Our Community
nutritious meals and a carefree l nutritious meals and a carefree l active social life, nutritious active social social life, meals and a carefree l active life, For more information on our un For more information on our un efree lifestyle. For more information on our un efree lifestyle. efree lifestyle. home-style assisted living residen home-style assisted living residen our unique, home-style assisted living residen ourunique, unique, our or email activecare1607@gmail or email activecare1607@gmail esidence, call or email activecare1607@gmail residence, call esidence, call We are a home that offers an active social life, We are a home that offers an active social life, Wenutritious are a home that offers an active social life, meals and aa carefree lifestyle. nutritious meals and carefree lifestyle. COMFORT & SECURI We are a home that offers an active social life, nutritious meals and a carefree lifestyle.
COMFORT & & SECURI SECURI COMFORT IN A BEAUTIFUL SETT IN A BEAUTIFUL SETT CURITY IN A BEAUTIFUL SETT CURITY CURITY SETTING SETTING SETTING Weare are amore home that offers offers an active social life, life, For information on our unique, We a home that an active social For more information on our unique, For more meals information on our unique, nutritious and aa carefree lifestyle. home-style assisted living residence, call nutritious meals and carefree lifestyle. We are a home that offers an active social home-style assisted living residence, calllife, nutritious meals and a carefree lifestyle. We are a home that offers an active social life, home-style assisted living residence, call For more information on our unique, Wenutritious are a home that offers an active social life, or email For more information on our our unique, meals and aa carefree lifestyle. oremail email For more information on unique, nutritious meals and carefree lifestyle. or We are aahome that offers an active social life, nutritious meals and aliving carefree lifestyle. home-style assisted residence, call We are home that offers an active social life, For more information on our unique, home-style assisted living residence, call Wehome-style are a home that offers an active social life, For more information on our unique, assisted living residence, call COMFORT & SECURITY nutritious meals and a carefree lifestyle. Foremail more information onresidence, our unique, COMFORT & SECURITY nutritious meals and aSECURITY carefree lifestyle. or home-style assisted living call COMFORT & nutritious meals and a carefree lifestyle. or email home-style assisted living residence, call IN A BEAUTIFUL SETTING For more information on our unique, or email home-style assisted living residence, call IN A BEAUTIFUL SETTING For more information on our unique, or email
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2018/19 Board of 2018/19 Board of Directors Directors 018/19 018/19 Board Board of of Directors Directors 2019/20 Board of Directors
2018/19 Boa
Brenda Brenda Brenda ColmanColmanBrenda ColmanColmanBrenda ColmanKerri Rob Splane Amanda Hobson Brenda Brenda ColmanColmanKerri Kerri Priddle Priddle Kerri Priddle Priddle Rob Rob Splane Splane Amanda Amanda Hobson Hobson Brenda Brenda renda ColmanColmanColmanRob Splane Amanda Hobson Kerri Priddle Rob Rob Splane Splane Amanda Amanda Hobson Hobson Kerri Priddle Kerri Priddle Donaldson Donaldson Donaldson Donaldson Rob Rob Splane Splane Amanda Hobson Kerri Kerri Kerri Priddle Priddle Priddle Rob Splane Amanda Hobson Amanda Hobson Donaldson Donaldson Donaldson Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Secretary Vice Vice Chair Chair Treasurer Treasurer Secretary Donaldson Donaldson Donaldson Vice Treasurer Secretary Vice ViceChair Chair Chair Treasurer Treasurer Secretary Secretary Chair Chair Chair Vice Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Secretary Secretary ViceChair Chair Treasurer Treasurer Secretary Chair Chair Chair Priddle Priddle Law Law Group Group Sun Sun Country Country Toyota Toyota Finning Finning Priddle Law Group Chair Chair Chair Priddle Law Group Sun Toyota Finning Sun Country Finning Priddle Law Group Sun SunCountry Country CountryToyota Toyota Toyota Finning Finning Priddle Law Group Priddle Law Group Colman Colman and and Associates Associates Colman and Associates Sun Sun Country Country Toyota Toyota Finning Priddle Priddle Priddle Law Law Law Group Group Group Sun Country Toyota Finning Finning Colman and Associates Colman and Associates Colman Colman and and Associates Associates man man manand and andAssociates Associates Associates
Kelly Kelly Hall Hall Mark Mark Bartle Dino Dino Bernardo Bernardo Mark KellyBartle Hall Dino Kelly Hall Bartle Bernardo Kelly Hall Mark Mark Bartle Bartle Dino DinoBernardo Bernardo Bernardo KellyBartle Hall Kelly Hall Pamela Pamela Fawcett Fawcett Mark Mark MarkBartle Bartle Bartle Mark Dino Dino Bernardo Kelly Kelly KellyHall Hall Hall DinoBernardo Bernardo Dino Jessy Sra Pamela Pamela Fawcett Pamela PamelaFawcett Fawcett Fawcett Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Pamela Pamela Fawcett PamelaFawcett Fawcett Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Stingray Stingray Digital Digital Group Group Gillespie Gillespie and and Company Company Commodore Commodore Grand Grand Cafe Cafe Gillespie and Company Stingray Digital Group Director Director Director Gillespie and Company Commodore Grand Cafe Stingray Digital Group Gillespie Gillespie and and Company Company Commodore Commodore Grand Grand Cafe Cafe Stingray Digital Group Stingray Digital Group Commodore Grand Stingray Digital Kelson Kelson Group Group espie spie spie and and andCompany Company Company Commodore Commodore Grand Cafe Cafe Stingray Stingray StingrayDigital Digital Digital Group Group Group CommodoreGrand Grand Cafe Kelson Group Kelson Kelson Group Group MNP Kelson Group Inc. Inc. LLP LLP and and Lounge Lounge LLP Inc. Kelson Kelson Group KelsonGroup Group LLP and Lounge Inc. LLP LLP and and Lounge Lounge Inc. Inc. Group Inc. LLP LLP LLP and and Lounge Inc. Inc. Inc. andLounge LoungeCafe and Lounge
Dave MaurerDave cey Rannie Nancy Matthews Nancy Nancy Matthews Matthews Dave Dave Maurer Maurer Tracey Tracey Rannie Nancy Matthew Nancy Rannie Nancy NancyMatthews Matthews Matthews DaveMaurer Maurer Maurer Tracey TraceyRannie Rannie Rannie Andrew Karpiak Tracey Rannie Nancy Nancy Matthews Dave NancyMatthews Matthews Dave Maurer Tracey DaveMaurer Maurer Dave Tracey TraceyRannie Rannie RannieTracey Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Auxiliary Auxiliary Representative Representative RBC RBC Kamloops Kamloops Market Market Auxiliary Represent nland Hospital Royal Royal Inland Inland Hospital Hospital Auxiliary RBC Kamloops Auxiliary Representative RBC Kamloops Market Royal Inland Hospital Auxiliary Auxiliary Representative Representative RBC RBC -- Kamloops Kamloops Market Market Royal Royal Inland Inland Hospital Hospital Auxiliary Auxiliary Representative RBC Market AuxiliaryRepresentative Representative RBC RBC---Kamloops Kamloops Kamloops Market Market Royal Royal Inland Inland Hospital RoyalInland InlandHospital Hospital Royal Hospital Royal Lepage Westwin Representative
Message From The CEO and 2018/19 Board Chair
MessageFrom FromYou, The CEO and Board Chair Message The CEO and - attracting new Board cardiologists and Chair building the first Cardiac our donors, continue to inspire Care Unit, which is now open.
