2 minute read
from LINK_Feb2023
by NGO K.A.NE.
Hi! i’m Matteo from italy, i have 26 years old and i’m one of the volunteer in Kalamata working whit RETHINK KOINSEP and hosted by KANE organization, i study agriculture and i love music and juggling.
Kalamata hosted two unusual youth exchanges focused on circus, theater and juggling with the aim of creating a final show at the end of the project.

I begin by saying that the result of these two projects was not confined to the personal learning of the individual participants of various arts that now go a bit unnoticed in this digital age, but also to the involvement of the city thanks to the aim of creating two different shows, one per project, where the participants were able to perform a whole week of various workshops based on theater arts, and not content with some fiery fire juggling shows in the streets of Kalamata!
As foreseen by the youth exchanges, the participants came from different cultures, and who more or less had interests or skills related to the circus or theater world, but the difference in terms of technical skills certainly did not prevent us from making two wonderful conclusions, first of all the the purpose of the youth exchanges themselves is that of sharing and learning in organizing a common project.
As a participant and observer of the project, I find very important the existence of these projects that are not only associated with learning skills, but also imprints on self-discovery and group engagement through play and acting, as we often forget what in reality puts us in contact with others, we can have economic or beneficial relationships with other people, but I believe that the most sincere bond that is built with someone is through play, which places people in a non-judgmental and free context to interpret the most childish and genuine part of oneself, which translated is the freedom to be, increasingly difficult in this time, but which in the end everyone partially aspires.
The two youth exchanges were dotted with various activities, from real circus and juggling activities, including aerial circus thanks to Dimitri from Skycrew the first contemporary circus school in Kalamata, he who granted space and tools for the activities, to cohesion workshops, theatre, costume construction with recycled materials and free expression. All of this contributed to the practically spontaneous realization of the two logical threads that would build the two final shows, all of which happened with a week of preparation, with daily activities that started at 9 and finished at 6 in the afternoon, and the final result was surprising!
I conclude by saying that the process of free expression and the commitment placed by the teachers and the participants created wonderful memories of solidarity, and acceptance of everyone's personal diversity, generating a real example of how the different characteristics of people with a common goal they have become a strength and not obstacles, I can only wish the continuation of projects like this that teach and leave memories of how among so many differences people can still play and have fun together!