon offset tree planting program that can be replicated in other parts of the Masai Mara. For more information please contact 12

“I want to be the best person I can be – regardless if I am a woman or not” Int er nation al Women ’ s Day 8th March

Celebrating the achievements of women around the world we look at the journey to success of Basecamp Explorer’s female Masaai guide, Agnes. Mara’s guides was a welcome one. She is a positive and warm person who takes special care to ensure that each and every guest feels at home when they visit .

An important aspect of the Basecamp concept is to empower and provide opportunities for Masai women. Most Masai women remain uneducated and illiterate. They have few alternatives besides spending their life at home, taking care of the children and the livestock – completely dependent on their husband and his income.

Agnes explains how she always knew that she wanted to be a guide. “From a very young age I was interested in wildlife and nature. I wasn’t like the other girls. I had more in common with the boys since I was interested in driving and guiding.”

Inspiring Masai girls – as well as women everywhere – is Agnes, a female guide employed at Basecamp Masai Mara. Agnes is only 23 years old, but has accomplished remarkable things despite her young age. A persistent student, Agnes worked her way through primary and secondary level, before being accepted as a student at the famous Koiyaki Guiding School (KGS). After graduating from KGS in 2010 she was employed by Basecamp, where she has worked as a guide ever since.

Agnes has worked very hard to get where she is today. She is one of few female guides in Kenya, constantly fighting against the ignorant prejudice that women are unsuitable for such a physical profession. Basecamp wants to eliminate such prejudices, and together with KGS they are focused on enrolling more women. For more information on Basecamp Explorer please contact Tim via or visit their website at

The addition of Agnes into the team of Basecamp Masai 13

the pai nted wo lv es of ko nkamoya If African Wild Dogs could be renamed, tourists might be keener to see these rarely seen canines, and perhaps even contribute more to their conservation. With the most creative, but accurate alternative name being Painted Wolf, it’s clear to see how visitors from Europe and North America would cherish their fortunate sightings and not see the wild dog as something tantamount to a stray, seen at home. Living in small families across sub-Saharan Africa, the total population is believed to have dipped below 10,000. Ruthless and highly successful hunters, packs are known to have huge ranges up to 1500 sqkm. Able to achieve speeds of over 35 kmh, their quarry is often captured through highly coordinated teamwork and amazing stamina. Wild dogs are regularly seen close to Konkamoya, located in Zambia’s Kafue National Park, where 3 to 4 packs have denned and successfully raised pups to the obvious delight of the lodge’s guests. At Konkamoya you will find four luxurious tents furnished in a colonial style able to accommodate up to 8 guests. The lodge only hosts a purposely small number to allow an extremely intimate experience. Guests can learn to follow marks, footprints or broken twigs, they can study the remains of banquets left behind by mighty predators and observe the extraordinary life of insects and small mammals that are usually difficult to spot during a normal safari in a vehicle. Konkamoya Lodge is open during the dry season, mid June to mid November. For more information please contact Tim via 14

n e w l ux u ry retr eat in L iv i n g sto ne Scheduled to open in May, Thorntree River Lodge is the newest addition to the African Bush Camps portfolio. Set in Zambia’s Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park, a short distance from the Falls, the lodge is being entirely rebuilt with an environmentally conscious design. The expansion now makes it possible to continue the authentic African Bush Camps safari experience in Botswana and Zimbabwe onto Zambia and Victoria Falls. The lodge will boast 8 twin rooms and 2 family units comprising of 4 beds each. Each room will have its own indoor and outdoor bathroom, as well as a private plunge pool. The main lodge consists of a lounge with an open dining area which flows into a private, temperature controlled wine cellar stocked with the finest wines. A gym and spa overlook the mighty Zambezi River while the communal deck is set on the edge of the stunning riverside, and is home to a sunken boma area and an infinity pool. Guests staying at Thorntree River Lodge will enjoy a variety of activities including twice daily game drives and walking safaris in the national park, catch and release fishing, sunset boat cruises, a visit to the local village, and an excursion to the Zambian side of the Falls and Livingstone Museum. Complimentary road transfers from Livingstone Airport will be available to all. Those guests staying at our Zimbabwe camps will receive complimentary road transfers from Victoria Falls Airport and those staying with us in Botswana will benefit from a complimentary road transfer between Kasane and Thorntree River Lodge. For more information please contact Kameric, ABC’s UK representation, at 15

Who’s the snappiest guide? Even when you are seeing some of Africa’s most incredible wildlife, if that’s what you do every single day of the year, we imagine you might become a little blasé about the whole experience. The team at Kafunta Safaris (with three properties in South Luangwa) encounters amazing game day in, day out. Yet their guides are still as keen to see these incredible creatures every bit as much as their clients.


an dr ew

jo s e p h a t Kafunta recognises that an essential guiding skill is to provide the best possible photo angle, taking account of things like light, visibility and backgrounds. So what better way to get that message through than to test the photographic skills of the guides themselves, so that they fully appreciate what works and what doesn’t. So the guides take it in turns to use the lodge camera to capture impactful images of their own. This might be on days off, or at times with clients, although if it’s the latter, the clients are briefed as to why. Interestingly, clients seem to like the idea as it illustrates the guides’ passion for wildlife, too. As the results have provided so good, marketing manager Izzy Defourny not only regularly uses the images in social media, but has also introduced a competition amongst the staff. They’re keen to hear your views on which pic is best, so please vote for the pic of your choice via

ephraim 16


Set to open in late May 2017, Three Rivers Camp is the newest member of the Kafunta family. Although Three Rivers will focus on walking safaris game drives with the option of night drives in the National Park, south of the Lusangazi River will be available.

Initially built in late 2016 to prepare for the 2017 season, the camp is now seeing the final touches added, ready for guests to start arriving in May. The 4-room camp is within safari walking distance of sister property Island Bushcamp, so a 3-property circuit is obvious now created by incorporating Kafunta River Lodge too. This is even more relevant when you consider Kafunta’s incredible savings for stays of 5 nights or more across their properties. Set under the shade of numerous Sausage Trees with the main dining area facing the confluence of the Luangwa, Luzangazi and Kapamba Rivers, the accommodation consists of five luxury en-suite tents, two facing the river and three facing the lagoon. All are sleek yet earthy, with a twin bed configuration, an en-suite bathroom with indoor and outdoor showers and spacious private decks at tent level. The main feature is a sleep out deck directly next to the tents, where guests can sleep out under the stars, enjoying superb views of either the river or the lagoon. 17

Waterberry, more stylish than ever Waterberry Lodge closed its doors for just 3 weeks for a speed makeover, finishing mid February. The makeover included rethatching the main restaurant and Owl House, plus an interior design change to three of the cottages – extending their floor space by 30%, so that sofas and tables could be added in each room. Upstairs in the lounge new fabrics, new furniture and bright lighting make a welcome area for pre or post dinner drinks or just relaxing during the heat of the day. 18

For more information on Waterberry Lodge and River Farmhouse please contact Rich at 19

Malawi : Bush & Beach A country hemmed in by safari capitals Zambia and Tanzania, Malawi is often over looked. Although small, it is packed full of adventure, varied terrain, wonderful wildlife and golden sandy beaches to rival many in the Indian Ocean. Travelling around the country is a breeze, and not only is the scenery en route stunning, but in just two hours by road you can travel from bush to beach.


of the highest densities of leopard in Africa. It is a region for those who wish to experience Africa at its most unspoiled and authentic. If it’s the big five you’re after then head to Majete Wildlife Reserve.

Dominating this country is the 560km-long, 75km-wide and 705m-deep Lake Malawi, more like an inland sea, the lake is laced with stunning golden, sandy beaches and the crystal clear waters are literally a water sports enthusiast’s paradise. Kayaking, sailing, snorkeling, scuba diving and water skiing are just some of the lake activities available to visitors. More than 800 species of endemic cichlid fish have been recorded in Lake Malawi - no lake in the world holds such a varied and distinctive community.

One of Malawi’s leading wildlife sanctuaries, the reserve is home to 10,000 animals and a decade ago saw the reintroduction of a further 2,500 including lion, black rhino and leopard.

Malawi is blessed with a rich diversity of flora and fauna and has nine National Parks and Game Reserves - some of Africa’s most undiscovered wildlife hotspots. In the south, Liwonde National Park is brimming with elephants whilst the Shire River attracts countless hippos and crocodiles. Nyika National Park, in the North, is Malawi’s largest national park with one

For more information please visit or email Kelly White, Malawi Travel Marketing Consortium at


Th e WHOLE Wor ld in M a lawi Malawi is a country of great variety and many influences. Its spectacular lake is like an inland sea and its beaches a tropical paradise. Its scenery is varied from highland heathers to wild savannah. In fact, Malawi has a little bit of everything for everyone, and has a world’s worth of attractions within its compact borders.