You, donors, continue to inspire with touching stories of how hospital impacted You, ourour donors, continue to inspire us us with touching stories of how thethe hospital hashas impacted You have directly impacted the lives of patients, like uswhy with touching your and choose to give back. have medical professionals and patients who your lifelife and why youyou choose to give back. WeWe have medical professionals and patients who come to us with asks. We are grateful tohis all of you, who allow us to told (often) Mike, who recently took first steps after he stories ofdreams howandand come to us with bigbig dreams bigbig asks. We are grateful to all of you, who allow usbeing to (often) make those dreams a reality. You enable us to make the seemingly smaller improvements to make those dreams a reality. You enable us to make the seemingly smaller improvements to would likely never walk again. And allowed premature the hospital has hospital, which make a huge impact patient care. ourour hospital, which make a huge impact on on patient care.
impacted your
babies, like Sebastian, to have access to high-level care
close to home. life, and why you which You have supported our events, which allow to come together and celebrate hospital You have supported our events, allow us us to come together and celebrate ourour hospital Your support continues toprovide helpan usan with physician choose to funds give while raising important funds at the same time. These events opportunity while raising important at the same time. These events provide opportunity forfor us us to to express gratitude to our loyal donors, while meeting new ones.with the RIH Physician express ourour gratitude tohave our loyal donors, while also new ones. recruitment –also asmeeting we work together back. We
medical professionals and patients who come to us with
Association and Regional Hospital District to find ways to
be able to make the seemingly smaller improvements to
we look forward to many more exciting improvements to
You have allowed healthcare team to implement exciting new research projects right here in Kamloops and undertake You have allowed thethe healthcare team to implement exciting new research projects right here in Kamloops and undertake attract welcome new physicians to Kamloops. bigresearch dreams and big asks. We are grateful tolevel all of you, who that never been done at this before. You’ve helped toand improve cardiac services locally, attracting new research that hashas never been done at this level before. You’ve helped to improve cardiac services locally, attracting new And as construction. two large cranes stand tall above our hospital, allow us to often make those dreams a Care reality. And to also cardiologists and building a new Cardiac Care Unit, which is well under cardiologists and building a new Cardiac Unit, which is well under construction.
have directly impacted lives of patients, like Mike, who recently took first steps after being told would likely You have directly impacted thethe lives of patients, like Mike, who recently took hishis first steps after told he he would likely come. We are most grateful tobeing you for your commitment ourYou hospital, which also make a huge impact on patient never walk again, and helped premature babies have access to high-level care close to home. never walk again, and helped premature babies have access to high-level care close to home.
to healthcare in our community. Perhaps Mike, the patient care. says it best: “There will always be patients You have supported our events, which allow us to Your support continues to help with physician recruitment as work together with Recruitinment, the Your support continues to help us us with physician recruitment as above, wewe work together with IH IH Recruitinment, the RIHRIH like me Physician Association and Hospital District to find ways to attract and welcome new physicians to Kamloops. Physician Association and thethe Regional Hospital to find ways to attract and welcome new physicians to Kamloops. who need access to specialized care. Let’s continue to build come together and celebrate ourRegional hospital whileDistrict raising the best possible hospital right here in Kamloops.” important funds at the same time. Where we can express And large cranes stand above hospital, look forward to many more exciting improvements to come. And as as twotwo large cranes stand talltall above ourour hospital, wewe look forward to many more exciting improvements to come. WeWe ourmost gratitude to our loyal donors, while alsotomeeting newin our most grateful to you your commitment to healthcare in our community. Perhaps Mike, patient above, says it best: areare grateful to you forfor your commitment healthcare community. Perhaps Mike, thethe patient above, says it best: ones. “There will always patients who need access to specialized care. Let’s continue to build best possible hospital “There will always be be patients likelike meme who need access to specialized care. Let’s continue to build thethe best possible hospital right here in Kamloops.” You have the healthcare team to implement right here inallowed Kamloops.” exciting new research projects right here in Kamloops – undertaking research that has never been done at this HEIDI COLEMAN BRENDA COLMAN-DONALDSON HEIDI COLEMAN COLMAN-DONALDSON BRENDA COLMAN-DONALDSON HEIDI COLEMAN level before. And helped to improve cardiac services locallyBRENDA Chief Excecutive Officer Board Chair Excecutive Officer Board Chair Board Chair ChiefChief Excecutive Officer
MessageFrom FromRoyal RoyalInland InlandHospital Hospital Message
We Build On Great Relationships
There is an of anticipation and enthusiasm at Royal Inland Hospital physicians, staff and There is an airair of anticipation and enthusiasm at Royal Inland Hospital as as physicians, staff and community watch current hospital expansion begins to take shape. ourour community watch as as thethe current hospital expansion begins to take shape. Stepping forward together for improved
healthcare in the Thompson
Community donations to RIH Foundation have contributed to significant projects this year, Community donations to RIH Foundation have contributed to significant projects this year, Cariboo Shuswap area. notably continued growth of our local cardiac program. This will see opening notably thethe continued growth of our local cardiac program. This fallfall will see thethe opening of aof a new four-bed Cardiac Care Unit (CCU), which will ensure sickest cardiac patients receive new four-bed Cardiac Care Unit (CCU), which will ensure ourour sickest cardiac patients receive specialized care they deserve. thethe specialized care they deserve. And while expanded services critical, never lose sight of what everyone tells they And while expanded services areare critical, wewe never lose sight of what everyone tells us us they areare most eager to see a hospital – quality care. In fact, vision statement voted externally most eager to see in ainhospital – quality care. In fact, thethe vision statement voted on on externally and internally Royal Inland Hospital quality at its core: and internally forfor Royal Inland Hospital hashas quality at its core: “We will achieve excellence in quality care through commitment to innovation, collaboration, and mutual respect “We will achieve excellence in quality care through ourour commitment to innovation, collaboration, and mutual respect forfor patients, families, and communities.” ourour patients, families, and communities.” Emergency Department team lives that statement daily and was singled health authority earlier this year OurOur Emergency Department team lives that statement daily and was singled outout by by thethe health authority earlier this year their exceptional commitment to improving quality of care staff and patients through a number of innovative forfor their exceptional commitment to improving thethe quality of care forfor staff and patients through a number of innovative initiatives. initiatives. well, Patient Family Advisory Council was honoured with Interior Health Quality Award way it has As As well, thethe RIHRIH Patient Family Advisory Council was honoured with an an Interior Health Quality Award forfor thethe way it has protected voices and needs of families and patients in the Intensive Care Unit. protected thethe voices and needs of families and patients in the Intensive Care Unit. of these partnerships essential part a strong hospital. This year, hospital leadership spent incredible AllAll of these partnerships areare an an essential part of aofstrong hospital. This year, hospital leadership spent an an incredible twotwo days of relationship building with hands-on learning of the rich Secwepemc culture, giving understanding that will days of relationship building with hands-on learning of the rich Secwepemc culture, giving us us an an understanding that will better serve many Aboriginal communities located within hospital catchment area. better serve thethe many Aboriginal communities located within thethe hospital catchment area. without hesitation that 2019 been a highly progressive year Royal Inland. Thank to all of you who WeWe cancan saysay without hesitation that 2019 hashas been a highly progressive year forfor Royal Inland. Thank youyou to all of you who Royal Foundation. Inland HospitalYour | Kamloops, BC support support plays enormous role in helping this hospital achieve current successes and support thethe Foundation. Your support plays an an enormous role in helping this hospital achieve its its current successes and those that will follow in future. those that will follow in future.
