• Take inventory of the sun. Positioning a garden carefully means maximizing hours of sunlight, which begin to dwindle in the fall. Experts say gardens grow best in sunny locations that receive six hours of direct sunlight each day. This is where container gardens can be helpful, as they allow gardeners to move plants into spots that will get ample sunlight.
Continued on page 21
Ariane Cornish captures a sunset on Edith Lake while kayaking in her recent submission to KTW’s photo contest.
HOMEIS NOT JUST A PLA E IT'SA FEELING. 250-372-8141834 LavalCrescent Exploring community safety in Kamloops Page 2 The Kamloops Kidney Support Group is back Page 5 Summer - by Clear Impact Page 9 Outreach Program connects Kamloops communities Page 10 The Kamloops Family History Society Page 14 VOL. 31, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2022 POWERED BY KAMLOOPS THIS WEEK | A PROUD PART OF ABERDEEN PUBLISHING www.connectornews.ca September 2022
• Sow salad seeds. Lettuce, spinach, radishes, and arugula tolerate cooler temperatures. Try new and interesting lettuce varieties and enjoy salads well into the fall season.
• Think about fall annuals and bulb planting. Near the end of September, start sellmonthsbulbsit’sasandcool-weather-lovingplantingpansiesviolasforpopsofcolorsummerflowersfade.Also,agoodideatostockuponthatwillbloominthetocomebeforetheyoutinstores.Waituntilthe temperatures really cool down before planting them in desired spots for spring sprouts.
A beginner’s guide to fall planting and maintenance
• Fill in landscaping gaps. Some fall plants can add color around the landscape and brighten up homes to add curb
Spring and summer are perhaps the busiest times of year for gardeners. However, fall also is a prime time to tend to gardens. Tree and bare root retailers advise that soil temperatures in many regions may still be warm enough to encourage root growth well into the start of winter. Furthermore, fall is often the ideal time to plant, fertilize and keep a garden going or to get a head start on next year’s bounty.Here are some tips to make the most of the fall gardening season.
By Margaret Huff, Patricia MacNeill, Jess Payette - Kamloops Food Policy Council Macdonald Park Whisk the egg-milk mixture more and add to Stir slowly. Add blueberries and gently stir/fold Transfer to a flared surface and form dough into a disc about 1 inch in height. Cut the circle into about 6 even wedges. Place wedges on baking sheet and sprinkle with sugar Bake for 24-28 minutes! before eating
Photo credits:
2 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
What does it mean to feel safe in our community? At the Kamloops Food Policy Council, we have noticed how our understanding of safety has undergone drastic revisions over the last few years as we have navigated the COVID-19 pandemic, wildfires, floods, and supply-chain issues. These emergencies and challenges have brought new and complex needs to our community. These new and heightened levels of needs may be a contributing factor to the increase in crime rates and decrease in perceptions of safety we are currently experiencing in Kamloops. When discussing safety, it’s important to consider the actualized levels of safety as well as perceptions. While general unease has increased and feelings of safety have decreased, current crime statistics show a decline in general crime: Our current crime severity index score in Kamloops is 135.5, with the RCMP reporting in their Quarter 4 year end report this spring that criminal offences have risen 5 percent from 2020 to 2021. However, our current score shows a decrease compared to historical data. In 2000, Kamloops had a crime severity index score of 160.31. This score peaked at 190.92 in 2003, and reached a record low of 98.14 in 2015. Safety is a complex topic, and it is often hard to see the whole picture of what’s going on with public safety and security in our community. Statistics don’t tell us everything and are often hard to come by in detail at a local level. However, it is necessary to aim for a and those in abusive situations are the most vulnerable and at risk when it comes to safety, and least likely to be experiencing these freedoms from want or need. These groups are also most likely to experience stigma and shame, even though our whole community benefits when we address the systems that put people into poverty (see our recent short film Don’t Fight the Poor, Fight Poverty). Currently, our default solution to increasing community safety is policing. While one part of a complex structure, it is important to note that policing doesn’t address the freedom from want occurring in our community. Evidence also shows us that more policing isn’t necessarily the best solution to increasing community safety, especially for marginalized groups where policing can impose higher risks. For example, Indigenous and Black citizens are overrepresented per capita in deadly police encounters. What other solutions can we turn to, to create a safer community? In the context of these complex social issues, the KFPC is advocating for the development of a comprehensive community safety strategy. This effort will require solid leadership and partnership efforts from the whole community, as well as meaningful involvement from those most in need and most lacking safety in our communities. It will also require all of us to step up in our own neighbourhoods, such as the McDonald Park Neighbourhood Association that recently opened a Free Produce Stand in McDonald Park. Some other feasible solutions might include more street outreach teams, more support for basic needs like housing and food security, and reallocation of municipal funding to reduce the responsibilities of the police in situations such as mental health issues or domestic disputes. The development and implementation of safety audits in different community environments would also be beneficial, giving our community an idea of our existing safety levels, and allowing us to make recommendations and implement new initiatives based on immediate needs. Overall, an integrated strategy with supporting processes and mechanisms for implementing solutions can go a long way in increasing the level of safety in our community, and ensuring it extends beyond police force responsibility. We can all participate in keeping each other safe!
Let’s continue this discussion! This article is part of our series on food and the city to explore a number of deeper civic discussions leading up to our municipal election. You can read more on our website: policyaboutsubscribecom/blog/kamloopsfoodpolicycouncil.www.andyoucanalsotostayintheloopourfoodandthecityseries! in
dry ingredients slowly.
Exploring community safety
Neighbourhood Association • 1 large egg (or flax egg: 1 tbsp flaxseed + 2.5 tbsp water) • ¾ cup milk (nut/soy based for dairy-free) • 2 cup unbleached AP flour (feel free to do 1 ¼ AP and ¾ cup whole wheat flour) • 1 tbsp baking powder • ¼ cup organic cane sugar (or coconut sugar) • ½ tsp salt • 1 tbsp fresh rosemary (chopped) • 6 tbsp room temp. Coconut oil • ⅓ cup blueberries (fresh or frozen) Blueberry Rosemary Scones STEPS:INGREDIENTS:1.Preheatovento400Fand line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. If vegan, prepare flax egg and let rest for 5 minutes 3. Add milk to egg 4. In a separate bowl, combine dry ingredients (including rosemary). Whisk together 5. Add room temperature coconut oil and using a fork, cut into mixture until small bits remain 6.
When youdonatetoBCInterior CommunityFoundation, it provides sustainable fundingfor thecommunityand thecauses you love,today, tomorrowandforever!
TheChase Quiltersmeetoncea week at Chase Creekside Hall and are just oneofthe manyusergroups who will benefit.
Chase Creekside Seniors received a$4800 granttoupgradetheir hall.
What is aCommunity Foundation, youmight ask?
People often want the“elevatorpitch”toexplain whataCommunity Foundation is because we’reall familiarwith single purpose charities (think of a university foundation or food bank), who canexplain their mission in one easy sentence. It’s abit morecomplexfor us! Ourstructureisunique. We areyour one-stop charitable giving partner and our specialtyisworking with individuals, families, businesses and charitable agencies to create permanentendowment funds.
Oneofthe endowmentfunds thatisheld by BC Interior Community Foundation is TheKamloopsSenior Citizens Housing Society Fund. In 2010, as the Senior Citizens Housing Society was winding down, the group established afund to support seniorsinneed and seniorsprojects in Kamloops and area. Last year the income generated from the fund wasdisbursed to five regional charities, including TheChase Creekside Seniors. Billie Phillips, treasurer forthe ChaseCreekside SeniorsHall, knewthatthe hall had been in need of repairsfor quitesome time. Shesubmitted agrant appli cationtoBCInterior CommunityFoundationand it wassuccessful. Thegroup received $4,800 to put towardstheir upgrades which include arenovatedfront entranceand an additionalramp to improve wheelchair accessibility Other grants disbursed were:Ashcroft HubSociety $4,900, BC Association of CommunityResponseNetworks $5,000, Kamloops ArtsCouncil $5,000 and Western Canada Theatre$3,000.
TheKamloops Branch of theBCCommunityResponse Networks annually help ensure that as manyseniorsaspossible will have Christmas dinnerand acarepackage. The$5000 granttheyreceived from BC Interior CommunityFoundation enhancedthis program by ensuring thatthose theyprovideservicetowerefinancially able to host an in-person dinner and thattheyalso received asmall gift.
BC Interior CommunityFoundation granted over $20,000 to seniorscharities in 2021
When youmakeadonation to one of the endowedfunds held at our Foun dation, 100% of your donation is put into thefund. These funds areinvested and will remain with BC Interior Community Foundation, forever! It’s only the income earned on these investments thatisallocated to aspecificneed and done so according to thedonor’swishes.
Letushelp youmakeanimpactinour community. Call todayifyou want to: -Support your favouritecharity or charitable causewith aone-time donation -Createalastinglegacy, or provide short-term community support -Memorializealovedone or encourageafamily tradition of charitable giving -Establishascholarship or educational award -Leave agift to your community in your will.
250.434.6995 |info@bcicf.ca WWW.BCICF.CAHfor ere D Good BC INTER IOR CO MMUNIT Y FO UNDA TION
SEPTEMBER 2022 3www.connectornews.ca
In my case I am permitted to write about just about anything—and I do, as you’ve probably noticed. It’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get! Neither do I! Yet I often struggle to find something to share. The well definitely goes dry more often than I’d like. Some of our contributors are limited to writing about their areas of expertise and I often marvel at how they manage to approach that challenge month after month. I am grateful every time they come through and I have one less empty space to fill before press Occasionallytime.we get readers contributing a poem or a short essay and this, too, is often welcome if we have room. Some of our regular contributors are prolific. A certain creative writer comes to mind. Not only has she never missed a month since I’ve been involved, she will often send more than one story so that I have a choice! Dear Rita also manages to send charming emails with notes of encouragement along the way too.
For those that do have to miss a column once in a while, I have complete understanding. Even a monthly production cycle can feel daunting sometimes. Life gets busy or something unexpected happens or more typically the page before you stubbornly remains blank and the inspiration for yet another column about often rather narrow subjects is simply lacking.
You will see that this month a couple of regular contributors are missing as life just got in the way and one is announcing the retirement of her column after the October edition. Wendy Weseen has been a contributor for most of the time I have been involved in The Connector so it will be sad to see her go. We will offer her a hearty farewell though, along with buckets of thanks for her generous commitment to this publication. It has been great to include her unique perspective on things. I would like all of our contributors and advertisers to know that their efforts and dedication to The Connector are always appreciated as is the loyalty of our readers. I can’t thank you all enough.Inother news, hopefully you have enjoyed a fantastic summer. For the most part I think we have been incredibly fortunate this year in many ways and yet it has been difficult in others. We were lucky to dodge heavy flooding, had few wildfires and mostly great weather once it stopped raining. Hopefully you managed to take advantage of all the events and activities that have resumed as protocols have been relaxed. Clearly, we must enjoy the good things while we can. On other fronts, we are facing continued high inflation and much uncertainty generally. The cost of living is definitely concerning as are housing challenges. I hope you are all managing in these difficult times and finding ways to make do and reaching out for help if you need it. Our healthcare system seems to be struggling and threats of increased privatization have never been more real. A number of unions are in the midst of bargaining. Air travel has remained difficult and is not for the faint of heart. COVID is still floating around out there (along with Monkey Pox and apparently polio too) but facts about it seem more and more elusive. After being pummeled with daily COVID data, an ennui has set in and I guess we are just taking our chances now. It will be interesting to see how things go going forward. As we head into September, with some luck we will have continued nice, but cooler, weather and we can settle back into a routine. And, yes, we have a municipal election coming up as well with what looks like a huge slate of folks running, so dust off your specs and start reading up. It might take some work to decide who to vote for this time!