E ng la n d - A f tern oon t ea

S c otlan d - Human s an d High lan d s

Quintessentially British afternoon tea and croquet on the lawn! Huntington House, a boutique lodge set in the heart of Satemwa Estate, has just 5 suites exuding colonial charm and a unique character. This magnificent house is surrounded by sprawling manicured gardens with secret patios and terraces waiting to be discovered. Afternoon tea is available in the beautiful estate gardens with only in-season and regionally grown produce, even the milk and cream is from the estate’s own cows, so you know everything you’re eating is fresh and local.

In Malawi’s deep south are the dramatic peaks of Mt Mulanje and the mysterious Zomba Plateu; both are a trekker’s dream, with mist-shrouded forests and exotic wildlife. Head further north and you’ll witness the otherworldly beauty of Nyika Plateau, its high altitude rolling grasslands resembling that of the Scottish Highlands. The Warm Heart of Malawi is often compared to the hospitality the Scots offer, with the friendship between Scots and Malawians starting in 1859 when David Livingstone and his companions entered what is now Malawi for the first time. Today, the Scotland Malawi Partnership exists to co-ordinate, support and represent the huge number of civic links between Scotland and Malawi. Thanks to this partnership Scotland contributes more than £40 million a year to Malawi, making this one of the world’s most active bilateral people-to-people links.

T h e Far E a st - Sti lt ed Vi l l ag es In huge contrast to the Lake Malawi, a visit to Lake Chilwa in Eastern Malawi on the border with Mozambique would have you thinking you’re in South East Asia! The lake has stilted and floating villages and the people here live off the lake much the same way as their ancestors did 100 years ago. The lake has an abundance of fish and attracts huge numbers of water birds. In a further nod to its South East Asian feel, its fertile wetlands provide Malawi with 50% of its rice harvest.

Caribbean - Pristin e Wh ite Beach es There aren’t many places in Africa where you can be tracking down game in the morning, and relaxing on golden sandy beaches with a cocktail, in the afternoon. 22

For more information please visit www.malawiresources. com or email Kelly White, Malawi Travel Marketing Consortium at

like an inland sea, Lake Malawi is home to the world’s first freshwater National Park. Around 1000 species of tropical fish are believed to live in Lake Malawi - no lake in the world holds such a varied and distinctive community. A veritable aquarium of tropical fish putting on a colourful kaleidoscopic display, it really does rival the Great Barrier Reef!

Dominating the country, Lake Malawi is laced with stunning golden, sandy beaches and crystal clear blue waters. There are all manner of lodges and hideaways dotted around the country just waiting to be discovered. As a vibrant port town in the North of Malawi, Nkhata Bay is often referred to as the gateway to the islands. It has a wonderful craft market and a bustling, Caribbean-like feel to it.

S outh Am erica - C olumbian C offee

S ca n d i n av i a - Ca r l s b erg a nyone?

Malawi is one of the world’s best-kept secrets when it comes to coffee. The country produces some amazingly high quality Arabica coffees, which are meticulously processed and graded from harvest to green bean and grown high up in mountains of Northern Malawi and the highlands of Southern Malawi. Similarly, Colombia is the largest exporter in the world of washed Arabica coffees - third in terms of overall production. Their coffee is generally grown at very high elevations in the Andes. The taste of Malawian coffee has a medium acidity, body and sweetness, similar to that of the coffee grown in the Central region of Colombia.

Officially opened on 14 December 1968, Carlsberg Malawi Brewery Limited was the first Carlsberg brewery outside Denmark. Carlsberg Malawi is a beverages only company comprising of 5 bottling plants, a distillery and a brewery. They produce world famous brands such as Carlsberg, CocaCola, Fanta, and Sprite as well the iconic Malawi Gin. At 35p a pint, it would be rude not to!

I n d i a - T ea Pl a ntat i ons Satemwa Estate in the highlands of Malawi have been crafting superior teas and coffees for nearly 100 years. Their produce is made with love, passion and respect for the environment and its surrounding communities. Like much India, Malawian tea is exported worldwide, their fair trade teas end up in tea bags for PG tips, Lipton Yellow Label, and Tetleys to name a few. Satemwa Tea has been sipped by the Queen in Claridges, provides Sainsbury’s with their best selling Red Label tea, and their hand made artisan teas are served at Heston Blumenthal’s restaurant, The Fat Duck.

Au stral i a - Fi s h to Ri va l t he Gr eat Ba rri er R eef Crystal clear waters offer fantastic kayaking, sailing, snorkelling, scuba diving and water skiing – and these are just some of the Lake activities available to visitors. More 23

all eyes on uganda

word s by Nick Joynes pic s by jonathan morris

I could feel my heart beating like a tympani – pounding against the inside of my chest and resonating through my body; this wasn’t as a result of spending the last two hours hiking up steep overgrown pathways that cut through the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, no, it was because we were close… 24



over and over again. I watched – transfixed as she lovingly pressed her lips against the baby’s head. Were these tiny kisses of affection? I was rooted to the spot, I didn’t dare lift my camera for fear of missing the moment with my own eyes - I became overwhelmed and let my tears roll freely down my face – it was so utterly moving. Never before have I witnessed such ‘love and affection’ within the animal kingdom. Even now, I remain choked as I write this.

Our guide had stopped and hushed our small group with a slow halting signal. “We are here. We have found them”, she said in a firm and steady whisper. “Remember, do not get closer than seven metres. Look away from them, when necessary. We have one hour only. Ready?” I nodded. “Bloody right, I’m ready” I thought… Gingerly picking our way through the dense overgrowth, the six of us proceeded in a ceremonial-like line and after no more than 10 paces our guide stopped us again, held her finger to her mouth and with the other hand pointed to a spot about one metre to the left of our feet.

Another female, lay in the shade while the silverback nuzzled and groomed her, two juveniles (twins, I understand), energetically scampered about the adults like fireworks – chasing one another up the trees and tumbling down again – rolling on the ground and then, like drums, beating the back of their father, who coolly accepted the annoyance, paying no attention whatsoever to his children’s demands. ”Good parenting skills”, I thought, “I could learn something here…”

There, buried deep within a thicket of bracken and vines, we could just make out a black bulk, covered by a mass of foliage. I could have walked past it and not even noticed it that’s the wonderful thing about wildlife isn’t it?

The hour passed by in what felt like five minutes. And then, almost on the hour, the silverback raised his gargantuan frame and silently signalled to his family that it was time to move on. And so they did – all eleven of them slipped through the trees behind…and then we were left alone.

The mound of shrubbery began to move and then unfold. Then, with scrunching and crackling, like a volcano erupting, an enormous silverback emerged, looked at us, then turned and ambled across a small vegetated area to recline in a shaded hollow beneath some trees. My chin dropped, and my eyes widened to the size of a pair of dinner plates.

Standing amongst the trodden vegetation, dumbstruck, we looked at one another – did that really happen? I was exhausted. My mind was racing. We began our walk back, and I tried to piece together the sequence of events that had preceded it. My mind raced – it was very much a sensory overload.