TODD RING DR.DR. TODD RING Chief of Staff RIH RIH Chief of Staff
Royal Inland Hospital Foundation TRACEY RANNIE TRACEY RANNIE Health Services Administrator Health Services Administrator
MessageFrom FromRoyal RoyalInland InlandHospital Hospital Message There anticipation and enthusiasm Royal Inland Hospital physicians, staff and There isis anan airair ofof anticipation and enthusiasm atat Royal Inland Hospital asas physicians, staff and our community watch the current hospital expansion begins take shape. our community watch asas the current hospital expansion begins toto take shape.
Message From Royal Inland Hospital
Community donations RIH Foundation have contributed significant projects this year, Community donations Foundation contributed toto significant this year, Ourhave Emergency Department teamprojects lives that statement There is to antoRIH air notably the continued growth of our local cardiac program. This fall will see the opening notably the continued growth of our local cardiac program. This fall will see the opening ofof aa daily and was singled out by the health authority last of anticipation new four-bed Cardiac Care Unit (CCU), which will ensure our sickest cardiac patients receive new four-bed Cardiac Care Unit (CCU), which will ensure our sickest cardiac patients receive and enthusiasm the specialized care they deserve. year for their exceptional commitment to improving the the specialized care they deserve.
at Royal Inland
quality of care for staff and patients through a number of
staff and our
honoured with an Interior Health Quality Award for the
And while expanded services are critical, we never lose sight what everyone tells they are And while expanded services are critical, we never lose sight ofof what everyone tells usus they are innovative initiatives. Hospital as most eager see in a hospital – quality care. In fact, the vision statement voted on externally most eager toto see in a hospital – quality care. In fact, the vision statement voted on externally As well, the RIH Patient Family Advisory Council was physicians, and internally Royal Inland Hospital has quality core: and internally forfor Royal Inland Hospital has quality atat itsits core:
waytoittoinnovation, has protected the voicesand and needs ofrespect families community watch “We will achieve excellence quality care through our commitment innovation, collaboration, and mutual “We will achieve excellence inin quality care through our commitment collaboration, mutual respect forforand our patients, families, and communities.” as the current our patients, families, and communities.” patients in the Intensive Care Unit. hospital expansion begins to take shape.
All of these partnerships are an essential part of a strong
Our Emergency Department team lives that statement daily and was singled out the health authority earlier this year Our Emergency Department lives that statement daily and was singled out byby the health authority earlier this year hospital. In 2019, hospital leadership spent an incredible Community donations toteam RIH Foundation have their exceptional commitment improving the quality care staff and patients through a number innovative forfor their exceptional commitment toto improving the quality ofof care forfor staff and patients through a number ofof innovative two days of relationship building with hands-on learning contributed initiatives. to significant projects this year, notably the initiatives.
continued growth of our local cardiac program. Last fall, we of the rich Secwepemc culture, giving us an understanding
As well, RIH Patient Family Advisory Council was honoured with an Interior Health Quality Award the way has As well, the RIH Patient Family Advisory Council was honoured an Interior Quality Award forfor the way it it has that will betterHealth serve the many Aboriginal communities opened athe new four-bed Cardiac Care Unit (CCU), which will with protected the voices and needs families and patients the Intensive Care Unit. protected the voices and needs ofof families and patients inin the Intensive Care Unit.
located within the hospital catchment area. ensure our sickest cardiac patients receive the specialized We can say without hesitation thatanan 2019 was a two highly care they deserve. All these partnerships are essential part a strong hospital. This year, hospital leadership spent incredible two All ofof these partnerships are anan essential part ofof a strong hospital. This year, hospital leadership spent incredible days of relationship building with hands-on learning of the rich Secwepemc culture, giving us an understanding that progressive year for Royal Inland. Thank you to all ofwill And while expanded services are critical, we never lose days of relationship building with hands-on learning of the rich Secwepemc culture, giving us an understanding that will better serve the many Aboriginal communities located within the hospital catchment area. better serve the many Aboriginal communities within hospital catchment you who support thearea. Foundation. Your support plays an sight of what everyone tells us they are mostlocated eager to see the enormous role in helping this hospital achieve its current in a hospital – quality care. In fact, the vision statement We can say without hesitation that 2019 has been a highly progressive year Royal Inland. Thank you you who We can say without hesitation that 2019 has been a highly progressive year forfor Royal Inland. Thank you toto allall ofof you who successes and thoseachieve that willitsits follow insuccesses future. voted on externally and internally for Royal Inland Hospital support the Foundation. Your support plays enormous role helping this hospital achieve current successes and support the Foundation. Your support plays anan enormous role inin helping this hospital current and has quality at its core: those that will follow future. those that will follow inin future. “We will achieve excellence in quality care through our commitment to innovation, collaboration, and mutual TRACEY RANNIE DR. TODD RING TRACEY RANNIE TRACEY RANNIE TRACEY RANNIE DR. TODD RING DR. TODD RING respect for our patients, families, and communities.” Executive Director Health Services Administrator RIH Staff Executive Director Health Services Administrator RIHChief Chief ofof Staff RIH Chief of Staff
Kerri Priddle,
Jasmine K. Kooner
Nathan Van Kampen
Shazia Hosenbocus
Charles Cheung
Kim Somerville
Kate Isaac
Crystal Anne McLean
Niki Ward
Elsa Stahl
Jacqui McDonald
RIHF Board Member
Proud supporters of our Community and the RIH Foundation
6th Annual RIH Foundation Radiothon Volunteers P: 250-434-8911 F: 250-434-8589 E: 900 – 235 1st Avenue, Kamloops, BC V2C 3J4
Inspiring Community P Inspiring Community Partners Open Mic for Mental Health
n January 28, 2019, The Commodore Grand Café and Lounge, along with their Open Mic Monday team: Alexander, Paul, Patrick, and Victor hosted the first ever #Fight4MentalHealth Open Mic Night. The team approached local businesses to generate donations and prizes to be raffled off at the event. Nearly 30 businesses made generous contributions to the cause. Over $2,700 was raised for Royal Inland Hospital in just one night, earmarked for mental health programs. Mental health awareness is something the team felt a personal connection to; each of their lives being affected in some way. Planning and hosting this fundraising event was an opportunity for them to demonstrate
From left to right #Fight4MentalHealth Open Mic Night Team: Paul Laxten, Patrick Welch, Victor Vazquez (Missing from photo: Alexander Fon Rolston)
their support and give back to the staff on CFJC, to the amount of guests
From left to right #Fight4MentalHealth Open Mic Night Team: Paul Laxten, that attended the event, we were at RIH who provide 24/7 specialized Patrick Welch, Victor Vazquez (Missing from photo: Alexander Fon Rolston)
amazed. We are thankful that Royal care for patients—both youth and adults—who are dealing with a wide Inland Hospital Foundation wanted to range of mental health conditions. collaborate with us for an event like this, and we look forward to working “We were moved by the amount with them in the future,” of support we received from the On January 28, The Commodore Grand Café explained and community. From being featured the #Fight4MentalHealth team.
