1 minute read
Book Review
By Marilyn Brown
Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age
By Sanjay Gupta, MD With Kristin Loberg Simon & Schuster Paperbacks,
2021, 319 pages
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This book’s dedication by Dr. Gupta to his family is a warm introduction to a science – based book. He wants his family and himself to be able to retain the memories of their times together. Understanding and strengthening one’s brain can help us all to live life fully, and to remember events and people. We can nurture and support the abilities of our own unique brain. Dr. Gupta, a medical expert frequently on CNN, highlights recent research while guiding readers through practical strategies to boost brain resiliency. The main message pulses with positivity: you can improve your brain now.
De-bunking a dozen myths about the brain is a start. For example, even if a person has a genetic link to a brain disease, lifestyle choices affect longevity considerably more than genetics. Diet, exercise/movement, sleep, socializing, limiting alcohol, and continuous learning, (for example reading books), all strengthen the brain. Important to note is that aging is not intrinsically linked to cognitive decline. The brain is not static. Cognitive decline and brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s take decades to exhibit symptoms but being proactive can delay the onset. New brain cell growth is possible even late in life.
The book begins with some basic facts, includes interesting research, provides practical strategies for brain health, and concludes with hope that we will all be able to “keep sharp.”
Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age is a pleasure to read. Highly recommended.
Sanjay Gupta’s formal training as a doctor is itemized in the book: the list of accolades much too long to list here. As well, he is an author of four books, including Cheating Death and Chasing Life. He is a husband and father of two daughters.