LINK march 2023

Fighting for their rights for the women is even more complicated when cinema only represents them in a very sexist way. This is how it started, women characters on screen were always the same character, the same profil : the naive, innocent, and submitted woman, just seen as a beautiful and fragile object that needs to be saved by the male protagonist.
From the beginning, cinema was nourrishing the idea that women are nothing without men, an idea against which they had fight, and still fight today.
The cartoons are a perfect example, with princesses definited by their beauty and sweetness, and men as strong, courageous and chivalrous savior. Men are the powerful characters from the start of those famous stories, Cinderella and Snow White illustrate this very well. Moreover, Cinderella and Snow White fits the sexist stereotype of a woman staying at home to clean and take care of the house…
In the 90s, the storyline of the male figure saving the princess in distress changes and evolves in cartoons and animated movies. Princesses have their fate in their own hands, they get the power to decide, choose, and take action, even if in they end up with a man. For example, in Beauty and the Beast (1991), Pocahontas (1995) or Mulan (1998), the female protagonists are intelligent and courageous. It continues afterwards, cartoons getting away from the sexist cliché and the typical profil, each character gets their own characteristics, personality features, and become more complex.
Today, there are still many progress to do, female protagonists are most of the time white and straight, the minorities are under-represented, even more as protagonist characters, and the speaking time of women is still lower than men’s one, the beauty is still emphasized… But since the past few years, we see more and more female characters who claim all this, for example with Blue Is The Warmest Color (2013), telling the story of a young woman discovering her homosexuality, The Shape of Water (2017), having a deaf woman as the main character, or most recently with the best Oscar winning movie, Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022), picturing a middle-aged chinese immigrant woman. Some examples of movies highlighting woman fighting for their rights and against a patriarchal, oppressiveand abusive society,in the image of reality.
In cinema, it is the same, during many years, women are seen by their beauty only, they are represented as a desired object by male characters. They are here to serve only seduction, and make the protagonist look like a hero when he has to save them from a situation.It has slowly evolved with time, with the apparition of female characters represented as strong women, who can defend themselves ; Star Wars (1977) marks the turning point with Leïa and her strong personality, she stands up to her male peers, and gets to be a heroin. They are still many degrading aspects, but it opens a new door for female characters in cinema, for example with Kill Bill (2003) and its story of a woman who gets her revenge by killing of the people who betrayed her, or with the serie Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003), the perfect feminist picture.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer tells the story of Buffy, a teenager who deals with highschool, disappointments in love, and new friends the day, and fights the vampires in town and saves the world at night, making it a good representation of teenagehood, and showing Buffy as an heroin, a sensitive but strong, young but intelligent, scared but courageous woman.
International Women’s Day, or La Festa della Donna, is a hugely popular and widely celebrated event in Italy. On March 8th of every year, women throughout Italy receive and give small yellow flowers, called mimosa, as a sign of appreciation and support for their hard work, strength,andcontributionstosociety.
Originating in the United States and marking women’s fight for labour rights and suffrage in the early 20th century, the celebration of International Women’s Day slowly made its way to Europe and beyond. In Italy, it acquired an additional meaning, that of female beauty and charm. Italian women are often praised for their elegance, grace, and effortless style, and the mimosa flower was chosen as a symbol of this beauty because it blooms in early spring, at the end of winter and the start of a new cycle of life. Men in Italy traditionally give mimosa flowers to the women in their lives, be they mothers, partners, daughters, or coworkers.Women,inturn,wearmimosaorpinittotheirlapels, as a sign of solidarity and sisterhood.
On this day, many cultural and political events take place throughout Italy, ranging from feminist rallies and conferences to musical performances and art shows. Many museums, galleries, and historic sites offer free entry for women or discounted tickets, while restaurants and bars may serve themed meals or cocktails. Furthermore, Italian media often dedicate coverage to women’s achievements and challenges, highlighting role models and discussing current issues such as the gender pay gap, domestic violence, or reproductive rights. Not all Italians support the idea of Women’s Day, of course. Some argue that it is a commercial and superficial occasion, or that it reinforces gender stereotypes and discrimination. However, for many others, the day is an important reminder of the progress made by women in Italy and worldwide, as well as the struggles that still lie ahead In recent years, the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, have put the spotlight on the urgent need for gender equality and justice, making International Women’s Day even more relevant and meaningful. Whether you live in Italy or not, International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate women of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences, and to show your support for a world where their rights are respected, their voices heard, and their contributions valued -Nicole
who have imposed themselves in professional fields dominated by men.