Open Mic for Mental Health
Lounge, along with their Open Mic Monday team, Alexander, Paul, Patrick, and Victor, hosted the first ever #Fight4MentalHealth Open Mic Night. The team approached local businesses to generate donations and prizes to be raffled off at the event. Nearly 30 businesses made generous contributions to the cause.
Over $2,700 was raised for Royal Inland Hospital in just one night, earmarked for mental health programs. Mental health awareness is something the team felt a personal connection to, each of their lives being affected in some way. Planning and hosting this fundraising event was an opportunity for them to demonstrate their support and give back to the staff at RIH who provide 24/7 specialized care forPROU patients—both D SUPPORTERS OF RO youth and adults—who YAL INrange LAND HOSPof are dealing with a wide ITALmental & THE KAMLOhealth OPS COMMUNITY conditions.
Apartments to h el KELSON GROUP:
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LEADERS IN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND GIVING 208-220 4th Avenue, BACK Kamloops, BCTO V2C 3N5COMMUNITIES Abbotsford | Edmonton | Grande Prairie | Kamloops | Kelowna Many people in Kamloops know of the Kelson Group as a long-standing apartment rental company that has consistently given back to the communities it serves through volunteerism and other community outreach. But in the past few years the company has taken on further opportunities to demonstrate its leadership and best practice in the property management sector, while
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rental property companies in Western Canada. Kelson has more than 50 quality residential properties, featuring clean, attractive suites, in nine communities in BC and Alberta, and employs a dedicated staff of more than 75 people. But milestones don’t stop there as Kelson embarked on a “ground-up” build of its newest apartment complex, Peterson Landing in Kamloops, which will be
operations of our properties for the
The Foundation is gratefulbenefit to the dedicated community Royal Inland Hospital Foundation of our residents and employees.” to world class healthcare at RIH every year. Thank you
Inspiring Community Partners A Reason to Give
gift to your local hospital can simply be an act of generosity or perhaps a way to express gratitude for the care offered to you or a loved one. In cases like the Robinson family, it can also be a way to heal. For the past two years, Ernesta (Ernie) Robinson and daughter-inlaw, Ashley Robinson have organized an annual golf tournament in memory of Ernie’s late husband Dave, who passed away from cancer in 2017, benefitting the Cancer Clinic at Royal Inland Hospital. On July 6, 2019, the 2nd Annual Dave Robinson Memorial Golf Tournament was held at Bighorn Golf Course in Sun Rivers. Funds raised at the tournament have been used to purchase two important pieces of equipment that benefit cancer patients at RIH. First, a state-of-the-art vein finder that improves patient comfort by assisting staff in locating appropriate veins quickly for IV access. Most recently, a rhinolaryngoscope was funded to help physicians diagnose cancers of the head and neck with brighter and higher resolution images. From left to right: Robinson Family: Shane, Alison, Ryan, Daniel, Ashley, Ernie. Front row- Luke, Riley and Jake !
Drake Cremation !
& Funeral Services
I’m pleased to support the dedicated people at Royal Inland Hospital. Thank you to all the people of Kamloops and area for trusting Drake’s at your time of need. Your support allows us, in turn, to give back to our town and region. Contributing to this R.I.H. publication is one small way we can lend our support. Thank you all.
210 Lansdowne and 425 Tranquille Rd. 250-377-8225 • High Standards. Low Prices. No Black Suits.
Drake Smith, MSW Funeral Director
Inspiring Events Sun Country Toyota Presents: The 5th Annual Radiothon
ast March, the Foundation held the 5th Annual Radiothon at RIH. Presented by Sun Country Toyota and brought to us by Stingray, the event was successful in raising over $120,000 for our hospital. The day was chalked full of on air interviews on Radio NL featuring stories from RIH physicians, staff, grateful patients, volunteers and sponsors. Our dedicated sponsors and volunteers answered the ongoing rings of the calls made by donors wishing to make a contribution to health care at RIH and to give gratitude for the care they or a loved one has received. From 6am to 6pm, RIH staff dropped by for a chance to win prizes, offer their cherished work experiences at RIH, and to make donations.
Kamloops Firefighters answering the phones at Radiothon
Royal Affair – Studio 54
secret location, animated entertainment, and a dance party like no other; the Foundation’s signature event hosted a pop up Studio 54 downtown Kamloops on June 22nd. With over 300 guests, 30 live entertainers, and an out of this world disco DJ, the event brought the guests back to the disco era. Attendees danced the night away, participated in live auctions, were dazzled by talented entertainers and enjoyed amazing food by Terra Restaurant, making this event a night to remember. The Royal Affair included a live auction with a goal to raise funds to purchase specialized wheelchairs for the Rehabilitation Department at RIH. Not only was this goal met, but with the incredible generosity of guests combined with a matching anonymous gift, it 10
was exceeded by far. Other donations throughout the night contributed to making the Royal Affair a massive success for yet another year. Many thanks to the incredible sponsors involved; including the Presenting Sponsor Top 40 Woodworks who went above and beyond by creating a custom bar, custom tables, and more. The event wouldn’t be possible without the hard work and commitment of the Royal Affair committee, who put in countless hours of effort over many months. Last year’s committee included: Amy Dixon – Paper Unicorn, Andrea Tombs – Terra Restaurant, Dan Pan – Portfolio Interiors, Dino Bernardo – The Commodore Grand Café and Lounge, Kendel Lavallee - TRU, Nevada Skelley – Top 40 Woodworks, Rona Kovaks – Amazing Inspirations, and
Tammy Hunter – Hunter Design. “We strive to create an event that no one will ever forget. This year was no exception,” said Dino Bernardo, who sits on the Foundation’s Board of Directors as well as
serving on the Royal Affair committee. “It’s amazing to see the committee come together to pull off such an amazing event, but it’s the generous support of the guests and sponsors that really make this night unforgettable.” Royal Inland Hospital Foundation
Inspiring Grateful Patients
Left to Right: Family Dog, Roux, Jes Cunningham, Oliver Hartt, and Mike Hartt
ast year, RIH Foundation shared the heartfelt story of Mike and his family, whose lives would be forever changed after Mike was severely injured in a car accident after leaving Kamloops for his work in Mackenzie. Mike’s story is nothing short of remarkable. His injuries were extensive, and the likelihood that he would keep his legs or ever walk again was slim. But with exceptional caregivers at Royal Inland Hospital coupled with fierce determination, Mike is making huge strides. With his fiancé, Jes, and young son, Ollie by his side, Mike took his first steps only nine months after the accident. “To have all the care I need right here in Kamloops has made a world of difference in my treatment and recovery. I am so grateful to the donors, who put others ahead of themselves – making sure we have an excellent hospital that is equipped to help patients like me and will keep attracting incredible doctors like my orthopedic surgeon, Dr. MacGregor.”
