1 minute read
Pnumovax-23 is a lifesaving vaccine for many
By Missagh Manshadi, Manshadi Pharmacy
It has been a while since I have written any articles. The pandemic has caused a lot of headaches in the healthcare sector. The Connector has invited us to continue to write articles important to the welfare of our community.
This month I would like to write about a life saving vaccination called Pneumovax-23. This vaccine is given as an injection into the muscle and helps protect you from infection by certain bacteria which are called pneumococcus (pronounced “noo-mo-ca-cus”).
Pneumovax-23 will protect against serious infections caused by 23 kinds of pneumococcal bacteria. These bacteria can spread into the blood and affect different organs. When they get into the lungs it can cause Pneumonia. Pneumonia, also known as a lung infection, is a very serious medical problem which can cause death. These bacteria can also cause infection in the covering of the spinal cord and brain which is called meningitis.
In British Columbia, seniors 65 years and older or people of any age living in residential care or assisted living facilities are eligible for this publicly funded vaccination. It can also be given to anyone over 2 years of age with specific medical conditions that put them at risk of infection. If you or someone that you know with a medical conditions such as: heart disease, lung disease, asthma, diabetes, cirrhosis, COPD, kidney disease, a compromised immune system, alcoholism, smoking, as well as the use of illicit drugs (especially crack cocaine), these people may be eligible to get this publicly funded vaccination. Please ask your doctor or pharmacist to find out if you are a candidate for it. This vaccine is much safer than getting pneumococcal diseases. Serious side effects are very rare and most common side effects may include soreness, redness, and swelling where the vaccine was given and may last a few days.
Influenza and COVID-19 are viruses that can cause Pneumonia and require viral vaccines while Pnumovax-23 is for protection from bacterial pneumococcal infections. Find out about this vaccine and get it. It can save your life.