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vegetables. Similarly , in 2004 Pandurang Tawre started his Agro-Tourism centre in Baramati. He has also tried to bring together all the people engaged in this sector to form some kind of association

Figure .Agriculture farming in india



➢ Hydroponics

In hydroponics farming, plants are grown without soil, they use mineral nutrients in a water solvent to help cultivate the plants. Hydroponics farming has become popular and provides more advantages than traditional farming methods. It eliminates problems by soil-related cultivation such as insects, fungus and bacteria that form in soil, it also eliminates the use of pesticides or fertilizers making it low maintenance. They do not require too many labours to manage the production hence decreasing labour cost.

Moreover, it uses CEA, controlled environment agriculture, which helps in controlling the temperature, moisture, oxygen level, etc. Therefore, this allows crops to grow all year round resulting in higher yield of crops compared to traditional farming methods.

Figure. schematic diagram of a hydroponic system

➢ Aeroponics

Aeroponics farming is similar to hydroponics farming but a more advanced version. Its system is enclosed is an air and water ecosystem that cultivates plants with little water and direct sunlight without the usage of soil. To compare hydroponics and aeroponics, hydroponics uses water solvents as a growing medium for the crops and aeroponics do not have a growing medium, instead, it used a must or nutrient solution, therefore, does not require vegetable trays or containers to hold water,

The farming system is enclosed hence the nutrient solution is recycled which helps in saving water, making it suitable for countries that are water scarce. This farming methods is also low maintenance as it does not use fertilizers and pesticides. Similar to hydroponics farming. It grows plants all year round with higher yields compared to traditional farming methods.

Figure. schematic diagram of a aeroponics system

➢ Aquaponics

Aquaponics farming system integrates aquaculture and hydroponics system to create a symbiotic relationship between fish and plants this system uses nutrients from the fish wastes to fertilize and irrigate the hydroponics beds. These hydroponics bed also helps in removing gases, acids, and chemicals from the water the aquaponics system is a sustainable food production model that follows the reduce , reuse and recycle .

There are plenty of advantages of using aquaponics system . • Cleaning water for the fish habit. • Providing organic liquid fertilizers that enable. • The healthy growth of plants. • It is efficient the waste products of one biological system serves as nutrients for a seconds biological system. • Saving water since water is reused through biological filtration and recirculation . • Reducing even eliminating the need for chemicals and artificial fertilizers. • Supplying locally grown healthy food since the only fertility input is fish feed and all of the nutrients go through a biological process.

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