Mike is learning to live with limitations, and is working hard to push his body with an eventual goal to continue his passion of biking. The Rehabilitation team is greatly involved in his recovery. He works with a kinesiologist three days a week, and was recently equipped with ankle foot orthotics, which has given him a huge shift in his quality of life. The orthotics have profoundly improved his momentum, allowing him to move more comfortably and with greater ease. On June 20, 2020, Mike will walk down the aisle to meet his bride. While he and Jes never could have anticipated the challenges life has given them, they are forever grateful to the care team at RIH who give so much of themselves to their patients every day. And to the donors, whose kindness and generosity is felt and appreciated by them. As Mike remarked, “Please continue to give. There will always be patients like me in need of specialized care at RIH. Let’s continue to build the best possible hospital right here in Kamloops.”
Proud to Support the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation Peter Milobar, MLA
Todd Stone, MLA
Kamloops – North Thompson
Kamloops – South Thompson
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Inspiring Events Innovation Stems from New Local Research
n the last year, Royal Inland Hospital has made exciting progress with an increase in local research being undertaken. After only a year and a half of the Interior Health Research Department hosting its grand opening, the results of this collaboration are coming to fruition. “It started with conversations and a clear message that Kamloops wanted to build a research culture,” said Andrea Burrows, the Research Department’s Regional Practice Leader for Kamloops. “There is a strong appetite for research activities in our community, and we are seeing Interior Health staff reach out to be a part of these projects. They have the questions, and research gives them the opportunity to find innovative and partnering ways to answer these questions and use evidence in their practices.” RIH healthcare professionals are currently collaborating with TRU graduate students and faculty on five health service research projects. One research project currently being done is within the Pharmacy Department. The goal is to improve the transition of care from the acute hospital setting to the community setting - working together with community pharmacists, as they are typically the first contact person for patients after being discharged from the hospital. Dr. Shaylee Peterson, Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in Cardiology, along with a pharmacy resident, community
Andrea Burrows and Dr Shaylee Peterson
pharmacist, and research department members with expertise in qualitative research, are leading the research to improve the continuity of care to patients in the community. Once complete, their findings will both be applied locally as well as submitted for publication to an academic journal as a guideline for other health authorities to follow. While research has always existed in Kamloops, the opportunity to grow and expand local research initiatives at RIH has never been greater.
Supporting the Next Generation of Nurses
he Nurse Mentorship Program was established in 2016 after staff reported that more support was critical to the success of new graduates working as nurses at RIH. With an increased number of experienced nurses retiring, and a large influx of new graduate nurses, medical professionals recognized the need to develop an innovative program to help support and retain new nurses, while also challenging and building leadership capacity amongst more experienced nurses. This was the first program of its kind in British Columbia, and it has become an example to other hospitals both
within and outside of Interior Health of a strong mentorship program. With support from RBC Future Launch, the program has been an even greater success than anticipated, both for mentors and mentees. The positive impact of beginning a career in nursing with sufficient support and mentorship is instrumental in delivering high quality care. The new graduates are more confident and learn more quickly; mentees experience professional growth; staff culture improves; and improved patient care is a critical byproduct of the competence and camaraderie of the nursing staff. As Dave Maurer, RBC Community
Manager Kamloops Market says, “Through RBC Future Launch, we are proud to help support the next generation of nurses, as they begin their careers at Royal Inland Hospital. RBC understands the important role that we play in helping our communities prosper. We also know that there’s no better place to start making a difference than close to home, to help provide best-in-class access to health programs and services right here in our region.” Since 1990, RBC Foundation has generously contributed over $410,000 towards projects at RIH that support patient care excellence.
Royal Inland Hospital Foundation
Inspiring a Lasting Legacy at RIH
ne of the many lessons that Claire and Albert Muzzillo taught their four children while raising their family in Kamloops was the importance of giving back to the community. In particular, Claire and Albert believed in supporting their local hospital and always made a point of donating to Royal Inland Hospital whenever they had the opportunity during their many years together. They were grateful for the local access to quality healthcare that was offered at RIH - it was where their children were all born and where they knew they could turn to for medical care anytime it was needed. In 1929, Claire Muzzillo moved to Kamloops with her family at the age of three. Little did she know that her future husband, Albert, lived just down the street. They went to school together at St. Ann’s Academy and were married in 1948. During this time, Albert began working in sales for the local GM dealership, Syd Smith Ltd. and travelled extensively in this role. In 1970, Albert and his colleague, Roger Schreiner, purchased the dealership from the Smith family and later changed the name to Smith Chevrolet. In 1982, the dealership was moved from downtown (Victoria and 5th Avenue) to its current location in Sahali. Albert and Roger eventually sold the business to their sons, Anthony and Michael, who still run the dealership today. After his retirement, Albert and Claire continued to enjoy travelling together and celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 1998 surrounded by family and friends. Albert passed away in November 2000 and Claire lived another 18 years until her passing in 2018 at the age of 92. Anthony Muzzillo recounts how his parents always placed special emphasis on supporting their community and particularly their church, education and health care. “RIH was always a big part of their lives. My parents always gave back to the hospital because they understood how important it was to keep health care strong in Kamloops.” Claire and Albert Muzzillo celebrating Along with giving generously throughout their lifetime, the their 50th wedding anniversary. Muzzillos also demonstrated their care for the community by donating to several local charities through their estate The Muzzillo family’s legacy gift to the hospital will planning. A bequest in Claire’s will was made to Royal Inland help ensure the continued success of RIH, where their Hospital Foundation which will support the future Patient grandchildren and great grandchildren will have access to Care Tower currently under construction at RIH. compassionate, world class healthcare for years to come.
A legacy gift to RIH Foundation can take many forms and usually provides your estate with tax savings that may offset a significant portion of the charitable gift itself. Along with a bequest in a will, the Foundation can also be the named beneficiary of a TFSA, RRIF or life insurance policy. Please contact the Foundation or a professional advisor if you would like to learn more about supporting RIH in your estate planning.
