John Tod Centre Y 250-554-9622 Downtown Y 250-372-7725 CCRR-Early Years 250-376-4771 Administration 250-376-9744 Women’s Emergency Shelter 250-374-6162 Youth Employment Services 250-377-3670 YOU ALREADY BELONG HERE GUIDE FALL 2022 Your

www.har per |250-828-0608 arper Mountain family owned and operated since 1973 5-12YEARS SWIMSKILL LESSON PROGRAM FALL LESSONS |SEPTEMBER 27 -NOVEMBER 5 Wed &Fri -3:40 -4:20pmor4:20- 5:00 pm •Tues&Thurs -3:45- 4:25pmor 4:30 -5:10 pm or 5:15 -5:55 pm •$180 for 16x40 minute lessons WINTER LESSONS |JANUARY9- MARCH 8 Wed &Fri -3:40- 4:20 pm or 4:20 -5:00 pm •Tues &Thurs-3:45- 4:25 pm or 4:30- 5:10 pm or 5:15 -5:55pm $180 for 16x40 minute lessons PRO DDAY CAMPS 2022 -2023 •$60/DAY Sept 26, Oct21, Dec 5, Feb 3, Apr24&May 19 8:30 am -5:00pm VISIT OUR WEBSITETOBOOK AFREESWIM ASSESSMENT Register online at 250.828.3660 or SWIMFIT AGES 12-16 •All levelsofswimmers •Excellent cardio for cross training •For youth interested in improving their swimming and having fun with other kids •Professional coaches will work with you to improve your swimstroke and endurance •Tuesday/Thursday 6:15 -7:15 pm KCS MASTERS AGES 19+ •Improve your swimming in afun and supportive environment •Low-impact •Professional coaching •All swim levelswelcome •Fun social events COMPETITIVE CLUB SWIMMING AGES 6-19 •Focus on fun and competing to achieve your personal best •Tight-knit team environment •Professional coaching •Regional, Provincial National & International competitive opportunities •University swimming prep 2 Paid Advertisement

Get connected at the Y TODAY! EVERYONE FEELS HEALTHIER IN A SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY Health and well-being at the Y is so much more than working out. You will find all the ingredients for success at your Kamloops Y: • A place where you and your family always feel welcome and secure • An unbeatable package of services at an affordable price: extensive fitness facilities, classes, child, youth & family programs and family support services • Convenience: two locations and programs that fit into your busy schedule • Friendly, supportive staff and volunteers who inspire you and make you feel good about participating • A place where you can belong and make a difference as a volunteer and a donor The Kamloops YMCA-YWCA is committed to building a community of healthy, confident and connected children, youth, adults, and families. TABLE OF CONTENTSDoesn’tCommunityStop The Kamloops Y facilities are gathering places for community in Kamloops. Through every situation, our Y is guided by the core values of honesty, respect, responsibility, caring and inclusivity, as we work diligently to serve those in our community that need us most. With your valuable membership support and ongoing commitment, we are providing child care support for women and children fleeing intimate partner violence; assisted memberships to those of limited financial means; mental wellness programs for those struggling with anxiety or other mental wellness challenges; helping youth remove barriers to finding secure employment; and many more vital programs and services that are so needed in our Thankcommunity.youforyour commitment and support for the YMCA-YWCA team members working in our communities every day. We are always moving forward, and we’ll continue to do so as a community. Membership Information 4 Health & Safety at the Y 5 Take the First step Today 7 Health & Fitness 8 Choose to Move . . . . . . . . . . 9 Fitness volunteers 10 Youth Programs 11 Aquatics 14 Becoming a Lifeguard 15 Playcare Services 16 2022 Kamloops Y Dream Home Lottery 17 Mental Wellness 20 Family Services Department 21 Youth Employment Program 22 Violence Against Women 23 kamloopsY.ca3EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20222

