Men and women

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He gave different tasks to them and different abilities. Men received the ability of hunting, but they were quite dirty. Women picked fruit in the woods and made clothes.


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One evening, the men went hunting and one of them got lost. He walked in the wood and arrived to a small village, the women village.


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The man very interested in what was happening there, started searching the village looking everywhere. After having a look he realized that it was not his village but there were traces of human beings: huts, clothes, baskets full of fruit ‌


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The man heard a noise and hid behind a bush near the village. Then, the woman, who had been picking berries, arrived. Woman 1: We have been very lucky in this rain season, we have picked more than ever before!


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An old woman saw the tracks, bigger than hers. Old woman: sisters! Look what I have found! The women followed the tracks to the bush. Woman 1: Look at this track! Woman 2: Look at this other one! This one is bigger!


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The women found the men. They were afraid of him and shouted: Woman 1: Go away, you beast! Old woman: (shouting) Go away, you beast! Dirty animal, Out! Out! And the man, frightened, ran to his own village.


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When the man arrived to his village he asked for attention and explained everything he had seen. Man 1: I have been in a different village. Its inhabitants were called �women�. They had fruit, clothes and baskets. I hid but they found me and I had to run and leave the village. The village chief answered him: Village chief: We should go and watch those women.


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The men were interested and curious about those women in their village. They walked through the wood to the place where the first man had got lost.


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The men spent a few days watching the women from behind some bushes. Chief: (whispering) Look!, Look! Look at that! Men: Ohhh!, Uahhh!


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After watching them they realized that those women were not dangerous and decided to meet them. One of the women called the others and stood in front of them. Woman: (angry) What are you doing here? Go away! Chief: Please, we came to meet you and talk to you.


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Man 1: We have been watching you for a few days and we like your way of life. The Chief continued: We would like you to teach us everything you can do. The old woman was surprised and decided to take advantage of the situation. Old woman: What will you give us in exchange? Chief: We wll teach you our abilities and our knowledge.


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The two villages lived and worked together for some time. The first days each of the genders made and did what they were able to make and do, but later they showed each other different things. Woman 1: Look at this! Man 1: Do it this way!


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Now each one does what he or she can do and not only what the old spirit told them to do in the beginning of time. Even those who know a lot, even the wise make mistakes. The old spirit: The world is much better since men and women learnt to share and live together!



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Adaptado al inglés por 3º ESO C-D IES ZIZUR MAYOR Curso 2012-2013


In the beginning of earth the old spirit created two types of different human beings. In a village he located men and in another, far away, he located.


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