250-374-7368 budgetstorage.ca 820 Notre Dame Dr. Kamloops, B.C. Easy Access •All units are heated Monitored security Fenced compounds Open every day except Christmas &New Year ’s Day ...and use our tr uck to move in! *specific sizes,cannot be combined with anyother offer $50 OFF the 1st month! Scan here to sign up for our email newsletters! CONTESTS, GIVEAWAYS, RECIPES, FLYERS AND MORE! OUR BEST DEALS, STRAIGHT TO YOU INBOX! BC LOCAL CASE LOTSALE ON NOW! WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A1www.kamloopsthisweek.com #YKASTRONG kamloopsthisweek.com | kamloopsthisweek | kamthisweek WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 | Volume 35 No. 34 DID YOU KNOW? Scrabble is one of 26 competitions at the Canada 55+ Games now underway in Kamloops. The opening ceremony took place last night, with photos online at kamloopsthisweek.com. Turn to page A19 for a list of events and venues where you can catch all the action. Food comingcollectionscraps
The city-wide program, which expands on a year-long pilot program that is nearing completion, will see organic waste collec tion added to all 27,000 residential homes in Kamloops that now receive curbside gar bage and recycling collection. The community rollout is scheduled to start in mid- to late-2023.
As expected, Kamloops council has approved a city-wide curbside residential organic waste collection program. Once rolled out, residents will receive weekly organic waste collection, while gar bage and recycling collection will likely be done twice-monthly, on alternating weeks.
“While we are still in the last part of the pilot, through our data collection and engagement with pilot residents to date, we are confident in understanding what we need to tweak for a successful community rollout,” Farrow said.
Glen Farrow, the city’s streets and envi ronmental services manager, said the pilot program has given staff an opportunity to test the program with a smaller group of residents across a handful of collection routes before expanding the scope citywide.

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236-425-4501 | 1655 East Trans Canada Hwy. (next to Ashley Furniture Homestore) | designerappliances.ca KAMLOOPS’ PREMIER APPLIANCE STORE JULY 28 –S EP TE MB ER 28 , 2 02 2 BU Y MO RE , SAVE MOR E BU ILT- IN SAVI NG S EV EN T * Of fer valid only at participating Canadian au thorize d Kitc henA id ® applia nce dealer s. See Sales As so ciate for detail s and li st of qualif ying models Bu y 3 qua li fy in g built-i n app lia nc es SAVE AN EX TR A $ 60 0* Bu y 5+ qu alif yi ng bu il t- in ap plia nc es SAVE AN EX TR A $12 00* Bu y 4 qu alif yi ng built-i n app lia nc es SAVE AN EX TR A $ 80 0* WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A3www.kamloopsthisweek.com

awide rangeof courses and programs forpeople
Consider aCareer With Us Join our team of over 700 employees who work in avarietyoffulfilling and challenging careers.Visit: Kamloops.ca/Jobs io esday, OnlineAugust16,2022 |I erson/Phone Fall 2022ActivityGuide FALL AC TIVIT YGUIDE
per year and
ages and abilities
•FireStation No.4,615 Porter field Road,ser ving Westsyde •FireStation No.5,Heffley Creek Road,ser ving Rayleigh and Heffley Creek •FireStation No.6,5300Dallas Drive, ser ving Dallas and Barnhar tvale Interested applicants can visit Fire StationNo. 1at 1205 Summit Drive, Monday–Friday, 8:00 am–4:00 pm, to pick up acomprehensivemanual thatoutlines the criteria and testing regimen required forselection as apaidon- call firefighter.
Thedeadline to apply is 4:00 pm on September 16, 2022.
CIT YPAG E Stay Connec ted@CityofKamloops Kamloops.ca City Hall: 7VictoriaStreet West,K amloops,BC, V2C 1A2 |250-828-3311 Report an issue: 250-828-3461 Forafter-hours emergencies,press 1. Aug24, 2022 Let's Talk Kamloops is our engagement websitewhere youcan shareyour voiceand shapeour city. TheCOVID -19 pandemic mayimpactthe engagement timelines forsome projects.Please subscribe to the projectofinterest to receiveupdates. Sign up and speak up at: LetsTalk.Kamloops.ca Council Calendar The public,media, delegations,and staff areencouragedtopar ticipateinmeetings vir tuallythrough Zoom or to observe through the CityYouTube channel August 30, 2022 2:00 pm -RegularCouncilMeeting September8,2022 1:30 pm -Community Services Committee Thecomplete2022 Council Calendar is available online at: Kamloops.ca/CouncilCalendar Council Meeting Recap Signupfor the Council Highlights e-newsletter at: Kamloops.ca/Subscribe NoticetoMotorists Please use caution when driving in the vicinityand obey all traffic control personnel,signs,and devices in the following areas: • Fleetwood Avenue Holt Street to Desmond Street • Lorne Street Mt.Paul WaytoRiver Street • Bebek Road Westsyde Road to Westsyde Pool Entrance • Highland Road Highway1toValleyview Drive • Flamingo Road Highland Road to Glenwood Drive • Valhalla Drive • 12th Street Tranquille Road to KenoraRoad • Holt Street Fleetwood Avenue to Parkcrest Avenue To stayuptodateonroad work projects, visit: Kamloops.ca/Kammute
Kamloops Fire Rescue is looking forfit, motivatedcitizens who are committed to ser ving their communityand live in theser vicearea as paid on-call firefighters at one of three firestations:
TheActivityGuide is published times offers of all Pick up your hardcopyofthe 2022 Fall ActivityGuide at the TournamentCapital Centre,Westyde Pool and Fitness Centre, Kamloops Museum and Archives, or City Hall.Registration is nowopen. Swim lesson schedules arenot available in the schedules are available online at Kamloops.ca/Swim or visit the TournamentCapital Centre or Westsyde Pool and Fitness Centre to pick up aphysical copy of the fallswim lesson programming Ways to register: -toregister online,visit Kamloops.ca/Register Be prepared! Youwill need to have an online recreation accountbeforeyou can register us -call our Customer Relations Representatives at 250-828-3500 Formoreinformation and to view the guide,visit: Kamloops.ca/ActivityGuide
Thereare only afew moreweeks left of Canada’s longest-running free music festival! Join us forthe 28th edition of Music in the Park,proudly presentedby BCLCand the City of Kamloops Enjoyfree, nightly per formances at the Rotar yBandshell in Riverside Park 7:00–8:30 pm until August 31, weather and air qualitypermitting.Food trucks areonsiteevery Wednesdayevening On August 31, attendees areencouraged to bring non-perishable food donations in suppor tofthe Kamloops Food Bank FollowBCLC’sKamloops Music in the Park Facebook page forup-to -date details and announcements. Thefull2022Music in the Park nightly entertainmentschedule is available at: Kamloops.ca/MusicInThePark
Learnmoreabout paid on- call recruitmentwith Kamloops Fire Rescue at: Kamloops.ca/Recruitment
TheSocial Planning EngagementGroup, which meets monthly to assist with and provide suppor tfor social issues in the community, is seek ing acommunity member to join the group foratwo -year term.The engagementgroup consists of nine representatives from the public who make recommendations and provide input on awide varietyofsocial planning and communitywell-being initiatives As par tofthisgroup,you will work to assist with the advancementofthe Kamloops Social Plan, help to identify social planning priorities,and provide input to annual social planning grants and social planning issues
A4 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
HOWTOAPPLY: Apply online by visiting Kamloops.ca/Volunteer Theapplication deadline is 4:00 pm on Friday, September 16, 2022. We thank all applicants; only the successful applicantwill be contacted. Forfull details,visit: Kamloops.ca/Volunteer

MICHAEL POTESTIO STAFF REPORTER michael@kamloopsthisweek.com
KTW has confirmed the identity of the woman investigation,under but cannot publish her name until charges are sworn. See
On Aug. 17, Kamloops Mounties arrested a woman and executed a search warrant at a North Shore residence as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged fraudulent medical services. Police were following up on com plaints from people who said they received botched cosmetic procedures in her home.
“Police were made aware of the allegations earlier this month and, since then, investiga tors have spoken to several people who have reported receiving botched procedures,” Cpl. Crystal Evelyn said. “We believe there may be more people with information who have not yet come forward and encourage them to do so to help further the investigation.”
Brink’s wife, Carleen, who does patient consultations, told KTW one woman came in stating she had pain and lumps on her fore head from an apparent Botox injection, which Carleen said is not a normal side effect.
Brink said his clinic has the ability to dis solve injected fillers, noting in some cases staff are monitoring and advising patients as they wait for the injections to wear off. One concern for Brink, however, is that without records, it’s unclear exactly with what products patients may have been injected.
POLICE HAVE INQUIRED Dr. Brink said he became aware of the situ ation about three weeks ago, when a person came into his clinic with a facial disfigure ment. He said between 15 and 20 people have come forward to date, all claiming to have been victims of botched procedures performed by the same woman at the same location.Hesaid the RCMP has also visited the clinic to discuss the case. Brink said he has heard from victims who tried getting their money back and were refused.“Not only were they disfigured, but they were also out of pocket,” Brink said. He said he has asked patients why they went to the woman for their procedures, not ing the most common responses were that they were referred by a friend, that “too good to be true deals” were offered and that they were attracted by the perception of cheaper service compared to a licensed clinic.
This Getty Images photo illustration shows what should be a proper method of facial severalcomplaintsdoing,mayKamloopssomethinginjection,aresidenthavenotbeenbasedonfromcustomers.
KTW has confirmed the identity of the woman under investigation, but cannot pub lish her name until charges are sworn. Doctors at SKIN Kamloops clinic down town have been working to reverse botched facial injections done on patients, all believed to have been victims of the woman under investigation.Clinicowner Dr. Chris Brink said staff have been inundated with calls, emails and visits, with about 20 people to date who have come for “Wehelp.have had some nasty, deformed lips with lumps and asymmetry,” he said. In addition to the lip damage, people have also come forward with droopy brows and mouth corners from improper injections to the face from what is believed to have been Botox.Brink, who is a general practitioner, said no serious complications, such as blindness or necrosis, have been reported and none of the damage seen thus far is irreversible.
A local medical and beauty clinic is help ing people with facial disfigurements as a result of alleged botched cosmetic procedures conducted by a North Kamloops woman who is the focus of a police investigation.
“She lured them in,” Brink said, adding he heard the woman charged $12 a unit for Botox, which is actually more expensive than his clinic’s $11 per unit. Brink, who has worked in Kamloops since 2004, said this is the first time in his nearly 20 years in business that he has come across someone performing fraudulent cosmetic procedures in the city. “That I know of. For all we know, there might be people doing this that we just haven’t been made aware of,” he said. “But this is the first time we’ve just been inundated with cases coming from the same person, with the same story and the same history.”
Mercedes-Benz Kamloops, 695C Laval Crescent, Kamloops, BC, Toll Free 855-984-6603, Mercedes-Benz-kamloops.ca Some conditions apply See dealer for details Payments based on financing on approved credit with $2000 down or equivalent trade and include all fees & taxes. Total paid: #U1981 $41,613 • #M22014A- $70,758 $ • #M20034 $75,504 • M22040A $86,086 • #M22016A- $88,876 14 MERCEDES-BENZ C300 # U1981 $27,998 +tax 20 ACURA MDX A-SPEC #M22040A • $55,998 +tax or $473 bi-weekly 84 months @ 8.89% 20 MERCEDES GLC300 #M20034 • $53,998 +tax or $484 bi-weekly 72 months @ 7.69% OAC 19 MERCEDES-BENZ GLC43 AMG #M22016A • $64,998 +tax or $570 bi-weekly 72 months @ 5.89% OAC *CPO 18 MERCEDES-BENZ CL A45 AMG #M22014A • $50,998 +tax or $454 bi-weekly 72 months @ 7.34% OAC *CPO or $292 bi-weekly 66 months @ 9.99% WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A5www.kamloopsthisweek.com BRIGHT SUMMER FOR READING A16 Record number of visits to the Bright Red Book Bus in July and August CIVIC CANDIDTAEELECTIONUPDATE A15 A list of those who have said they will be seeking office on Oct. 15 TODAY’S FLYERS Kamloops Y Fall Activity Guide*, Your Independent Grocer*, Walmart*, Respimat*, Staples*, Shoppers*, Safeway*, Rexall*, Princess Auto*, Nature’s Fare*, M&M Meats*, London Drugs*, Freshco*, Canadian Tire*, Andre’s Electronic* * Selected distribution Sports A20 Travel A24 History A25 Real Estate A28 Classifieds A36 HOW TO REACH US: Switchboard 250-374-7467 Classifieds 250-371-4949 Classifieds Fax 250-374-1033 Circulation classifieds@kamloopsthisweek250-374-0462 com publisher@kamloopsthisweek com editor@kamloopsthisweek com WEATHER FORECAST Aug. 24: Chances of showers 32/17 (hi/low) Aug. 25: Sunny 34/18 (hi/low) Aug. 26: Chance of showers 32/16 (hi/low) Aug. 27: Chance of showers 28/13 (hi/low) Aug. 28: Sun and clouds 30/14 (hi/low) @kamloopsthisweekInstagram: ONLINE www.kamloopsthisweek.com KamloopsThisWeek/videosyoutube.com/user/kamloopsthisweekfacebook.com/KamThisWeektwitter.com/ GOLDEN MOMENT FOR TWO BLAZERS A20 Logan Stankoven and Dylan Garand on World Junior experience
The Brinks hope that by speaking out, it will generate greater awareness about the issue of illegal operators.
Carleen described the incidents as “alarm ing” and believes more people will come forward now that the case has been brought to light in the media.

• facilitating community meetings that include social service, Indigenous, govern ment, business, neighbourhood and city representatives to focus on collaborative approaches to community safety;
• developing educational videos that fea ture peers who are or have been homeless to help educate the community and reduce stigma.
Brink said that while the col leges for health professionals regulate the licensing of individu als who are allowed to conduct the procedures, there is a shortfall in that no organization is policing for illegal “Unlessoperators.someone makes a claim of disfigurement or some body feels there’s illegal activity going on, the cops are completely unaware,” he said. Brink said he and his col leagues are advocating for change in the industry, believing there needs to be an organization iden tifying and shutting down illegal operators before they can harm people.Brink said there are multiple ways in which such procedures can go wrong if an injector isn’t trained to understand the anato my of the human face. Products such as Botox cause temporary numbing of muscles and, if the injector places it in the wrong muscle, or puts too much of it in a muscle, it can lead to negative effects, such as one side of the face drooping, appearing as though the person has had a stroke.Itis an affliction that can take three months to wear off. Brink said illegal operators also may not know the proper dosage and overdose or under dose a patient. He also noted they may use substances similar to brand names such as Botox, but may in fact be injecting knock-offs.
• continuing the sharps recovery peer pro gram, which offers supportive employment to those who are or have been homelessness;
“We don’t want to limit it to one area or one name or one street,” Evelyn said. “If you have received cosmetic procedures outside of a licensed facility, please reach out to the RCMP,” Evelyn said. She said she hopes more people will come forward as there is reason to believe more people have information related to the case. Anyone with information regarding this investigation or other similar incidents can call Kamloops RCMP at 250-828-3000 and reference file 2022-27566.
Registered nurses and licensed practical nurses, who would be registered with the BC College of Nurses and Midwives, can admin ister such injections, but only if a physician has first assessed the patient and is present in the build ing, according to the website.
Brink said companies that provide his clinic and other licensed operations with legal products don’t do so for those not licensed.Brink added that those who have had a botched procedure should not feel embarrassed. He advised people to check the credentials of the person administering injections and urged people to ensure they attend well-established, licensed operations and do not attempt to bargain hunt.
Dr. Brink said his industry doesn’t have much “teeth” when it comes to regulating illegal injec tors.Only licensed doctors, who would be registered with the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons and eligible under their scope of practice, are authorized to inject Botox and/or dermal fillers.Estheticians or other non-reg ulated people are not authorized to inject medicines such as Botox, regardless of any training or quali fications obtained from a medical aesthetic institute or academy, according to the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons website.
From A5
The woman under investiga tion by police has been released on conditions, pending the inves tigation’s conclusion and possible charges.Cpl.Evelyn told KTW the specific cosmetic procedures conducted and the exact location where they were administered are not being disclosed at this time as police do not wish to limit the scope of their investigation.
The Strengthening Communities Services grant is administered through the Union of BC Municipalities on behalf of the provincial and federal governments.
• continuing shuttle services to and from shelters;•increasing the number of community service officers who work with local outreach workers to give homeless individuals informa tion and access to care; • increasing security services;
Queering the Interior August 26 & 27 at 6:30pm Free Member Movie for Pride Week!! Marcel the Shell with Shoes On August 26 at 6:45pm & 31 at 6:30pm The Duke August 27 at 6:45pm Love in the Time of Fentanyl August 31 at 7pm Presented by Addiction Matters Kamloops for International Overdose Awareness Day Re ce nt Hi ts Th e bes t fe at ur es fr om ar ou nd th e wo rl d Ex te rn al Eve Frnt ee Me mb er Mo vi e thekfs.ca at the Paramount 503 VICTORIA ST SPONSORS BEST INTEREST RATES PR OT EC TE D BY: $100,000 CDIC Insured $100,000 Assuris Insured Unlimited Credit Union Insured THE BRADFORD FINANCIAL TEAM Retirement Income Specialists BRADFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 736 Seymour St. Kamloops, BC 250.828.6767 1.800.599.8274 VAinfo@bradfordfinancial.org NESSA CULLEN TERRY ABRAHAMS WE WILL MEET OR BEAT ANY BANK RATE* *Some terms and conditions may apply Rates subject to change without notice If you would like to receive our biweekly rate repor t please contact info@bradfordfinancial.org RRSP, RRIF, GIC & TFSA 1 Year 90 Day Cashable 0.25% Rates as of May 10th 2022 1 YR. 3.63% DAILY INTEREST 0.15% 3 YR. 3.93% 2 YR. 3.79% 5 YR. 4.00% 4 YR. 3.95% One Stop Love Shop 743 VICTORIA ST •250-377-8808 Open 7daysaweek CHECK OUT OUR NEW ARRIVALS A6 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com LOCAL NEWS
The City of Kamloops has received a $1.5-million grant that will be used for new services and continuation of other outreach and supports for the homeless population.
$1.5-million grant to help homeless
This year’s funding will go toward:
More facial injection victims possible

Introduction of organic waste collection has sparked lively debate on KTW’s Facebook page, with pro and con arguments. Have your say there or send a letter editor@kamloopsthisweek.com.to
Fulton &Company LLP Howold is your oldestbook? Aquery of manyofour office visitors! Among those displayed, the oldest books area fewyearsolder than ourfirm, being 140 yearsold. BUT our oldestbook dates back to 1768,whenitwas printed on an Englishprinting pressatOxford! This year,wegratefully mark 137yearsof service to ourcommunity If youhavequestions, we’reheretohelp. Contact 250.372.5542 or law@fultonco.com HAL HICKS PremiumPoolandSpa.ca 105 - 805 Notre Dame Dr. • 236-425-1390 YOUR HOT TUB HEADQUARTERS BEST PRICES OF THE YEAR! JACUZZI TRUCKLOAD SALE EASY FINANCING • AS LOW AS $75 MONTHLY • Massive factory incentives! • High quality, long lasting! • Largest in-store selection • Truckloads arriving weekly • 110V Plug & Play options • Scratch & dent savings • TRADES WELCOME! WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A7www.kamloopsthisweek.com LOCAL NEWS Farrow said the reality of current supply chain challenges and inflation were also a factor in seek ing council’s authorization prior to the pilot program’s completion.Forexample, now that the city-wide program has been authorized, staff can order the organics curbside bins, which will take about six months to arrive. The program will cost residents receiving curbside residential solid waste col lection one dollar more per month on their utility bills. The initial capital startup costs will be covered by current reserves and grant funding. The city has received a $1.78-mil lion grant from the prov ince’s Clean BC Organic Infrastructure and Collection soiledpersistedthateachlectedofonpilotResearchProgram.duringtheprogramshowsthat,average,3.3kilogramsorganicwastewascoleachweekfrompilothouseholdandtheorganicwasteconofapproximately75centfoodscraps(andpaperwaste)and 25 per cent yard waste. The city-wide residential organic waste collection program will see approxi mately 4,600 tonnes of organic waste diverted from the city’s landfills annually and is estimated to reduce community greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 9,500 tonnes per year (equivalent to removing 2,000 pas senger vehicles from local roads for one year).
From A1
Organic waste collection in city begins next year
In September, pilot pro gram households will have the opportunity to share feedback in a third and final survey as the one-year pilot program wraps up. Farrow said feedback from the pilot program residents will continue to inform adjustments in planning for the launch of a community-wide pro gram.Once the pilot pro gram has formally ended, curbside residential solid waste collection for house holds on the pilot program routes will remain the same as during the pilot program, with alternating biweekly garbage and recy cling collection and weekly organics collection. For more information on the project background, pilot program highlights, what would be included in collection and to sub scribe to project updates, go online to Kamloops.ca/Organics.visit LetsTalk.

tion from two councillors who voted against the motion. And council did so with some residents in council chambers also opposed, one of whom issued this plea: “The biggest concern I have is not that the gays are searching for or asking for tolerance. They’re demanding acceptance.”
• Pride Week in Kamloops fea tures myriad events, a list of which can be found online at kamloops thisweek.com and at kamloops pride.com.Theweek culminates on Sunday, Aug. 28, with the annual Pride Parade downtown at 11 a.m. and a after-party in Riverside Park from noon to 4 p.m.
But he continued with this sentence: “What’s done in private between adults doesn’t concern the criminal code. When it becomes public, it’s a different matter.” Hence the 1969 Criminal Code amendment only addressed sexual acts between two consenting adults 21 years of age or older done in private.Ifthree or more adults wished to have same-sex sexual fun outside a home — in a bathhouse, for example — they were still committing crimes under the sodomy and gross inde cency laws in the Criminal Code. Only in 1987 did those laws get repealed.Thisis important information to note if one still wonders why Pride Week is held every year in Kamloops. It has been only 35 years since homosexuality was truly removed from the Criminal Code. And it has been a mere 19 years in B.C. and 17 years in Canada that same-sex mar riage was legalized. That is all very recent and shows we are very late to righting some serious wrongs.
A stounding as it may seem, homosexuality was actually illegal in my lifetime — and in the lifetimes of many KTW readers. In fact, the Toronto Maple Leafs’ last Stanley Cup victory, Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s first year as prime minister and NASA’s moon landing all occurred while it was a crime in Canada to engage in same-sex relations.Onlyin the summer of 1969 did Parliament begin to move homo sexuality from the Criminal Code — but the sexual act remained illegal in some forms until the late 1980s. Until 1969, engaging in same-sex relations was illegal in Canada, found under sodomy and gross indecency sections of the Criminal Code. Public sentiment began to change with the Everett Klippert case, which saw the man spend about a decade in prison for the crimes of having sex with other men. In 1967, while serving as justice minister in Lester Pearson’s Liberal government, Trudeau uttered a nowfamous line when speaking with reporters about amendments to laws concerning homosexuality. The first part of Trudeau’s quote is oft-repeated: “There’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.” But the second part of his quote — the one that illustrated that amendments to the Criminal Code would not fully decriminalize nor legalize same-sex relationships — is rarely included in retrospectives. Yes, Trudeau did say, rightly, that “there’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.”
A pastor at a Kamloops church who made the petition available for his congregation said “from a biblical standpoint, we see homosexuality as a sin. The lifestyle they promote is a sexual deviant lifestyle.”
OPINION Kamloops This Week is a politically independent newspaper, published Wednesdays at 1365-B Dalhousie Dr., Kamloops, B.C., V2C 5P6 Phone: 250-374-7467 | Fax: 250-374-1033 email: editor@kamloopsthisweek.com
While council did indeed issue a proclamation for Pride Week in July 2002, it did so despite opposi
Pride movement has had a long fight
A8 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com kamthisweekFollow us online at kamloopsthisweek.com CONTACT US Switchboard 250-374-7467 Classifieds 250-371-4949 Classifieds Fax Classifieds@Kamloopsthisweek.com250-374-1033 Circulation 250-374-0462 All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rightsholder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. Nous reconaissons l’appui financier du gouvernement du Canada. Robert W. Doull AberdeenPresident Publishing Inc. Robert W. AberdeenPresident/PublisherDoullPublishing KTW General manager: Ray Jolicoeur EDITORIAL Editor: Christopher Foulds Newsroom staff: Dave MichaelSeanJessicaMartyEaglesHastingsWallaceBradyPotestio ADVERTISING General sales manager: Chris Wilson Sales: Linda Skelly Jodi Lawrence Liz RylanPaulSpiveyDeLucaWilloughby Digital sales: Makayla Leftwich PRODUCTION Manager: Lee Malbeuf Production staff: Fernanda Fisher Dayana KaitlinMonecaRescignoJantzenVanderWal DIGITAL DESIGNERS Jackson Vander Wal FRONT OFFICE Front office staff: Lorraine Dickinson Angela Wilson Marilyn RosalynnEmeryBartella CIRCULATION Manager: Serena Platzer kamloopsthisweek Letters to the editor can be sent via email to forLettersmumtoemail.phonenamePleaseV2CKamloops,1365Bviathisweek.comeditor@kamloopsandCanadaPosttoDalhousieDr.,B.C.,5P6.includeyourandacontactnumberand/orPleasetrylimitletterstoamaxiwordcountof300.maybeeditedlengthandclarity.
Even the Kamloops Pride movement has encountered its fair share of opposition, at city hall and beyond.While the annual Pride Week (held this year from Aug. 22 to Aug. 28) is now well established and embraced locally (notwithstand ing the occasional rude comment online), it wasn’t always so. Just two decades ago, in the summer of 2002, simply asking Kamloops council to proclaim Pride Week was an arduous journey for the 2SLGBTQPIA+ community. That year, mayor and council were presented with a 300-name petition opposing any such proc lamation, with those against Pride Week citing city endorsement of “an immoral sexual behaviour.”
Well, I should hope so. God forbid someone with a sexual prefer ence that differs from someone else be accepted.I’vealways been bewildered by those who view same-sex relation ships with abhorrence. I have always viewed sexual preference as no greater a deal than whether one likes vegetables.Ifitisridiculous to base accep tance on whether one eats their broccoli, is it not equally preposter ous to base acceptance on whether one shares a bed with someone of the same sex? In either case, the preference has absolutely no effect on those who are so consternated.Thereisaphoto that ran in last week’s edition of KTW, on the pages previewing this week’s Pride Week events. It is the photo at the top of thisIncolumn.it,aPride Parade participant is holding a sign with a message that is as clear as any. A person may be gay — or, for that matter, straight, or trans, or gender-fluid, or asexual, or anything — but they are a person. The idea is that there are no gay people; there are people who hap pen to be gay, among many other attributes. It doesn’t need to define a person, but if a person wishes to be defined by their sexuality, who cares? For the record, I love broccoli.