My two cents MonecaEditorJantzen
(Formerly Goessman DentureClinic) A Pr oud Tr ad itio no fD en tur eC ra ft s RO BB YJ AR OUDI •A LLEN E. GOE SSM AN Twogreat locations to ser ve youbetter! 10-2025 GraniteAve. Merritt,BC 1-888-374-9443 603 St. Paul Street Kamloops,BC 250-374-9443 PERSONALIZED &PROFESSIONALDENTURE SERVICE TNED R ST ASSOCAT FB ITI H CO BMU A ar et scientia •C omple te De nt ur es •R epai rs •D en tur es Ov er Im plan ts •Par tial De nt ur es 600B -2 35 1st Ave Kamloops, BC V2C 3J4 25 0-682- 2984 info@maikanotary.ca AMEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF NOTA RIES PUBLIC OF BRITISH COLUMBIA •Wills •Power sofAttor ney •Representation Agreements •Document Notarizations •Real Estate Sales JuliaMaika Notary Public Friendly and caring companionship for your loved one. Enhancing the lives of aging adults to alleviate solitude and lift spirits. sherryshealthandhomeservices@gmail.com Worried About An Elderly Parent Being Alone? 778-220-7487 CALL SHERRY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENTTODAY! Voices of Experience www.connectornews.caTelephone: (250) 374-7467 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Please address all correspondence to: Kamloops Connector 1365B Dalhousie Drive Kamloops, BC V2C 5P6 Publisher Bob Doull General Manager Liz Spivey (778) publisher@connectornews.ca471-7537 Editor: Moneca editor@connectornews.caJantzen Graphic Designer: Dayana creative@connectornews.caRescigno Kamloops Connector is a monthly newspaper dedicated to inform, serve and entertain adults 45 and over.We aim to publish on the last Wednesday of each month and copy/booking deadlines are either the 2nd or 3rd Thursdays of each month. Please request a publishing schedule for specific information. Kamloops Connector is published by Kamloops This Week, part of the Aberdeen Publishing Group. Letters to the Editor must be signed and have a phone number (your phone number will not be printed unless requested). Other submissions are gratefully received although Kamloops Connector reserves the right to edit all material and to refuse any material deemed unsuitable for this publication. Articles, group and event listings will run in the newspaper as time and space permit. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from Kamloops Connector. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Kamloops Connector, Kamloops This Week or the staff Subscriptionsthereof.are $35 per year in Canada.Anyerror which appears in an advertisement will be adjusted as to only the amount of space in which the error occurred. The content of each advertisement is the responsibility of the advertiser. Kamloops Connector recommends prudent consumer discretion. I have been working on The Connector in various capacities for over 8 years now. Some months I am surprised that we manage to meet another deadline, and yet the real truth is we really have so many others to thank. We count on a combination of advertisers and volunteer contributors to fill our pages. Some of these contributors (and advertisers!) have been on board for as long as I have been around and they have rarely missed a month. Some have never missed, which is amazing.
thanks 4 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
Once again, we remember a person who has well served Zone 8, her community and her family Elizabeth (Liz) Karpluk, who passed away at 88 on July 30, 2022 was a dedicated worker and a woman with a great sense of humour, a caring personality, and an asset to Zone 8. Liz received the Joe Ziebert award in 2006 for special contributions as President, Sport Coordinator of Ice Curling, involvement in floor curling and zone logowear, and promotion of the 55+ BC Games. We will all miss you, Liz. We will be able to have an in-person Annual General Meeting on October 13 at the Kamloops Sport Council Office at McArthur Island. The October Connector will have positions that need filling. We would love to see as many people as possible to recap experiences at the Victoria Games, the Canada Games, and to share in looking forward to 2023. In the meantime, we wish all participants much success, and everybody a safe, healthy and enjoyable tail end of summer and start to autumn. As much as possible, stay mentally and physically active. And if you can’t laugh at the following comparisons, at least smile with understanding.
Submitted by Linda Haas Once again, we remember a person who has well served Zone 8, her community and her family. Elizabeth (Liz) Karpluk, who passed away at 88 on July 30, 2022. She was a dedicated worker and a woman with a great sense of humour, a caring personality, and an asset to Zone 8. Liz received the Joe Ziebert award in 2006 for special contributions as President, Sport Coordinator of Ice Curling, involvement in floor curling and zone logowear as well as promotion of the 55+ BC Games. We will all miss you, Liz. We will be able to have an in-person Annual General Meeting on October 13 at the Kamloops Sport Council Office at McArthur Island. The October Connector will have positions that need filling. We would love to see as many people as possible to recap experiences at the Victoria Games, the Canada Games, and to share in looking forward to 2023. In the meantime, we wish all participants much success, and everybody a safe, healthy and enjoyable tail end of summer and start to autumn.Asmuch as possible, stay mentally and physically active. And if you can’t laugh at the withcomparisons,followingatleastsmileunderstanding.
Is your Will up-to-date? •Wills •Probates •Powers of Attorney •Representation Agreements 250-374-3737*toni@ GLmail.ca Wills ON Wheels Toni Vuteva Lawyer Gibraltar Law Group 202-444 VICTORIA ST., KAMLOOPS V2C 2A7 Single portionsstarting at $4.00 -CSI KamloopsTAKE &BAKEMEALS *Entrees *Soups* Desserts * 778 -470 -6000 PICKUPATALL 3LOCATIONS * Affordable * Delicious *Homemade * Brock Shopping Centre 9A 1800Tranquille Rd Sunrise Centre 1676th Ave NorthillsMall 25 700 Tranquille Rd Zone 8, 55+ BC GamesRemembersKidneySupport Group is back after more than two years
Achieving REAL RESULTS Together! AUTHORIZED BY GARRY DAVIES; FINANCIAL AGENT garrywdavies@gmail.com SEPTEMBER 2022 5www.connectornews.ca
This group is here for anyone kidney-relatedwith issues and questions, and would like to chat with someone who has been there.The KKSG gathers on the second Wednesday and fourth Saturday of every month, always at 10 a.m., and always at the Barside Lounge and Grill at Chances Casino, 1250 Halston Ave. These are informal get-togethers over breakfast, with lots of coffee and plenty of conversation.Thenextmeetings are scheduled for Aug. 27, and Sept. 14 and 24. Those in attendance won’t provide any medical advice, but will share their experiences with you, whether you have been recently diagnosed with kidney disease or may be pre-dialysis or on dialysis (hemo or peritoneal), a kidney donor or a recipient, a family member, or anything in between.
Zone 8, 55+ BC Games Remembers
1979 2022 Long hair Longing for hair KEG EKG Acid rock Acid reflux Hoping for a BMW Hoping for a BM Going to a new, hip joint Getting a new hip joint Rolling Stones Kidney stones Disco Costco Seeds and stems Fiber Whatever Depends
According to figures compiled by BC Transplant, medical teams in the province completed 130 kidney transplants in the first half of 2022. As of June 30, there were 460 people in B.C. awaiting kidney transplants, while 3,733 recipients were being followed posttransplant.Formore information, call one of the KKSG’s co-founders — Edna Humphreys at 250-3766361 or Dorothy Drinnan at 250-573-2988.
On Saturday, September 10, 7:30 PM, at the Kamloops United Church, 4th and St. Paul, CMK presents Modulate, Chevalier, a concert featuring the Sycamore String Quartet and special guest Dimiter Terziev, piano. The quartet is Cvetozar Vutev, violin, Sandra Wilmot, violin, Ashley Kroecher, viola and Martin Kratky, cello. This concert is a tour de force, from the elegance of Guadeloupe native cum Chevalier Joseph Boulogne in 1700s France to Ukraine, Estonia, and the “almost theatrical grimness” of Cesar Franck’s piano quintet. Tickets: $10-$40, available at the door and, for both live and on-line viewing, wwwchambermusiciansofkamloops.org.at
6 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
Kamloops Realty Jessica 250.374.3022 e-matt@hotmail.com JessicaMattRealEstate.ca MARVIN 250.319.8784 mmatt@shaw.ca RealEstateKamloops.ca Member of Kamloops Chamber of Commerce j info@nsccs.ca ww w.cottonwoodmanor.ca #307-730 Cottonwood Ave. Kamloops,BCV2B 8M6 •Apar tmentliving forseniors •Beautiful gardens •Walking distance to NorthShore shopping •One block from McAr thur Island •Within the same complexasthe NorthShore CommunityCentre &the Moose Lodge •Suites forpurchase (life-lease) •S AFE R(wait list) Call 250-376-4777 for more information or to book an appointment ON E & TW O BE DR O OM UN IT S “wait list ” EdwardJones· Let’s talk • • • Our family focused on yours. Chianne V Jones Financial Advisor Investing RRSP, TFSA, RESP Planning for Retirement Estate & Legacy Strategies www.edwardjones.ca/chianne-jones 250 374 1882 We all want to longlivelives. We all expect to live long lives. But are we financially prepared for this Beforelongevity?wegetto the issue of preparation, let’s look at a couple of interesting findings from a 2022 survey by Age Wave and Edward Jones: 1. 50 percent of the Canadian retirees surveyed said they would like to live to 100 years old. 2. They indicated that the ideal length of retirement is nearly three decades, 27 years.Ofcourse, none of us can see into the future and know how long we’ll be around. But with advances in medical care and a greater awareness of healthy lifestyles, these aspirations have a real basis in reality.However, if you’re going to enjoy a longer lifespan, and the extra years with your loved ones, you need to ensure your finances are also in good shape. How can you make this happen?Hereare some basic steps to follow: • Save and invest early and often. This may be the oldest piece of financial advice, but it’s still valid. The earlier you start saving and investing for your retirement, the greater your percenthypotheticalyouand35ifyou$935,000you’danyreturn,percentaage$5,000beganConsideraccumulation.potentialthis:Ifyousavingjustperyearat25,andearnedhypothetical6.5annualrateofanddidn’ttakeearlywithdrawals,endupwithbythetimereached65.Butyouwaiteduntiltostartsavinginvesting,andearnedthesame6.5return–again with no early withdrawals – you’d only end up with $460,000. And if you didn’t start saving until 45, you’d end up with just over $200,000, again given the same hypothetical 6.5 percent return.
• Be mindful of debt. You may not want to be burdened with certain debts when you enter retirement. So, while you’re still working, try to reduce unwanted debts, particularly those that don’t offer the financial Fund. Member Canada.OrganizationIndustryInvestmentRegulatoryof V. JONES Financial Advisor The Chamber Musicians of Kamloops presents Modulate, Chevalier!