Three or four metres to our right, a pair of young gorillas munched and chewed on the lush vegetation, ripping at vines and stems; stripping them of their succulent leaves, with absolute ease. “So much for the seven metre rule”, I thought, but we were in extremely good hands. With over 1000 tracking trips Rachel is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable guides in the area…

In the same way that this gorilla experience surpassed all my expectations, so had each of the wildlife experiences of this, my recent (and first) trip to Uganda. The gorillas were certainly a grand finale, but absolutely not the only memorable wildlife experience Uganda offers…

She beckoned us another few paces further, and only two metres in front of me, a mother cradled her three week old baby close to her bosom. Gazing down, she stroked her child’s hair to one side of its head, tenderly repeating the movement 25

Though not typically part of a country ‘circuit’, Murchison Falls was our first location, and it certainly gets the award for one of the most beautiful National Parks of the country. The presence of the river Nile, cutting through the heart of the park - let alone the spectacular Murchison Falls themselves - should be enough to warrant its place on any itinerary to the country. The wildlife here is fairly typical – huge herds of impala and giraffe (the highest concentration in Africa, I believe), and an abundance of elephants to boot. Predators are common too – lion in particular, but more about Uganda’s lion later… what I was staggered by, was the variety of bird-life – and the quantity. All along the banks of the Nile, swallows, swifts, bee-eaters, darters and eagles would fly. Flocks of pied kingfishers – dozens of them at time – would hover 20 feet above river surface, then fold their wings to plunge into the rich waters and pluck small fish from the water, repeating the practise time and time again (– and not once did I manage to successfully capture the ‘exit moment’ with my camera!). Malachite kingfishers, tucked themselves onto low hanging branches and fell towards the water only to ‘lift up’ millimetres from the surface and zip across to the opposite side of the river with remarkable speed. A long and interesting drive then brought us to Kibale (pronounced ‘Chi’-bale) - the centre for chimp tracking in country, and though there are a couple of other areas you can undertake this activity, Kibale has the highest concentration of these primates. Though lacking the intensity of the gorilla tracking – it is certainly an engaging experience to look into the eyes of a chimpanzee, and observe their nearhuman like

habits and mannerisms. Do yourself a favour, though, and upgrade to ‘chimp habituation’ programme – and spend all day with a troop, following them from location to location, observing them on the ground, grooming, using tools, in the trees, fighting and...well, doing what chimps do. To the south, Queen Elizabeth National Park serves as the ideal stopover between chimps and gorillas. It is one of Uganda’s largest National Parks and holds some fantastic wildlife hot spots including the Kazinga Channel and Kyamboro Gorge. The entire park remains unfenced, so it affords the wildlife complete free-roaming access throughout the whole area. So much so that I was awoken one night by the cacophony of trumpeting and belly growling of an elephant that had strayed on to the accommodation’s neighbouring farmland, and needed chasing away by the night-watchman. However, for me, the southern region of the park (‘Ishasha’) was the most thrilling. The transfer journey was short and punctuated by surprise elephant sightings beside the road. Mega flocks of swallows raced around the vehicle, taking what insects and grubs they could from the dust that swirled behind our vehicle. Here, in Isasha, the grasslands remain lush and verdant almost the entire year and wildlife researchers focus on the area’s lions, who have developed a remarkable skill – they 26



Researchers currently suggest that these trees may have provided the perfect climbing-frame for very young a playful lions, who would have cavorted around the shady base of the trees during the hottest periods of the day.

spending a night at Lake Mburo en route where, despite having the largest concentration of leopard in East Africa – we only saw the blurred shape of one leopard darting across the track far ahead of us. “Another good reason to go back”, I thought.

can climb trees. Unlike their tree climbing cousins the leopard, the lions here are large, certainly no smaller than any other lion I have seen in Africa. So why and how have they come to do it, and why here and nowhere else in the world? The why question is easier – it’s either because the lions want to get away from the area’s tsetse flies, or to escape the heat and get a better view of their prey.

And then, finally, our trip was rounded off with a ‘quick’ two hour boat ride through the Mabamba Swamp in search of Shoebill – and yes, we did see one – flying and standing, as well as countless herons, kingfishers, egrets, swallows, fly catchers, weavers, sand pipers – oh it was wonderful!

The question of how they have evolved this skill, on the other hand, is harder to answer and remains the subject of debate between researchers. Certainly the trees of the area are an indication – extremely strong, and with very low hanging branches that gently gain height; easy to climb, basically.

And, so in the same way that my mind had raced in a blur of superlatives when I walked away from the gorillas, so it did again as the plane roared down the runway to bring me home.

Researchers currently suggest that these trees may have provided the perfect climbing-frame for very young a playful lions, who would have cavorted around the shady base of the trees during the hottest periods of the day. Then, one-day, one of these playful cubs, may have clawed their way onto one of these branches to escape their equally playful brother. And bingo! The brother would have tried to copy and eventually succeeded. Other cubs would have seen this and eventually succeeded too, and then these cubs would have grown up with this tree-climbing ability, and then would have cubs themselves, and taught these cubs to climb trees too. And so – the tree climbing lions of Ishasha were born.

And as it lifted me high over Lake Victoria, I answered the key questions I had travelled to find the answers to: Is Uganda open for business? Yes! Is there more wildlife to see in Uganda than just gorillas? Definitely! Is the guiding good? It’s excellent! Is it easy to travel around? It’s Africa! Take it from me – the secret’s out. Beat the rush and go soon… you’ll probably see me there! © Copyright – Nick Joynes, The Natural Travel Collection (Wildlife Worldwide) | Photography by Jon Morris, Reef & Rainforest

Our journey continued to Bwindi and after that remarkable gorilla experience, we made our way back to Kampala, 27




New romantic option in Bwindi Mahogany Springs has opened a stylish new Honeymoon Suite Located in the heart of Buhoma at the edge of the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Mahogany has long been a firm favourite with travellers visiting the area to gorilla trek (and other activities too!). Now couples have a fabulous additional option, with the opening of a large new suite, christened the Honeymoon suite (but ideal for any special occasion, of course!) With an extra large bed, freestanding bathtub, open terracotta shower and a sprinkling of other romantic touches, Mahogany is ensuring a visit to the lodge is even more special than ever.

For further information regarding Mahogany Springs, contact Rich Whiston at 29

Mo un ta i n s of th e Moon “ s o m u c h mor e f u n t ha n Ki l i � Writes Mark Stratton of The Guardian




Crunching across glacial ice in crampons, wrapped up against strafing sub-zero winds, it seemed unfeasible I was so close to the Equator. But then the Rwenzori Mountains in Western Uganda are a unique force of nature. During eight-days on my way to Mount Stanley’s Margherita Peak (5109metres) summit, I discovered nowhere else exists like this in Africa. I trekked through luxuriant tropical forests, a bamboo zone chattering with monkeys, a heather zone where lobelias have evolved into giants, and saw endemics every bit as beautiful as they sound, like red-breasted malachite sunbirds. I was enjoying the Rwenzoris far more than a previous trek to Kilimanjaro. Granted, Kilimanjaro is higher and an impressive volcano. But the complex scenery here is more pristine; not least because less than 1000 people every year trek into the Rwenzoris as opposed to Kilimanjaro’s footfall of 50,000. Summiting proved far harder yet it was a more thrilling climax than Kilimanjaro crossing glacier fields without another soul in sight. When I did finally summit, gasping thin air, the views along the Albertine Rift Valley and into the Democratic Republic of Congo, were phenomenal. It was then, alone on the roof of Uganda, I sensed a shared moment with the pioneer climbers of Mount Stanley of just how arduous yet thrilling this adventure had been. Š Copyright | Photography by Mark Stratton 31

£1 .1 m o f m edia c ov er age i n j u st one w eekend

Uganda Tourism received a major boost in its effort to increase numbers from the UK, via £1,125,000 worth of positive media exposure in February, generated by Africa destination marketing experts, Kamageo. In all, over 808,000 watched footage.

With an animatronic (and very lifelike) gorilla exploring Trafalgar Square; making four live appearances on national TV; and then entertaining the crowds at Destinations Travel Show, Uganda was everywhere.

The consumer travel show attracted 28,000 visitors and almost all exhibitors in the Africa section reported significant increases in Uganda enquiries including Africa Exclusive, Zambezi Safaris, Real Africa, Rainbow Tours and Wild Frontiers. Titan Travel reported their entire Uganda programme for 2018 was sold out.

On screen, Uganda’s gorilla captivated audiences on both Sky News and on ITV’s Good Morning Britain. Both channels reach around 2.9m UK viewers.

Vincent Mugaba of Uganda Tourism Board, said “This campaign is really building momentum. In these 9 months, trade support has been magnificent and almost every major travel-related publication has visited and written about Uganda, so consumer interest is at an all time high”.

Uganda also benefitted from features either in print or online from the Evening Standard, Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Times, i (Independent), Daily Express, MSN, AOL, BT and OK!, as well as regional titles. Yahoo’s homepage saw 529,000 views of our video; SkyNews video online had 143,000 views whilst half a dozen other Facebook and Twitter feeds registered over 35,000 views each.