Editor: Earlier this summer, I received a letter and phone call from my family doctor, who told me she will no lon ger be a general practitioner. I was devastated to be losing such a kind, caring human being as my physi cian. She informed me that the hours required to earn a modest income as a GP were all-consuming and left little time for personal fam ily life. After much thought, she has chosen to work in a more specialized field. After doing some research, I discovered that, under the current fee-forservice model used to com pensate family physicians, they are receiving $30 per patient, per visit. With this revenue, the general physician must pay staff, which includes receptionists, a registered or practical nurse, computer technologists, cleaning staff, etc.The GP must also pay rental for office space and purchase the necessary equipment to run the prac tice.After having done the math, it is my under standing that each family practitioner is paid about $240,000 annually and, with overhead expenses of about 40 per cent, the end result is about $144,000 before pro vincial and federal income taxes are applied, leav ing a net income of about $104,000.
We asked: What kind of wage hike should BC Employees’General Union members get from government?
MarinaKamloopsLipinski take?
Editor: On the late morning of June 30, I had a medical incident in the Superstore parking lot in Sahali and found out how wonderful people can be. I would like to thank Doug for stay ing with me until the paramedics came. His kindness will never be forgotten.
FEE FOR SERVICE VERY FINITE TALK BACK Q&A: kamloopsthisweek.comWhat’syour
Editor: One of the recent highlights for me in retired life was accompanying Buddy when we attended the Seniors Picnic in Riverside Park. He was one of several dogs invited to attend, along with a human companion. A handsome young city employee wanted to have his picture taken with Buddy. As can be seen in the accompanying photo, they sure make an adorable pair. The suggestion was made that Buddy should consider making a run for mayor in the Oct. 15 civic election, but I just don’t know how that would look. He has no financial assets to disclose and he can be somewhat protective of those he loves, but we can chalk that up to genetics andHisinstinct.platform might read along these lines: • all city employees would have access by appointment for visitations as needed for comfort and reassurance; • playtime for mayor and council with Frisbee or sponge ball instead of sitting for hours through boring, closed-door meetings; • personalized lunch boxes provided for councillors. Those lunch boxes would have an attractive city logo, with a photo of their favourite mayor; • rewards given for good behaviour. For the time being, Buddy has not made up his mind about making a four-year com mitment of being the ambassador for our community.There’sstill some time.
As Buddy considers a mayoral run, he is busy meeting voters at events.
Sonja, Superstore’s first-aid attendant, went beyond her job description and was a very reassuring presence. Thanks also go to the paramedics, doc tors, nurses, technicians and everyone who helpedTheirme.kindness was so much appreciated.
Tied to previous year’s inflation 52% (558 votes) 2% per year 26% (285 votes) At least 5% per year 22% (235 votes)
Finance payments includes: TD Customer Admin Fee and PPSA. Limited time purchase financing offer on approved credit. Some customers will not qualify. Rates and requirements may vary depending on credit worthiness. Payments and conditions may vary for acommercial use. All applicable taxes are calculated on the total amount prior to deduction of the down payment. Selling price does not include the $499 Administration fee applied to all retail vehicle sales. The initial cash down does not include taxes. $5,000 DOWN: #6607A $48,962.12 84 months @7.99% OAC •#M223011C $38,71384 months @7.99% OAC •6637B $40,177 72 months @7.99% OAC •#N361277B $69,457 84 months @7.99% OAC #6637B 18 FORD ESCAPESEAWD $$195 27,995 OR bi-weekly +tax #6607A 19 MITSUBISHI RV R $$180 26,995 OR bi-weekly +tax #N361277B 20 ACURA RDXA-S PEC $$354 47,995 OR bi-weekly +tax #M223011C 20 KIA FORTEEX $$185 26,995 OR bi-weekly +tax 685 NOTREDAMEDRIVE KAMLOOPS, BC MON-SAT 8:30 AM-6:00 PM 250-374-1135 D#11184 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A9www.kamloopsthisweek.com
Vote online: kamloopsthisweek.com Kamloops This Week is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@kamloopsthisweek.com or call 250-374-7467 If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at mediacouncil.ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163
How has the inflation surge impacted your personal finances and spending habits?

Two-year-old Alayna Alves enjoys the play area at the Kamloops Museum and Archives during a weekend visit. The museum, downtown at Seymour Street and Second Avenue, offers free 20-minute tours on Wednesdays and Saturdays through the end of August. The tours, scheduled for 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., are led by museum interpreters such as Lochlan Gonzales (left). DOUGLAS PHOTOS/KTW
Notvalid with anyotheroffers. Offer expires November 30,2022. Don’t letthese troublemakersget away! 1-833-215-4575 FOXANDSONS.CA/RustyCrustyBill Builtfor life.Yours WA NTED Rusty, Crusty andBig BillRE WA RD UP TO $3,750 Foryour old, inefficientfurnace, A/Cand waterheater. Turn in one. or the whole gang! Up to $2,450 in available rebates! Askusabout heat pumpsand additional rebates. Furnace $500 A/C $500 WaterHeater $300 IPE SAVE THE DATE AU G3 1 -S EP 4 THE LOUISIANA HAYRIDE IS BACK SEPTEMBER 13 ON SALE NOW! www.kamloopslive.ca or call 250-374-5483 hayrideshow.com New Additions SHAUNA KARENWe are HAIR foryou Call today foryour appointment OPEN: TUE-FRI 9AM- 4PM• SAT10AM- 2PM(EXCEPT HOLIDAYS) 165 -945 Columbia St.W. in theSahaliMall 250.828.0708 Hair Clips Salon Professional hair care &stylingfor adults STAFF IS TRIPLE VACCINATED ✓ T: 778-696-4LAW E: info@muracanotary.ca 301-619 Victoria Street muracanotary.ca FRANCA MURA CA NOTARY PUBLIC • Will and Estate Planning • Incapacity Planning • Real Estate Transactions • Notarizing Documents A10 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com LOCAL NEWS HISTORY FOR ALL AGES

THU RSD AY AU GUS T 25 TH , 2022 WI TH BARNEY BENTALL BC WI LDLIFE PA RK 9077 Dallas Dr. Kamloops, BC. V2C 6V1 GATE OP ENS AT 5:00PM SHO W STARTS AT 6:30PM CO ME BETWEEN 2-5 PM TO TO UR THE WILDLIFE PA RK ! Admission is included in the cost of a ticket. SCAN TO PURCHASE TICKETS OR VISIT bit.ly/55PlusConcert WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A11www.kamloopsthisweek.com

and its related effects
BCGEU, government back bargaining
Experience thedif ferenceChar twellprovideswheresocialconnections ,exceptionalser vices and dedicatedstaff canmakeyourlifebet ter! CHART WE LL KAMLOOPS 628TranquilleRoad CHARTWELLRIDGE POINTE 1789 Primrose Cour t 1- 844 -727-8 679 | Char twell.com Ca ll or scan QR code to receiveyou r “Let ’s getsta rted ’’ packag e. LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1993 250-374-9995 969 Laval Crescent | www.cactuscollision.com Call for an ICBC Express Estimate ICBC LIFETIME GUARANTEE From totally munched to totally perfect WINNING LOTTO NUMBERS Aug 19, 2022 05 20 26 33 35 46 48 Bonus 17 01 10 53 55 Aug 20, 2022 01 05 11 29 40 49 Bonus 22 03 16 18 50 Please visit www.lotto.bclc.com for winning number s. Aug 20, 2022 09 11 13 19 26 42 Bonus 12 03 16 18 50 GUARANTEED $1,000,000 PRIZE DRAW: 95645302-01 Please visit www.lotto.bclc.com for winning numbers. Please visit www.lotto.bclc.com for winning numbers. We UseTop Quality SwissMade Renata watchbatteries $500 Watch Battery Taxesand Installationincluded We do watches, keyfobs, garage door openers,scales, &small electronic devices. If it takes abattery; we do it! NOWOPEN Mon. to Sat. 10 am -4pm www.danielles.ca Located in Sahali Mall LocallyOwned andOperated JewelleryRepairs Done on Location A12 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com LOCAL NEWS
A ministerial investigation is a move Caputo, who is the Opposition critic for Veterans Affairs, requested of the ministry in an Aug. 17 letter. In his letter, Caputo said Veterans Affairs is not mandated to recommend medical assistance in dying. “It was only after multiple complaints from the veteran that an apology was offered for this deeply harmful act,” the MP’s letter reads. Caputo said an investigation from the ministry must be opened to determine the full scope of the incident and to determine whether the suggestion has been made to otherMedicallyveterans.assisted suicide became legal in Canada in 2016. In 2021, legislation was updat ed so that the law no longer requires a person’s natural death to be reasonably foreseeable as an eligibility criterion. In 2023, another change will permit people with mental disorders to request medical assistance in dying.
Kamloops MP wants broad investigation of Veteran Affairs
Kamloops’ member of Parliament said an investigation into a Veterans Affairs Canada worker suggesting medically assisted suicide to a former soldier must be broad enough to answer all remaining questions. On Aug. 16, Global News reported that the Canadian Forces veteran, who the news out let is not naming, sought treatment from the federal body for post-traumatic stress disorder and a brain injury and was shocked when the employee, unprompted, suggested medical assistance in dying. Veterans Affairs confirmed to Global the conversation took place and said it was look ing into the incident, while Veterans Affairs Minister Lawrence MacAulay said he was directing his deputy minister to launch a thor ough investigation into the case. He also said that all frontline Veterans Affairs staff will now be given training on how to address medical assistance in dying Kamloops-Thompson-Caribooissues.
MP (Conservative) Frank Caputo said that while he applauds the minister for undertaking an investigation, the scope of that investigation remains unclear.
MICHAEL POTESTIO STAFF REPORTER michael@kamloopsthisweek.com
As of Wednesday, the labour action is in its 10th day. The BCGEU represents more than 85,000 members in various public and private sec tors across B.C., with those workers belong ing to 550 bargaining units. The labour action involves 33,000 provincial govern ment workers in myriad departments — from liquor and cannabis store employees to correctional workers to child protection staff to forest firefighters. The most recent collective agreement between the union and government expired on April 1. The provincial government has present ed an offer to the BCGEU of wage hikes of about 11 per cent over three years, in addi tion to a $2,500 signing bonus per employee.
“At this point, we don’t know whether MAiD (medical assistance in dying) was offered to only this veteran or many other veterans,” Caputo said. “We also don’t know whether a veteran who was vulnerable may have taken the offer that was provided by a case worker, acting clearly outside of Veterans Affairs Canada’s mandate.” Caputo added that when a veteran in their most vulnerable state needs to be treated with the upmost respect and dignity they deserve as a person willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
While the BC General Union and the provincial government agreed on Tuesday to return to the bargaining table, job action continue. Due to picket lines outside government warehouses (including in Kamloops) that provide alcohol to liquor stores, pubs and restaurants, customers at government liquor stores now face limits on how much alcohol they can Customerspurchase.arelimited to buying three of any one item, with the exception of beer. The limits do not yet apply at private liquor stores.Inaddition, the BCGEU has implement ed a ban on all non-emergency overtime.

Const. Crystal Evelyn said as police were en route, two cus tomers intervened, disarming and detaining the suspect until police arrived and took him into custody. Invideo posted to social media, one of the customers who helped nab the suspect can be seen talking to the suspect as he is led away by Mounties. As he is being led away in handcuffs, the suspect turns toward the customer who appre hended him.
James Robert Levi Black, 27, of Kamloops, is charged with seven offences, including robbery with a firearm, having a firearm for dan gerous purpose, pointing a fire arm, obstructing a peace officer in the execution of their duties. Anyone who witnessed or has information related to the inves tigation is asked to call Kamloops RCMP at 250-828-3000 and refer ence file Post-robbery2022-29007.video can be seen online at kamloopsthisweek.com, under the News tab. Be aware it contains profanity.
Customers detain armed robbery suspect
This screenshot from a video posted to Facebook shows the suspect in an Aug. 18 attempted robbery of the Canco gas station in North Kamloops being led away in handcuffs. James Robert Levi Black, 27, of Kamloops, is charged with seven duties. executionofficerobstructingpointingdangeroushavingwithincludingoffences,robberyafirearm,afirearmforpurpose,afirearm,apeaceintheoftheir
“I didn’t have any shells,” he says.To which the customer replies: “It doesn’t matter. What kind of f—ing idiot robs a store with a shotgun without any shells, you moron?”Evelyn said there were no inju ries in the incident.
A would-be robber was thwart ed last week when two custom ers entered the fray at the store’s counter.Kamloops
“In situations as such, we always have and continue to encourage residents to contact police officers when possible, who are trained for situations like these, rather than getting directly involved due to the risks attached,” she said.
Mounties were called to the Canco gas station in the 200-block of Tranquille Road on Aug. 18 at about 8:30 p.m. for a report of a masked man with a shotgun entering a store.
Transit Info 250·376· 1216 • bctr ansit.com4 1 50 Kamloops Regional Transit Seasonal Service Change Effective September 6, 2022 Increased service on select routes Reintroduction of full service to TRU and K-12 schools Plan your next trip or track your bus in real-time using NextRide Automatic Vehicle Location technology on the Transit App. We’re upgrading our gas line in Kenna Cartwright Park May — October 2022 Some temporar y trail closures near work sites are necessary to ensure the safety of the public and our crews. Trail monitors are stationed within the park to assist with trail crossings Please stay within marked paths and follow the direc tions provided by signage, trail monitors and our crews. This gas line up grade will strengthen our gas system and help ensure we can continue to provide the safe, reliable service our customers count on now, and well into the future. We appreciate your patience while our crews complete their work safely, and as quickly as possible. Questions? Email: inlandgasupgrades@for tisbc.com Call: 1-855-576-7225 Visit: talkingenergy.ca/inland FortisBC Energy Inc. does business as FortisBC. The company is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Fortis Inc. FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (22-009.20 05/2022) WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A13www.kamloopsthisweek.com LOCAL NEWS

New fire tackled north of Cache Creek BC Wildfire Service crews are tackling are blaze in the Kamloops FireTheCentre.Robertson Creek fire, about 20 kilometres northwest of Cache Creek, near Marble Canyon Provincial Park, was discovered on Monday and is suspected to have been caused by lightning. As of 3 p.m. on Tuesday, the fire was estimated at a hectare in size.
Written submissions,including your name and address,are included in the Council Agenda, and will be posted on the City ’s websiteaspar tofthe permanentpublic record. Please notethatthe City considers the author ’s address relevanttoCouncil’s consideration of this matter and will disclose this personal information in accordancewith Sections 26 and 33.1 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of PrivacyAct (BC ).
Please notethatwritten submissions must be received by the Legislative Services Division no laterthan Friday, September 16, 2022, at 12:00 pm
A14 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
While BC Wildfire Service crews respond to the new Robertson Creek blaze about 20 kilometres northwest of Cache Creek, the Watching Creek fire (seen above on Aug. 3) north of Kamloops is now being held.
THE FIRE SITUATION ACROSS B.C. As of Aug. 23, there were 215 known wildfires burning across the province: 70 in the Southeast Fire Centre, 35 in the Kamloops Fire Centre, 36 in the Prince George Fire Centre, 23 in the Coastal Fire Centre, 19 in the Northwest and 32 in the Cariboo Fire Centre. Of those 215 blazes, 68 are clas sified as being out of control. Onehundred-and-sixty-seven fires are suspected lightning-caused blazes, 17 are linked to human activity and 31 have no confirmed cause. There have been 62 new fires discovered in the past two days. Since April 1, there have been 1,101 wildfires recorded in the province, 267 of which were ignit ed within the past week. Updates are online at kamloopsthisweek. com.
Meanwhile, the East Meadows Plateau fire — located approxi mately seven kilometres northwest of Pass Lake, which is about 20 kilometres northwest of Kamloops off Lac du Bois Road — is now classified as being held by fire crews.The blaze, suspected of being caused by lightning, is estimated to be 10 hectares in size.
Until September 24, the KMA is a free space to par ticipate in the cultural direction of the City of Kamloops. You can share your ideas in a guided research project led by the Researcher-in-Residence par tner ship; a joint initiative between Thompson River s Univer sity and the City of Kamloops. Centred on cultural mapping and featuring a range of ways to take par t, You Are Here calls on you and your community to envision the next landscape of culture
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thatonSeptember 20, 2022, Kamloops City Council will consider adopting BylawNo. 18-408, abylawtoauthorizethe closure of road and removalofdedication as ahighwayshown as being apar tof road dedicatedonPlan 1169 DL DGroup 2K(Formerly Lytton)DYD,asshown outlined in black bold on the following plan: Thebylaw, along with the sur veyplan, is available for viewing on the City ’s website at this link: https://kamloops.civic web. net/document/151039/ Inquiries mayalso be direc tedto realestate@kamloops.ca or by calling 250-828-3548. Allpersons who wish to register an opinion on the proposed closuremay do so by : • appearing before City Council on September 20, 2022, at 1:30 pm, at City Hall (7 Victoria Street West); or • written submission: emailed to legislate@kamloops.ca mailed or hand- delivered to LegislativeSer vices, 7Vic toriaStreet West,K amloops,BC, V2C 1A2
The blaze was discovered on Aug. 17 and has an ignition date pegged by BCWFS as Aug. 12 — a day after a large thunderstorm rolled through the Kamloops area. Elsewhere in the Kamloops Fire Centre, off Shuswap Lake, north east of Anglemont, the suspected human-caused Mount GriceHutchinson wildfire that sparked on Aug. 16 is listed at just under eight hectares and considered underMeanwhilecontrol. crews continue to monitor the Nohomin Creek wild fire, northwest of Lytton. That fire continues to burn west in the Stein Valley Nlaka’pamux Heritage Park, where BC Parks and the Lytton First Nation have decided to let it run and extinguish itself. The fire is burning in very steep and rocky terrain and not threatening life or property.