Women in "male" occupations have always faced many obstacles in gaining a foothold in traditionally male-dominated fields. Yet, many women have managed to break through gender barriers and make their mark in fields such as engineering, mechanics, construction, science, technology and many others.
Hereare someinspiring stories ofwomen who have madeitinso-called "male" professions and havebecome rolemodelsfor future generations.
Computer engineer Megan Smith, who was the first female vice president at Google, has always encouragedwomentopursuecareersintechnology. She believes that women have just as many skills as men and that it is important to encourage them to pursue their passions. She has worked on many projects at Google, including the creation of Google EarthandGoogleMaps.
Aerospace engineer Mary Jackson also broke gender barriers by becoming NASA's first African-American female engineer. She started as a human calculator before pursuing an engineering degree and working on projects such as the X-15 supersonic. She encouraged other women and minorities to pursue careers in science and technology.
In the construction field, entrepreneur Linda Alvarado is a pioneer. She was the first Hispanic woman to found a construction company in the United States. She started as a construction worker before founding her own company, which has since built many prestigious projects, including baseball and soccer stadiums
In auto mechanics, race car driver Danica Patrick is a true icon. She began her career in karting before moving on to professional auto racing, where she has won several times. She has also appeared on numerous television shows and has become an ambassador for auto mechanics.
On March 8, 1857, women working in clothing and textile factories (called "ladies' tailors") in New York City, USA, took part in a protest. They fought against inhuman working conditions and low wages. The police attacked the protesters and dispersed them. Two years later, again in March, these women formed their first union to try to protect themselves and secure certain basic rights in the workplace.
In 1908, 15,000 women in New York demonstrated for shorter hours, higher wages, and the right to vote. The following year, the American Socialist Party proposed that the last Sunday in February be Labor Women's Day.
Rumors about this quickly spread around the world and reached Clara Zetkin. One of the most famous activists of the German and international socialist and women's movement, who entered the history of the 20th century not only as an active communist, but also as a woman reformer who played an important role in the development of the European movement for women's rights. The main merit of Zetkin was the establishment, at her suggestion, of International Women's Day at a conference in Copenhagen.
Clara Zetkin was born in 1857 in the small Saxon town of Wiederau in the family of a rural teacher. While still a student at the Leipzig Pedagogical Gymnasium, a prestigious educational institution, she began to attend secret meetings of the Social Democrats, and in 1878 she joined the Socialist Workers' Party, later renamed the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDPG).
In 1882, the Zetkins moved to Paris, where she continued to engage in party activities. Living in France, Clara Zetkin actively participated in the preparation and work of the Founding Congress of the 2nd International in Paris in 1889, where she gave a speech on the role of women in the revolutionary struggle. And after the persecution of the Social Democrats was stopped in Germany, Klara returned to her homeland, where, since 1892, in Stuttgart she began to publish the SDPG newspaper for women - “Equality”. At the International Conference of Women Socialists in Copenhagen in 1910, at the suggestion of Zetkin, it was decided to celebrate International Women's Day, later timed to coincide with the anniversary of the demonstration of New York textile workers on March 8, 1857.
However, the date of the holiday was constantly changing and varied from country to country. Somewhere women's day was celebrated in February, somewhere in March, it was associated either with the New York march, or with the March revolution of 1848 in Prussia.About a hundred participants from 17 countries supported the idea unanimously. In 1911, it was first celebrated in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Denmark and Switzerland. The UN Charter, signed in San Francisco in 1945, was the first international treaty to
proclaim equality between men and women as a fundamental human right. Since then, the Organization has contributed to the creation of a historic set of internationally agreed policies, standards, programs and goals to improve the status of women throughout the world. The official celebration of March 8 as International Women's Day was established by the UN only in 1975, on the eve of the UN Decade of Women - this was the name of the decade from1976 to 1985, during which two international conferences devoted to gender issues were held, and the Convention was adopted on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women.
Someofthe most commonand successful innovations are signedbygreat femaleinventors.
In cancer research, biologist Ann Tsukamoto's discovery is one of the most important: in the early 1990s, she managed to isolate human stem cells. Stem cells are young cells that multiply and have not yet assumed their definitive function and formation. Stem cells can be used to replace cells affected by genetic deficiencies, to rebuild damaged parts of the skin. A precious step in the fight against cancer which has in fact led to considerable progress in the study of cancer patients.
The automotive windshield wiper was invented by Mary Anderson. On a winter day in 1903, Mary Anderson was visiting the city of New York, USA, when she noticed that her driver always had to roll down the window to clear the snow from the windshield. She started to design possible solutions and devised a rubber blade that could be moved by a mechanism inside the vehicle. At first, the discovery was not very successful, but not muchtimelater,carmanufacturersadoptedwindshield wipersasstandardequipment.
