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SD73 graduates celebrate struggles OPINION

The KamloopsThompson Board of Education’s mission is to provide learning opportunities and environments that inspire students to thrive. This year’s 2023 valedictorians shared their insights on this past school year about how staff and family created these opportunities and safe spaces that enabled them to graduate.


SD73 graduates faced “personal struggles” as locations for learning because of “support and mentorship” of adults who cared about them.

Brianna Wiebe (Continuing Education) graduated from Street School and explained:

“Life is a series of challenges, obstacles and unexpected turns. We all face our fair share of setbacks and difficulties, but it is how we navigate through them that defines our character and shapes our future. I stand here as living proof that perseverance, determination and a steady belief in oneself can lead to remarkable accomplishments.”

Navigation through struggles depended on others (staff and family) who offered resources, connected students to agencies and supports, and enabled them to choose courses and to set goals and reach them in their programs without having to work and give up on school. Brianna attributed her ability to stay focused while also having a child at 18 years old to “teach - ers and family who supported her” and enabled her “...in those moments of struggle that [she] found strength I didn’t know [she] possessed.”

She spoke to teachers and families who believed in her which caused her to believe in herself. While these struggles were recounted by a few graduates, others spoke to different kinds of struggles as locations for self-learning.

A number of the valedictorians described how fighting anxiety or depression and lacking confidence were barriers to success. Emily Clark and Jordon Massiocotte (TREC graduates) stated how teachers provided the mentorship that enabled them to get past personal struggles to persist in times of challenge. Jordon explained:

“On behalf of every student here, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all the teachers and mentors we’ve had along the way. You are the candles that light the way.”

She went on to share that the “light” was wisdom and encouragement to explore different courses, programs and career pathways.

Emily Clark spoke about staff who provided safe spaces in their classrooms by joking, listening and being who they were, which gave her the confidence to be who she was to pursue her dreams academically:

“In a fairly short period of time, I went from the girl who had so much anxiety that she needed her mom to walk her into class every morning, to the girl who walks into the art room like I own it and will yell across the halls to say ‘Hi’ to some of the staff.”

As you read the speeches of SD73 valedictorians, you will be amazed at their strength of character, resolve and gratitude for staff and family who have been there for them, enabling them to find their strength to pursue their dreams, including graduation. We are so proud of our 2023 graduates!

To learn more go online to sd73.bc.ca/en/schools-programs/ grad-2023.aspx.

Various graduation ceremonies took place across School District 73 throughout the month of June, with remaining students now out on summer break.


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