If you are interested in working with Uganda Tourism UK on a press trip then contact Adele on 32



NKURINGO GEM UNEARTHED For the UK operators who attended last year’s Uganda Roadshow in the UK, most agreed that the best “find” was Nkuringo Lodge and Walking Safaris. Run by the hugely charismatic Lydia Nandudu, the stylish 9-room lodge offers a comfortable and affordable option on this quieter side of Bwindi. She also operates Nkuringo Walking Safaris which offers a number of innovative walks, including a popular hike from her side of the forest, over to Buhoma, which takes roughly three to four hours. See for details. 33

NEW Lodge for Queen Elizabeth National Park Simba s afari lodge All new Simba Safari Lodge is currently under construction in the Ishasha sector of QENP and due to be finished by August 2017. Sister property to Primate Lodge, Kibale, Simba will initially offer 6 luxury cottages and 2 family cottages, with a further 5 cottages planned for 2018. Set high up on an escarpment all the rooms will have stunning views over lake George, Lake Kikorongo and the greater Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Me e t primat e lo dg e ’ s ba rt end er

The property will have a large communal lounge again with lake views, a huge swimming pool and its very own 15-seater boat for exclusive boat cruises on the famous game rich Kazinga channel.

Peter Kajubi

For more details and updates on Simba Safari Lodge contact

Experience the world renowned Ugandan hospitality amidst unrivalled nature, scenery and serenity in the heart of Kibale National Park, Uganda’s primate paradise and home to over 13 different species along with numerous other mammals, butterflies and birds.

We can’t wait to bring you more pictures and updates as the lodge progresses.

M e e t: P eter K aj u b i | Ba r Tender When did you join Uganda Lodges? 16 November 2013 – I know the exact date because it feels like such a key moment in my life. What do you enjoy most about working at Primate Lodge? It’s great to hear guests sat around the bar, sharing stories about their amazing chimpanzee encounters in the park, with its headquarters just metres from the lodge. If you didn’t work at the lodge what would you do? I have friends who guide at the Bigodi Wetlands, which are not far from the lodge. The birds and monkeys there are incredible, so I’d maybe have trained to be a guide too. What little known thing can you tell us about Primate Lodge? The best one is that we offer guided night walks into the nearby national park with UWA. They can be great for nocturnal animals. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? I would buy more land and join forces with Uganda Lodges to built a property of my own in a different part of Uganda. The country has so much to offer visitors. For more information of Primate Lodge Kibale, contact Tim at or visit


resources Bradt

Uganda Resources website & online training The destination training will provide you with all the basic information required to sell Uganda and features training on some of Uganda’s top attractions including gorilla tracking, chimpanzee tracking, big game safaris and adventure activities.

Uganda Tourism Board via Kamageo has launched a trade-only website providing the UK travel trade with information and resources to sell Uganda.

The training module will be accessible at until mid-March, after which time it will move to the main resources website.

The website provides you with access to general information about the major tourism locations in Uganda including the activities and attractions available.

Those that complete the training will go into a raffle to win 1 of 10 of the latest Bradt Guides to Uganda ensuring that you will have all the information to hand to sell Uganda confidently.

The Resources are supplied directly by the travel trade in Uganda and include rates and information on tours and packages as well as places of interest. There is also a growing image library of both places and accommodation. By using Dropbox we ensure that our information and Resources are as up to date as possible, and we offer a ‘live view’ online of everything currently available. If your preferred suppliers don’t feature on the site, why not encourage them to contact Kamageo in order that we can share their information. You can download all the Resources in one go to your own hard drive, or simply pick and choose the bits you need as and when you need them. Uganda Tourism has also launched an online destination training module.

For more information, contact Kirstine Vercoe on 01664 823750 35

11 % o f th e world’ s bi r d spe ci es i n o ne place When it comes to Uganda’s wildlife, it’s not just our distant cousins that steal the show; our feathered friends are giving the famous mountain gorillas a run for their money. forests of Semliki due to their 441 recorded species, closely followed by Kibale Forest National Park, Budongo Forest Reserve and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Birding in Uganda is full of surprises; 1072 to be precise. Condensed into an area the same size as the UK, it is arguably the most attractive country in Africa to the birdwatcher and therefore it’s no surprise that a bird, the elegant Crowned Crane, is Uganda’s national symbol.

Birding is extraordinarily diverse in Ugand - in just a 2-3 week tour bird guides can show you over 400 species including hornbills, parrots, kingfishers, bee-eaters, turacos, bustards, trogons, hornbills, pittas, broadbills, and an array of dazzling sunbirds and weavers.

Uganda is a birding hotspot. All of its 10 national parks have vibrant birdlife but birds can be encountered wherever you travel and can be much easier to see. You don’t have to travel far out of the airport in Entebbe to encounter tick list birds either, with Mabamba wetlands on the shores of Lake Victoria a few minutes drive away whilst Mabira Forest is just an hour out of Kampala to the east.

Birding is a growing tourism product in Uganda and this demand is creating some of the best bird guides in the area. Its increasing popularity is greatly contributing to ecotourism by creating opportunities for communities to share their birds with tourists and help to protect habitats rather than destroy them.

Its huge diversity is down to its unique position on the equator between the savannah lands of East Africa, the tropical rainforests of West Africa and the dry desert of the North. One of the most desirable locations for birding in Uganda are the

For more information visit


C o n necti n g the Sp ectacula r S e r e ngeti wi t h the Go r illa s of U ganda f rom

et d






Mus oma (Custo m and Immig ration Cle ar ance )

M us om a (C u sto m an d I m mig r ation C l e ar an ce )



En teb b e (Custo m and Immig ration Cle ar ance )

E n teb b e (C u sto m an d I m mig r ation C l e ar an ce )



Mus oma (Custo m and Immig ration Cle ar ance )

Mus oma




B elow are t he c onf i r med depa rt u r es dates: 18 May 2017 29 July 2017 31 July 2017 01 September 2017 20 September 2017 24 November 2017

R ates : Mwanza to Serengeti, USD 125 (all inclusive) - Only bookable on the confirmed dates Serengeti to Mwanza, USD 125 (all inclusive) - Only bookable on the confirmed dates Mwanza to Entebbe, USD 175 (all inclusive) - Only bookable on the confirmed dates Entebbe to Mwanza, USD 175 (all inclusive) - Only bookable on the confirmed dates Serengeti (all airstrips) to Entebbe, USD 1,160 (all inclusive) Entebbe to Serengeti (all airstrips), USD 1,160 (all inclusive)

To confirm flights between Entebbe to Serengeti / Serengeti to Entebbe, below are the requirements Minimum 4 pax @ USD 850 + USD 60 taxes per person Minimum 2 pax @ USD 1,100 + USD 60 taxes per person For more information contact or visit 37

UN 2 0 17 : I n t e r n atio nal Yea r of S u stain able To urism fo r D e v e lopment The United Nations 70th General Assembly has designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. As UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai stated, “This declaration is a unique opportunity to advance the contribution of the tourism sector to the three pillars of sustainability – economic, social and environmental, while raising awareness of the true dimensions of a sector which is often undervalued”.

Res ource efficiency, environmental protection and climate change Hot water geysers are solar at Mbali Mbali offering 24hr power is which is usually solar generated through a battery inverter, lowering the carbon footprint. Fuel consumption is down 80% in the last 5 years.

We chatted to Mbali Mbali’s Marketing & Operations Director, Fatema Lalji about how they have responded to each of the five key areas :

A fully functional Recycling system is in place at all camps and all items are sorted, packed and removed to a recycling facility in Kigoma at the end of each season. All cleaning chemicals are all biodegradable, and all sewerage is disposed of through Eco-Friendly Septic Tanks.

Inclusive and s ustainable ec onomic growth

Cultural values , diver sit y and heritage

Mbali Mbali is continually developing the skills of staff, to help create succession management, allowing staff to see their route from Housekeeper to Waiter, Guide to Assistant Manager etc. One former junior guide has now progressed all the way to lodge manager. Cooks are not just trained in food preparation but also in stock counting, portion sizes and record keeping. English language training is compulsory for all staff – to enable them to speak directly to guests in a professional manner. All staff also have the option to benefit from training in building, electrical, plumbing, and painting giving them skills that they can use at home.

We encourage clients to visit locals villages close to our properties. Guides escort guests to see things like the Clinic and the Primary School to interact with local children. If asked, staff are also encouraged to talk openly with guests regarding their own backgrounds, families, religions and Tanzania in general to help give a greater understanding of the surrounding communities.

S ocial inclusiveness , reduction



Mutual under standing, peace and securit y Mbali Mbali supports Tanapa who regularly conduct educational programmes in the villages, whilst in camp staff lounges have TV and Cable connections, along with an iPad to help staff stay connectd to whats happening in the “outside world” and continue online training.

p overt y

Mbali Mbali prefers to hire staff from mainly communities and sponsors staff’s children via loan schemes and scholarships into their own school in Kigoma. This has kept employee retention very high - at some locations staff have been there over 20 years.