Inspiring Auxiliaries to RIH
Representatives from the Afternoon Auxiliary to RIH
Hospital Auxiliaries to RIH Pledge $2.5 Million in Five Year Commitment
IH is incredibly fortunate to have not one, but two Hospital Auxiliary groups serving the Kamloops area. Over the course of many decades the Afternoon and Evening Auxiliaries have shown unwavering dedication to their cause and continue to surpass themselves in generosity. While the groups have always made substantial financial contributions toward RIH Foundation, they have now, for the first time, each made impressive five year pledges that will collectively raise $2.5 million for both current patient care needs and state-of-the-art equipment for the Patient Care Tower, with $1.65 million coming from the Afternoon Auxiliary and $850,000 coming from the Evening Auxiliary. The Afternoon Auxiliary to RIH was established in 1899 by the wives of doctors who had a clear vision that continues to this day: “Our mission is to provide special patient care equipment for Royal Inland Hospital.” This is accomplished through the tireless service of over 160 volunteers in Kamloops; women and men, ranging from retirees to students, who have made the purchase of beds, stretchers, bone density machines, holter monitor systems, scopes, surgical equipment, furniture and much more possible. Currently, two key members of the Afternoon Auxiliary to the Royal Inland Hospital are President, Lynn Littlejohns and Secretary, Kathie Ayotte. “It takes a lot of work to make these kinds of goals happen,” says Littlejohns. “We pledge for the equipment according to the needs of the 14
hospital and then fundraise to the pledge. Our goal is to always meet the commitments we made for the care that people deserve.” This ambitious and dedicated groupplan to accomplish their $1.65 million pledge by continuing to successfully fundraise through the Victoria Street Thrift Seller, the RIH gift store and mobile carts, and their unique vendor program which partners with home-based businesses who donate back 15% of their earnings. Both Littlejohns and Ayotte are excited about the possibilities for fundraising that will come with the new Patient Care Tower. “We’re very hopeful that when the new building is complete, we will have an improved location for the gift shop and vendor program that will generate more traffic and continue to build on the successful fundraising efforts of both Auxiliaries,'' says Littlejohns. The Evening Auxiliary, which is currently manned by 20 close-knit volunteers, was established in 1962 by a group of women who also wished to give back. “(They) were a younger group of women who worked outside the home or had babies and wanted to form an association but couldn’t meet in the afternoon - so they started meeting in the evening,” explains Jenny Quince, who is currently serving in her 12th year as President of the Evening Auxiliary, “The vision was to assist in purchasing equipment, or whatever was needed to support RIH, with an affinity toward Royal Inland Hospital Foundation
Inspiring Auxiliaries to RIH
delivery, as a lot of members were young mothers.” And with that stalwart vision, the Evening Auxiliary has used ingenuity and forward-thinking to generate the funds that have allowed them to contribute both state-of-theart equipment and, in Quince’s words, “the little stuff that makes a big difference.'' Whether it has been x-ray machines, birthing beds, bladder scans, vital signs monitors, scopes or anything between, Quince says that the Auxiliary is, “Proud of any contribution we make. It doesn’t have to be big or glamorous, but each year we do something for labour and delivery; that’s our passion,” adding, “In the new tower you’ll see our largest contribution in the labour suites and we’re really excited about it.” The Evening Auxiliary has pledged $850,000 to RIH Foundation over the next five years. The group plans to generate those funds through continuing innovative contract work like leasing the on-site coffee shop, vending machines and in-room TVs at RIH as well as their annual Craft-a-Fair, which is the largest craft fair in British Columbia and a massive undertaking for the volunteers who always welcome additional helping hands for the event.
Quince, like Littlejohns and Ayotte, also adds that a lot of the value in the job also comes from the extraordinary group that she serves with and speaks of their compassionate hearts, loyal commitment and endless fun. “What you get out of working with the other people involved is truly indescribable.” In addition to providing medical equipment for the hospital, both Auxiliaries are also proud of their partnerships with students in our community. Whether they are applying in the Fall to volunteer (which benefits resumes/applications) or are entering the medical field and take advantage of the Auxiliaries’ annual bursary opportunities, the partnership is mutually beneficial. Both organizations expressed their eagerness and gratitude to continue working in thriving partnerships to meet their collective $2.5 million commitment and ensure that RIH is known for its exceptional standards of equipment, care and patient comfort. It’s with deep gratitude on behalf of both themselves and the community that RIH Foundation offers their thanks and appreciation to this army of mighty volunteers who will leave a legacy of love and service that will endure for many more decades to come. 15
Inspiring Giftfrom fromLocal Local Business Inspiring Gift Business
Pictured: Ralph Warner of Warner Rentals
Ralph Warner of Warner Rentals
Already well for his philanthropic needs or supporting the supporting Toys for Kids, theToys Chris for RoseKids, Centre forChris Rose lreadyknown well known for his philanthropic contributions in Kamloops, Ralph Warner recently Centre for Autism, 4H, People in Motion or many other Autism, 4H, People in Motion or many other deserving contributions in Kamloops, Ralph Warner committed $500,000 to the Foundation through his deserving organizations, Warner Rentals believes that organizations, Warner Rentals believes that the true value committed $500,000 in 2019 to the Foundation business Warner Rentals. value localtobusiness of athe localtrue business is of its a ability give back. is its ability to give through his business Warner Rentals. back. “I’m proud to be from Kamloops and Warner Rentals Although Warner Rentals is regularly associated with Although Warner Rentalssupport is regularly associated generosity and community in Kamloops, this with loves our city,” says Warner. “We’re grateful for Kamloops generosity and community support in Kamloops, proud to and be from Rentals we appreciate value Kamloops being part ofand this Warner community. substantial gift benefitting the coming expansion at RIH isthis and“I’m loves our city,” says Warner. “We’re grateful for substantial gift benefitting the coming expansion at We work hard and make intentional decisions in order the local business’s largest gift to the hospital to date. RIH “Warner is the local business’s largest gift to in the Kamloops and we appreciate andthis value being part of to benefit this community, and that’s what $500,000 Rentals isn’t the biggest company thehospital city, to but date. this community. We work hard and make intentional donation to RIH Foundation is all about.” we try to support anything that benefits health,” says decisions order to benefit this community, Recently, two in long-time employees of Warner Rentals and Warner, who also volunteers with the Foundation. “My “Warner isn’t the biggest in the what this $500,000 donation RIH Foundation childrenRentals were born (at RIH), my momcompany fought cancer there... havethat’s become managing partners with partial to ownership in city, but we try to support anything that benefits is all about.” it’s the heartbeat of our city and we have to make it better. order to allow Ralph Warner to transition into retirement, health,” says Warner, who alsowith volunteers withand the but Warner anticipates that the generosity consistently We have a massive opportunity this new tower Foundation. “My were (at RIH), my Recently, two long-time employees ofand Warner displayed by Warner Rentals in the community, we have to do ourchildren best for the careborn of future generations.” specifically will remain the same. Warner Rentals’s establishedthe in 1975 by Warner’s mom fought cancer heartbeat of our Rentalstoward have RIH, become managing partners with father current locationWe on have East Athabaska our hospital and weinallorder use it;toI’ve spentRalph my time partial ownership allow Warner to city andwho we opened have tothe make it better. a massive “It’s and so have myretirement, employees. The hasanticipates always Street in 1980 andthis eventually openedand additional transition into buthospital Warner opportunity with new tower we have to do there been so good to us. Peopleconsistently know that when they are inby Warner locations in the bothcare Salmon Arm andgenerations.” Princeton. Built on a that the generosity displayed our best for of future tradition of high quality rental equipment and superior need they caningothe there and will be safe taken care of.” Rentals community, andand specifically toward Warner predicts that the theresame. will be more funding coming customer service,was Warner Rentals has largest Warner Rentals established inbecome 1975 bythe Warner’s RIH, will remain through Warner Rentals as the new patient care tower independent equipment rental company in Kamloops. father who opened the current location on East expansion comes to fruition looks forward seeingmy time Giving back to the community has always been a “It’s our hospital and and we all use it; I’vetospent Athabaska St in 1980 and eventually opened how the continued legacy of generosity that Warner cornerstone of the operation and whether it’s been additional locations in both Salmon Arm and there and so have my employees. The hospital has through hisBuilt annual golf tournament, sponsoring has so intentionally willPeople further know benefitthat when Princeton. oncharity a tradition of high quality rental Rentals always been so goodbuilt to us. Kamloops in the future. sporting events for children with special needs or equipment and superior customer service, Warner they are in need they can go there and will be safe Rentals has become the largest independent and taken care of.” Royal Inland Hospital Foundation equipment rental company in Kamloops. 16 Warner predicts that there will be more funding
PETS REALLY DO MAKE LIFE BETTER! Twinkie was being trained to be a service dog, but she had so much love to give that it was realized that she would be an amazing therapy dog for all the kids at the Chris Rose Center for Autism. She has so much love to give those kids! Twinkie has made such a positive impact for the kids and the staff at the center. She brings calm and joy to the kids, letting them tell her stories they haven’t told anyone else! To see some of the kids talk and connect to Twinkie in a way that they just cannot connect with others is simply amazing. Tula sits on her job. Tula is another service dog training under Nicky. Tula’s pal Alex has a habit of running away from his mom when he feels excited or overwhelmed. Tula is tethered to Alex on family outings to help keep him calm but most importantly safe. If Alex decides to run Tula counter balances him and sits. Just having Tula by him keeps him calm and happy preventing him from wanting to run. Tula’s mom says “Tula helps normalize our life and allows us to go on outings without the constant worry Alex is going to run and get hurt.” Petland and
Cedar Hills Academy helped make that happen. Training a service dog or a therapy dog takes a lot of work and money. Trish Hines and DelRae Cahoon, owners of Petland and Nicky Michaud owner/trainer of Cedar Hills Dog Academy work together towards making a service dog possible for families that need one. Fundraising has gone to projects like training, food, accessories and even surgeries like spaying and neutering the service/therapy dogs. Petlands’ fundraising efforts have helped raise nearly $10,000 for this local program for dogs like Tula and Twinkie. This is a program that really has gone to the dogs, Petland and Cedar Hills Academy are proud of that!
