ACT School Holidays 2017 Calendar List of School Holidays ACT Find below the list of school holidays ACT including spring break and autumn break. Also, note the dates of winter holidays and summer holidays. Credit: ACT School Holidays List for 2017 ACT School Holidays 2017
Start Date
Finish Date
Autumn Holidays
10th April 2017, Monday
25th April 2017, Tuesday
Winter Holidays
3rd July 2017, Monday
14th July 2017, Friday
Spring Holidays
25th September 2017, Monday
6th October 2017, Friday
Summer Holidays
18th December 2017, Monday
5th February 2018, Monday
ACT Term Dates 2017 Here are the dates for all the four terms to be followed in the government schools of ACT. For independent or catholic school term dates, do contact your respective school.
ACT School Terms
Term Dates (from and to)
Duration of the Term
Term 1
Monday 30 January - Friday 7 April
10 weeks
Term 2
Wednesday 26 April - Friday 30 June
10 weeks
Term 3
Monday 17 July - Friday 22 September
10 weeks
Term 4
Monday 9 October - Friday 15 December
10 weeks
The term 1 for teachers and staff of school commences from Friday, 27th April 2017. New students start their term 1 from Monday 30th January 2017. While the continuing students will start their term 1 from Tuesday, 31st January 2017. Credit: