Best Easy Make Money Online Tips For Success They have a read through your site information, click on a few links to see some more and perhaps even hit play on your YouTube message where they then watch as you impart what you want to say - with some hoping that they won't have to watch those little spirals as you load at intervals during the presentation. You've told them, in your nicest presentation what you have to offer both in print and in person. Profit with Alex All that is left is asking for and hoping that they buy your product or service. But wait, what have you actually told them? Most times, you've told them your name, they can see what you look like, and you've given them some information on what is on offer and perhaps why, what it will cost and how to pay for and obtain it. On the 'personality and hottie' scale, an 8 and above usually garners some attention, but not necessarily for the product or service you are promoting. So how do you secure their attention towards the item you are promoting? The key to successful online transactions is the relationship that you can build with them. And how do you build relationships with anyone. Relationships are built on either trust or mutually beneficial arrangements, which in itself it built around a shared common interest or reason, and a level of trust. So the key to obtaining and holding that attention is to have a great product, and to convey an element of trust in your presentation. The way to do this is to 'put your best foot forward' or present as appropriately and professionally as possible. What I mean by this is that you wouldn't attend a wedding in your swimmers, or go for a run in a three piece suit. Whilst suit attire is a generally accepted standard of dress, this does not suit everyone, so don your "Sunday Best" appropriate to your topic. So, the desire for starting a home based online business is strong within you. You have some great ideas, lots of enthusiasm and you are ready to start. You're going to make a huge amount of money and be your own boss. Well, wait a minute, regardless of the claims of how easy it is to get rich off the Internet, you will find that starting an online business is no different than starting a business in the off-line world.