benefits of situationclearer2022.insuchfinancialespeciallymayinvestmenttheretirement.ofachievingneedtheimportantyourthecanload,Theinteresttax-deductiblepayments.loweryourdebtthemoreyousaveandinvestforfuture.•Keepreviewingprogress.It’stomonitorprogressyoutomaketowardyourgoalacomfortableOvershortterm,yourbalancesfluctuate,involatilemarketsaswe’veseentheearlypartofButyou’llgetapictureofyourifyoulook at long-term results. For example, have your accounts grown over the past 10 years as much as you had planned? And going forward, do you think you’re in good shape, or will you need to make some changes to your aremakingfinancialconsideringvisioncanretirement.ofenjoyriskpotentiallynearinvestmentwantyears.forwardyears(TFSA)FreePlanRetirementincontributionmindstrategy?investmentKeepinthat,unusedroomyourRegisteredSavings(RRSP)andTax-SavingsAccountfrompreviouscanbecarriedtofutureYoumayalsotoadjustyourmixasyouretirementtoloweryourexposure.Hopefully,youwillmanyyearsahealthy,happyAndyouhelpsupportthisbycarefullyyourmovesandtheonesthatrightforyou. Member Canadian Investor Protection
Prepare yourself for a long retirement Financial focus CHIANNE
MA NSHA DI PH AR MA CY Trusted Advice. Wholesome Care. MISSAGH MANSHADI B.Sc Pharm, Pharmacist/Owner Certified Compounder Free Delivery! • Certified Compounding Pharmacy • Medication Reviews Serving Kamloops and area for 20 years 100% independent and locally owned NORTHSHORE: OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 374 Tranquille Rd. P: 250.434.2526 | F: 250.434.2527 SOUTHSHORE: 477 St. Paul Street P: 250.372.2223 | F: 250.372.2224 “Thank you Kamloops for your suppor t for the past 20 years. We will continue to ser ve and make a dif ference in our community.” PETER TOMILOBAR DD STONE MLAK amloops-Nor th Thompson 618B Tranquille Road Kamloops,BCV2B 3H6 peter.milobar.mla@leg.bc.ca petermilobarmla.ca 250-554-5413 @PeterMilobar PeterMilobarKNT MLAK amloops-South Thompson 446 Victoria Street Kamloops,BCV2C 2A7 todd.stone.mla@leg.bc.ca toddstonemla.ca 250-374-2880 @toddstonebc ToddGStone 11SEPT 05SEPT. 18SEPT. 16-124SEPT.SEPT.8 HAPPYGRANDPARENT’SDAY GrandparentsDay servestohonorand recognizethe contributionsofgrandparents in our lives. TWIN RIVERS CL ASSIC-DART TOURNAMENT RoyalCanadian Legion Branch 52 SteelTIp DartTournament HAPPY L ABOUR DAY Statutor yHoliday Celebratingtheir work and contribution to our country. TAPESTRYFESTIVAL at Macdonald Park Enjoyashowcase of manycultures at Kamloops’first annual multicultural festival KAMLOOPS CARS AND COFFEE at Riverside Park Enjoy acoffee with otherBCIR members. SEPT September 2022 Mail or drop off your entry to: Kamloops Connector, 1365B Dalhousie Dr, Kamloops, BC, V2C 5P6 or email yourdetails with “That Tech Guy Contest” to win@connectornews.ca. Random draw from entries submitted for the contest. One entry per household. Draw date: Friday, September 9th at 9:00am. Prize must be accepted as awarded. Winners will be called to arrange pick up of their prize. Name Phone Email Jeffrey Reade ThatTechGuy IT Services 250-318-7977 jreade@gmail.com Win aFREE Tech/Repair Consult ($60 Value) 25 We all want to moneymakeand we’ve all seen some investment ads online. I swear they’re on every page, MostGooglepersonalizedadsornot.arescams,or you get cloned Facebook friend accounts sending you “great somethingsomeonescamsinvestmentothersscams,seenopportunities.investment”I’vecryptocurrencylikebitcoinandtorealestatescams.Theoldadageforisyoutakewhowantsfornothing and give them nothing for something. I was born and raised in the ‘80s and ‘90s, the era where the motto was: “Greed is good.” The problem is that greed can lead to large blind spots scammers love. They don’t always use fear to get the best of you, sometimes they use greed. I’m not talking about the age old Nigerian prince or Spanish lottery scams, which are used even today. Crypto currency is a popular one because many people, especially older people, don’t understand it. You see people getting rich off of it, but it’s not clearTherehow.are great resources out there to learn about investing in all sorts of things, one I highly recommend is bcsc.bc.ca. The BC Securities Commission has amazing tools and information no matter what you’re interested in investing in. Their other site investright. org can help you figure out what type of investor you are. These tools can help you limit your blind spots and even report scams that popStartingup. in late August I plan on hosting biweekly tech sessions on various topics, most will be Q&A sessions where I answer your questions live online. You can email any of your questions Jreade@bctechguy.cato and I’ll answer them live, or you can join me live and enjoy a coffee or tea as I boil down tech news and scams to their most basic components. Dates and times will be posted on bctechguy.ca and you can even email me what days and times work for you to join me. No one knows everything about technology, but as a community we know a lot. More tools means more safety online THAT JEFFREYGUYTECHREADE SEPTEMBER 2022 7www.connectornews.ca
She’s always been the independent type. We aim to keep her that way. Comfor tKeepers.ca Suite 213 141 Victoria Street Kamloops, BC V2C 1Z5 Call 778.471.1711 for a free in-home assessment kamloops.comfor tkeepers.ca SERVICES Companion Care Light Houskeeping Personal Care Respite Care Escor ted Transpor tation We help to keep her independent spirit strong. Comfor t Keepers® provides compassionate in-home care that helps seniors live safe, happy, and independent lives in the comfor t of their own homes. We call our approach Interactive Caregiving™, a unique system of care, which keeps our clients mentally and physically engaged while focusing on their safety assurance and nutrition needs. © CK Franchising, Inc. *Most offices independently owned and operated. Comfor t Keepers PRIDDLE LAWGROUP 9th Floor-235 1st Avenue, Kamloops 250-434-8911 www.priddlelaw.ca Open Mon -Fri: 8:30 AM –4:30 PM Kerri D. Priddle Lawyer Personal Injury ICBC Claims Civil Litigation Wills/Estate Planning Probate/Estate Administration Corporate Commercial Notary Services
to avoid probate and minimize taxes. Our home is usually the main asset we pass on in our Will, and with current housing prices, that is likely a substantial amount of money! If your Will includes beneficiaries that are young, are disabled or will need assistance managing a large sum of money, putting a trust in place (called a Testamentary Trust) to direct how the funds can be dealt with is an important provision to include in your Will. In addition to trusts established in your Will, you can set up trusts to manage assets while you are alive and distribute the remaining property to beneficiaries once you pass on. These trusts are called Revocable Trusts, which means you can terminate or amend the trust if circumstances or your needs change, as long as you have capacity to do so. If done correctly, these trusts avoid the necessity
of Probate but can trigger certain tax implications and do not shelter the assets from any creditor or legal claims, so accounting advice is a must to be sure the trust is advantageous for you and beneficiaries.yourAnothertypeof trust that can be created in your lifetime is an Irrevocable Trust. As the name suggests, you do not retain control of the assets in this trust and the trust cannot be modified once created, except in very testamentaryrequired.andcarefulofthelegalfromorgovernmentqualificationataxes,suchispurposecircumstances.particularTheofthesetrustsforspecificpurposesasminimizingprotectingbeneficiary’sforbenefitsshelteringassetscreditorsorclaims.Duetospecificnaturethistrust,veryplanningconsiderationisTrusts,bothand muffins, cookies) and coffee/ tea/pop and juice. Lots of smiles come with it. At this time we are still uncertain as to when the kitchen will be up and running at full tilt. We will keep you informed.ChairFitness is Tuesday and Thursdays from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. with our lovely instructor Michelle. Chair Yoga is Tuesday and Thursdays from 2 – 3 p.m. with our fantastic yoga instructor Teresa. Drop in fee - $3.00. Come on out and support Teresa. No experience needed. Scrabble is Wednesdays from 1 – 3 p.m.Cribbage is Fridays from 1 – 3 Toastmastersp.m. will be resuming Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022 from 7 –8 a.m.Table Tennis is on Mondays and Thursdays from 12:30 –2:30TGIFp.m.is once again beginning on Fridays from 10 – 11 a.m. Welcome everyone back!Mexican Train is Saturdays @ 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come and try any of these activities. We would like to thank the many folks in the community who call to arrange
8 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
There is many a movie plot that made it seem like trust funds were for the rich and famous. That is no longer the case as there are many reasons to set up a trust as part of our estate or financial plans. A trust fund provides for beneficiaries while maintaining control of how assets are distributed. Some parents may opt to set up a trust fund for a child, rather than leaving them money through a will, because they’re concerned the child would mismanage a large, fundsinheritance.lump-sumTrustcanalsobeused
Submitted by Penny Ouchi
thecreatingresultandtheyourwithpurposes.andforveryneedsthethepurposesaprobateinofwillfinancialpartrevocablestraightforwardestablishingsettingtypetrustcostneedstrustscharitablesuchforcanrevocable/irrevocable,alsobeestablishedspecificpurposesaspettrusts,remainderandspecialtrusts.Theofsettingupadependsontheoftrustyou’reup.Ifyou’rearelativelytrustasofanestateorplan,thecostbeasmallfractionwhatcanbesavedmismanagement,feesortaxes.Holdingfundsintrustforspecifichasbecomenormratherthanexception,butittobedoneinspecificwaysbanking,probateincometaxWorkingyourlawyerandaccountantiskeytosuccessachievingtheyouintendedbythetrustinfirstplace. Trust funds in modern times Legal ease KERRI D. PRIDDLE Happy Fall everyone! hesitateorlendIfbeenlendingsteppedvolunteershugecontinuedeveryoneGardensSeniors’CommunityCentre@Desertthanksfortheirsupport.Athankyoutothewhohaveuptogiveahand.Ithasveryappreciated.anyoneisabletoahandforanhourmorepleasedon’ttostepup.WecontinuetohavetheOasisCaféopenMondaytoFridayfrom9:30–1p.m.Unfortunately,atthistimetherearenolunchordinnersbeingserved,however,wehavelotsofhomemadegoodies (sweets,
See you in the SUN! Summer By Carl Svangtun, Clear Impact KAMLOOPS CURLINGCLUB|250.371.4863 70 0V IC TO RIA ST RE ET •D OW NT OW NKAML OOPS We have aleaguefor everyone! kamloopscurlingclub.com| Rob@kamloopscurlingclub.com SeniorsSelects (a little more competitive) Mondays mornings at 10:00am Starts September 26 Rockettes (women’s League, mostly senior league but also greatfor shift workers) Tuesdayand Thursdaymorning9:30am Starts September 27 Open Seniors( just forthe fun of it) Wednesdayand Fridaymornings 10:00am Starts September 28 FREE CURLING SEPT13, 2022 -COME TRYIT Great activityfor socializing. Organized Lunches! We have manyseniorsinour night men’s, women’sand mixed leagues showingthe youngoneshow it’sdone. Checkout thewebsitefor aleague that worksfor you. Our oldest curler to date has been 102years old. Kamloops Curling Club Senior 55+ leagues An IndependentLiving,AssistedLiving and ComplexCareCommunity 1220 Hugh Allan Drive, Kamloops BC,V1S 2B3 250.571.1800 |ksv.info@retirementconcepts.com “Happy Grandparent ’s Day From AllofUsatKSV ” “Grandparentsare like stars. Youdon’t always seethem, butyou knowthey’re there” Unknown RETIREMENTCO NCEP TS.COM |S ON ICE TO CO ME HOME TO Order of Moose Lodge #1552 730 Cottonwood Avenue • 250-376-8022 Open ever yday 11 am Draws Friday at 7 pm & Saturdays at 2-4 pm THE FA MI LY FR AT ERNI TY MEMBERS ALWAYS WELCOME! Order of Moose • Women of the Moose • Moose Legion mooselodge1552@shaw.ca SEPTEMBER 2022 9www.connectornews.ca
Why is it that we feel so much better, healthier, happier in theThesummer?simple answer is, of course, the sun. But it’s actually deeper than that. If we are present and really noticing how we feel we’ll notice how our environment impacts so many aspects of our wellness.Itallgoes back to evolution. We evolved to be fit, healthy, vibrant and alive in sync with nature. Not cooped up in a house or office with stale (polluted!) air, chlorinated water, artificial consistentlight,warmth etc. So let’s explore that a bit.Afew hundred years ago with the discovery of electricity we massively changed the way we live. And the two things we did that had a significant impact on our wellness and vitality was spending more and more of our time indoors and, it may sound funny, wearing rubber soled shoes so we lost our connection to the earth. This shift happened very quickly, just a few decades, and our physiologies just haven’t had time to evolve. (Evolution takes time apparently) And our bodies will tell us when they aren’t happy. Mood swings, lethargy, depression.illness,Don’twealways feel more rested, more alive when we’ve spent a day at the lake or in the mountains. Don’t we just sleep better after that? Now I’m not telling you to go live in a cave and spend your days hunting and gathering, but I will suggest this. Get outside and get into nature as often as you can. And do it barefoot. Why barefoot? Because being connected to the earth’s magnetic field is a powerful willtheyoubetter!)periodsunscreenyourinoutside.yourwhatevergarden,swimnegativereplenishinganti-inflammatorynaturalourions. Walkinthewoods,inalake,playsportsorelsestrikesfancy.JustdoitGetthesunyoureyesandonskin(withoutforashorteroftimeisNoticehowfeelattheendofday.Ipromiseyoufeelbetter.
Now I know what you might be thinking. Summer is short, what about the rest of the year? Well the benefit doesn’t go away when the sun goes south. Yes, we will get less Vitamin D and other benefits from the lack of sunlight but there are still many benefits available from being outside, being in nature, getting barefoot and even (gasp!) getting cold! But my time here this month is short because I’m about to get outside and go for a swim. We’ll talk about thermogenesiscold next month. It’s one of my favourite (and one of the most powerful!) self care practices in my self care toolbox!
Debuting in 2013, Crossing Bridges is an outreach program created by the Kamloops Arts Council that aims to aid in the rehabilitation of those living with mental health issues through the healing medium of art. Crossing Bridges brings together the arts community and social service agencies of Kamloops to create workshopshigh-qualityatabsolutely no cost to all that attend. Local artists work closely with social service staff to curate visual arts workshops in a variety of mediums with the goal of assisting participants in their ability to express their fears, realities, hopes, and dreams through art. This year’s visual art workshops will feature painting, collage, photo transfer, drawing, fibre art, beading, mask making, and printing. Such a variety of workshops are coordinated to suit the varying needs, ages, and situations of the participants at each agency to ensure the best-suited workshop is provided to all. As mental health struggles can often be an isolating experience, the workshops aim to diminish this feeling by providing an opportunity for participants to build their own communities through connecting with others who share common interests, building self-esteem and sharing their voices. The workshops are brought directly to the social services and agencies weekly and biweekly. This results in the participants actively returning to areas and people who can provide the services they may need to aid in their healing. Staff from these centers join in the workshops themselves and often remain in the area to provide support to their residents, should they require any. Additionally, the art instructors all have experience working with vulnerable groups and ensure to cultivate a welcoming, inclusive environment for all to express themselves as they feelFurthercomfortable.emphasizing this idea of community, Crossing Bridges culminates in an annual gallery exhibition that unites all members to celebrate health and wellness through art. The annual Outreach Show will take place during October, as it is Mental Health Awareness Month, and will feature masks made by the members of the Kamloops community.