For more information on Mbali Mbali lodges and camps, please contact Steve Ody via or visit 38

fa m t r ip s Join one of our fam trips and gain first-hand knowledge and experiences that you can use to confidently share with clients who are looking for the perfect African adventure. We have suggested some dates for these trips, but if these do not suit, we will look into arranging something else at a time you would prefer. For more information, or to register your interest, contact Rich Whiston via

katuma bush lodge, TANZANIA

Kenya – April (5 days , $750) This trip to Kenya is an exciting opportunity to spend 3 days at Basecamp Explorer’s 3 camps, followed by 2 days at Sentinel Mara Camp. Price includes all meals, safaris, airstrip transfers and internal flights.

Tanzania – June (10 days , $2,500) Experience the true wilds of Tanzania with Mbali Mbali on this stunning 10 night fam trip to the Serengeti, Tarangire, Gombe, Mahale and Katavi. Sign up today and receive 2 free nights on your first 5 bookings to their properties. (worth a minimum of $500 per booking). Dinknesh, ethiopia

Zambia/B otswana – June (9 days , $1,000)

Kenya - TANZANIA - zambia/botswana - ETHIOPIA south africa/botswana - rwanda - congo

In 9 days, see the best of South Luangwa, Southern Kafue, Livingstone and over into Chobe. Stay at Kafunta River Lodge plus their new property Three Rivers Camp, Konkamoya (Kafue), Waterberry Lodge or River Farmhouse and Muchenje, whilst also visiting various neighbours along the way.

S outh Africa/B otswana – (Pre Trade Shows , $500) Experience the magnificence of Northern Kruger with a visit to Pafuri Camp, before heading over the Botswana border to Tuli Safari Lodge and its unique environment. Available pre & post all of this year’s SA-based trade shows.

Ethiopia – North : 1st – 6th July / S outh : 6th – 15th July (5, 10 or 15 nights , $1,57 7 - $2, 765)

Leading Ethiopia DMC, Dinknesh Ethiopia Tours, are charging the minimum amount for trips to the North and South. You have the choice of either 5 nights in the North, 10 nights in the South, or a combination of both.

Rwanda - ( october - Dates tb c) Enjoy the very best of Rwanda, including Kigali, Nyungwe Forest, the much talked about Akagera NP, Lake Kivi, and Volcanoes National Park (including a trek for gorillas).

tanzania (dates tb c) Visit the best of the Tanzania’s Southern circuit, with leading DMC, Takims Holidays. Allow us to show you Selous, Ruaha and then onto the island of Zanzibar for an 8 day Tanzanian extravaganza.

C ongo – (Dates TBC, $1,200)

Odzala Discovery Camps are proud to offer a unique and lofechanging opportunity to visit the forest of the Congo Basin, in safety and comfort. During this fam, you will explore the towering forests, crystal-clear streams and expansive open savannah of north-west Congo and track western lowland gorillas.

LANGO camp, congo


‘Queen of the Masai Steppe” TANZANIA’ S TARANGIRE NATIONAL PARK Many travellers to Tanzania will readily admit that encountering a majestic lion is at the top of their “wishlist”, so the team at Mbali Mbali’s Tarangire River Camp realise that they are privileged to play hosts to the ‘River’ pride, which has made the area around camp the centre of their territory.

were escorted to a lush green area with a single termite mound where a lioness lay, with three cubs - of around 4 to 5 months old - enjoying playtime in the cool shade. It took the guests quite some time to spot a solitary cub, high up in a tree behind the rest of the pride, relaxing in a leopard-like pose.

The Tarangire Lion Research Initiative(TLRI) regularly visits the area to monitor this resident pride which comprises of two female lionesses and four young cubs, all of whom are frequently seen just outside camp and occasionally – much to the delight of staying guests - on its fringes!

Tarangire NP is a less visited park, yet it contains so many delights. Find out more about the park and about Mbali Mbali’s Tarangire River Camp by contacting Rich Whiston via Photo Credit: Lucy Welch With thanks to Tarangire Lion Research Initiative

From time to time, clients have the opportunity to join the researchers and as the images show, on this occasion they


Close encounters of the chimp kind

The chimpanzee research in Mahale is long-term and very detailed and has demonstrated several important facts about chimpanzee behaviour, which have been shown to differ from population to population, indicating that these animals are ‘cultural’. Only with this kind of long-term demographic data can we learn about the intricacies of chimp society.

Of the approximate 150,000 wild chimps remaining in Africa, the largest known single population is 900 in Mahale National Park, Tanzania which covers 1600km2. Due to the size and remoteness of Mahale hunting and poaching for infants have been minimised, and the chimpanzees have flourished. Between 50 and 60 belong to the famous M or “Mimikiri” group. Mahale, [and Kungwe Beach Lodge] are located in Western Tanzania on Lake Tanganyika - the world’s longest freshwater lake, chimpanzees roam freely in the forest paradise. Researchers from Japan’s Kyoto University began to habituate here in the early 1960’s and today they are acknowledged as one of the very few groups that visitors can see with almost 100% certainty. The trek can vary from a leisurely walk of 20 minutes to a more strenuous hike of up to three hours. It is easiest to view the chimps between August and October when the forest paths are less slippery, but the chimps move closer to the lake. Watching the chimps foraging, grooming, bickering, asserting dominance and taking care of their young is an unforgettable encounter.

For more information on Mbali Mbali lodges and camps, please contact Steve Ody via or visit

For the sake of the health of the chimps, all visitors are required to wear surgical masks. 41

Atta M e m b e r s h i p B e n e f its No.1 Kamageo and Kamili are both proud members of Atta. In each edition of Safari we will be highlighting a different Atta member benefit and we’re starting with Atta 24 CRISIS CALL… SATIB’s incident management team fall under the banner of Critical Incident Management Services (Critical IMS), a 100% owned Group Company which has been re-writing the way incidents are managed in Africa for almost a decade.

To ensure the best outcome in the event of an incident many things need to be done concurrently and unless coordinated by a trained individual with access to the best and most appropriate resources, things can go horribly wrong.

Atta24 Crisis Call forms an integral part of our risk management strategy for African operators and can (and should) be coupled with medical emergency evacuation policies that can cover guests, staff or both. In an exclusive agreement with SATIB, Atta members have access to the Critical IMS team in the immediate phase following an incident to ensure the Incident Action Plan is correctly set up with your team.

T ype of incidents that they handle: • Medical emergencies - illness or onset of potentially serious symptoms • Trauma and accidents • Exposure to blood, poisons or other hazardous materials • Assault, rape, kidnap or other crime • Psychologically traumatic events • Fire or other natural disaster

Critical incidents impose a threat of loss – something bad happening that may cost life, limb, and money, loss of reputation, property or asset damage or business interruption. Management of these situations by SATIB’s specialist team can minimise the loss and maximize the outcome. The field of litigation has changed drastically with liability becoming an onerous threat to all operators and for this reason SATIB offers additional support by taking the load off your shoulders by managing the incidents and controlling exposure.

Upcoming Atta Events

Atta 24 crisis call benefits at a glance: Included: • One number access for crisis help 24/7/365 • Telemedical consultations • Creating an Incident Action Plan (IAP) • Guidance on proposed implementation of the IAP

ITB Berlin (8-12 March) Atta ITB Networking Event (8 March) Sponsored by Kamili

Excluded (but immediately available should incident be complex enough to require it): • Remote management of rescue and medical staff • Incident notification to all stakeholders • Facilitate consultation with subject matter experts e.g. snake bites, kidnap and ransom • Hospital referrals for admissions • Medical evacuations • Post traumatic assessment and counselling • Media management • Legal liability management • Facilitating and obtaining payment from insur

WTM Africa (19-21 April) ILTM 2017 (19-23 April) Indaba (16-18 May) Atta Media Awards (27 June) Atta Regatta Networking Event (27 June) PURE (11-14 September) 42

Reach new heig hts in ta nzania Tanzania’s first and only Treetop Walkway has opened on Lake MNP, writes Abbas of Takims Holidays monkeys and various wildlife that guests can expect to see. Who should visit: Nature lovers who enjoy soft adventure activities including families, couples, individuals, groups, children above 6 years are all welcome.

The walkway is an excellent way for guests to experience Lake Manyara’s groundwater forest ecosystem from a unique birds-eye view. This sky-high adventure has a total walking distance of 370 meters and a maximum height of 18 meters (59 feet). The walkway is built up with ten suspension bridges along with several viewing decks situated around tree trunks. This is also one of the longest treetop walkways in Africa.

What to bring: Closed-toe, secure, covered shoes. Duration: 1 - 1.5 hours.