Three of the five Kamloops school trustees will run again in the Oct. 15 civic election.
• Meanwhile,
Civic election candidate update
Mayoral candidates: • Ray Dhaliwal • Dieter Dudy • Reid Hamer-Jackson • Sadie Hunter • Arjun Singh Councillor candidates: • Dale Bass • Nancy Bepple • Corally Delwo • Kelly Hall • Caroline King • Darrel LaRiviere • Scott McDonnell • Margot Middleton • Daphane Nelson • Katie Neustaeter • Mike O’Reilly • Shantel Renner • Bill Sarai • Randy Sunderman Others seeking office can contact KTW by email Oct.peoplefiedthenatedtionenactmentLocaltionimmediatelyColumbiageneralyouisDeadlinenominationsthisweek.com.at editor@kamloopThedeadlinetofilepapersis4p.m.Sept.9.torevokeone’scandidacy4p.m.onSept.16.•Tobeeligibletorunforofficemust:•be18yearsofageorolderonvotingday;•beaCanadiancitizen;•havebeenaresidentofBritishforatleastsixmonthsbeforefilingnominadocuments;•notbedisqualifiedundertheGovernmentAct,oranyotherfromvotinginanelecinB.C.orfrombeingnomifor,beingelectedtoorholdingoffice,orbeotherwisedisqualibylaw;•collectthesignaturesof10whoareeligibletovoteon15. SEAN BRADY STAFF REPORTER sbrady@kamloopsthisweek.com
COM MUNITY ART S CENTRE Please email highlanddevelopmentcamp@ gmail.com to register or for any questions. Please visit our website to learn more. Highland Development Camp FIGURE SKATING SCHOOL Start Your Season Out Right WE ARE IN LOGAN LAKE, BC SEASON STARTS SEPT. 25 CHECK US OUT ON FALL REGISTRATION has begun for Canskate, Transition Skate, Star Skate and Competitive Skate COACH JENN 25+ YEARS LEVEL 3 COMPETITIVE COACH www.hdcfss.ca WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A15www.kamloopsthisweek.com LOCAL NEWS
Joe Small and Meghan Wade have told KTW they will not seek re-election, while Heather Grieve, Kathleen Karpuk and John O’Fee have indicated they will be on the ballot in WadeOctober.servedvarious roles on the school board as a trustee for four terms totalling 14 years, but decided she wouldn’t run again for the com ing“Iterm.am extremely proud of my years of service, but it is time to find a new adventure or opportunity,” she told KTW Small served two terms as a trust ee, first being elected in 2014. There are nine school trustee positions on the School District 73 board, including five Kamloops positions and one each for North Thompson (regional district areas A and B), Barriere/Little Fort (area O), Chase (areas L and P) and Logan Lake (area J).
Chase trustee Diane Jules con firmed in June she would be running again.Just one non-incumbent candi date has declared his intention to run in the upcoming election so far. Jo Kang, 24, told KTW in April that he has attended Kamloops schools from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and is looking to bring a youthful presence to the board. as of Aug. 24, the following people have announced their intention to run for councllor mayoral seats Kamloops:

www.kamloopsCrimeStoppers.ca If you know where any of these suspects are, call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) You can also submit an anonymous tip online at kamloopscrimestoppers ca. You never have to give your name or testify in court. If your information is used in an arrest you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000 These suspects are wanted on arrest warrant not vacated as of 3:00pm on Aug 17, 2022 FONTAINE, BRANDON Age: 35 | Race: Caucasian Height: 183 cm / 6’00” Weight: 122 kg / 269 lbs Hair: Red | Eyes: Blue Wanted for: Assault Theft Under $5000 x2 Fail to Comply with Undertaking SMITH, STEVEN Age: 52 | Race: Caucasian Height: 191 cm / 6’03” Weight: 90 kg / 199 lbs Hair: Bald | Eyes: Brown Wanted for: Assault Fail to Comply with Probation x3 Fail to Comply with Probation Order X3 ANNETT-CHARTIER, RICHARD Age: 31 | Race: Caucasian Height: 185 cm / 6’01” Weight: 122 kg / 269 lbs Hair: Brown | Eyes: Brown/ Hazel Wanted for: Assault Theft Under $5000 MUG SHOTS OF THE WEEK Happy 90th Barb Love, family &friend s AGM/OPEN HOUSE FUN FAIR SEPTEMBER 24 9:00 AM The AGM 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Open House FunFair 157 HOLWAYSTREE T A16 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com LOCAL NEWS
The Bright Red Book Bus — a partnership project between the KamloopsThompson school district, BGC Kamloops (formerly known as Boys and Girls Club of Kamloops) and Literacy in Kamloops — has wrapped up its summer reading season. Now in its ninth year, a record 5,490 children vis ited the book bus at various locations this summer. The previous attendance record was 3,470 in 2015, the pro gram’s sophomore season. Last year, 3,441 visits were“Whattallied.Ilove about the Bright Red Book Bus is that it gets children excited about reading,” said Fiona Clare, outreach co-ordinator for Literacy in Kamloops.“Ithitsall the markers that are important for build ing early reading success by providing easy access to great books, increasing book ownership and mak ing reading fun.” For the program’s first three weeks this summer, it also provided books to stu dents in the school district’s summer reading program. This year, the ECOSmart Team from the City of Kamloops joined the book bus on a few days, giving children the chance to learn about joinedPLAYKamloopssustainability.alsothebookbuson a few days and offered fun physical games and activi ties.Funding for the Bright Red Book Bus comes from the school district, the Raise a Reader event in September and CML Properties sponsorship. The two staff positions are funded through the Canada Summer Jobs pro gram, with the book bus visiting schools and parks during July and into August, offering drop-in access to freeThebooks.purpose of the program is to make books easily accessible to children over the summer and to promote lifelong reading. Children are encouraged to choose their own books, while staff encourage read ers to choose a book that’s just right for them so they will be able to understand what they are reading. The program has kept its shelves well stocked, but demand continues for graphic novels, which remain popular, but expen sive.People can donate books at any Bright Red Bookshelf location in the city, at BGC Kamloops, 150 Wood St. in North Kamloops or by contacting Clare at 250-3199653 to make arrangements. For more information, go online to BrightRedBookBus.facebook.com/
RIGHT: Among those taking books home were siblings Ella (left), Caleb and Lauren Suzuki. The Bright Red Book Bus welcomed a record 5,490 children at various locations this summer. For more information on the program, go online to facebook.com/BrightRedBookBus.
ABOVE: Children stand in line to select a free book of their choice on Aug.18 as the Bright Red Book Bus visited Albert McGowan Park during the program’s final week of the summer. As an added bonus, the bookworms each received an ice cold frosty to slake their thirst on a hot day.
Record summer for Bright Red Book Bus

WATCH FOR OUR SPECIAL RAISE A READER SECTION IN KAMLOOPS THIS WEEK ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 For more information, visit www.raiseareader.ca READING CAN CHANGE A LIFE Help support family & children’s local literacy programs. DONATE ONLINE ALL MONTH! www.Raise Reader.ca Mail in: 1365B Dalhousie Dr, Kamloops, BC V2C 5P6 cheques payable to “Literacy in Kamloops” IF YOU CAN READ THIS, HELP SOMEONE WHO CAN’T. FUNDS RAISED SUPP ORT FAMILY & CHILDREN’S LOCAL LITERACY PR OGRAMS SCAN TO DONATE PR OUDLY PRESENTED BY SP ONSORS WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A17www.kamloopsthisweek.com

A18 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
Proudly presented by RAISE-A-READER DAY IS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 For more information visit www.Raise Reader.com VISIT US AT THESE LOCATIONS
he Kamloops Art Gallery has wrapped up its Summer Art Camp classes, which were sponsored by Watson Engineering Ltd. Kamloops This Week dropped by on the final day of classes to meet some young artists and present their work on this week’s Art Page. Art instructor Simone Olanski created three week-long programs, which ran from July 18 to Aug. 18: Experimentation Station, Focus on Printmaking and Focus on Painting Young artists Kayle Nowell, Charlotte LaPierre, Emme Botha and June Dionne were more than happy to show their colourful artwork, which saw each learn to use acrylic paints and inks to create portraits, landscapes, figure studies in acrylics and inks to create lino prints.
Kamloops Art Gallery school program co-ordinator Kristen Gardner said this year’s program was a success, after having been on hiatus during the pandemic.“Wewere able to make this happen with the incredible support of our sponsor, Watson Engineering Ltd.,” Gardner said. Kaylee Nowell, 8, displays some of her artwork, which she created during the past week at Kamloops Art Gallery’s Summer Art Camp: Focus on Painting Charlotte LaPierre, 8, with some of her artwork, which she created during the past week at Kamloops Art Gallery’s Summer Art Camp: Focus on Painting Emme Botha, 9, displays some of her artwork, which she created during the past week at Kamloops Art Gallery’s Summer Art Camp: Focus on Painting. June Dionne, 11, with some of her artwork, which she created during the past week at Kamloops Art Gallery’s Summer Art Camp: Focus on Painting.
Welcome to Kamloops This Week’s Art Page. All art kamloopsthisweek.com.emailcansubmissionsbesentviatoeditor@
IF YOU CAN READ THIS, HELPWHOSOMEONECAN’T. Reading can change a life. Make a Difference! Funds raised support family & children’s literacy programs.

The 2022 Canada 55+ Games continue Wednesday through Friday at venues across Kamloops
5km and 10km Races: Starts at Rivers Trail on McArthur
WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A19www.kamloopsthisweek.com CANADA 55+ GAMES
Soccer: McArthur
Where and when to catch Games action
Pickleball is one of myriad events taking place during this week’s Canada 55+ Games in Kamloops. The popular paddle sport will stage games in Riverside Park downtown on Wednesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. ALLEN DOUGLAS/ KTW FILE
Wednesday:Island9a.m., Field 3A, BC Reign vs. Kamloops Fossils; Field 3B, Island Reign vs. Okanagan Wednesday:Ole Noon, Field 3A, Island Reign vs. Kamloops Fossils; Field 3B, Okanagan Ole vs. BC Thursday: 9 a.m., Field 3A, first vs. second championship game; Field 3B, third vs. fourth consola tion final Cribbage: Norkam Mechanical Lounge at Sandman Centre, 300 Lorne St., Wednesday,downtown 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cross-CountryMountainBike: Kenna Cartwright Park, Dufferin Wednesday, 8 a.m. to noon (indi Thursday,vidual) 8 a.m. to noon (relay race) Cycling: Time trial on Shuswap Road Road race on Dallas Drive Hill climb on Summit Connector Time trial: Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Road race: Thursday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hill climb: Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Darts: Desert Gardens, 540 Seymour St., Wednesday,downtown 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday,(singles)9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (mixed doubles) Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (men’s and women’s doubles)
Dragon Boat: Riverside Park beach, downtown Wednesday, 9 a.m. to noon Thursday, 9 a.m. to noon Golf: Rivershore Golf Course, 330 Rivershore Dr., East Kamloops. Bighorn Golf and Country Club, Sun Rivers Big Thursday,Horn: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday , 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday,Rivershore:8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hockey: McArthur Island Sandman Centre, 300 Lorne St., BrockdowntownArena, 2470 Fleetwood Ave., Wednesday,Brocklehurst8a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Horseshoes: 1130 River Street, east of down Wednesdaytown and Thursday, start ing at 9 a.m. Lawn Bowling: Riverside Park Lawn Bowling Wednesday,downtownClub, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. (men’s and women’s); 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (mixed); 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (men’s and women’s) Thursday, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. (mixed); 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (men’s and women’s) Friday, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (men’s and women’s); 11;30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (mixed); 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (men’s and women’s) Pickleball: Riverside Park, downtown Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (men’s Thursday,doubles)8a.m. to 4 p.m. (mixed Friday,doubles)8a.m. to 3 p.m. (women’s doubles) Scrabble: Heritage House, 100 Lorne St., Wednesday,downtown 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Slo-Pitch: Tournament Capital Ranch, 5355 Highway 5, Wednesday,Rayleighgamesat 10 a.m., noon and 2 p.m. Thursday, games at 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Swimming: Canada Games Aquatic Center, 910 McGill Rd., next to TRU Wednesday, noon to 4 p.m. Thursday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Track and Field: Hillside Stadium at Tournament Capital Centre, next to TRU Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. • Schedules for some events were not available as of KTW press deadline. They may be updated on the Canada 55+ Games website at kamloops55games.com.
Wednesday,5kmIslandRace: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. 10km Thursday,Race:6 p.m. to 8 p.m. 5-Pin: Falcon Lanes, 2020A Falcon Rd., Wednesday,Valleyview 8:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m.. 2:30 Thursday,p.m. 8:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 2:30 Friday,p.m.8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. 8-Ball: Kamloops Billiard Club, 232 Victoria St., Wednesday,downtown8:30amto 5:15 p.m. Thursday, 8:30 am to 5:15 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. (if tiebreakers needed) Badminton: Tournament Capital Centre, 910 McGill Rd., next to TRU MixedWednesday:doubles, 9 a.m. to 11:30 Men’sa.m. and women’s doubles, 1 p.m. to 4 Men’sThursday:p.m.andwomen’s doubles, 9 a.m. to noon Bridge: Heritage House, 100 Lorne St., Wednesday,downtown 9 a.m. to noon and 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, 9 a.m. to noon and 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

“This is just a great opportunity for athletes to come out after a long day of playing games and hang out with each other and meet other people,” said Morgan Yeomans, director of spon sorship, special events and protocol for the Games. “Lots of these people have actually met before at pastTicketsGames.”are $30 and avail able online at ykanow.ca. The price includes admission for a tour of the park (9077 Dallas Dr.) between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. “It’s an opportunity for everyone to have a fun time,” Yeomans said. Tourism Kamloops notes the Games — the first of their kind to be held in B.C. — are expected to have an economic impact of about $3.5 million on the city, with about 5,000 people coming to town for the three-day event that got underway on Tuesday. Games media contact Elsa Poppleton told KTW on Tuesday that Kamloopsians have stepped up to fill required volunteer posi tions. More than 600 helpers are needed, according to a Games press release. The Canada 55-plus Games is a multi-sport event open to adults ages 55 and over, with focus on the social, physical and psy chological wellbeing of the participants.Nearly3,000 participants are expected to compete in 26 events at 28 venues across the city, many of them contributing to about 6,000 room nights in local hotels.“We are encouraging all of our local restaurants and attractions to staff up and be prepared for a major influx of visitors throughout the week,” Lisa Strachan of Tourism Kamloops said in a Kamloops Sports Council press“Thisrelease.isgoing to be a funfilled week of competitions, socialization and special events.”
Participants are encour aged to celebrate their experience at the Canada 55-plus Games at a wrap-up event on Thursday at the BC Wildlife Park. The event — Into the Wild — will feature music from Barney Bentall, along with dancing, food trucks and a beer garden. Doors open at 5 p.m., with Bentall slated to hit the stage at 6:30 p.m.
See GARAND, A22 Three players from Kamloops have won gold at the World Junior Hockey Championship. Logan Stankoven is one of them.
Collagen is considered the “glue” that holds your body together.Italso benefits thejoints, tendons, hair, skin andnails. Come in andlet us show youour selection. heal thylifenutrition.ca •Sahali Mall •250-828-6680 10% SeniorsDiscount EVERYDAY! Healthylife Nutrition Want to know more?Comeinand see us. GENERATION CENTRE, 1110 TRANQUILLE RD | CALL 250-57 2-4485 (across from Nork am Secondar y) in winningworld title 2019, 2020, & 2021 KAMLOOPS’ BEST MARTIAL ARTS STUDIO Fitness | Self Defense Women | Men | Children | Preschool SIGN UP NOW FOR ANNIVERSARY DISCOUNT REGISTER NOW FOR FALL CLASSES AND RECEIVE NO TAX DISCOUNT! Tom LaRoche 4XWorld Kickboxing Champion & Master of Chinese Gung-Fu, is offering you classes that will lift you to new levels of fitness, self- defense & confidence. A20 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com SPORTS SPORTS: MARTY HASTINGS Phone: 250-374-7467 Email: sports@kamloopsthisweek.comTwitter:@MarTheReporterINSIDE: Sopotyk wins bronze at Canada Summer Games | A21
Garand, the former Blazers’ net minder who is expected to play next season in the New York Rangers’ organization, had an outstanding world juniors, posting a 6-0 record and .925 save percentage.
MARTY HASTINGS STAFF REPORTER sports@kamloopsthisweek.com
ogan Stankoven and Dylan Garand were busy catching up on text messages and media requests on Monday (Aug. 22), both still riding high after winning gold for Canada on Saturday at the 2022 World Junior Hockey Championship in Edmonton.“It’sbeenunbelievable, going from playing in the gold medal game and the atmosphere and the fans and just how loud it was and the crazy sequence there in overtime to win the gold medal on home soil,” said Stankoven, the 19-year-old forward from“It’sKamloops.suchagreat feeling and experience for myself, Dylan and the rest of our team. It’s been a crazy last couple days and something I’ll remember for the rest of my life.” Stankoven, who will toil for his hometown Blazers next season, racked up four goals and 10 points to finish third in team scoring and tied for fourth in tournament scoring — and he saved a magic moment for the Golden Goal. The toe-drag assist on Kent Johnson’s overtime winner in a 3-2 win over Finland will be seen on highlight reels for decades to come, in part because it followed one of the most improbable saves in tourna ment“I’vehistory.seen it a few times now,” Stankoven said. “It’s one of those things you dream of, just being a part of that moment. For [forward Mason] McTavish to knock that puck out of mid-air and off the goal line and for us to come back down and score … the building just erupted. It’s something I wish I could go back to in time and kind of experience that feeling again of Kent putting that puck in the net. The celebration was justGarand,unbelievable.”the20-year-old goalten der from Victoria, said McTavish’s goal-line heroics might just consti tute the greatest save in world juniors history.“Itwas crazy,” said Garand, who was in the backup role when Canada won silver at the 2021 world juniors. “It was kind of like a pass. I think it went off a guy’s skate and up and over me and I just remember watch ing the puck go by me. I turn around and I see McTavish scraping it off the goal“Afterline. the game, I was on Twitter. I didn’t realize he actually batted it out of mid-air. What a save. I’ve honestly never seen a better save in a better moment, in the gold medal game in overtime. It will definitely, in my opinion, go down as probably the save of the tournament’s history.”

1) ESG Consideration &Integration: focus on ESG scoring, removes laggards and focuses on leaders or best-in-class; however,may still hold controversial investments. For example, we found an ESG branded strategy that held casinos and alcohol companies. The rationale is that the fund is 25% more ESG friendly than an unscreened index. Sometimes this phenomenon is referred to "greenwashing" which we believe can mislead investors.
2. Decide what ESG themes are core to your beliefs. Would you prefer to invest in "better companies" or take amore direct stance on aparticular issue?
EnvironmentSocialGovernance Carbon emissions Diversity +Inclusion Board composition Energy efficiency & renewables Labour standards Executive pay Water scarcity Supply chain Political lobbying Waste managementSafety +Privacy Sustainability over sight PollutionCommunity &Indigenous Impact Anti-Bribery &Anti Corruption policies Eric Davis Senior Portfolio Manager and Senior Investment Advisor eric.davis@td.com 250-314-5120 Keith Davis Associate Investment Advisor keith.davis@td.com 250-314-5124 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A21www.kamloopsthisweek.com SPORTS
“It was just super exciting, first off, but it was super reward ing,” said Sopotyk, who edged the fourth-place finisher by less than two seconds. “I mean, to know what I’ve been through and the hard work I’ve been putting in toward these sports and to see it finally pay off, yeah, it’s amazing. It’s a good feeling.” Parents Lori and Bobby Sopotyk made the trip to Ontario from Saskatchewan. “They haven’t really had the chance to watch me too much in person, so for them to be able to come out to Niagara and cheer me on and to win a medal and see them afterward was pretty special,” Sopotyk said. “I just gave them a hug. They’re proud of me.” In March of 2021, only two months removed from the lifechanging accident near North Battleford, Sask., Sopotyk’s resolve was“I’llevident.bein a wheelchair moving forward, a paraplegic, but that’s not stopping me from anything,” he told KTW He wasn’t kidding around. So, what’s next? “Next, I’ve got two more races here [100m and 400m] and then on Aug. 31 I’m heading to Thailand as part of the Wheelchair Canada basketball under -23 men’s team,” Sopotyk said. “Sports have been a huge thing to help me move forward and move on with life. It’s been awe some.”Sopotyk placed fourth in the 400m and eighth in the 100m.
We believe companies that are more responsible to their employees and environment carry less risk and are more likely to outperform over time. The ESG space is challenging to navigate because there are no universal definitions, standards and measurements- yet.
*Asper Q1 2022 TD Corporate Citizenship Newsletter
Written By Keith &Eric Until next time… Invest Well. Live Well.
Leo Sammarelli of B.C. earned gold, with a time of 4:29.39, and Tai Young of Ontario posted a time of 4:35.13 to win silver. The comeback kid clocked in at 4:40.20, good for bronze and a moment worth remembering at the finish line.
1. Consider dedicating apercentage of your portfolio (e.g.: 10-20%) to RI overall
Investing For aBetter Tomorrow
Sopotyk hits podium at Canada Summer Games STAFF sports@kamloopsthisweek.com
3) Impact, Engagement &Themed Funds: Invests in companies with the intention to achieve positive ESG impact alongside afinancial return. These managers typically measure and report how their funds are achieving their stated objectives in the RI space .One strategy we like suggested that every $100,000 invested is expected to result in the annual reduction of: •Co2 equivalent to 1.1 cars removed from the roads •1.3 household of electrical consumption •1.1 household of waste •8 households of water consumption! The idea here is you could in theory help offset your own household environmental impact.
We often say to be an investor,you need to believe in abetter future. Nowadays we are seeing companies, institutions, pensions and investors take deliberate action to help leave the world abetter place. For example, in 2021, UBC Investment Management Trust added $110 million to astrategy focused on achieving amore sustainable global economy.TDBank Group itself is one of the North American banks listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index as of March 21, 2022*. Globally there is more than one trillion invested within this space and Canada now has over 100 sustainable funds. We believe this could be amega-trend for years to come. We have spent aconsiderable amount of time researching Responsible, Sustainable &Impact Investing. The Responsible Investment (RI) Association of Canada defines RI as the incorporation of Environmental, Social and Governance factors (ESG) into the selection and management of investments. Some common examples: We were quick to learn the RI space includes awide spectrum of options for investors to align their investments with their goals and values which can largely be categorized within three buckets, ranked from lowest to highest in terms of ethicality:
TD Wealth Private Investment Advice daviswealth.ca
For more information: 250-314-5124 or Keith.davis@td.com.
3. Recognize that there is no perfect solution but working with an experienced professional knowledgeable in Responsible Investing can help tailor your investments to your preferences and values.
2) ESG Exclusion: Typically aligned to common values and ethics by using negative screens and excluding industries like gambling, tobacco, alcohol, adult entertainment, weapons, and in certain cases fossil fuels. Companies failing to meet a minimum ESG score will be rejected. Many pension plans are updating their Investment Policy Statement (IPS) to include this more active approach.
The views expressed are those of Eric Davis, Senior Portfolio Manager and Senior Investment Advisor,and Keith Davis, Associate Investment Advisor,TDWealth Private Investment Advice, as of August 24th,2022, and are subject to change based on market and other conditions. Davis Wealth Management Team is part of TD Wealth Private Investment Advice, adivision of TD Waterhouse Canada Inc. which is asubsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Some common themes are Low Carbon, Gender Equity,and among the most popular,Fossil Fuel Free (FFF) which excludes any company supporting the industry (producers, pipelines, distribution, etc.). Often these funds will invest in acompany, engage with the board of directors and vote their shares towards positive change. They also provide full transparency so investors can see exactly how the shares were voted on each issue. How Can IIncorporate Responsible Investment into my portfolio?
When aclient desires to invest more responsibly,they are putting their money where their heart is. We enjoy exploring what is important to our clients and having adeeper and more personal conversation.
Kyrell Sopotyk’s arms were burning, pulsating pythons work ing at a furious pace. The 20-year-old Team Saskatchewan athlete was in fourth place in the 1,500-metre men’s wheelchair racing event last Wednesday at the Niagara 2022 Canada Summer Games and needed to find an extra gear on the home stretch to hit the podium.“Forme, it’s just determina tion,” Sopotyk said. “I wanted to get to that finish line. You want to pass that guy. You just kind of push through it. But I was defi nitely gassed at the end.” Sopotyk was paralyzed from the waist down in a snowboard ing accident in January of 2021, a few weeks before the start of his 19-year-old campaign with the Kamloops Blazers. Less than two years later, it was time to reach into reserves — it was time for a comeback within a comeback.“Isawmy chance at the end to pull ahead of the one guy and finish third, so I took that and I gave it everything I had left in the tank,” Sopotyk said. “I left it all out on the track to be able to get that third-place finish.”

