The Cinderella who don't want to live happily ever after

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Adaptación de “La enicienta que no quería comer perdices”, de Nunila López Salamero y Myriam Camero Sierra, Editorial Planeta, 2009 Ilustradores y adaptadores: A. Martínez, A. Gurpegi, A. Loyola, I. Ilarregui e I. Ugarte Coordinadora: Piluka Labayen I.E.S. Zizur B.H.I. Curso escolar 2012-2013

Traducción al inglés: Alumnado de 4º ESO, modelo G Coordinado por Rosa Fontal Reglero Curso escolar 2013-2014


Cinderella had just come back from the ball, she had so longed to go, and she continued with her daily chores. She put on her old scarf over her head and began with a really long list of chores her stepmother had written up for her; she had swept the floors, cleaned the windows, scrubbed the bathrooms, dusted the rooms, mopped up...... and now she only had to polish up the floors. Cinderella was trying hard to get her stepmother´s approval. Stepmother: - You haven´t cleaned the kitchen up well enough, the floor has to shine a lot more!!

2 Cinderella was startled to see the two men waiting for her. Both were very thin and had an enormous moustache, they looked so similar that Cinderella could hardly tell them apart. The two men was carrying her glass shoes on a cushion. The two men: - Madame, are these your high-heel shoes? Could you be so kind to try them on? We would like to check if you are the lady, the prince is looking for. Cinderella thought this was the opportunity to get away from her disgraceful life. So she “pushed” and “pushed” until she managed to put the high-heel shoe on, but unfortunately she also had to marry the prince.


The prince loved partridges and, although she was a vegetarian, she had to cook them all the same. She either fried them, or she roasted them, or she stuffed them.... Even so, the prince always complained because they were never to his liking. The prince: - They are too salty! These are too raw! These are burnt! Cinderella worked all day long to please the prince. Cinderella: - What a dreadful life! How unfortunate I am!


Cinderella felt so unhappy about the prince, about the partridges and on top of all this, she had to wear those high-heel glass shoes all day. Cinderella: - Ooopps I´m dizzy! Cinderella had left aside all her ideas and illusions to become the perfect wife. Her poor feet showed all her disappointment, her exhaustion because they hurt so much from her toes to her heels. What pain! Poor Cinderella!

5 One day she decided to tell everyone about it: Cinderella:

- What a drag of a prince, of these shoes and of all these partridges!

Trendy neighbour: Oh! Stop complaining about your shoes, my prince is so fashionable that I have high platform shoes, said the trendy neighbour. Local friend: Oh! Stop complaining, my prince loves beef legs and I need eight microwaves to heat up his dinner, said a local friend. Queen Mother: Oh! Stop complaining. Who else would you be better off with than with a prince?, exclaimed the Queen Mother. Neighbour X: - But aren´t you a vegetarian and love to walk barefooted, asked a republican friend with a dog. All these comments confused Cinderella greatly and she stopped telling people about her worries.

so much from her toes to her heels. What pain! Poor Cinderella!


One day, she looked art herself and realized..... She laughed at herself, at how naive she had been to think that a prince would save her. She stopped feeling guilty, she forgave herself and she realized that the only person able to save you ...... (LOOKING OUT TOTHE AUDIENCE ) IS YOU, YOURSELF!


So Cinderella said: Cinderella: - Enough! And the Fairy Enough appeared. The Fairy Enough is a hairy, dark-haired, plump woman who appears every time a woman cries out “Enough!� Fairy Enough: - Calm down my dear, you deserve much more. She said hugging her.


In her arms, Cinderella started to cry. She hadn´t cried for so long! First she cried about the prince, about all the dead partridges and about her shoes. Then she continued crying when she remembered that her stepmother had ill-treated her; that her father had treated her even worse and how her stepsisters had longed to have a 38 shoe size. (CHANGE TONE) She cried, cried, cried and cried it all out. She also cried out two whole lives more,....... just in case....... until she was completely empty inside.


Now, she only had to fill her new life with pleasant things. She knew that with Fairy Enough´s help she would be able to do it: First, she left her prince, then she left her shoes and the partridges, and she signed up for free dancing: To do free dancing, you don´t have to be slim enough, or tall enough, or young enough...... all you need to do is FEEL FREE.


On this road to transforming herself, she met other similar creatures: Pretty Ritty, who was no longer so slim but now was dating a lot more. Sleeping Beauty and Snowwhite, who were both following a detox programme. Little Red Riding Hood, whose friend the hunter had turned into a psycho. And the Tin man who after crying and crying finally found his heart.


Once they were free they could both make their dreams come true. Now they are happy to have met but also, so angry for the role they had had to play during all these centuries. ENOUGH. They have started a new fairy tale story: Once upon a time there were women who weren´t ever alone and some partridges that flew happily ever after.


Well the end, the end....... it is all still going on because there are many woman who are still putting up with the same situation and the Fairy Enough keeps appearing every time a woman says “Enough!�


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