Field experts from Takims recently made a visit to inspect this new attraction and experience the adventure for themselves. The team was thoroughly impressed to see that the bridge has strict safety standards with multiple reinforcements. The bridge has netting on all sides for safety. Additionally, the walkway allows one-direction traffic in order to avoid congestion while ensuring that the route does not get repetitive.

Rack Rate: $48 per person. Contact us for STO pricing. Location: Five minute drive into the park from the main entrance gate of Lake Manyara.

For more information, rates and images for Takims Holidays, please contact Abbas via

The local guides are well trained to provide assistance on the bridge as well as information on the trees, butterflies, birds,


elephants Save in Arusha

t h e b e ad ed el ep hant at hata r i lodg e Doing this all by themselves, the children have developed a deep personal affection towards their own piece of art and the related wildlife conservation issues. It is important to involve the young generation amongst local people into conservation efforts concerning the Amboseli-ecosystem as they will be the ones who, if well informed, will care for a coexistence of humans and animals in the future.

“In order to protect these precious creatures we have to start with those closest to them� said Marlies Gabriel owner of Hatari Lodge located in the northern corner of Arusha National Park, Tanzania. Marlies and her partner Jorg set up the Sparkling Elephant Project in 2013 to campaign for the conservation of elephants in Africa. In order to create awareness of the dramatic decline of the elephant population throughout Africa, but especially in the local area, Hatari Lodge’s owners created a life-size elephant made of an iron frame, in the nearby village of Sinya.

The awareness is crucial in displaying the benefits that conservation of elephants will bring socially, economically and environmentally. See conservation in action at Hatari Lodge.

Over the course of the following year, the local children breathed life into the statue by threading beads on wire shaping the body of the elephant onto the iron skeleton.



Rates from 683pppm

e l eSeepinhchobe ants

Sp ec tac u l ar El epha nt Her d s at Mu c h en je S afari Lodge At tims there are more elephants in Chobe than the whole of South Africa. Located in Chobe’s Forest Reserve (with far fewer vehicles) Muchenje is a real treasure.

Muchenje based in Chobe is understandably famous for its elephant herds – in the dry season clients can see hundreds of these magnificent animals on the flood plains at any one time, most of which are family groups, with a few generations represented.

elephants watch in samburu

Elephant Watch Camp (aptly named) in Samburu National Reserve is one of the finest areas on earth to see these majestic and threatened animals in their natural habitats. This ecosystem has one of the largest elephant populations in Kenya, each one individually identified and studied by researchers at Save the Elephants, an NGO set up by world renowned zoologist, Iain Douglas-Hamilton, camp owner Saba’s father. All of the 66 families of elephants are know to the camp guides and this deep insight means Elephant Watch guests enjoy a far greater understanding of how the animals here interact and of the nuances of their behavior and changing relationships. Over the years we’ve got to know them so well that they feel like part of our social circle. The greatest help clients can give is by going to stay at the camp and seeing how it all works in the field. 45

room with a v iew Each issue we will deliver the views from some of the best camps in Africa. In this edition of Safari Magazine we show some of the magnificent views that the Congo, Tanzania and Zambia have to offer.

S h u ’ m ata Cam p, tanz a ni a In the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, Shumata Camps exclusive 5 living tents boast amazing views across bush savannah that melts into the slopes of Kilimanjaro, so close that on a moonlit night, details of the glaciers can be visible. Rates from $548 pppn.

r ive r farm ho u s e, z a mb i a River Farmhouse is a truly amazing escape to enjoy while on a trip to see the wonderful Victoria Falls. The four bedroomed house is set in beautiful grounds with a private infinity pool overlooking the Zambezi River and over into Zimbabwe. Rates from $500 pppn - includes Airport Transfers - Full Board - House wine and local drinks - two In-House Activities per day - Laundry


lan go Cam p, c o ngo Wake up to panoramic views of the majestic Lango Bai and enjoy an intimate breakfast before venturing out to explore the Leoki and Mambili Rivers. Rates from $525 pps.

m b oko Camp, c o ngo Set in an area of lush meadow-like savannah, Mboko provides breathtaking views from dawn to dusk with frequent visits from forest buffalo and forest elephants Rates from $275 pps.

n gaga Camp, c o ngo These cottages located in the heart of Odzala offer spectacular views from the comfort of your own bed – a welcome sight after trekking Western Lowland Gorillas in the world’s second largest rainforest! Rates from $525 pps. 47

ou r cu rio us c o usins i n c o ng o

With gorilla habituation taking anything up to five years, it’s not difficult to see how challenging a process it is.. but which method is best?


With senior primate researchers from across the globe debating their different methods for habituation to humans, at Kamageo we have been fortunate enough to be able to compare and contract for ourselves. Leading primatologist Dr. Magda Bermejo heads up research into the lowland gorillas of Odzala national park in CongoBrazzaville, with two main families habituated for tourism, led by silverbacks, Neptuno and Saturn respectively. Magda has long challenged the methods of her colleagues in Uganda and Rwanda, suggesting that her habituation process impacts less upon the ongoing behaviours of the gorillas. From our less-educated perspective, with more of a tourist’s hat on, we I can only describe the encounters as more “shared curiosity” in Congo, versus a seemingly nonchalant disregard for human presence amongst the gorillas in Uganda. So which is best? Impossible to say. Both are unique and outstanding in their own way. but don’t take just our word for it. Send plenty of clients and go for yourself before debating with them!

Whilst the Ugandan gorillas seem to get on with their everyday lives despite the closeness of eight camera-laden tourists snapping away, their Congolese cousins remain far more shy and curious (to the maximum 3 tourists allowed in any one group). That doesn’t diminish the encounter in any way and whilst the gorillas are clearly fully habituated, it does give the whole experience a kind of pioneering feel to it.

From 1st March, Odzala Discovery Camps is being represented by both Kamili (UK only) and by Classic Portfolio (worldwide including UK), so you have no excuse for not talking to us about these amazing trips.

With the clue in their name highlighting that the trek to see lowland gorillas is less strenuous than their mountain-based relatives, the climate and the density of the undergrowth ensure that it is not without challenge!

A new pricing plan has been issued, which simplifies the whole process : for a 7-night all -inclusive fly-in/out Odzala package - including 3 nights Ngaga with 2 gorilla treks, 2 nights Mboko, 2 nights Lango - is now at $6500 (low) and £7750 (high).

We found it curious that trackers in Odzala snip away at the vegetation with secateurs rather than machetes (to avoid disturbing the gorillas) and clipping away at foliage is used to replace the guttural “mmm, mmm, mmm” sound used by rangers in Bwindi and VNP to alert and reassure the apes of our presence.

Simplified commission rates covering all accommodation and relevant house activities have also been announced. A new reservations team is also in place to ease the booking process further.

At Bermejo’s suggestion, the first 10 minutes of an Odzala gorilla encounter should be camera-free, to ensure you take in the moment (and allowing the gorillas to relax). “Take in the entire scene, create last memories”, she advises. We agree that it does add to the experience, although it’s a really tough challenge for a shutter-happy snapper.

For more detailed rates and information pack, please see Then be sure to contact to arrange further discussions and/or training at your offices. 49

Swa zila n d: Hub for the c r eativ e a rts High quality arts & crafts that support local communities have become a mainstay of Swaziland. Swaziland has a rich heritage of stylish, high quality handicrafts, which grace boutique outlets around the world, yet are produced by community-focused ecologically and socially responsible organisations.

who solely employs women from some of the most remote areas of Swaziland, empowering and providing income for them. Producing everything from fashion, to lighting, to sculpture and accessories, Gone Rural is one of the most popular handicraft companies in Swaziland.

Swaziland is home to Ngwenya Glass; a business that creates stunning products for the home using 100% recycled glass as their raw material, disused engine and cooking oil to fuel their furnaces and old newspapers to shape and pack the glass. Building upon Swaziland’s indisputable reputation for arts and crafts, Ngwenya Glass is a must-see experience.

Similarly, KhoKho, a boutique handbag company also made by local women is thriving; it’s not only supporting the community by producing an income, but ensuring their long-held tradition is carried on through generations as the designs incorporate traditional weaving techniques. KhoKho has been featured in Vogue, Elle and this month’s Conde Nast Traveller proving its popularity around the globe.

They also work with the local schools to teach the children how important a sense of environmental awareness is. In exchange for building materials and the sponsorship of the soccer team, the students must participate in roadside cleanup campaigns.