A22 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com SPORTS
Garand overwhelmed by golden gift
For Valleyview Overlanders Lions Club (1972-2022) EXT. 1 31.2022
Valleyview Overlanders Lions Club was two clubs that merged to become one club. This time, we are dissolving the club and our remaining members are transferring to other Lions Clubs of their choice
Dylan Hooper and the TRU WolfPack will play host to the UBC Thunderbirds on Friday at Hillside Stadium. TRU will play host to the U Sports Men’s Soccer Championship in November.
In the 50 years that Valleyview Overlanders Lions Club served the community of Kamloops, they assisted and supported innumerable individuals and organizations. The club’s project areas have included: social service agencies for children, youth, and adults, and families, especially those living in poverty, those who are homeless, or living with financial instability, and those who live with mental, intellectual, physical, or developmental disabilities.
WolfPack, T-Birds at Hillside
We also collaborated with various groups to provide funds and or volunteers for projects related to environmental stewardship; animal protection; and educational services that included bursaries and scholarships for young people graduating from high school and hoping to further their education in some way.
es’pre-seasontheisCanadafifthisStadium.nightstimeSaturday.visitVictoriaonwillThunderbirdsbeintownFridayandtheVikeswillKamloopsonGameis7p.m.bothatHillsideUBC,whichchasingitsconsecutiveWesttitle,rankedNo.1inCanadaWestcoachpoll.TheWolfPack are fifth and the Vikes are seventh in the coaches’ poll. Check out Kamloops Last Week on Thursday on YouTube and your Stadium.Sept.CalgaryseasonsquadsoccerWolfPackforpodcastfavouriteprovidermoreonthemen’ssquad.TRU’swomen’swillopenitsagainsttheDinoson3atHillside
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TRU, which will play host to the U Sports Men’s tition.noteworthyweekendWestopenNovember,ChampionshipSoccerinwilltheCanadacampaignthisagainstcompeTheUBC
It has been an honour and a privilege to serve as many of the population of Kamloops in ways that were needed and sometimes essential.
“There was definitely a little summer rust,” said Garand, who turned aside 29 shots in the final. “It’s definitely different playing on that stage, too. There’s tons of pressure. You feel that and learn to deal with that throughout the tourna ment. I felt I got better and better as each game went on.”The golden moment on Saturday doubled as a 58th birthday present for Garand’s father, Loren, who was in the crowd and living vicariously through his son. “Well, it’s tough to describe because you’re overwhelmed with pride and joy for his accomplish ments,” Loren said. “To have it on my birth day, just to make it even more of a special occasion to win gold, with the crowd and a lot people knowing it was my birthday, wish ing me luck and Dylan luck, it was so surreal and overwhelming. The pride oozed out of me, for sure, thatLorenday.” was fearing the worst when the Finns roared back from two goals down in the third period to tie the game at 2-2. “I’m going, geez, we’re not going to win,” Loren said. “This is not going hap pen again. We’re maybe going to lose the gold medal. But that play by McTavish was just unbeliev able. It was so exciting. And then with that great play by Logan to make that pass over to Johnson and to bury the title.19thmarkcheering.”screaminggoal,gold-medal-winningIjustcouldn’tstopandyellingandCanadaposteda7-0forarecord-extendingworldjuniorhockeyTheeventwasoriginallyscheduledforlastDecemberandJanuaryinRedDeerandEdmonton,butwaspostponedduetorisingCOVID-19cases.AttendanceandTVratingsforthesummertournamenttookahit,withhighticketprices,aHockeyCanadasexualassaultscandalandtheabsenceofperennialcontenderRussiaamonglikelycontributingfactors. More than 13,000 fans were at Rogers Place for the title tilt on Saturday. “There was quite a bit of media,” Garand said. “It didn’t feel like it was under viewed. It was good. For us, we are just focused on hockey. We got the chance to go back and finish the tournament, so we wanted to get the job Stankovendone.”isthe third Kamloopsian to win gold at the world juniors, follow ing in the footsteps of Joe Hicketts (2015) and Mark Recchi“Not(1988).veryoften does a kid from Kamloops or even just a kid from B.C. get the chance to represent their country on the national stage and at world juniors,” he said. “To bring home a gold medal to the City of Kamloops and friends and family back home, it’s amazing.”
The Valleyview Overlanders Lions Club PUB LIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT
From A20 Dylan Garand celebrates winning gold at the World Junior Hockey Championship on Saturday in Edmonton with father Loren (left) and grandfather Marcel. Head coach John Antulov and the TRU WolfPack have been prepar ing for years for the 2022 U Sports cam paign, a season that will finish with the opportunity to win the national title on home turf.
TO SIGN UP TODAY! LIMITED MEMBERSHIP OFFERINGS •Executive (ages 19-39) $1000 •5 Day (Mon - Fr i) $1895 •Full Play $2245, spouse $2045 *PRICES PLUS TAX. PAY 50% TO JOIN AND BALANCE BY DECEMBER

“Things happen. It’s somewhat of an unusual situation, this close to the start of training camp, but Matt’s been good to me and myLudvig’sfamily.” sons Mick and Johnny toiled for the Storm during their junior hockey careers and Kolle coached Johnny in the minor ranks. “Johnny was a forward when he was like six,” Ludvig said. “Matt was coaching him and said, ‘You know, he should be a defenceman.’ I was involved in big hockey and I said, ‘Who the hell does he think he is, telling me who my kid should be?’ Actually, Matt made the right call.” Johnny was drafted by the Florida Panthers in 2019. Katie Ludvig, Jan’s daughter, played with the TRU WolfPack women’s vol leyball team for five years. Grimwood led the Storm to a record of 28-10-3-1 last season, good for second place in the Doug Birks Division.Kamloops knocked off the Chase Heat in seven games in Round 1 of the post-season before falling in six games to the Revelstoke Grizzlies in Round 2.
“He did a great job last year and the plan was to have him return, but he’s chosen, for personal rea sons, that he would like to pursue other opportunities closer to home,” Kolle said. “He’d like to be closer to Victoria.”Kollesaid Ludvig was going to work as an assis tant coach to Grimwood this season, with an under standing Ludvig would take over the head coaching reins in we’ve“With2023-2024.what’shappened,justhadtofast-track things,” Kolle said. “Jan has had to jump a little bit more right into the fire. He’s going to spend a little bit more time learning as he goes.”
KamloopsThis Week hasover 300 local youth, adults ded&seniorsthatareicatedtoensureyoustayinformed,andwecouldn’tdoitwithoutthem. THANK & NOMINATE YO UR FAVO URITE KT WC ARRIER Proudly sponsored by Rocky Hunter and all the greatstaffatPIZZA NOW We inviteyou to nominate your favouriteKTW carrier to revieve one extralarge pepperoni pizzabyemailing circulation@kamloopsthisweek.com (please include Carrier Appreciationinthe subject line) DO YOU HAVE AMAZING LOCAL PHOTOS? We’re looking for your local photos to use in local publications To win a prize valued at $50 submit your photos at: www.kamloopsthisweek.com/photo-contest Submission Deadline: 12:00 pm on August 31 1 winner selected at the end of each month from majority vote of selected entries. Submitte though www.KamloopsThisWeek.com/photo-contest will be accepted. Physical & emailed copies not accepted. Read terms and conditions online for more details. Follow us on Instagram to vote on the top photos at the end of every month @Kamloopsthisweek WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A23www.kamloopsthisweek.com
out, Ludvig in as Storm head coach
Geoff Grimwood’s ten ure as head coach of the Kamloops Storm is over after one season. Storm general manager Matt Kolle said Grimwood informed the club last week of his decision not to return for the 2022-2023 Kootenay International Junior Hockey League campaign, stating he would like to be closer to home on Vancouver Island. “Of course, it’s definitely not a great time,” said Kolle, whose club is scheduled to open training camp on Aug. 29 on McArthur Island. “We would certainly rather know months in advance that this type of choice is being made, but you know what, it comes with the ter ritory. We’ve always got to expect the unexpected. We wereJanprepared.”Ludvighas been named head coach of the Storm. KTW has contacted Grimwood for comment. “A lot of times in life and in hockey, it’s circum stantial,” said 60-year-old Ludvig, who played 314 games in the NHL with the Buffalo Sabres and New Jersey Devils and became a professional hockey scout after hanging up his skates.
Ludvig, who played 37 games for the 1981-1982 Kamloops Junior Oilers, said he is looking forward to passing on knowledge earned during his career. “I was so fortunate in hockey to work for some unbelievable people,” Ludvig said. “I worked for Lou Lamoriello for 27 years and was lucky enough to win three Stanley Cups with him. My old coach, Tommy McVie, he’s a bit of a legend in Canadian hockey circles. And people like Jacques Lemaire, Larry Robinson … I learned so much and really would like to pass as much as I can onto these youngAndrewplayers.”Fisher, Scott Norman and Steve Gainey are expected to return to the Storm this season as assistant coaches.

“We have several experimen tals, like Stone Coffee Milk Stout, a bittersweet, creamy, coffee-laced stout,” Kim said. “But my favourite is the Grapefruit Slam IPA, a double India pale ale utilizing grapefruit peel.”Iwas impressed, not only by the outstanding beers, but also by the solar panels covering the roof.
Local ToursGlobalToursCruiseToursR ailTours Office open forwalk-in traffic or by appointment 250-374-0831 or 800-667-9552 www.wellsgraytours.com TheWells Gray Tours Advantage *EscortedGroup Tours *Early BookingDiscoun ts (EB) *Sin gleFares Available *Pick up pointsthroughout Kamloops *ExperienceRewards Program *Small Group Tours *COV ID-19Vaccine Required Oregon Coast Explorer Sep 17 8 days $2835 Kootenays Ghost Towns Sep 20 5 days $1595 Ontario Theatre 10 Shows Included! Sep 26 9 days $4695 Jasper Park Lodge Fall Getaway (EB) Oct 9 5 days from $1570 New Orleans & Cajun Country Oct 17 10 days $4085 The Yukon’s Northern Lights Filling Fast! Nov 13 6 days $2460 Leavenworth Lighting (EB) Dec 6 4 days $1395 Caribbean Cruise with Panama Canal (EB) Jan 22 16 days from $5875 Ice Hotel & Quebec Winter Carnival (EB) Feb 10 6 days from $3440 Banff Springs Hotel (EB) Feb 20 5 days from $2345 Amazing Australia 7 Seats Left! Mar 26 22 days $14,970 Machu Picchu & Lake Titicaca (EB) Apr 10 20 days $10,535 Photo: Northern Lights A24 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com TRAVEL 250-374-7467 or email editor@kamloopsthisweek.com
San Diego’s frothy beer scene KTW
The dining room at Stone Brewing Company is spacious and alive with the spirit of a wide variety of hops. San Diego offers beer lovers a taste of excellence, boasting some of the best beers in the region.
Kim continued, “Another reason for Stone’s success is our guardian, a gargoyle, who wards off the evil spirits of beer, namely cheap ingredients, pasteurization and chemical additives.”
Next evening, we entered the Yard House in the historic Gaslamp Quarter, with the goal of verifying its boast of having the largest selec tion of draft beer in the world. Our eyes widened as we saw the “transparent” keg room, which was crammed with 600 barrels contain ing 4,000 gallons of beer and 130 tapWehandles.were enthralled and realized we faced a mammoth challenge. The server, Charlotte, described a range of brews, including classic lagers and obscure ales and stouts served in authentic goblets, pints and half-yard glasses. We settled for a row of tasting glasses filled with attractive fluids of different colours, foaminess and clarity. Sipping contentedly, we felt like we were in an art gallery, for the walls were alive with many attractive paintings. We sampled from the menu, which offered an array of tasty, trendy cuisine. Toasting the Yard House and its unusual keg room, we realized good research isn’t really that difficult — it just requires perseverance.Overthenext few days, we vis ited several more breweries, but on our last day admitted we were simply outnumbered. San Diego definitely is a cham pion of craft beer. We promised to return, perhaps during Beer Week in early November. So much work remains. I want to sample Oi!, a wine-barrel aged English brown ale by Twisted Manzanita Ales & Spirits, a Habenero Sculpin (very hot) IPA at Ballast Point Brewing Company, a Peanut Butter Milk Stout at the Belching Beaver Brewing Co. and much more. It’s good to have challenges.
Irevere the amber fluid and was excited when my dearest, Ally, and I had the opportunity to visit San Diego and see if it really has a claim to be the Craft Beer Capital of North America. The first evening we visited the Draft Restaurant in surfside Mission Beach, where our server, Matteo, waved his arms and said, “Of course, no question that San Diego is tops in beer. We have over 100 breweries, microbreweries and brew pubs in this county. Many are eclectic.”Hethen confronted us with a mind-boggling choice. Draft offered 100 local beers, with 69 served from a long line of taps. But we couldn’t help wonder: With that many taps, how can the servers possibly find the right one? We tested Matteo by order ing Cali Creamin, a vanilla cream ale by Mother Earth Brewing Company, and Devotion Belgian Blonde Ale by Lost Abbey Brewing Company and timed his response. Happily, our requested ales were back in short order — and they were Sportingsuperb.amoustache of foam, Ally smiled, clinked glasses and said, “I don’t usually like ale, but this is great. I can taste why craft beer has become so popular.” We were in heaven, sampling ales, porters, classic lagers andToIPAs.get further insight into the fast-growing beer craze, next day my dearest and I sought out the Stone Brewing Co., which was awarded the accolade All-Time Top Brewery on Planet Earth by Beer Advocate magazine in 2013, and which many credit for leading San Diego’s beer charge. We entered its World Bistro & Gardens in Escondido, just north of the city, where you can sit inside next to the tanks and piping, where the beer is made, or outside in the sunshine and warmth for which this city is famous, surrounded by an immense garden. We decided to further our research on the patio. Over a pint of Stone Pale Ale, its flagship beer, and an Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale, we also tested the kitchen. Ally bit into coconut green curry salmon and mussels, while I tried the chef’s specialty, Portuguese sausage and kale rigatoni. Kim, the server, explained, “A big part of the brewery’s success comes from their own farm, where they grow hops for the beer and food for the restaurant. Everything’s organic.”Happily rubbing my tummy, I asked about the most unusual beer.

School Supplies -Elementary and Middle School School supplies (pencils, notebooks, etc.) are available at aminimum cost through your child’sschool.
We lcome Ba ck ! WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A25www.kamloopsthisweek.com HISTORY 778-471-7533 or email editor@kamloopsthisweek.com
All classes will beginat 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday,Sept. 6, 2022,with the exception of Kindergarten students. Please contactyour child’sschool for Kindergarten specifics.
First Day of School
All elementary schools (rural and in-town) will dismiss students at 12:00 noon.Secondary in-town schools and BrocklehurstMiddle School will dismiss students at 3:00 p.m.Rural secondary schools will dismiss students at 12:30 p.m Busing &Transportation
On Tuesday,Sept. 6, buses will pick up all students 2hourslater than normal for the 10:30 am start, and deliver elementary students home approximately 2hours earlier than normal. Secondary and Middle School students will be picked up from schoolatthe normal time following the 3:00 pm dismissal.
Next generation shouldn’t nap on knapping T
Reduction flakes at a quarry site, at Arrowstone Hills. More photos can be seen online at kamloopsthisweek. com, under the Community tab.
he Arrowstone Hills have been used as a source of stone for manufacturing tools by the Secwépemc and Nlaka’pamux for more than 12,000 years. The hills are located northeast of the Cache Creek and north of the Thompson River, between the Bonaparte and Deadman rivers. The Secwépemc have an oral his tory about the transformer, Tlli7sa, and his brothers, who in a fight with Grizzly Bear sisters, shook loose the shards of stone from their spiky fur. Those shards were cast around Arrowstone Hills for subsequent generations to find. Volcanism in this area occurred approximately 56 to 47 million years ago and resulted in the formation of volcanic deposits rich in silicious fragments of a rock type known as dacite.Arrowstone Creek, a major confluence of Cache Creek (the waterway), subsequently dis sected through one of these volcanic deposits, which resulted in pebbles, cobbles and small boulders of dacite being spread over the landscape. Known dacite exposures cover an area measuring approximately 100 square kilometers and could extend evenThefurther.quarry sites within the Arrowstone Hills are unique in that arduous methods of stone removal were not required. Unlike many other prehistoric quarry sites, the material was found on the ground surface or just below it. One of the quarry sites has an astonishing 115 pits where the dacite rocks were mined from the ground. Instead of hauling large rocks off the mountain, stone tool technicians would knapp (chip) pieces off at the quarry site, leaving behind what are referred to as reduction flakes. They would also make rough tool shapes called blanks or preforms, which they could later knapp into more specialized tools or use for trade. At the quarry sites, the ground is covered with thousands of these pieces, in some places as thick as two metres. The Arrowstone Hills material is very good for knapping stone tools. This made the material extremely valuable and, as a result, it was traded Archaeologistsextensively.can learn about trade routes by tracing this material. First, the material must be “finger printed,” which can be done by ana lyzing the mineral and geochemical composition of the rocks at these quarry sites. Figuring out where the stone tools that we find originate allows for a much broader under standing of cultural exchanges. Historically, the source materials of obsidian tools have been easier to identify and have been a focus of previous archaeological research, but now, silicate toolstone datasets are Thisgrowing.isdue to the greater avail ability and portability of equipment used in geochemical analyses and modern ways of sharing knowledge, such as the internet and open source software. Recently, nine projectile points recovered from the YaçkEtEl site, a Coast Salish-Sts’ailes site on the Harrison River, located approximate ly 200 kilometers away, were geo chemically analyzed and attributed to Arrowstone Hills. As more of the stone tool material is correctly identified and geochemi cally analyzed, and as more source locations are “fingerprinted,” this number is going to grow and reveal more information about ancient interaction spheres and trade.
For more information on the bus, please contact the School District Transportation Department at (250) 372-5853.
Those students who have not received abus registration card in the mail should registerfor transportation within the first week of school to ensure aschool busride for the 2022-2023 school year.Bus registration forms are available from your bus driver
Everything new and retur ning students need to know for back-to-school is at sd73.bc.ca
I was fortunate to visit Arrowstone Hills recently with Bert William, a member of Bonaparte First Nation and archaeologist with SNRC. Bert and his brother, JR William, discovered several of the quarry sites while surveying the landscape before it burned in the 2017 Elephant Hill fire. Bert is also a skilledAlthoughknapper.the stone tools Bert knapps are no longer used for hunt ing and processing, it speaks to the culture local Indigenous people are still sourcing dacite at Arrowstone Hills and keeping this tradition alive. Sadly, Bert said he does not see a lot of interest from younger genera tions in carrying out this tradition. It is a skill that takes countless hours of practise to perfect. Maybe as more archaeologists study the “fingerprints” of these materials, this will help foster a greater interest in knapping stone tools. As an archaeologist, learning to knapp provides valuable knowl edge in understanding the manufac turing of stone tools and how sites are Bertformed.has become one of my great est mentors and I am grateful to learn knapping skills from him. Katie Sperry is a Kamloops-based archeologist. Dig It is KTW’s regularly published column on the history beneath our feet in the region. Interested in more? Go online to repu blicofarchaeology.ca.

Harold Meier lived in Taiwan for more than 20 years. He worked as an aircraft maintenance technical instructor and quality manager with Lufthansa technical training. During his time there, he studied Eastern religions, primarily Vedantism, and became an active member of the Hare Krishna community. Meier holds a master’s degree in educational practices. He returned to Canada with his family four years ago. Meier works in the social services sector.
Kamloops.ca City of Kamloops My First Museum Ages2-4 Introduceyourlittle one to the museum throughhands on exploration and artifact handling, stories, songs, and acaregiverassisted craft.Eachsession offersflexibility foryoung children to engage in the museumworld through avariety of sensory and playexperiences. Kamloops Museum and Archives WedSept21-Dec 7 9:45 AM –10:30 AM 12/$105 On Track –Returning In-Person at the TCC This program offerssupport from exercise andclinical specialists forpeople with health conditions suchaspre-diabetes, diabetes, elevated bloodpressure, high cholesterol, depression, anxiety,and/or inactivity. -Fall intakes on Sept.22or29th andthe program startsOct. 6, running weekly on Thursdaymornings at 9am -A referral from your Family Dr.orNurse Practitioner is required -Cost: $25 -For moreinformation andtosee if On Track is rightfor youcontact: 250-828-3742 Register for Fall Programs and Swimming Lessons today: Kamloops.ca/ AC TIVIT YP RO GR AMS We thank youfor your patronage, understanding,and patience as we work together during this unprecedentedtime Visit Kamloops.ca/COVID forupdates Programs arecancelled if the minimumnumbers arenot met. ANSWERS TO CROSSWORD FOUND ON A33 Places of Worship To advertise here,please call 250-374-7467 Christian ScienceSociety, 1152 Nicola Street,Kamloops Sunday Church Services 10:30 -11:30 am Allare welcome www.christianscience.bc.ca csskamsoc@yahoo.ca A26 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com COMMUNITY
KTW welcomes submissions to its Faith page. Columns should be between 600 and 800 words in length and can be emailed editor@kamloopsthisweek.com.to Pleaseincludeaveryshortbioandaphoto.
The conquering of our fear W hen devoteea is in theperil,extremefacingdanger of imminent death, he has no other recourse than to pray to God for protection and shelter.Atthis time, the prayer becomes the most sincere and engrossing. The devotee enters into a state of ecstasy because the devotion is so fervent. The devotee has reached a pinnacle of devotional service. Now, contrast the mood of the devotee with the mood or a person with little or no faith in the power and will of God. “Thy will be done.” The non-devout face death with a sense of absolute desolation and absolutely no recourse nor hope for abso lution. Time passes over the most intimate of doorsteps, ready to drag each and every one of us over that threshold, whether we like it or not. Let’s go a little further with this proposition without materializing death for either the devotee or the nondevotee.ByGod’s hand, dumb luck or the arrival of the SWAT team in just the nick of time, both the devotee and the non-devotee walk away without a scratch. The non-believer is trau matized and has nightmares. When he relives the experi ence, the same sense of fear and dread haunt and torment him over and over again in a kind of living hell. The devotee, on the other hand, never has nightmares, nor does he suffer through anxieties when recalling the experience. He does feel a kind of anxiety, but it arises from the separation he feels in relation to God. He recalls the experience with a sense of peace and calm and may actually long for a reoccurrence of the tribulation so he can feel the same acute intimacy over and over again. It inspires and motivates him to perform deeper and fuller service with more sincere devotion. The reciprocation between the devotee and God makes the experience relishable. The devotee retains a sense of longing for the experience, while at the same time develops regret that he sought special favour from God.He comes to realize the protection he asked for is only a paltry request com pared to having the intimate association of that supreme person.Material circumstances attributable to this life are part of our destiny, which, for the most part, we are unable to change or alter. That is to say whatever fortune and securities — as well as whatever misfortune and perils we experience — are allocated to us because of previous activities,consequenceschangeAlthoughactivities.wecannotinevitableofpastGodcan.When he changes our destiny, he does it in a way that increases our attraction for him if we are devotees. This reciprocation is part of his mercy. On the flip side of that blessing, if our desires are aligned in the opposite direction, God will help us cultivate the consciousness necessary for the enjoyment of matter, the enjoyment of thisInworld.thisway, God exhibits both equality and detach ment toward all living enti ties.When we are determined to develop our enjoyment of this world, we develop material senses, but when we desire the association of that supreme person, we develop spiritual senses. So, when, in a time of dis tress, we touch upon his lotus feet, our own spiritual sense of happiness awakens from within the heart. In this way, we experience the feeling of absolute bliss — even at the point of imminent death. In the normal course of our lives, God doesn’t casually take us to the gates of death, but we all constantly face various challenges through which we can experience victory or defeat.Getting to the worksite on time, paying off the vacation to Mexico and finding an available seat at a popular restaurant are all examples of the small successes we can feel in our daily lives. The defeats are getting caught up in rush hour traffic, further accrual of interest on a missed Visa payment or getting turned away at the door for an anniversary or birthday dinner. We show a relationshipunderstandingpoorofourwiththe world and God if we are either elated and celebratory upon victory or remorseful and somber upon defeat. If we are really successful in our spiritual lives, we are indifferent to life’s triumphs and reversals because we understand that, while in this world, our activities are con trolled by the material nature. Everything occurs by God’s sanction. We feel his touch in everything. As spirit souls, we have nothing to do with this world.Our constitutional position lies in the spiritual world. We connect to that spiritual world and, ultimately, to the supreme through devotions and services rendered. As we develop that connection, we stop dancing around the stage of life like marionettes that are having their strings pulled. God enables us to step outside and see ourselves as apart from the doubts and inequities that arise in the course of our life, even up to — and including — the fear of imminent death.

