3 minute read
July 19, 2023
Stay Connec ted @CityofKamloops Kamloops.ca
Co U N C I L C A L E N Da R
The public, media, delegations, and staff are encouraged to par ticipate in meetings vir tually through Zoom or to obser ve through the City YouTube channel
July 20, 2023
9:30 am - Community Policing Select Committee
July 25, 2023
1:30 pm - Regular Council Meeting
July 25, 2023
7:00 pm - Public Hearing
August 1, 2023 (Cancelled)
2:00 pm - Community Relations and Reconciliation Committee
August 15, 2023
1:30 pm - Regular Council Meeting
The complete 2023 Council Calendars is available online at:
Kamloops.ca/CouncilPor tal
Co U N
Sign up for the Council Highlights e -newsletter at: Kamloops.ca/Subscribe
N Ot I C E To M Oto R I S T S
Please use caution when driving in the vicinity and obey all traffic control personnel, signs, and devices in the following areas:
• For tune Drive
Oak Road to Overlanders Bridge
• 6th Avenue
Columbia Street to Lansdowne Street
• Highland Road
South of the Valleyview Arena to Valleyview Drive
• Tranquille Gateway
Improvements Project
Tranquille Road from south of K amloops BC SPCA to Crestline Street
• Ord Road Watermain Connection Project
Singh Street to 8th Street
To stay up to date on road work projects, visit:
E S I D E N T I A L O R G A N I C Wa S T E
The Curbside Residential Organic Waste Collection Program is coming soon to all single - and multi-family households in K amloops that receive curbside car t collection. If you have a set of garbage and rec ycling car ts that are collected by City trucks, your household is included

Organics Car t Deliver y Schedule*
July 5 to 13: Zone 3
July 12 to 18: Zone 4
July 17 to 25: Zone 5
July 24 to August 1: Zone 1
July 31 to August 8: Zone 2
*Deliver y will include a new Solid Waste Collection Guide The date ranges are a general schedule for car t deliver y by zone Car ts may be delivered to some proper ties slightly before or after the scheduled date ranges
Week ly organics collection begins the week of August 21 Garbage and rec ycling will shift to alternating biweek ly collection. Do not use the organics car t until about week before organics collection begins
M U S I C I N T H E Pa R K
BCLC and the City of K amloops are pleased to present the 29th edition of Music in the Park These free nightly, family-friendly per formances take place at the Rotar y Bandshell in Riverside Park 7:00–8:30 pm until August 31, weather and air quality permitting.
S P E C I A L E V E N T!
9th Annual Midsummer Music Jam
Wednesday, July 19, 7:00 pm
Presented by BCLC, this special evening features Dreams - The Ultimate Tribute to Fleetwood Mac and Gaslighter - Songs of The Chicks
• Beverage garden opens at 5:00 pm—all proceeds to go towards local spor ts organizations
• Food trucks open at 5:00 pm
• Concer t star ts at 7:00 pm
Attendees are encouraged to bring non-perishable food donations on July 19 in suppor t of the K amloops Food Bank
C A L L F O R P H O T O S !
Residents of all sk ill levels and ages are invited to submit their digital photos for a chance to be featured in the 2024 City Calendar. We encourage submissions that highlight our City's diverse population, urban landmarks, breathtak ing environment, and variety of leisure activities.
Individuals with submissions selected for inclusion in the 2024 City Calendar or selected as a cover for any major publication in 2024 will receive public recognition on our website and social media channels and will be awarded a one -month Full Access Family Pass to the Tournament Capital Centre
Deadline: September 29, 2023, at 4:30 pm
Learn more and submit photos at: Kamloops.ca/Calendar
Repor t an issue: 250-828-3461
For after-hours emergencies, press 1.
The full 2023 Music in the Park enter tainment schedule is available at: Kamloops.ca/MusicInThePark
Google and Meta (parent company of Facebook) have vowed to block Canadian news links and content from their platforms in response to the federal government’s Online News Act (Bill C-18), which requires the companies to pay Canadian media outlets for posting or linking to their news content.
The law will come into effect at the end of the year, but both Google and Meta have been experimenting with blocking access to Canadian news on their respective sites, as some users in Kamloops and across Canada may have experienced.
This serves as an ideal time to remind readers of KTW to sign up for our free newsletter, emailed to subscribers every weekday morning.
It includes local news you need to know, links to other great reads and an assortment of interesting facts. Sign up now at kamloopsthisweek.com/account/mailinglist
Weather Forecast
July 19: Sunny 32/17 (hi/low)
July 20: Sunny/showers 35/18 (hi/low)
July 21: Sunny 34/17 (hi/low)
July 22: Sunny 32/16 (hi/low)
July 23: Sun/clouds 33/16 (hi/low)
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Instagram: @kamloopsthisweek
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