With mohair weavers, jewellery makers, candle sculptors and many more highly skilled Swazi artisans exporting around the world, the opportunity to see them at work in the country that inspires them, and to learn the stories behind their fascinating culture is one not to be missed.

Today, visitors can watch the glass blowing process, and buy beautiful hand-finished products from the showroom – including tableware, drinking glasses, vases, and African animals of all sizes.

Being just a 50-minute flight, or a 3-4 hour scenic drive from Johannesburg, Swaziland should be a first choice for an excursion whilst visiting South Africa.

Swaziland is also home to Gone Rural, a Handcraft Company 50

“The life of Reilly” Journalist Mark Everleigh met with pioneering Swaziland conservationist, Ted Reilly

I’d been intrigued by the mysterious Kingdom of Swaziland as long as I could remember so I was thrilled when a trip to South Africa was interrupted by a commission to cover a story on Swazi conservation for BBC Earth Magazine. It was already afternoon when I drove into the hills of Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary. Since this is not a Big 5 reserve, Mlilwane offers a chance to really get your boots – or tyres or even hooves – into African soil. By breakfast the next morning we’d already walked beside a reservoir that is home to hippo and some very large crocs, cycled among impala and even galloped with herds of zebra and blesbok. In the course of the next week we would also visit the voracious lions of Hlane Royal National Park and watch mixed herds of black and white rhino at Mkhaya Game Reserve. Thanks to the dedicated SAS-trained rangers we joined on patrol there Mkhaya is one of the safest rhino habitats in all Africa. The highlight of the entire trip, however, was the opportunity to meet 78-year-old conservation legend Ted Reilly at Reilly’s Rock, the idyllic lodge that now occupies the old family home. There are few people in the world who have played such a determined part in fighting a seemingly irreversible extinction process. The U-turn from a fast-track to extinction to world-class safari destination was unimaginably complex but with the help of the Swazi Royal Family Mr Reilly succeeded in re-introducing 22 large wild animal species to the country. It all happened in a lifetime – ‘The Life of Reilly’ – and, if the world takes time to listen, the lessons learned could benefit many other regions where it might seem to more fatalistic minds that the damage is already beyond repair. Read Mark’s full article and interview with Ted in the next issue of BBC Earth.

For more information, contact Kelly White via 51

Bu mi Hi l l s ma k eov er by Afri can B us h Ca m p s

fishing with bream and the fighting tiger fish in abundance, and cultural experiences at the local Tonga villages. All activities will be expertly led by the team of professional and knowledgeable guides for which African Bush Camps is so well known.

Bumi Hills Safari Lodge & Spa is located on Lake Kariba – that classic Zimbabwe destination, and it has recently joined the African Bush Camps portfolio. Situated on a private concession adjacent to Matusadona National Park, it is the perfect addition to the portfolio as it links so well with their other properties in Mana Pools and Hwange.

The lodge boasts one of Africa’s finest wilderness locations with an elevated position on a range of remote hills overlooking the vastness of the lake and the game-rich shoreline below. Taking centre stage is the infinity pool surrounded by tiered terraces perfect for a sundowner or al fresco dining while the main interior has been finished in a fusion of contemporary Western and African styles. Guests are accommodated in 10 premium rooms, with balconies providing uninhibited views over Lake Kariba.

As African Bush Camps CEO, Beks Ndlovu, stated, “The Matusadona area has been missing from our profile and our expansion here will boost our offering significantly.” The lodge is currently closed for an extensive refurbishment which will see it transformed into a 10 bedroom property by July 2017. The look and feel of the lodge is to be more in keeping with their other properties. The concession is home to lion, leopard, herds of elephant and buffalo, as well as a multitude of different plains game. Guests can indulge in a wide variety of activities including game drives, guided walks, birding, boat cruises, superb

Should you wish to receive more information about the property or African Bush Camps portfolio, contact kirstine@ or call the office to discuss.


For more information, contact Kirstine on 53

“ o ur people m a ke our b r a n d ” S ay s F r a n h er d of KE r & d ow n e y b otswan a

Ker & Downey Botswana is proud to be 100% locally owned and it is the staff that make this brand so special. Guests don’t just become regular repeaters they become family drawn back by the warmth of guides and staff (as well as the great accommodation and wildlife experiences!)

Kirstine Vercoe, Account Director at Kamageo, recalls her first visit to Shinde: On my very first visit to Shinde, I was met at the airstrip by Bee who warmly welcomed me to his part of the Delta. As he drove to camp we exchanged the usual chatter and I asked how long he had been with the company. His response: 30 years. I was astounded but during my time in camp I came to understand what a close knit community the staff were. It’s this family like connection that gives the brand it’s personality and makes it so popular with guests.

“ T h e D o c to r o f K a na na”

Ngakaemang is (understandably) better known as “Doctor”, the English translation of his name. Born in the Panhandle region of the Delta, Doctor started in the safari industry back in 1996 as a waiter and went on to obtain his guides licence three years later. He joined the company in 2015 and his passion and pride for his country coupled with his love of people embodies the warmth and hospitality of Ker & Downey Botswana. Doctor is known for his sense of humour, guaranteeing guests a laugh around the dining table at Kanana.

okuti man ager s , Bujo s an d Tebby

Kewane Moabi known as Bujos when in the bush is a “product of the industry” as both his parents were camp managers in the Okavango Delta when they met. Bujos worked for a few camps before joining Okuti where he worked his way up the ranks to camp management. He believes that having worked from the bottom up has put him in a better position to run this high profile camp. Tebby is a Southerner having been raised in the Kgalagadi and then spending time working in the capital city of Gaborone. She soon decided that fast paced city life was too busy and demanding and instead opted for the tranquil setting of Okuti in the Moremi. Here her bubbly personality and beaming smile make her a perfect fit to manage Okuti alongside Bujos. 54

Sh in de’ s Bee

Bonnetswe, better known as Bee, joined Ker & Downey Botswana 3 decades ago. He has always loved nature, conservation and the responsibility that comes from being a professional guide. What he enjoys most about his job is spending time with people from all nationalities and sharing life experiences whilst out on safari. As Shinde is a private concession, Bee enjoys getting his clients up close with wildlife allowing for memorable experiences. For more information, contact Kirstine on

Your feedback on Ker & Downey Botswana’s staff. Pau l Ca lc u tt – Jou r neys by Des i g n

“In my opinion they have among the finest teams of any of the camps I have visited in Botswana. They genuinely seem to be enjoying their work and allow their personalities to shine through. I would stress that their commitment to including a more informative style of experience to their guests is quite commendable. In an age where luxury seems to take priority in the safari industry, camps like Shinde and Footsteps have not forgotten why people visit Africa in the first place.”

R i c ha rd Ba l l - Ex pert Af r i ca

“I was lucky enough to spend a couple of nights staying at Shinde and Okuti. I must say I was taken by the staff and the camps themselves: the managers and the guides were attentive and flexible to guests needs which was great to see. Having personally guided in Botswana it was good to see the staff supporting each other in order to ensure the guests were well looked after. The two camps worked extremely well in combination and to get the opportunity to go fishing in both the morning and afternoon was a highlight for me, even if it was a little stormy. Catching 16 fish in one afternoon was great but to go back and cook them with the chef was a real highlight. “ 55

See wildlife from our network of hides or on rewarding game-drives

e x p e ct the un e x pe cted Tuli Safari Lodge is full of surprises ..and here’s the first one : $2017 for 4 nights inc. flights to/from ORTambo.

Relax in a bar built around a 500 year old tree, within delightful gardens

Share a picturesque Sundowner with an elephant shrew


Unique rock formations decorated with ancient art

Even the sunsets at Tuli form into the shape of Africa

Stylish bedrooms, big enough to host two extra children, too

Located in Botswana, but fits easily and conveniently into SA itineraries

Eat in a different dining location every meal



In the words of John F. Kennedy, “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” It is with this mindset that Kamili, and related brands Kameric and Kamageo, has entered 2017 with a new approach towards UK market representation.

who r epr esents who ? Did you know that there are nearly 40 specialist representation agencies in the UK marketing over 400 African lodges, camps, boutique hotels, DMCs and destinations? At the same time, a number of brands also have marketing staff based permanently here in the UK. So keeping up to date can be tricky. Help it a s h an d. To help UK travel professionals to quickly and easily find who is representing who, there’s a brand new website:

Rather than focusing on office-based meetings we are introducing Safari Show, which will deliver a mini tradeshow event providing exposure for our broad range of destinations and safari product. The purpose is to deliver time-efficient events where UK trade partners meet with us for pre-arranged appointments.