VOTE DALE BASS HEALTH –HOUSING –INCLUSION SAFETY ACCOMPLISHMENTS THIS TERM •Giving the public agreater voice through establishment of asafety and security group for neighbourhood associations; •Promoting creation of abylaw restricting single-use plastic; •Creating day lodges for people living with social issues; •Advocating to the province for asecond mental-health RCMP Car 40; •Advocating for asobering centreand morecomplex-carebeds; •Addressing the lack of childcarecentres; •Advocating for better conditions in longter mcarehousing, public health and RIH. GOALS FOR ASECOND TERM: •Finding ways to encourage more affordable housing to be built, especially for seniors, those living with disabilities or with low incomes; •Continuing to advocate for abetter healthcaresystem that isn’tfilled with long waits, bur nout, lack of doctors; •Maintaining asafe city for everyone; •Improving transit options for seniors and those living with disabilities; • Continuing to give the public alouder voice at City Hall; • Standing up for financial responsibility and accountability VoteDaleBass@gmail.com (250) 572-4620 LB 220 03 778-257-9223 |kamlo op spal @g mail .co m Fo rm orei nfor ma ti on or to regi ster Need digital literacyhelp? We OfferFREE onetoone tutoringfor adults! Support with smartphones, tablets,computers and other digital devices
Bridges Outreach Program connects Kamloops communities by Keiko Bolen, Kamloops Arts Council
Outreach Coordinator Adriana Arzeta Soldevilla says the Arts Council is “very excited” about the show and describes the art as “... fantastic; there’s so much expression. [The masks] all tell a very unique story.”
If you are an artist or agency that is interested in working with Crossing Bridges, please visit the Kamloops Arts Council website at kamloopsarts.ca for more information. If you would like to make a donation to Crossing Bridges, please contact Tanya Nielsen, Executive Director, at info@ kamloopsarts.ca.
10 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
SHAUNA KAREN HAIR CLIPS SALON Professional Hair Care&Styling for Adults We are HAIRfor you **Calltoday for yourappointment** 165 -945 Columbia St. W. in the Sahali Mall 250.8 28.070 8 Open: Tue- Fri9am- 4pm Sat10am-2 pm (except holidays) STAFF IS TRIPLE VACCINATED √ HappyLabour Day 2449 Tr ans Canada Hwy.E ., Kamloops, BC V2C 4A 9 www.SouthThompsonR V. com Tel: 250-374-4949 Toll Free: 1-800-555-8373 CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME TRAILERS COACHESCAMPERS5TH WHEELS MOTOR HOMES Save the difficulty &inconvenience of trying to sell your RV by yourself! We’ll el im inateall the problem sfor yo u! W ’ll l ll h Areyou concer ned about: Strangers coming to your home Length of time to sell your unit The rightprice to ask Legalitiesofselling Wasting your free time Clean-up &detail costs Etc., etc., etc. “On the Auto Mile” Dont want to consign? Well buy your unit! A Remember,we will also trade UP or DOWN to get you the unit you want! Drake Cremation &Funeral Services DrakeSmith, MSW President 210 Lansdowne •425 Tranquille Road Clearwater and BarriereLocations 250-377-8225 Contact@DrakeCremation.com DrakeCremation.com Proud to sponsor the Desert Gardens Calendar WHATMAKESUSDIFFERENT? PLENTY! •100% LOCALLYOWNED &AFFORDABLE •NOUPSELL AND NO HIDDEN SURPRISES •TAKE CARE OF MANY THINGS FOR FREE, INCLUDING THE CPP APPLICATION WE ARE THE ONLYLOCALLYAND FAMILY OWNED CREMATORIUM IN KAMLOOPS Iwas at my favourite and extremely helpful RV location, getting some parts to perform some basic services on my motorhome’s exterior, I noticed age had started to catch up with it. During a very informative conversation they shared a number of service suggestions that were highly recommended. It started with booking a winter maintenance for your RV, devastatingoutswaycorrect.andthatissmokecarbonyearlyshouldworstsneakrightwhenoddcrackingtotoup.pipesantifreezeaddition,introducedcontrolledbywatereitherThepressureisseason.RVupcomingthatmeansmaintenanceweeksareslightschedulingappointmentbeingaconcernastheyacceptingforafewinadvance.WinterbasicallyanyitemorservicewillbeaffectedbythecoldwhileyourisparkedfortheoffThenumberoneconcernyourwatersystem,bothsideanddrainage.systemshavetobecompletelyfreeofwhichisperformedhavingair,underapressure,andthen,inagoodqualityRVpouredintothetominimizefreeze-Eventhedrainsneedhaveantifreezeaddedkeepthetrapsfromduetothecold.*Note:Itseemsrathertalkingaboutcolditisabove35degreesnowbutthesethingsuponyouatyourinconvenience.Yourpropanesystembetestedonabasisasshouldyourmonoxideanddetectors.WhileinforservicethisagoodtimetocheckyourtirepressurewheelnuttorqueareIhavewitnessedtoomanytireblow-ontrailerswithresults.There are available after-market tire pressure monitors that can be added to any wheel which could provide an early warning of a potential hazard. This may also be the best opportunity to check the wheel bearings as I have witnessed a few of those that got way too hot and created a “thermal incident.”Theitem I purchased was some filler tape. The outside panels are securely attached and one can see all the fasteners. The havemanufacturersinstalledatrim rail that allows for a reveal moulding to cover the screws which dresses up the look of your RV. This is composed of a soft nylon like material that nicely fits into the rails disguising the screw heads and providing a more pleasant conditions,appearance.Duetoweatherage,etc, the moulding shrinks and hardens which leads to a required replacement. If you are a bit of a handy person, with help of a friend and a ladder, new strips can be installed. It’s not too hard, yet rewarding.Duringthe service time, have the shop reseal around the roof vents and windows. It’s better to stop a leak than to find one. I am also suggesting that if you have an onboard generator that uses the same fuel as the motorhome, start adding some fuel stabilizer now and in turn be sure to run it. Lack of use can cause the carb to get gummed up and that could be a costly repair.While talking about small motors, start using a little fuel conditioner in your lawn mower or any small engine device.
Adding conditioner just before winter is actually too late, be proactive. My other favourite form of
bigsix8280@yahoo.ca.hesitateconcernsnotchoke,cables,bike.littleapplicable)rearengine,lookwithcanincludesthemuchfullsureworthnextbikeweeksconditionerstartandyear’sgeteverynow.season,feeloftrucks,tiremotorcycleswordtohearttorightfinishesasdon’twinterdotheanypreparations.forbebeingmotorcycles—aretransportation—notforgotten.NowwillagoodtimetobookyourwinterstorageIfyouwantpaintworkdone,booktime!Bodyshopscanmoreforyouoverthemonthswhenyouusethebikebecauseyouknowmotorcyclehavetobejustandassomeonesaidme“youneverrushasurgeon,”onewishesavoidacertain4letter—“oops.”Sincearemoresensitivethancarsorchecktheconditionthetires.IfyoudonottheywilllastallofnextordernewonesThepricesgoupspringandyoumayadealontheremainingstock.Likethelawnmowersothers,pleaseusingsomefuelforafewbeforeyouputtheaway.Therewardonyear’sstartupwillbeit.Whenstoring,bethegastankisfilled.Atank’sfuelwillsurvivelonger.Besuretochangeallnecessaryfluidswhichbrakefluid.Itbecontaminatedmoistureandnotdirty.Changetransmissionanddifferentialoil(iftoprovideapamperingtotheLubricationoftheclutch,throttle,speedoetc.wouldgoamisseither.Anyquestionsorpleasedon’ttocontactmeat Time to take care Submitted by Gary Miller, Retired Service Advisor & Certified Automotive Specialist SEPTEMBER 2022 11www.connectornews.ca
This comesfromallowing us to sitdowntogether,explain the numerous features and benefits, listen intently to your concerns and do our best to honestly answerall your questions. Then if we have earned your business and with your approval, help you select the perfect system foryour individual needs and budget Canadian, Local, &Experienced
EnjoyaRelaxing Bath With NoWorries
When it comestoWalk-in Tubs across British Columbia, we takepride in our position as one of the best option with only the highest qualityproductsaffordably priced. Our walk-in tubs and materials come from aCanadian manufacturing companythat has been in business since1992;theyare well-established in the field and have awonderful track record of success. Thatgives youthe reassurancethatparts will continue to be available and warranties arebackedupwithintegrity.
12 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
WhyChoose Walk-In Tubs BC? Experience, Safety,Reliability
Our primary goal at Walk in Tubs BC is to provide you, our valued client, with the peaceofmind and confidence thatyou have made the rightdecision.
Getinand outof the bath with ease and confidence Canadian made walk-intubs since1992,the best accessibility and alifetime warranty.
The Canadian Government websitestates that 1in4seniors fall ever yyear,and 25% of these falls areserious,leavingthe victims permanently disabledand bedridden. Alarge percentage of thesefalls takeplace in the bathroom. Aside from all the pain and suffering it also ends up costingthe Canadian medical system twobillion dollarsannually. Therefore, the British Columbia and Federal Governments arehelpingmany people who decide to purchase
$1000 OFF! See Ad Below BESURETOASKABOUT GOVERNMENTGRANT &TAXCREDITS! 3S Walk In Tubs BC offers Professionally installed Canadian assembled products providing,Peace of mind, Confidence and Independence to seniors forover 38 years. ead and requ personalized, free no youwillbeglad youdid! 604-751-1925 info@walkintubsbc.com walkintubsbc.com Go ahead and request apersonalized, free no obligation quote today, you will be glad you did! Locally Owned Serving Kamloops and the Thompson Okanagan •Lifetime Warranty •ReasonablyPriced $1000 OFF INSTALLATIONFOR YOUR WALK-IN TUB OR BARRIERFREE SHOWER 250-682-4932 info@walkintubsbc.com walkintubsbc.com COUPON MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIMEOFORDER. OFFER ENDS SEPTEMBER 30 TH ,2 022 SEPTEMBER 2022 13www.connectornews.ca
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As we ageand begin to loseour mobility and senseof balance,bathingcan not only become difficult butalsoacause of additional stress and anxiety. Fear of fallingand afear of not beingable to getout of the tub aretwo of the mostcommon occurrences with manyofour seniors today. Walk-in tubs have become extremely popular in the lastdecade and estimates showthatpeople who go ahead and install awalk-in tubintheir homes today, will be able to live independently for an additional fiveyears. Walk-in tubs areexactly what the name implies,tubs that have large doors that open, and you simply walk in and sit down on a17-inch-high seat. Youclose and lock the door and the tub fills rapidly while you aresitting comfortably and safely inside.All the taps and controls areeasily accessible at yourfingertips Once you aredone yourbath, turn the dial and the tubquickly drains and you simply open the door and walk outofthe tub. Thevarious models all have numerousgrabbarsand nonslip surfaces makinggetting in and outworry free.Walk-in tubs aredesigned for an aging population who desiretoremain independentfor manyyears to come Manufacturers have optional tubdesignsaccommodating ever yshape and sizeofperson and bathroom. Thereisatub size that will fit in the space where yourexistingtub or showeris. Walk-in tubs canbeasbasic as asoaker tubtoasdeluxeas yourown personal spa. Offering numerousoptions such as heated back, multi-speed warm air jets, water jets,ozone,light therapy, aromatherapy, and more. The benefits of awalk-in tub arenumerous. Many people cravebeingable to confidently have abathagain and find relief by just soakinginawarmtub Owners saytheybelievethey sleep better after asoothing bath.Thewarmair or water jets giveadeepmassage and help to stimulate circulation, thus carr yingadditional healing oxygen throughout the body to the hands and feet.This has shown positiveresults increasing mobility and helpingtorelieve the pain and symptoms of such conditions as arthritis,chronic backpain, fibromyalgia,diabetic and peripheral neuropathy, as well as variousother acuteand chronic conditions
Perhaps, one of thebest decisionsI’ve made is when Idecided to go ahead and puta walk-in tubinmy house. Ino longer have a fearof falling and thiswill help melive in my home formanymoreyears to come.’ Jean S awalk-in tubnow.Thehelp comes in the forms of atax credit, aProvincial Sales Taxwaiver, and in certain qualifyingcases a $7,500.00 GovernmentGrant As we all ageand the yearsfly by,manyseniors arefacedwith the reality that takingproactive steps todayand decidingto retrofit their homes with awalk-in tubis one of the best investments theycan make to help them agein place,comfortably and independently in the home they love by Walk-inTubs BC.
14 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
The group accepts email requests from out of town researchers with viewing grave sites and ancestral homes. The society volunteers up to 350 hours per year at the Kamloops LDS Family History centre to assist their society members, church members and the public in all aspects of their family research. They Publish a ‘Family Footsteps’ journal twice a year and exchange journals with other family history societies in Canada and the UK. They hold family history presentations and members attend conferences and webinars to upgrade their skills and knowledge to better serve the membership and the public. You are more than welcome to join them Thursday, Sept. 22nd to celebrate their 40th Anniversary and to share your family history stories to get you started. For more information, please HistoryKamloopstheirgmail.comfamily4geneology@contactorjoinFacebookgroupFamilySociety.
T: 778-696-4LAW E: info@muracanotary.ca 301-619 Victoria Street muracanotary.ca FRANCA MURACA NOTARY PUBLIC • Will and Estate Planning • Incapacity Planning • Real Estate Transactions • Notarizing Documents We’reInLansdowne Mall! 225-450 Lansdowne St 250-571-1377 Lansdowneliquor.ca lansdowneliquor KAMLOOPS’BESTSELECTION OF VQA WINES AND BC CRAFT BEER Treatyouremployees to thebestselection of drink sinKamloopsonLabourDay. chasebc.ca Our office will be closed September 5th The Village of Chase wishes everyone a safe Labour Day •Knowledgeable, friendlystaff •K amloop’slargest selection of bulkteas, herbs &spices •E xclusive carriersofCanadian Health FirstSupplements We look forwardtoseeingyou! 10% off forseniors EVERYDAY Sahali Centre Mall, Kamloops (250)828-6680 Are you Receiving a Municipal Pension? Need information on preserving your pension & benefıts? Want to ensure your voice is heard? Would you like to meet other retirees and make new friends? For more information and to join, please contact the Municipal Pension Retirees’ Association www.mpra.ca The Kamloops Family History Society celebrates 40 years The groups,MakerandandhistoriesdocumentmembersTheybeginnerwhetherforisFamilyHouse.atjointheirinterestedmembersisyearcelebratesFamilyThisgroupTheyaroundSocietyFamilyKamloopsHistoryhasbeenforalongwhile.areanon-profitformedin1982.yeartheKamloopsHistorySocietytheir40thanniversaryandinvitingtheformerandthoseinbuildingfamilytreestocomethemSept.22nd7p.m.atHeritageTheKamloopsHistorySocietyagreatresourcefamilyhistoriansyouareaoradvanced.educateandassisttoresearchandtheirfamilyusingspeakersDNA,AncestryFamilyTreespecialinterestwhichincludes improving computer skills. You will enjoy getting to know other enthusiasts and discuss the ups and downs of genealogy with someone who understands your excitement and frustrations. You can learn a lot from fellow society members. You will find that many of the members have a wealth of knowledge and are happy to share their expertise with others.
By Marta Oraniewicz
GoldenSupportSeniorSealknows challenginghow it can be for seniors to get the help when they need it, the barriers and costs that withbusinessHe’softomentaldisabilitiespeopleKamloops,manyLane,ChristianGoldeneverythemselvespresentaroundcorner.TheownerofSeal,Valehasworkedincapacitiesinhelpingwithphysicalandhealthissueshelpinghundredsseniorcitizens.runhisowninthepastemployees and is aware of the challenges that employees may bring to a smallSeniorcost.theprovidingwithlastingdevelopinglikebewhenseniors.thathisdecadesand,thatseeslens“continuityparticularlybusiness,fromtheofcare”forseniors.Hethechallengesseniorsfaceforalmosttwothisiswherepassionsgo,beinghelpingHelpingthemtheyneedtohelped,howtheytobehelped,longrelationshipsthem,allwhileservicesatmostaffordableGoldenSeal-Supportisabusinessthatis focused on the people and has the flexibility to work with clients’ needs on a one-toone basis, without any involvement.administrationmanagementadditionalorIt’s been said that Christian is kind, effective, warm, and a pleasure to have in your home! To specify how he’s helped seniors over the past almost 20 years would be a very long list indeed! If you think you need some assistance to get you living your best life, give Golden SealSenior Support a call!
It’s the help,whereand when youneed it.
Golden SealSenior Support SEPTEMBER 2022 15www.connectornews.ca
“Approximately 8yearsago Iwas very much enjoying early retirement, but then my health took averyquick turn forthe worse. SuddenlyI couldn’t do the things Iloved like taking my boat out on thelakeorevenkeeping up with errands andhousehold chores. Thewind wastaken out of my sails. Ireached out to severalorganizations but‘Golden Seal Support’ had the mostadaptable approach.They’re competitively priced, and areeager to help me howevermy daylooked thatday.Fromhelping me keep my fridge stocked and me fedto enjoying some early morning fishing with me on the lake!I truly feel like Christian from Golden Seal Support has put thewindback in my sails.” and Events is primarily known as a birthday party presentbutcompanybirthdayprimarilyPartiestimes:followingguest’OkanaganinvitesWellstorytelling,songs,future.totheatricalmanyartsaspecttheirtheycompanycharacterforchildren;areexcitedtodiptoesintoanewoftheperformingandhopetobringmoreloveableproductionsKamloopsintheFilledwithmagicaldance,andWishingPartiesandEventstheThompson-to‘betheiratanyofthedatesandWishingWellandEventsisknownasapartycharacterforchildren,theyproudlytheirfirstlive stage production with the hope to continue putting on loveable theatrical production for all ages to enjoy.
Golden Seal
Raymond Senior Support 250-819-4450 goldensealkamloops@gmail.com goldensealsupport.com Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical Adventures to Town Kamloops-basedbusinessWishingWellPartiesandEventsinvitesyoutositbackandenjoytheirfirsttheatricalproduction,Disney’sBeautyandtheBeast:TheBroadwayMusical.RunningthisSeptember22ndto25th,therewillbefiveopportunitiestoexperiencethis“taleasoldastime”attheSagebrushTheatre.AlongsideBelleandtheBeast,fanswillrecognizemanymoretimelessduossuchasthetightly-woundpendulumclock,Cogsworth,andtheeffervescentcandlestick,Lumiere.Itishardtoforget“everyone’sfavouriteguy”,theburlyandbrawnyGaston, along with his bumbling yet loveable partner in crime, LeFou. The show boasts being composed entirely WishingoftoAcademyKamloopscommunityaviddramacurrentMeyer.ShepherdlocalSarahDustymusicalandalumniUniversityThompsonthelocals.Thompson-OkanaganofForexample,audiencecanseeRiverstheatreMatthewHardyHannahAllen,talentslikeMakortoffandDoan,andevenmodelslikePatrickandMichaelTherearealsohighschoolstudents,andvolunteersoflocaltheatres.Dancewillalsotakethestageinsupporttheproduction.WithinKamloops,WellParties
Witness magic come alive in the form of song, dance, and storytelling’ at any of the following dates and times: September 22 at 10am September 23 at 7pm September 24 at 12:30pm & 7pm September 25 at 12:30pm Venue: Sagebrush Theatre, 1300 9 Ave, Kamloops, BC V2C 3E9 Regular and VIP tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at Kamloops Live! Box Office. kamloopslive.ca/.https://www.
In her youth, Bella learned of the brilliant writer, Henry David Thoreau, who deliberately went to the woods and built a shack above Walden Pond in the New England State of Massachusetts. The vision of Thoreau, who reflected on life and nature for two years, remained with Bella throughout the years she and her husband, Andy, lived in their chalet along a river shore. Bella found her own true ‘Walden’ there and realized that she’d always desired the solitude and peace of unadulterated nature. But, how would she be able to cling to such profound satisfaction when the reality was that she and Andy had too much to look after on the acreage? They were weary and were compelled to relocate. The acreage had offered an idyllic environment conducive to expanding one’s horizons, specifically Bella’s, in terms of the endless seasonal celebrations of life found among natural elements. From her bench, enclosed in the hollow under a mature weeping willow, she romanced Mother Nature and wrote about her. She’d become one with her not unlike in a marriage where two nature lovers seize each other and experience life together… belonging.Asthough in the blink of an eye, she and Andy had finished raising their family. All three of the little human chicks Bella nurtured, in the thickets around the acreage, flew away taking the stuffing right out of their mother to pad their own nests! They left an empty one filled with murmurs of the seventies, wall-paper murals, wall to wall carpet and woodpanelled feature walls. Long before giving the home up, though, a lot of fun took place. When visiting their old stamping grounds, the grown-up chicks became twelve, seven and five-year-old youngsters all over again! It astounded Bella to watch them skip smooth flat stones over the water and swim in the cold river just like they had done as little tadpoles. Unlike when they were children, the young adults sported big appendages: trail bikes, motorcycles, water skis, jet skis, flippers, and diving gear. They laid out on the grassy slopes with their laptops and basked in the sun. Still using the wrong lures, they dropped fishing lines off the end of the floating dock or rode out on the water to troll from the motor boat named, ‘Little Red’. Some things never changed. The proof: they raced down the banks and jogged along the beach examining rotting carcases of salmon left over from spawning season. All good things must come to an end, though. Yes, the old cliché, with its overtones of nostalgia, hit Bella hard when it came time to move on. She walked one last time beneath the cathedral of willows and wept with them, closed up the chalet and opened up her disquieted soul to accept the bittersweet rite of passage. In the open wind off the water, she wept, while her beloved swallowed his emotions in the whirlwind of activity. Thankfully, memories clung to the old crayon-scribbled walls of Bella’s mind. She revelled in the inner-sight visions. Patterns of the past overflowed in conversations; nothing in her present was ever the same as before.
Authorized by Michael Crawford, Financial Agent,
Part of the proceeds will go to the FEA TURING BOBBY GARCIA & 6 MORE STRINGS TICKETS $25 • 19+ SEPTEMBER 3 2022 nicolavalleyrodeo.com September 3&4, 2022 • 1pm Nicola Valley Rodeo Grounds Merritt, BC Our rodeo is a high quality, action-packed family event that honours the ranching and rodeo heritage of the Nicola Valley. THE RODEO IS BACK! Advance tickets at PURITY FEED, Merritt or online at nicolavalleyrodeo.com SA TURD AY D ANC E
Being innovative in our approach to economic growth & partnerships. Creating an equal standard of living & quality of life for everyone. Communication & collaboration it's the only way for us to move forward into the future together.
Continued on page 19 16 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
The loss of Bella’s Walden meant it was time for her to concentrate on putting heart and soul into padding the new nest in the city. Furnished and decorated with frugality, her waning energies led her down the garden path to tackle the back yard. Once upon a time, a small gold-fish pond had been sunk into the earth in an un-manicured corner next to a rotting fence. Cloaked with inspiration and armed with a slew of garden tools, Bella braced herself for the backbreaking tasks ahead. It took a tonne of hard work, but she was not yet decrepit. Little by little the transfiguration, of the insignificant puddle of stale water, highlighted a transplanted school of energetic koi dodging the spray from the water feature. Under the sun’s dimples, the once neglected area morphed
As a Kamloops City Councillor, I've taken an action-oriented and proactive approach. I feel strongly about many issues, but my biggest passion is getting things done. The areas I believe have the biggest impact on everyone in our community are: Visit sadiehunterkamloops.com for more information on my vision for Kamloops and to support my campaign.
It's time for a new kind of leader.
Creative Writing by Rita Joan Dozlaw
Dr. Norma Dunning’s poem in, “Future We in-U-Wee” hits the reader with powerful images in the shortest number of words, describing her life as an Inuit in the Canadian south. Her sons are the future – a positive future.
Romeo Saganash, a former Member of Parliament, skewers with humour the powerful politicians who feign a connection to First Nations people without sufficient action on injustices. Clarence Louie, chief of the Osoyoos band in southern BC, quotes Chief Joseph who, 120 years ago, objected to “good words” with no action – a complaint heard today. Louie vigorously promotes sound business procedures with measurable results to strengthen a band’s economic success.
SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 4 11 18 25 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 1 8 15 22 29 3 10 17 24 31 6 13 20 27 2 9 16 23 30 SEPTEMBER 2022 Calendar of Events Clearwater Seniors’ Activities Seniors’ Coordinator 250-674-8185 Carpet Bowling @ Evergreen Acres 1:00-3:00pm Carpet Bowling @ Evergreen Acres 1:00-3:00pm 2nd Sunday Social 12:30 Wells Gray Inn Carpet Bowling @ Evergreen Acres 1:00-3:00pm Carpet Bowling @ Evergreen Acres 1:00-3:00pm Men’s Sheds Drop-In Old ICBC office 9:00-3:00 pm Music in the Park DLCC field 7:00pm Writers Circle 2:00-4:00 Seniors room Men’s Sheds Drop-In Old ICBC office 9:00-3:00 pm Music in the Park DLCC field 7:00pm Writers Circle 2:00-4:00 Seniors room Men’s Sheds Drop-In Old ICBC office 9:00-3:00 pm Music in the Park DLCC field 7:00pm Pancake Breakfast Elks Hall 8:00 12:00pm Farmers Market DLCC Field 9:00 12:00pm Pancake Breakfast Elks Hall 8:00 12:00pm Farmers Market DLCC Field 9:00 12:00pm Pancake Breakfast Elks Hall 8:00 12:00pm Farmers Market DLCC Field 9:00 12:00pm Pancake Breakfast Elks Hall 8:00 12:00pm Farmers Market DLCC Field 9:00 12:00pm Pancake Breakfast Elks Hall 8:00 12:00pm Farmers Market DLCC Field 9:00 12:00pm Men’s Sheds Drop-In Old ICBC office 9:00-3:00 pm Music in the Park DLCC field 7:00pm Men’s Sheds Drop-In Old ICBC office 9:00-3:00 pm Music in the Park DLCC field 7:00pm Book Club 2:00-4:00 at the Library Hiking Group meet at Hungry Hikers at 8:30am Drop in Crib @ the Legion 7:00pm Hiking Group meet at Hungry Hikers at 8:30am Drop in Crib @ the Legion 7:00pm Hiking Group meet at Hungry Hikers at 8:30am Drop in Crib @ the Legion 7:00pm Hiking Group meet at Hungry Hikers at 8:30am Drop in Crib @ the Legion 7:00pm Hiking Group meet at Hungry Hikers at 8:30am Drop in Crib @ the Legion 7:00pm Drop in Crib @ the Legion 1:00pm Drop in Crib @ the Legion 1:00pm Drop in Crib @ the Legion 1:00pm Drop in Crib @ the Legion 1:00pm Men’s Sheds Drop-In Old ICBC office 9:00-3:00pm Men’s Sheds Drop-In Old ICBC office 9:00-3:00pm Men’s Sheds Drop-In Old ICBC office 9:00-3:00pm Seniors Luncheon @ the Legion 10:00 -1:00pm Men’s Sheds Drop-In Old ICBC office 9:00-3:00pm SU ND AY MOND AY TUE SD AY WEDNE SD AY TH UR SD AY FRI DAYS AT URD AY 4 11 18 25 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 1 8 15 22 29 3 10 17 24 6 13 20 27 2 9 16 23 30 AUGUST 2022 Calendar of Events Monday Morning Market Caregiver Support 10:00 12:00 Monday Morning Market Caregiver Support 10:00 12:00 OFFICE CLOSED LABOUR DAY Monday Morning Market Day Away Good Food Box Payment Day Away Day Away Day Away Day Away Day Away Day Away Day Away Good Food Box Pick Up Day Away Day Away Foot Care (by appt. only) Foot Care (by appt. only) Foot Care (by appt. only) Foot Care (by appt. only) Foot Care (by appt. only) Foot Care (by appt. only) Foot Care (by appt. only) Foot Care (by appt. only) Seniors’ Resource Centre - Salmon Arm 320A Second Ave. NE (Office Hours: 9:00 am 3:00 pm) Salmon Arm, BC V1E 1H1 | Phone 250-832-7000 Fax 250-833-0550 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 4 11 18 25 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 1 8 15 22 29 3 10 17 24 6 13 20 27 2 9 16 23 30 SEPTEMBER 2022 Calendar of Events Merritt Senior Centre The Merrit Seniors Association 250-378-3763 • 1675 Tutill Court | Cyril George, President Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Cribbage 1:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Cribbage 1:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Cribbage 1:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Cribbage 1:00pm Shuffleboard 2:00pm Sip and Snack café @ noon Floor curling 1:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Shuffleboard 2:00pm Sip and Snack café @ noon Shuffleboard 2:00pm Sip and Snack café @ noon Shuffleboard 2:00pm Sip and Snack café @ noon Shuffleboard 2:00pm Sip and Snack café @ noon Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Rummoli 7:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Rummoli 7:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Rummoli 7:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Rummoli 7:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Rummoli 7:00pm Exercise 10:00am 11:00am Pool tables 10:00am 2:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Whis 7:00pm Exercise 10:00am 11:00am Pool tables 10:00am 2:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Whis 7:00pm Exercise 10:00am 11:00am Pool tables 10:00am 2:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Whis 7:00pm Exercise 10:00am 11:00am Pool tables 10:00am 2:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Whis 7:00pm Bingo 1:00pm to 3:00pm Doors open 11:00am Bingo 1:00pm to 3:00pm Doors open 11:00am Bingo 1:00pm to 3:00pm Doors open 11:00am Bingo 1:00pm to 3:00pm Doors open 11:00am Office hours are Wednesday and Friday from 11:00am to 1:00pm All programs are subject to change or cancellation. ALL HEALTH AND SAFETY RESTRICTIONS WILL BE FOLLOWED PASSPORTS AND MASKS ARE NECESSARY (until further notice) SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 4 18 25 7 21 5 19 26 8 22 3 10 24 6 20 27 2 9 23 SEPTEMBER 2022 Calendar of Events Merritt Senior Centre The Merrit Seniors Association 250-378-3763 • 1675 Tutill Court | Cyril George, President Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Cribbage 1:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Cribbage 1:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Cribbage 1:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Cribbage 1:00pm Shuffleboard 2:00pm Sip and Snack café @ noon Floor curling 1:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Shuffleboard 2:00pm Sip and Snack café @ noon Shuffleboard 2:00pm Sip and Snack café @ noon Shuffleboard 2:00pm Sip and Snack café @ noon Shuffleboard 2:00pm Sip and Snack café @ noon Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Rummoli 7:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Rummoli 7:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Rummoli 7:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Rummoli 7:00pm Pool tables 10:00am–2:00pm Rummoli 7:00pm Exercise 10:00am 11:00am Pool tables 10:00am 2:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Whis 7:00pm Exercise 10:00am 11:00am Pool tables 10:00am 2:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Whis 7:00pm Exercise 10:00am 11:00am Pool tables 10:00am 2:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Whis 7:00pm Exercise 10:00am 11:00am Pool tables 10:00am 2:00pm Floor curling 1:00pm Whis 7:00pm Bingo 1:00pm to 3:00pm Doors open 11:00am Bingo 1:00pm to 3:00pm Doors open 11:00am Bingo 1:00pm to 3:00pm Doors open 11:00am Bingo 1:00pm to 3:00pm Doors open 11:00am Office hours are Wednesday and Friday from 11:00am to 1:00pm All programs are subject to change or cancellation. ALL HEALTH AND SAFETY RESTRICTIONS WILL BE FOLLOWED PASSPORTS AND MASKS ARE NECESSARY (until further notice)
This book of thirteen essays compiled and edited by Drew Hayden Taylor highlights the future of Indigenous Peoples (IP) in Canada, focusing on ensuring a world where seven generations from now Indigenous People will be not just surviving but thriving. Some of the contributors share an historical perspective on events, details handed down from one generation to the next via storytelling, dance, art, music, and writing. Details of their circumstances are often disturbing: community-wide poverty, racism, and institutional trauma, including abuse experienced in the residential schools (as highlighted by the quest of the Tk’emlu’ps [Kamloops] band to reveal identities of children believed to be buried in unmarked graves).
Book Review SEPTEMBER 2022 17www.connectornews.ca
Drew Hayden Taylor is from the Curve Lake First Nation. He is an activist for First Nations rights, and an author of a series of books: Me Funny, Me Sexy, and Me Artsy. Me
Mother Earth … is everything to Indigenous Peoples. She does not belong to us; rather, we belong to her. We will ensure that our cosmovision is known to our youth, and they, in turn, strengthened and emboldened, will change the world – for the better. D.H. Taylor
Autumn Peltier, who at 17 advocated for water rights, shares “In the Blink of an Eye” her heart-warming tribute to her mother who knew how important it was to teach the ways of her people to her daughter. Shalan Joudry, playwright and ecologist, envisages futuristic storytelling, influenced by Elders such as Lee Maracle and others, the basis of Indigenous storytelling continuing in different forms. A number of the contributors to this book remark on continuing efforts to connect IP both locally and internationally, the alliances part of a global movement to protect indigenous values. This book ponders the question of what the future of Indigenous People will look like. Each essay and point-of-view is unique. All of the thirteen essays present a worldview that is complex, suffused with hope for the next generations.Recommended.
By Drew Hayden Taylor Douglas & Publisher,McIntyre2021Essays
By Marilyn Brown
18 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
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deer, Father raised the matter of the missing tools. “Baldy,” he declared, “Anne and I are very grateful you helped us out like this. Why, if you hadn’t thought of keeping those tools safe, someone might have broken into the cabin and stolen them! We really appreciate what you did. But they must have been in your way. We’re home now so I’ll just take them out of your road.” Poor Baldy. He muttered a “Heck, George, it was nothing. Always glad to do a favour for a neighbour. Yep, I believe that spud’s yours, too,” and stood, watching disconsolately, as Father, with a bristling armload of tools, headed home.There were times, though, when justice seemed to come down hard on Baldy. As the local bootlegger in a place with no liquor store for ninety miles, he was regarded as a valuable member of the logging and malcontentoccasionallycommunity.homesteadingButsomewould report him, the constabulary would seize his still and there’d be Baldy, up before the Justice of the Peace.Onone such occasion the trial was proceeding to its conclusioninevitablewhen a member of the public raised a point. They had only the arresting officer’s word, he observed, that the liquid in the jug thatround.request.seemedMcKirdyjustice?wasliquidtheexhilarating.knew,watercontainItcontainedexhibitedmoonshine.mightequallywellSwiftCreekwhich,everyonewasalsoextremelyShouldn’tgroupsamplethetobesuretherenomiscarriageofJusticeFultonsaidthisareasonableThejugwentMostagreeditwas,indeed, moonshine and pretty good stuff at that. But there were dissenters. The jug circulated again. By the time all present were convinced and agreed on the nature and quality of the contents, the jug was empty. “Case dismissed for lack of evidence.”Baldy,a resourceful man, saw no reason why the justice system which tried to prevent him from making a living, shouldn’t work for him. Accordingly, every autumn he would ostentatiously steal some item valuable enough to net him a six month sentence in the Prince George jail. This guaranteed him shelter, warmth, and regular, though monotonous, meals for the winter, and freed him from the necessity of hunting for food or cutting enough wood to see him through to spring. The rest of the justice.withtoownwhoharshlyoftenThewaswinterexpectedmonthsBaldy.loyaltyofwascrimes.convictedsentencesadvisedpriorpro-BritishtouringQueendidwasn’tB.C.California,arrangement.admirationwood,buckinghomesteaders,uptheirwinter’shadagrudgingforBaldy’sItwasn’tbut,inruralinthe1930s,itbad.Onlyoncetheplanfail.KingGeorgeandElizabeth,CanadatorousesentimenttoW.W.II,weretocommutetheofprisonersofpettyTherationalethatthisexpressionmercywouldheightentotheCrown.Itdidn’tworkwithTherehewas,beforehe’dit,thrustforthintoanorthernforwhichhetotallyunprepared.formerpatriotwasheardtospeakaboutaKingcouldn’tmindhisbusinessbuthadgoroundinterferingthedueprocessof