FA ST ESTT URTL ON EA RT H! 2022 VW Turtle RiverRac e September1 7, 2022 •Riverside Park TICKE TS ON SALE NOW! BENEF IT TING THECHARITIES OF THE 2022 KT WCHRISTMAS CHEER FUND TICKE TS $10 EACH 1,500available foreachrace 150available foreachrace VALUEPACK 3F OR $25 •Chris Rose TherapyCentre forAutism •K amloopsBrain Injur yA ssociation •K amloopsTherapeutic Riding Association •BCSPCAK amloops RACE ONE 1:00PM RACE TWO 2:00 PM BRO UGHT TO YO UB Y: Draw date September 17 ProblemGambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111 •www.bcresponsiblegambling.ca Chances are1in500 foreachrace(totalticketsfor sale)towin aprize.BCGaming Event Licence# 135144 #135145 Knowyour limit ,playwithin it 19+ BUYYOURT UR TLE Online at www.tur tleriverrace.com Or at thetill at anySaveOnFoods location FIRSTPLACE : TOTALVALUE $5,252.80 •WestJet Gift Of Flightfor Two •$1,000 Save On FoodsGC •$500AberdeenMall GC •$500MountPaulGolfPackage •K amloopsWaterSport RentalsPackage SECOND PL ACE: TOTALVALUE $2,8 40.68 •YMCA-YWCA FamilyPass •SurplusHerby ’s Camping Package •Ocean PacificAdventure Spor ts Package •K amloopsWaterSport RentalsPackage •Delta HotelStay’nPlay Package THIRD PL ACE: TOTALVALUE $1,830.11 •$500Earls Restaurant GC ’s •$500Brown’s Socialhouse GC ’s •$500Mittz Kitchen GC ’s •WCT Flex Pass 5 •K amloopsWaterSport RentalsPackage FIRSTPLACE : TOTALVALUE $5,252.80 •WestJet Gift Of Flightfor Two •$1,000 Save On FoodsGC •$500AberdeenMall GC •$500MountPaulGolfPackage •K amloopsWaterSport RentalsPackage SECOND PL ACE: TOTALVALUE $2,8 40.68 •YMCA-YWCA FamilyPass •SurplusHerby ’s Camping Package •Ocean PacificAdventure Spor ts Package •K amloopsWaterSport RentalsPackage •Volkswagon of KamloopsDetail &Ser vice GC THIRD PL ACE: TOTALVALUE $1,830.11 •$500Earls Restaurant GC ’s •$500Brown’s Socialhouse GC ’s •$500Mittz Kitchen GC ’s •WCT Flex Pass 5 •K amloopsWaterSport RentalsPackage WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A27www.kamloopsthisweek.com

photo: Russ Grycan AUGUST 24,2022 |Volume 36 |Issue 35KAMLOOPS &AREA• EACH EDITION AVAILABLE ONLINE RE AL ES TA TE 250-319-5572 Accredited Home Inspector License #47212 Clifford Brauner kamloops.pillar topost.com THE HOME OF THE HOME INSPECTION TEAM RANCHER ST YL E HOMES CO NTAC T US FO R PR ICING! Ad ul t or iented gated co mmunit y with on site Secur ed RV Pa rk in g, mi nutes fr om do wntow n Ka mloops & no GS T! P: 250-571-7037 E: Kmason@kadrea.com KIRSTEN MASON Personal Real Estate Corp 7 TEN Contact us for more info www.SiennaRidgeKamloops.com CO NT AC T US FO R A PR IV AT E VI EW ING Jessica MATT 250.374.3022 je-matt@hotmail.com JessicaMattRealEstate.ca marvin matt 250.319.8784 mmatt@shaw.ca RealEstateKamloops.ca %OFALL OUR DEALS GO TOWARDSTHE WOMEN'S SHELTER BETTER HOMES &GARDENS 2BDRN APARTMENT,CORNER UNIT WITH 2BALCONIES IN DALLAS COUNTRY: PURE AND SIMPLE BRING YOUR COMESHORSES WITH AVIEW! LIKE NEW,11-YEAR-OLD APARTMENT IN DALLAS CALL MARVIN CALL MARVIN CALL JESSICA •2,750 sqft 3-bdrm, 3renovated baths •Amazing inside and outside, backs onto green space •H/W floors, granite countertops, Viking S/S appliances in kitchen •New furnace, as well as heat pump for A/C, LED lighting •Formal dining room, main floor family room &living room •Basement has large rec room, office, 3pce bath, laundr yand storage •Off the kitchen walk out to private deck &yard •Beautiful garden with Ponds, flowers, plants and still lawn to play on •Gas BBQ hook up, pergola, green house, U/G sprinklers •Newer roof &fence$839,900 $1,342,000$450,000$475,000 $459,900 •952 sft2-bdrm, den, 2baths •5 years old with 2balconies •Appliances included, laundryinunit •1 secured U/G parking spot •Rentals allowed, pets(with restrictions) •Gym on site and close to shopping, bus, golf &elementaryschool •52.6 acres Red Lake area •Just passed 35km sign on South side of road •Mix of flatpasture land&remainder slightly sloped &treed •Small portion sub-irrigated •Fully fenced •Small creek throughproperty •Abundance of wildlife •Make agreat home site •Currently under construction, with approx. end September completion •Two storey home, 4bdrm, 3baths •Quartz counters throughout, eng. H/W throughout main floor &stairs •Large windows on main with 18’ ceiling in living room •Step out to the partially covered deck and enjoy the view •Great size garage with 13’6x8 shop area •1800 sq.ft. lower level with 10’ ceilings ready for your ideas •Zoned for legal suite &room for upstairs or use all for yourself, suspended slab, walk-out to yard •1,017 sqft 2bdrm, 2bath •South facing, quiet side of the building •Sun on balcony •Appliances included, laundryinunit •Secured U/G parking spot •Rentals allowed; pets allowed with restrictions •Steps away from shopping, pub, bus and elementaryschool down the street •Quick possession PRICED TO SELL, ½DUPLEX CHASE, BC OFFER, QUICK POSSESSION! •2,030 sqft ½duplex with 2-bdrm, 1bath in-law suite •Main floor: 2bdrm, 1-den/bdrm, 4pce bath •Laminate throughout, access to large sundeck from dining room •Downstairs: 2-bdrm in-law suite,4pce bath •Access to covered patio •Large fenced yard with side access to drive from front •All appliances: 2fridges, 2stove, 2stacker washer/dryer,1 dishwasher upstairs •Hot water tank (approx 5yr), RV parking •Close to shopping, schools, Little Shuswap &golf OFFER $465,000 IN-LAWSUITE $465 00 $497,000 A28 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com

250-374-3331 LindaTurner Real Estate (Kamloops)REALTOR® of the Year www.LindaTurner.bc.ca •LindaTurnerPREC@gmail.com Kristy Janota REALTOR® Adam Popien Personal Real Estate CorporationProud Supporter of Children’s Miracle Network PERSONAL REAL ESTATECORPORATION LOTS FOR SALE BARNHARTVALE 1.7 ACRE YARD W/INGROUND POOL •Great parking for4plusRV •Great View& privacy •2+1 Bedrooms3 baths 1100 FOXWOOD RD $849,500 SUN RIVERS GREAT LOCATIONINSUN RIVERS •2 Storey w/FinishedBasement •2 Bedrooms –3 Baths– 2Garages •All Appliances &C/AirIncluded 312 BELMONTE AVENUE $624,900 SAHALI CLASSY 1BDRM+ DEN APARTMENT •Close to TRU, shopping &sports •Updated like new •Stainless appliances & graniteopen plankitchen •Rentals& Pets allowed 204-795 MCGILL RD $429,999 SAHALI DETACHED RANCHER WITHGREAT VIEW •Openfloor plan& Granite kitchen •Low Bareland strata-D/Garage •3 Bedrooms-3 baths -Full daylight basement 1-1575 SPRINGHILL DR $824,000 WESTSYDE WATERFRONTBEAUTY W/GREAT VIEW •Vaulted ceilings &openfloorplan •Island kitchenw/custom cabinets •3 Bedrooms &Den up/1Bdrmdown 3573 OVERLANDER DR $995,000 SUN RIVERS FULLY FURNISHED STUDIO SUITEATTALASA •Murphy bed andhideabed sleepstwo + •Largecovered deck with mountain view 1207-1000 TALASA WAY $257,000 JUNIPER RIDGE STUNNINGVALLEY VIEWS •Immaculate3 Bed/3Bath home •New kitchen w/AllAppliances •Private yard w/Hot Tub 2783 QU’APPELLE BLVD $724,900 DALLAS NEW HOME WITH LEGAL SUITE •3 Bedrooms +Den PLUS •2 BedroomLegal Suite •Open FloorPlan& Close to School 189 HARPER RD $839,900 ABERDEEN BEAUTIFULLY UPDATE ESTATE HOME •DeluxeChef’s quartz island kitchen •Cul de saclot backing on hiking trails •Fullbasement withone bedroom suite 1483 WESTERDALE DR $1,395,000 DALLAS TOTALUPDATED 3 BEDROOM MOBILE •Open floor plan &Island kitchen •Classystainless appliances &C/Air •Largefenced yard &good parking C16-7155 DALLAS D $389,900 SAVONA WATERFRONT .35 ACRELOT •3 Bdrms& 2baths with full walk out basement •Appliances andC/Airincluded •Single garage &RVparking 6831 SAVONA ACCESS RD $599,900 ABERDEEN ONE OF THEFINEST VIEWS IN KAMLOOPS •Incredible backyard, with covered deck and hot tub •4 bedrooms, 4bathwith vaultedceilings 750 GIFFORD CRT $838,000 BROCKLEHURST LARGE CORNER LOT W/DETACHED SHOP •3 Bedrooms,2 ½baths •Large vaultedliving room •Appliances,C/Air,C/Vac 590 HOLT STREET $745,000 BROCKLEHURST ORCHARD MOBILE HOME PARK •Recent upgrades •2 bed1bath with addition •Covered backdeck,shed &garden 59-1655 ORD RD $149,000 NORTH SHORE GREATSTARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME •3 Bedrooms &FullBasement •Single Garage +Detached S/Garage •All Appliances –C/Air included 477 MULBERRY AVE $724,900 BARNHARTVALE STUNNING CUSTOM 5,360SQFTHOME •5 acreswith horse potential •5 Bedrooms +1Bdrm In-law suite •TripleGarage &RVParking •See Videoatwww.Lindaturner.bc.ca 6205 MEADOWLAND CRES $2,450,000 $139,000 2555 Copperview Dr SHUSWAP LAKE ESTATES •LOT F– 0.32 acre building lot •comes with approved plans for 3121sqft Rancherhome •sitesurvey& appraisal included $629,000 4740 Barriere Town Rd POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY •10acreparcel in central Barriere •Proposed32lot subdivision NORTH KAMLOOPS 3BEDROOM-2 BATHHALFDUPLEX •Fenced yard with decks &laneaccess •4 level split w/RV parking •All appliances &C/Air included 1125 PEMBROKE AVE $495,000 NORTH KAMLOOPS 4BEDROOM3 BATH FAMILY HOME •3200sqftw/pool& hot tub •Poolneeds workw/liner supplied •All appliances &C/Air &C/Vac included 1049 BELMONT CRES $675,000 ABERDEEN AMAZING VIEW •Close to Aberdeen Elem •RVparking& fenced yard •All appl &C/Air included 2164 VAN HORNE DR $824,900 DALLAS EXECUTIVE RANCHERW/ FULLBASEMENT •Halfacre landscaped yard •Open floor plan -5 bedrooms-3 Baths •Great parking D/Garage &20x30 Quonset 1125 TODD RD $1,150,000 PRITCHARD 3BEDROOM DEREGISTEREDMOBILE •Own your lot. No pad rent •Brightopenfloor plan •.26 acre lotfor RV parking or future shop 1337 FOORT RD $275,000 NORTH KAMLOOPS GREATINVESTMENTOPPORTUNITY •2 Bedrooms up & 2Bedroom suite down •All appliances &C/Air included •Central location &fencedyard 1144 SHERBROOK AVE $595,000 SAHALI IN GROUND POOL& HOTTUB •4 Bedrooms,Den &full basement •Deluxe granitekitchen w/Appliances •Close to school &shopping 384 ARROWSTONE DR $849,900 STUMP LAKE LAKEFRONT LOG HOME AT STUMP LAKE •Stunning vaulted open floor plan •All Appliances& C/Air included •5 Vehicle Garage &Dock 64 WINDY WAY $1,549,000 NORTH KAMLOOPS 6BEDROOM HOME WITH IN-LAW SUITE •3 beds up &3 down- 2fullkitchens •Greatfencedyard &RVparking •Waterfront on River Trail •Some TLCneeded but solidhome 1363 SCHUBERT DR $624,900 SAHALI BREATHTAKINGVIEW •Updated roof, furnace& HW tank •3 Bedrooms up Unfinished Basement •C/Air –Great location for your ideas 410 STRATHCONA TERRACE $575,000 WESTSYDE PRIVATE LOCATION W/ LOTS OF PARKING •2 Bedrooms up &1 Bedroom In-Law Suite •Beautiful kitchen w/stainless appliances •Open floor plan &Great view 918 GRASSLANDS PLACE $675,000 DALLAS NEWBUILD BY MARINO CONSTRUCTION •Rancher style w/open floor plan •Full daylight finished basement •3+2 Bedrooms &3 Baths 5572 COSTER PL $849,900 CHERRY CREEK STUNNING37.28 ACRES W/GREAT WATER •6 Bedroom rancherw/suite &pool •Fenced &X-Fenced &6 stallbarn •Someday Retrieverskennel –business •Training &databaseincluded 5657 BEATON RD $3,500,000 SOLD SOLD SOSOLD LD SOLD WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A29www.kamloopsthisweek.com

QUINN PACHE PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-299-1267 |Quinnpache@royallepage.ca LINDSAY PITTMAN PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION li250-682-6252ndsaypittman@outlook.com MIKE LATTA PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION mik250-320-3091elatta@royallepage.ca KAYLEIGH BONTHOUX REALTOR® ka250-819-0806yleighbonthoux@royallepage.ca KAYDEE BAITZ OFFICE MANAGER/ UNLICENSEDASSISTANT qpad778-765-5151min@royallepage.ca TRUST| PASSION|KNOWLEDGE REAL ESTATETEAM Qu innpa chereal esta te .ca Fo llowUs! @qprealest at et ea m KAMLOOPS REALTY REFERRAL PARTNERS 2198 GaloreCrescent$379,900 MLS®169214 6470 Furrer $729,900Road MLS®169175 3390$3,999,900ShuswapRoad MLS®169207 4889$329,900GerellaRoad MLS®169337 117-1325 Aberdeen Drive $639,900 MLS®169348 PRICE REDUCTION Riverfront with 20 Acres BUILDING LOT NEW LISTING 976 Dominion$534,900Street MLS®168361 4373 Clearwater$1,099,000ValleyRoad MLS®168327 58 ACRES 447 Opal $609,900Drive MLS®168885 2053 High$379,900SchyleaDrive MLS®168884 1601 Balsam $1,199,900Place MLS®169012 denisebouwmeestersales.com Cell: 250-319-3876 | Email: dbinkamloops@shaw.ca Denise BouwmeesterSENIORSREALESTATESPECIALISTMASTERCERTIFIEDNEGOTIATIONSPECIALIST(Kamloops) Real Estate 1198 SCHREINER STREET $499,000 947 LINCOLN$799,900COURT • 10,296 sq ft level lot RT-1 zoning with development possibilities • Older home on property with some updates • Detached garage and shed 2781 VALLEYVIEW DRIVE $650,000 • 1990 home with large driveway, deck, • flat lot beautifully landscaped • 4 bedroom and den/2 bath home • 1 bedroom plus den suite downstairs • Beautiful custom home with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms • 2 bedrooms suite with own entrance • Single garage, 2 level deck and fenced backyard SOLDSOLD "We were happy with the selling process on our home. Not only did it feel simple but we were delighted to receive a same-day full price offer This despite the unstable market due to Denise’s keen sense of the marketplace." Jeremy and Caroline A30 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com KamloopsThis Week hasover 300 local youth, adults ded&seniorsthatareicatedtoensureyoustayinformed,andwecouldn’tdoitwithoutthem. THANK & NOMINATE YO UR FAVO URITE KT WC ARRIER Proudly sponsored by Rocky Hunter and all the greatstaffatPIZZA NOW We inviteyou to nominate your favouriteKTW carrier to revieve one extralarge pepperoni pizzabyemailing circulation@kamloopsthisweek.com (please include Carrier Appreciationinthe subject line)

Engel & Volkers Kamloops 606 Victoria St Kamloops BC V2C 2B4 778-765-1500 Learn more at kamloops.evrealestate.com ...SELLIN G KAMLOOPS EVER Y DA Y TM PHIL DABNER MATT TOWN CHRIS TOWN PREC BROKER BROKER To View Listi ngs (250) 318-0100 (250) (250)318-4106 319-3458 1002 Saddleback Crt $1,195,000 2 bed • 2.5 bath • Custom 10070 Tranquille Criss Crk $1,095,000 3400 sqft • 31.7 Acres 7807 N Bonaparte Rd $2,950,000 480 Acres • Private Lake • Bridge Lake 2092 Sifton Ave $750,000 3 bed • Basement suite 406-975 Victoria St W $478,800 2 bed • 2 bath • Corner unit 740 Kyle Drive $1,049,000 Westsyde Fourplex 3425 D’easum Rd $1,649,900 4 beds • 3 bath • Merritt 495 Barkley $848,000 Commercial grade shop • Barriere 2740 Beachmount Cres $1,098,800 4 bed • 3 bath • Riverfront 1014 Lethbridge Ave $689,000 3 bed • 2 bed suite 717 12th St $659,000 3 bed + 2 bed suite 4 1350 Finlay Ave $659,900 12 Unit Bareland Strata 196 Rue Cheval Noir $1,475,000 5 Bed • 4 Bath • Tobiano 6584 Corral Rd $4,300,000 Clearwater Springs Ranch • 293 Acres 673 Lombard St $785,000 3 Bed • 2 bath • Private Yard SOLD OPEN HOUSE: SUNDAY 11:30AM-1:00PM 2381 Abbeyglen Way $1,150,000 5 bed • 3 bath • Amazing views OPEN HOUSE: SUNDAY 2:00-3:30PM WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A31www.kamloopsthisweek.com

Onl ine Auctions featuring International &Canadian Art 4th Meridian Art &Auctions Visit ouronl ine shop: art, pottery,col lectibles &more Sign up forour newsletter: 4thmeridian.ca info@4thmeridian.ca Visit in person: Thurs-Sat 12 -4 #104 1475 FairviewRd, Penticton www .4 thmeridian .c a Accepting Consignments we also buy: ART& STUDIO POTTERY This intriguing mid-centur ypainting of Summerland by Eric Dixon will be featured in ourJune online auction 2636 Co ldw ate r Ave | $479,000 Located in a per fec t family neighbourhood! Main level living with 2 beds & 1 bath plus laundr y on main Private backyard with gazebo pergola & garden boxes Detached 21’ x 24’ shop NEMerritt W PRICE 32 2,339 830 Orcrest Dr | $869,900 • Family neighbourhood, close to schools, shopping and recreation • Backyard dream inground pool spa, pergola and new deck! • Spacious interior with oversized primar y bedroom Ample parking, per fec t for an RV or all of your summer guests! Westsyde 42 2,129 712 Rosewood Crescent | 200$689,000 Holloway Drive | $310,000 • Modern, high quality finishings • Expansive decks & private patios • Lock n’ go Living ONLY 2 LOTS LEFT ! CALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION 2001 Sun Rivers Drive | $299,000 Sun Rivers’ newest Estate Home neighbourhood Great oppor tunity to let your creativity, individuality, and life style shape your own timeless masterpiece. • Call today with any questions, or to request an information and building package Sun Rivers 11, 172 BUILDING LOT 918 9th Green Dr ive | $769,000 Rancher with main level living Large windows to take in the views! • Fully finished walkout basement • Established trees and beautiful landscaping Lock N go living! Low maintenance fee Sun NERivers W LI STING 3 1 32 ,575 2101 1030 Ta lasa Way | $439,900 2 Bedroom and den ground level Panoramic cit y and river views Private patio and lawn area Pets and rentals allowed Sun NERivers W L ISTING 2 1 27 70 4394 Borthwick Ave | $395,000 Move in ready! Manufac tured home with its own 13,765 Sq Ft Lot no pad rent 30' x 18' detached shop with new roof A lot of attention to detail in this updated home view today! NEBarriere W LISTING 32 1,513 717 Ro se wo od Crescen t | $849,900 • Private location overlooking water feature • Rancher with fully finished walkout lower level Vaulted ceiling spacious deck and covered patio South-facing views of the City and River Valley See all the way to Kamloops Lake! Sun NERivers W PRICE 43 2,440 Tobiano 2009 Sun Rivers Drive | $299,000 3115-1040 Talasa Court | $349,900 250 Sagewood Drive | 1922$945,000 Ironwood Street | $999,000 Sun SuRivers n Rivers Sun Rivers 250 .377.7 72 2 real ty @sun river s.co m www.c bk amlo op s.co m 3,100 OFFICES WORLDWIDE IN 49 COUNTRIE S Call today for your FREE home market evaluation! Call today to book your personal tour! MIKE GRANT 250.574.6453 LISA RUSSELL 250.377.1801 RECEIVE A FREE NO OBLIGATION MARKET EVALUATION CALL 250-851-3110 OR 250-571-6686 TODAY! WE’VE GONE ONLINE! Seeall listings &much moreatteam110.com T EAM 110 Robert J. IioPersonal Real Estate Corporation Proud Sponsor BobbyIio REALTOR®/TEAM LEADER Jeremy Bates REALTOR® Team110remax team110 -remaxKim Fells REALTOR® HERE TO HELP! 28 YEARS EXPERIENCE! Buying or Selling? Iwill save you time and money! RICK WATERS 250-851-1013 call or text anytime rickwaters@royallepage.ca MORE PICTURES &I NFO AT :W WW.ROYALLEPAG E.CA/RICKWAT ER S WESTWIN REALTY LIST YOUR HOME HERE SELLING? CALL ME FOR AFREE MARKET EVALUATION with no obligation! BUYING? Did youknowalmost all listings are multiple listings.This means Ican show youanything on the market. A32 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com