*A family is defined as a maximum of 2 adults and their dependents, all residing at the same address.
DROP-IN FULL FACILITY Adult (26 years +) $10.15 Senior (65 years +) $7.60 Young Adult (19-25 years) $7.60 Youth (12-18 years) $6.50 Child (0-11 years / Includes Playcare) $6.50 Preschool (0-4 years / Swim only / No fee with accompanying adult 16+) Family (2 adults and dependents under 19) $20.30
The first member must be an adult. All children and dependent students under 19 must reside with their parent/guardian.
The Kamloops Y Opportunity Fund is supported by hundreds of generous individuals and businesses who donate every year to the Kamloops Y. out more about the Kamloops Y Opportunity Fund, at 250-372-7725, or download and print an application package online at John Tod
To find
CONTINUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES Based on biweekly payment schedule
Regardless of age or stage, Y membership can open doors to improved health and well-being, to new friendships and to the building of a stronger community. As a member, you’re are part of a caring, dedicated family that celebrates diversity with dignity and respect and that fosters a sense of belonging. Regular participation in our membership activities enhances and empowers lives by supporting a balanced approach to personal growth, health and wellness. deserves to have grow and thrive. That's why at the Kamloops Y, we make our programs and facilities accessible to everyone through the Kamloops Y Opportunity Fund, available for those who are financially unable to pay the full membership and/or program fees.
contact Member Services
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WHAT DOES YOUR MEMBERSHIP INCLUDE? For full details, including hours of operation and programming, please visit us online • Full access to the Downtown Y, including a large variety of group fitness classes, pool, hot tub, sauna and aquafit classes • Member-only rates for exclusive programming at the
access to opportunities to learn,
Centre Y • Expert fitness staff at each Y location • Access to YMCA's across Canada • YMCA Member Only Access site, with on-demand workouts, family activities, wellness programming, access to Ythrive training program and more to help you stay healthy wherever you are! • Playcare child minding services included with Family or Child membershipkamloopsY.ca4
Adult (26 years +) $23.48 Senior (65 years +) $17.62 Young Adult (19-25 years) $17.62 Youth (12-18 years) $15.17 Child (0-11 years) $11.74 Family* $46.97

Your Safety is our HEALTHPriority & ATSAFETYTHE Our top priority has always been to deliver an unparalleled experience of improved health and wellness to our members through spirit, mind and body. Our team continues to work raising the bar of hygiene and sanitation, as well as considering every aspect of your YMCA experience. We remain committed to creating a safe experience for you. As part of this commitment, Kamloops Y locations will continue to: • Ask patrons to refrain from entering the facility if they are feeling unwell • Provide hand sanitizing stations and signage encouraging good hand hygiene • Thoroughly disinfect the gym equipment, studio spaces and change facilities multiple times a day • Continue to monitor and implement all public health requirements THANK YOU FOR HELPING KEEP OUR Y SAFE AND HEALTHY! kamloopsY.ca5EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20222

At Girl Guides, girls have aplace to shine. By meeting weekly with their peers and adult volunteers, girlswill have abuilt-in support group that cheers them on as they take the lead and explore new challenges. It’sall part of our formula for empowering every girl to be everything she wants to be. Registration for fall is now open! Find anearby unit using the unit finder on our website: The program runs from September to June each year.Units fill up fast, so register early! If you have questions, you can email: Str ong friendships, meaningful connections. That’s Girl Guides. Kamloops Heal thyWeights forChildren ShapedownBC SHAPEDOWN BC is afamily based 10 week VIRTUALGROUP program that helps children or teens, andtheir families, achieve ahealthier lifestyle. eShapedown amconsists of aDietician, Fitness structor, Social Worker and Pediatrician. HOWDOIJOIN? Askyour family Doctor, Pediatrician, or Nurse Practitioner to sendus a referral. Contact us or look onlinefor more detailed information. ShapedownBC: AFREE virtual program forchildren andteens (aged 6-17) &their families Shapedown BC Public Heal th 519 Columbia Street,Kamloops BC V2C 2T8 PH:250.851.7300 |FAX:250.851.7301 www.interiorheal a h Th tea In H P d 6 Paid Advertisement

Kamloops Community YMCA-YWCA Downtown Y 400 Battle St. YMCA today Y Downtown Y 400 Battle YMCA see Y
and see
you already belong here! TAKE THE KamloopsTODAY!Community YMCA-YWCA
St. Join the
today and
you already belong here! TAKE THE TODAY! kamloopsY.ca7EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20222
Join the

Health & Fitness
We know that keeping kids active is not always easy! Did you know that youth 10+ are able to use the cardio equipment or attend a group fitness class, with a parent or guardian? Orientations available upon request, some restrictions apply. Contact Member Services for details.
Looking for a great way to de-stress? With our low, medium and high intensity fitness classes, we’ve got something for everyone, regardless of your fitness level! Use our new, convenient online registration. Contact Member Services for details at 250-372-7725!
We’re more than just a gym. Whatever your age or stage, we’ve got something to inspire you and your family. At the Y, we make it easy for everyone to play together or pursue their own passions. You can work out while your kids stay active under one roof, or you can focus on your personal fitness goals.
Health and Fitness at the Downtown Y
No matter what your interests, our expert staff and volunteers are always available to support and guide you every step of the way. Plus when you join the Y, you get the added benefit of becoming a part of a safe, welcoming and vibrant community.
At the Kamloops Community YMCA-YWCA we believe that a healthy balanced lifestyle incorporates more than just physical exercise. Staying physically active, maintaining mental wellness, participating in healthy lifestyle programs, and connecting to a supportive community all contribute to an increased sense of well-being and a higher quality of life. And now, more than ever, your personal health is important. That’s why we’re working on new ways to bring programs and services to you, including the all-new programming structure at the John Tod Centre Y!
Now you can enjoy a variety of exclusive fitness programs, available only at the John Tod Center Y facility, with a streamlined registration process to guarantee your spot in theAsclass.aYmember, you’ll receive exclusive member program pricing and access to online registration for your convenience. But you don’t have to be a member to register! Contact Member Services today at 250-372-7725 for details, and get your Y, your way!
Ashley Kassie Joy OUR STAFF
Health and Fitness at the John Tod Centre Y

Choose to Move is a FREE program for adults 65+ who are looking to get active! With the support of a certified Activity Coach, participants develop a personalized physical activity action plan based on their interests, goals and abilities. Choose to Move is evidence-based and delivered in partnership with Active Aging BC. Participants have to opportunity to connect with others in the program through group meetings at the Y and have regular telephone checkins with their Activity Coach. Contact us to learn more Kassie.Fowlie@KamloopsY.ca250-372-7725 To register, participants must be: • Aged 65 years or older • Looking for support • Not a YMCA member within the last 6 months Choose to Move Power Parkinson’sover A specific group exercise program to maintain or improve flexibility, strength, balance, mobility and encourage independence and safety in individuals with Parkinson’s Disease. For intake contact Lindsay at 250-851-7963. Mind in Motion Minds in Motion® is a fitness and social program for people living with any form of early-stage dementia along with a family member, friend or other care partner. Gentle exercises are followed by social activities designed to be enjoyed in pairs. Care partners must attend. Registration fees include the cost of the person living with dementia and one care partner. Start at any time and pay a pro-rated registration fee. To register or learn more about these in-person Minds in Motion® programs, please call the First Link® Dementia Helpline at 1-800-936-6033, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m kamloopsY.ca9EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20222

If your a certified fitness professional interested in volunteering your time for one hour a week in exchange for some awesome perks email: Volunteer benefits include a free membership, renewal of Emergency First Aid and continuing education workshops and credits, not to mention teaching in a great facility amongst friends while supporting a healthy community. For more information visit Join our team of talented fitness volunteers!

The babysitting course is a nationally recognized program designed to help course participants develop self-assurance, knowledge and skills required for babysitting duties. important tools for your preteen to have as they begin to build invaluable skills for a lifetime. at course start date. 250-372-7725,
or visit us online at
ProgramsYouth kamloopsY.ca11EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20222
For details on course dates and registration, please contact Member Services at
These are
HOME ALONE (10+ by course start) The Home Alone Program is designed to provide children 10 years of age and older with the necessary skills and knowledge to be safe and responsible when home alone for short periods of time. It will help them understand how to prevent problems, handle real-life situations, and keep them safe and constructively occupied.
BABY SITTING COURSE (11+ by course start)
Must be 11

