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Haw aiian Luau

Learn why people in Kamloops are choosing to live with us! We would love to show you around! Enjoy our Luau Party with live entertainment, games, food and Pina Coladas. Come dressed in your favorite Hawaiian shirt and enter to win an amazing draw prize.
870 Westminster Avenue | Kamloops, BC | aspiralife.ca
Are you buying a home? Joint Tenancy vs Tenants in Common
Individuals buying proper t y together can register ownership as either joint tenants or as tenants-in-common
The benefit of joint tenancy is that if one owner dies, the deceased’s interest transfers to the sur vivor, who becomes the sole owner Generally speaking, spouses register ownership of a proper t y as joint tenants , to avoid probate fees if one spouse dies , as ownership will simply transfer to the sur viving spouse.
In contrast , tenants-in-common means that the deceased’s interest in the proper t y passes to and is distributed with their estate Registering title this way is useful if t wo unrelated individuals buy an investment proper t y together, and they each want their own spouse, children, etc to benefit from their share of the proper t y in the event of their death
D etermining the b es t t yp e of ownership for your circums tances involves several other considerations in addition to those discussed above. Give some thought to how you want to structure your purchase to make the best plan for your future
If you have questions, we’re here to help