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ts e P d n Petla life e k a m ™ ! r e bett Nicky Michaud
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Grateful-Patient Program at RIH Royal Inland Hospital’s Exceptional Care
Great to Give
Patients are often looking for a meaningful way to say “thank you” for the exceptional and compassionate care The health care team at Royal Inland Hospital provides offered by the medical team at RIH. When you feel great compassionate and professional care to patients and their about the care you or a loved one received, giving back can families 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. With the third be a special part of your personal recovery. busiest trauma centre in BC, the Emergency Department The Grateful Patient Program gives you the opportunity alone cares for over 70,000 patients annually. to express your gratitude to a special caregiver with a Cardiology, Neurology, Pediatrics, Mental Health, gift to the hospital. Your gift can be made in honour of a Surgery, Diagnostic Imaging and Cancer Care are just a few hospital staff member or department, and can be directed of the departments at RIH that offer specialized care to to a specific area of care or provide support to our highest patients from across the region, which covers communities priority needs. as far away as Williams Lake, Lillooet, Merritt, Lytton and Physicians, nurses and other health care professionals many small rural communities in between. often go above and beyond for their patients and we Every department in the hospital requires specialized want to make sure they feel appreciated for their ongoing and up-to-date equipment and modern facilities in commitment to their patients. With your permission, order for the medical team to perform their best and caregivers who are honoured with a donation will be provide life-saving care every day. This need is ongoing notified of your gift. A special message for them can also as equipment needs to be replaced regularly and new be included. technology is always being developed. Some of our grateful patients who have already shared their stories are:
Kamloops Cancer Connections
Your community cares.
k a m l o o p s c a n c e rc o n n e c t i o n s . c a
Cancer Rehabilitation edema Ther apies Lymph Colette Swain RMT 18
Andrea Edwards PT
Royal Inland Hospital Foundation
Grateful-Patient Program at RIH Life-Saving Surgery for Adam
Adam Vukusic was out for a bike ride with his dad (who happens to be an Emergency Department doctor) when the unthinkable happened and he was seriously injured. Adam was rushed to the hospital and had emergency surgery done by Dr. Aristotle Azad, which saved his life. He spent time in the Intensive Care Unit as well as Pediatrics. Grateful for the life-saving care their son received, Alan and Tamara Vukusic are now regular supporters of the RIH Foundation, contributing on a monthly basis to high-priority equipment needs.
Saving Premature Baby Sebastian
The Velestuk Family is very grateful to the NICU for ensuring the survival of their son, Sebastian, who was born premature, weighing only 2 pounds 12 ounces. After spending 67 days in Royal Inland Hospital’s NICU, Sebastian was able to go home in time for Easter – one day after his original due date, weighing a healthy 9 pounds and 8 ounces. Today, at almost 3 years old, Sebastian is thriving. Grateful for the compassionate and constant care their son received, Richelle and Richard Velestuk have generously given their time and story to the Foundation.
Giving Larry a SecondChance at Life Larry suffered a heart attack and was taken by ambulance to the Emergency Department at RIH. He was admitted to the Cardiac Unit and after successful treatment, was put on medication and returned home. He is part of the Vascular Improvement Program at RIH and is happy to have a second-chance at life. Grateful for the care he received from Dr. Steven Sra and the team, Larry and his wife, Brenda, donated to RIH Foundation.
Our launching!Go Gototo OurGrateful GratefulPatient Patient Program Program isislaunching! to share your to share your story as a patient and/or thank a caregiver. We story as would a patient and/or thank a caregiver. We love to hear from you!
would love to hear from you!
2018/19 RIHF Financial Summary 2018/19 RIHF Financial Summary 2018/19 RIHF Financial Thank you for your support. In 2018/19, Royal InlandSummary Hospital
Thank you for your support. In 2018/19, Royal Inland Hospital Foundation raised $4,105,805 to support equipment, education, research and enhance patient care at RIH and throughout the region.
Foundation $4,105,805 to support equipment, education, research Thank you for raised your support. In 2018/19, Royal Inland Hospital Foundation raised $4,105,805 to support and enhance patient care at and patient throughout region. equipment, education, research andRIH enhance care at the RIH and throughout the region.
Foundations and Charitable 15% Organizations Foundations and Charitable Organizations
4% Other*
Other* * Service Clubs, Community Groups, Schools * Service Clubs, Community Groups, Schools
Capital Projects
Capital Projects
Regional Health Centers 3% Regional Health Centers
54% Equipment
Royal Inland Hospital Foundation
RIH’s Free Hat & Wig Lending Bank
arlier this month, on March 7, 2020, an Evening of Giving took place at Atlas Steak + Fish. Shelley Battistella, co-owner of La Dolcevita, decided after a personal battle with cancer, that she would like to do something for the patients who are experiencing hair loss due to cancer treatment. As a result, the wig fundraising event was started. Organized by Battistella, along with Cascades Casino and BCLC, the event has become an annual fundraiser. Many stunning wigs are auctioned off and donated to the free Hat & Wig Lending Bank, located in the Education Room in the Cancer Centre at RIH. Started in 2009 by RIH Afternoon Auxiliary members, Trudy De Luca and Edie Dixon, the Hat & Wig Lending Bank provides cancer patients with free access to both wigs and hats. Patients can use the items during and after their treatment, until their hair grows back in. The hats and wigs are either purchased or donated, and in 2019, over 500 were borrowed. The Hat & Wig Lending Bank works in partnership with the Look Good Feel Better program, started in 2004 and coordinated by Lavon McLeod. Also located in the Cancer Centre, Look Good Feel Better offers monthly workshops to cancer patients. In the workshops, attendees learn how to manage the appearance-related effects of cancer treatment, helping patients facing all types of cancer feel like themselves again. Funds raised specifically for the Hat & Wig Lending Bank ensure that it has a wide selection of wigs and hats available to patients of all ages, ethnicities, and hair colours. As a result of the success of previous fundraisers, the Bank area has been renovated with added shelving, storage, and salon accessories.