Thehardest thing is the stress of puttingitoff. To getstarted, let’smakeanappointment. Call 250-374-3344 or It ’s import antto have aplan. >WILL &ESTATEPLANNING à at KAMLOOPS GYMNASTICS / TRAMPOLINE CENTRE à Gymnastics à Trampoline à Diving à CommunityAccess à SeasonalCamps à Professional DayCamps imagine |b elieve |a chieve REGISTERTODAY PLAYGym (12 mo nths -5 ye ars) Gymna sti cs, Tr ampoli ne &D ivin g( 6+ year s) XC EL G ymn as t ic s, Tr ampoli ne (bo ys &g irl s) Com peti tiv eG ymna stic s, Tr am pol ine &D ivi ng High Sc hool &1 8+ progr ams Ong oing Enroll men t CURRENT SCHEDULES /REGISTRATION /MOREINFO… 910 McGill Rd.250-374-6424 (locatedinside the TournamentCapital Centre) 12 Paid Advertisement

1500 9th Ave. |250.314.5033 | | Our centre is alicensed not-for-profitsociety operated by aBoardofDirectors Aleading Kamloops’Early Learning provider forthe past 25 years, Children’s Circle ChildcareCentrehas recently completed anew facility in partnership with Interior Health. This Fall will markthe launchofour NEW Pre-KPrepfor 4-5 year olds. •Enthusiastic EarlyChildhood Educators with 10+ yrsPreschool experience •Children learnthrough playand exploration •9am-1pmMonday– Thursday •Nutritious hotLunch andsnackincluded FALL PRE-SCHOOLREGISTRATION NOWOPEN! Register Now by calling 250-314-5033 NEWFACILITY! FOR INFORMATION OR TO SIGN UP > PRIVATELESSONS •Brass •Voice •Woodwinds •Piano •Strings GROUP CLASSES •Group classesfor all ages and experience levels •Music for YoungChildren® program (ages2–8) 250.372.5000 | music foryoung children® 13Paid Advertisement
• Mindfulness and a calm mind.
• Swimmers often find it easier to develop social skills.
• Swimming can enhance teamwork skills.
• Swim stress away
The Kamloops Y offers a wide variety of aquatics programs, from swim lessons to aquatic fitness, allowing you and your family to learn and improve on your water-safety skills, while building muscle, and increasing you strength and endurance. Water is a fantastic way to fit in some lowimpact full-body exercise and can help you recover faster from an injury or improve your overall mobility.
• Swimming can enhance cognitive functions.
• People who swim from an early age are more confident.
• Swimming can help you learn to set goals.
Lap lane Swimming continues to be recommended but not required
Nothing builds confidence like learning how to swim. It’s an essential life skill that can provide a lifetime of fun in and around water. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced swimmer, you can gain the skills and strength you need to stay safe and enjoy making a splash right here at the Kamloops Y!
Fall Registration begins August 23 at 9:00 am for members and August 24 at 9:00 am for non members
The YMCA has been offering swimming lessons to Canadians since the 1900s. Thousands of Canadians have learned to swim at the Y and so can you! That’s why we offer swim lessons, aquatic fitness classes and other programs for toe dippers, deep divers and everyone in between!

For details contact Lynette Urquhart, Aquatics Director • 250-372-7725 Step 1 Optional Step 5 Step 3 Step 7 Step 2 Step 6 Step 4 STARBRONZE 11-13Prerequisite:years INSTRUCTORSAFETYWATER 15Prerequisite:years+ LIFEGUARDNATIONAL Prerequisite: 15 years+, Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid / CPR C / AED APPLY BECOMETOALIFEGUARD MEDALLIONBRONZE Prerequisite: 13 years+ or Bronze Star CROSSBRONZE Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion CPRFIRSTSTANDARDAID/C/AED 13Prerequisite:years+ Steps abecomingtoLifeguardOURSTAFF Amber Emma ClaireJennifer Dominc Andrew kamloopsY.ca15EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20222