• Nicely updated 3 bedroom 3 bathroom townhouse in McKinley Gardens • 2 pets allowed with strata permission. 5 rentals allowed total • Great central location! 11-1750 MCKINLEY COURT $509,900 • MLS®167717 • Approximately 5,000 square foot building lot in the heart of Westsyde • Bergman house plans available which were approved by the city • Retaining wall at the back of the property is in place 2716 BEACHMOUNT CRES. $445,000 • MLS®166111 Westsyde • Level entry duplex style bareland strata with 2+1 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms • 1 dog or cat allowed with strata permission, no age restrictions, no rentals allowed • Low bareland strata fee of $110/month 28-2655 WESTSYDE ROAD $599,900 • MLS®169060 Westsyde • Immaculate and updated 3+2 bedroom 3 bathroom riverfront home • Full walk-out basement with 2 bedroom self-contained legal suite • A must to view! 2165 WESTSYDE ROAD $1,198,900 • MLS®168502 Westsyde • Fourplex in great downtown location with separate meters, hot water tanks, and furnaces • Approximately 3500 square feet with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms • Shows very well with many updates done throughout 916/922 FRASER STREET $1,350,000 • MLS®168651 South Kamloops Sahali • Great 3+1 bedroom 3 bathroom family home in central Dallas location • Good sized lot on approximately 0.22 of an acre • Separate basement access 5313 DALLAS DRIVE $599,900 • MLS®168494 Dall as • Private and well maintained home with 3+1 bedrooms and 3 bath • Nice lot with approximately 5 acres and set up for horses • New home built in 2013 close to Pinantan Elementary School and corner store 2915 PINANTAN PRITCHARD ROAD $799,900 • MLS®168680 Pinantan • Single family home with 3+1 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms • Full walk-out basement with separate entry • Great location close to all amenities 614 COWAN STREET $499,900 • MLS®169267 South Kamloops • Almost new 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment in Dallas Town Center • No rental restrictions • Includes 1 underground parking stall 300-5170 DALLAS DRIVE $324,900 • MLS®169269 Dall as • Great family home and area with 3+1 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms • 12x24 in-ground pool and 14x18 detached/ wired shop • Many updates done throughout 863 PUHALLO DRIVE $699,900 • MLS®169338 Westsyde • Great corner unit in “Rockcliffe” centrally location on Thompson Rivers University • Almost brand new with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms • Pets and rentals allowed with strata 103-875 UNIVERSITY DRIVE $525,000 • MLS®169319 Sahali • Rancher style home with 2+2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms • Panoramic views overlooking the 6th green of Sun Rivers Golf Course • Easy-maintenance living in Sagewood Community with $269.01 association fee 236 SAGEWOOD DRIVE $849,900 • MLS®168698 Sun Rivers • Beautiful park-like lot with approximately 0.34 of an acre • 3 bedroom and 3 bathroom home with 40x24 detached, wired and insulated shop • Corner lot with separate driveway to shop with tons of parking 125 PUETT RANCH ROAD $999,900 • MLS®168456 Rayleigh NEWLISTING NEWLISTING SOLD FOR MORE INFO VIEW ALL OUR LISTINGS, UPCOMING LISTINGS, AND KAMLOOPS LISTINGS AT RALPHREALESTATE.CA REAL ESTATE (KAMLOOPS) www.ralphrealestate.ca 250-374-3331 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A33www.kamloopsthisweek.com

AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 30, 2022 Aries, take a step back and allow people some room to figure things out. Your offers to help are appreciated and will be accepted in due time
It is alright to have some doubts when you are tr ying something new, Leo. Just don’t let those doubts get the better of you and derail your plans
Scorpio, at this point in your life, it is important to go with the flow and learn from others with an easygoing approach. Take time to exhale and unwind
Taurus, others appreciate your authenticity. Stay true to yourself and you will have no regrets Encourage others to do the same when they seek your input.
Gemini, this week is a good oppor tunity for some serious introspection. Put yourself in other people’s shoes before you render an opinion.
Virgo, a public gathering in the near future may attract several people, including some you are interested in meeting Take the first step and introduce yourself you have long been practical and sensible with your finances But this week you may be lured by a flashy purchase If it is in the budget, then let loose Be extra patient and affectionate towards all of your loved ones this week, Pisces Someone close to you will need your help
Aquarius, after many months of asking yourself where you want your life to go, this week you finally have a plan of action to put in motion. Enjoy the ride
An impor tant decision is looming, Cancer Take some time to look inward as your tr y to decide the best path to take. Don’t hesitate to seek input from people you trust.
Libra, this week you are likely to feel refreshed and energized. This may pave the way to some new ideas, including a change of scener y or even a new job Clear your mind of cobwebs and any other errant thoughts, Capricorn. Right now you need to relax and unwind for a bit, and you’ll feel better after a few days of recharging 21/Apr
GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 VIRGO Aug 24/Sept 22 SAGITTARIUS Nov 23/Dec 21 PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20 A34 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
Have aheart to give fora hearttolive Donatefor CardiacCare “CATHLAB"atRIH Have aheart to give Fora hearttoserve Empowering "TRU Nursing Students" FO RI NF OR MA TI ON ,V ISIT :I WISH FU ND .C OM WEEKLY COMICS ARCTIC CIRCLE by Alex Hallatt PARDON MY PLANET by Vic Lee SHOE by Gary Brookins & Susie BAMacnelly BY BLUES by Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott HAGAR THE HORRIBLE by Chris Browne ZITS by Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman
20 TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 LEO Jul 23/Aug 23 LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23 SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22 CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan20 AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18

ACROSS 1. Homes that may have butlers 7. Singer Dylan of the Wallflowers 12. Suppor ting beams 18. Bear or boar 19. Bees e.g. 21. Gleaming 22. The C’ of AMC Theatres 23. The whole pack age colloquially 24. Sevastopol is its largest city 25. Not true? 27. Visitor to a website, in analytics lingo 29. ‘‘ Time .?.?. ’’ 30. Concedes 33. Santa ____, Calif 34. m, to Einstein 35. B.C. neighbor : Abbr 38. Think creatively 40. XL or 11C 42. Beer named for a founding father 45. W-2, for one 47. W.W. I helmet, informally 51. 2004 Will Smith sci-fi film 52. D.S.T star ting time .?.?. or a hint to 42-Across 54. Weightlessness .?.?. or a hint to 118-Across 56. Compton, first woman to cover the White House for a TV network 57. Rating unit 60. Libya’s Gulf of 61. Repor ter’s credit 62. TV tavern 64. Mimic 66. ‘‘Royal’’ bird 67. In 68. Top credit rating .?.?. or a hint to 25-Across 71. 23rd in a series .?.?. or a hint to 27-Across 73. Trust in 76. Fails to be 78. Keen 79. Google 83. Holds in high regard 84. Old lab burners 86. Water bird with a haunting call 88. Bit of HI gear? 89. Cops .?.?. or a hint to 115-Across 90. Club for farm kids .?.?. or a hint to 97-Across 91. Pouch on a string 93. Game with L- and T-shaped pieces 96. Locale for a West Coast wine tour 97. Secretive 99. R.&R. settings 101. Cr ystal- clear 103. ‘‘O, fortune’s fool!’’: Romeo 104. Singer King with the 2014 hit ‘‘Ex ’s & Oh’s’’ 108. Body feature of a mammoth 110. Holy 112. It might be taken to the airpor t 115. Spelling aid? 118. Baseball announcer ’s call on a home run 121. Nigerian city of 3.5+ million 122. Set on the ground 125. ‘‘Jeopardy!’’ fodder 126. This evenin’ 127. Video-call glitch 128. ‘‘I kid you not!’ 129. Rate 130. Like the Xbox One X vis-à-vis the Xbox One 131. Makes some Z’s DOWN 1. Color ful parrot 2. Santa 3. Jazz singer born Eunice Kathleen Waymon 4. Warning sign 5. Commercial follower of ‘‘-o-’ 6. A- game or b-ball, e.g. 7. The ‘‘you’’ of the song lyric I’m begging of you, please don’t take my man’’ 8. Part of the knee for shor t 9. D.I.Y buy 10. ‘‘Magnum, P.I.’’ setting 11. Sauvignon 12. Where one might turn on the jets 13. D&D monster 14. Pelvis bone 15. Gregor Kafk a protagonist 16. Some genealogical work 17. Pioneering mailorder company 19. Introductory courses 20. Mixes together 26. Not look ing good 28. Ctrl + Q 31. First couple of the early 1910s 32. ‘‘Shut your trap!’ 36. Apply with a Q-tip, say 37. Kerfuffles 39 Wore down 41. RNA polymerase, e.g. 42. Thailand, once 43. River through Tuscany 44. Reaches 46. Bone filler 48. No 2 on a table 49. Bone -dry 50. A great deal 53. How-to go-to 55. Obtain 58. YouTube or Gmail 59. ‘‘Phew!’’ feeling 61. They ’re filled with X’s 63. Engraving instrument 65. Lean against 69. Whirlybird whirlers 70. Like some plants and physicals 72. Personal stor y, informally 73. One calling a ‘‘ T’’ 74. Turnoff 75. Wash up 77. Certain fossil preser ve 80. The ar t of music? 81. Vegetables that make a fitting addition to alphabet soup? 82. [Oh, well] 85. ‘‘ Tsk, tsk!’ 87. Classic soda brand 92. ‘‘Oh, I see!’’ 94. Small-screen enter tainers? 95. Ibn (former Mideast king) 97. Responsibility of a personnel director 98. Japanese noodle 100. Young salmon 102. Like hawks 104. Hit 1979 musical in which a character’s mistress is one of the main roles 105. University of New Mexico team 106. Bank deals 107. Vedder, lead singer of Pearl Jam 109. Garden-variety 111. Some I.R.A.s 113. Licoricelike flavor 114. Rap producers make them 116. The ‘‘O’s’ of Cheerios 117. Old ____, Conn. 119. Spinach is rich in it 120. El 123. Drop o’ the mornin 124. Cheer to a matador NEW YORK TIMES CROSSWORD FUN BY THE NUMBERS Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name the ANSWERS SUDOKU WORD SCRAMBLE CROSSWORD ANSWERS FOUND ON A26 LETTERPLAY By Tina Labadie ANSWER:UNCLEAN Rearrange the letters to spell something pertaining to water quality. Register toda y! www.KBIA.ca Presented by y Over 80 prizes at online auction! KBIA.CA HELP SUPPORT KAMLOOPS BRAIN INJURYASSOCIATION WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A35www.kamloopsthisweek.com

WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A36www.kamloopsthisweek.com Virtual Naturopathic Medicine Clinic Available for appointments. Visit: www.drashleyromanchuk.com for information or to book Questions? Email: info@drashleyromanchuk.com WE will pay you to exercise! Deliver Kamloops This Diningroom maple table w/2 leafs/8 chairs $1200 250 828 1699 HUNTER & FIREARMS Courses A Great Gift Next C O R E August 27th & August 28th Saturday and Sunday P A L September 11th Sunday Professional outdoorsman and Master Instr uctor : Bill 250 376 7970 Luigi’s SMALLC ON CR ETE JOBS BRICKS, BLOCKS, PAVERS, SIDEWALKS +PRUNING FREE ESTIMA TES! 250.851.5079 •250.554.1018 12ft Alum flat bottom boat $800 250 579 8675 Diningroom table w/8 chairs, c/w Buffet and Hutch Med Colour $800 250 374 8933 4Sale 8ft Spratley boat $1500, or trade for 8ft wooden boat 778 348 1454 Exec desk dar k finish $200 Teak cor ner cabinet $100, Custom oak cabinet $200 250 851 7687 Starcraft 17ft skiboat with evinr ude 110hp V 4 motor $6800 250 374 9677 Modern solid oak diningroom table with 6 chairs Great shape $695 250 851 1193 NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that to recover Charges under the Provisions of our storage Agreement the goods in units (E16) Levi McMuldroch, (A06) John Kr istofferson will be removed on or after August 31, 2022 The person(s), whose name is attached to these outstanding units are liable to us for outstanding Charges McGill Mini Storage Ltd , 1226 McGill Road, Kamloop, BC V2C 6N6 250 828 2287 Moving Sale Everything Must Go Hshld items misc furniture, 6pc Bedroom set like new $500 Angel grinder $75 Small radial alarm saw $50 Wheelbarrow $20 250 374 8285 Advertisements should be read on the first publication day We are not responsible for errors appearing beyond the first insertion It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event that errors occur in the publishing of any advertising shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only and there will be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement 12th Annual Enderby Antiques & Collectables Sale Enderby Dr ill Hall 1101 Hwy 97A 40 plus tables of Collectibles Fr i Aug 26, 9 5 Sat Aug 27, 9 4 Admission $2 00 Good for BOTH days 10-989 McGill Pl. Kamloops 250-374-0916 LIVE ANSWER | EFFICIENT COST EFFECTIVE | LOCAL COMPANY CHOOSE LOCAL LOCAL AL ARM MONITORING STATION PRESTIGE “Our Family Protecting Your Family” KAMLOOPS ONLY ULC CERTIFIED MONITORING STATION FREE ESTIMATES FOR SYSTEM UPGRADES OR SWITCH-OVERS 2017 Genesis G90 Prestige 4 Dr Pure Luxur y 3 3 t win turbo AWD Loaded with options 45,500 kms White with brown leather $42,300 250 319 8784 Satellite phone Model Iridium 9505A handset w/attachments $1300 250 374 0650 BROCK Sat & Sun, August 27/28th 10:00am 5:00pm 161 1655 Ord Road Collectables, kid's clothing +more NORTH SHORE Downsizing Yard Sale Saturday, August 27, 2022, 9am to 12pm Wester n shir ts, luggage, life jackets, records, books household items & free items 331 Maple St , Kamloops Shoprider Scooter $550 250 574 0325 Tonneau cover for 2003 Ford Supercab 7ft $200/obo 250 851 8884 NORTH SHORE Ottawa Place Yards of Sale Sat/Sun Aug 27/28th 9am 5pm Wheelchair, antiques, garden tools, trees, pine, elderberr y, cherr y, raspberr y plant Granite slabs, lamps, record players, DVD/CD's, records, VHS Cookbooks, kitchenware, tires, motorcycle seats, hundreds of vintage greeting cards cellophane wrapped, snowboards, bikes, small freezer, T shir ts BUYING & SELLING: Vintage & mid centur y metal teak wood fur niture; or iginal signed paintings, pr ints; antique paper items, local histor y ephemera; BC potter y, ceramics 4th Mer idian Ar t & Vintage, 104 1475 Fair view, Penticton Leanne@4thmer idian ca 75ft of 3/4" polyline w/heat tape $200 12ft field roller $250 250 672 9712 NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given to Song Carrillo Leonardo Peter, please be advised that your 1994 e 350 food truck VIN 1FDKE30G4RHA5266 located at 1350 Kootenay Way, Kamloops, BC will be disposed of to cover debt of $2,050 on August 31 2022 at 10:00 am Kamloops Auto Recycling Ltd IT'S GARAGE SALE TIME Call and ask us about our GARAGE SALE SPECIAL ONLY $13 50 FOR 3 LINES (Plus Tax) ($1 per additional line) 250 371 4949 classifieds@ kamloopsthisweek com Garage Sale deadline is Tuesday 10 am for Wednesday Paper EARN EXTRA $$$ KTW requires door to door substitute carriers for all areas in the cit y Vehicle is an asset Call 250 374 0462 2 P215 / 60 R 16 M&S $125 00 2 P225 / 60 R 16 M&S $125 00 2 245 / 50 VR 16 Good Year Eagle M&S $250 00 Phone 250 319 8784 2017 Harley Davidson Road King Milwaukee 8 engine 35,000kms $14,000/obo 236 313 3152LABOUR DAY Kamloops This Week will be closed on Monday, Sept 5th, 2022 for the Labour Day Statutor y Holiday Classified Deadline is Tuesday, Sept 6th at 10:00am 2017 Yamaha FX6R 4 Full brothers exhaust 5500kms $5,400/obo 250 299 4564 Fuel tanks 1 300 gal and 2 100gal on stands $300 250 672 9712 or 250 819 9712 Wrought iron beds $300 /each High Chair $30 Cedar Hope chest $400 Rocking chair $150 Oak dresser w/mirror $475 250 372 8177 SAHALI Sat, Aug 27th 8am 2pm Multi Family New items building mater ial, household, tools, machiner y, car par ts, lots of new GM tr uck par ts, tires vehicles lawnmowver +much more Greeting cards made in England each cellophane wrapped 30,000 for $2,000/obo 250 376 6607 WE will pay you to exercise! Deliver Kamloops This Week Only 1 issue a week! Call 250 374 0462 for a route near you! Greeting cards made in England each cellophane wrapped 90,000 for $6,000/obo 250 376 6607 POWER OF ONE Magnificent creation by John Banovich 43"hx50"W Brown wooden frame $500 fir m 250 578 7776 Montana 53 Morrow sk y blue snowboard waxed $100/ obo 250 376 6607 Looking to connect with Dian Bird, last known to be in Kamloops, BC, in 1990 s Mother was Margaret Nixon I'm following the jour ney of her grandfather who rode his bicycle around the wor ld Email: Louisetrotter photo@gmail com Fur nished 4 bdr $3795 w/Den4195 Quiet No S/P, W End RIH 250 214 0909 Scotch Pine trees smaller ponderosa in pots 2ft (50) $10 each obo 250 376 6607 2004 GMC 3/4T HD New brakes, good tires $6,000/ obo 250 320 7774 Trek Madone 5, Project Ser ies 1 fully carbon 56cm custom frame, like new Numerous accessor ies $2700 fir m For additional infor mation call 250 372 2080 anitamattdenys@gmail co 2018 GMC Z71 SLT Crewcab 4X4 fully equipped Excellent condition Black with black leather 107,000 kms $43 300 250 319 8784 8ft Antique Couch $900 Couch & matching chairs $150 250 374 1541 Looking for 2 roommates to share 3dr m house in countr y on 5 acres $1800 250 682 1802 Animals sold as "purebred stock" must be registrable in compliance with the Canadian Pedigree Act. Antique china cabinet $600 Ivory Wingback chair $75 4 seater beige couch $100 250 376 4161 1995 Volvo SW, 940 turbo Classic Exec cond $2,100 250 672 9712 Antique Duncan Phyfe table, extra leaf, buffet, hutch and 4 chairs Exec cond $600 778 257 7155 28 Vintage sugar shakers $400/obo Tel pioneer collector plates $150/obo 250 523 9495 2012 Nissan Sentra SR 124,000kms Fully loaded $7800 250 682 2264 26" Schwinn Bike $350/obo 250 523 9495 www.kamloopsthisweek.comA34 WEDNESDAY, January 5, 2022 @KamThisWeek Follow us KamloopsThisWeek.com THERE’S MORE ONLINE To advertise call 250-371-4949 To advertise call 250-371-4949 Please thoroughly wash your hands to keep us healthy! Th an ks fo rwea ri ng a ma sk,for eve ryon e! Coming Events Advertisements should be read on the rst publication day We are not responsible for errors appearing beyond the rst insertion. It is agreed by any Display or Classied Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event that errors occur in the publishing of any advertising shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only and there will be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. If you have an upcoming event for our COMMUNITY CALENDAR go to kamloopsthisweek.com and click on events and click on promote your event. PERFECT Part-Time Oppor tunity 1 Day Per Week Call 250-374-0462 Personals Looking For Love? Tr y your luck with 1x1 boxed ad $35 plus tax for 2 weeks Price includes box number Call 250-371-4949 to place your ad and for more details Antiques Wrought iron beds $300/each. High chair $30. Cedar Hope Chest $400. Rocking chair $150. Oak dresser with mirror $475. 250-3728177 Art & Collectibles BUYING & SELLING: Vintage & mid-centur y metal, teak, wood fur niture; original signed paintings, prints; antique paper items, local histor y ephemera; BC pottery, ceramics 4th Meridian Ar t & Vintage, 104 1475 Fair view, Penticton. Leanne@4thmeridian.ca “Power of One” Magnificent creation by John Banovich 43”hx50”wide brown wooden frame $500 Firm 250-578-7776 Bicycles Rad Electric Bike with bike carrier 86kms like new. $1800. 778-3620186. Trek Crossrip Road Bike. Like new. Paid $1950 Asking $1,000. 250-5720753. Exercise Equipment Heavy dut y exercise bike with a read out. $60. 250579-8864 For Sale - Misc 6pc patio set. $225. 6pc Bedroom set like new. $575. 2 Horse Saddles $295/each. Beaver table saw 48” $125. Battery charger $75. Angel grinder $75. Small radial alar m saw $50. 250-374-8285. 75ft of 3/4” polyline w/heat tape $200. 12ft field roller $250. Lrg garden tractor $200. 250672-9712. Antique china cabinet $800. Ivor y Wingback chair $75. 4-seater beige couch. $100. 250-3764161 Do you have an item for sale under $750? Did you know that you can place your item in our classifieds for one week for FREE? Call our Classified Depar tment for details! 250-371-4949 EARN EXTRA $$$ KTW requires door to door substitute carriers for all areas in the city Vehicle is an asset Call 250-374-0462 Fuel tanks 1-300 gal and 2-100gal on stands $300. 250-672-9712 or 250-819-9712. Greeting cards made in England each cellophane wrapped 90,000 for $6,000/obo 250-3766607 For Sale Misc Greeting cards made in England each cellophane wrapped 30,000 for $2,000/obo 250-3766607 Satellite phone Model Iridium 9505A handset w/attachments $1300. 250-374-0650. Shoprider Scooter $750. 250-574-0325. Furniture 8ft Antique Couch $700. Couch & matching chairs $100. 250-374-1541 Antique Duncan Phyfe table, extra leaf, buffet, hutch and 4 chairs. Exec cond. $600. 778-257 7155. Diningroom table w/8chairs, c/w Buffet and Hutch. Med Colour $800. 250-374-8933. Exec desk dark finish $200. Teak cor ner cabinet $100, Custom oak cabinet $200. 250-851 7687 Modern solid oak diningroom table with 6 chairs. Great shape $1,000 250851-1193. Plants / Shrubs / Trees Scotch Pine trees smaller ponderosa in pots 2ft (50) $10 each obo 250376-6607 Wanted to Buy Used fishing gear plus rods and reels, reasonably priced. 250-5541675. Pets Animals sold as “purebred stock” must be registrable in compliance with the Canadian Pedigree Act. Health WE will pay you to exercise! Deliver Kamloops This Week Only 1 issue a week! Call 250-374-0462 for a route near you! Apartments / Condos for Rent Bachelor Apts 30mins to hospital. HandyDar t avail. $650/mo inclds hydro/internet, par tly fur nished. Gord 250-523-9433 For Sale by Owner For Sale by Owner $55.0 0 Special The special includes a 1x1.5 ad (including photo) that will run in (t wo editions) in Kamloops This Week. Our award winning paper is delivered to over 30,000 homes in Kamloops and area ever y Wednesday. Call or email us for more info: 250-374-7467 classifieds@ kamloopsthisweek.com Classes & Courses HUNTER & FIREARMS Courses. A Great Xmas Gift. Next C.O.R.E. Januar y 8th and 9th. Saturday and Sunday. P.A.L Januar y 16th. Sunday. Pr of essional outdoorsman and Master Instructor : Bill 250-376-7970. RVs / Campers / Trailers Run until sold New Price $56.0 0+tax Do you have a vehicle, boat, rv motorcycle ATV or trailer to sell? With our Run til sold specials you pay one flat rate and we will run your ad until your vehicle sells.* $56.0 0 (boxed ad with photo) $35.0 0 (regular 3 line ad) Call: 250-371-4949 *Some conditions & restrictions apply. Private par ty only (no businesses). 2 P215 / 60 R 16 M&S $125 00 2 -P225 / 60 R 16 M&S $125.00 2 245 / 50 VR 16 Good Year Eagle M&S $250.00 Phone 250-319-8784 3 Michelin 205/50 R16 winters. $50/tire or $100/3. Good tread. Call 778-220-6566 with offers Automotive Tires Pirelli P7 Cinturato Run Flat tires on 17 “ BMW M series rims. $ 70 0.0 0. 250-819-0863. Motorcycles 2017 Harley Davidson Road King Milwaukee 8 engine 35,000kms $16,000/obo 250-6823152. Domestic Cars RUN UNTIL SOLD ONLY $35.0 0 (plus Tax) (250) 371-4949 *some restrictions apply call for details Sports & Imports 1995 Volvo SW, 940 tur bo Classic. Exec cond. $4,000/obo 250-6729712. 2017 Genesis G90 Prestige 4 Dr Pure Luxury 3.3 twin turbo AWD. Loaded with options 45,50 0 kms. White with brown leather $45,80 0 250-319-8784 Trucks & Vans 20 09 Ford Ranger, +cab 4ltr, 5spd, winters on. 405,000kms Good cond. $2,500/obo 250-3727817. Trucks 4WD 20 04 GMC 3/4T HD New brakes, good tires $6,000/obo 250-3207774. Trucks 4WD 2018 GMC Z71 SLT Crewcab 4X4 fully equipped. Excellent condition. Black with black leather 107,000 kms $51,80 0 250-319-8784 Utility Trailers All aluminum cargo trailer 7ftx14ft. $12,000/fir m. Like new. 250-719-3539. 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Laurier Dr Shaughnessy Hill. -46 p. Rte 510 372-586 Aberdeen Dr 402-455 Laurier Dr -36 p. Rte 511 Drummond Crt. -50 p. Rte 513 Braemar Way, 556-696 Laurier Dr 22142296 Van Horne Dr -36 p. Rte 516 Garymede Crt, 2204-2263 Garymede Dr Gilmour Pl -38 p. Rte 517 2267-2299 Garymede Dr Greenock Crt & Pl -33 p. Rte 518 2100-2198 Garymede Dr Glasgow Pl, Greystone Cres. –58 p. Rte 520 Canongate Cres & Pl, 805-841 Dunrobin Dr Whitburn Cres -73 p. Rte 521 Bramble Crt, Lane & Pl -43 p. Rte 522 604-747 Dunrobin Dr Dunrobin Pl -65 p. Rte 523 2300-2398 Abbeyglen Way, 750-794 Dunrobin Dr -70 p. Rte 526 2015-2069 Van Horne Dr -69 p. Rte 527 Hunter Pl Huntleigh Cres -25 p. Rte 528 1115-1180 Howe Rd 1115-1185 Hugh Allen Dr -47 p. Rte 532 Harrison Pl & Way, 1181-1290 Howe Rd -38 p. Rte 540 Galbraith Dr Raeburn Dr Telford Dr & Pl -58 p. Rte 542 Coal Hill Pl Crosshill Dr Dunbar Dr -57 p. Rte 544 2070-2130 Van Horne Dr Holyrood Circ & Pl -23 p. RtVALLEYVIEW/JUNIPERe603 Comazzetto Rd Strom Rd 1625-1764 Valleyview Dr -42 p. Rte 606 Orchard Dr Russet Wynd, 1815-1899 Valleyview Dr -39 p. Rte 607 Cardinal Dr 19092003 Valleyview Dr -33 p. Rte 618 Big Nickel Pl, Chapman Pl, Marsh Rd, Paul Rd, Peter Rd, 2440-2605 Thompson Dr -58 p. Rte 620 MacAdam Rd McKay Pl, Pyper Way, 2516-2580 Valleyview Dr -63 p. Rte 621 Duck Rd Skelly Rd 96 Tanager Dr 2606-2876 Thompson Dr -46 p. Rte 655 1685 Finlay Ave, 2202-2385 Skeena Dr 2416-2458 Skeena Dr.(Even Side). -34 p. Rte 670 Galore Cres Crt & Pl 94 p. RtDALLAS/BARNHARTVALEe718 Belair Dr -22 p. Rte 721 5530-5697 Clearview Dr Coolridge Pl Wildwood Dr -38 p. Rte 751 5310 Barnhartvale Rd Bogetti Pl 5300-5599 Dallas Dr 5485-5497 ETC Hwy, Viking Dr Wade Pl -64 p. Rte 752 Coster Pl, 5600-5998 Dallas Dr Harper Pl & Rd -69 p. Rte 755 6159-6596 Dallas Dr McAuley Pl Melrose Pl Yarrow Pl -71 p. Rte 760 Beaver Cres Chukar Dr -62 p. RtWESTMOUNTe207820-895 Anderson Terr 1920-1990 Westsyde Rd.(Even Side -24 p. NORTH SHORE/BATCHELOR Rte 102 1071 10th St 1084-1086 12th St 813-1166 Lethbridge Ave. -43 p. Rte 103 1167-1201 8th St 1179-1229 10th St 1182-1185 11th St 1188-1294 12th St 823-1166 Sudbury Ave.-68 p. Rte 107 1117 8th St, 11091139 10th St 1110-1140 11th St 1138 12th St 809-1175 Pembroke Ave. -83 p. Rte 108 1010 11th St 831-1017 12th St 821-1161 Selkirk Ave. -68 p. Rte 137 106-229,231-330 Clapperton Rd 203-266,268-285 Leigh Rd 172-180 Wilson St -23 p. Rte 170 Alview Cres 1680 1770 Westsyde Rd -50 p. Rte 173 1655 Batchelor Dr Leighton Pl 1708-1729 North River Dr Pennask Terr -36 p. Rte 175 Norfolk Crt, Norview Pl 821-991 Norview Rd -36 p. RtWESTSYDEe221
Rte 580 1300-1466 Pacific Way, Prairie Rose Dr Rockcress Dr -83 p. Rte 582 1540-1670 Hillside Dr 1500-1625 Mt Dufferin Ave, Windward Pl. 38 p. Rte 584 1752-1855 Hillside Dr -26 p. Rte 586 Mt Dufferin Cres, Park Way, Plateau Pl -26 p. Rte 587 Sunshine Crt & Pl -51 p. Rte 588 Davies Pl, 1680 1751 Hillside Dr
A37 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com Position Title: Maintenance Assistant Position Location: Royal Inland Hospital Kamloops, BC Position Summary: This position is designed to provide reactive maintenance and preventative maintenance to the grounds, equipment and buildings to provide a safe, and qualit y functional environment. You as a Maintenance Assistant: • Assisting other workers with non-technical tasks, such as: running errands i.e retrieving supplies/mater ials for tasks, providing suppor t where work requires more than one person, cleaning up after completion of tasks, etc. • Perfor ms non-technical tasks such as deliver ing, receiving, painting, and snow removal • Obser ves assigned area(s) for damage, etc., and repor ts to super visor items needing attention: makes simple repairs and adjustments • May be required to perfor m a variet y of tasks including but not limited to: trash collection and removal, small equipment repair, preventative maintenance assignments, and plumbing repairs • Responds to emergency helicopter landings Is this role right for you? • This role is a 4 on 4 off 12 hour rotating shift • Must be physically able to perfor m basic maintenance tasks which includes abilit y to: climb ladders, work in confined spaces, etc. • Required to possess a valid dr iver ’s license • Must be a team player committed to working in a qualit y environment • Building maintenance considered an asset • Construction or technician exper ience considered an asset EllisDon is proud to provide this unique career oppor tunit y within a progressive environment with continuous lear ning and oppor tunit y for growth, as well as a competitive compensation package We are an equal oppor tunit y employer. We welcome people of any age, culture, subculture, gender identit y or expression, sexual orientation, nationalit y, ethnicit y, race, size, mental or physical status, veteran status, religion, language, political opinion working-st yle preference, family status, education and socio-economic status The EllisDon core values of Integrity and Mutual Respect welcomes ever yone, at work and in the communit y, and our value of Mutual Accountabilit y, means that we all have a role to play. As an EllisDon employee, this will ultimately be your commitment to Inclusive Diversit y. Accommodation for Applicants with disabilities will be made during the recr uitment process when requested. Please apply online at ellisdon.com/careers or email your resume to stoohey@ellisdon.com
Bermer Pl
Rte 238 Seneca Pl
p. Rte 247 Elder
Rte 249
Rd Waterloo Pl Woodstock Pl -38 p. RtRAYLEIGHe833Cameron Rd Davie Rd -44 p. Rte 836 136-199 Cahilty Cres, Hyas Pl 4551-4648 Spurraway Rd -35 p. Rte 837 Helmcken Dr 46544802 Spurraway Rd -23 p. Rte 838 4556-4797 Cammeray Dr Strawberry Lane. -62 p. INTERESTED? CALL 250-374-0462 VINEYARD WORKERS Sidhu & Sons Nurser y Ltd is looking for seasonal and full time vineyard production workers in Monte Creek, 2424 Miners Bluff Rd Duties will include planting, har vesting, and crop maintenance, as well as other duties in vineyard environment Must be hard working, self motivated and willing to work long hours Jobs include heavy lifting and long periods of standing Past vineyard experience is an asset but not required $15 65/hour 40 60 hours per week 6 days per week Hours subject to variation Multiple positions available star ting Feb 2023 Send resume to hr@sidhunurser y com or fax 604 820 9680 Head Office 9623 Sylvester Rd, Mission, BC 250-374-3853 recr uitment agency#1 Kamloops Home Suppor t Worker Full time home suppor t position available Great oppor tunit y for an entr y level care provider or a person looking for a career change! No experience required Paid Training provided Duties + personal care + cooking + cleaning * laundr y + driving Must have valid drivers license Competitive wages 250 306 9445 Falkland Kamloops RV par k looking for manager and maintenance wor ker year round employment accommodation available salar y wages respond to email with references and resumes duranterj@gmail com Put the power of 8.3 Million Classified ads to work for you! ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! LIZ SPIVEY 250-374-7467 CANADA-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS • Find qualified employees • Power your website • Sell products fast! • Coast-to-coast or province by province • Select the region that’s right for your business CWC CAUTION While we tr y to ensure all adver tisements appearing in Kamloops This Week are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to under take due diligence when answering any adver tisement, par ticularly when the adver tiser is asking for monies up front •C afé M an ager s•C ooks •Team Lea der s •Food Pr ep/Cashie rs •C oun ter Attendant s Monday to Friday Full &PartTimePositions Available. Summer,Winter &Spring Breaks Off. Email: jobs@canuelcaterers.ca BC’sLargest HighSchool Café Company NowHiring At A School Near You! PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON WITH RESUME AND DRIVERS ABSTRACT TO: Devon O’ Toole, General Manager 948 Tranquille Rd, Kamloops, BC IS SEEKING A DELIVERY/WAREHOUSE PERSON & APPLIANCE TEC HNICIAN • Must have Class 5 Drivers Licence • Be physically fit. Willing to work in customers homes. • Have exceptional customer ser vice skills Employment OportunitiesBusiness EmploymentEmploymentEmployment Employment EmploymentEmploymentEmployment facebook.com/ kamloopsthisweek Find yo ur new job right here in yo ur Classifieds. or Call to advertise a job ka250-371-4949 mloopsthisweek.com Bring Home the Bacon!
RtDOWNTOWNe306 261 6th Ave, 614-911 Seymour St 600-696 St Paul St, 753-761 Victoria St -26 p. Rte 308 355 9th Ave, 703-977 St Paul St –35 p. Rte 310 651-695 2nd Ave, 660-690 3rd Ave, 110-292 Columbia St(Even Side), 106-321 Nicola St -43 p. Rte 311 423-676 1st Ave, 400-533 2nd Ave, 107-237 Battle St 135-173 St Paul St -27 p. Rte 313 430-566 4th Ave, 520-577 5th Ave, 435-559 Battle St 506 Columbia St 406-576 Nicola St 418-478 St Paul St -34 p. Rte 317 535-649 7th Ave, 702-794 Columbia St(Even Side),702-799 Nicola St -40 p. Rte 318 463 6th Ave, 446490 7th Ave,409-585 8th Ave, 604-794 Battle St -17 p. Rte 319 545 6th Ave, 604690 Columbia St(Even Side), 604-692 Nicola St -12 p. Rte 320 483-587 9th Ave, 801-991 Battle St 804-992 Columbia St(Even Side), 803-995 Nicola St -50 p. Rte 322 694 11th Ave, 575-694 13th Ave, 1003-1091 Battle St 1004-1286 Columbia St(Even Side), 1004-1314 Nicola St -56 p. Rte 323 755-783 6th Ave, 763-884 7th Ave, 744-764 8th Ave, 603-783 Columbia St(Odd Side), 605-793 Dominion St -52 p. Rte 324 606-795 Pine St -33 p. Rte 325 764-825 9th Ave, 805-979 Columbia St(Odd Side), 804-987 Dominion St 805-986 Pine St -64 p. Rte 326 850 11th Ave, 10031083 Columbia St(Odd Side), 1003-1195 Dominion St -33 p. Rte 327 1103-1459 Columbia St(Odd Side), 12031296 Dominion St -38 p. Rte 328 935 13th Ave, Cloverleaf Cres, Dominion Cres, Park Cres Pine Cres. -62 p. Rte 329 880-1101 6th Ave, 925-1045 7th Ave, 878-1020 8th Ave, 605-795 Pleasant St -39 p. Rte 330 1062-1125 7th Ave, 1066-1140 8th Ave, 601-783 Douglas St -37 p. Rte 331 984-987 9th Ave, 1125 10th Ave, 901-981 Douglas St 902-999 Munro St -33 p. Rte 335 1175-1460 6th Ave, 1165-1185 7th Ave, Cowan St 550-792 Munro St -56 p. Rte 339 1265-1401 9th Ave, 916-1095 Fraser St -26 p. Rte 340 McMurdo Dr -23 p. Rte 370 Nicola Wagon Rd 35-377 W. Seynour St -36 p. Rte 371 Connaught Rd 451-475 Lee Rd W. St Paul St -73 p. Rte 380 Arbutus St Chaparral Pl Powers Rd Sequoia Pl -69 p. Rte 381 20-128 Centre Ave, Hemlock St, 605-800 Lombard St -42 p. Rte 382 114-150 Fernie Pl Fernie Rd 860-895 Lombard St -23 p. Rte 389 Bluff Pl, 390 Centre Ave, 242-416 W.Columbia St Dufferin Terr Garden Terr Grandview Terr -51 p.
p. Rte 244
LOWER SAHALI/SAHALI Rte 400 383 W. Columbia St -21 p. Rte 401 250-395,405-425 Pemberton Terr –81 p. Rte 403 405-482 Greenstone Dr Tod Cres -28 p. Rte 405 Anvil Cres, 98-279 Bestwick Dr Bestwick Crt E. Bestwick Crt W. Morrisey Pl -51 p. Rte 411 206-384 Arrowstone Dr Eagle Pl, Gibraltar Crt & Wynd. -55 p. Rte 449 Assiniboine Rd Azure Pl Chino Pl Sedona Dr –90 p. Rte 451 Odin Crt, Whiteshield Cres, Whiteshield Pl -39 p. Rte 452 1430-1469 Springhill Dr -64 p. Rte 453 1575-1580 Springhill Dr -73 p. Rte 454 Crosby Rd Humphrey Rd 580 Sedona Dr Springfield Pl 1600-1799 Springhill Dr -45 p. Rte 455 1780 Springview Pl –32 p. Rte 456 Springhaven Pl, Springridge Pl 1730-1799 Springview Pl -47 p. Rte 467 1605+1625 Summit Dr –28 p. Rte 468 320-397 Monmouth Dr Selwyn Rd 303-430 Waddington Dr -55 p. Rte 471 100-293 Monmouth Dr -37 p. Rte 474 Coppertree Crt, Trophy Crt. -21 p. Rte 475 Castle Towers Dr Sedgewick Crt & Dr -47 p. Rte 476 Tantalus Crt, Tinniswood Crt, 2018-2095 Tremerton Dr -50 p. Rte 485 690 Robson Dr 2020+2084 Robson Pl -45 p. MT RtPINEVIDUFFERIN/EWVALLEYe561 Ash Wynd, Fir Pl, 1700-1798 Lodgepole Dr –58 p. Hillside Pl, Monterey Pl, Scott Pl. -46 p. Rte 590 1397 Copperhead Dr Saskatoon Pl -36 p. RtABERDEENe501655-899 Fleming Dr Fleming Pl -49 p. Rte 503 Fleming Circ, Hampshire Dr & Pl Hector Dr -51 p. Rte 505 2005-2141 Sifton Ave. -51 p. Rte 504 2146-2294 Sifton Ave, Sifton Lane. -48 p. Rte 508 700-810 Hugh Allan Dr -49 p. Rte 509 459-551 3013-3072 Rd 710-790 Bissette Rd, 30073045 Westsyde Rd.(Odd -60 p. 902999 Sicamore -32 Archibald Hargraves 1020-1148 Rd 863-897 Wawn Rd -42 Rd Rd 30203082 Westsyde Rd.(Even -53 p. 3085-3132 24 Dale Pl Lisa Pl 806999 Windbreak St –50 p. Rte 33 2115-2280 Fleetwood Ave, Ponderosa Ave, 10021090 Windbreak St -71 p. Rte 42 1718-1755 Brunner Ave, Delnor Cres, 608-790 Holt St -46 p. Rte 49 Centennial Dr, 1005-1080 Holt St 16611699 Parkcrest Ave. –31 p. Rte 53 1565 Lethbridge Ave. –16 p. Rte 61 Popp St Stratford Pl 1371-1413 Tranquille
Sullivan Pl, Wawn Crt,
Bank Rd 600-655 Bissette Rd, Cooper Pl, Hayward Pl, Norbury Rd 57 p. Rte 253 Irving Pl 2401-2477 Parkview Dr Rhonmore Cres 2380+2416 Westsyde Rd -45 p. Rte 255 2478-2681 Parkview Dr 28 p. RtBROCKLEHURSTe1 Argyle Ave, Ayr Pl, 1063 1199 Crestline St 1008-1080 Moray St, Perth Pl -93 p. Rte 2 2605-2795 Joyce Ave. 52 p. Rte 4 727-795 Crestline St 2412-2680 Tranquille Rd -40 p. Rte 6 2450-2599 Briarwood Ave, 2592 Crestline St 2431 2585 Edgemount Ave, Paulsen Pl 2406-2598 Rosewood Ave, 1101-1199 Schreiner St –79 p. Rte 19 Downie Pl & St Moody Ave & Pl 2307-2391 Tranquille Rd -50 p. Rte 20 Barbara Ave, Pala Mesa Pl Strauss St Townsend Pl 2105-2288 Tranquille Rd -48 p. Rte
Pine Springs

Robert "Bob" Russell Bucknell
1365 DALHOUSIE DR 250-371-4949 RUN TILL SOLD SPECIAL Packages start at $35 Non-business ads only • Some restrictions apply TIME TO DECLUTTER? ask us about our In Loving Memory of Donald
By Joanetta Hendel, Indianapolis, Indiana
by E. Brenneman
You are forever in our thoughts. We miss you. Love All your family LINDASKELLY Print/Digital Sales JODI LAWRENCE Print/Digital Sales LIZ SPIVEY Print/Digital Sales PAUL DE LUCA Print/Digital Sales RYLANWILLOUGHBY Print/Digital Sales MAKAYLA PEVERILL DigitalSales Meet your Multi Media Marketing Specialists www.kamloopsthisweek.com ktwdigital.com 250-374-7467 |1365B Dalhousie Dr HerJustJourney’sBegun Don’t
WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A38www.kamloopsthisweek.com
January 22, 1956 August
Others who have gone before Hold up my trembling hand. They comfort me in the blind despair I cannot understand. They suffer with me when I hurt, Weep with me in my pain, Remind me that we are not lost ... Though I must now remain. Those who’ve gone before me, Hear me when I cry. Sing softly with me soothing chords Of unsung lullabies. Mourn anniversaries never marked, A future I cannot keep. They gently kiss the pain away, And love my heart to sleep. The ones who’ve gone before me Hold me in my dreams. They gently stroke my furrowed brow, And calm my silent screams. They love me in my heartache, Wait quietly nearby., Hold patiently, one to another Till I join them by and by.
Obituaries ObituariesIn Memoriams Obituaries
October 15, 1926 - August 11, 2022 Bob lived a full and wonderful life. One of marked adventure and service. He will be sorely missed by his family and Bob'sfriends.family invites you to join them at his Celebration of Life to be held on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2022, at 10:00 am, at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC. Please note, Masks are required. Reception to follow at 1:00 pm at 4010 Angus Drive, Westbank, BC. If you are unable to attend Bob's Celebration of Life, you can view a livestream and/or submit photos, videos, or written memories that you wish to be included to contact@springfieldfuneralhome.com (subject: For the BUCKNELL service). In lieu of flowers, please consider making a dedicated donation in Bob's name to the BC Children's Hospital. Wayne Girbav 27, 2019 think of her as gone away, Her journey’s just begun. Life holds so many facets, This earth is only one. Just think of her as resting, From the sorrows and the tears, In a place of warmth and comfort, Where there are no days and years. Think how she must be wishing, That we could know today, How nothing but our sadness, Can really pass away. And think of her as living, In the hearts of those she touched, For nothing loved is ever lost; And she was loved so much.