KALS offers 48 classes in our fall semester (September to December) Enjoy multi-week or single session daytime classes, from Wealth Transfer to the Next Generation to aGardengate Tour. From HeartMath -the Heart Brain Connection to Come to the Concert -Dvorak’s New World Check out our programs at www.kals.ca For course descriptions and instructor profiles PHONE: 250-376-1525 E-mail: info@kals.ca OFFICE/MAIL: #101-1550 Island Parkway, Kamloops, BC V2B 0H7 (McArthur Island Old Golf Course Building) OFFICE HOURS:Mon-Fri 9am-4pm (closed 12-1pm) www.facebook.com/kamloopsadultlearnerssociety KAMLOOPS ADULT LEARNERS SOCIETY NEVER STOP LEARNING! 1Class Let’sGoGeocaching September 8, 2022 $10 1Class Tour of Walhachin –Gold Country’sGhostTown September 9, 2022 $15 1Class Atrip to Central Asia and the Silk Road September 12, 2022 $10 1Class Not QuiteaHippie: Producing theEco-comedy Boomerangst September 12, 2022 $10 1Class Literacy forAll September 13, 2022 $10 1Class Art &Conversation: Reading the Land September 13, 2022 $5 2Classes An introduction to InvasiveSpecies September 14, 2022 $15 1Class Wealth Transfer to the Next Generation September 15, 2022 $10 10 Weeks News &Views September 16, 2022 $50 1Class Flaneur/Flaneuse. The artistas awandering observer: being a touristinfamiliar territory. September 18, 2022 $10 1Class Gardengate Tour September 23, 2022 $10 1Class Kamloops’ Natural Wonders September 26, 2022 $10 1Class From Field to Plate:Optimizing your Nutrition and Health September 27, 2022 $10 1Class Optimizing RetirementPay September 27, 2022 $10 1Class Emergency Support Services? Emergency Preparedness -Are youready? September 28, 2022 Free 1Class Come to the Concert -Dvorak’sNew World September 29, 2022 $10 1Class KamloopsHospice –AViewBehindthe Scenes September 29, 2022 $10 1Class Walking Tour of Downtown KamloopsI October 1, 2022 $10 1Class Walking Tour of Downtown KamloopsII October 2, 2022 $10 1Class Tour of Stained-Glass Studio October 3, 2022 $10 1Class Fit &Fun at AnyAge October 3, 2022 $10 1Class Green Burial Options &Aquamation October 4, 2022 $10 3Weeks ATaste of MargaretAtwood: Icon, Iconoclast, and Engaged Citizen October 5, 2022 $20 1Class FantasticFungi: Wild Mushrooms in the KamloopsArea October 5, 2022 $10 1Class Elderdog Canada: Aging People, Aging Dogs andKeeping Love in the Home October 6, 2022 $10 1Class The Storyofa Play October 7, 2022 $10 1Class The Corkscrew Road –Guided Walk with Ernie Kroeger October 12, 2022 $10 1Class CurrentIssues Driving Estate Disputes October 13, 2022 $10 1Class Knowledge,Epistemic Injustice, and thePolitics of Credibility October 14, 2022 $10 1Class HeartMath -The Heart BrainConnection October 17, 2022 $10 2Sessions ATour of KamloopsAreaGeology October 18, 2022 $15 1Class Managing Climate Anxiety through Action October 18, 2022 $10 1Class Lifeinthe AgeofCOVID-19. Whereare we now–and whereare we going? October 19, 2022 Free 1Class LanguageSounds and HowWeMakeThem October 24, 2022 $10 1Class Natural WondersofIceland October 25, 2022 $10 1Class Medical Assistance in Dying: Whereare We at &WhatDoesit Mean forMe? (ZOOM) October 25, 2022 Free 1Class InvasiveFauna in BC November 1, 2022 $10 3Weeks Investment101 November 2, 2022 $20 1Class ChemistryofColour November 3, 2022 $10 1Class HowDoWeMakeSentences? November 7, 2022 $10 4Weeks CreativeMemoir Writing November 8, 2022 $30 1Class Come to the Concert –Evocative Elegance November 10, 2022 $10 1Class Art &Conversation: Witnessing November 15, 2022 $5 1Class Busting Myths About Electrification of the Transportation Sector: EV ’s AreAGamechanger November 16, 2022 $10 1Class An Armchair Trip to Colombia November 30, 2022 $10 1Class TRU Nursing Lab and Simulations December 5, 2022 $10 1Class Art &Conversation: Drawnfromthe Collection December 13, 2022 Free 1Class Come to the Concert -Christmas with the KSO December 15, 2022 $10 Fall Classes Starting Soon. Register Now! Register online, in person, by mail or phone Kamloops Paint& WindowCoverings 771 NotreDame Drive, Kamloops,BCV2C 5N8 250.828.1800 |k amloopspaint.com Paint LikeNoOther Atrustedbrand thatisdurable,washable and available in thousands of colours. Have awall that just won't stay nice? 2019 WINNER into a natural sanctuary. Complete with a rustic swing and two hand-made, emerald-green, stylized Adirondack lounge chairs, ambience reigned. Over and between the heavy round stepping stones, wild violets and fragrant herbs left their scents in the air and underfoot. Hedges of rhododendrons and flowering bushes flanked the little lanai. A mountain ash tree grew heavenward from seed and attracted birds. From the arc of the quaint foot-bridge, Bella looked into the tree’s branches where Tanagers, Grosbeaks, and varieties of migrating birds communed among themselves.Gazinginto the pond, shimmering koi mesmerized her as they nibbled their daily cuisine of insects. Fat beetles beckoned the fish by creating swirls of disturbance on the water’s surface. The shallows and fountain spray refreshed the fluttering red and yellow Finch bathers. They were a constant source of entertainment as they took turns sharing rocks and preening in their reflections. Wild mallards arrived without disturbing the Hummers who hovered to pierce the tubers and satisfy their sweet-tooths. Blue Herons and Grey Squirrels loved the shelter’s seclusion.Bella’snow-mature human hens and their young’uns often travelled from Saskatchewan to British Columbia to revisit the mama and the papa, by then, affectionately called the gramma and the grandpa. The city home and yard offered up old charm and included newbies like the ensuite, hardwood floors and windows draped in wooden blinds instead of chintz. The elderly couple had clung to enough old twigs, like crazy quilts and family albums, to welcome and tweak a sense of nostalgia in their loved ones’ hearts. From the precipice of Bella’s new reality, she experienced contentment as recorded by the famed nature-lover Thoreau in writing about his humble abode off the grid. The gifts left to Bella, in the visuals she’d drawn from his writings, allowed her to recognize beauty. She wallowed in similar peace. Besides enjoying their haven in Kamloops, the family traveled to new places where Bella, in particular, rediscovered semblances of her Walden wherever the natural universe called her to find them. Continued from page 16FINDING WALDEN SEPTEMBER 2022 19www.connectornews.ca
Is it time for “The Talk?”
Ask Drake DRAKE SMITH Funeral Director
RayDhaliwal ForMAYOR RAYDHALIWAL WORKSFOR YOU COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT •President -Kamloops Multicultural Societyfor over15years •Helped organizeCanada Daycelebrations and Folk Fest •Past BoardMember of the Centrefor Seniors Information Centre •Member of theAna Vets •Member of TheKamloops Sikh Cultural Society •Past Member of theNorth Kamloops Rotary Club GOALS •Keeping Taxesand Spending under Control •Creating aSafe and Secure Community •Support forour Seniors and Youth •Affordable housing forEVERYONE •Tohavea positiveimpact in my community Accountable /Approachable Accessible -Born and Raised In Kamloops -Fourth Generation Kamloopsian -Owner and Operator of Rays Lock andKey and Browns Locksmith forover40years TRIPLE ‘A’ VOTE FORRAY 250.214.7297 Aberdeen Elementar y School 2191 Van Horne Drive Ar thur Hatton Elementar y School 315 Chestnut Avenue Ar thur Stevenson Elementary School 2890 Bank Road Beattie Elementar y School 492 McGill Road Brocklehurst Middle School 985 Windbreak Street Dallas Elementar y School 296 Harper Road Dufferin Elementar y School 1880 Hillside Drive Heritage House 100 Lorne Street Juniper Ridge Elementar y School 2540 Qu’Appelle Blvd Lloyd George Elementar y School 830 Pine Street NorKam Secondar y School 730 12th Street Rayleigh Elementar y School 306 Puett Ranch Road R.L. Clemitson Elementar y School 5990 Todd Road South Sahali Elementar y School 1585 Summit Drive Valleyview Secondar y School 1950 Valleyview Drive Westmount Elementar y School 745 Walkem Road #kamvotes VOTING LO CATI ON S 8:00 am–8:00 pm on October 15, 2022 250-828-3483 election@k amloops.ca Municipal Elec tion General Voting Day SATURDAY, OC TO BER 15, 2022 Voters require two pieces of ID to prove residenc y and identity (at least one with a signature). • Eligible voters may choose the voting location of their choice. • There is no need to register in advance. For voter eligibility requirements and more election information call us or visit our website at: LetsTalk.Kamloops.ca GET OUT & VOTE! LetsTalk.Kamloops.ca Eligible voters will be voting to elect one Mayor, eight City Councillors, and five School District No.73 Board of Education Trustees 15 ADVA NCE VOTING DAYS 8:00 am–8:00 pm on October 5, 8, 12 Heritage House 100 Lorne Street McAr thur Island Spor t and Event Centre 1655 Island Pkwy
Many of us
Rememberteenagers.raisedwhen you gave them “The Talk?” about the ‘birds and the bees?’ For most parents, that was a stressful event. It wasn’t a cakewalk for the teenagers either! You fumbled for the right words, and they squirmed, hoping it would all end soon! Or, if you couldn’t muster the courage to actually talk with your kids, maybe you just slipped some “literature” under their pillow instead! Or maybe you simply crossed your fingers and hoped for theFastbest.forward thirty or forty years, and guess what? It’s time for “The Talk” again! What will “The Talk” be about this time? You guessed it: it’s about you and your future, you’re gone. Paul McCartney laid it out in a song called “At the End of the End.” For many people, the thought of having this “Talk” produces as much anxiety, sweaty palms and fumbling as the one about the birds and bees. Your grown kids may be in denial, and aging parents may not know what to say. Maybe the kids should just slip some “literature” under YOUR pillow! That’s why I recently wrote a booklet called “Drake’s Guide to You and Your Aging Parents.” Hopefully, this column, and the little booklet, will help you and your grown children to get your act together, before it’s too late. Maybe you think you’ve already had “The Talk” with your grown kids. Perhaps one evening, while everyone was gathered around the TV set watching the funeral procession on a Midsomer Murder re-run, you blurted out “When I die, just cremate me – no fuss!” How much clearer could you be? Here’s what will really happen when your time comes. Your family will enter the funeral home and proclaim “Grandpa Murray wanted cremation!” Then, the funeral director will start asking a whole bunch of questions and your family won’t know the answers. They’ll scramble around trying to satisfy the undertaker’s curiosity. Maybe they’ll go home and tear the house apart. Their stress levels will go higher and higher. It’s all because no one had the knowledge (or the courage) to ask Murray the right questions when he declared “Just cremate me” all those months or years ago. That’s why you should have “The Talk.” And, it’s why you should get your copy of “Drake’s Guide to You & Your Aging Parents.” It’s only 8 pages long, but it’s full of helpful tips, and it could start a great conversation between you and your kids. Also, pick up your free copy of “Drake’s Easy as 1-2-3 Planning Sheet” which should take about 5 minutes for you to fill out. That “1-2-3Planning Sheet” will save your family a ton of stress when you time comes. Drop in and pick up your copy or call and we’ll mail it to you or download it at DrakeCremation.com. If all else fails, your kids might just slip it under your pillow!
20 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
sleek and
Continued from page 1 SEPTEMBER 2022 21www.connectornews.ca
Pros ByFunctionalityeliminating the curb, you make your shower an accessible space for all. This is important if you live in a home with multiple generations or have company stay with you. Children can clear a 4” curb with no problems, however, the elderly may have a harder time. It is nice to have a bathroom that functions and works for everyone in the family.Saygoodbye to the doorNot only are shower doors expensive they can be time-consuming to clean. With curbless showers you eliminate the need for one, that is unless you want one, then go for it!
Flooring PAULNufloorsMORRIS
• Continue to water plants. Water is essential in the fall and winter as roots can still be growing. Gradually reduce watering duration as plants go dormant. Fall planting and maintenance can extend gardening season and improve the chances of growing a healthy spring garden.
One of the latest trends that are is a modern If plan a bathroom or build a new this guide is for Let’s explore some of the pros and cons of curbless showers to help you decide if one may be right for you!
Fall gardening tips appeal. In addition to pansies and violas, asters, kale and chrysanthemums are fall blooms. Keep in mind that mums can come back year after year. So take them out of those flower pots and get them into the ground. They can be enjoyed next year as well, sprouting in early spring and developing leaves and buds through late summer.
• Clean up unwanted growth. Fall is an ideal time to cut back spent vegetable plants and get rid of errant weeds. Rather than bagging leaves, mow them with a grass catcher and then add the mix to a vegetable garden as an excellent soil insulator. The nitrogen and carbon will fertilize the soil, enhancing growing possibilities and limiting weed growth.•Propagate plants in the fall. As temperatures gradually begin to cool, start taking cuttings from perennials, gathering seed pods from azaleas and rhododendrons and dividing hardwood cuttings, says the resource Gardening Know How. Consult with a garden center or horticulturist on the proper ways to propagate stems using rooting hormone and other techniques.
loving in bathroom design
Pros and Cons of Curbless Walk-in Showers
curbless shower.