DAY CAMPS Winter Break Camp Y Weekly Winter Break Camps are the perfect place for kids to be kids! Downtown camps are open to children ages 5-12 * must be in kindergarten. Campers will enjoy many fun activities with plenty of choices each day including games, sports, arts and crafts, swimming, field trips and the great outdoors. At the Y, we are proud to provide safe, fun and high quality programs that encourage children to develop in spirit, mind and body. Registration opens December 1, 2022 *Government subsidy is accepted at the Downtown camp. For more information or to register please contact or call 250-376-4771 ext. 117
The Kamloops Y believes that exercise is a part of healthy living; however, it can be hard to find time to stay fit when you are caring for young children. WE CAN HELP! Our Playcare services support you while you participate in a group fitness class or while you engage in your individual workout program. And best of all, it’s included in your membership! in Hours of Operation Monday-Friday 8:30-1:00 pm full and schedules, visit us online at
The Downtown After School Program accepts children Grades 2-7 and The Rayleigh After School Program accepts children K-7. We offer quality nurturing care with developmentally appropriate activities to encourage physical and mental wellness in a safe environment with qualified staff. Our programs include quality childcare, fun activities, Jr. Leadership, weekly swimming and a welcoming staff. Care, Respect, Responsibility, Honesty and Inclusion – The YMCA Core Values are promoted to help develop children’s self-esteem, confidence and well-being. Registration is ongoing *Our After School Care is licensed and government subsidy is welcome.
The After School Program operates during School District 73 instructional days, September through June. We also offer full day care on Pro D days and during Spring Break and Winter Break. We currently offer after school pick up from Lloyd George Elementary, Kamloops School of the Arts, and Sahali Elementary for enrollment in our Downtown After School Program as well as Rayleigh Elementary School for our Rayleigh After School Program.
Playcare Services
Out of School Care
The Kamloops Y offers licensed after school care & day camps A FREE Y Membership for your child is included!

www.bcresponsiblegambling.caProblemChancesGamblingVisit us online at www.bcresponsiblegambling.caProblemChances Thank you Kamloops! CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2022 PRIZE WINNERS! The 2022 Kamloops Y Dream Home Lotter y We are so grateful for the support of our amazing community, and to the many wonderful sponsors and partners, CHBA and the TRU Training House, that make the Y Dream Home Lottery a huge success every year. The Kamloops Y relies on these charitable gaming funds to continue to provide much needed programs and services in our community, and our work, quite simply, would not be possible without YOU! 50/50 Winner Geoff Barker (Value $464,875) Visit us online at kamloopsY.ca17EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20222

MILOBAR P E T E R S T O N E TODD MLAKamloops-Nor th Thompson 618B Tranquille Road Kamloops,BCV2B 3H6 250-554-5413 @PeterMilobar PeterMilobarKNT MLAKamloops-South Thompson 446 Victoria Street Kamloops,BCV2C 2A7 250-374-2880 @toddstonebc ToddGStone KAMLOOPS HAS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. Tr yanew activitythis year foryour mental and physical well-being. VIRTUAL LESSONS ALSO AVAILABLE Piano •G uitar •B as s•D rums •V oice •U kulele •T rumpet •T heor y•a nd eMore! t T h e o r y a n d M o r Register for Music Lessons Today. Music lessons for all ages, stages, and styles. Professional instructors make learning fun. Convenient lesson times for busy families. No registration fees. Affordable instrument rentals. Why Choose Long &McQuade? 955 Lorne Street (250) 828-2315 18 Paid Advertisement

Your local Digital Media studio & agency Website Design / Geo Fencing / Social Media / Digital Marketing / Google Marketing / Email Marketing /

At the YMCA-YWCA, we understand the important role that stress and mental wellness play in the lives of our community members. That’s why we have a variety of mental wellness groups that support individuals of all ages and families to learn healthy coping skills, connect with others in the community, and get support all in a safe and friendly environment.
For more information or to register contact the mental wellness team at
“I enjoyed going to the Y's mindfulness group -- the organizers were approachable and cared about their work! The environment was welcoming, respectful and supportive. I learned new ways to be more mindful and cope with my anxiety that are easily applicable to my life, without having too much pressure.”
“Participating in Mindfulness Group has been a life changing experience for me. Compared to the first time I went to the info session (which I was actually quite skeptical about the program), I've changed so much since now I know how to manage my anxiety and apply mindfulness exercises whenever I need them. The instructors were amazing, and they answered the group's questions with very helpful answers. The group environment was very comfortable and welcoming as well. I would definitely want to recommend this program to anyone even if they are not going through anxiety, and I hope to further develop my skills and learnings in mindfulness. Thank you so much for such an amazing program!”