Stephanie is a famous chemist in the history for inventing Kevlar, a super-strong synthetic fiber used, among other things, to make bulletproof vests. She is one of the first woman in history who worked in the industrial chemistry sector. During a laboratory experiment, two simple molecules able to combine together produce a fiber with particular characteristics. Thus, she discovered that the polymer is incredibly resistant. In the United States, Kevlar vests have saved the lives of over 3000 police officers.
The CRIJCentre-ValdeLoire is anassociation under the law of1901established inOrleans for morethan25years.Itis partofthe nationaland Europeannetwork ofYouth Information.
The CRIJ welcomes and informs young people without appointment, in its premises located in downtown Orléans. They can get information on studies, jobs, employment, odd jobs, continuing education, daily life including housing, health, rights, projects and initiatives, culture, leisure, sports, vacations, Europe and abroad.
Documentary and educational tools such as guides, brochures and thematic booklets.
The CRIJ ensures the coordination, animation, development and promotion of the network, in connection with the State services, in particular through the coordination of transversal action projects or the implementation of exchange and information spaces.
Train the professionals of the regional network
Approved as a training organization, the CRIJ ensures the continuous training of the personnel of the Youth Information network. Each year, it proposes, from an analysis of the needs, a training plan
4 m i s s i o n
Startbyboilingthepotatoesinalargepotwithplentyof coldwater.Whenthewaterisboiling,countabout30-40 minutes,dependingontheirsize
Once cooked, use the potato masher on the still hot potatoes. Then sift some flour onto a clean board and mash the hot potatoes in it
Once amalgamated, add a pinch of nutmeg and plenty of Parmesan cheese
Then add a whole egg and if necessary some flour to make the dough mouldable.
Knead everything with your hands until you obtain a soft but firm dough. Remember that if you knead them too much, the gnocchi will become hard during cooking, so only knead for as long as necessary.
Take a portion of the dough and roll it out with your fingertips into 2 cm thick loaves, then cut it into small squares.
Place the gnocchi on a tray sprinkled with semolina flour so that they do not stick together.
Cooking is very simple, prepare a pot of hot well-salted water and once it comes to the boil add the gnocchi, when they come to the surface they are ready to be eaten!
You can use various toppingstoeat the gnocchi suchastomato sauce,butterand sage ora delicious meatsauce!
They own the youtube chanel Kel lauren on youtube, they doing tutorial about graphic design, redesigning differents type of logotype, for exemple they do a video about new sprite logo redesign and i love the ways they exeplain how to create visuals.
You really need to check all of their work, because for me,
you lovetomake graphic designs.
it’sreallyimportant tosee thingsand havedifferent kind ofinfluence,when
Hello everyone! My name is Antía and I am from Galicia, Spain. I am 23 years old and I will be in Kalamata for two months.
I really like spending time with animals and taking care of them. That's why I'm going to help in the dog shelter of the city. I think that it will be a very satisfying experience. Also, I hope to improve my English during my stay as a volunteer.
Over the years, many talented women in the music industry have used their voices to support the feminist movement. These women have not only broken barriers in the maledominated music industry, but they have also been outspoken advocates for women’s rights. One of the most iconic feminist musicians is none other than Taylor Swift. She has recently used her music to speak out against misogyny and sexism in songs as “The Man”. Besides, in the last years Swift has become more outspoken about the issue of misogyny and sexism, and she has called out those who have tried to silence her or downplay her accomplishments simply because she is a woman. Through her music and interviews, she has encouraged women to speak up and demand the respect they deserve. She has also been vocal about her support for the LGBTQ+ community, and has used her music in order to raise awareness about the discrimination that many individuals face. In 2019 she released a song called “You Need to Calm Down” that celebrates the LGBTQ+ and calls out those who discriminate them.
On the other way, she has promoted body positivity and self-love in songs as “Shake it Off”, where she encourages listeners to embrace their individuality and not worry about what others think of them. She has also been open about her struggles with body image and has spoken about the unrealistic beauty standards that are often imposed on women. Lastly, she has also supported the cause by donating to women’s organizations. Overall, Taylor Swift’s support for feminism has been evident in many aspects of her life, from her music to her activism. She has used her platform to raise awareness about important social issues and has inspired countless women around the world to stand up for their rights and fight for a better future.
The volunteers responsible for this publication are hosted in Greece in the framework of the European Solidarity Corps program of the European Commission. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission can't be responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.