Virtual Naturopathic Medicine Clinic Available for appointments. Visit: www.drashleyromanchuk.com For information or to book Questions? Email: info@drashleyromanchuk.com Canadi an Fr anchi ses Av ailab le | *A divisio n of Eve ry thi ng Organi zed Ve nture s Inc 762 Dominion St. V2C 2X9 250.377.7601 ever ythingorganized.net Professional Organizing Downsizing & Moving Experts Hoarding/Chronic Disorganization Estate Liquidation Companionship & NonMedical Home Ser vices Program sphcaregiver nanniescanada@gmail.com www.sphpoweratwork.com 250-314-6555 CALL FOR AN INITIAL ASSESSMENT! One To One Car e • Nur sing Home • Person remaining at home • Shel ter ed Living Ac commo dations Personal Car e, Me dic al Reminder s, Meal Pr ep, Housework , A c c ompanying to Appointment s. *Plan for your Safety and Wellbeing*
Show off your design Your view is physically cut off when a shower is enclosed by a curb or door. With an open shower, there are sightlines into the wet area which can showcase and show off a luxury or creative shower design. Think of all the new tiles and decorative wall panels available on the market. There are so many options for you to create a space that is beautiful and unique to your style so why not let it shine with a curbless shower.Great for all spaces If you have your heart set on a curbless shower but are concerned your space is too small, do not fret, you do not need to live in a large home to enjoy a curbless shower. Smaller bathrooms with curbless showers simply require a bit more thought on the layout. Cons Little Curblessprivacyshowers are often open to the rest of the bathroom, so they do not offer much privacy. If privacy is a concern, consider adding different design elements such as obscure glass, glass blocks, or curtains to minimize this problem. Water can escape Since only the slope of the shower floor holds water in the wet area of the shower it is easier for water to spill over into the rest of the bathroom. To combat this, shower head type and placement are extra ThisLogisticsimportant.isn’tasmuch of a concern for new builds as it is for renovation projects. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as tiling your entire bathroom and adding a showerhead. Depending on the scope of the project and your local building codes, the floor where the shower will be may need to be lowered or raised to account for waterproofing and draining.Ifanyof these points have piqued your interest in curbless showers don’t hesitate to stop by our showroom for a chat. With so many new tiles on the market we’re confident there will be a style for you!
Mementos—things we cherish that help bring memories of those we care about alive again—if only for a short while. Have you ever thought about what it might be like to be able to hear or see your person again, possibly in a short video? Maybe this is something you could do for your family—a life interview of sorts—sharing your life stories and knowledge. Maybe you’re more of a crafty person and would like to, with the help of others, create a legacy scroll or use family handprints in an art project or photos to create a special story book. It could be that you want others to know how important they are to you, how they have influenced your life and so, writing individual love letters might be an option. In defining what legacy means to you, I encourage you to go beyond the material aspect. What is important for you to share? What is crucial for others to hear? How do you want others to celebrate yourYourmemory?legacyplanning has a great significance, purpose and is worthwhile.
community outsideColouringthelines
Rev LeAnn Blackert works with Michele Walker, Linda Clark and Lesly Comrie in ministry with Wild Church in Kamloops, Sorrento and the bewildchurchbc.orgonjoinfellowGreatconnectionforwildandherherselforg).(wildchurchbc.OkanaganSheconsidersaseekerinfaithjourneywanderstheworldlookingsoul-nourishingwiththeMysteryandseekers.Toherandothersthisjourney,visitandintouch!
250-309-4779 •beforeyourlastbreath@gmail.com www.griefenergycoach.com End of Life Doula UNITED CHURCHES OF CANADA Kamloops United Church www.kamloopsunited.ca 421 St. Paul St. • Sundays 10 am Rev Dr Michael Caveney Mt. Paul United Church www.mtpauluc.ca 140 Laburnum St. • Sundays 10 am Plura Hills United Church www.plurahillsunited.com 2090 Pacific Way • Sundays 10 am 22 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
“It could only happen in a small town.”When I was in high school, I wrote a weekly column for my kindness,mynextminor–acourse,thebroughtofweekoverevidencedvalueAndthathaveasforinnews.gokindnessandhighlightusedwaswasnewspaperhometownandthisthetitlethatassignedtoit.IthecolumntothesmalllargeactsofthatoftenunreportedintheI’vebeenbackthatsmalltownseveralweeksbothmyparentshealthissuesareescalating.I’veseentheofcommunityoverandagain.ThefirstIwashomeonemyMom’sfriendsamealtohouse–and,ofstayedforvisittocatchupafterMomhadsurgery.TheweekIobservedMomrepaythedelivering a meal to the same friend after her friend had ingreatembodimenttheasyourtoyoutoasalsotheaswhoThereIgathered,twocommunity:aboutJesusaction.mighttimesupwherecaringcompassionateMyhealthwillthemyanyvolunteeredneighbourslistWekitchengoodiesAndouranddroppedareplacementkneesurgery.Sincethenatleastdozenfriendshaveofffooddessertsforfamilytoshare.we’vesharedfromourwiththem.haveagrowingoffriendsandwhohavetohelpwaytheycanasparentsnavigatelifechangesthatcomewiththeseconcerns.parentsliveinaandcommunitypeopleshowforoneanotherinofneed.SomecallitfaithinTheteachingsofspeakoftenthevalueof“Whereorthreearethereamintheirmidst.”amI,theonespokeoflovethefulfillmentoflaw.Theonewhosaid,“Inasmuchyouhavedoneittheleastofthese,havedoneitme,”and“loveneighbouryourself.”Jesus,Christ,theofGod’slove,ispresentandthrough these acts of loving kindness and in these caring arewheretownspecialsomethingtimesnumberbelookedparentsCanadianIknowkindintremendousmanyoneandpouredcommunityOurwherethesamefororganizations,Othersfindanywhere.foundcommunityatheleastofEssentiallywedoWhatofinterconnectednesstaughtunderstoodwhatBecauserelationships.ultimatelyJesusandwasthealllivingthings.IdotoyouItomyselfbecausearetrulyallone.eachoneusisoneof“theofthese.”Noteveryonehasgiftoflivinginsmalltown,butcanbeorcreatedSomeitinthechurch.inserviceclubsthosewiththeinterests,orinneighbourhoodtheylive.WildChurchhasoutkindnesscaringuponanotherinsoways.There’svaluebeingpartofthatofcommunity.Iamgratefultothatwhenreturntomyhome,mywillbewellafterandwillabletocallonanyoffriendsinofneed.There’strulyaboutsmallcommunitiesfriendshipsmeasuredin decades and people know you well. But I would no longer say “it can only happen in a small town” because caring and kindness are available wherever people connect with one another. In our house, we follow a principle taught to us by a friend: ask for what you need and offer what you can. That’s the essence of caring thisAfterofferwhatcompassion.PracticeStayhappenare“Wherecommunity.twoormoregathered”cananywhere.Staykind.connected.caringandAskforyouneedandwhatyoucan.all,weareallintogether.
things. Most people only think of legacy in financial terms, which is acookbookmaybePerhapsinvastlyaandhasthatmadequitearen’tnothingbelievingbypassyourwhetherfutureanythingacresbaron,ordoesproperty.justlegacyahead,toespeciallyunderstandable,ifyouusegooglehelpdefinetheword.(Golookitup)Iinviteyoutothinkaboutinabroadersense,notinregardstomoneyorLeavingalegacynotequatetobeingrichfamousorbeingalandowningacresuponofland.Legacyisreallythatyouwouldlikegenerationstoknow,directlyaboutyouorheritage.Agreatdealofpeoplelegacyplanning,theyeitherhaveofvaluetooffer,importantenoughor,often,don’twant‘afuss’overthem.Thefactofthematteriseachandeverypersonastory,eachlifehasvaluetheimportanceofleavinglegacy,well,typicallycanbeunderrated.Thinkaboutsomeoneyourlifewhohasdied.youhaveaphoto,somejewelry,aormaybeevenhand-writtenletter.
An End of
The of
Submitted by Erin Chambers, Life Coach/End of Life Doula Erin Chambers Life Doula Life &Health Coach
What will your legacy be?
Legacy can mean so many
Ispecializeingrief and loss, in allareas of life: relationships, jobs, pets, self, wayoflife, as well as our lovedones. I help people navigate death in both the practicaland emotional sense.
Looking for a magic bullet, tried and despite my efforts I became sugartellingincidenceonenginegiganticpancreas.theymega-sizedandincarbohydrateare,Howevermisconceptions.exploitfoodaboutisshortage.bodyrelationshipdiabetespersondo.shouldaboutadvisingdiabetic,dependentinsulin-anyway.Ifyou’reanon-refrainfromadiabeticwhattheyorshouldnotIttakesyearsforatounderstandandtheuniqueoftheirtoitsinsulinThepublicwoefullyignorantdiabetesandmarketerscommonoldyouavoidhighlowfiber,avoidsugar,stayawayfromportions;wearouttheThereisamarketingcashingintheincreasedofdiabetes,usitisonlytobeavoided.
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A carbohydrate is a carbohydrate is a carbohydrate. The insight story WENDY WESEEN Facing Diabetes and the Advice of the Unknowing SEPTEMBER 2022 23www.connectornews.ca
It is six years since I began writing this column. I have tried to focus on health, emotional and psychological issues of life and aging with a smattering of death and dying thrown in for good measure. Next month will be my last column and this month I’m submitting the very first column I wrote because nothing has changed and chronic disease is an even greater part of our aging.When I reached sixty, I made the mistake of looking closely at my hands. The skin was like parchment.wrinkledTheir backs were fanned with blue veins like branches of gnarly Manitoba maples with brown spots looking like disconnected leaves. I pinched the skin and it stayed peaked like a miniature mountain. And after all these years, my nails were still daintily bitten, the same way I shaved off portions of a chocolate cake I’d already decided not to Theneat.my doctor called me in, “You have high blood sugar,” she said and then left the examination room and forgot all about me. After waiting 45 minutes for her to return. “How the hell long am I expected to sit here?” I looked at the anatomical diagram of my private parts on the wall, got up, walked out and never went back. My doctor was upset, tried to make amends, but I was having none of it. When I found a new doctor, it didn’t change anything. My pancreas had indeed stopped working.Mygrandpa died of the complications of diabetes at the age of 46 years, two years before the discovery of insulin. My son has it; he is forty-eight and his diabetes was discovered after a heart attack five years ago. I don’t suppose that like a neanderthal
TheLinks Between Hearing and Health
As youwalk ,your ears pick up subtle cues thathelp with balance. Hearing loss mutes these impor tant signals.“It also makes your brain work harder just to process sound.This subconscious multitask ing may interferewith some of the mental processing needed to walk safely.”
This cer tainly might not be the first thing you’d think of but it makes sense when you realize how impor tant hearing is to our bonds withfamily and friends. Hearing loss leads to staying indoors and not taking or making phone calls. The obvious result is loneliness which can lead on to depression, dif ficulty sleeping and stress.
Take awalk outside in the early afternoon when there is maximum daylight. Go for awalk in the park. Even better if you can go with yoursignificant other.Some peopleget their light using alightboxwhich they can leave on for acouple of hoursa day.Asunlight imitating alarmclockthat increases in brightness as it leads up to your waking up time can help during those dif ficult mornings.
It’simpor tant to maintain those family bonds and friendships that have sustained us over the years. Face to face is always better.Invite your friends around for acup of tea or of fer to look after the grandchildren for aday.Don’tbeafraid to pick up the phone and have achat with somebody you know and cer tainly don’t be afraid to make an invitation. Haven’tspoken to that friend or family member for awhile? Call them up and check-in with a2 to 3-minute call.
414 Arrowstone Drive Kamloops, BC 250.372.3090 Toll Free 1.877.718.2211 Email: info@kamloopshearingaidcentre.caoronline at: www.KamloopsHearingAidCentre.ca Find us on facebook:/KamloopsHearingAidCentre Hearing testing, hearing aid fittings and hearing aid programming by appointment only. PLEASE CALL 250-372-3090 TO BOOKYOUR APPOINTMENT. Drop in for acleaning! Please call us from your cell phone when you arrive or come in and we wouldbehappy to assist you.
Going for awalk is agood way to get some light exercise.Ifyou want to get to beatingthe blah weather blues, exercise that works up asweat is your best bet. Haven’texercised in awhile? Star twith a15-minute walk and go up from there
Independent and FamilyOwned since 2000 24 SEPTEMBER 2022 www.connectornews.ca
Having hearing loss or not wearing your hearing aid can make it more dif ficult to get outside and get the light, exercise and human contact we need.you know?
“Brain scans showusthathearing loss maycontribute to afaster rate of atrophyinthe brain,”. “Hearing loss also contributes to social isolation. Youmay not want to be with people as much, and when youare youmay not engage in conversation as much. These fac tors may contributetodementia.”