Child Care Resource and Referral, Early Years Centre-Family Resource Program, Nobody’s Perfect Parenting, Kamloops Early Language and Literacy Initiative Support for all things EARLY YEARS for families and professionals • Workshops and trainings • Lending Library • Drop-In Interactive Centre • Programs for parents and families/ caregivers in-person and virtual • Events (ABC Family Literacy Day, Healthy Kids Week, Teddy Bear Picnic) • Assistance for families looking for childcare • Parent-Child Mother Goose • One to one support for starting a childcare site • Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program OUR FAMILY SERVICES SUPPORT ON AVERAGE 15,000 KIDS AND THEIR FAMILIES PER YEAR “Perfect way to meet other parents and get out if the house” “Always learning news things at the workshops”CCRR “Love all availableresourcestheforloaninthe dedicated“Amazinglibrary.”andstaff” For more information, please call 250-376-4771 Kamloops Family Services Department kamloopsY.ca21EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20222

This program is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia Youth Employment Services Struggling to find work? We can help! The YMCA Youth Employment Team works out of two WorkBC locations in Kamloops: BUSINESS HOURS In-person and virtual appointments available Monday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Tuesday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Wednesday 11:00 am – 4:30 pm Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Kamloops North Shore 795 Tranquille Rd, Kamloops, BC V2B 3J3 Kamloops South Shore 210-450 Lansdowne Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 1Y3

kamloopsY.ca23EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20222
PEACE PROGRAM 250-376-7800 Children and youth with experiences of violence in the home need a dedicated program to address these violent experiences. Their feelings need to be validated and recognized asTheimportant.PEACEProgram is a free service that provides that support to children and youth who have experienced violence through expressive therapies.
Y EMERGENCYWOMENS SHELTER 250-374-6162 or text 250-682-7931 We know that when women feel supported, when they feel their voices have been heard, when their experience has been believed, and when their community demonstrates that they care, they are able to move beyond surviving to thriving.
– Anonymous QUOTES FROM PAST SHELTER RESIDENTS STOPPING THE VIOLENCE OUTREACH SERVICES 250-320-3110 Outreach services for women is so much more than a mobile response to violence. Outreach is a safe spot to land: between waitlists for longer term support services, while negotiating the often frightening and painstaking processes of our legal system, and while strategizing about ‘how to leave’ in a way that keeps everyone safe and fed and housed.
“I cannot even imagine what would have happened to me if I didn't have the shelter to come to. There is no way I would be doing what I'm doing and be the mom that I am if it wasn't for all of the ladies there helping me and supporting me through the darkest most difficult time of my life.” – Nicole “I'm sharing this with you because I want you to know that the work you all do matters. You all truly make a difference. I have endless love and gratitude in my heart for all of the staff there and the shelter itself.”

always &always going severalsteps beyond! 25O.319.9O44 • REGISTER NOW! Montessoriprepared environment: •PracticalLife-activities to aid in developing independence forthe child •Sensorial-physicaldevelopment of the senses •Language-speaking, listening, reading and writing •Mathematics -concepts of number,shape and space •Cultural Studies -enrichthe child’sunderstanding of the worldthrough the study of zoology,botany, geography,histor y, artand music Enhanced environment •Block area anddramatic play area,loose parts play- helpschildren learnsocially, physically, intellectuallyand creatively •Extensive curriculum,phonics, artand musicprogram Programs we offer: •Infant/Toddler: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm •Preschool: 8:45 am to 11:15 am OR 11:45 am to 2:15 pm • NEW! Junior Kindergarten 8:45 am to 2:15 pm /SD73Calendar •3-5 Preschool /Childcare: 7:30 am to5:30 pm •School AgeCare: Beforeand after school care(including kindergarten children) 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.PickupfromJuniper, Lloyd George,School of the Arts,South Sahali, McGowan, Pacific Way, Aberdeen, Dufferin. Sahali Campus 1585 SummitDrive Childcare- Ages 5to12 PineviewCampus 1711Copperhead Drive Preschool Childcare- Ages 1to12 Orchards Walk Campus 3200 ValleyviewDrive Preschool Childcare- Ages 1to12 Alifetime oflearning begins here