It can’t claim to be perfect, so whilst all information is updated as often as possible and provided in good faith, it is recommended that you contact anyone listed for confirmation. Operators who have used the site have been quick to give their feedback :

Time is a valuable commodity and so Safari Show will run half day sessions in locations across the UK. This will allow our trade partners to meet with us for a few hours in the morning or afternoon to receive comprehensive updates on products from Addis Ababa to the Zambezi.

“Outstanding – a long overdue consolidation of information and extremely useful portal.” Chris Breem, Wildlife Worldwide “Excellent, thank you. Great for our new staff, too.” Jamie Taylor, Africa & Beyond

The events will be hosted by Tim, Steve, and Kirstine and we will occasionally be joined by some of our African partners.

“Great idea. It will be really useful for expanding our Africa product.” Abi Shaw, Bushbaby Travel

A calendar of the Safari Show dates is available on the websites of Kamili, Kameric, and Kamageo. If you are interested in attending an event local to you, please contact or to register your interest.

“This will definitely help and it is much appreciated.” Amanda Marks, Tribes Travel “I had no idea there were so many agencies out there.” Just about everyone!

If you’d prefer to arrange an in-office meeting or staff training, let us know and we’d be happy to do so. We look forward to seeing you at an event in your area soon! 58

If you’ve any further feedback, please contact

Hea d to h ea d Each issue, we will be comparing notes and opinions between a popular member of the safari industry in the UK and one of our team at Kamili Towers! This edition, we’ve the thoughts of Trish Berry (TB) from Zambezi, alongside Adele Cutler (AC) from Kamageo C o m pan y & Rol e

Next destin ation to visit -

TB : I’m a director of Zambezi Safari and Travel Co. Ltd, which includes working as a travel consultant. AC : I’m Kamageo’s PR Director, working with the media

TB : Tanzania, which I don’t go to often enough especially as it has some beautiful and yet less visited parks AC : Malawi… I can’t wait. I’ve been writing about it for a couple of years and want to see it for myself.

H ow lo n g hav e you b een i n t he b u s i ness

Wh ere do you m o st wan t to visit ?

TB : Can you believe it’s now 22 years? (she must have started young!) AC : I feel like a beginner, then…I’m in my fourth year.

TB : Anywhere I can spot a pangolin!....they keep eluding me. AC : Ethiopia – to see the rockhewn churches of Lalibela and the rugged landscapes of the Bale and Simien Mountains

W hat ’ s yo u r favou r i t e c ou nt ry ?

Wh ere’ s th e h ottest African destin at i o n at th e momen t ?

TB : That’s obvious, because as I’m Zimbabwean born and bred! AC : Uganda because of its amazing great apes and wonderful people

TB : Dallol, Ethiopia! (Ed : very clever, Trish! Lol) AC : You’d expect me to say it, but it really is Uganda which every journalist seems keen to write about, right now.

W hi c h n ati o n a l pa r k i s you r favou r ite? TB : I’d have to say Mana Pools – it’s so good for wild dog, magnificent bull elephants, the Zambezi River, and there are some amazing guides… AC : I’d choose Kafue in Zambia – a seemingly untouched wilderness with such varied game.

Wh at ’ s your s cariest per s on al story f ro m Africa? TB : I once had an elephant standing over my tent in the middle of the night. I could hear his belly rumbling! AC : Either being prevented from having a fireside G&T in Zambia by elephants wandering through camp, or seeing Tim’s face as he braved the canopy walkway in Rwanda’s Nyungwe Forest.

W hi c h i s yo ur favou r i t e lodg e or cam p ? TB : Anywhere that I can fly camp under the stars, and ideally somewhere remote AC : I recently visited Baker’s Lodge in Murchison Falls . Gorgeous enough by itself, but meeting the BBC crew behind “Spy in the Wild” programme topped it all off.

Wh at ’ s your fun n iest per s on al story f ro m Africa? TB : A trainee guide trying to cook a bag of rice over a camp fire in a mobile camp, and the rice exploded all over the place like firecrackers AC : Either catching a sizeable Breem on the Kafue River with my first ever cast of a fishing rod (alongside a hugely frustrated pro!) or taking my Marketing Assistant on her first ever Africa trip, where she fell in love and didn’t return home!

L a st d est i n at i on v i s i t ed TB : I’m recently back from Cape Town, which is always a treat. AC : I did a recce to Uganda, which was amazing and there’s such variety 59

Research provides new insight into UK Africa travel market Kamageo’s work for Uganda seems to be paying dividends, as Uganda is already up 150% (Spontaneous) and 56% (Prompted). However, close neighbour - Rwanda, whose UK activity ended in late 2015, is down 40% (S) and 35% (P). Both Malawi and Swaziland continued to benefit from modest increases, year-on-year (although Malawi’s ranking may have dipped due to bigger marketing spending rivals) .

At the start of each year, Kamageo undertakes a comprehensive 360-degree study of the UK Africa travel market, providing a ‘moment-in-time’ usage and attitude study of all key sub-Saharan destinations within Africa. It is believed to be the only analysis of its type and is made available exclusively to Kamageo partners. Entitled the “Kamageo Marifa” (Marifa being the swahili for knowledge) the report includes :

Ethiopia and Zambia have seen 100%+ increases in spontaneous responses, but both were from modest bases – for example Zambia started at just 4% but has pleasingly increased to 10%. Tanzania’s 2016 prompted score of 27% in 2016 has risen to 35% in 2017, taking them into the top 5 at the expense of Botswana.

* Full analysis of each tour operator’s product offering by destination (assessing 187 websites and 60+ brochures) * Full analysis of UK Media coverage of Africa (positive tourism coverage in all UK travel titles) * Consumer Usage & Attitude towards African destinations (250+ respondents from an on-going panel)

Madagascar sees a huge leap between spontaneous and prompted figures – suggesting that more top-of-mind awareness amongst travellers would result in more bookings for the destination. The appeal is there, but unless prompted it fades away.

EXAMPLES of the REPORT’S FINDINGS The 2017 consumer panel - completed January 2017 - showed shifting attitudes regarding desired destinations, via the results of two specific questions : Which three African countries would you most like to visit? (Spontaneous) And then the same question, but allowing reference to a list of options provided (i.e. Prompted).

West African destinations produced negligible responses at this stage , along with the likes Chad, Gabon, Cameroon, CAR, Sudan and Angola. The full Marifa report is available exclusively to Kamageo partners.

Despite being only 6 months into their first ever UK campaign,

Sp o n ta n e o u s

promp ted

R ank





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

S outh Africa Namibia Kenya B otswana Tanzania Madagac s ar Rwanda Mozambique Uganda Malawi Ethiopia Zambia Zimbabwe C ongo Swa ziland

S outh Africa Namibia Kenya B otswana Tanzania Uganda Mozambique Ma dagac s a r Ethiopia Zambia Rwanda Malawi Zimbabwe C ongo Swa ziland

Ma dagac s a r S outh Africa Namibia Kenya B otswana Tanzania Ethiopia Rwanda Zambia Malawi Mozambique Uganda Zimbabwe C ongo Swa ziland

S outh Africa Ma dagac s a r Namibia Kenya Tanzania B otswana Ethiopia Zambia Mozambique Uganda Rwanda Malawi Zimbabwe C ongo Swa ziland


ethi opi a

It’s not all about the Big Five… Travelling to Africa for wildlife usually means big five spotting in one of the continents parks but getting off the beaten track and heading to the Ethiopian highlands can extremely rewarding where endemic species includes Gelada Babboons, Lamagier Vultures, the Ethiopian Wolf and the Walia Ibex. Animals don’t often come to mind when you think of Ethiopia but the country is an excellent destination for wildlife and gives real enthusiasts the chance to get a glimpse of some very rare and endemic species. Contact Dinknesh Ethiopia Tours to experience the best of Ethiopia. | 61

This March 2017, Zambia is coming to you, with 25+ of the best camps and lodges, the leading airline and one of the country’s top DMCs, giving you the chance to take a closer look at this amazing destination.


14th march | mere court hotel, mere


15th march | kings head hotel

London (west)

16th march | The Grange Strathmore, sw7


17th march | zambia high commission, w8 Exhibitors include: Norman Carr Safaris, The Bushcamp Co., Chiawa Camp & Old Mondoro, Waterberry & River Farmhouse, Kafunta Safaris, The River Club, Flatdogs Camp, Remote Africa Safaris, Wilderness Safaris, Chongwe Safaris...

Places are limited, so please do contact Helen Brown on 01664 823750 or email to confirm your place. 62

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