A Celebration of Life will be held at 1:00 pm on Saturday, August 27, 2022 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 635 Tranquille Road, Kamloops. A private family ceremony will be held at the Hillside Cemetery at a later date. Condolences may be sent to the family from www.kamloopsfuneralhome.com250-554-2577 Hastings
With broken hearts, we are sad to announce that Cathy Inskip of Kamloops, B.C. passed away at the age of 68, after a long and courageous battle with cancer She was a loving mother to her children, Carrie, Ken, (Brittney) and Micheal Inskip, all of Kamloops, BC. She was a proud grandma to her grandchildren Reid & Evan Inskip (Ken) and Quinn Kalverla (Carrie) and loved them with all her heart. She will be sadly missed by her siblings, Mary Anne Cook (Howard), Brenda Herbert (Rod), Brian Vink (Lianne), sister-in-law Helen Vink (Gary Vanniere), and brother-in-law, John Eve (Shauna) all of Ontario. Also her sister-in-law Kathy Hill of Prince George, BC., and brothers-in-law, Bruce Inskip (Gerry) & Allan Inskip (Dodi) of Salmon Arm, BC. Fondly remembered by aunts & an uncle, many nieces, nephews, great nieces & nephews & cousins on both sides of the family from B.C., Ontario & Holland. Cathy was predeceased by her husband Gordon, her parents, Cor & Betty Vink, her sister, Margaret Eve, brother Tom Vink, nephew Gregory Cook & brother-inlaw Jim Hill. We should also mention, she was predeceased by her beloved and faithful little dog, Bella, who was her dearest companion and protector for many Cathyyears.
Cathy was an avid seamstress, and she loved sewing clothes for her children and nieces too. A few still fondly talk about a certain favourite outfit that Cathy had sewed for them. Later on, she started a new hobby – quilting and this became her new favourite thing to do. She created many beautiful quilts and even had an online presence on Etsy called Grandma’s Quilts Studio and she sold several quilts to places as far as Ontario, Quebec, the U.S. and Australia. She enjoyed reading, crocheting, and knitting and created many beautiful afghans for her family
In May, 2022, when she received the devastating news, that the cancer had progressed and her days were numbered, she took on the dauntless task of creating 21 beautiful quilts for her family which she proudly presented as legacy quilts. The last 8 weeks of her life was a steady stream of family from Ontario and BC who wanted one last game of cards with her
&Chris Foulds Providing abehind-the-scenes look at the stories of theweek from aunique angle Scan herefor the latest episode! ObituariesObituariesObituaries Obituaries ObituariesObituariesObituaries Obituaries May the Sunshine of Comfort Dispel the Clouds of despair
A39 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com “Cathy” Cornelia Catrina Maria Inskip (nee Vink) March 2, 1954 - August 20, 2022
Donations can be made to a Women’s Institute project that is near and dear to Cathy’s heart – the B.C.W.I. Forensic Nursing Bursary Full information on this worthwhile project can be found on the bcwi website https://www.bcwi.ca/ Cheques can be made payable to B.C. Women’s Institute and mailed to B.C. Women’s Institute, Box 36, Barriere, B.C. V0E 1E0. Donations will also be accepted to B.C. Cancer Clinic. Also, because Cathy benefited from so many blood transfusions, it would be awesome if you could donate the greatest gift of all and donate blood at your local Blood Donor Clinic in Cathy’s memory Go to https://www.blood.ca/ to book your appointment.
Cathy was a loyal, strong, passionate, independent, and fearless woman and life became challenging for her when she realized she could no longer be in charge. It was not easy for her We take comfort in knowing that she is at peace now
KTW'sweekly videoshow! Check it outatfacebook.com/kamloopsthisweek or search “Kamloops Last Week”on Hosted by Marty
They were married for almost 31 years. They lived and raised their family at 209 Royal Avenue, Kamloops. Cathy loved this one acre property on the Thompson River and took great pride looking after her gardens and tending to her fruit trees. She was so proud to share a bountiful crop of cherries and plums and made countless jars of jam! In the winter, her Christmas display of lighted figures on the front lawn grew bigger and bigger every year Cathy’s door was always open and friends and family alike knew they were always welcome and that there would be a piece of freshly baked pie or cake and a cup of tea, a home cooked meal, or their favourite beverage would always be available. In 2019, she finally sold her property and moved to the other side of the river which was a little less work for her Cathy worked at Weyerhaeuser for many years and then moved on to be a delivery driver for DHL and she loved working part time for the KXA – organizing the horse races & winter fairs. Cathy was involved with the Kamloops Girl Guides for 18 years and was proud to be Grey Owl and Commissioner and help to guide many young girls who still remember her fondly She was always creative in thinking of different ways to make the activities and trips a fun experience for leaders and girl guides alike. She was a member of the Overlander Women’s Institute for over 40 years and was president for the last several years. Again, she was always thinking of ways to keep her “ladies” active and productive raising money with craft and bake sales and other similar projects. She was also a member of the Kamloops C.W.L for many years and was involved there as well with numerous activities including the Christmas bazaars & making baptismal quilts for all the babies baptized at O.L.P.H.
Cathy loved to travel and in her later years, travelled to visit family in Holland and went on tours to Greece, Italy, Australia and Peru with family and friends.
was born on March 2, 1954 in St. Marys, ON and grew up on a dairy farm near Stratford, ON. She loved helping with the chores - milking the cows and working on her tan during the summer months helping drive the tractor and machines or hefting the endless hay bales onto the wagon. If we couldn’t find Cathy, we found her playing with her favourite cats and kittens. Cathy was never afraid of a challenge and in 1973, she put her name in to run for Perth County Dairy Princess and won. The following year, she ran for Ontario Dairy Princess, and was one of the four runners up. She was an avid 4H member & leader and a member of the Perth County Junior Farmers. In 1974, Cathy moved out, on her own, to Prince George, B.C. to work for her Uncle Ben as his personal assistant at his construction company Cathy met her husband Gordon at an evening of squaredancing and they travelled back to St. Marys, ON to get married on July 23, 1977.

July 25, 1962 - 15, 2022 Condolences may be sent to the family at DrakeCremation.com
A Vanished Friend
The more you
We are saddened to announce the passing of Joseph Francis DeLeeuw who passed away peacefully on August 14, 2022. He leaves behind his loving wife Barb, his children James and Jerry (Melody), grandchildren Jeremy (Chelsea) and Jaimee-Lyn, step-children Karla and Stacy (Dustin), step-grandchildren Kaedance and Jack. Sister Darlene (Joe) and brothers Mike (Kim) and Pat. Step-sister Esther (Lee), sisters-in-law Lyn (Doug) and Roberta (Perry) and step-mother Jean. Joe also leaves behind numerous cousins, nieces and nephews. Joe was predeceased by his parents Ethel (1999) and Hilbert (2000), brothers John (2004) and Dave (2013).
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes, And the distance between us grows and grows, Around the corner, yet miles away “Here’s a telegram, sir,” “Jim died today!” And that’s what we get, and deserve in the end, Around the corner a vanished friend! by Anders Lim
Special thanks to Duane Froese, Donna Longarini and Tabitha Hallett for the loving care given during his illness. The Kamloops Cancer Clinic and the caring doctors and staff. Drake Cremation for their compassionate care. Thank you to Darcy’s many friends that rallied to help support both him and Sharon.
Darcy started working at a young age in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He worked in the family auction business. Darcy became an Auctioneer by trade. He moved to Saskatchewan and started selling vacuums. Here is where he met Sharon the love of his life. Together they relocated to Shelburne, Nova Scotia and opened their own vacuum shop, later returning to the family auction business in Winnipeg, MB. They branched into their own Auto Sales business in Winnipeg and then moved to Kelwood, MB. In 2005 he and Sharon relocated to Kamloops opening Mordyck Auctions and Auto Sales. Darcy was a unique soul with a huge heart and was always there to help family, friends, and acquaintances with whatever was needed. He always had a smile, a joke, and an ear for anyone that needed it.
The family would like to thank the Knutsford community, friends and family that provided support over the past year He will be sorely missed by his family and friends that knew and loved him.
We would like to extend heartfelt thanks to Dr Cribb for her extraordinary care of Joe, she went above and beyond to make sure he had the best medical care. Also a special thank you to Sara Ludtke of Interior Health for your special attention to Joe’s needs.
March 26, 1944 - August 14, 2022
The more you give, the more you get, The more you do unselfishly
A Celebration of Darcy’s life will be held at a later date. There will be Celebrations in Kamloops, BC and Winnipeg, MB. Darcy will be laid to rest in the family plot at the Prairie Grove Cemetery in Lorett, Manitoba.
Around the corner I have a friend In this great city that has no end; Yet days go by, and weeks rush on, And before I know it a year has gone, And I never see my old friend’s face, For life is a swift and terrible race. He knows I like him just as well As in the days when I rang his bell, And he rang mine. We were younger then, And now we are busy, tired men, Tired of playing a foolish game, Tired with trying to make a name. “Tomorrow, I will call on Jim, Just to show that I am thinking of him.”
Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps them near.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation, 311 Columbia Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2T1.
Success is failure turned inside out –The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems so far, So, stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit –It’s when things seem worst that You must not quit!
everythingTheabundantly.livemoreofyoushare,Themoreyoulaugh,thelessyoufret.Themoreyou’llalwayshavetospare.Themoreyoulove, the more you’ll find That life is good and friends are kind. For only what we give
Joe was born in Kamloops on March 26, 1944 at Royal Inland Hospital, to Hilbert and Ethel DeLeeuw He attended Rosehill School and then St. Ann’s Academy Joe was well respected in the ranching and logging industry and made longtime friends. Just like his dad, Joe loved the ranching life. In his early 20’s Joe became a partner in the ranch and worked alongside his dad. His brother John became a partner and the three of them worked together running a successful cow/calf operation. Upon the passing of his brother John, the DeLeeuw Ranch has operated as a yearling operation under the direction of Joe, Lyn and Jerry In 1989 Joe and his son Jerry started DeLeeuw Logging Ltd, with James joining them working in various parts of the Joeprovince.was a member of the BC Livestock Coop, BC Cattlemen’s Association and the Kamloops Exhibition Association (KXA). He was also very involved in BC Politics. Joe was co-founder of the BC Cattlemen’s Golf Tournament that was held yearly at the Quilchena Golf Course.
Joseph Francis DeLeeuw
Never Quit
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WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A40www.kamloopsthisweek.com In Loving Memory of Darcy Scott Morrow
Joe and Barb loved to travel and took many trips, including Italy, Greece and Mexico. But his most favourite place was their yearly trip to Hawaii to golf, swim in the ocean and spend countless hours with the good friends they met throughout the years. Another highlight of their travel was to the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas.
When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill When funds are low and debts are high And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing down a bit, Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Darcy Scott Morrow on August 15, 2022. Darcy was born on July 25, 1962, in Wynyard, Saskatchewan to Dennis and Ruth Morrow Darcy passed away peacefully at his home in Kamloops, British Columbia after a brief but valiant battle with Mesothelioma. He was predeceased by his father Dennis, brother Eric, brother Denny and sister Penny Darcy is survived by his loving wife of 31 years Sharon, mother Ruth Morrow, brother Ken (Kim), sister Heather (Glen) Hebert, sister Shelly (Ken) Peattie, sister-in-law Cheryl Morrow There are numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews that will miss him as well.
A Celebration of Life will be held on Friday, September 9, 2022, commencing at 11:00 AM at the Oasis Church, 1205 Rogers Way, Kamloops, BC.
Condolences can be sent to the family by visiting schoeningfuneralservice.com. Arrangements entrusted to Schoening Funeral Services 250-374-1454.

Another of Don’s loves was his horses. One of his favourite times was early in the morning and starting down the trail on the back of a good horse with his dog at his heels. He stated that he had rode over 100 different horses in his lifetime and was grateful to have had that opportunity Don also loved hockey He especially loved to watch the Blazers play and had season tickets for over 30 years. The only thing he loved more than watching a game was watching it with his family Don's had many other interests that he enjoyed with family and friends including, camping, fly fishing, hunting, and exploring Western Canada and USA.
There will be a celebration of Don’s life on Sunday, September 25, 2022, at the Heffley Creek Hall at 2:00 pm. Condolences can be left at www.drakecremation.com/obituaries.
Condolences may be expressed to the family from www.myalternatives.ca
Joe spent many years working long hours to provide for his family He worked as a ranch hand, logger, heavy duty mechanic, and finally as a truck driver He needed to stay busy and developed an interest in CNC plasma cutting. Over the years he started a side business with Patty where they created metal art, that they sold together at craft sales. His work hangs in many homes, not only in the surrounding area, but also around the world.
Ask DRAKE Drake Smith, MSW Funeral Director Every Wednesday in KTW! 210 Lansdowne • 425 Tranquille Rd. 250-377-8225 • DrakeCremation.com AFFORDABLE & NO BLACK SUITS Drake Cremation & Funeral Services
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Joseph Vern Smith of Kamloops on August 17, 2022, at the age of 62 following a stroke. Joe is survived by his beloved wife of 40 years Patricia and daughters Savannah and Robyn of Kamloops. As well as brothers Pat (Sherry) Smith of Zeballos, Candy (John) Truscott of Cornwall Mountain, David Smith of Barriere, Larry (Susan) Smith of Armstrong, and Dan (Debbie) Smith of Kamloops. He leaves behind many nieces and nephews as well. He was predeceased by his parents Arthur & Caroline Smith and his brother Lenard Smith.
A41 WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
May the Sunshine of Comfort Dispel the Clouds of Despair ObituariesObituariesObituaries Obituaries ObituariesObituariesObituaries Obituaries
Donald James Krause
Don had a passion for collecting “treasures” as anyone who looked behind his shop could attest to. After retirement and with the help from his brother-in-law Jim, he was finally able to restore his 1957 Chevy truck that he owned for most of his adult life.
Joseph Vern Smith
A Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, August 28, 2022, from 1:00pm-3:00pm at the Knutsford Community Center In lieu of flowers the family asks that donations be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation in his name.
A. What’ll they think of next? There’s a company that produces necklaces, pendants, etc. that contains the loved one’s finger print. I must admit that they look nice, they’re not too expensive, and they can be a treasure. As with most things, they aren’t for everyone. Call or drop by to see samples.
The Lord replied, “My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two set of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. “Lord, you said that once I decided to followed you, you’d walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times of life, there is only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why, when I needed you most, you would leave me.”
Condolences may be sent to the family at DrakeCremation.com
In 1980, following a term in the Canadian Armed Forces as a member of the Princess Patricia Light Infantry, Joe met Patty and they were together for the next 42 years. Joe and Patty married in Ashcroft on December 10, 1982, on December 11, 1984, they welcomed their first daughter Savannah. On December 3, 1986, they welcomed their second daughter Robyn. The family lived in Logan Lake until June 1993 when they moved to Kamloops where they remain.
It’s with great sorrow that Donald James Krause passed on July 25, 2022. Don was born in Oliver, BC on January 11, 1946, the second child in a family of nine children. Don was predeceased by his parents Emanual and Isabelle and all three brothers, Reg, Alvin, and Ken. Don is survived by his wife Karen (Gunderson), daughters Candace Laughy (Russ), Tracy Hoffbeck (Trent) and son William (Taryn) and grandchildren Ryan (Tori), Sarah (Dylan), Zack, Samantha (Dakota), Madison, and James and great-grandchildren Liam, Theo, Beau, Talon, Corbin and Charlie Lynn. All his sisters Gail, Sandy, Sharon, Cathy, and Shelley Don moved to live at his aunt Betty and uncle Jack Wilson’s ranch in the Sullivan Valley at the age of 17. It was here that he developed his love of horses and the outdoors. At a dance in Vinsulla, Don met the love of his life and the center of his world Karen Gunderson. Don did not own a vehicle, so he often rode his horse over the mountain and into the valley to visit Karen. They were married on February 5, With1966.a family on the way Don found employment in laundry then housekeeping department at Royal Inland Hospital. Don was determined to improve and soon found his way to the gardening department and eventually moved to the maintenance department. Don took an apprenticeship for welding and completed his GED. Don continued his education and became a millwright and eventually was the maintenance supervisor for RIH, Ponderosa and Overlander After 35 years, he retired from the hospital, but found that he missed the social interactions, so after a year of retirement he returned to Overlander and worked for another 10 years before retiring for a second time. Don worked a total of 47 years in the health care system in Kamloops. Don took great pride in his work accomplishments, but his true pride and joy was his family and all his babies. He would show pictures and brag about them to whomever would listen. Don’s children feel truly blessed to have had an incredible loving father, grandfather and great-grandfather Don’s most favourite pastime was spending time with his children and grandchildren. He loved babies and toddlers and their antics delighted him. Wrestling in the grass, playing video games or just hanging out and listening to the kids telling their grampa about their day was Don’s truly happy place. Above all Don loved his wife Karen with every fiber of his being and their strong bond was the foundation of his family Don was gifted with the ability to tell fantastic stories and loved to talk to anybody about anything. Don was an open and inclusive man and welcomed many people into his family and into his home. He never turned down anyone who needed a place to stay Many people over the years lived at Don and Karen’s house when they needed a place to stay Don touched many people with his good nature, insightful sense of humour and was well known for his great hugs.
As you share the stories and the memories of how they lived their lives and how very much they meant, may you find comfort...
Margaret Fishback Powers Call to place 250.371.4949announcementyour
Q. Do you take fingerprints?
The family would like the thank the wonderful ICU staff at Kelowna General Hospital particular Jocelyn, who was there with the family to the very end. The family would also like to thank Reg, Fred and Noreen Pain of Lazy FD Ranch for their kindness and support over the years, especially in this difficult time.
Don’s family would like to extend a special thank you to Don’s niece Nicole Ritter for all her tireless support over the past months while Don was in the hospital. You truly made a difference in all our lives. Thank you.

Many thanks to I.H. staff Shawna, Dianne, Tracey, Jacklin, Drs. Baker and Bernard, and the amazing crew at RIH. Memorial donations can be made to the Cancer Society, or BC Lung Foundation.
Charlie is survived by his mother Cathy Patrick, his brother Gary Patrick and two sisters Gloria (Terry) Pearson and Ann Tucker, two daughters Katie (Chris) and Nikki (Jesse), two grandchildren Hunter and Wyatt. Charlie is predeceased by his father Robert Patrick.
Grace and Norm were a team – always on the go and busy with some special event or other Norm was of course the ringleader and often volunteering Grace to play the piano. Grace’s talented ear was evident to all who were able to join in the sing-song, but she never felt it was quite good enough. She accompanied her daughters in the school and church concerts, and we are so grateful for the gift of music that filled our home. Grace could play anything anytime.. we would play her a record, and she would quickly go to the piano and show us the notes and chords needed to learn to play the tune!
May the Sunshine of Comfort Dispel the Clouds of despair
Please gather with us on Monday, August 29th, 2022, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm at Hal Rogers Centre (2025 Summit Dr.) to celebrate the life of our sister, aunty, and friend. Words of remembrance will be shared by the family Anyone who wishes to speak or share a memory is welcome. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Thereafter he worked out of his home’s shop as a subcontractor to a number of Local Companies including Kamloops Iron Works and Newport.
Celebrating the life of Patricia (Patty) Hofmann August 28, 1967 - July 23, 2022
WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 A42www.kamloopsthisweek.com
Grace was predeceased by her husband Norman after celebrating 66 married years, and by her grandson Scott, and her eight brothers and sisters. Surviving are her five daughters and their husbands, Hallie and Neil, Laurie and Paul, Kathy and Alex, Norma and George, Maureen and Mike; fourteen grandchildren and their spouses and twenty-six beautiful great grandchildren. Also surviving are her sister-in-law Vera, and numerous nieces, nephews and many close family friends.
Charles Patrick July 8, 1956 - August 3, 2022 It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Charles Patrick.
Celebration of Life for Beverley (Bev) Elizabeth Shutiak
Grace Isobel (Handford) Atkinson
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Grace by attending a school concert or play in your neighbourhood to keep the music playing. St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral in Kamloops will be the scene of a memorial celebration of Grace on August 27 at 11:00 a.m.
Doug was a talented innovator, woodworker, machinist/welder, and sportsman.
We the family of Grace Isobel Atkinson are saddened that she left life on earth on August 11, 2022. We are joyous to share that her only stay in hospital (since giving birth five times) was during the last month following a fall and broken hip surgery Her daughters were all able to spend many hours with her during this time and she was a grateful patient to all the hard-working staff at RIH who took such good care of her When she had enough, she peacefully left us and rode a glorious moonbeam to Graceheaven.was the eighth child of Lewis and Margaret Handford born on August 6, 1929 and growing up in Creelman, Saskatchewan. She loved reminiscing about small town tough life, with great friends and lots of family ball games. Grace learned to play the piano from her talented Mother Life changed dramatically for the youngest of the family when Lewis passed away, Grace was just 14. With their mother and little brother Wally, Grace and her sister Rose ventured into Regina to quickly grow up into working women helping their mother and learning about paying rent! Grace was proud of the few years she worked in the Revenue Building, and she became involved in the music scene where she eventually met Norman in the operatic society They had been dating for some time when Norm said he was coming over with a surprise. What a surprise… he sported a new brush cut (not the diamond Grace had been anticipating). That could have been the insight to frighten her off, but the romance continued and they were married April 11, 1953.
A celebration of life will be held on Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 1:00pm at The Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre with snacks and drinks to follow The family asks everyone to wear blue in support of colon cancer awareness.
August 6, 1929 - August 11, 2022
Faith in God and church family life was a big part in the lives of Grace and Norm. Although raised in the United church, Grace did become an Anglican upon her marriage, and the church family became their extended family Church choirs benefitted from the alto Grace, and tenor Norm. Grace led the junior choir for many years when we were growing up. The church congregations soon learned that putting on a musical as often as possible was an important part of church life. From the time we were little until our own little ones could participate, many learned to enjoy the applause. In 1972 Norman decided it was time to leave Regina, Grace tearfully came along. The nine passenger station wagon and tent trailer, followed by the volkswagon were loaded to the top and Kamloops became our home. Grace missed her family and neighbours, but quickly made new friends in the neighbourhood and at St. Paul’s – with four teenagers and eight year old Maureen, it was a very busy household It wasn’t long before Grace saw an ad for the cabin at North Barriere Lake that became our new happy place for wonderful times, hard work and great celebrations. Grace’s 85th birthday at the lake was a special time for all of us, especially grand as Rose was with her and those two sisters were beaming. Five years later, her 90th birthday was just as fun, with Grace enjoying a paddle in the canoe. Grace touched many in her life. She was Auntie Grace to not just her nephews and nieces but dozens of friends from everywhere we lived. There are guest books filled with visitors who knew there was always a meal and a bed – and likely a good card game or sing-song or even better, maybe the Roughriders had a game! There was always room for one more at Grace and Norm’s. Grandchildren were a great addition to the family and all were special to Grace. It even got better when she became GG-Ma to the great-grands!
Grace loved to support many charities (Cancer Society and Parkinsons in particular). You may wish to contribute to your favourite charity in her memory or perhaps you would like to support students wishing to attend the Kamloops Summer School of Music by contributing to the Kamloops Music Collective (bursary fund), Box 983, Kamloops BC V2C 6H1 Wwww.kamloopsmusiccollective.caewouldurgeyoutocelebrate
Doug passed away at RIH on August 20, 2022. He is survived by his daughter Loree Holmes, and sister Carol (Ron) Mickel. Doug started his working career as a teenager in Vernon, building apple boxes in a local packing plant, and running a large paper route. After graduating high school, he moved to UBC to study engineering. He enjoyed the parties, but decided to pursue other endeavours, which found him aboard oil exploration ships in the Arctic, owner of Kamloops Iron Craft, draughtsman designer for Foundex in Vancouver, and a geo tech in Kamloops.
There will be a funeral service being held on Saturday, September 10, 2022, at 1:00 pm at the Kamloops Funeral Home, 285 Fortune Drive. This is for anyone who would like to come and show their respects.
Married life for Grace included a new place to live – Norman’s family home which included his mother, Grandma Blanche lived with us the rest of her life. Grace and Norm had the upstairs (the bathroom was downstairs), and they lived there until daughter #4 was expected, and at that time took over the whole house. Life was busy with four little girls, Hallie, Laurie, Kathy and Norma, but to complete the family, Maureen arrived five years later for even more fun.

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*See in-store for details. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Some pictures may not be identical to current models. Some items may not be exactly as shown. Some items sold in sets 250 -3 72 -3 181 12 89 Da lhous ie Dr iv e BIG O TIRESDULUX PAINTS NOTR E DAM E DAL HOU SI E ULTIMATE FURNITURE SALE SAVE UP TO 75% ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! IN STOCK & READY FOR DELIVERY! Combining richness of detail with inviting comfor t, the Teague is a func tional sofa that also delivers on creative design. TE AG UE LE ATHER SOFA POWER RECLINING SOFA Ideal for lounging, the Providence collection offers maximized comfor t and no shor tage of st yle. SAVE 50% $1899 ULTIMATE PRICING SAVE $1000 UNISON EURO TOP 60% OFF QUEEN • charcoal memor y foam • provides natural cooling • eco-friendly TENCEL yarn for breathability and moisture management $1199 ULTIMATE PRICING EMER ALD GLOBAL EURO TOP 60% OFF QUEEN • 3” comfort layer • T1 Pocketed Coil Technology $14 99 ULTIMATE PRICING VE SPER 60% OFF QUEEN • traditional quilted plush mattress • recommended for side/ back sleepers • gel-infused memor y foam $799 ULTIMATE PRICING ANYA 60% OFF QUEEN • pressure -relieving foams • gel-infused fiber blend • 800 Beautyrest Pocketed Coil $699 ULTIMATE PRICING $1699 ULTIMATE PRICINGSOLD IN SE TS SOLD IN SE TS WEDNESDAY, August 24, 2022 W3www.kamloopsthisweek.com