Our Radiothon on February 20, 2020 was a huge success and we raised $236,000, bringing our grand total for Radiothon over the years to $1 MILLION! Heartfelt thanks to the Conconi Family Foundation for matching every donation, to Canadian Pacific for being a matching donor during our Power Hour, to Sun Country Toyota as the presenting sponsor, Radio NL and Stingray for broadcasting live the entire day, all of our generous sponsors, all of our great volunteers‌..and most importantly, to everyone who donated on
Photos courtesy of LISA NOVAK PHOTOGRAPHY 22
Royal Inland Hospital Foundation
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SPRING FLING Dinner & Dance
Colombo Lodge Italian Cultural Centre Saturday April 18, 2020 Cocktails: 6:30 pm | Dinner: 7:30 pm Dress code: Cocktail attire
olombo Lodge is proud to be partnering with Royal Inland Hospital Foundation in support of cancer care at RIH with the first annual Spring Fling Dinner & Dance. Over the next five years, Colombo Lodge members have committed to raising $100,000 for local cancer care, making the fight against cancer easier for patients from across our region. On April 18, 2020, please consider joining us at our first annual Spring Fling fundraiser at Colombo Lodge. Your attendance will help ensure we reach our fundraising goal while also providing you with a fun evening with friends, family or colleagues. The Spring Fling will be a celebration of the new season with a unique, seasonally themed and locally sourced menu, live entertainment, dancing and more.
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SCT&I 23rd Annual
GOLF TOURNAMENT Rivershore Estates and Golf Links Friday May 22, 2020
his year we will celebrate our 23rd tournament. The event is guaranteed to be another remarkable event in support of the Royal Inland Hospital. South Central Trucking & Industry (SCT&I) committee has organized one of RIH’s largest community events and the most successful charity golf tournament in Kamloops. SCT&I’s Charity Golf Tournament has raised over $2 million toward patient care equipment for various departments at RIH, including: RIH’s OR, Emergency Room and Trauma Centre, Cancer Centre Chemotherapy Treatment Area, the Foundation’s 2nd CT Scanner Campaign and a new Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This year, our committee has set an ambitious, yet attainable, goal of $100,000. The funds raised from this year’s tournament will be used to purchase much needed and essential beds in the ICU. These beds are used for patients on life support, or requiring other life saving measures, and have special mattresses which allow for increased blood flow and airflow, immensely increasing patient comfort and speeding recovery. Royal Inland Hospital is a tertiary care centre which means we are a referral hospital for a large geographic area which provides care for over 225,000 individuals. We are also the biggest trauma centre in BC outside of Metro Vancouver. If you are interested in sponsoring the SCT&I Charity Golf Tournament, please contact Shanah Skjeie by phone at 250-314-2253 or by email at
Royal Inland Hospital Foundation
TF: 1-888-292-6202
The Royal Inland Hospital Patient Care Tower
Royal Inland Hospital Foundation
Highland Valley Copper We are passionate about community development and social engagement in the places where we live and work. HVC, our employees, and partners support the RIH Foundation annually. Our fund-raising initiatives include an employee contribution campaign, and fundraiser ďŹ shing derbies at the mine on Trojan Pond. To learn more about Teck go to
Thank you you supporters supporters Thank and volunteers! volunteers! and Your generosity generosity Your inspires amazing amazing care. care. inspires
Foundation is proud to one be one of BCLC’s current charities of choice. RIHRIH Foundation is proud to be of BCLC’s current charities of choice.
ADDRESS: Columbia Kamloops, V2C 2T1 ADDRESS: 311311 Columbia St St Kamloops, BCBC V2C 2T1 PHONE: 250-314-2325 PHONE: 250-314-2325 EMAIL: EMAIL: WEB: WEB: Charity Number: 119128965RR0001 Charity Number: 119128965RR0001
Nurse Educators volunteer their time at Radiothon RIHRIH Nurse Educators volunteer their time at Radiothon
Royal Inland Hospital Foundation
GOAL 2SPVE UP TVQQPSU UIF 4+* (PVOEĹąUJPO for 2020: 6IFJS USFNFOEPVT FĆŽPSUT IĹąWF USVMZ NĹąEF $300,000 -ĹąNMĆžQT Ĺą IFĹąMUIJFS ĹąOE IĹąQQJFS QMĹąDF Please help us to reach our goal by donating to ICCHA Wish to improve cardiac care at Royal Inland Hospital Dear Donors, Volunteers and Supporters of ICCHA/Wish Fund, Today, you must all feel proud to be part of history in the making - the establishment of the new ICCHA/WISH Coronary Care Unit (CCU) at RIH which opened on November 1, 2019. Your donation will make a significant impact to patients in the cardiac unit. Become an The ICCHA / Wish Fund is currently focusing its efforts on raising funds to further improve ICCHA/Wish cardiac care at RIH. With seven cardiologists, cardiac programs are currently being HERO OF THE HEART developed and expanded to meet the needs of the local community. Our goal in 2020 is to raise $300,000 and provide a dedicated 3D echocardiography machine, which will lessen Individuals or teams who the current wait time for diagnosis. raise $1,000 will receive Our ultimate goal of establishing a dedicated Catheterization Lab Donate Cardiac Care onetowards complimentary ticket to will help provide non-invasive onsite capabilities to diagnose and the 12th Annual Red Carpet treat acute cardiac patients locally in Kamloops. ICCHA /Wish Fund Gala Email: To achieve this, your support is needed now more than ever! be honoured with a Businesses, teams and YOU can join us in our campaign to help custom plaque and a walk Areach BIGour THANK YOU to all of our supporters, donors and sponsors who madeonthe Anniversary fundraising goals. the 10th red carpet at the ICCHA/Wish Gala“THE a monumental success! With or your support, we raised over $690,000! gala. (Enquire about other Anyone can become HERO OF THE HEARTâ€? by raising levels of sponsorship and donating $1,000. their benefits.) For more information visit:
2018 RAISED OVER $690,000
"Have a Heart to Give for a Heart to Live."
We have successfully worked with Interior Health and the Royal Inland Hospital to establish again, thanking with warm regards. Our Heroes of the Heart aOnce brand new 4-bedyou Cardiac Care Unit (CCU) with specialized care, where cardiac pa ents will be Sincerely, will also be acknowledged monitored 24/7 in one centralized loca on, rather than being displaced in various departments. Al Patel, Founder, ICCHA / Wish Fund
in the ICCHA/Wish “Our Community Giving Backâ€? magazine will be For accurate diagnosis, the trauma c out-of-town havingwhich heart of journey for our loved ones distributed to 30,000 the aďż˝acďż˝s and other acute cardiac issues will s ll con nue even aďż˝er the establishment of the new homes. This magazine will CCU. To con nue improving cardiac care at RIH which is a ter ary hospital, we need and to lobby with be printed distributed Raising money to improve “ICCHA/WISH Cardiac Care Unitâ€? at RIH all levels of the government to establish a Catheriza on Lab. Please help usby reach ourThis goal. Kamloops Week.
Hero Heart
To find out more or to donate please visit
,PJO VT PO (SJEŹZ /ŹZ 8 20 ŹU PVS )ŹMŹ &JƽFS ŹU %PMPNCP *ŹƝ Join us on Friday May 8, 2020 for our Gala Dinner at Colombo Hall FMI: Senior's Night
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